Episode Transcript
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I have twenty five words for youfrom my cold dead dad. It's time
for Gun Radio Utah, No apologies, a show dedicated to preserving and protecting
your constitutional right to bear arms foryour security and sport. Here's your host,
well known gun rights advocate and chairmanof the Utah Shooting Sports Council,
Clark Oposi. Hey, welcome,welcome, peoples. All right, Hey,
this is Clark Opotion. I amcoming to you live from beautiful u
Into County. Bill Patterson sitting acrossfrom me. Virtually, Bill, you
there, I am. I amhere in the wonderful Marble building in West
Valley at the KNRS iHeart Studios.How's that the beautiful downtown per Bank.
Yeah. No, anyway, Hey, we've got a act of a show
for you. Thanks for tuning in, whether you're tuning in live or on
the much vaulted iHeart dot Com slashmedia podcast. So and you have made
us number five in the in thenation. So thanks again. Anyway,
Hey, we've got a lot totalk about. So I want to get
into I want to get into DirectorRay with the FBI talking about the the
assassin uh that that shot at PresidentTrump and his his explanation of why the
rifle wasn't seen earlier. We wantto get into that. We want to
talk about the Olympics that are comingto Utah and the security surrounding them.
Also, Bill plea bargains yet again, gun plea bargins. I know we
were told there wouldn't be such athing, but they they are so pervasive.
I guess they just happened. Comeon, Solid, wake up,
wake up, wake up, Wakeup Solid. And we are specifically referring
to Salty County. So because weknow the way to combat crime, stop
giving out plea bar anyway, I'mgoing to talk about that there's a range
that is closing and at least forpublic use or at least in the way
that it's been used by the publicfor many, many years. And we're
going to talk about that and maybegive you some directive to give a phone
call to UH. I'm going totalk about the gun law that the the
the latest update in the Utah gunlaw recodification. And I counted actually the
number of lines that we are changing, the number not lines, but actual
code sections that we're changing. Andso I'll give you I'll let you guess
on that one Bill, What haveyou got? Bill? We're also going
to talk about, uh, thewith the whole new Kamala Harris she gets
I guess she gets to bypass convention. Now, I mean, how does
that work? Clark? Tell me, how does that work that you can
just get appointed and just because yourvice president means you just get handed you
know anything like that? Yeah,you know what? This reminds me of
Herbert and Cox? Really yeah?Oh oh the it's Herbert and Cox all
over again. But at a nationallevel. It's like, well, I
was trying to think, it's notit's not the appointed, it's the anyway,
Yes, it's not the appointed,it's the entitled, entitled, entitled,
but anyway, moving on to that, I'll get off that. But
gun donations are going big with GabbyGifford is playing on spending fifteen million to
support Harris in her campaign and justthrow out the anti gun thing. Now,
are we surprised? No? Arewe worried? Absolutely? Yes,
Harris is viral. She is justI mean, she's worse than Biden.
She's worse than Biden exactly. No, she is, ye, I mean
her statements, I mean, sheshe was definitely she wants to well anyway,
Yeah, it's you know, inher previous statements and that type of
thing. Also fifty did you sayfifteen million? Fifteen million? Yeah,
okay, you don't think that thehand ringing bedwetters are going to give anybody
fifteen million without something in return,exactly, exactly. Yeah. And here's
the sad part. Actually said,I feel really bad for Democrats. I
don't you know, I know we'vehave Democratic listeners on out there, and
I really feel bad for you guys. You guys continue to get screwed every
single election year by your own party. You guys want Bernie Sanders? What
happened to Bernie Sanders? He getssqueezed out by Hillary Clinton. You know
this continues on and on. Youcould have had your own, appropriate,
smart individual run for president, butno, you're getting slammed down your throat
with Kamala Harris. And you've gotto tell me there's better people than Kamala
lost to. You know, backand back when Biden before Biden think,
I mean Buddha Jag, you nameit, Kamala. They outlasted Kamala and
then Biden picked her any Democratic party. I thought Republicans were hosed a lot.
But I'll tell you this, Democratscontinue every election cycle to get screwed
over. But you guys asked forit and you're smiling happy, and we'll
see how it ends up. Soanyway, yeah, we'll see all right.
Oh, I do want to talkabout, uh, where your next
vacation. You know the family.The family is uh Casey James fam which
I married into. He is pickinga big, a big vacation in January,
big vacation. Big. I thinkwe're going to go to the We're
gonna go probably south of the borderof our friends, south of the border,
and it's not going to be acruise. It looks like just an
all inclusive kind of a thing forseventeen odd people, five families. So
we're still we're still in the planningstage right now though okay, we're still
on the plan in fact. UhAnd so I I went through Larry well,
uh, Larry Gilwick's yeah, MorrisMurdoch Travel and got a whole bunch
of fantastic ideas. So that wasmy contribution, but I'm thinking of changing
it. Did you see what theRussians are doing for their for their for
some wealthy Russians are doing for theirs. He gave me a little taste of
it before the show, and Ithink it's a luxury lot. Yeah.
They they rent a big luxury yachtand it's uh, it's a fully armed
luxury yacht. I like it withAnd they're international waters and so you can
use these. And they apparently they'rethey're traveling through or off the coast of
Somalia, and you know, Somaliais is ever present with pirates, and
the pirates seek out these these yachtsand even big container ships and all that
kind of stuff, and they takethem over because they you know, they
ride up on these little really fast, you know, inflatable boats, and
then they take over and they getthe yacht and they kill everybody. So
apparently the Russians are going purposely goingin these luxury yachts into the waters off
of Somalia. So I guess inthe ten mile limit or whatever. And
I don't know if you want tocall it baiting them or what, but
trolling trolling. So I'm going togo, you know, maybe we need
to talk with No, Larry wouldnever do that, that is just that's
crazy talk. But I'll have tofind maybe a travel agency that would if
we could book that. Good onthe Russians for doing that. I guess
you know, you know, Idon't think Tim and Fran are going to
be in on that. But anyways, Casey Jane, we'll see Casey Jane's
I think said signed me up.So anyway, all right, what do
we got? Uh? Oh,hey, Brad thor We've got an interview
with Brad thor not not this week, well next week, and then we're
going to air that his new book, Takedown. And no, no,
not Takedown. Why am I sayingthat Shadow of Doubt, Shadow of Doubt?
There you go. Takedown was lasttime. Yeah, Shadow of Doubt
is new, his new book,and I have it. I've been reading
it fantastic as always. And we'regonna have Brad thor On talking about not
just the book, but talking aboutcounter terrorism and all sorts of fun stuff
like that. So Bill, you'regonna bring us back in after anything else
on that any hunting stuff. No, it's coming up though. Hunting season.
Archery season is going to start outhere in our I guess seventeenth,
and boy, we're going to bein and out, in and out.
You've got a tag. I've gota tag. It's gonna be it's gonna
be fun. So, but yeah, can I use a tag that's on
my phone? I have to actuallycarry a physical tag, right, you
have to carry a physical tag?Yeah, what's the thing on the phone?
Then it just shows that you actuallyhave it. I don't know why
they put it there. It's kindof worthless unless you want to, you
know, strap tie your phone tothe antler. I guess I don't know.
All right, when we come backon Gun Radio Utah, you stay
tuned, stay right there, andwelcome back to Gun Radio Utah. Bill
Peterson, Director of Utah Schine SportsCouncil. And on the other side of
the Utah Divide, we have thewonderful chairman Clark Aposhan join us on this
show. Hey, Clark, I'vegot to do some shout outs here real
quick because I there's some new shirt. I saw your new shirt by the
way. Yeah, so I wantto a big shout out Haven at cool.
She helped us get some shirts forus for the directors. Yours is
in at the house or you haveto wait till you come in town to
get it for you in case Jane, So yeah, Haven, thank you,
so much and then also Kirk Overat Open Air in Sandy. They
did the embroidery work for us,and boy did it turned out really nice.
But I got to give out oneof the biggest shout outs. I'm
still in shock and awe. Wetalked about this a few weeks ago,
Clark. I don't know if webrought it on the show, but I
did a little damage to my suppressorand well, yeah, you asked me
why there were metal chunks falling outof your Exactly, I had a hole
at the end of your gun onyour suppressor. And then I took a
look at it and I'm like,oh, I think I made a booboo.
But Sam Over at Silence or Coin the customer service department, thank
you, thank you, thank youfor all the help and and assisting my
bad on the suppressor. I literallydropped it off afternoon. How long was
it turning? I literally dropped itoff Tuesday afternoon. By two o'clock on
Wednesday, I had a FedEx notificationthat it was being shipped. The hell
you say? Hell, I said, next day the next day, and
so great Utah company. And thatis one of the most superior customer service
acts I've seen or heard of andappreciate it. Sam did well. And
you know what, I didn't reallytalk about it. I thought I would
get a bill or they'd call meand say, yeah, here's what it's
going to cost a pay to fixit. But they took care of me
and did it in such a quicktime. It's going to make my rest
of my week really happy because I'mgoing to take it down and go shooting
with it. So did they giveyou any advice to not have that happen
again? Yeah, they use hesaid, use larger, use the larger
end caps. Okay, So justbecause it goes from twenty two caliber all
the way up to forty five,I thought I was safe. I thought
I thought I did my due diligence, but apparently I did not. And
I think you're used to using ashotgun with a choke on it, apparently,
and you just figured this would justbe your version of a choke.
So anyway, Hey, hey,I've been hearing some bad news out of
for Wassa shooters that utilize the DavisCounty Range up in Kysville, up against
the side of the mountain. Therebeautiful range and Wassat's wash that Shooters of
Utah has been utilizing that, andI've been hearing I don't know the whole
story yet, but apparently, andI'm just saying, apparently, Davis County
commissioners, the county there is eitherclosing down or severely restricting the use of
that range by the public end orby WA's that shooters which is operating it
for ale while. So, uh, we're gonna have We're gonna find out
somewhere. I tried to get somemore information, tried to have them on,
but it was too late. Soyou might want to check with your
county commissioners and see is there achange at that beautiful that Kaysville Range,
nice hundred yard range out there toofor Davis County and find out what the
heck is going on there? Isit that busy there, clerk? I
mean, is it that busy thatthey can only you know, allow for
law enforcement? I had heard,Yeah, I know, I mean it's
it you know what, I don'tknow. We need to find out.
But those of you in Davis Countyor those of you that just use that
that range up there, you mightwant to make inquiry and find out what
the shoot us email. Uh Yeah, if you go to Utah Shooting Sports
Council dot org, you can getour email and send it to all of
the direct there and we'd love tohear what's going on there. Yeah.
Hey, I've got an update.I had some meetings with LEDGED Research Utah
Ledged Research and representative Carrie and Lizzenbeeand others last week earlier this week actually,
and the recodification of the Utah gunLaws is just about done except for
a subcommittee hearing, an introim committeehearing, a hearing in the House,
a hearing in the Senate, anddebate on the floor. However, it's
basically done. We've got a fewlittle things to add into it. But
I counted the number of different codesections of different different laws sections, you
know, seventy four I was goingto have you guess, but take too
long. Seventy four changes, andit's huge. It's going to be so
much nicer to read the gun lawswithout having to go back and forth and
back and forth and be redirected.With the exception for this and that they
are primarily found. The changes areprimarily found in fifty three section and the
seventy six like usually seventy six toten section, but boy herculean effort by
those involved the specialist research. Quickquestion for you, Clark, then,
if there's seventy six sections, howmany lines of code is that? And
how where do we go from thetotal lines of code down? What is
that going to look like? Nah? Well, I do know, I
do know, but I'm not goingto count them all while talking in the
foot okay radio with you. Sobut it'll be a lot easier, it'll
be a heck of a lot easierto read and to understand, because hey,
gun laws are something that you can'tjust get a general idea about.
They are very specific and if youmess up, you could be in some
definitely state, if not federal felonies. So it's it behooves you to know
and completely understand the gun laws.So all right, hey, uh,
speaking of laws and people breaking laws? What was his name? Derek Derek
Lamone Scott. You know, he'sgot to be a really bad guy if
they're using his full name. Threeand a half years ago, goes into
a hair salon on Redwood Road inSalt Lake and West Valley along with two
women, and he had previously beenin Georgia in Indiana, and Texas baistically
robbing places with his gun. Inthis time, he uh, he shot
a woman and held a gun tothe head of her, of her little
daughter who happened to be in theand you know, shot her. Anyway,
three and a half years later,he's finally getting you know, his
come up. And so I guessthey they'd found him right after that.
But remember how it was a fewyears ago when our District attorney, County
attorney for Salt Lake County Simgill,said we weren't going to do any more
plea bargains for guns because guns arejust terrible, and no more plea bargains.
And we said, hey, what'dwe say? We said, welcome
to the club. No good onyou, sim And it just so happened
that I think at that time hewas also running for reelection, and well,
so we got looking, and soI went so first I heard about
this guy getting sentenced to I think, up to fifteen years in prison for
all this, and and then Ithought, boy, that seems that seems
light. And I went to theDA's website and it talks all about you
know, what he was charged withand what he you know, what they
charged him with, and what hepled to and blah blah blah. It
left out a part that the news, Thank goodness, the news actually included.
It left out the part were theyplea bargained third degree felonies for possession
of a weapon by a restricted personand aggravated kidnapping. The the what is
it? The press release on theat the Salt Lake County DA's office left
that part out, but thank goodness, the news caught up on it.
I thought that we weren't going todo any more plea bargains. This could
have got the guy an extra fifteenyears. I bet well he must have
been he must have changed his charactera little bit and now he's a good,
outstanding citizen that contributes a lot toUtah. Ha ha. I was
waiting for that oh billion. Well, but that's frustrating his heck clerk,
because I mean, how many isthis now that we've counted since sim Gil
said this? This is what thirdor fourth individual now that they've bleed down
on weapons charges, it's ridiculous.Per capita, per capita homicide, it's
per capita, you know, guncrimes, whatever you want to talk.
Per capita violent is most predominant inSalt Lake County. Not because we have
a higher population. I'm talking percapita. And why are we letting these
folks give them the throw the bookat them? So to speak. Yeah,
anyway, just before we go,did you hear about Supreme Court Justice
Sodo Mayor anyway, she's been around, she's been in office for four or
five years now. And there twoarmed two US marshals in you know,
plane clothes in a plane car outsideof her house or attempt. There was
a carjacking attempt. Guy walks upto him, Ken Trell, control flowers,
he's eighteen years old, walks upto the driver's side window and points
a gun at one of the marshalswho was sitting outside her house. On
production detailed. Well, they shotKentrell. They didn't kill him, but
they shot him. And and thisis and it's obviously they said, you
know this while in the act ofprotecting Soda Mayort just outside. But this
was obviously lawful self defense. That'show it was treated. It was a
lawful self defense shooting. Guy pointsof ganajit you know, wherever you are,
except that I find it intering howboy went back and shoot I find
it interesting though, that they wereallowed lawful self defense, and their protectant
said, literally end quote, theConstitution does not protect a private right of
armed self defense. Further, andthis was in the McDonald case after heller
and and where she wrote that,and that was decided in twenty ten,
but she was she was still ajudge then too. In some she says
the framers did not write the SecondAmendment in order to protect a private right
of armed self defense, and shesigned on to them. So you know,
I don't know. Yeah, Idon't know what's going It seems seems
confusing. Bill. We're gonna goWe've got a great guest, special one.
I'm gonna let you take it out. Yeah, we got a great
guest. Our next segment when wecome back, we're gonna have Jeremy Van
Winkle on with us from Gunlocks.He is the founder of Gunlocks and he's
got a great new product that wewant to tell to our listeners when we
come back on gun Radio Utah.But before I get started in there,
if you'd like to get more information, learn more about gun Radio Utah or
actually the Utah Shooting Sports Council,and you shoot over to Utah Shooting Sportscouncil
dot org on our website, signup for our alerts. We got some
big ones. Clark and I havebeen talking in between breaks here. We
got some big bills that we're runningthis year, and you're gonna want to
be involved on this. In fact, we're gonna. I do have permission
to say that we are doing acomplete and I too mean enormous complete recodification
of the gun laws. Yeah,it's so, It is absolutely enormous.
This will be one that I knowwill have will have gatherings at events,
gun shows and and other events wherewe'll be sitting in front of you in
a stage type environment to explain becausethis is a great, great, great
what do you call a great remake? It's not a remake, but it's
a well it The ninety eight percentof it bill is not changing the law,
right, just making it so thatsimplifying folks, not lobbyist or you
know, anybody can just refer tothe gun laws and read the gun laws
without having to go back and forthand back and forth and get redirected to
another gun law to see an exceptionor anything like that. It's going to
be fairly plain, fairly easy tounderstand, and then about two percent of
it is some changes to make themwhile we're there. While we're there in
the mix, we decided to clearup some confusion perhaps and maybe make things
a little bit easier exactly. Sogo shoot over to Utah Shotensports Council dot
org, get signed up for ouremail alerts so you can stay no fied.
Now, without any further ado,I want to introduce Jeremy Van Winkle,
the founder of Gunlocks. Jeremy,welcome to gun Radio Utah. You've
got a great new product that wewant to talk about. Go ahead and
explain this new product that you're introducingto the industry. Thank you Clark Bill
as well, thank you so muchfor having me. Super glad to be
here and introduce our product here.We have been working extremely hard and super
excited to release this. But whatwe've built is a facial recognition gunlock that
is primarily designed to control authorization throughyour cell phone that you already have in
your hand right now. So thinka go pro camera with a bunch of
accessories. That's what we've designed itas one main lock and it comes with
a whole kit full of accessories tobe able to lock up any firearm you
have. So it's very efficient,quick, very secure, and we're super
excited to put it out in theworld. Yeah. Now, you flew
up here to Salt Lake City tomeet with Clark and I specifically on this
product, and I got to sayI was very impressed with the lock itself,
but I had a lot of thingsgoing in the back of my mind.
There's so many applications that you canuse with this paddle security, and
we're going to talk about some ofthese, but very very simple concept in
the app. I was very impressedwith your mobile app as well. Tell
us a little bit about how auser actually controls this lock. So the
mobile ap app is on iOS andAndroid, so works on both. But
we guarantee that no non authorized useris going to access a fire arm.
You have to be within arms reach. So the lock itself has a six
month battery and you push a smallbutton on the bottom that wakes the unit
up. Then that lock appears inthe digital safe, which is the app.
So we're the world's first digital safe. It's never been done before,
so we wanted to make this universalfor everybody. So simply open the app.
Now you're connected to the lock reallyfast and you hit the unlock button,
the face ID or biometrics that you'reutilizing in your cell phone will then
authenticate you as a authorized user andthen in a split second, it's unlocked.
That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, and you're kind of demonstrating it
with us, and I was amazedhow quick the lock was opening once it
was authenticated and got the credentials toto basically unlock itself. Yeah, it's
super fast. I mean you wereholding a lot there across the table,
Yeah, and unlocked it and youI could see in your face you were
surprised that it and already unlocked.Yeah, so it's super fast. Another
cool thing is you know, sharingauthorization. It's important who has access to
firearms. Yeah, that's a greatfeature to be able to allow other family
members and and Clark, you aretalking about this as well too. Is
is applications maybe for you know,distressed environments where you know, from a
suicide prevention perspective as well too.That's one of the things that we're talking
about. You know, we're constantlytrying to use peer engagement or family engagement,
uh to you know, just likea drunk driver you know your your
your friends are at a at aparty and there's your one of your friends
is drunken, is gonna drive theircar. You don't call the police to
have them come get the keys.No, you do it yourself. You
take that And in this kind ofa I think it has applications. I
think it absolutely has obvious applications toa crisis environment, to somebody in a
crisis. And I mean, Jeremy, have you was that one of the
things that you thought about when youwere when you were designing this line.
So there's a couple founding reasons whywe went through the process of building that,
and we can touch on a couplemore. But since on the subject
of suicide, you know, Iexperienced this in my life. I had
a very dark period that I walkedthrough in my twenties where I was heavily
addicted to drugs. I'd lost allidentity of myself and led to severe depression.
I attempted suicide twice. So fortunatelyfor me and unfortunately for a lot
of people, we've been to createa product that can help. I'm not
going to claim we're gonna stop suicideby firearm, but let's make a big
den in it. Yeah, Sowhat we feature that we're coming out with
very soon is the ability. Youknow, let's just say, Bill,
I've given you access to firearms inmy digital safe, and I have come
to you as a trusted friend saying, you know, I'm going through a
dark time, I'm having crazy thoughts, whatever may be going on in my
life. You can have the abilityto press a button and lock a particular
firearm for forty eight hours. Becausewe know if we can lock it out
for forty eight hours, then thatperson could probably come to their senses or
get help in that situation, andwe can prevent a suicide. This is
excellent, This is this is fantastic. In fact, I mean literally,
if you could lock it up fortwelve to fifteen minutes during that impulsive time
period, that ideation time period,that would help. But just literally,
Bill could push a button and youwould still have physical you'd still have the
firearm, but you just couldn't accessit. Correct, all right. I
like family. We're pro family,We're pro two A. We just are
our sincere honest reasoning is, wejust want to help people. We want
to prevent suicide. We want aneasier way to control our firearms and we
want to protect children. Yeah,what I like about this? We'll find
out oh more about this. Iwant to find out how to find out
more about this? How can theyorder it? How can they get one
in or two or three of themin their hands? So for you guys
that are listening to this wonderful show, we have created a special offer.
So gunradio dot gunlocks, that's gU n l o X dot com.
If you order off of that website, you'll get a free accessory case along
with your purchase. So that's gunradio dot gunlocks dot com. Awesome and
remember locks as lxx like that likethe fish that you put on bagels or
whatever. Like locks lxx. Gunradiodot gunlocks dot com a free accessory case.
Thank you very much. Now,what kind of testing have you done
on this? I mean, becausea lock is only as good as how
strong it is, tell us aboutsome testing. So I can't tell you
the brand, but we're built ina factory where one of the top lock
brands in the world is built.We're built in that same very factory,
so we wanted this to be highquality. It's very weighty, so when
you put it in your hand,you know this is a sturdy lock,
but just for a purpose of thetesting numbers that we've passed, we were
at greater than one one thousand kilogramson tensil force, we were greater than
two thousand kilograms on sheer force,and greater than thirty kilograms on portion force.
So that puts us at the goldstandard and locks. So this is
a keyless lock. There's no picking, is completely operated through biometrics of your
cell phone. Yeah, one ofthe things I really that's the key.
You cannot Yeah, you cannot pickthis lock with tools or anything like that.
Okay, interesting, so for ourlisteners it can't quite remember visualize this
clark. This is like a standardpaddle loock. And what's really nice about
this product, and what we gotexcited about, is if you don't have
room for that big gunlocks, youknow, safe for your home, maybe
your renter, or you know,you just don't have three grand to go
out and spend on a safe forsomething, you can use this. It's
a much more cost effective. Andwhat I noticed you were showing us some
accessories, you could actually daisy chaina number of guns together, you know,
pistols and have them all locked atonce. Absolutely So. It comes
with a twenty two inch cable,a fourteen inch cable. Those are eight
millimeters in diameter. It comes witha smaller five millimeter fourteen inch cable,
and it comes with three different shanks, two eights and a five. Yeah
awesome. Yeah. I remember pickingthis thing up at dinner and the first
thing was, wow, this isrobust. This is a strong, weighty
lock. But the neat thing isand we're glad that if you go to
gunradio dot gunlocks dot com that youget the accessory case to put all these
different what do you call them shanksor cables or what's the cable? Yeah,
yeah, okay, cable. GoodI got there into because it basically
will satisfied just about any application youcan think of. Absolutely, that's what
we wanted to an affordable solutions tolock up. It's very easy to use
website or rather app. And you'reactually you actually designed this app yourself,
didn't you I did? Yeah?Very well done, hite, versatile and
very well done. Well. Whenyou're when you got a vision, you've
got to go after it. Sothere you go. Okay, Well,
so people can order this right there, get it shipped to their house,
Is that right? That's correct.So the reason we're giving this away the
gun case of gun accessory case forfree is shipping is not going to be
to August twentieth, so uh,we we're launching here. This is the
first time the public has heard ofgunlocks, so we're super excited to be
you know, be on the showand give your listeners first opportunity. Well,
we appreciate that, and and forour listeners again, that's gun Radio
dot Gunlocks l o x dot comand you can go online take a look
at the product. There's video ofthe product as well. Jeremy demonstrates on
this it's a very very impressive gunlock. And Jeremy, we thank you so
much for being on gun Radio Utahand sharing sharing this product with our listeners.
Thank you so much. Thank youso much for having me awesome.
And when we come back, we'vegot a lot more to cover on gun
Radio Utah, so stay tuned.We don't have a lot of time,
so we've got to I want tocover two things. FBI Director Ray he
was in front of a congressional committeelast week and they were asking, how
did you guys miss how'd you guysmiss this guy carrying a rifle at the
you know, the the the assassinthat shot at that shot and wounded President
Trump. I can you miss himcarrying a R fifteen rifle. And he
said he said that the shooter's collapsiblestock made his rifle significantly more concealable.
Okay, so we saw this.I saw the gun. It's a DPM
mess. It's a it's a billyou saw it. It's a it's a
full sized AR fifteen, right,yeah, yeah, very very much full
it's a full size AR fifteen.And yeah, they they typically come with
collapsing stocks that are not designed forconcealability. They're designed to adjust three four
inches or so to adapt to ashooter's length of pull their arm right,
their arm length. Essentially, itwasn't to make it. I don't care
if the guy had it completely collapsedthat the three or four inch mark.
Uh, it was not significantly moreconcealable. Oh my gosh, Director Ray.
And that's on the record. Youcan go and take a look at
that. Well, there's lots ofvideos out there that you can actually see
the rifle up on the roof andit's like, yeah, that ain't that
ain't a sun. This is notan ar pistol, so speaking of speaking
of faiales no, Well, okay, So remember al do you remember many
years ago, two thousand and two, the Salt Lake Olympics, the Utah
Olympics. Yes, yes, andI remember the year. Two years before
it and a year before it,the Utah Legislature had to change some laws
to disallow guns at Recycle Stadium andsome of these other Olympic venues, or
the IOC was going to pull thepull the I don't know what they would
have done, but anyways, theywould have just left and everybody would have
had to been, you know,competing somewhere else, so reast I don't
know anyway, So now Utah Legislaturedoesn't have to do that because it's a
federal responsibility. So so it's justlike at the Republican Convention, at the
Democrat con which I don't even knowwhy they're going to have one. They
the Olympics in the United States isdesignated as a national Special Security event,
which the Secret Service is going tobe in charge. So that's why they
won't have to and they're gonna bangguns, and we're not happy about that.
But no anyway Bill. Next weekbe live in studio again. Take
somebody out shooting, clean up afteryourself for goodness sakes. You bet have
a great weekend everyone, See you, Clark,