All Episodes

December 4, 2024 93 mins
This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Wednesday, December 4th.

 Our guests today include:
- JD Jonhson      

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:14):
Welcome friends. Great to be with you this morning, Wednesday,
December the fourth, here on the Morning Show with Preston Scott.
He is Jose, I am Preston, and it is show
fifty two eighty four, just forty seven days till the
regime goes away and we have a legitimate presidential administration,

though the Beltway is chewing up some of the nominees
that we would like to see have a chance. Pete
Hegsith apparently, as you're hearing, is on the ropes, and
that would be a bad, bad decision. You know. The
rumor now floating is that Trump would ask Ron DeSantis

to serve as Secretary of Defense. I don't see that
he was a JAG officer Attorney general. Sure, if there
was an opening in the Supreme Court, maybe, but nah no,

I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that. But the Beltway's chewing
up good nomination. I mean, hag Sith would would really
energize the recruiting efforts by being a younger guy who
understands the modern military as it should be, not as
it is, if that makes sense anyway, Sorry, little bonus content.

Let's get to the scripture for the day. It's John
eight twelve. Jesus spoke to them, it says again, Jesus
spoke to them. And I remind you, as Jesus is
teaching primarily his disciples and those that are close to them,

that are with Jesus constantly, they're not getting it because
they're not a Christian yet, they have not been reborn.
They've been exposed to this, and yet they're not quite

grasping it. Because if you really think about it, it
took the work of Christ on the Cross to create
a pathway where one's sins could be forgiven and they

could establish this ability to have communion with God and
to hear more clearly, to see more clearly. And Jesus
speaks to that. He says in this verse, I'm the
light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk

in darkness, but will have the light of life. What
a wonderful image. You walk behind a flashlight, You walk

behind a light source to illuminate darkness, and light is undefeated.
The darkest place ever, the darkness flees with light. You know,

some would say, well, you know there is a black
hole out there, you know on this spacey. Well, the
day you encounter one. You let me know. Jesus is
using a wonderful set of images here. He's talking about
himself as being the bread of life. He's talking about

himself illuminating a path to cause darkness to subside, to recess,
to flee. And all we need do is to get
in line behind that light and to follow it. How
do you follow it? Well, I would submit you get

to know what scripture says about it, and we just
circle right on back to these timeless strategies for life.
And so I'm really pushing hard for you to get
some things in order. If you're gonna call yourself a Christian,

act like it, carry it through your day, Let it
shape and mold your attitudes, your words, what you listen to,
what you watch. Ten past the hour, Take a trip
inside the American Patriots Almanac. Next on The Morning Show

with Preston Scott, coming up to twelve past the hour,

December fourth, Inside the American Patriots Almanac, we learn it
in sixteen seventy four, Jacques Marquette and two French traders
build a hut, and what is now Chicago. It would
have been better for it to remain a hut anyway,

seventeen eighty three. The revolutionary work included General George Washington
bids his officers farewell at France's tavern in New York City.
See you boys, it's been real eighteen sixteen. James Monroe,

Virginia elected the fifth US President eighteen thirty. I wonder
at what point did it just sink in, we're not
doing this king thing. You know, there's some great, great
lines in the musical Hamilton. I personally loved it. I

thought it was terrific. But Jonathan Goff plays Golf. Groff
plays King George the Third, and he's brilliant. First, he's
just an amazing singer. He's a Disney and he's a
Broadway guy, and yeah, his lifestyle is not my favorite.
But the bottom line is the man can sing. And

he's got some great lines in some of his songs
and uh and in one of them he talked about
George Washington stepping down from any who's like as King Georgie.
He said, you can do that. Who knew? Really? Wow,

I'll be darned. And I wonder, at what point, at
what point how many presidents in before the country said yeah,
we're not going to have a king, this representative government
thing is might work. And and think about just the

divine hand of God in the men that formed this nation,
insisting we not have a king, not have an infinite
ruler whose death paved the way for his son and
his son, and that I mean, oh my gosh, that

we would just openly choose our leaders. But imagine Washington,
with the full power of the army at his disposal,
said no. There were those that encouraged him. History records

Washington rebuking people for daring to suggest that he just
keep the presidency. It's like that line in Gladiator towards
the end of the movie when one of the senators
said to Maximus, so you, with the control of the
whole army which come in, take control of Rome and

just give it up. Yeah. Exactly eighteen thirty three, American
Anti Slavery Society organized in Philly, and in nineteen ninety
six General Motors begins the first mass production of a
US electric car EV one. And what a disaster hit

has been. Technologies just not their friends. Take any battery
controlled car that you've ever played with and the batteries
ran out. Only now multiply the cost of those batteries
by on a twenty five thousand times, and that's what

you're dealing with when those batteries go out. Anyway, a
quick little reminder for those of you in the capital
city this weekend the Tallahassee Hog Chapter Tellassie Harley Davidson Dealership.
The Toys for Tot's motorcycle ride is this Saturday, eleven am.

They will do their ride from the Walmart at nine
thirty in the morning. Police escort across town. So they'll
start on Appalachi Parkway at the Walmart and they will
then drive to the Tallassei Harley Davidson Dealership. And anyone

who shows up with a new unwrapped toy at Tallassie
Harley Davidson Dealership is going to get a free lunch.
Bring a toy, get a lunch. Don't be cheap if
you do that, don't be cheap. Don't be like getting
one hot wheels car. So here you go. Come on,

get like a collection, get a set, get some stuff,
Get a nice baseball glove, get a foot ball, get
a nice doll saying. So that's coming up. Also, we're
raising fun starting to get a little bit of feedback
from listeners. Humblehouseministries dot org. Go online Humblehouseministries dot org.

Donate to Panama City, donate to Tallahassee. Donate to both,
and make a note in there for WFLA, and that
way they'll know that they've got a new donor that's
listening to this radio program. And we would appreciate you
supporting what they do to help women that are overcoming
addictions and women needing transitional housing. Eighteen past the hour,

come back, and I may offend. I don't mean to,
but it could happen, all right. I mentioned that there's

a chance of offense here, but it's okay. Story got
shared with me and I think it's called the Catholic
Standard website stand dot org. Now let me preface this

by saying, I was raised in a Lutheran Church. I
joke with my mom before she passed, years and years
before she passed, this was just an ongoing thing that
I got saved anyway, despite going to a Lutheran church.
Lutheran Church obviously a little bit kind of forged in

the same refinery as the Catholic Church instead of Catechism
of Confirmation, but I'm well studied in the Catholic Church.
I know the verses that are used to explain certain
church practices, but I would categorize the Catholic Church as

a religion where there are some wonderful, godly christ loving Christians,
but many just like the liturgical expressions that are found
in that church, as could be said about a lot
of denominations. They just like the way that they do

what they do. They don't embrace all of the teachings
of the Church. They embrace the teachings of Christ, embrace
the Bible. And I got to tell you, stories like
this just caused me to just go, guys, come on now,

I'm just going to read the story. Here's the headline,
Relic of Skull of Saint Thomas Aquinas venerated at Saint
Dominican Church and Dominican House of Studies in Washington. Story reads.
On November twenty ninth, a relic venerated as the Skull

of Saint Thomas Aquinas opened its three week travel across
the United States with a mass celebrated by Cardinal Wilton
Gregory at Saint Dominic Church in Washington, d C. Marking
this seven hundredth anniversary of his canonization. The seven hundred
and fiftieth anniversary of his death. Next year the eight
hundredth anniversary of his birth. And then there's a picture

in here of members of the Dominican Order carrying on
their shoulders a platform that on top sits the skull
in case of Thomas Aquinas, and they in essence that

they worship it. People throughout bow and pray. And this
just is gross to me. It just and again I apologize,
but I don't people bowing to the skull of a

person and praying to that skull, and it being the
words of the article the Catholic written in I mean
venerated adoration. The whole saint thing is so unbiblical, and

so I just in the hopes of causing enough disruption
for some of you to just step back and really
think about it. You can pray all day long to
the Saints. That doesn't get you into heaven. In the
name of Saint. Whatever doesn't move a mountain, it doesn't

cause a devil to flee, it doesn't do a thing.
It's the name of Jesus, period end of sentence. And
while Thomas Aquinas was a brilliant writer orator, very intellectually,

you know, bright Man. I'm not sure he would want
to be a saint and canonized, but anyway, just yeah,
twenty eight minutes after the hour, come back, It's The
Morning Show with Preston Scott. Thirty six past the hour

J D. Johnson our personal defense segment. We're going to
turn it into it's Christmas season and some thoughts on
purchasing firearms for young people, for spouses, accessories, scopes, red dots,

all of those types of topics. We're going to cover
it from a little bit of a different angle as
opposed to tackling a story in the news that we
do have one next hour. That's yeah, the importance and
election makes listen to this. Mexico has helped disband two

migrant caravans bound for the United States since Trump's been elected.
Why because Trump said, if you don't start helping us,
I'm putting a twenty five percent tariff on everything coming

in from Mexico. He's already had the meeting. This is
going to happen. You either be part of the solution
or you will be a problem. That's leadership, that is

us dealing with the problem without firing a shot. See
what this does now, is this allows us to focus
on the criminal elements of the immigration issue and focus
on the cartels again. If it were me, I would
say to Mexico, you deal with it, or we will.

We will send drones across the border and we will
kill them all. It's real simple. You deal with it
or we will. You have corruption problems, that's not our problem,
that's your problem. Fix it or we will. Here's the
race for the control of the House. It's settled with

two seats in Florida likely to be held by Republicans,
Michael Waltz Matt Gates's seats. It will stand at two
twenty to two fifteen. It's a five seat majority for Republicans,
not nearly what it needs to be. Not nearly what
it needs to be. California flipped a seat from Republican
to Democrat. It's California's thirteenth district. This statement makes me

laugh out loud. Now there is at least Stephani's seat
in New York. She's not stepped down. If she's confirmed,
she'll step down in the hold a special election there.
But Adam Gray, Democrat, says that he's an independent, but
he's a Democrat. I love comments like this The final

results confirm this district is ready for independent, accountable leadership.
The final results confirm my man won his district by
roughly five hundred votes. Three hundred votes. Dude, you don't

have a consensus, and that's what everybody on both sides
of the isle need to understand. You win your race
and a recount that it took a month a month.
You don't have any kind of mandate whatsoever. You have
a split district, and you better recognize that. Ninth Circuit

Court gives President Trump some good news. Speaking of immigration,
the Ninth Circuit Court of the United States says that
the federal government does in fact have the authority to
carry out deportations, regardless of what locals think. It's bad
news for Denver's mayor. And Jared Moskowitz, Republican or sorry,
Democrat representative from Florida, is the first Democrat to join

the House GOP led Doge caucus and that is delivering
outstanding Government Efficiency Caucus. Jared Moskowitz, who has long been
a bit of a moderate on a lot of issues,
good news, some people getting on board. Forty one passed
the hour. Oh Christmas Street, Remember we're raising funds for

Humble House Ministries. They present provide addiction recovery for women.
It's a great program. I have seen the results. I've
watched it happen for many women's lives here in Tallahassee.

They have a facility in Panama City that was their
first one. They have a thrift store in Panama City.
They just opened a thrift store here in Tallahassee. But
we're just raising cash support to help them do what
they do because they also provide transitional housing for women
and their children, that women that are returning to civilian

life after being in jail or prison. It is a
huge need. I am on board wanting to help, and
I believe that together we can make a difference. That's
the whole point of the MAD Radio Network. Make a
difference MAD and so my wife and I've given to both,

and I'm asking you to join us. Do what you can.
Whether it's ten, twenty twenty five, fifty one hundred, two hundred,
five hundred, one thousand, fifteen hundred and twenty five, you
get the idea. Some of you have had a great
year in your business, You've you've prospered. I'm asking you

to consider sharing the wealth because it's God's God blessed you.
And I'm a big, big, big believer in passing those
blessings along. And so I never asked you to give
to something that I don't support, that my wife and
I don't support, and so I'm asking you to support it.

And so just go to Humblehouseministries dot org to learn more.
You want to know why businesses are leaving. Major corporations
are now starting to flee Delaware. You know Delaware. Have
you noticed that's where all your credit cards are. They
all come from Delaware because of the way Delaware is
set up in corporations and those kinds of things are real,

real easy. Well they're leaving. Why Rulings like this Monday,
Delaware Chancellor Judge Kathleen Kathleen McCormick ruled that Elon Musk
is not eligible for the pay package that he was

voted to receive twice by shareholders. Shareholders twice said we
want to pay Elon Musk a package valued at fifty
six billion dollars. Now on the outside, you say to yourself, well,
that's unconscionable according to you, According to shareholders, must hit

every target that they measured him. On stock value, profitability,
and revenue. The company has a value of one point
two trillion dollars. It's it's up to them, right. Well, no,

not in Delaware, not according to this judge. This judge said, no,
it's an unfathomable sum. See now this is going to
get appealed and she'll get overturned because government has no right.
Courts have no right to determine the pay that shareholders

decide to give the leadership of a company. It's up
to them. Seventy percent voted in favor of the package.
It's up to them. This is a wonderful illustration of

a state controlled by Democrats, of a court system filled
with political appointees that rule not according to law, but
according to what they think is right. In this spirit
of former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshal, I do what
I think is right and I wait for the law

to catch up. That is a blatant violation of the
judicial process. No, it's it's the judicial responsibility to rule
on the law, and if the law is wrong, it's
up to people to hold lawmakers accountable. Anyway, someone posted

on X things to do in Delaware one leave there
you go forty seven past the Hour.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Boo, Come and en joy.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Fifty three past the hour Morning Show with Preston Scott
Morning We stay December fourth, forty seven days left. Friends.
We can do it for forty seven days. He's going
to try to ruin the country as much as he
can in forty seven days. He and his peeps Obama's folks.

But anyway, and the mask is coming off. It's funny,
it really is. There are some in the media that
are getting just this sudden dose of honesty. Consider this
sit down moment between Chris Salitza, who used to be

the editor at large for CNN. He's not there anymore now.
I don't know if he's not there because he's just
an uber extremist, or if he got tired of the
uber extremism. I don't know. I don't know anything about him.
I might not even be pronouncing his name properly. It
might not be Chris, it might be christ. I'm just

teasing the Salitza part. I don't know if that's how
you pronounce his name. But his guest is NBC chief
political analyst Chuck Todd. Here's what Salitza writes on his post.
I talked to Chuck Todd every Monday for my newsletter.
It's always a good conversation. But I thought Chuck nailed

all upper case nailed it today on why the Hunter
Biden trial really mattered When thinking about the Biden presidency
and the pardon.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
I follow the Hunter Biden trial very closely. I read
every transcript, all the testimony, because that's what you can.
All that was made public, and there is you want
to you want to read, you want to you want
to get angry just as a as as somebody in
just all these mixed emotions. You read the Hally Biden
transcript and that's both widow yes and and essentially he

turned her into a crack addict. And this was all
happening in twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, and Joe and Joe
Biden were so concerned about their family that they decided
to run for president.

Speaker 1 (29:40):

Speaker 3 (29:40):
I just so when you talk about the word selfish,
I it's almost like the word doesn't I mean I
Their decision to run for president put the entire Democratic
Party and the United States of America in the position
that it's in now.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
First of all, he's trying to blame Jill and Joe
for the condition of the party. That's not accurate and
that's not fair. What is accurate is the awakening at
some point, trust me. Just like people have come to

the conclusion, oh, maybe twenty twenty was stolen because they
see the vote count, people at some point are going
to start to say, you know, maybe Hunter and Joe
and the family did enrich themselves at the expense of

this nation when he was vice president. It's slowly happening.
And that was Chuck Todd, one of the chief apologists
for the White House. Our two next morning Friends, Ruminators,

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, males and females only Welcome.
Second hour Morning Show with Preston Scott. He's Jose. I'm
a bad host, of course, many of you already know that,
but you listen anyway. I should have asked for calls
in the last half of the last segment, but sorry,

I didn't do it. Here's what I want to do.
The phone lines are open. What is the first holiday
movie that you watch, whether you wait for it on
TV or whether you pop in the DVD or even
the VHS for that matter, what is the movie that
you watch first that's a holiday Christmas classic, and it

can be your favorite. But what I'm interested in is
the movie you watch first and or your favorite movie.
It could be two different movies, because what I might
watch first might not be my favorite. So the phone
numbers eight five zero two zero five WFLA. I just
wanted a little lighter fair for a little bit. I mean,

it's it's the holiday season. Hey, hey anyway, eight five
zero two zero five WFLA. This isn't about debating the worthiness.
And if you want to say it's die hard, I'm
not gonna argue with you. I'm just you know my
position on that. If that's what you think, that's fine.

This is all about having a little fun and maybe
opening the eyes of some folks to a movie they
haven't considered. You might watch a movie I've never heard of.
You know, I've got a collection of DVDs that I
break out, and I don't consider Rudolph the Red Nose
Reindeer a movie. I don't consider the The Charlie Brown

Christmas a movie. Those are specials. Those are those are shows,
all right. I'm talking movies, and so that's what I'm
interested in. Whatever you watch first, what's that first movie
you break out? And even when do you break it out?

And then what's your favorite if it's something different? Eight
five zero two zero five WFLA. Let's go to Bob.
Good morning, Bob, thanks for calling in this morning. Merry Christmas.

Speaker 4 (33:38):
Greeting, sir.

Speaker 5 (33:41):
The movie is the Bishop's Wife David Niven, Carrie Grant,
and the reason being is his sermon that he gives at.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
The end of the movie.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Who's he which which character?

Speaker 5 (33:54):
David Niven is the minister? Okay, he's a minister and
Marry Grant is a is a well I was going
to say a guardian angel, but he's an angel?

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Oh really, Carrie Grant is an angel? Is he?

Speaker 5 (34:08):
Yes? And it's the Bishop's wife. Like I said, David Niven,
carry Grant, and I guarantee you will.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Like it, love it. When did the movie come out?
Is it black and whiteter color? Black and white? I
believe it's either late thirties, early forties. Get out of
here that long ago.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
Hey, you call me later and let me know what
you think.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
Okay, I'll look it up. Bob, Thank you, I appreciate that.
Let's go to next. We've got Chad standing by. Good morning, Chad,
thanks for calling in. Your first Christmas movie holiday movie
you roll out is.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
Good morning, Preston. The first movie we roll out of
the family is the Elf.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
H Will Ferrell, Huh, that's the one man, You're an
angry little elf.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
My five year old likes.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
To say, I love it. So is it about the
movie that you enjoy so much?

Speaker 2 (35:04):
It's just hilarious, man, Will Ferrell, any all of his
movies are great, but I mean just the Christmas spirit.
It's got a little romance in there. But it's a
great family movie, you know, and it's just it's just
fun for everybody to watch. And my whole family cracks
up watching the movie. So we love it.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Correct correct me if I'm wrong. James conn Is in
that movie, plays his dad right. And then Bob Newhart
is a fellow elf.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
You got it man. And at the end of the movie,
when when Will Ferrell and his wife have the human
child and and Bob Newhart says, bringing here, let me
hold him, and then Will Ferrell comes and sits in
his laughing basically crushes the email. At the end of
the movie, it's great. Yeah, you got it, You got it.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
Preston love it, Chad, thanks very much. I appreciate that.
Let's go to Peggy.

Speaker 6 (35:53):
Hi, Peggy, Hey, I got to start my Holliday season
with It's a Wonderful Life Period.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
What is it that appeals to you about that movie?

Speaker 6 (36:03):
Just all the morals and everybody's been through some of
the things he goes through, and it ends up just
so wonderful.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Yeah, when did you first watch it?

Speaker 6 (36:12):
Oh? When it was black and white?

Speaker 1 (36:17):
When you watch it? When you watch it? Are you
faithful to the black and white version or do you
watch anything? Do you watch it colorized?

Speaker 6 (36:24):
I have both, but I watched the black and white
person and I watched the color I don't blame you.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
Peggy, thank you, I appreciate I can hear the joy
in your laughter. Ten past the hour, Frank, you are next?
Then deb eight five zero two zero five w FLA.
Where we are taking your calls on Christmas movies? What's
the first one you play each season? You have no

idea how happy this is making me. The phone lines
are blowing up the season, the joy, Let's face it,
movies are fun. Good Christmas holiday fair is fun. Let's

go to Frank. Hi, Frank, thanks for being patient. What's
the movie you watch? First?

Speaker 4 (37:23):
Good morning? There's two. I watched the Originals Waltons, which
is called The Homecoming, okay, and then I watch A
Christmas Carol with George C. Scott.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Oh, that version, that's the.

Speaker 4 (37:35):
Only version I like. George C. Scott is an amazing Scrooge.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
I don't disagree with you. Let me ask you this though.
Have you ever watched the Muppets Christmas Carol?

Speaker 4 (37:45):
I don't think I have. Maybe when I was a child,
but I don't think so. I think I've seen some
snippets of it, but never sat down and watched the
whole show.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
It's fun to watch because of Michael Caine being Scrooge
and the Muppet characters that are woven through it. It's
a fun watch, especially if you've got the grandkids or
or little children around. But the George C. Scott version
is a classic version. Well done.

Speaker 4 (38:11):
Date myself here. Second, remember the six Million Dollar Man
version of the Night Before Christmas?

Speaker 1 (38:16):
I do not.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
They did a version where they had an old gentleman
that played the Martian was mister.

Speaker 1 (38:23):
Scrooge, Roy Walston.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
Six million Dollar Man dressed up as Santa Claus and
took him on an adventure.

Speaker 1 (38:34):
Oh my goodness, wow myself.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
So Merry Christmas.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
Merry Christmas. Thank you, sir, appreciate that. Let's go to
dab deb thanks for calling in good morning. What's your favorite?

Speaker 7 (38:47):
My absolute favorite is It's a Wonderful Life. But the
first one I watch is White Christmas?

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Okay, Bing Crosby. Yes, what is it that appeals to you?
Is it the musical portion of that, the songs and all.

Speaker 7 (39:05):
It's the music, the corny jokes, and the absolutely gorgeous costumes.

Speaker 1 (39:12):
You're a sucker for that era, aren't you.

Speaker 7 (39:14):
I am. I love the old stuff, and It's a
Wonderful Life. Absolutely has to be in black and white.

Speaker 1 (39:21):
Okay, fair enough. Yeah, that's kind of how I feel
about about Miracle on thirty fourth Street. I just can't
watch the colorized version. It's it's not nearly as much fun.

Speaker 7 (39:32):
No, absolutely not. There's an honorable mention as well.

Speaker 6 (39:36):
Fair enough, Deb, Christmas Charel with Kelsey Grammar.

Speaker 7 (39:40):
You have to watch it. It's fabulous.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
I see, I've never heard that one. That's interesting. See.
That's what I get out of this. I get tips
on other movies that I have not I've not even
heard of Kelsey Grammar doing a Christmas Carol. John, you're up,
what's your what's your first movie that you roll out?

Speaker 8 (40:00):
And yeah, I love all the classics, but invariably my wife,
and she already has played.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Home Alone, Home Alone.

Speaker 6 (40:07):
Yeah, I hate to be predictable.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
No, it's not. You're the first person to say it.
You're not predictable at all. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
And then, of course, as my children were, my kids
were at that a that.

Speaker 7 (40:19):
Era, we end up watching the Polar Express. Wait, we
always assisted on that.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Yeah, I enjoy that one as well. I will tell
you that I laugh until I cry every time those
guys try to break into that home and home alone.
Every time.

Speaker 9 (40:36):
It coined the phrase a home alone fall.

Speaker 8 (40:39):
Yeah, when you see your feet in the air before
you hit the.

Speaker 1 (40:42):
Ground, that's awesome. Thank good, John, can't wait to watch
Home Alone now that you mentioned it. Uh, Mary, you
are next, then, Myrtle, We've got one line open after that.
Eight five zero two zero five WFL A one more
segment of calls your first holiday movie, what do you
roll out first? And if you want to throw in
your favorite it can be different. There might be a

movie that just kind of Primes the Pump. You know
what I'm saying. Sixteen past the hour. What's the first
movie you tee up and play as the holiday season unfolds?

And is it after Thanksgiving or before? Myrtle? Uh? Mary,
you are up first, then Myrtle? Mary? What about you?
When do you play this first movie?

Speaker 2 (41:39):

Speaker 10 (41:40):
We play it probably like rite at Thanksgiving and then after.
But it's the first movie, and it's just the sweetest movie.
It's Emmett Otters Jug Band Christmas. Well, I've been watching
that since our kids were little. Emmitt Otters jug Band Christmas.
I believe it's a Jim Henson like I'm up okay,

but it's the Yep, it's the sweetest movie. And then
there's another one we watch and I actually watch it
all year long because it's just so funny. It's called
Just Friends. It's got Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart and
it's just hilarious how you roll in the whole movie,
and it's got a really good message to it. But
it's sweet. But Emma Otter's Jug Band Christmas. If you've

never heard of it and you've got little kids, you
gotta watch it. It's just it's a sweet movie.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
I love that I'm getting all of these incredible suggestions
and those two are must watches for you.

Speaker 10 (42:36):
Absolutely absolutely love it.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
Mary, Thanks very much, look.

Speaker 9 (42:40):
Without it, have it.

Speaker 10 (42:41):
You have a great day.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
You have a great day and a great Christmas. Thanks
so much, Myrtle. You are up. What's what's the first
movie of choice for you?

Speaker 11 (42:50):
Okay? The first movie we watch is usually right after
the Maythe's Parade, and that's Miracle on thirty fourth Street's favorite.
It's always been White Christmas.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Okay, So you agree with another caller, and is it
for the same reasons?

Speaker 11 (43:08):
I don't know. I'm working, and so I miss it
off and on.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
And so why do you like White Christmas?

Speaker 11 (43:16):
Because it's a movie of friendship and respect for older
people that people have forgotten, and they give them that great,
big Christmas present at the end and make them feel
like they really are. Specially White Christmas is my favorite
of all.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
Thank you, Myrtle. Appreciate the phone call. Let's go to Sandy. Hi, Sandy, You're.

Speaker 2 (43:37):
Up, good morning.

Speaker 10 (43:40):
How are you.

Speaker 1 (43:40):
I'm terrific hearing all these movie suggestions? Are you kidding me?
What do you watch first?

Speaker 6 (43:46):

Speaker 7 (43:46):
My gosh, White Christmas?

Speaker 9 (43:49):
Is I go to.

Speaker 7 (43:52):
The music, The Constants of Dancing.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
I love it.

Speaker 10 (43:56):
The other it's like that's Santa Claus, tim Allen, those movies.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
I love them.

Speaker 2 (44:02):
I love them because I love to laugh.

Speaker 7 (44:05):
But those are my go to the Santa Claus movies.
But White Christmas, Yes, definitely got it.

Speaker 1 (44:12):
Thank you, Sandy. Appreciate that. We're going to take two
more calls. This is David and then another David. Hi, David,
go ahead.

Speaker 6 (44:21):

Speaker 9 (44:22):
I'm calling from pamil See.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
Thanks for calling.

Speaker 9 (44:26):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (44:26):
Great show.

Speaker 9 (44:27):
I always enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (44:28):

Speaker 9 (44:29):
I just want to say that it's never Christmas for
my family without watching The Godfather. You know, there's so
many great Christmas scenes in The Godfather. You know the
Veto he gets shot at right at Christmas, and Luca Brothy,
you know, he gets he sleeps with the fishes at Christmas,
and uh, you know Tom Hagen he goes Christmas shopping

and and all all the best scenes. I mean there's
Canoli's mentioned, uh.

Speaker 1 (44:56):
You know ondayday, Thursday, Wednesday.

Speaker 9 (45:00):
Yeah, that's right, you know. And you know who doesn't
love you know The Godfather. I mean there's good guys,
there's bad guys. Some people watched else and I you know,
that's okay, that's okay. But for me and my family,
you know, it is never you know, Christmas without Godfather one.
You know, we don't really do the two and the

three things. Yes, and and you know, and you got
a and he runs it, you know like on loop. Yeah,
and when when we're at each other's houses that we
call each other so excited godfathers on this Christmas. You know,
it's just a joyous time for our family. So, you know,

the murders, yeah, yeah, yeah, nothing says Christmas more like
shooting up the mob.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Oh, David, I gotta run. I gotta take one more
caller here another David, you're are up, sir. Tell me
your first movie.

Speaker 4 (46:00):

Speaker 1 (46:01):
So my first movie, Preston, is The Shop around the
Corner with James Stewart. Never heard of it, Never heard
of it? And that is a classic that you probably
want to want to watch James Stewart.

Speaker 4 (46:14):
Good comedy.

Speaker 7 (46:16):
To me, it's just nostalgia growing up watching it with
my parents.

Speaker 4 (46:20):
Yes, definitely added to.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Your list, Preston. Nice, Thank you, David. I appreciate it.
I'm trying to think through now my library and honestly,
I don't necessarily have one that I list is. First,
I watch a lot of versions of the Christmas Carol,
excuse me. I watch the Grinch movie with Jim Carrey.

I watch The Nativity, which is a wonderful movie about
the traditional version of the birth of Christ. Even though
the Magi show up a little early, meaning right as
the babies, right after the baby's born. Magi actually showed
up when he was probably a toddler. But you know,
that's just we expect them to show up with the

gifts when the baby's born. But it's faithfully retold the
story of christ birth. I just I think it's a
wonderful movie, The Nativity. I watched the Santa Claus movies,
and I watch Home Alone. Absolutely, There's probably a few
others that I'm forgetting, but thanks for that some good suggestions.

That was fun. Twenty eight Past the Hours The Morning
Show with Preston Scott. This is The Morning Show with
Preston Scott.

Speaker 12 (47:50):
Setting aside a bunch of stories I had clicked together
in case no.

Speaker 1 (47:53):
One called.

Speaker 13 (47:56):
Such a coward.

Speaker 1 (47:59):
I just you never know, you just don't know. But ruminators,
you never let me down. You just don't, and so
I should have them with faith in my intuition on
what will move the needle. With you and interest you
in calling in and thank you for the calls, Thanks
for the suggestions. I'm always looking for new suggestions for

movies to watch during the holiday season. I don't watch
as many movies as I probably would like to watch
in the course of just life. It's just when I
get time off, I can kind of make justification for

just sitting down and watching a movie. But anyway, big
stories in the press box this morning, Ninth Circuit Court
of Appeals hands Donald Trump some very good news. The
federal government does, in fact have the authority to carry
out deportations, even if local official object. Not going to

get into the nuances of the ruling. The ruling is
what matters. The nuances don't. What significant is that Trump
is setting the stage and people are paying attention. People
that matter. Mexico, we've already announced, has already stopped and

disbanded two caravans making its way through Mexico. Do you
realize how significant that is? Trump made it very clear
to Mexico's socialist president, you either stopped this or we

will slap a twenty five percent tariff on every stinking
thing you people make you understand that. I thought you would,
and immediately he's not even officially the president. They're falling

in line. It's making a difference. Democrats have earned one
more seat, the final seat. The votes have been counted,
and by less than a thousand votes. I think the

total was maybe three to five hundred votes. Democrat Adam
Gray from California's sixth thirteenth congressional district, who's the last
to be called in the country. First, how about a
little embarrassment. It took you four weeks to count one

congressional district. What's wrong with you people? No, really, that's embarrassing.
Supervisor of Elections in that district should be fired, all
of them. The final total, assuming Republicans hold the three
seats that could be lost from confirmations of nominees, which

would be Michael Waltz, Matt Gates, and least Stefanic, the
final count will be two twenty to two fifteen. That's
not enough. It's just not enough. But that's where it is.
And Representative Jared Moskowitz, Democrat from Florida, is joining the

Doge Caucus delivering Outstanding Government Efficiency Caucus. You know, I
had someone ask me if if if I trusted Elon Musk,
Well don't I don't trust man. But Elon and Vivek

cannot eliminate any government agency. What they can do is
present a report saying here's what we recommend. Then it's
up for you know, the President, the Senate, the House
to make decisions based on the recommendations. And the fact

that you've now got a Democrat joining this caucus stating
that quoting I believe that streamlining government processes and reducing
ineffective government spending should not be a partisan issue. Thank you.
That's what I'm talking about. There's a chance here, folks,
there's a chance. Forty one passed the hours the Morning

Show at Preston Scott. Oh, this is perfect. Good morning
friends this holiday season, dig deep. You've been blessed, bless

others here at the Morning Show with Preston Scott. We
want to encourage you to take that the things that
God's blessed you with and pass them on and I'm
talking cash. Humble House Ministries is our chosen organization we

want to help and so go to the website Humblehousemistries
dot org, greet up on it and if you led
if you feel like doing so, when you can. We're
going to continue this campaign through our final show on
the eighteenth of December, so another another couple weeks. We

would love for you to give as much as you can.
Often if you want to be a monthly contributor, that
would be amazing. But do what you can and we
would appreciate it. When you give a donation to either
Panama City or Tallahassee or both. Just mark WFLA. You'll
figure it out and I appreciate it, But more importantly

so do they All Right, I just printed off a
bunch of headlines. I need to do this more. I'm
going to resolve that in the new year. I'm going
to do this more. I'm just going to print off
headlines and just go through Trump Bucks Biden's don't doctrine

on world stage with warning and deadline for terrorists. Yeah,
we talked about that briefly yesterday. Landlord says hunter Biden
knows him three hundred thousand dollars in rent. The question
would be, why did you wait until you were owed

three hundred thousand dollars in rent to say something You
think he's gonna be in a better position once his
daddy leaves office. No, Denver's mayor said that he'll go
to jail if he needs to protect the illegal immigrants

in Denver. He will go to jail, and the hometown
newspaper crushes him for it. Democrat who helped AOC's rise
to power says she disappeared from the district she represents.
House Dems mocking Americans who can't afford groceries in tone

def social media post, Elon Musk says, initial numbers, listen
to this show government spending of one hundred and fifty
point seven billion dollars on the illegals. One hundred and

fifty point seven billion dollars. That's your tax money at waste,
not at work at waste. Daniel Penny verdict is due out.
I'm guessing it'll come out today. I was interested to
see the mayor of New York City. If you read

in between the lines, he's suggesting Daniel Penny should be
found not guilty. I'm not surprised at the sentiment. I'm
surprised by who offered it. He's right, he said, I've
been on the subways. I know he said, it's not safe,

and the question that the prosecutors had trouble dealing with
was what the defense asked, do you want Daniel Penny
to be sitting next to you in a subway people
like him or not? What else do we have? That's
about it? Those are your headlines. It works out well

because I'm out of time. Forty seven past the hour.
Good Morning Show with Preston Scott.

Speaker 6 (57:21):
J D.

Speaker 1 (57:22):
Johnson coming up in just moments. Okay, stop the music
because this sec I've got JD. Johnson from the Talent
Training Group, spent his life in law enforcement in here

this morning. Good morning, sir, How are you?

Speaker 13 (57:45):
Good morning?

Speaker 1 (57:46):
I'm great, This is early this is early duty for him.
I just wanted him to hear and I need to
tell you up front, I save this segment for now,
to just give the show a little room to breathe.
We're not going to talk about this kind of stuff
in the next hour, but I wanted you to hear this,

and I just I told JD. This was really hard
for me to hear because what you're going to listen
to is difficult to describe, and honestly, I probably wouldn't

have little ones listening. Not that there's anything horrifying in
terms of you're not going to hear screaming, per se.
But this is the evidence that was used in a
case that was adjudicated against Sarah Boone in an Orlando
court room. She was sentenced on Monday. She turned down

a fifteen year sentence and got sentenced to life in prison.
She told police that her boyfriend was abusive and that
he died because they were playing a game of hide
and seek and he ended up in a suitcase. She

was intoxicated, she said. Unfortunately for her, she videotaped the
whole thing.

Speaker 2 (59:21):
For everything you've done to me.

Speaker 1 (59:22):
So for everything you've done to me, So.

Speaker 12 (59:27):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
Sorrow, sallow, stupid. That's him in a zipped, closed suitcase.
Don't learn not.

Speaker 8 (59:45):
So I cannot.

Speaker 3 (59:49):
Yeah, that's when you're do and he shook.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
Me, sorrow, Sarah.

Speaker 5 (01:00:10):

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
I can't blithe. That's on you, Sarah, I can't breathe.

Speaker 12 (01:00:16):
That's on you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:18):
Sarah Real.

Speaker 11 (01:00:24):
Arounds them might want to give video for it extra.

Speaker 13 (01:00:31):
Because I got this Sarah.

Speaker 1 (01:00:34):
Real. She was intoxicated, all right, but she knew what
she was doing. I can't believe.

Speaker 13 (01:00:46):
Oh that's what I feel like when you ching on me.

Speaker 11 (01:00:50):
Sarah way sorrow.

Speaker 2 (01:00:55):
Yeah, you should probably.

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
Should God, and she goes sh she recorded her murder
of this guy. What do you think, right, that's pretty rough,
that's cold.

Speaker 13 (01:01:20):
Oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:01:21):
That's evil personified.

Speaker 13 (01:01:23):
I fixed and say, that's.

Speaker 6 (01:01:24):

Speaker 8 (01:01:25):
You know, anybody that was has been a law enforcement
officer for any number of times we've we've all sat
across the table or set in the car with or
been in the presence of evil. You recognize that when
you see it or hear it. And yeah, that's I
don't care how drunk you are, that's.

Speaker 1 (01:01:42):
And she's clearly inebraated.

Speaker 8 (01:01:44):
Oh yeah, there's no, there's no doubt about that. I mean,
the slurge speech is is prevalent. But she just left
out when she said that. You know, she was intoxicated
and they played a hide and seek game that she
probably sat on the suitcase when he got in the
suitcase and then zipped a clothes on it set him
up in some form or fashion, and maybe he did

cheat on her and all that. But boy, all right,
we'll be back with the third out. Ah, doesn't it
just scream?

Speaker 1 (01:02:24):
Seasonal Greetings otherwise known as Merry Christmas. Everybody. Welcome December fourth,
on the Morning Show with Preston Scott Show fifty two
to eighty four. He's ose, I'm Preston, and we are
just forty seven days. I'm not counting the days of
the continued hostage crisis. I'm now counting the days down.

That counter is going down now. We're down to forty
seven days left of the current administration. And I'm pleased
to have with me in studio as you heard for
just a few moments in the previous segment, Jad Johnson
of the Talent Training Group, Hello, sir, and Christmas.

Speaker 13 (01:02:59):
Mery Christmas, fantastic.

Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
Yeah, this's our last visit before the Christmas season, and
I thought it would be appropriate to talk about some
Christmas like things. Yeah, we spend so much time dissecting
stories like the last one and what we can learn
and all that. But I decided I wanted to turn
you because of your expertise and firearms and training and
the technology that's out there. I wanted to turn you

into a shopping guide, Santa's little helper. All right, So
let's first, let's go in order here. Let's talk about
those that might be thinking about buying a firearm for
their kids. Okay, now I want to break this down though,
because you know, we just talked last hour about their
favorite Christmas movie, and unbelievably, no one put Christmas story

in that line. No, you should try out, kid. I mean,
come on, Hira, I'll be honest with you. I'm not
a fan the movie. I don't get it. I just
I didn't laugh at that.

Speaker 13 (01:03:55):
I'd do because of the just the fantastic one liners
that came from it, right right, the whole.

Speaker 1 (01:04:00):
I get it. Red Rider b B gun though, I mean,
and that's kind of where I want to start. Do
you want to start a young person and and let's
set aside the obvious responsibility, you know, the whole nine yards,
but do you want to start a kid with a
BB gun or a pellat gun or as you know,

one of those pressurized air guns.

Speaker 8 (01:04:22):
Basically that's where I started. I'll just leave it at that.
I mean, I still have my original Red Rider. You
do not, Yes, I do. I do it is it
is is worn out, it's not functional anymore, but still
have it. And then I have a I have a
modern iteration of it that actually has a safety on
it because those the original ones, didn't you You cock

the you know, cock the lever and pull the trigger
and it hold about five hundred bbs.

Speaker 1 (01:04:48):
I was just gonna ask you, I've never owned one,
so so is do they make them other than the safety?
Do they make them to do the same thing?

Speaker 8 (01:04:57):
Yep, they're pretty much the same, pretty much the same gun.
Little wouldn't you know, wouldn't stock with the red rider
scrolled into the into the wooden stock? They're pretty much
the same.

Speaker 1 (01:05:07):
What is the appropriate age? And I know that age
can be really misleading because what we're really talking about
is maturial level, But let's let's assign age from the
standpoint of physical even though maturity can be different physical maturity.
But generally speaking, what's a good age range? If you
want to introduce a youngster to the world of firearms

with a BB gun, I.

Speaker 8 (01:05:30):
Would say, you know, five, six, seven, somewhere in there,
depending on, like you said, their maturity level, their their strength,
their ability to do things. So I would say somewhere
in there. I can remember as a little bitty guy
sticking match kitchen matches up in the in the dirt
and shooting the shooting at the head of the match

with my match, Yeah, with my Daisy red Rider.

Speaker 1 (01:05:55):
Would you ever do it?

Speaker 8 (01:05:56):
Oh yeah, stop by, stop by my mom house and
she'll tell you. You know, she'd come come here, Mama, look
at this.

Speaker 13 (01:06:04):
Wat's this, you know? And I'm on the back porch.

Speaker 7 (01:06:05):

Speaker 13 (01:06:05):
We lived out in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 8 (01:06:07):
Well sure, and you know, with nothing but hundreds acres
of woods around us, So it wasn't a whole lot
of trouble for me to get into.

Speaker 1 (01:06:13):
But and and that's key with a BB gun is
knowing you're.

Speaker 13 (01:06:16):
Still launching a projectile.

Speaker 1 (01:06:17):

Speaker 8 (01:06:18):
It can break windows, and it can put your eye out,
and there are there are still dangers.

Speaker 13 (01:06:22):
Involved in it. So it's not not to be.

Speaker 8 (01:06:23):
Taken lightly like a toy. It's a it's a toy
that can be dangerous. But I grew up in the eighties.
We had lawn darts and we are you know, those
all kind of dangerous things that we did back then.

Speaker 1 (01:06:33):
And so if a grandparent is out there or a
parent out there, you know, understand where the child lives
and and make sure you're thinking appropriately.

Speaker 8 (01:06:44):
Right absolutely, and you know, you can do a lot
making a target and a backstop out of the uh
some some boxes or plywood or whatever and get something
that doesn't bounce it back. BB's are bad to bounce back, yeah,
because they're still but yeah, I mean there's a lot
of and it will.

Speaker 13 (01:07:00):
I was.

Speaker 8 (01:07:02):
I remember getting in trouble for pointing toy guns, not
BB guns. You was the training to muscle, discipline and
all those kind of things were all part of even
toy guns when I.

Speaker 1 (01:07:14):
Was That might be a good place to start right there,
even with the NERF gun.

Speaker 8 (01:07:18):
Yeah, And that's that's the downside to NERF guns, as
kids get acclimated to shooting each other. Ye, and that's
you know, I'm kinda I'm kind of not for that.

Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
Maybe the NERF target game is more appropriate where they're
knocking down targets. Absolutely, all right, We're going to continue
to pick up right there. Ten past the hour.

Speaker 12 (01:07:36):

Speaker 1 (01:07:36):
Johnson of the Talent Training group talentrange dot Com. I
guess it's the morning show with Preston Scott's well past
the r JD. Johnson revealing me with stories of child abuse.

Speaker 13 (01:08:00):
It is not child that used to when they do, No,
it's not.

Speaker 1 (01:08:04):
I'm just having fun with you, all right. So we're
talking about the littles and bb guns and even NERF
guns and muzzle discipline and the basic lesson you don't
point a firearm at anything you're not willing to destroy. Yep,
let's talk about tweeteners and teens.

Speaker 8 (01:08:21):
Okay, you know, I'm a big proponent of for the
for the age group. When you want to introduce a
real introduce a real firearm, single shot twenty two rifles
or even if you do a semi automatic like a
Ruger ten twenty two or something that's got a ten
round magazine, one bullet load, one bullet at a time.

Speaker 13 (01:08:41):
Yeah, something that doesn't self.

Speaker 8 (01:08:43):
Load, even if it's a magazine fed bolt gun where
you have to work the bolt where there's it's not
automatically you know, self loading itself one bullet.

Speaker 13 (01:08:54):
At a time.

Speaker 1 (01:08:54):
And explain the reasoning for that.

Speaker 8 (01:08:56):
Well, when the you can walk a child through that shot,
that one shot, or a new person through that one shot,
and after that shot happens, the gun's not automatically loaded again, Okay,
so you're dealing with you go from an unloaded gun
to a loaded gun to the shot on target and
at that point that gun's inert Again, it's not gonna

load itself. So it's it's you're not until they learn
muzzle discipline and the gun's not loaded. And it helps
you as the teacher, be safe with them.

Speaker 1 (01:09:27):
And that's the purpose, is to make sure that they
know that you're observing them. When they finish the shot,
they're not undisciplined and pointing the gun even.

Speaker 8 (01:09:37):
Just because hey, look what I hit exactly exactly. It's
it's a because they're gonna be excited hit the target
and they know they hit the target and they did
everything right. There is nothing more satisfied, satisfying shure to
somebody shooting a gun than than pitting the ace, if
you will. And same with a shotgun. I mean, I
twenty two rifles, single shot, single shot shotgun, something that doesn't.

Speaker 1 (01:10:00):
Kick too bad. Not a handgun.

Speaker 8 (01:10:02):
No, tell me why, because handguns, because of their size,
they're small, they're very easy to break muscle discipline with
because it's the size of your hand and we tend
to move around and when I'm sitting here talking and
moving my hand down. Uh, it's it's that shorter sight radius,
that shorter barrel length is easy to get that pointed

in the wrong direction and for children and new shooters.
A handgun when you're literally arms linked away from your face,
there's a ton of what we call over pressure. You're
getting that concussion, that muscle blast and all that it
can it.

Speaker 13 (01:10:40):
It can be off putting to a new shooter. They're like,
I don't you know that the gun goes off with it.
I don't like that. I don't like that.

Speaker 8 (01:10:48):
So I would not start a child out with with
a handgun until they have demonstrated muscle discipline and awareness
with a long gun.

Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
What about a quote youth shotgun versus a twenty two?

Speaker 8 (01:11:04):
Well shotguns tend to have a lot more recoll sure,
and I've seen people, honestly, I've seen people ruin their
kids with shooting. By handing a small child a twelve
gauge shotgun with a lot of recoil, or a thirty
all six or a three oh eight high powered rifle,
you will teach a child that they will develop what
I like to call the flinches. You know, every time

they pull the trigger, they're closing their eyes and they're
gritting their teeth. They're like, this is not gonna be fun,
but I want to do it. I'm gonna do it anyway,
and it doesn't build good shooting habits or good marksmanship skills.
It's it's it becomes a negative reinforcement with that recoil.
So if you ease them into it, you know, four

ten shotguns, twenty eight gauge, something small, and then.

Speaker 13 (01:11:51):
A twenty two rifle that's not loud and doesn't have
a lot of recoil.

Speaker 1 (01:11:54):
Yeah, all right, when we come back, we're gonna go
to spouses. And I'm really speaking mostly to you guys
that think I'm gonna get the little missus a handgun. Uh. Listen, First,
we'll be back with JD Johnson of the Talent Training
Group here on the Morning Show with Preston Scott twenty

one past the hour. JD just told me the most
incredible thing about spouses buying guns for each other.

Speaker 8 (01:12:32):
Yeah, fellers, if if y'all don't pick out your wife's
shoes or pocket books, don't don't buy her a gun,
buy her a gift certificate so she can come pick
out a gun for herself. That's just that's the words, words,
words of wisdom.

Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
But that's not enough for some people. Explain the why.

Speaker 13 (01:12:49):
Yeah, so, and you need to do it the right way.

Speaker 8 (01:12:53):
You need to bring them to a gun range where
they have gun rentals and let them maybe come to
the store and look around and wholesome and see how
they work and all that stuff. Let them try them
out for themselves. But most importantly, if they've never had
any kind of training, and get them some training first
and teach them. Let somebody else teach them, because that's

not going to end well if you try to teach them.
It's just not that husbands and wives have unless your
relationship is really really different than most people. It's when
you try to tell your husband or wife to do something,
it's taken personally, not professionally or constructively.

Speaker 13 (01:13:31):
Constructively, Yeah, it becomes it's just I've seen it over
and over and over again.

Speaker 1 (01:13:35):
So what does it cost to rent a gun?

Speaker 8 (01:13:38):
It's ten dollars you have to pay at our place.
You pay for the range time, so that's if you're
not a member. It's thirty five dollars for the day.
You can stay as long as you want to, and
then the handgun rental for at our place is ten
dollars to rent a gun.

Speaker 1 (01:13:52):
So you could try ten guns for one hundred bucks.

Speaker 13 (01:13:55):
No, you can try all the guns we have for
fifty bucks. We have a deal.

Speaker 8 (01:13:59):
If you do one of the time, it's ten dollars
per Once you get to if you just say I
want to be able to try everything, it's fifty dollars.

Speaker 13 (01:14:06):
We'll give you two at a time.

Speaker 8 (01:14:07):
You bring those two back, we'll give you two more
until you just find what you're looking for or.

Speaker 1 (01:14:11):
And then all you got to do is buy the
amo to go with whatever caliber you're looking at. So
if you say I want all the nine milimeters or
all the three eighties, you have right there you go.
And the reason for that, I know it. But explain
to listeners why it's important to get that that trial
part done.

Speaker 8 (01:14:31):
Because every gun is going to have a different feel
and a different recoyl impulse, a different there's trigger.

Speaker 13 (01:14:39):
Ye, the triggers are different.

Speaker 1 (01:14:41):
In all of them. And that's rue for women.

Speaker 8 (01:14:43):
The controls are different. Don't buy a gun because of
how it looks, buy it because of how it works.

Speaker 1 (01:14:49):
Speak to the default thought process is I want my
wife to have a revolver.

Speaker 13 (01:14:57):
Yeah, and that's we see that all the time.

Speaker 8 (01:15:00):
Time I get I usually have some really nice snubnosed
revolvers that come in on trade because they'll guys will
go and buy their wife, they'll go and buy their
wives a Smith and Wesson jay frame or one of
the like a Torres eighty five or the small little
five shot thirty eight's that are very lightweight. They're very
simple in their operation. You put five bullets in the

in the chamber, you close the close the cylinder, you
pull the trigger five times. However, there's a really short
sight radius, so they're hard to be accurate with. The
sites are really close together, so they're difficult to aim.
The trigger pulls are usually somewhere around ten to twelve pounds,
so it's going to take a significant amount of force.

Speaker 13 (01:15:43):
To pull the trigger.

Speaker 8 (01:15:44):
Some of them, even if they have a hammer and
you can cock the hammer first and put it into
a single action mode, that's not safe. And oh, by
the way, for a lot of women, it hurts, yeah
and there, and they do bite your hand. They are
you are feeling every bit of the recoil through the
frame of the gun directly into your hand, whereas a

semi automatic is going to absorb some of that recoil.
Because of the it takes some of the recoil away
to function.

Speaker 1 (01:16:11):
The gun so and in fairness for any wives out there,
and you're thinking, I want to get my husband you
know he's been looking at or something like that.

Speaker 8 (01:16:21):
Yeah, Well, men tend to know what they want most
of the time, and that's not a bad If your
husband says I want I want to glock forty three X,
he probably wants a glock forty three X, or if
he wants a HK VP nine or whatever, he's going
to give you a make and a model number. And

that's pretty easy to to come up.

Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
But maybe just fish a little bit and say did
you shoot one? Did you like it?

Speaker 13 (01:16:47):
Type thing?

Speaker 1 (01:16:47):
Right? And exactly if not, the gift cards the way
to go.

Speaker 8 (01:16:51):
The gift card is easy way to go. You know,
it's uh, it's it's it's.

Speaker 13 (01:16:56):
You give them the option of spending it on what
they want.

Speaker 1 (01:17:00):
What is a price range doesn't obviously guns are are unisex, right,
What is a price range that is a good price
range for someone to say, here you go, you'll get
a nice firearm for this six hundred five hundred.

Speaker 8 (01:17:16):
Yeah, I would say, you know somewhere between four and six. Okay,
you can get you can get into a decent making
model don't buy. You know, there there's a lot of
really cheap firearms on the market, and you really get
what you pay for.

Speaker 13 (01:17:29):
Okay, they're they're.

Speaker 8 (01:17:30):
They're they're not always the cheap. The cheaper guns are
not always well made.

Speaker 1 (01:17:35):
What are the brands that you think offer the best
value for a well made gun for the money.

Speaker 8 (01:17:41):
Well, you're asking the you're asking the block guy understood,
and I'm you know, and they're not the prettiest gun
on the planet. Uh, but they're gonna work every time,
and they're they're very durable and tough.

Speaker 13 (01:17:53):
The brands, you know, the the Glock, sig, h K,
Smith and Wesson.

Speaker 1 (01:17:57):

Speaker 13 (01:17:58):
And I'm probably leaving some out.

Speaker 1 (01:17:59):
Ruger, Ruger's gonna ask you about Ruger.

Speaker 13 (01:18:01):
Ruger makes a great gun, but when makes a great gun?

Speaker 4 (01:18:04):
See some of.

Speaker 1 (01:18:04):
Those you're getting up in price range, like sig Sour
and stuff like that.

Speaker 8 (01:18:08):
That's correct, it's you know, we're seeing a lot of
thousand plus dollars handguns on the market.

Speaker 13 (01:18:14):
Now, and that's you know, they're nice.

Speaker 8 (01:18:17):
I agree, I don't know that they're they're you know,
five hundred dollars better than a five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:18:21):
Yeah, you know when we come back, we're gonna we're
gonna spill into other types. Are there non lethal options
for some people that might make sense? Uh, we're gonna
get to accessories and we're gonna get to training. We
had a question come in this morning, so we'll get
to all of that still to come with j D.
Johnson of the Talent Training Group here in the Morning
Show with Preston.

Speaker 14 (01:18:42):
Scott and then women who serve our communities as first responders.

Speaker 1 (01:18:53):
Thank you. It's the Morning Show with Preston Scott, Packer
Jady Johnson of the Challenge Training Group. Kind of a
Christmas edition of our personal defense segments. Hey it works. Yeah,
And so we're talking about buying for family members or yourself.

I mean it's quite all right, there's nothing wrong with that.
Let's talk about Is there such a thing as a
non lethal option that's effective?

Speaker 8 (01:19:29):
Oh? Yeah, the the a number one most effective non
lethal is is Taser is a taser and it's it
has its limitations. There are civilian models of tasers out there,
and Taser is a brand name, but it's an electronic
immobil immobilization device. It shoots wires which two wired probes

introduces an electrical charge. If you get those two probes
more than ten inches apart from each other in a
human body, it's gonna turn them into a two by four.
They're gonna it's gonna lock up their muscles and they're
gonna stop doing whatever it was they were doing.

Speaker 13 (01:20:06):
It works.

Speaker 8 (01:20:07):
It doesn't matter if they're on drugs, if they're it
works better on people that are more muscular than than
than not. But yeah, it is a It is a
very good immobilization device. Not a fan and I've said
this before. Uh, they will work. They pepper spray, pepper gas.

That's what burners do. They're introducing a a a oulio
resin capsation pepper spray.

Speaker 13 (01:20:36):

Speaker 8 (01:20:36):
That that's just a different launching device. They work well
on the non highly motivated attacker. So if you got
somebody that's that's you know that you just have k
Yeah this being a jerk that's not really serious, and
they're making a lot of threats and this, that and
the other, and you you you pepper spray them or

hit them with a pepper launcher device. Uh, it's gonna
deter them. If you get somebody that's truly trying to
hurt you, it is very possible. Seeing it numerous times,
it's it's not really even gonna slow them down.

Speaker 13 (01:21:12):
I mean, it's just.

Speaker 8 (01:21:13):
If they're highly motivated to hurt you, or just highly
motivated in general. It may distract them briefly, but it's
not gonna deter them.

Speaker 13 (01:21:24):
It's not.

Speaker 8 (01:21:24):
It doesn't work and it only works and then you
look at the studies, pepper spray only works on about
eighty percent of the population as a whole.

Speaker 1 (01:21:32):
Anyway, Yeah, now I said non lethal, but we know
knives can be lethal. What about a knife?

Speaker 13 (01:21:38):
Knives are very lethal?

Speaker 1 (01:21:39):
Yeah, what about a knife.

Speaker 8 (01:21:41):
Especially in a phone booth. You know, it takes as
the it takes a lot for a human being to
use a knife on another human being. That's a very
intimate weapon. It's you got to be closed and it's nasty,
and that's one of those things that it's going to

require a motivation on your part. Now, it's it's a
heck of a self defense weapon in close.

Speaker 1 (01:22:08):
Are there types of knives that would not be advisable
though for someone like I'm thinking of the switch play
type with a twin like a dagger.

Speaker 8 (01:22:17):
Yeah, well, you know they're effective at what they're designed
to do and they're designed to stab people. They're designed
to do bodily harm. They're not really a utility utility
type knife. You're going to have trouble down the road.
I'm afraid in a in civil in the civil setting,

somebody's the the attorney on the other side is going
to say, you're carrying this type of weapon because you
want to stab somebody.

Speaker 13 (01:22:46):
You want to hurt for one purpose.

Speaker 8 (01:22:47):
Right, Yeah, so it and you may be very righteous
in whatever you did if you use it, and there's
nothing wrong with that. It's you know, the self defense
is a god given right, but it's uh, wouldn't be.
It's it's kind of a knife is a backup, last
resort weapon to me.

Speaker 1 (01:23:05):
Accessories and training still to come. I've got your calls
that have come in, I've got your emails. We're gonna
get to that. Don't leave us. J D. Johnson with
me of the Talent Training Group. Back with jad Johnson

forty one past the hour, and we're talking now about
other types of things. First, protective backpacks. Is that worth
getting something like that? You got a kid in school, college,
or even high school.

Speaker 13 (01:23:38):
Yeah, I'm a proponent of it. Sure.

Speaker 8 (01:23:40):
I mean because of those places that are you know,
gun free zones. Yeah, where good guys are not likely
to you know, to be able to help in a
bad situation.

Speaker 13 (01:23:49):
It beats.

Speaker 8 (01:23:50):
It beats a textbook as far as you know that
kind of stuff and a protect We sell inserts. You
can take your backpack, you know.

Speaker 1 (01:23:58):
And you just put a basically a kevlar place right.

Speaker 8 (01:24:00):
Yeah, it's just a it's a soft pack. It's a
Kevlar spectra whatever little fin lightweight.

Speaker 1 (01:24:08):
Do they come in different sizes for like smaller backpacks
and the like.

Speaker 8 (01:24:11):
No, we got one size, uh and there they'll fit
in most of the book bags that you know the
kids carry.

Speaker 1 (01:24:17):
You Now, what about littles, little littles.

Speaker 8 (01:24:20):
Uh, it might could be trimmed down. I might could
have some We have a really good relationship with a
with an armor company. H We might could have some
smaller ones made. There are some smaller plates out there.
They're usually metal or ceramic, and they get kind of heavy.

Speaker 1 (01:24:38):
Yeah they do. So, Okay, let's talk about other types
of accessories, red dots and scopes and those kinds of things.

Speaker 8 (01:24:46):
Sure, as far as handguns go, optical sites or holographic
sites on handguns. The red dots as you as we
did the general term, are still one of the most
popular things now that that people are doing, and it
is a better system than than the old original iron sights.

For for those of us that have been shooting iron
sights or standard type sites for a lot of years.
It's a it's a significant transition. It's going to take
you a number of repetitions to function that to use
it the right way.

Speaker 1 (01:25:22):
Do you need red dots to co witness with your
iron sights?

Speaker 13 (01:25:25):
You don't. I recommend it.

Speaker 8 (01:25:27):
It's going to be easier, especially for guys that or
people that are already avid shooters, if it co witnesses
and your your neural pathways or program to look for
that front site and all of a sudden there's a
red dot there.

Speaker 13 (01:25:39):
It's going to help you.

Speaker 8 (01:25:40):
It's going to go faster, and there's there's companies out
there that are accommodating that. Now we we can we
do have the ability to take your existing firearm. Most
of the time you're you're existing pistol and cut cutting
the slide, mealing the slide out to accept a red dot.

Speaker 13 (01:25:56):
So that is a service that we're offering. Now our
gunsmith is offering.

Speaker 1 (01:26:00):
Yes, you have a loved one that's specifically asking for
a specific type of red dot or a specific type
of scope. Even though scopes can be pretty pricey, they
can cost more than for rifles, right. Yeah, is your
advice much like it is with handguns. If you don't
know exactly what the person wants, get a gift certificate. Absolutely,

because there's so nuanced.

Speaker 8 (01:26:22):
Yeah, And there's a lot of different brands of red
dots out there. Some of them are excellent, some of
them are not so great. We can tell you in
the store without without getting into that on the air
making an advertisement for somebody. There are a few brands
that are just spot on excellent, very durable, long lasting.
There are some brands that are not so much, and
there's really not a lot of price difference between the two.

There's certain brands that I just do not recommend, and
there's certain brands that I.

Speaker 1 (01:26:48):
Will go ahead and tell over who they are.

Speaker 8 (01:26:51):
Okay, I'm a big fan of specifically Tragic Coon and
Hall of Sun. They're both Tragicons are made in the
U s. They're fairly expensive. The Hall of Suns are
made in China. But there are. It's an American company
that has a factory in China. They've been making everybody
else in the businesses uh internals for a long time. Uh,

and they're an excellent, an excellent product. I'm not gonna
name the ones I.

Speaker 13 (01:27:20):
Don't like, but.

Speaker 1 (01:27:22):
Are there certain brands that might offer more value?

Speaker 8 (01:27:27):
Yeah, Uh, there are. I'm I'm a big fan of Liverpool.
Hawk Optics is another brand that most people have never
heard of.

Speaker 13 (01:27:35):
We carry them.

Speaker 8 (01:27:36):
They're I think they're very good for the money they're
they're excellent. Trigy Coon makes a great great vortex. The
higher end Vortex products are excellent. They're there, they're expensive line.
So everybody in the in the scope business essentially makes
a a very low end, affordable consumer grade all the

way up to a professional grade that can be thousands
of dollars. Yeah, I'm not a fan of Vortexa's bottom
end stuff.

Speaker 13 (01:28:08):
They're viper razor products for excellent.

Speaker 1 (01:28:12):
So when we come back, we got a short segment,
but we're going to touch on training. We got two
questions that came in on training and we'll deal with
those next on the Morning show. This is bonus content.

Ladies and gentlemen, jd around for one more little short
segment here. Got an email from Terry. What training and
talent is good for women to get comfortable handling, loading,
shooting and carrying a firearm?

Speaker 8 (01:28:51):
The two things you can do. You can get a
private lesson from an instructor. You're looking at about forty
bucks an hour two hour session to begin to cover
just those.

Speaker 1 (01:29:01):
And is there a two hour minimum? Yeah?

Speaker 13 (01:29:03):
Two hours.

Speaker 8 (01:29:05):
The uh or put them in a class. The class
is an eight hour class and it covers a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 13 (01:29:10):
It's it's a full full eight hours.

Speaker 4 (01:29:13):

Speaker 8 (01:29:13):
They're gonna shoot real guns that we provide. They're going
to be put on a simulator.

Speaker 1 (01:29:18):
Uh, we've got to Is that the concealed carry course.

Speaker 13 (01:29:20):
Yeah, that's the concealed cary course.

Speaker 1 (01:29:22):
License. At the end of the day, if you want
to get your license, you can do that.

Speaker 13 (01:29:25):
Absolutely. You don't have to, but you you get a
certificate that that allows you to do that.

Speaker 1 (01:29:29):
And the benefits of having a license is reciprocal carrying another.

Speaker 8 (01:29:32):
States carrying thirty eight states right now, and there is
talk of a national carry license or a talk. One
of the things that President Trump are soon to be
president Trump again has talked about is having a national
right to carry or at least states being forced to
process prosody.

Speaker 13 (01:29:52):
Yeah, like we do with the driver's license.

Speaker 1 (01:29:54):
We had a caller called before we even started this
segment early in the show that asked, what about training
for senior that might not be able to get to
the range very often.

Speaker 8 (01:30:03):
You know that there's a lot of stuff you can
do at home, just have to be really careful with
with you know, make sure that the guns completely unloaded
and that you're not you're still pointing it in a
safe direction. One of the best home training you can
do is dry fire, unload the gun, practice just manipulating
the weapon.

Speaker 1 (01:30:22):
What about those laser programs that allow you to put
a laser cartridge in there.

Speaker 8 (01:30:26):
There's there's numerous ones of those uh Manux, There's there's
some other ones out there that allow you to safely
train at home.

Speaker 13 (01:30:33):
You just have to be very careful. You're still dealing
with a gun.

Speaker 8 (01:30:36):
There's probably still ammunition in the house for the gun,
so you have to be sure that all the ammunition
and that the ammunition and the gun are very nowhere
near nowhere near each other, and double triple check to
make sure there's not a round in the chamber. We
see it just about every day at the range where
people bring a gun in to get looked at or
worked on or whatever else. Oh it's unloaded, it's not,
it's not.

Speaker 13 (01:30:55):
We We have a we have.

Speaker 8 (01:30:56):
A bucket of bullets, a jar full of bullets that
were in unloaded guns. And it's just you know, if
you're not handling guns all the time, you need to
be really careful with that or you'll end up hurting
someone or namaging your property.

Speaker 1 (01:31:10):
Thanks for coming in my pleasure. Merry Christmas.

Speaker 13 (01:31:12):
Merry Christmas.

Speaker 1 (01:31:13):
Brought to you by Barono Heating and Air. It's the
Morning Show one on WFLA look back at the radio
program in one hundred and eighty seconds or less. We
started the day with John eight twelve. That was the
verse we started the day with. So just for those
of you that might have missed it, there you go.
Remember our admonition if you're going to call yourself a Christian,

act like one the big stories in the press box
today we pointed out the difference that an election can make.
Not only do we have the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals telling soon to be re elected in occupying the office,
Donald Trump that the federal government does have jurisdiction on deportations,

that local community cannot stand in the way of the
federal government deporting people that are in this country illegally,
which is bad news for Denver's mayor. Oh woe is them? Yeah,
what a shame. Mexico has already shut down and disbanded
two caravans attempting to make its way through Mexico into

the United States. See that's what happens when you have
a president that says you allow this to continue. We're
going to slap a twenty five percent tariff on every
stinking thing you make. All of that nasty, ugly all
those chess sets that are tacky made of onyx, We're
taxing all of them. I mean, all of those ugly hats,

all of those ugly pottery things that you ship. It's
all getting taxed. See what happens, You get compliance, you
get reasonable behavior. Democrat Challenger flipped California's thirteen congressional districts.
So now we know, assuming Republicans hold any seats lost
to nominations by Donald Trump, it'll be two twenty to

two fifteen for the GOP in the Congress. Not enough,
but we'll be back tomorrow. We'll do it all over again.
Thanks for listening.
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