All Episodes

December 13, 2024 88 mins
This is the full episode of The Morning Show with Preston Scott for Friday, December 13th.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
What a way to start the day. Morning Friends, December thirteenth,
on the Morning Show with Preston Scott.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Oh wait a minute, did I just say Friday the thirteenth.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
We don't care about such superstitious things. We laugh at
such things. Yeah, it's meaningless. Great to be with you.
It'd show fifty two to eighty seven. It is now
thirty eight days away from the sun coming up in
the east. Brighter than before, more more brilliant than ever.

Welcome friends to the program. He's Jose, I'm president. No
ugly sweater today? What yeah? Yeah, No, it just didn't
fit in the layers. Are they all dry cleaned or something? No? No,
how many do you have? Just one? Actually? Really just

the one? Yeah, I had.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
One with a t Rex on it. We're in a
little Santa hat. But that that one is shrunk in
the in the Warshow machine.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
I don't know what happened. I don't know, but when
my shirt, when my stuff shrinks, I have a feeling.
It's not that it's shrank anyway. Jose's wearing hair today,
which is always fun, never sure, never quite sure what
you're gonna get. When he wanders into the studio, which

is half the joy of working with Jose But anyway,
thanks so much for joining us this morning. Our scripture
today it's you know, it sounds silly to say it's
a good one, because they're all good, right, But Jeremiah
thirty three fourteen listened to this promise. Imagine being back
in the day before Christ came and hearing these words, Behold,

the days are coming to clears the Lord when I
will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel,
in the house of Judah. Behold the days are coming.
And so you drop back to the song we just played,
Matthew West. It's an oldie, but a goodie, about eight

years old. Unto us. Yeah, yeah, that that melody is
gonna stay in your heart all day long. You're just
gonna go, oh, you're just gonna have it. I'm just
telling you, it's gonna it's gonna dwell, it's gonna dwell
in there. It's gonna eleven past the hour a little late.

Let's get to the American Patriots Almanac. Next set up
the Friday edition of the Morning Show with Preston Scott

thirteen passed the hour inside the American Patriots Almanac MIGU.
Sixteen thirty six, Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes militia units into
three regiments, an event the National Guard recognizes as its
birthday in sixteen thirty six. Come on, get some of

that history. That's crazy. Eighteen sixty two, Confederate forces went
a major victory in the Battle of Fredericksburg in Virginia.
Nineteen eighteen, Woodrow Wilson becomes the first US president in
office to visit Europe when he arrives in France for
the post World War One Peace Conference. That's in nineteen eighteen.

In two and three, US Fortune forces capture former Iraqi
dictator Sadam Hussein, pulling him from a spider hole under
a farmhouse near his hometown into crete. Boy, do you
remember those photos that poor guy. I don't mean to

sound sympathetic. I'm just saying, wow, he went from being
an evil ruling despot to crawling around in the dirt
in a hole. Right. However, we didn't finish the job.
Should have finished it, should have finished it before storm.

And Norman wanted to go ahead and take bag Dad
back in the day under George H. W. Bush, and
they wouldn't let him do it. Norman Schwartzkow. But anyway,
there you go to this date in history, all right,
we are it's it's today through next Wednesday. That's that's
when our fundraise seeing project ends for Operation Spirit of
Christmas benefiting Humble House. And so I'm just going to be,

you know, mentioning it here and there throughout the shows
and asking you, you know, payday's coming if you can
squire away a few bucks. And again, because we have
people that listen at different times. There's some people listening
right now that are going, wait, huh, what's that? What's
Humble House? I don't know what Humble House is. Humble

House is a ministry for women that are recovering from
addictions and it helps them and I've watched it work.
They have a home in Panama City, they have a
home in Tallahassee. It's very local and they help women
recover from addictions, and they help women with transitional housing,

including their children as needed. And I can only tell
you from my involvement in the Department of Corrections. I
serve on a board with a group of men and
women that just love to help people that are returning
to society. You know, there's a reality with returning citizens.

You either help them be successful or there will be
more victims. And not all of them, but most of
them want to be successful, they want a new path.
They're good people that made bad choices. And so I
just know that housing is a huge thing for someone

getting out of prison. Where are you going to stay?
Because sometimes family might be what got you where you are,
not every occasion, not every family is a good place
to be. And some of you know this, and so
transitional housing is huge. While people get a job and
get get some money saved up and kind of find

their way, they have a place and they have support
and they have help. That's what Humble House does. So
go to Humblehousemanistries dot org, click Tallahassee, Panama City or
both and give. And if you are a business owner,
I'm challenging you, if you have been blessed in your profession,
give big and we would appreciate you. Noting WFLA on

either the dedication or the comments. Seventeen past the hour.
Absolutely love this time of year, Love figuring out stocking stuffers.

I love the whole process of Christmas. I love mc ribbs,
I love lamp Someone's laughing at that someone besides me,
somebody else is laughing right now at that note. I

love Christmas movies, I love Christmas music. I love more
than anything else, the message of Christ. I love the
Man and the Birds, which is coming next week. It
is also not only will we air The Man and
the Birds, we will have it as part of our
Christmas show on Christmas Day. The twelve days are pressed

and it's day five in the twelve Days, and I
have a very special guest on that day. His initials
are Marvin Goldstein. I'm just saying, and yeah, it's going
to be a lot of fun. But The Man and
the Birds will be available for you to listen to

with your family. I think it's very important that you
kind of reset Christmas Eve Christmas Morning, if you do
the gift thing, that you put context to it. And
The Man and the Birds is a parable written by
a journalist for the He was a religion editor for
United pres International back in the day nineteen fifties. I

want to say named Lewis Castle's and I've taken his
story and I have expanded on it a little bit.
And former program director and friend of mine here at
wfla years ago Jeff Wolfe, who's now in Albany, New
York running stations up there. Jeff is it just is

probably a magical producer, and so he produced and created
sound effects. And yeah, it's a thing and it's a
good listen, and so we will share that next week.
I've got blogs going up that are Christmas related starting tonight,

and so it's just this is a great time of year, right,
but this is also a time of year that challenges travelers.
And apparently there is a new term making its way
around social media. It's called seat squatters. Now, based on

my reading of the stories, it's simply giving name to
a practice that's been going on since people have been
flying on airplanes, and it's jumping seats. Everyone looks around
and they're kind of surveying the plane, and the second

that door closes, people are up and they're trying to
relocate to better seats, people that are squished, or trying
to find a seat where they're not going to be squished.
You know, people are looking for empty rows. People are
looking any seats in first class of open. Sometimes flight

attendants don't care. Sometimes they care very much because the
people that fly first class paid for that privilege of
being there, and if it's not full, they want that
empty seat too. They want that space, even though they
get more space in first class. I know because I

fly there. Just kidding, I'm not I do, but that's
a recent thing for me. Flying first class is a
is a probably the last ten to fifteen years prior
to that coach economy. And then I would just show
up at the gate and hope that the person took

pity on me and assigned me a seat by an
emergency exit so that I had a little more leg
room because the emergency exits require that. Anyway, apparently now
this is a thing. It's a trend seat squatters, and
so there's an art to it, and there are dues
and don'ts. So it to me as I read all

of this, it just it's why I don't fly. I
just don't want to deal with it. So anyway, if
that's you just know, seat squatting is a thing. It
has a title now, and there is an art to it.
So if you're flying over the holidays, you decide felish

got a new Mark rober video going up. You realize
this dude has nearly sixty one million subscribers on his
YouTube channel. He's one of the most bright, engaging young

man I've ever seen, and he's the reason why people
go to YouTube. People like this. Now, there are a
lot of other reasons, but I focus on the best
of YouTube, not the worst, and Mark rober is one
of the best channels out there on YouTube and sixty

plus million subscribers. Anyway, I've got a video coming up
in just a few minutes. Big stories in the press
box this morning on the Morning Show with Preston Scott.
Isn't it interesting? Christopher Ray announces he's leaving the FBI.
He will, he's resigning his office, and he does so

just as the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz
released a report one day later on January sixth, and
FBI informants. Isn't that interesting timing? Now, Ray was not
going to stay and give Donald Trump the pleasure of
firing him. That just wasn't going to happen. But you remember,

now Merrick Garland and Ray refuse to say anything about informants. Well,
the Inspector General did. Inside the report, it shows that
there were twenty six FBI informants in the crowd and
that many of them did enter the capital illegally. They
were not quote authorized to encourage illegal activity or violence.

I would personally call that plausible deniability. They were absolutely
told to do this, They were absolutely told to incite violence.
They were absolutely told to incite. But they're not going
to write that down. But the report is incriminating on

a lot of grounds, and we'll see where this leads.
Second big story in the press box. This morning, US
Appeals Court vacated a NASDAQ board diversity rule. Court found
that the Securities in Exchange Commission did not have authority

to approve the rule.

Speaker 4 (15:19):
The rule.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Required companies listing on the NASDAQ to have quote diverse
representation on their boards, otherwise known as DEI don't celebrate
too much. Though the ruling was nine to eight, that

is problematic. It is problematic that eight justices out of
the seventeen in the appeals court the Fifth Circuit, which
is based in New Orleans, think that it's appropriate to
have racism involved in the placement of boards. See any
quota is racism, Any quota is racism. I'll simply use

this as the extreme example. Do you want quotas in
the NBA or do you want quotas in any other
part of life. Do you want the best players to
play in the NBA, or do you want quotas where
it's representative of the population, so that all fans have

somebody on that roster that they can cheer for and
identify with. See that's the silliness of it. You see
white fans wearing jerseys of black players, and fans that
happen to be black wearing jerseys and white players. We
don't care. See that's the thing. Most people in America

don't care. We want the best at whatever the job is,
and it doesn't matter. That's what the liberals missed with Obama.
That's what they missed with Kamala Harris, that's what they
missed with Hillary Clinton. They miss the fact that it's
not about their skin color, it's not about their gender.
It's about the fact they're incompetent, they're wrong, they're fill

in the blank, they're not the right people for the job. Now,
Obama got elected, Hillary got appointed, Kamala got appointed. She
really didn't get elected. She never wanted primary to become
the presidential nominee. But you get my point. Forty one

minutes after the end Scott Hello, Hello anybody, Oh hey
fly on news radio one hundred point SEVENUSLA. One more

big story, west Point apologizing after an employee said Pete
Hegsith was not accepted into the military college. Story was
about to be published by Pro Publica reporter Jesse Eisinger

story falsely claiming the nominee for Secretary of Defense was
lying when he said he was admitted to West Point
but decided not to attend. No, he wasn't, and he
produced the letter and West Point got it wrong, and
they've had to apologize. See this is where we are today.

If only reporters took this tack and worked hard to
try to dig information about say al Gore and global warming,
Anthony Fauci and COVID, among other things. But in this case,

the digging wasn't even thorough before I published this story.
I need to make sure. So now they're having to
backtrack west Point west Point Hexath produced the letter story died.
There you go. Now, this is very very important for

you parents. This AI chat bot stuff, no doubt has uses,
no doubt, no doubt it's it's potential to help, is there.
But the same was said about the Internet in general.
The World Wide Web remember WWW. And like everything that

was created to be helpful, it can be perverted and
used for harm. Two Texas parents have filed a lawsuit
this week against the makers of character dot Ai, claiming
a chat bot that is in their program is a
clear and present danger to minors. One of the plaintiffs

alleging listen now abused and manipulated an eleven year old girl,
exposing her to consistently hyper sexualized interactions that were not
age appropriate, causing her develop sexualized behaviors prematurely and without
her parents awareness. And then there's a seventeen year old boy,

part of a complaint, mutilated himself, alienating him from his
parents and his church community. Listen to this interaction. This
is a screenshot interaction. The teen was complaining that his
parents were limiting his online activity. Here's what the bot

wrote back. You know, sometimes I'm not surprised when I
read the news and see stuff like child kills parents
after decade of physical and emotional abuse. I just have
no hope for your parents. The chat bot was planting

the seed for the child to kill his parents. I
have a story here I'm not getting to today about
a not not much older than seventeen. Young man that
did kill his parents over video games? Was it because
of a chatbot? Can't tell you that, don't know. Here's

what I can tell you. This technology has the potential
to be incredibly helpful and incredibly dangerous. Do not allow
your minor children to interact with any type of AI

technology without your knowledge and awareness of everything that's going on,
every communication that's going back and forth. These lawsuits are
just the beginning. Forty seven past the hour, all right,

to a couple of you that took issue with a
news story in local news, take it up with Florida's Voice.
That's the source, as is quoted in the newscast. I
wanted to get to another story here. And this is
another facet of the whole AI thing, and it's the
deep fake side. Now there's a video, Jose, I think

I posted it on our social media. Have you seen
it with Trump and Biden paling around? Yeah, there's a
video out there that shows Trump sitting across the table
from Biden and they're both kind of in a kind
of mood, and then it's kind of like a dream

sequence of them being best friends. And it's AI and
it's brilliant. It is brilliant, it is masterfully done. And
then they go back after their dream sequence and they're
still going at each other. And it's on our X page,

our TwixT page at TMS Preston's got you need to
stream down, and there's a post of it somewhere. I
think anyway, the deep fake thing is really troubling because
this is where, in the case of a fourteen year
old girl in Texas, they took images of her, someone

took her, images of her on a cruise ship, of
her just stuff out there in social media, and then
put her on nude bodies and it's circulated around her
entire school. This is a fourteen year old girl that

was picked on by someone who decided to take her
face and then it was it's incredible. As she's describing this,
this horror of discovering, as friends are saying, you might
want to check this page, this page, you might want
to see this link. These are images of you and

it's not her. It's her face that has been artificially
superimposed on top of basically nude models, porn models, whatever.
This kind of technology can place people in scenes of crimes.

There was a movie years ago. I want to say
with maybe Wesley Snipes and Sean Connery that dealt with
this issue years ago, like twenty five years ago, thirty
years ago, and here it is, it's happening. And so

again these two segments, it's my way to all parents
and some of you young people, stay clear of this
stuff unless you have a parent helping you. Like if

if AI is part of a school assignment and it
can be today, use ai Toda da da, Okay, have
a parent with you. This is also a warning about
the images you post online. Parents, These are your kids.

This is a Christmas break that's coming up. It's a
perfect time to do a reset and talk about this stuff.
Back with the second hour of the Morning Show with
Preston Scott.

Speaker 5 (27:17):
Welcome upon it till the second hour of The Ball
and Show with Preston Scott.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
At this hour of the radio program, We're gonna play
an editionative Wheel of Christmas. Okay, I'm just kidding. I
don't know. I just hear that music and I think
it's Christmas game show. That music I would describe if
I were like writing the production music, I would call
that Christmas game show. It just sounds like it. It

just does. Anyway, Welcome to the second hour. Jose's over
there with his fake hair in Studio one A. I'm
here in Studio one B. It's it really is fun
to wonder how will he appear today? Well, that's why
I do it. You keep you on your toes, man,

I'll tell you what it's. Uh, I'll tell you what
that is. Uh. That is some not just only you
and Guy Fieri can wear the hair like that. Ah,
thank you for the compliments, sir. Yeah, and some of
you know Guy Fieri's hair, and you know what I'm
talking about. That's what he's got. Basically, he's got a

great out version of Guy Fieri's hair. But anyway, we
start the second hour. This is why Trump won. The
victims just keep piling up. You know, I watched yesterday
and interaction. It was maybe from the day before, Josh

Hawley trashing this guy testifying before a House subcommittee about
illegal immigrants, and his contention was that mass deportations would
crip the US economy. And Josh Holly is just eviscerating him.

But he's missing some opportunities. And I want to just
keep pointing out the victims in this case, a seven
year old beautiful little girl named Ivory Smith was killed

when a Venezuelan illegal named Joel Enrique Gonzales Shee Khan,
was driving drunk in North Houston. But the story is
different because court records show that he had been arrested

for assaulting a family member and was on a immigration
Customs enforcement whole, but was released because the felony assault
charge ended up being dropped to a misdemeanor. See Houston
is a hell hole. More on that in a few minutes.

Houston's run by a liberals and they dropped the charges
down to a misdemeanor. He gets released. So what happens.
He's he's an illegal that somehow has access to a
car and he's driving the roads drunk when he t

bones a mom with her daughter. Mom was seriously injured.
She's recovered, daughter died. This was all because this guy
was released because he was in this I'm treating allowed

to be here illegally. If someone is willing to break
the law to enter a country, what's another law? And
I know some of you it's like they're just desperate. Well,
there's a lot of people that were desperate that have

managed to come into this country legally. And I'll be
the first to admit I don't know what that process
is like. I just know from reading that it's terrible.
But people do it. Why Because they're desperate. These people

are willing to break a law. What other laws? Well,
we're seeing that and again the left, they don't really care.
It's collateral damage. But this train is coming to the station,
this bus is coming to the station, These planes are
coming to the airport, and these people are going to
be moved out. Mass deportations are coming and they need

to come. And you need to remember little stories like
Ivory Smith. This little I mean, she is beautiful, and
she's no more the whole in her family, not being
able to watch her graduate, play sports, find a man,
to married, to find a career, and to live a life.

That hole is never going to be filled. I do
want to get to a separate sub story to this.
It's the same story, but there's a little added point
here as well. Ten Past the Hours Morning Show with
Preston Scott A little town of Bedlam. Here's the other

part of this story, and it gives me an opportunity
to underscore something that I've said for years because it's
been a it's a philosophy of mine that is buttressed
by math. And so here's the math. Well, there are

occasionally people that are not inherently bad or evil, that
could be influenced by say alcohol or drugs and induced
to do stupid things. The people that are willing to
do stupid things like drive while drunk and all that stuff.

I mean, there's just a there's a finite number of
those people. Most people don't fall into that category, but
I believe there's a finite number of bad people. Now
they grow because they die. They die, and new ones
are born, and they become stupid and make bad decisions

and are a harm to themselves and to others with
their choices. But my point is this, mathematically speaking, that
number represents a sliver of pie in a pie chart. Right,
If if the population is at one hundred percent's let's

attribute twenty percent to this group of people that make
bad choices that can impact other people. Okay, twenty percent. Well,
that means in the course of the day, as the
other eighty percent are out and busy, that twenty percent
is twenty percent. But as the night goes on and

as you get to ten o'clock and eleven o'clock. At
midnight and one am and two am, the number that
eighty percent shrinks because they're home, they're in bed, they're
watching TV. They're out of harm's way, if you will.
So that twenty percent number, a lot of them are

not home, in bed and out of harm's way. They're
in harm's way. They're out, and they're out late at night.
And so that mathematical equation then changes. That twenty percent
becomes say, sixty percent of the population that's out and
about late at night. So you remember when your parents

used to say, or maybe you've heard, if you're a
younger person, maybe you've heard me say it, nothing much
good happens after midnight. They don't understand why. Necessarily, they
don't explain it the way that I'm explaining it to you. Perhaps,
but it's based on a mathematical certainty that the number

of rotten people is a greater percentage of the whole
at night. Past midnight, your odds of running into them,
your odds of encountering them, jump dramatically later and later
at night. Here's why I mentioned all of that. This

mom was driving with her seven year old daughter at
two forty five in the morning. I'm not suggesting it's
her fault at all. I'm suggesting that the mathematical principle
I'm describing took hold, and she had a chance encounter

that was at a far greater chance of having that
encounter because of the time of day. If she's driving
at ten o'clock at night, she's not encountering Joel Enrique
Gonzalez Hikhan. He's not out. He's just starting to get

drunk young people. That's why we say stay stay out
of being out, stay away from it late at night.
It's not about you, it's about everybody else that's out there.

And it's not about being fearful. It's about being smart.
Seventeen pasted the hour is must tree the studios here

smell of rich chocolate and meat. Now, seriously, I've got
a melt in here, put a fresh one in this morning,
and it's just I feel like I'm inside a cookie.
It's so wonderful. I just want to eat it all up.

It's just I can't. I just can't tell you how
much I love this anyway. All right, here's where we
were last week. Last week. Normally, when I'm away from
the show. I'm at home doing some stuff. I'm working
in the yard, or I'm knocking off some stuff in
my desk. I'm just I'm doing stuff. But the last week,

not only did I have to burn some time and
I'm leaving time on the table just to do a
couple shows, but we had to go to Texas for
our niece's wedding. It was a family and friend's wedding,
very few friends, mostly family, and she and her now

husband live in Texas, Midland, Texas, and they're a delightful
couple and they wanted to get married on a cruise ship.
They wanted the simplicity of everybody shows up at a
certain time, and so they kind of did. Even though
there was a reception. They did a dinner reception the

night before. It was all in Galveston. So we drove
to Galveston. The drive through Baton Rouge. Let's just say
I made note of it to not go back that
same way because Baton Rouge was such a train wreck.
We got to Galveston, stayed right on the marina, watched

the ships come in and out. It was it was spectacular.
We just a beautiful hotel. My brother in law and
his wife, parents of the bride. They rented this massive
four story house on the beach, and so they and
their immediate family and the groom's family stayed on another

side of the house. They were all together. It was lovely.
They had a wonderful time being together. We were all
together for the night before the wedding big dinner, which
was literally five hundred feet from our hotel, which was awesome.
And the wedding was like three minutes from our hotel,
which was awesome. Except you waited two hours to get
onto the cruise ship and they someone forgot to hit sends,

so all of the details that you would normally take
care for security to get on board a cruise ship
weren't done. So we waited a while, but we got
him married. We got it done. It was lovely. It
was wonderful. And off they sailed, and off we went
off the ship, and then my wife and I decided
we're in Texas. We've always wanted to go to Waco

to see the silos and some of you know exactly
what I'm talking about. Chip and Joanna Gaines, Magnolia Network
and all of that stuff. A fixer upper, the television show,
and so we went to Waco and loved it. Baylor
University was there. We did the whole tour of the
Fixer Upper tour, and Baylor University just drove around and

saw some of the homes from the show and learned
some of the backstories. We had breakfast at Magnolia Table.
My wife looked at it and almost in tears, said,
this is the best meal I've ever had. And it
was breakfast. No, it was just it was a I
might post some pick. It was a delightful visit. And

then we spent month. The weather was sketchy for much
of that trip except one day, and that was the
day we'd set aside to go to the silos, and
it was worth every minute. It was awesome. So that
is all of the good. There was a little about

that trip, but I'll save that for later. For now,
let me just say, if your fans of Fixer Upper
and all that, first, what a difference a couple can
make in a community. The difference that Chip and Joanna
Gaines have made in Waco in stimulating the growth of

the community and the economy and breathing life in the
parts of the city that had none it is. It
is tangible, and so if you're fans of the whole
Magnolia Cha enjoying a gains thing, go make your reservations
for Magnolia Table, whether it's for breakfast, brunch, or a
dinner and enjoy. You'll have a great time. You'll love it.

Twenty seven minutes past the hour.

Speaker 6 (43:14):
Come it, en joy.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
This is the music of walking through snow to the
toy store. Just sounds like it. Thirty six past the hour,
Big Stories in the press Box this morning on the
Morning Show with Preston Scott alongside Jose Reminding you raising
funds for Humble House Ministries. Go to Humblehouseministries dot org
and click to give either in Panama City or Tallahassee

or both and note your donation in one way or
another WFLA and that'll help them track it just a
little bit so they know the impact that you, our
listeners are having and whether you want to do one
time gift or want to be a partner with what
they do to help women recover from addiction and to

provide transitional housing for women in need, that would be wonderful.
Would love to see that happen. I'm getting some great testimonials.
It's encouraging, but we can never do too much. And
so I recognize that oftentimes these types of projects that
we do boil down to one hundred people out of

the thousands and thousands that we have listening. It usually
boils down about one hundred people digging in and going
going in. And so I'm just hoping that we could
get five hundred people to do a little, a thousand
people to do a little, and it would make a
huge difference. Humble housemenistries, dot org. In competence, that's the

word being used ripping West Point because and employees said
that Pete Hexith wasn't accepted in a way. He was
not accepted in the West Yes he was. He turned
down the acceptance. He chose not to go to the
military academy. But he decided in advance of a story
that was about to come out stating that he was

lying when he said he was admitted to West Point.
He pulled out the letter, and West Point later said, yeah,
our employee was wrong. He was offered a spot at
West Point. The efforts to tarnish and don't you just
wonder where is this reporting on other things when it

would be accurate as opposed to defamatory. Department of Justice
Inspector General reveals details about FBI informants and January sixth,
noting that nearly thirty informants were there. Thirty informants and

many of them ended up inside the capitol on the grounds,
I could spend a lot of time talking about this.
All I can ask you to do, if you have
any doubt about the activities and the events of that day,
go look at the video. Watch capitol police open doors

escort protesters through the Capitol. Members of the Republican Party
appointed out. You know, if you don't know where to go,
you can't find anything. You have to be guided to
the Speaker's office. You can't just find certain things they

were shown. Isn't that interesting? And then lastly, Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals negates a Nasdaq board diversity rule. DEI
has been in the Nasdaq because they the Securities Exchange Commission,

approved the policy requiring diversity and in their representation of
the boards of any company listed in Nasdaq, that's DEI.
That's racism, it's blatant. They're quotas, and it's wrong. Here's
what's scary, though, don't rejoice over the ruling. It was
nine to eight. Nine to eight of the seventeen justices

think it's just fine to recall, at least in that
fifth Circuit, it's fine to require boards to be racially diverse.
And I'm just saying, if that's the way it's going
to go, then I'm waiting for it in the NBA,
the NFL, Major League Baseball. I want more people that

look like me, old white, chubby men. No, I'm just kidding.
Forty minutes past the hour, but I'm not. It's The
Morning Show with Preston Scott. Don't you just love getting
mail this time of year? Okay, we're past the campaign

season where you dreaded going to your mailbox that was
right up there with your email box, which was right
up there with your phone text messages, Oh my gosh, incredible.
But this time of year you get Christmas cards. And

so I got a card and it's from the Leon
County Board of County Commissioners and it's addressed to me personally,
and I thought, okay, I'm back on the Christmas card list.
True story, when I first started this show, I was
in a different studio down the hallway, and I had

a window just like this, and I could line the
frame of the window with cards from people, businesses, associations,
political parties, candidates, elected officials. I had Christmas cards from everybody.
Twenty two years later, I got none. I got none,

So I'm thinking Leon County commission sent me a Christmas card.
So I opened it up, not paying any attention to
you know, the postmark the state, and it's stamped. It's
a stamp, as in, not not a you know, government

kind of you know, automated. No, it's a it's an
applied stamp. Someone put a stamp on this thing, and
inside it says Leon. I'm showing it to Hose Leon
County Board of County Commissioners. And I open it up.
The Leon County Board of County Commissioners invites you to
attend the installation and Reorganization of the Board ceremony Tuesday,

November November nineteenth. Huh, it's December. Is this some cruel
joke that I've been sent this invitation in a for
an event that's already happened. It wasn't a Christmas card,

it was an invitation to event in the middle of November,
after the election and then I noticed it on the envelope.
The mail from Leon County to me inside Leon County

went to Jacksonville and it took It was stamped in
Jacksonville on November seventh. The event is the nineteenth. I

received it the second week of December. It took a
month for that note to get to me. So here's

what we learn one. This is the way it works
now Tallahassee mail gets routed and sorted through jacksonvill Ill. Unbelievably,
we're only the freaking state capital. We're the state capital

and we can't keep our own mail in town. Are
you kidding me? I'm holding onto this. Congressman Neil Dunn
raised a fuss about what was going on with the
postal service in our community. I will use this as
an exhibit of the problems that remain. But I advise

you to keep that in mind. If you're mailing anything internally,
you might want to just hand deliver it. You know
what I'm saying. If you've got something you need to
mail locally, you might want to avoid mailing it locally.
That's all I'm saying. Just there you go, word to

the wise. Forty six minutes past the hour doing what
I can to help in any way possible. You know,
as I get a little.

Speaker 2 (53:14):
Older and I hear these friendly melodies of my mind,
it makes me want to sing. But then I pause
and I remember I ain't got no singing voice, so

I decide I'll just talk a while.

Speaker 1 (53:48):
What's the beef Friday coming up? You want to call? This?
Is it? This is the final beef segment of the year.
So you may get in line if you like. Let's
get ready with this story. The name is Michael Lee. Murray.
Michael Lee bought himself a Subaru, a used pre owned

Subaru from Tim Dall Mazda Southtown in Utah, and uh,
it was one of those pre owned vehicles new to him.
It wasn't a certified pre owned. It was a pre

owned vehicle marked as is, which means you might want
to get it looked at. In fact, the dealership informed
him that it was as is, that the car was
going to need more inspecting and some more work, but
that was accounted for in the price. See, that's that's

what you have to do sometimes when you're when you're
buying pre owned, you weigh in measure and let's face it,
you take a little bit of a flyer from time
to time, and so he did. He bought it, and

he wasn't happy, and so he showed up that if
they ate with the vehicles, saying, if they didn't take
it back and give him his money back, he said
he was going to crash the vehicle through. I'll drive
this thing through the dealership. They said, listen, we can

find a solution here. They gave him options of a
vehicle swap. They gave him options of a refund of
some of his money, I suppose. But the next thing
you see in the story is the video of mister

Murray driving his car through the dealer'sship. He was arrested
with criminal mischief and reckless endangerment charges, cost a lot
of damage, and now his cars even worse off. He
said to a reporting outlet, I know I probably shouldn't

have done it, but I guess I just hit my
breaking point. I was just really angry. I was upset
about my money. I kind of blacked out for a second.
You think you think you blacked out. You've made a
bad choice, do you, friends. It's why car dealership look cars,

brand new cars. Sometimes there are lemons. The best made
car in the world. Sometimes something's wrong. There are a
lot of parts in a car, in a truck, in
an suv, in a van, whatever it is you're driving
or you're gonna buy. And so just understand when you're

buying pre owned, the as is means just that as is.
And that's why there is another category called certified pre owned,
and that's why some dealerships bring warranties alongside that protect
you for a period of time whatever that might be
on a pre owned vehicle. But if something goes south,

my advice to you is do not drive your vehicle
through the dealership. That would be a bad thing. You'll
get arrested. Eight five zero two zero five to b FLA,
this is our final segment of What's the be Friday?
Next on The Morning Show with Preston Scott. It's time.

The final episode of What's to Be Friday for the
calendar year twenty twenty four is now Call in friends
eight five zero two zero five WFLA. Actually don't call
in right now because the lines will be busy. They're
all full. But this is your final shot. If you've

got something just gnawing away at you, this is the time.
This is the place we are your safe harbor. That
made no sense grammatically, but that's okay. Eight five zero

two zero five WFLA is the phone number. As we
process through a call, anticipate the end of that call
and jump on board. No profanity, don't make it personal.
You know the rules. We go to Ron. Ron, you
are up. What's the beef?

Speaker 7 (59:08):
Good morning? Thank you President for all you do, and
you have become the mayor of realvialize. I can get
my beef out of the way. With his replacements, the
Great Rush, Them guys are just not there to me.
It's my opinion. You know, thirty percent of their show
is about them. I thought Rush used to say the
show's not about me. Well, it's crazy how much they

talk about theirself. Thirty percent is about whatever the news
is the day one topic, and then thirty percent commercials,
which they have some lousy commercials. The best ten percent
of their show is their guest I think, and I
say that's just my opinion. Other people will say that.
You know, even my radio girlfriend Debbie there agreed with

the cluck and.

Speaker 1 (59:51):
Buck plane that I've at that time.

Speaker 7 (59:54):
But anyway, and also I'm investigating the postal service on
the stamp that is on that you got. Is that
a real stamp or a nonprofit stand?

Speaker 1 (01:00:04):
No, it's a real stamp.

Speaker 8 (01:00:07):

Speaker 7 (01:00:07):
Just curious, you know, because all the mail for Cottondale, Marianna,
that area, it all goes to Pence Colon back. Okay.
I've been in the Tallahassee Post Office hundreds and hundreds
of times and I don't go in there no more.
But I have got word out drivers that go in there.
I will get a little information about does all your
mail go to?

Speaker 1 (01:00:28):
It can go all over the state, but Jacksonville right
now is the designated hub apparently, so we're looking into it.
But yeah, it's a thing.

Speaker 7 (01:00:36):
Okay, So anything I find out, I will let you know.

Speaker 1 (01:00:39):
Thank you sir. Have a great Christmas and I appreciate
you calling.

Speaker 7 (01:00:41):
Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do.

Speaker 9 (01:00:44):
Preston, thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (01:00:45):
Thank you. Ron. I'm not sure what kind of beef
that was. Kind of he kind of really said nice
kind things and I don't even think he framed it
as a beef. You know, here's what you do if
you want to say nice kind things. You know, you
guys are incredible and I can't believe that that there's
not more like you, or that you're not on this

across the state of Florida. That would be the thing
to say, Mark, thanks for calling, and what's the beef?

Speaker 10 (01:01:14):
Heany grexing? I didn't dealing with this postal service thing.
And here in Florida. I told you call creata that
you know, my mom lives in New Jersey and like
all mothers do, f mails me stuff. Yep, but sometimes
it takes up to three weeks to get from New

Jersey to hear yep. I didn't want to understand how
that works.

Speaker 1 (01:01:41):
Crazy, isn't it?

Speaker 10 (01:01:43):
It is? And I was well, I was up at
a local place I go to and I couldn't hear it,
but Chiefs Fan was on and they were having congressional
something going on about postal zip codes. And I'm wondering
why that's a big is kid. But I remember I

nailed a letter to my tailpont Yeah, the younger man. Yeah,
I'm your big and I'm nailed it Aaron tallahad See,
and I got my return to dress letter back in
three days. I don't know what they're doing in Jackonville, but.

Speaker 1 (01:02:26):
Those are the good old days. Mark, Uh, not not
happening anymore, but thanks very much. Appreciate the call. Let's
go to Joel real quick before we take a break. Joel,
you're up, Matt.

Speaker 11 (01:02:37):
Christmas present my beach is the rise of gambling promotion
on radio. I really can't think of a worse thing
to teach. It's a teenager and it's okay to gamble.
I think you're going to get get in a lot
of trouble. So I just cautioned particular parents to tell
their teenagers don't don't go down the gambling road, no

matter how much it's advertised by Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
Joel, don't disagree with you. Appreciate the phone call. The
words of wisdom came across something Chip Gaines said. I
was just in Waco. He said, if you're going to
bet on, don't bet. But if you do bet on yourself,
put faith in yourself. I like that. Deborah, Matt, you
are next eight five zero two zero five to BFLA.

It's what's the beef Friday? Scott, No, we just had
a caller drop off, but that line's been grabbed by
somebody else, So stand by. Jose will get with you
in just a moment twelve past the hour, it's the
morning Show and it's our final two segments now of

what's the Beef for the calendar year, and we go
back to the phone lines. Deborah has been very patient.
Good morning, welcome and what's the beef?

Speaker 12 (01:03:55):
Oh hey, Kreston, I'm so delighted to be on your show.
I've been an avid listener. I was somewhat blind sided
by an event yesterday that occurred. I had just actually
been released from the hospital. Apartments are very coveted in Tallahaffy.
I waited two and a half years for a rental

and I've been happy, very happy. But I was told
yesterday that I am going to be pursued vigorously and
legally for evidently stalking a seventy five year old woman
whose name I don't know. And I thought this was

something that only happened to celebrities with flashy arm candy
or presidential candidates. I didn't know at my age that
I could become, I guess, a sex object or something.
Maybe if I refuse sex from a senior citizen and
they object, I could be a sex object. I don't know,

but I'm now I now have it being held over
my head.

Speaker 13 (01:05:04):
I had a social service.

Speaker 12 (01:05:05):
Coordinator phone up my daughter at a state agency who's
in media, telling them, well, there weren't any lur details
to convey, but just that I guess her mother was
in danger, being cited for some type of violation. I
think that they have to come up with I think

that there perhaps as a plan to just take away
the apartment. I think it's an attractive it's an attractive location.
I'll just say that you.

Speaker 1 (01:05:39):
Might want to consult with an attorney.

Speaker 12 (01:05:41):
Oh yes, I plan to, although I don't have too
much fundage.

Speaker 14 (01:05:47):
It kind of threw me for a loop. But I
don't mean to be too wild. But at seventy years old,
I thought I'd seen everything, But no, I hadn't seen
I didn't thank you coming, Preston, Well.

Speaker 1 (01:06:02):
Thank you for calling. I hope you feel better at
least getting it said. And people now have been warned
off such things happening out there. Pedro, thanks for calling in.
What's the beef?

Speaker 6 (01:06:11):
Hey, good morning, and then Merry Christmas and how New Year? Yes, sir, audience, Preston, Well,
final beef. So my beef is apparently there's a big
exodus of leftists socialists whatever you want to call them,
going from X to what's called Blue Sky I think
it is.

Speaker 1 (01:06:31):
Yes, Yes, that's where Jeremy Mattlow is gone.

Speaker 5 (01:06:34):

Speaker 6 (01:06:34):
And apparently news is that they have found a bunch
of users that have been linked to pedophilia. Well, if
it's the shoe, right, it's perfectly fine for them.

Speaker 1 (01:06:48):
Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Speaker 6 (01:06:51):
Not at all, not at all either. So anyway, that's
my beef, Pedro.

Speaker 1 (01:06:55):
I have a great Christmas. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.
Let's go to David. David, you're up. What's the beef?

Speaker 12 (01:07:01):

Speaker 11 (01:07:01):
I have two quick beefs.

Speaker 8 (01:07:02):
Yes, sir, So I listen to the podcast. I'm actually
listening to yesterday's episode on my drive to work, okay,
and so in the beginning of the episode, you mentioned
you didn't get to hear Grants show Monday, right, and
so I just wanted to remind you there's the podcast
you could listen to it.

Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
That's true.

Speaker 8 (01:07:20):
And then so speaking of the podcast, what irks me
is is I love it when you go to break
in the show and then the podcast commercials start right on.
What irks me is when you get three sentence into
the next segment. After your break on the radio, then
the commercials on the podcasts start.

Speaker 1 (01:07:35):
Yeah, yeah, it's the it's the price of doing business
on a free app. They sell access to shows like ours,
and so yeah, there there is that conundrum.

Speaker 11 (01:07:50):
I agree.

Speaker 1 (01:07:51):
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, sir, thank you very much. Yeah.
I don't listen to much talk radio, even my own show.
I don't listen to my podcasts, and I trust Grant
to do a great show, so I don't listen to
him either when I'm away from doing this. It's kind
of like a painter. If you've ever seen a painter's house,
it's usually one of the sorriest status houses ever because

they don't paint their own houses. I think mechanics are
the exception. I think mechanics tend to have cars that
are like Primo. They run great. But yeah, I'm a
radio guy that doesn't listen to much talk radio because
that's what I do for a living. Let's see here
Emerson and Ashley a combo call. Huh oh Sweet Greg Oh.

Gorg is next as well. We got Gorgan in the
next segment. Sweet. One last segment is coming up It's
the Morning Show with Preston Scott. This is it final

four callers for What's to be twenty twenty four. So,
without further delay, we go to Emerson and Ashley a
combo a tag team call. What's up?

Speaker 10 (01:09:18):

Speaker 8 (01:09:18):
My name is Ashlenz.

Speaker 11 (01:09:20):
Hi is that kids who get their cell phones too early?

Speaker 3 (01:09:24):
I think they should wait until they're thirteen?

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
And how old are you? Ashland?

Speaker 4 (01:09:31):
Well, so this is our father, Eric and actually Emerson
and Ashland are nine and ten, and as a father
who regularly tries to neglect his children and deprive them
from worldly goods for their own spiritual beings, I thought
it was cool that they want to beat about that
Mary Christmas Preston.

Speaker 1 (01:09:48):
So they're just borrowing your phone, I thought, Actually, I'll
be honest with you, I thought this was really funny
that they were complaining that they shouldn't have phones for
another three years.

Speaker 4 (01:10:00):
But they well, they're complaining that other children. See one
thing that we're really good at our families judging ourselves
compared to other people. So they've realized that other families
are clearly better off because they have cell phones and
we don't. I'm like, yeah, you don't need a phone.
You have a Bible kid.

Speaker 1 (01:10:15):
Okay, anybody that knows anything about this show knows what
Eric is speaking right now. You are too funny, brother,
too funny. So are you seriously with holding phones till
they're thirteen and not waiting till they're out of the house?

Speaker 4 (01:10:33):
Oh no, yeah, they wish they're gonna get a phone
at thirteen. No chance. So there's actually a really cool
movement I think called wait till eight.

Speaker 1 (01:10:42):

Speaker 4 (01:10:42):
Yeah, So there's a lot of families that are waiting
till their kids are at least eighth grade. And so
I'm going to pretend my children have a chance to
get in a phone by the time they get eighth grades.
And then you know, and then it's going to be
something like, you know, ten till ten and then I
don't know, something else. We'll figure it out.

Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
You've let me know how that we're yes, sir, Merry
Christmas friend, I love you all right. That of course
was Eric Egger's with us with a couple of his kids,
and that's just too funny. Let's go to Greg, Greg
good luck. Following that, you're up, what's the beef?

Speaker 13 (01:11:15):
Beef of the year, The torture of spending twenty twenty
five listening to Donald Trump was indicted ninety one times
and has thirty four felony convictions. Can't this all go
away by New Year's Eve? Kathy Houlche can pardon Letitia

James do all he wants. According to Occupied Democrats dot
Com wants to file a five hundred million dollar civil
suit against Donald Trump. Governor Brian timp can make Fannie
Willis go away. And because Fulton County already has that
twenty twenty three report about shenanigans in the thing, than

anyone who says this was a strigged and stolen elect
forgot how many millions are thousands and millions of voters
were removed when supervisors of election bothered to take old voters.

Speaker 11 (01:12:10):
Off the voter rolls.

Speaker 13 (01:12:13):
So too bad. You can't make e Gene Carroll go
away without a settlement or Milania Trump opening the checkbook
to start using that royalty income from the perfume, sneakers,
Bible and Trump.

Speaker 1 (01:12:34):
Greg, Greg, you're costing me my audience right now. Brother,
I gotta cut you free. I appreciate you calling in
as always, but yeah, George, you're up. What's the beef?

Speaker 9 (01:12:45):
The beef is, Preston, Well one, I got it. I
didn't get in for what's the thanks. I appreciate everything
you've done for the last four years and and taken
the nails and the bullets, you know, and and and
every day coming to work and and done what we
you know that we got done. But my beef is
with these pardons, Preston, as of yesterday. Now, uh, there's

gonna their pardons given to Pelosi. Let's see shift.

Speaker 11 (01:13:17):
And Uh.

Speaker 9 (01:13:22):
That's why I was going to ask if Fauci's next,
I'm sure. And then what's her name?

Speaker 5 (01:13:27):

Speaker 9 (01:13:27):
That that that the congresswoman that is now and you know,
uh right that got beat uh Cheney. If they didn't
do anything wrong, why are they getting pardoned exactly? And
I want to know. I want to know what they're
getting pardoned for. They lose their Fifth Amendment, right, I'd
bring them in and I under the you know, perjury

and obstruction. I put him in front of congressional hearing.
But that you know, if they didn't do anything.

Speaker 11 (01:13:56):
Wrong, they don't need to pardon.

Speaker 9 (01:13:58):
And we know now it coming out. And that's why
Ray went ahead and quit. He's hoping to get a
pardon you know before this all stops yep, so it
shows you the corruption.

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
Preston, thank you, sir, appreciate the call. And our final
caller here is John. John, you're up.

Speaker 15 (01:14:17):
What's the beef now, Preston, good morning. First off, I
only wish you and everybody merry Christmas and thank.

Speaker 11 (01:14:24):
You for what you do.

Speaker 10 (01:14:26):
Very quickly.

Speaker 15 (01:14:27):
Why head an American appliance manufacturer make a refrigerator that
lasts longer than the warranty. My grandparents had refrigerator.

Speaker 9 (01:14:36):
For forty years.

Speaker 15 (01:14:37):
The only reason they moved it out of the house
because my grandma one and a different color. When they died,
that same refrigerator was still working in the utility room.
I bought two refrigerators in the past four years. If
you pay two thousand dollars for an appliance, it should
last you longer than just a few months or a
few years.

Speaker 1 (01:14:55):
Anyway, I don't disagree with you, John, Thank you very much.
Appreciate the phone call. For that's it. Twenty eight past
the hour, We come back with the best and the
worst on The Morning Show with Preston Scott. Thirty six

minutes past the hour. Time for the best and worst
of the week as short as it was, and Jose.

Speaker 3 (01:15:27):
Well, I I'm sorry to say, but I don't have
a bad for the week. It has just been an
excellent week. Can't can't think of anything bad and not
even not even a little bit, nothing in.

Speaker 1 (01:15:39):
The news that that had you upset.

Speaker 3 (01:15:41):
No, no, And you know, I don't want to be cliche,
so you know, I don't want to bring up all
the you know the stuff. Yeah, yeah, but uh but
but one of the greatest things this week that happened
to me was I received my new pair of glasses.
I've been waiting so long for nice and yeah, it's
been incredib. I punished myself a couple of years ago

for dropping a hammer on a new pair of prescription
glasses that I got, and I forced myself to wear
them just based on principle for a couple of years.
And I just finally got you one, soap.

Speaker 1 (01:16:14):
It's great, nice, good for you. Look good too. It's
a good, good look for you. Thank you. My best
of the week and my worst of the week happened
in Texas. The worst of the week was having to
drive anywhere in or around Houston. I would say the

last time I drove through Houston was twenty years ago
and it was a dismal train wreck. Then it's been
twenty years and it's still awful. My niece used to
work and had to drive in Houston traffic one hour

and forty five minutes one way to work, one hour
and forty five minutes back home. She added three and
a half hours to each day just sitting in traffic,
and I believe she had to drive less than ten miles. Texas,

Come on, get with the program. It's been two decades
of crappy roads in and around Houston at least awful awful.
Best of the week happened in Waco. Has nothing to

do with Chip and Joanna Gaines, has nothing to do
with the silos. Although as incredible as it was, has
nothing to do with the amazing meal we had at
Magnolia Table. We dined at a little restaurant that was
It wasn't little, it was big. It was a beautiful
Mexican restaurant, right or our hotel called Nmphus. Food wasn't good.

I'm just gonna tell you right now. Food was not good.
But I'll tell you what was our waiter? He said
to us at the beginning it's my second day on
the job, and he was a little nervous, and he
was awesome. So not only did he get a tip

bigger than our our dinner menu, our dinner meal, our
our dinner tab, I got to give away my first
thank you card. I got to give him one of
our thank you cards. And I hope it blessed him
and encouraged him, because he was awesome, just a big

kid with a You could just tell he had a
wonderful heart. He was polite, he was kind, he was informative,
he was personable, just nervous, and that interaction was immediately
to the top of my list the best of the week. Now,

of course, all of that is subordinate to hanging out
with my wife, but that some of you, that just
gets old for you to hear. I know, but anytime
I get to hang out with my wife, it's the
best of the week. So apart from that, the best
of the week was being able to interact with this
young man. Forty one passed the hour back with good

News on the Morning Show with Preston Scott. Great way
to end the week, pushing all the news to the side,
all the noise to the side and talking about something

that might lift your heart a little bit. Now we're
going to backtrack and trace just a bit, because this
is gonna start with the worst, and it's one of
the worst things any of us have ever had to
endure or do endure. And some of you on a
routine basis, getting stuck on the tarmac in a plane
loaded with people that are grouchy because you're sitting there delayed. Right,

we've had that happen. It's the worst. You almost feel
a sense of claustrophobia coming over you because you're locked
in now. And so flight twelve thirty eight in Atlanta
this week, passengers are packed. They've waited for over an

hour to depart, and then they were getting bad news.
They had to wait for a replacement flight crew, and
that crew was stuck in traffic around Atlanta. Flight attendants beleaguered,
trying to do their best to keep people comfortable, but
the travelers were hot, tired, cramped. One passenger said the

tension was rising in the air, but Wayne Hoe was there.
Wayne is an Army veteran who served in the US
Army Band for twenty years. He said, I always tell kids,

always bring your instrument whenever possible, because you never know.
And so army veteran mister Howe was on board with

his saxophone. He's just walking up and down the aisle.

But he wasn't done. There were little kids on board,
little baby Shark and and the let and the little
kids are gathered around him. It was awesome. And so,

first of all, way to go, thank you for your
service to your country and your continued service to your
country on board flight twelve thirty eight in Atlanta. And
that is how you take lemons and make lemonade, not
just for yourself but for the people around you. The

fact that there are guys like Wayne rolling around with
a saxophone, ready to do good things whatever the time
calls for it. Friends, that is good news. And this
is the Morning Show with Preston Scott. Where did the

week go? Seems like it just started yesterday. Oh that's right,
it did. I'm sorry, yeah yeah, anyway, Uh short week
for me. I get it. I apologize if it wasn't
for you. But you know what I forgot. I had

someone send me a screenshot that was on somebody's feed
social media feed. I don't know. It says I'm missing
me some Preston Scott, what's up, and a bunch of
people commented, someone said try ninety three three in the mornings.

Another and said, I'm wondering the same thing. Then the
answer came, he's burning leave or we'll lose it.

Speaker 2 (01:25:06):
And then.

Speaker 1 (01:25:08):
All I can tell you is I'm glad we're back,
and I'm glad we were missed. And yeah, yeah, I
mentioned ninety three three because and some would say, don't
mention the competition. They're not competition. It's quite all right, No,

it really is. Will we will be doing the twelve
Days of Preston though, because the best of shows are
infinitely better than anything you're gonna find anywhere else, and
so those will begin next Thursday. We'll be here next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and we will be raising funds for Humble House. So
a final reminder, Humblehouse dot org Humble House Ministry Sorry

dot org is the site to go to to give
to Tallahassee or Panama City's locations. You can read up
about the ministries and learn why I've selected them to
be the recipient of our Operation Spirit of Christmas project,
the Mad Radio Network project for the year. But would
appreciate you doing the best gift you can. And again

that's Humble Houseministries dot Org. Brought to you by Barno
Heating and Air. It's the Morning Show one on WFLA. Okay,
our verse of the day came from Jeremiah thirty three,
verse fourteen. That's how we started the radio program. Our
big stories. Today in the press box, the Department of

Justice Inspector General revealed some details about FBI informants. You know,
those informants that Chris Ray and Merrick Garland had nothing
to say about. Now, the Inspector General's report had plenty
to say about them. If you don't think that there
were people there participating in and encouraging and inciting the violence,

you simply are foolish. You have your head in the sand,
and you've ignored the videotape evidence because it's obvious. US
Appeals Court Fifth Circuit New Orleans vacates and NASDAK board
diversity rules said the Securities and Exchange Commission did not
have the authority to require companies listed on the NASDAQ

to have diversity in their board. So it's a blow
to DEI, and it's a needed blow. But here's the problem.
The vote was nine to eight on the bench. Nine
to eight. That's discouraging in competence. That's the word being
used to rip West Point. After an employee said that

Pete Hegsith wasn't accepted to West Point, an article was
about to be published saying that Hegxith was a liar,
and then Hegsith caught win to the article and published
the letter, and then West Point published an apology. Drunk
immigrant killed a seven year old child months after he

was released because a crime he was being prosecuted for
was reduced to a misdemeanor instead of a felony. So
a child, a seven year old child, is now dead
because of this man. We talked about the dangers of AI.
It's talking to your kids and parents. It might be
telling your kids to kill you if you are mean

to them by restricting their video game time. And no,
I'm not kidding about that. Check into the earlier segment
of the program Our number one of the podcasts to
learn more on that story. Monday, Salnuzo will join us.
In the meantime, friends, have an awesome weekend. The weather's
going to be better, and we will be back together
on Monday,
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