Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Love It, Love It, Love It, Mourning Friends. That's Crowder
and Unstoppable from his new album The Exile Our Verse Today,
inspired by the song Romans eight.
Speaker 2 (00:26):
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall
tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or
danger or sword as it is written, for your sake,
we are being killed all the day long. We are
regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these
things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels,
nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation
we'll be able to separate us from the love of
God in Christ Jesus Our Lord. Or if I may
dip back into the song when I got you, I
am unstoppable. Come on, have some of that for your day.
Speaker 3 (01:19):
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Alrighty. It is Friday, January of the tenth. It is
show fifty two to ninety five of the Morning Show
with Preston Scott. He's jose We're ten days away friends,
ten days away, We come back on Monday. Will be
to single single digits Today on the program US Ambassador
Francis Rooney, formerly US Ambassador to the Holy See, which
is the kind of the diplomatic wing of the Vatican.
He served as ambassador, former US congressman from Florida. He'll
join us talk about Trump's foreign policy goals and what
we can expect. We've got a ton of very interesting
things to talk about. One arrest has been made in
the California fires. We'll get to that, and of course,
your chance to call us for the first time this
year during What's the Beef in the third hour right
here on the Morning Show with Preston Scott.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
Bradio one hundred point seven w FLA.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
Might be a little wet today, cool and wet, but
we'll be with you this morning. We'll start you out
right the right attitude. My coach called it, PMA. Come on, Scott, PMA, Buddy, PMA,
positive mental attitude. January the tenth. What we got here
U seventeen fifty three. Poor Richard predicts wind and falling
weather than very cold for the second week of January. That,
of course, was Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard's Almanac eighteen
sixty one. Florida secceigs from the Union.
Speaker 3 (03:30):
M M my, how far we've come.
Speaker 2 (03:38):
Florida used to be one of them states run by
Democrats deep scythe and while there's still vestiges of that,
it's pretty much been brooded out and send to the
waste pile of hell where it belonged. See, racism lived
in the Deep South through Democrats. That's just a fact
that's hard for some of you. It really is.
Speaker 3 (04:12):
I sent a.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
One of Jerome Hudson's books to a family member, and
Jesus couldn't handle it, could not handle the truth. It
was too disruptive to the neurons. And I get it.
When you realize that blue skies are not red, they
are blue, you immediately start to go, what else have
I been lied to about? And you start questioning everything.
That's the point of seeking truth, You say, what else
have I been misled about?
Speaker 3 (04:58):
Speaker 2 (05:00):
One drilling Derek near Beaumont, Texas, strikes oil, creating a
huge gusher, signaling the beginning of the American oil history,
and nineteen forty six radar beam from the US Army
Laboratory in Belmar, New Jersey, bounces off the Moon and
returns to Earth in two point four seconds. That's incredible.
Off the moon and back in two and a half seconds.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
Kidding me all right? Today is.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
National house Plant Appreciation Day, so make sure you go
to all your house plants, say nice things. A lot
of people question saying nice things to houseplants that it matters.
It really does. No, no, no, it does. Little sprits
of mist and a high Hello, little fikes, how are
you you know why it matters? I'm half teasing, but
I'm half not carbon dioxide. You're you're carbon dioxide. You're
giving them a little little boost, a little.
Speaker 3 (06:18):
Pick me up.
Speaker 2 (06:19):
It's kind of it's kind of like their version of
a red bull, you breathing on them. Today's also National
Oyster's Rockefeller Day. Little cream, little butter, maybe milk instead
of cream, some bread crumbs, a little spinach, cheese, mix
in a little garlic. Now I'm not a big Oyster fan,
but if you're gonna do it, that's how you do it.
Today's say the Eagles Day, National Cut your Energy Cost Day,
and National Bittersweet Chocolate Day. Okay do you say so?
So there you go sixteen past the hour, much to
get Oh boy, don't leave me. This is gonna be
a fun day keeping my saucy biscuits warm over here
with a cup of coffee cups because they're insulated, they're
made to kind of retain a little heat. And I
cooked my biscuits in the break, but I can't eat
them until the next break, and so I don't want
them to get like ridiculously you know, room temperature, because it's.
Speaker 3 (07:46):
You know, we got the heat on, but it's yeah.
Speaker 2 (07:49):
So yeah, I got that going on over there. I
know a lot of you are gonna be a little
worked up over Trump not getting any help from the
United States Supreme Court. I personally, I don't care. It
doesn't matter because he's going to win on appeal. That
case is so fraudulent. The second it gets up the chain,
it's going to be tossed because it was a stupid
prosecution to begin with. So I'm not that it doesn't matter.
It just doesn't keep your eye on the ball. Big stuff. Now,
I will tell you I'm fascinated over what's happened with
John Fetterman, the senator from Pennsylvania. You know a lot
of us were rightfully worried about the guy that he
wasn't well, he'd had a stroke. He'd been fighting a
lot of different issues, and he has turned into the
wild card of all wild cards. Now he's still, you know,
pretty left of center, but he's not crazy. He is
not into the woke stuff.
Speaker 3 (08:55):
Speaker 2 (08:56):
He is into defending Israel.
Speaker 3 (08:59):
Speaker 2 (09:01):
And he quote he said, no one's gonna be my
gatekeeper talking about Chuck Schumer or anybody else. He doesn't.
He doesn't play by the rules. And that's why some
of us are like, okay, okay, John Fetterman, wear that hoodie, buddy,
He's like the Bill Belichick of the Senate. He'll wear
a suit occasionally, but oftentimes he's wearing his hoodie. Well,
he has and this comes from Red State. He has
likely he is now done the unthinkable. He's agreed to
meet with Trump at mar A Lago. And this is
gonna drive Schumer nuts. It's going to drive the rank
and file damns absolutely off their rocker. Now, as as
the writer for Red State, a sist told John, can
you recall a time in American history where a president
elect ends up becoming the de facto president before inauguration?
Speaker 3 (10:14):
Think about it.
Speaker 2 (10:16):
When have we had such a week leader in the
White House that the person elected to replace him has
basically taken over before taking over. But isn't that what
Trump has done. Look at what's happening north and south
of the border. Look at what's happening with his meeting
with world leaders. They're not talking to Biden. Biden's back there.
Speaker 3 (10:43):
Just you know.
Speaker 2 (10:46):
Trump has gone from the biggest threat to democracy according
to MSNBC, to uh Scarborough and Brushinski suddenly sitting down
with him and saying, well, maybe we need to reconsider.
Fetterman co sponsored the Lake and Riley Act in the Senate,
the one that elevates somewhat routine theft, shoplifting, etc. Two No, no, no, no, no,
you're not going anywhere. You're being detained.
Speaker 3 (11:20):
Fetterman co sponsored it in the Senate. They only need eight.
Speaker 2 (11:25):
Democrats in the Senate to go along, maybe seven. He's one.
Listen to what he said about meeting with with Trump.
I think that one he's the president or he will
be officially. I think it's pretty reasonable that if the
President would like to have a conversation or invite someone
to have a conversation, to have it, and no one
is my gatekeeper, thank you. Okay, he wants to talk.
I'll listen. He wants to ask my opinion, I'll give it.
Chuck Schumer's gotta be just dying because they can't do
anything about it. Fetterman's playing nicely with the new Republican
US Senator from Pennsylvania. What if Fetterman becomes a Republican
See this is the trouble Schumer's in. What if Fetterman says, eh,
you know what, I actually have more in common with
those guys. Or he decides to become an independent caucus
with the Republicans. Being an independent actually puts him in
maybe a better spot in Pennsylvania now that he's been elected. Anyway,
twenty seven past the hour, Big stories in the press Box,
couple of them.
Speaker 3 (12:45):
That's it. Next on the Morning Show with Preston.
Speaker 2 (12:47):
Scott thirty five past the hour. Got to stay on
time this half hour. I have something I need you
to hear as we get to the top.
Speaker 3 (13:09):
Of the hour.
Speaker 2 (13:09):
So I got to make sure that I'm paying attention.
Big stories in the press box this morning. If you're
just joining us, good morning, Welcome, I'm Preston. It's show
fifty two to ninety five. And if you're new to
the radio, program kind of an audio magazine format. We
do reset the big stories at the bottom of the hour,
but other than that, we are constantly flipping the pages
and doing different things, different content. The arsonists who started
the Kenneth fire. There are five fires and they've named
them based on neighborhoods, roads, locales. The Kenneth fire, which
has burned over eight hundred acres, was tackled and detained
by citizens till police sheriff's got him. Now here's what's
starting to get rumored and rumbling around there potentially an
illegal potentially starting these fire to create opportunities to steal
stuff or just to create destruction. It's interesting because before
I knew of the arrest, I said something to my
wife last night. It would not shock me at all
for the trend de Agua or er Gua or whatever
that stupid gang name is to be behind all this.
Speaker 3 (14:24):
But I don't know. We still don't know.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
But they got somebody that had a dirt bike and
a blowtorch, and the blowtorch was in fact on we'll see.
Found it interesting that ABC News David muirr I believe
is his name, news anchor reporting live wearing a fire coat,
and then it turns out that he was captured on
tape or photo with clothes pins on, so it makes
it more form fitting.
Speaker 3 (15:14):
Are we ready to go live?
Speaker 4 (15:15):
Speaker 3 (15:15):
How do I look? How do I look? Is that? No?
Speaker 5 (15:19):
It's it's wait, it's it's it's poofing. It's poofing too much.
I need clothes pins, please extra extra, Bring.
Speaker 3 (15:31):
Me a clothes pin.
Speaker 2 (15:33):
No, no, I want it tighter across the chest.
Speaker 3 (15:36):
That's better. How do I look? Oh? I look good.
Speaker 2 (15:41):
I mean he's like the personification of Ron Burgundy.
Speaker 3 (15:45):
What a loser. He's getting toasted for it.
Speaker 2 (15:49):
Former US Congressman Matt Gates of Florida has said he
might run for governor. Now we had talked about this.
I have a lot of there are a lot of
things I like about Matt, But Matt's not going to
win the race for governor. He'll say, Look, they've been
trying to to h to bloody me, and you know,
ruined my reputation for years. There is the congressional report
on him that a lot of people believe is responsible
for him pulling out of the attorney general nomination, Allegedly
involved in drug use, sex, et cetera. Now that was then,
this is now. Perhaps there was something to it, perhaps
there was nothing to it. Never charged with a crime,
he said, there have been lies told about me for years,
never affected my ability to win elections. But but Matt,
those are elections in one district. You got to win statewide.
And I don't think he can. I just I just
don't think he can. But there are a lot of
things I like about Matt, but I don't. I don't
see him being a viable candidate. But you know, he
can throw his name out there, and we'll see when
we come back a little bit more on the Well
it's and I told you so. I told you we
talked about it Monday when we talked about the wildfires,
and here we are just a couple of days later,
and yeah, forty past.
Speaker 3 (17:23):
The hour Morning Show with Preston Scott.
Speaker 2 (17:37):
Yeah, your big danger here with these fires is now
whether they were naturally started or if somebody, if a
homeless person started them, because that, you know, Jose and
I were talking before the program, that is an issue
homeless people getting cold and they start fires, and yeah,
and sometimes they start them maliciously. But now you're dealing
with the potential of copycare people saying, Oh, check this out,
let's bring a little carnage. Honestly, nothing would surprise me.
Clantifa jumping down in there, BLM, you name it, the Klan,
all Democrat affiliates, I mean the Klan. They burned crosses
for years, try to make what they were doing to
seem like it was in the name of God. Whatever, losers.
But what did I say on Monday Show if you
were listening to the program, I said, here's my next
fear beyond the obvious, which is life and destruction of property.
People coming in and trying to loot and take what
they can get in there.
Speaker 3 (18:59):
Yeah, there's a little risk to them.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
Well, so far twenty have been arrested, and they know
the numbers going up. Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna
at least twenty have been arrested for looting homes damage
to destroyed by the fires. So they're going in there,
rooting around, trying to get what they can. Maybe they
try to time it, Maybe they're paying attention to who's leaving,
who's not, where the fires are. Can they get in
there before the fire gets there, get all the good
stuff and then get out and then the evidence of
their crime is gone.
Speaker 3 (19:37):
It's burned, right, I mean, what, how does somebody know?
Speaker 2 (19:43):
So thankfully they are paying very close attention to what
is going on there. But the sheriff said, there are
more arrests that are gonna come. This is just the
looting is just begun. And how sad. How sorry. I've
always joked about the fact that it's not a funny thing,
but just that, you know, nothing says.
Speaker 3 (20:13):
BLM like rioting in.
Speaker 2 (20:14):
A neighborhood and destroying neighborhood stores and stealing stuff, but
it happens every time. Nothing shows the outrage like destroying
someone's locally owned and operated business that's in a neighborhood
that needs it. Because when it's all said and done,
the root of all of this is still sin. And
that's the point I want to get to the root
of all of this. The misappropriation of funds DEI over
just good, solid hiring practices, the root of that is sin.
The motivations that cause people to make bad choices is
always sin. And so when people say why were you politicizing,
look at the root of all bad politics is sin.
The root of all bad philosophy is sin. The choice
is made in California that have led to this type
of destruction.
Speaker 3 (21:25):
Sin. It's not being judged by God.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
It's what happens when you're out from under God's protection.
It just happens. It's called sewing and reaping. All right,
we're gonna take a break. Come back. Michael Schellenberger. Remember him.
You gotta hear what he has to say. He's the
former global warming fanatic who saw the light wrote a
letter of apologies saying this isn't man made nonsense, this
is the Earth being the Earth, and I'm sorry he
had something to say about California.
Speaker 3 (21:59):
And that is next here in the Morning Show with
Preston Scott.
Speaker 6 (22:14):
Hey, everybody, it's Mike Schellenberger for Public Over the next
few weeks, you're going to hear Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor
Karen Bass, and the Democratic Party tell you that there's
nothing that could have been done to prevent the catastrophic
fires from ravaging Los Angeles. Those will be lies. They
could have prevented them. Governor Gavin Newsom cut the funding
for preventing forest fires and failed to build sufficient water
resources for fighting fires. Mayor Karen Bass cut seventeen point
five million in funding for the Los Angeles Fire Department
and then went to Ghana even though she knew of
the risk.
Speaker 3 (22:47):
Of catastrophic fires.
Speaker 6 (22:49):
Now, it's true that California in general and Los Angeles
in particular are fiery places, and it's true that Santa
Ana wins made the fires worse. But Newsom and Bass
have no about those hazards for all of their careers
and failed to deal with them. The rank in competence,
the lack of leadership is shocking and scandalous.
Speaker 3 (23:09):
It's hard to.
Speaker 6 (23:10):
Overstate how badly they screwed up water management, In particular,
Los Angeles firefighters haven't had the water they needed. Newsom
hasn't built the new water reservoirs that Los Angeles needed,
and Newsom even cut the budget for water infrastructure projects
last year.
Speaker 3 (23:25):
So why is that?
Speaker 6 (23:26):
Part of the reason is that they were focused on
other things, making the fire department more racially diverse, climate change, homelessness,
and the reason they were focused on those things is
because those are what the radical left that controls the
Democratic Party wanted them to focus on. Year after year,
they do nothing while focusing on things like trans and
Trump and climate and ignoring the things that really matter
to the people of California. The Democrats in California aren't
like Democrats in other states. They are radicals, and I
should know, since I was a young radical who moved
to California for that reason. As many of us get older,
we become more moderate, we become more practical. We understand
that firefighters and police officers are necessary, and were reminded
of the importance of things like safe streets and hard
work and good schools. But more than that, I personally
saw the consequences of a radical progressive policies on the environment, homelessness, crime, education, water,
and everything else. Violent criminals, in particular, are now devouring
Los Angeles, Oakland, and the rest of California. The people
who control the Democratic Party in California worship books about
Los Angeles like City of Courts by the Marxist author
Mike Davis. In that book, Davis claims that the prime
in Los Angeles there's too much money going to things
like firefighting to protect wealthy neighborhoods. They did the same
thing on crime and homelessness. They failed to provide adequate
funding to the police. They weakened the laws that allowed
for burglaries and robberies. They subsidized homelessness, attracting homeless people
from all around the United States to camp illegally and
start fires. In California, over half of the fires in
LA and Oakland are caused by homeless people, mostly committing arson,
often out of some petty revenge. We don't know what
started all the fires in LA, but at least one
started within a housing subdivision. Others may have started in
the interface between housing and wildlands, or it could have
been started by the homeless. Whatever the case, California and
LA did not invest enough in preventing fires because they
were distracted by radical left causes. When Rick Caruso ran
for mayor against Karen Bass, he called for increasing the
fire department's budget, but a big part of the reason
he lost is because he was white. I watched focus
groups in twenty twenty two, and the most racist people
were white liberals in Los Angeles. When they discussed the
mayor oral race, the white people overwhelmingly said they couldn't
vote for a white man and had to vote for
a black woman because she was black. Interestingly enough, the
Latina we know men and women in separate focus groups
were much less racist. They wanted to know about the
policies of the mayoral candidates. It was the radical left
that invented the racist idea that all white people today
should feel guilty about things that all white people did
in the past. This racist white guilt led people in
Los Angeles to vote against a guy who would have
prevented those fires, and so over the next few weeks.
When you hear Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Karen Bass and
the Democratic Party tell you there's nothing they could have
done to prevent those catastrophic fires from destroying Los Angeles,
don't believe them. It's time for California to grow up
and move beyond the juvenile leftism that has destroyed the
state and destroyed Los Angeles. We really can't trust California
leaders to run anything. It's not just in competence, it's
that they really don't care. Now is the time for
Californians to demand new leaders, ones who aren't beholden it
to the radicals who control the Democratic Party.
Speaker 2 (26:59):
Boom, that's a guy who wrote a lengthy letter apologizing
for advocating man made global warming, said it's a hoax,
it's nonsense.
Speaker 3 (27:19):
He's seen the light.
Speaker 2 (27:21):
If you get through everything he said and you distill it,
you have sin, pride of life, belief in we know better.
It's a religion of man. It's humanism in California's paying
a price.
Speaker 3 (27:48):
Again. This isn't God doing it.
Speaker 2 (27:50):
They did this to themselves, just inflamed a little by
the Santa Analytics.
Speaker 3 (28:00):
Morning Ruminators.
Speaker 2 (28:01):
Welcome to the second hour of the Friday program Morning
Show with Prestin Scott.
Speaker 3 (28:06):
What's the beef next hour?
Speaker 2 (28:08):
It's first time you've had in about a month to
call in and get it off your chest. Whatever you
want to complain about, We'll take your calls, but that
is coming up next hour this hour.
Speaker 3 (28:18):
Please to have with us.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
Ambassador Francis Rooney represented Florida's nineteenth Congressional District in the
House of Representatives from twenty seventeen to twenty twenty one.
Previously served as Ambassador to the Holy Sea, appointed by
President George W.
Speaker 3 (28:34):
Bush. Ambassador, good to have you on the program. How
are you, sir?
Speaker 7 (28:37):
I'm great, Thank you for having me on.
Speaker 2 (28:39):
My pleasure. I'm curious, I commented earlier in the show.
I can't remember a time when a president coming into
office was, in essence the de facto president as we're
seeing right now with Donald Trump and George you know,
I mean Joe Biden. Basically, we don't know where he is.
It's not that different from the previous four years. But
have you ever seen a time like this where the
incoming president in fact started running things.
Speaker 7 (29:12):
No, it's highly unusual. But Obama's been running the country
for three years, so now Trump is what's the big deal?
I agree with you, Biden doesn't know where is he?
Maan I have know who he is.
Speaker 2 (29:22):
It's so funny you say that because I've been referring
to it as the Obiden administration. Are you you seemingly
are convinced that this really has been orchestrated the last
four years by Barack Obama?
Speaker 7 (29:34):
I am yeah. You look at all the people that
have been dominating the executive branch. It's all Obama's old
radical people, and that's Biden's cave to every one of
them one everything they want to do. There's nothing to
Biden except for bag of bones.
Speaker 2 (29:47):
We have seen dramatic changes in Canada, obviously with Justin
Trudeau stepping down or about two and you know, southern
border policy with Mexico dispersing the caravans. Give us a
broad sense. You've been involved in US foreign policy. What
you see happening now and what you expect as Donald
Trump takes office.
Speaker 7 (30:11):
Well, I think we're already seeing some positive results of
the election, with Iran keeping quiet and the uprising in
Syria and the outreach of the Sumi Arab countries to
Israel like started unto the Abraham of Court. So the
Trump's first term and now a little renewed focused on
Latin America, which is healthy because we don't pay enough
attention to Latin America and we've got some problems down
there with a lot of authoritarian rulers.
Speaker 2 (30:43):
What do you expect the agenda to be for Donald
Trump first and foremost when he takes office officially on
January twentieth.
Speaker 7 (30:53):
I think NATO and China. You know, he's the same
things he was focused on before. Now he is Israel
thing is kind of under taking on a little bit
of forward momentum. I think China is the big Buggaboo.
I mean, they seem to be able to outstart us
at every step, and we've got to do something about it.
Do you know that they make most all of the
cranes that are used in our ports and the cameras
that are on top of them. I mean, they're gathering
so much information about us every day in so many
ways we have no clue. Well, there are people that
have a clue, but they're not talking about it, and
we're not doing anything about it.
Speaker 2 (31:30):
Well, and we've had a president subserving to China because
he was in the pocket of China when he was
vice president of the United States, and so as a
direct result, it appears to me that China has kind
of allowed us to be well, has encouraged us to
be bullied into the EV market. We're China controls virtually
every part of that.
Speaker 7 (31:51):
Yeah, yeah, they're they're taking over the car industry here,
and looks like we're taking over everything else. You know,
this whole thing about Biden, if if a Republican administration
had tried to pull a coup like that and hide
the president for three years, it would have been a
revolution in this country. The fact that they pull that off,
I think the American people need to continue to attack
the Democrats from what they did here.
Speaker 2 (32:16):
I'm curious if you had a seat at the table
with Donald Trump, and perhaps you do. You know, I
don't know how frequently you might encounter the incoming president
the returning president. But what would you be saying to
him about from your chair as a former ambassador, I.
Speaker 7 (32:34):
Would say, don't try to inhibit the sale required sale
of TikTok. Let's get the Chinese out of our media
and out of our influencing people. I would get rid
of the Confucius centers that are on every campus that
are basically Chinese intelligence stations. I tried to get rid
of him in Congress and couldn't get it done. I
think China is the biggest enemy, and I would I would.
I would move for reshoring, leveraging the countries that we
do have stable relationships with, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lahous, Philippines obviously, Japan,
and Latin America where we can reshore things to change
supply chains to avoid being dependent on China.
Speaker 2 (33:14):
Ambassador Francis Rooney with us for another segment, formerly a
US congressman as well, and now my guests here in
the Morning Show with Preston Scott. Yeah, streaming on one
of those other thingies. Thanks for listening across the country
via iHeartRadio. We thank you very much. We've got listeners
in forty five states thanks to you and thanks to iHeart.
Remember the redesigned app is really cool, got some tremendous
new features, so check it out the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (33:48):
It is free.
Speaker 2 (33:49):
You have fifteen hundred radio stations in your little pocket,
which is unbelievable. Joining US is former US Ambassador Francis Rooney,
former US Congressman. Do you miss it being part of
that mess in DC?
Speaker 3 (34:03):
Speaker 7 (34:03):
I didn't run for reelection because the things I was
interested in doing I had done, and I really did
not enjoy being cooped up right down there and just
talking about meaningless things all the time.
Speaker 2 (34:13):
I would imagine there's equal frustration because you're dealing with
people in your own party that seemingly have drunk the
kool aid of Washington, DC.
Speaker 7 (34:23):
Inside the Beltway, Well, it becomes a self sustaining prophecy.
The people want to stay there above all else, So
they've got to make everybody look like they're accomplishing a
lot of things. But as you can see from the
way the executive branch has grown and the way Congress
can't seem to get much done. That it's kind of
hallowed out job.
Speaker 2 (34:44):
You know, we have a regular guest ambassador, Kat Camick,
congresswoman from Florida's third district, and she is a very
candid member of Congress, very frustrated with what's going on,
and speaks openly about the the scene stuff that takes place.
I'm just curious, what are your thoughts on what the
Republican Caucus is going to do over these next four
years and maybe even more importantly, over these first one
hundred days.
Speaker 7 (35:12):
I don't think they'll be able to do very much
with the two or three seat majority. The way the
system is, you know, you've got to have a majority
to get something done in the House, and that's going
to be very difficult to keep everybody corral. There are
a lot of different views in the House, and you know,
we have Republicans from fifty to fifty districts, and then
we have Republicans from a lot of the districts in
Florida that are highly partisan. He's a Democrat on the
East Coast in Orlando, or Republican everywhere else.
Speaker 2 (35:44):
But the American people not only gave him an electoral win,
meaning Donald Trump, but they they gave him the popular
vote win by a significant margin, and I'm just curious
if that Do you think that carries any way with
the Republicans that are kind of wishy washy.
Speaker 7 (36:05):
No, I think the only thing that carries weight is
raising enough money to keep their job, raising enough money,
build your amid that people feel you're doing a good job,
and we'll vote for you. That's the syllogism.
Speaker 2 (36:19):
So what are your What do you think is realistic
for Donald Trump to get done? Because you know, we
had Tommy Tubberville on the program yesterday, remember the US
Senate from Alabama. He said, we've got to get some
things done by law, not by executive order, because if not,
the next president, that's the Democrats going to roll it
all off.
Speaker 7 (36:37):
He's exactly correct. And when I was there in Trump's
first term, we did the same thing. We'd use the
reconciliation process to pass a lot of things that he
could execute that we knew we couldn't get sixty votes
in the Senate to make a law. And look what happened.
Biden reversed them all. Now Trump's in the commitde reverse
them all again. I feel like we're in a banana
republic and the only way to meaningfully enact change to
pass a law, but you've got the sixty vote thing
in the Senate.
Speaker 2 (37:03):
How hard is it going to be for Donald Trump
to follow what Joe Biden has done for four years,
and let's let's say what it was Barack Obama for
the last four years, really damaging this country from an
economic perspective, from an energy perspective, from a regulatory perspective,
from an infrastructure perspective. How difficult is the job ahead?
Speaker 7 (37:25):
Well, I think you can accomplish a lot through the
reconciliation process without having to go to a Senate sixty
vote majority. But to get that, it's going to be
very difficult. So that's the conondrum that we face, is
this ying and yang of partisan views of how the
country ought to be every four years, instead of passing
substantive reforms that would stop all the ridiculous spending, the
absurd extra regulations. I'm just reading the paper this morning,
several billion dollars of cost to American businesses to comply
with Biden's is basive regulation. We just keep doing that.
Speaker 2 (38:01):
Rescue Ambassador, thank you for your time, Thank you for
your service to our country and to our state as
a member of Congress, and I appreciate your visit this morning.
Speaker 7 (38:10):
Thanks for having me on.
Speaker 3 (38:11):
I thank you.
Speaker 2 (38:11):
Ambassador Francis Rooney, our guest. Kind of a no nonsense guy.
Speaker 3 (38:15):
As you can tell.
Speaker 2 (38:17):
He's written a book, The Global Vatican, if you're interested
in learning more about his time as ambassador to the
Holy See. I had to look up to better understand
that Holy Sea thing.
Speaker 3 (38:30):
It's like, hey, you.
Speaker 2 (38:34):
Know my thoughts on the Pope. I think he's a heretic.
But anyway, seventeen passed the hour loving the new Pump
music morning show band is killing it. Men and women
that make up the band. Jose would be offering a
chef's kiss, because that's what he does. I know when
I said that, I had to look up the Holy See.
Now seriously, when I hear that, I'm like, huh, the
Holy See, I mean the Holy v for Vatican. I
guess I don't know. Holy what's that see? It is
the central governing body of the Catholic Church and the
diplomatic representative of the Pope. It's in the Vatican City,
which of course is a sovereign territory. Pope is the
ruler of both the Holy See and the Vatican City State.
The ruler Okay, dates back to early Christian times, and
the Vatican City State was created in nineteen twenty nine.
The Holy See is also known as the See of Rome,
petron Sea, or Epistolic See as in c No, I'm
just kidding anyway, I had to look it up. I
was just showing you. I had to look it up.
Speaker 3 (40:20):
Did you see any any.
Speaker 2 (40:22):
Of the state funeral of Jimmy Carter? First of all,
rest in peace, mister president. Thought he was a dreadful president,
but I think he was a wonderful man.
Speaker 3 (40:40):
He was.
Speaker 2 (40:42):
Wrong on a lot of issues, but I believed he
loved Jesus with all of his heart, and I know
that he served people all of his life. And for that,
well done, good and faithful servant. I you know, I
think I think there'll be some words about some of
the things he advocated in policy.
Speaker 3 (41:02):
Speaker 2 (41:02):
I think he'll have to answer for some of that.
But that said, oh my gosh, when the former presidents
all came in, did you have you heard anything of
what happened? All?
Speaker 3 (41:18):
Speaker 2 (41:18):
So, so Trump and Mlania come in, Brock comes in.
Michelle was supposed to be there sitting next to Donald.
She didn't show up. You read into that whatever you want.
Obama won't shake hands with Trump, shakes hands, shake hands
with everyone else or Milania. But Barack and Donald have
some yucky moments where they are just yucking it up.
Speaker 3 (41:47):
They are laughing. So I don't know.
Speaker 2 (41:51):
The New York Post employed someone that one of the
news outlets employed someone that's a forensic lip reader that
testifies on what people are saying. And there's some there's
some dialogue that's come out that allegedly they were talking
about something related to policy or what have you that
they'll discuss later at another time, and all that. But
but what was just magnificent was just how Trump stayed
above it all. First, he and Obama are having a laugh,
which is kind of interesting given the setting, right, it
just is, but it's it's not. Everyone's just hushed as
people are. There's a little talking in the room at
the funeral hasn't started. When George W. Bush and boy
he's lost some hair. When George W. Comes in with
Laura Bush, they have nothing to do with Trump. They
don't exchange any pleasantries, nothing. Then the Clintons come in.
The Clintons won't say hi to anybody. They ignore them all.
Biden comes in, Kamala is there with the first the
second husband whatever he is called, Doug Emert Is that
his name, Doug Emmert. Anyway, the drama was just incredible. First,
Biden and Kamala are not sharing pleasantries. There is no
warmth in that, in that hello and greeting and look
at each other. But the look that Kamala expresses after
seeing Barack Obama talk and engage friendly with Donald Trump,
it looks like Kamala got shot. She looks like she
got gut punched. I mean, it's incredible. So you find
the clips, and you know, I would love to know
what Trump said that made Obama laughs so hard, because
I mean, it wasn't just a it was a.
Speaker 3 (44:19):
It was a laugh. I'd love to know what he.
Speaker 2 (44:22):
Said, you know, did did he did he say something
like it'll be hard to tell the difference between President
Carter and President Biden.
Speaker 3 (44:31):
I mean, I don't know, I don't know. I just
you gotta see it.
Speaker 2 (44:38):
Twenty eight past the hour, back with the big stories
in the press box.
Speaker 4 (44:47):
Yeah, yeah, dropping the bitch.
Speaker 3 (45:01):
Thirty seven past the hour, what's.
Speaker 2 (45:03):
The bee Friday coming up and just a little bit friends,
it's your first shot at just Chest in about a month.
It's early December. The last time we took calls on
a Friday for what's the bee Friday? So yeah, get yourself,
get your thoughts in order. You might have to just
kind of do a Oh I want to talk about this.
I want to talk about this. I want to talk
about this, but I only have time for one, so
you might have to pick the one that's just grinding
on you the worst. We're here for you, so get
yourself prepared. Big stories in the press box. Obviously, we
now know that at least one fire was set by
an arsonist, possibly two, maybe all five at this point,
but one guy was caught with blowtorch lit on a
dirt bike. It's funny. I wonder how many of the
people that wouldn't you love to know? This is how
my mind works. The arsonists who may or may not
be an illegal, don't know, may or may not be
part of a gang, don't know.
Speaker 3 (46:23):
We'll find out.
Speaker 2 (46:25):
Maybe he gets cornered by residents of the neighborhood, they
tackle him, wait for police. That's how they arrested him.
Here's my question, wouldn't you love to know the political
makeup of the people that cornered him. Were they all conservatives?
Were they concernervatives? And maybe a liberal who's fed up?
Speaker 3 (47:04):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (47:05):
Because generally speaking, the left, they don't want any part.
Speaker 3 (47:10):
Of that stuff. Has this pushed people?
Speaker 2 (47:14):
I is this an issue that moves someone that has
been voting for all of these people that created a
large part of this nonsense from a regulatory a funding perspective.
Speaker 3 (47:29):
Are they over it to.
Speaker 2 (47:30):
Where they're gonna corner the people responsible? And is this
the beginning of the end for the political careers of
some folks.
Speaker 3 (47:39):
I don't know. I'm just that's how my brain works.
I'm curious. I want to know.
Speaker 2 (47:46):
Matt Gates says he may run for governor in Florida,
said he's uh. They've been trying to pin stuff on
him for years and it's never affected an outcome of
an election for him. I don't think he can win
a statewide elect That's just my opinion. I think Matt
is a very bright guy. I think he has a
lot of good ideas. I don't know what was in
that report. I didn't read it. I know what the
allegations are. I know that whatever's in there I think
played a role in him not pursuing the Attorney general
job and not staying in Congress because that would have
been released fully and it would have been it would
have been fodder. So whatever's in there, and and look,
whatever he may or may not have done, hopefully that's
all rear view mirror stuff for him. And I'm all
in favor of people having opportunities to rehabilitate.
Speaker 3 (48:44):
Their life and move on.
Speaker 2 (48:46):
Absolutely, I'm not sure that this is the I'm not
sure Florida's governor is where he needs to be. But
but you know what, if he wants to run, it's
a heck you can run, right So what cool? Forty
minutes past the hour? Back with more as we get
closer to what's the bee Friday?
Speaker 3 (49:22):
All right by?
Speaker 4 (49:23):
Speaker 2 (49:23):
You know, well, maybe you don't. The iHeartRadio app has
been redesigned. It is awesome. I'm gonna have some fun
with it this weekend, set up my presets. But you know,
one of the other features is lyrics. You know how
often you get lyrics wrong? My goodness, we're saying we
sing Christmas songs. We still don't know the words too.
Speaker 3 (49:50):
Well, it's a marshmallow in the world.
Speaker 2 (49:55):
It's you know what I'm talking about, and it doesn't.
Speaker 3 (50:04):
It's all songs we know, some we don't know.
Speaker 2 (50:07):
All lyrics are now available on the songs you're listening
to on live radio. They have presets now on the
app where you can pre set, just like your radio
dial in your car. It's brilliant. Check it out. Check
it out the iHeartRadio app. Yes, there's a paid version,
but the free one is awesome. I've used the free
one for since its inception and it's tremendous. Yesterday I
was working getting some Christmas stuff down from the outside
because the rain's coming. My wife said, let's get the
outdoor stuff down before the rain comes.
Speaker 3 (50:43):
Huh okay.
Speaker 2 (50:45):
Actually it was a brilliant idea, Thank you, honey. But
I was out there working and man listening haunted Cosmos.
Speaker 3 (50:54):
That's that's what I do.
Speaker 2 (51:00):
Twenty four year old transgender New Yorker charged with murder.
Alvin Cruz goes by Jaya to do that that dresses
like a woman is in line and there's a disagreement
over there place in line at a deli in New
York with a US Postal Service worker thirty six, thirty
five year old guy with a couple kids. And so,
of course, the transgender person, being of sound mind, did
what you always do when you have a disagreement with somebody,
pulled out a knife and shanked him multiple times in
the stomach and killed him. More and more evidence of
the unstable mental state of transgenders. And then, I don't
know if you saw this story. I didn't know what
to do this story. I seriously, I didn't know what
to do with it. A dude goes on social media
bragging about tricking the state of Florida into switching the
sex on his driver's license to female. Here's the problem
with the brag. It's that spiking of the football thing.
You know, you don't spike the football if you let
go of it before he entered the end zone.
Speaker 3 (52:40):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (52:41):
You've seen that guy running for a touchdown and he
drops it before he gets in the end zone and
he's celebrating, and it's like, uh, that's a fumble, didn't score.
It happened this year in the NFL, It's all I mean,
it happens every year, it seems.
Speaker 3 (52:59):
So because this guy posted it. The Department of Motor Vehicles.
Speaker 2 (53:12):
Said thank you for bringing it to our attention, and
so they've reissued the driver's license. And now there's a
threat of possible criminal charges against the TRANSI because they falsified,
they knowingly lied about their form. So the dude is
out there bragging. Looks like Dylan Mulvaaney. I think it's
is that the name Doug Emmert knows Doug Emmert, you
know m Hoff Yeah? Now, I whatever, But I mean,
how hilarious. And like I said, I didn't know what
to do with a story. It's hilarious. A right, we
come back. We're gonna get you ready for What's the Beef.
I have not commented on the Notre Dame win over
Penn State. It's not about the win. It's about something
that was written in the write up. We'll get to
that next as we get ready for What's the Beef?
Friday Here in the Morning Show with Preston Scott. You're
welcome to get in line. The calls are beginning. It's
been a month. What do you want to complain about?
It can be dated, It's okay, we haven't been here
for a while. To take your calls. This is, in
fact a first set of calls we've taken in the
new year. So if you want to be in on it,
be on the radio program. It's eight five zero two
zero five WSLA eight five zero two zero five ninety
three fifty two. Notre Dame gets a late interception and
field goal to make the first full playoff national title
game with a win over Penn State twenty seven to
twenty four last night. I don't think the winner of
that game can beat Ohio State if Ohio State keeps
playing the way it is. But happy for Marcus Freeman
the coach. But here's what got me fired up, the
rite up. Obviously I didn't stay up. I watched just
a few minutes of the game and then.
Speaker 3 (55:36):
Went off to bed.
Speaker 2 (55:41):
Inside the rite up by Associated Press, it says the
following In the final, Irish coach Marcus Freeman will try
to become the first black coach to win the title
at college football's highest level. Freeman, whose mother is South Korean,
is also the first coach of Asian heritage to get
this far. It's so interesting to me how the media
takes people of mixed ethnicities and always if there's black
in them, says black, first black head coach, first black president.
I mean, technically that's not entirely true, is it? Because
I could as easily say he's the first South Korean
head coach. Except that's not entirely true. He's of mixed ethnicity,
which brings me back to this who cares? And here's
the thing. I will bet my last dollar Marcus Freeman
doesn't care. Marcus Freeman's a good dude, and he's been
an excellent coach for a very long time time, and
he got a shot at Notre Dame and he has produced,
and I am thrilled for him because he's a good dude.
We have got to get past identifying people as this,
that or the other. Marcus Freeman is a good slash
great coach. I don't care what color he is. I
don't care that he's black or Korean or I don't care.
You go to a you go to a football game,
a basketball game, a baseball game, people are wearing jerseys
of people that they just love.
Speaker 3 (57:43):
It doesn't they don't care what color they are.
Speaker 2 (57:49):
I just this just blows my mind. We are still
in this this era of noting people because of their
skin color. And again I don't think he cares. Congratulations
to Notre Dame fans Ah the fighting Irish, that and
of itself can probably cause some offense.
Speaker 3 (58:19):
I'm quite sure that's okay.
Speaker 2 (58:23):
Thet a leprechaun, you know in mascot, What's to be
Friday is next? What do you want to complain about?
Eight five zero two zero five WSLA. It's eight five
zero two zero five ninety three fifty two. Two lines
are taken, two lines are available, they can be yours.
Your calls are next here in the Morning Show with
Preston Scott.
Speaker 3 (58:55):
And we're back.
Speaker 2 (58:57):
Not just back with the third hour of the Morning
Show with Preston Scott's Show fifty two to ninety five,
but we're back. We are back, back and better than ever.
Jose taking your calls and the phone numbers eight five
zero two zero five to b FLA eight five zero
two zero five ninety three fifty two. Sorry, I had
an inadvertent speech.
Speaker 3 (59:20):
Thing happened there.
Speaker 2 (59:23):
I haven't done this in a while. We haven't taken
calls for what's the Beef in better than a month,
and so we are back at it. You know the rules,
no profanity, don't make it personal and we go right
to the phone lines. George has been very patient. Good morning, George,
Happy New Year, and what's the beef.
Speaker 8 (59:39):
Happy New Year, Preston.
Speaker 3 (59:40):
My beef is.
Speaker 8 (59:43):
With the progressive liberals that we've got in the City
Commission and on in the County Commission in Tallahassee, Leon County.
If you want to look what they can do, the
damage that they can do and they're capable of doing,
look no further than California. That's where that's where the
money's coming from. Uh TO to support Jeremy Mattlow and
his radicalized agenda and visions and UH if you if
if the people of Tallahassee and Leon County don't wise
up and get it as reality, that's what's That's just
what what their kind of vision is is what's going
on in California. And then tribute to your uh TO
your interview with Glenn Beck. We we can see what
would be happening in Tallahassee for the last four years
would be like playing pickup sticks with you, butt chee.
Speaker 2 (01:00:39):
There are people that don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 3 (01:00:42):
That interview with Glenn Beck was pretty good. It was awesome.
Speaker 2 (01:00:47):
George thank you. It's always great to hear your voice
of happy New Year. That frees up a line eight
five zero two zero five to b F l. A.
Jose is uploading a new twelve Days of Preston show,
so if you missed it, you can go back and
listen to the entire year, but showed twelve featured interviews
with Peter schweitz Er, Justin Haskins, Glenn Beck, and Mark
Levin and so yeah, there you go. But thanks for
calling in. Ray, you're up. What's the beef?
Speaker 9 (01:01:14):
Hey, Happy New Year?
Speaker 10 (01:01:16):
Longtime note, beef.
Speaker 3 (01:01:19):
What do you have for me today? Ray?
Speaker 9 (01:01:22):
You know, some of the liberal stars now are coming
out and really criticizing Newsome and the leadership in California,
And I scratch my head and say, you know what,
you jackwagons are the reason that this has happened, throwing
your money and star power behind this this issue in California.
And you haven't really had a problem with that state
devolving into a third world country until your own Oxen
Dot board and you lost your third or fourth man.
So why don't you shut up and sing your little
song at your little role, but leave politics and policy.
Speaker 10 (01:02:09):
To the big boys.
Speaker 3 (01:02:11):
You feel better.
Speaker 10 (01:02:13):
I feel amazing, my friend.
Speaker 3 (01:02:15):
That's it.
Speaker 2 (01:02:16):
See see there you go. You've tapped into it, my friend.
Great to hear from you. Keep the email coming. Ray,
Happy New Year to you. Right back at you as well.
Let's fit one more caller in here before the weather
and traffic break. Let's go to John, John, Happy New Year.
Speaker 3 (01:02:30):
What's the beef?
Speaker 11 (01:02:32):
Happy New Year, Preston. My beef is with my fellow
non merging motorists. When I know a lane's gonna end,
well I know that because it's about a half a
dozen signs that tells me the lane's gonna end. So
I'll slow down and leave some room for people to
come in. And to my amazement, very few people accept
that invitation. Most people, for whatever reason, we'll just stay
in that lane right up until the very end until
they have absolutely no place to go, and then they're
fighting trying to get back into the lane that moves.
It's amazing. I think these people need to be punished.
I wish we could have a roadside penalty box in
all white hockey and have a referee that would say you, you,
and you twenty minute seat for being stupid and trapped.
Make them sit there for a while and be publicly shame.
Speaker 3 (01:03:26):
That'd be funny, kind of merge it with soccer. Hand
them a yellow card.
Speaker 2 (01:03:30):
You got to sit there for twenty minutes, and if
you get a red card, you can't drive.
Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
For a month. Absolutely, John, thank you. Be safe out there, brother, Joel,
you are up next. Mike follows.
Speaker 2 (01:03:43):
Two lines are open eight five zero two zero five WFLA.
If you call in, I can guarantee you you're gonna
get on the air. It's what's to be Friday, ten
past the hour of the Morning Show with Preston Scott.
Speaker 3 (01:04:06):
I just showed Jose a yellow card.
Speaker 2 (01:04:09):
He admitted, I'm one of those drivers that I'm guilty
of that from time to time. I said, you know,
you get two red cars or yellow cards in the
same driving day. You get a red and you're you're
off the road. A five zero two zero five wfl
A is the phone number. We have one line open.
Let's go to Joel. Joel, good morning, Welcome, what's the beef?
Speaker 12 (01:04:33):
Happy New year?
Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
Press, Yes, sir to you as well.
Speaker 12 (01:04:37):
Breast and my beef is the Supreme Court decision. Obviously,
common sense says it doesn't seem to have a place
in the law sometimes and to give that guy march
On any credence at all. He's such a revolsing person.
It just aggravates the heck out of me. And that's
my bees.
Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
I'm curious, and I don't disagree with you. I was frustrated,
But at the same time, I'm wondering if they basically
felt like there just is no case there and they're
going to let it go through the appeal process, because
I think it's it's a slam dunk over overturning appeal.
Speaker 12 (01:05:14):
Well perhaps, but my prop miss supposed is Marchunza decides
to get creative, like I'm going to sentence him to
one hour of jail time. Who knows what this crazy
guy will do. You know, that's true, gives him some
power that that we don't need to be given crazy
people power.
Speaker 2 (01:05:29):
Yeah, I don't disagree with you. I think when it's
all said and done, Joel, I think you're I think
you're right. I appreciate your phone call and thanks for
joining us this morning on the show. You know the
thing about that the Supreme Court, if you're not aware,
did not intervene on the sentencing of Donald Trump by
want Juan Marshan. Marshan is in violation of every possible
tenant of law and jurisprudence in a courtroom, and and
so I think the argument is that the case should
never have been tried by him, and so all of
it is subject to being tossed. But we'll we'll see
where that all goes. Mike, Thanks for calling. Happy New Year.
Speaker 3 (01:06:14):
What's the beef company here to you? Person? Thank you, sir.
Speaker 13 (01:06:20):
My beef is with the LA fires. And who would
have thought that my former country, Ghana will be making
the news in five.
Speaker 3 (01:06:31):
Now? Explain to our listeners why Ghana is part of this?
Speaker 12 (01:06:36):
What do you say?
Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
Explain to our listeners why Ghana is part of the
story of the fires in California?
Speaker 13 (01:06:43):
Yeah, because the maya is supposed to be in La
and not going to gun Out to visit. So how
does that even make sense? And she's making excuses and
that that is why, like you always say that alexis
have consequences, but then what do you call it? Like
we we we in Florida, we're not far from that
having a democrat in power because run designers the end
of load to undergom So it's just like how you
have bad leadership with bad consequences.
Speaker 2 (01:07:15):
Boy, no kidding, Mike, Thanks very much. I appreciate hearing
from you. Yeah, Mike points out Karen Bass, the mayor
of Los Angeles, found herself in the midst of the
worst season that they're facing. In fact, the fire just
weeks earlier in Malibu. U goes on a trip to Ghana. Alex,
you're up. What's the beef?
Speaker 14 (01:07:34):
Yes, my beef is a guy that called in about
the merging too late, okay. And the thing is, there's
two lanes for that long for a reason, and the
people when you you know, we need to fill both
lanes because a lot of times everybody's in the left
lane and then less people can make the turn to
get through the light or whatever the reason is. But
the traffic people have the extra lane to get there,
and the people that don't want to let you in
are the people that are causing the problem. Just let
the people in fill in both lanes.
Speaker 12 (01:08:06):
That way, we don't.
Speaker 14 (01:08:06):
Cause the traffic problem farther down the line.
Speaker 2 (01:08:09):
See, I see what you're saying, But I also know
that there are times when the people that are trying
to merge, for example, onto the interstate.
Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
They're not going the right speed.
Speaker 2 (01:08:19):
They're making it dangerous because if you quote let them in,
you got to break down to fifty miles an hour,
which then poses a risk to you getting rear ended.
Speaker 14 (01:08:29):
Yeah, there's times where I see what you're saying. But
there's other times where like, there's a whole lane open
and no one's going down there, and I'm trying to
turn left, and I'm blocking the people from going straight
because more people won't just fill in the other lane
because they know it's gonna it's gonna close up later,
you know.
Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
Yeah, the complexity is not lost on me. Alex, thanks
very much. I appreciate the phone call, and thank you.
Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
Speaker 2 (01:08:57):
You are next, then Ron, what about you? We've got
one more segment of phone calls to come. It's what's
the beef Friday? It's been a while, Get it off
your chest. I can promise you this. We have two
lines open. If you call in, I promise you'll get
on the air. I promise now. Beyond the next four callers,
I can't promise, but I can promise you that it's
the Morning Show with Preston Scott. What's going on around here?
We got one line open eight five zero two zero
five WFLA is the number eight five zero two zero
five WFLA. Let's go to those who have been waiting. Tim,
good morning, Welcome, happy New Year, and what's the beef?
Speaker 10 (01:09:44):
Good morning? My beef is with these grants the federal
government's giving out. Earlier this week, it was on the
news that the electric we got seventeen million dollars in
Tallahassee to upgrade the electrical and I think this morning
I heard you say on the local news the airport
got a grant.
Speaker 3 (01:10:02):
Speaker 10 (01:10:02):
And I all this money is coming out of my
pocket and your pocket and all the other listeners. And
I'm sure nothing's ever going to be done because our
elected officials will announce how oh I got you all
this money, and it's the federal government doesn't have any money.
They're borrowing it, and I'm gonna have to pay the interest.
Speaker 2 (01:10:24):
Truer words have never been spoken. Yeah, it's it's all
our money. And do we really need to do these things?
Speaker 3 (01:10:31):
Great question? Thank you sir. You feel any better?
Speaker 13 (01:10:36):
Speaker 10 (01:10:36):
Yeah, actually I do. I also want to talk about
the merging, but I'll do that another time.
Speaker 2 (01:10:40):
Now quickly go for it.
Speaker 3 (01:10:42):
Just real quick.
Speaker 10 (01:10:42):
Well, I get irritated when I'm in the middle lane
and the right lane's going to end, and these people
get in that lane and race down so they can
get as far as they can, and they crowd in
even though there's plenty of room to merge back earlier.
They just don't do it. That's my beef on that.
I mean, drive me crazy when they wait till the
very last second to get just as far ahead as
they can, then squeeze in when they could have merged
back block or two earlier with no problem.
Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
Timmy right, you know what's interesting? I could probably and
I may do it. I may do a special edition
what's the Beef? Friday? Traffic woes driving all driving, because
when I was away and on break and we made
a trip up north and came back that I mean,
oh my gosh, I could fill a book.
Speaker 3 (01:11:34):
So could you. Let's go to ron Ryn, you're up.
What's the beef? Happy new year?
Speaker 15 (01:11:39):
Hey, Happy new year to you and great callers and
great things everybody's saying about the merging and all that.
It's always been good. The last beef is last year.
You didn't really get. But I'd just like to comment
that the Clay and Buck show sucks. Anyway, on forward. Anyway,
the saying about what you're ambassador said about trying, he
said no about getting stuff done that first one hundred days.
We the people are gonna have to step up and
keep pushing this or it'll be like that we won't
get anything done because of being so close to the majority.
It's crazy that we are going to have to keep
pushing and pushing and pushing these people to get something
done in this country because it's up to we the
people now. And thank you Fresh and everybody should start
with a thank you every day. That's just for what
you do.
Speaker 3 (01:12:29):
I appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (01:12:30):
Ron, thanks as always for the kind words. I do
appreciate them. They're always encouraging and uplifting. Greg, you're the
final caller this morning. Thanks for calling in. What's the beef?
Speaker 3 (01:12:40):
Speaker 12 (01:12:42):
Ose agrees with me.
Speaker 16 (01:12:43):
After the relentless hour by our coverage of the flashback
of January sixth, twenty twenty one, is there a cable
news person who could care less about replaying highlights of
the women's empowerment pink stocking cat mark of January twenty seventeen.
It's basically all the women protested what later became the
Democratic National Committee platform that Kamala Harris lost on. So
since I couldn't honor Boghorn Leghorn on Christmas, I'll close
with those women are so dumb they only want to
tolerate hearing Trump one. If someone had a successful trick
in Contact Ridge, Happy New Year.
Speaker 3 (01:13:26):
Thank you, Greg, appreciate that.
Speaker 2 (01:13:29):
Ose agrees, huh yeah, okay, all right, man of the
people over there. Ose, can you see I do what
I can. I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. I'll do
what I can. You know, I'm sorry.
Speaker 3 (01:13:45):
What was that? I can what I do? I'm sorry?
Would you mind speaking up just a little bit? What
was that? I do what I can? Thank you? Leisure?
Would we come.
Speaker 2 (01:14:02):
Back our best and worst of the week, A good
News segment of dad joke and headlines from the Bee.
Speaker 3 (01:14:07):
Needless to say, a busy.
Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
Half hour is left. Why would you leave?
Speaker 4 (01:14:12):
Speaker 3 (01:14:13):
It's the Morning Show with.
Speaker 2 (01:14:14):
Preston Scott, The best and worst of the week. Ose cop, Yes, my.
Speaker 17 (01:14:36):
Best of the week is a little cliche, but it's
coming back here Monday. I was extremely excited to get
back to it. I just I couldn't wait, it was
killing me. I hate vacations, and yeah, I'm just excited
to be back in the seat. And then my worst
is also a little bit cliche. You know's what's going
on in California right now.
Speaker 3 (01:14:58):
It just breaks my heart.
Speaker 17 (01:15:00):
You know, all these people losing everything, but you know,
hopefully they can learn to, you know, put their valuables
in store them in heaven here on earth.
Speaker 2 (01:15:09):
Yeah, yeah, I my worst of the week echoes yours.
The people in California and what they're enduring breaks my heart.
It just does a little lighter but still worst of
the week end of my vacation, time with my sweet
wife because we just enjoy each other's company so much
as much as I love what I do and I'm
grateful and she loves what she does and she's grateful.
We love doing what we do. We still love being together.
We just do peas and carrots.
Speaker 3 (01:15:43):
You know. That's that's kind of where we are.
Speaker 2 (01:15:45):
My best of the week, I'm I'm pulling this out.
Rando Sadus in front of the media. He's standing by
others are speaking, but they director questioned him and the question.
You'll you'll make out some of this back and forth
with the reporter. The reporters trying to basically get the
Santas to slam Trump for talking about Gavin Newsom and
Joe Biden's related to the California Firess.
Speaker 3 (01:16:19):
Elect or a president to be critically.
Speaker 18 (01:16:22):
Appropriate for people in your industry to try to create
division and to try to create narratives anytime these things happen.
Now you're not as interested in doing that because Newsom
is a d If Newsom was a Republican, you guys
would go try that. You would have it nailed to
the wall for what they're doing over there. And I
know we don't. We just assume in Florida, anytime something happens,
it's going to be politicized by the media. So you
guys sitting in judgment of Donald Trump, I mean, excuse me.
I think your track record of politicizing these things is very,
very bad.
Speaker 3 (01:16:54):
Okay, last question.
Speaker 6 (01:16:55):
Should resulgn in that the wildfires are all his fault?
Speaker 18 (01:16:59):
So do you I've had I remember when we had
the Surfside tower collapse. I had people from the Washington
Post trying to blame me for it immediately without having
any facts or anything. Oh, he didn't declare a state
of virguany first of all, state of emergency doesn't mean
you can't respond. It's all that excuse me, that's.
Speaker 10 (01:17:19):
What she says.
Speaker 18 (01:17:20):
Well, but what I'm telling you is, you guys are
trying to make an issue of it. When I have
watched from this seat. In fact, when I got elected governor,
I was meeting with some of the other Republican governors
and what they would say is, hey, if you have
a natural disaster, just know media is coming at you.
Speaker 3 (01:17:35):
They're gonna do it.
Speaker 18 (01:17:36):
It's not the same that mayor of la If that
were a Republican mayor, I can only imagine what that
would do. I mean, you know, the fires are at
high risk, and you'd try to go to Africa or
wherever she was to go on some type of voyage.
You should have been there preparing and doing that. And
yet I don't see a lot of heat being directed
in that thing. And so you know, I just I'd
like to see some balance on how this is done.
It criticize the president lack, but I think you also
have to hold these other people accountable, and I have
not seen that.
Speaker 2 (01:18:08):
I love that we have a governor that's just not
going to take crap from these people. It's a shame,
but you have to take an adversarial position with the media.
And how often have you heard me say those exact words.
If it were a Republican that fill in the blank,
the media would tar and feather them. If there had
been a Republican in the White House the last four
years being handled the way Joe Biden's been handled, doing
what Joe Biden has done.
Speaker 3 (01:18:47):
The media would have had that.
Speaker 2 (01:18:51):
The media would have done their own mental evaluations in
pronounced judgment. The media would have excoriated everybody for concealing
the condition of the President of the United the most
powerful man in the world. Anyway, My best of the
week is Ron Desantas, way to go, Governor, Well done, sir.
Forty minutes past the hour, come back. We've got our
good news segment next on The Morning Show with Preston Scott.
Time for good news segment. Here's where we kind of
push things away. Can you imagine just remember Hurricane Helene
and then the aftermath of it heading into North Carolina
and what's happened.
Speaker 3 (01:19:54):
We've talked to David Allen.
Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
Former program director producer of this radio program. David was
our kind of on the field in the field rather
reporter up there. He lives up there near Ashville and
the devastation the memories lost. Well, a North Carolina woman
is reuniting families with photographs they lost during the storm.
This is amazing. She lives near Canton, which is close
to Ashville. Was searching through debris along the Swannanoah River
and I'm probably mispronouncing that, but hoping to recover some
things from a friend's house that was completely destroyed. As
they sifted through the mud and the torn up vegetation,
she was continually finding photographs that had survived the elements
thanks to waterproof glossy paper, quoting it was a photo
of a middle school basketball team. It was a photo
of a beloved dog. I found a wedding photo of
a bride hugging somebody. You take photos because you have
a moment you want to remember, so they all seemed special.
That night, she imagined the loved ones behind the shutter
and in front of it having those memories taken away
from them forever, and it really impacted her. She decided
to use Instagram to help reunite families with their missing photographs.
Over two dozen photos have been returned. Often those that
were commenting on Instagram recognize themselves or a loved one.
She's found about one hundred photos herself. She's gathered many
more from a local search and rescue team or two.
Speaker 3 (01:22:01):
She said.
Speaker 2 (01:22:02):
Being able to have that moment where you hand something
so special to somebody and then you give them a
hug because they've lost likely their entire home in this situation,
it's such a privilege to have an insight into this moment,
into their lives through the photographs and be able to
give it back to them.
Speaker 3 (01:22:20):
She said.
Speaker 2 (01:22:20):
She'll mail photos, but if there's an opportunity for a
hand delivery, she she prefers that.
Speaker 3 (01:22:29):
So it's that's so cool.
Speaker 2 (01:22:40):
It's somebody finding themselves in a situation, adapting, and then
developing a way to meet a need. That is so cool.
I also love that she turned to Instagram, which leads
me back to this question. Now I heard from some
people I mentioned if you've missed it. Earlier in the week,
Mark Zuckerberg announced that they're no longer going to be
doing censorship and moderating content the way that they had been,
which is another way of admitting that they were doing it.
And so that affects Facebook and Instagram. So I'm going
to wait and see how this plays out. But I've
asked the question what should we should we do anything
on Instagram? Now I've heard from mostly older listeners. I
want to hear from younger listeners that use Instagram. Is
there a place for us there? And if so, what
do you think it ought to be? If you have
any thoughts, send them to me. Preston at iHeartRadio dot
com forty six minutes past the hour Monday, on the
program Salnuzoh Consumer's Defense. We're getting closer to the legislative session.
It starts in March, so those of you that live
in and around tallahassee the craziness will begin shortly.
Speaker 3 (01:24:26):
The roads will get even busier, downtown will be active.
Speaker 2 (01:24:36):
So we'll talk about all that's coming in the legislative
session with sound and of course the latest on the fires.
Time for a dad joke before we get to headlines
from the Babylon b This is something to carry with
you to church. I've been telling everyone about the benefits
of eating dried grapes. I'm all about raising awareness.
Speaker 3 (01:24:59):
You're well.
Speaker 2 (01:25:05):
Now, ladies and gentlemen, It's been a while since we've
done this as well. Your my our trusted source for
satire ladies and gentlemen. These are headlines courtesy of the
Babylon b Biden Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to skeletor
Biden online store clearance sale now offering Presidential Medals of
Freedom for nine ninety nine. All State CEO explains if
Americans were nicer, Islamis wouldn't have to murder them. US
Army to add, do you intend to carry out a
massive terrorist attack? To application form Trudeau to be humanly euthanized?
Speaker 3 (01:26:00):
Please someone kill me now?
Speaker 2 (01:26:03):
Begs dried out Christmas tree from corner of living room.
Guy who said Facebook was not suppressing free speech announces
Facebook will stop suppressing free speech. Trump announces plan to
rename the Moon Space America. Wife bestows medal of Honor
on husband for loading dishwasher. Biden issues imminent terrorist threat
warning due to the eleven terrorists he just released from prison.
Newsome assures wildfire victims he is diverting millions of dollars
to emergency DEI initiatives. This is worse than the Holocaust,
shouts Sunny Houston after barista forgets to put cream in
her coffee. New check engine light for women will show
Ryan Gosling's face so they'll actually pay attention to it.
Brought to you by Barono Heating and Air.
Speaker 3 (01:27:05):
It's the Morning Show on WUFLA.
Speaker 2 (01:27:13):
After starting the radio program with a song from Crowder
and his album The Exile, we played Unstoppable. Our verse
was Romans eight thirty five through thirty nine.
Speaker 3 (01:27:30):
It was it was a solid way to start the broadcast.
Speaker 2 (01:27:35):
But then again, if you simply make the decision to
start your day with God's word, it's it's tough to
kind of screw things up from there. So that's one
of the many reasons why we try to do that.
The fires we've we've seen the arrest of one they
believe is responsible for one of the blazes. Don't know
much about the guy. Was he is he an illegal?
Is he part of a gang? We know that he
was on a dirt by with a torch that was lit,
and neighborhood folks cornered him and then wrestled him to
the ground and then held him until police arrived.
Speaker 3 (01:28:16):
It's bad.
Speaker 2 (01:28:20):
They think at least two of the fires were intentionally started.
Leads me to think maybe more than that, but we'll see.
Matt Gates says he may run for Florida's governor governor's
office when Ron DeSantis is finished with his second term.
He believes that the efforts to tarnish his reputation have
not been successful and that he would prevail if he
decides to run.
Speaker 3 (01:28:46):
I would say, not so fast, my friend. I do not.
Speaker 2 (01:28:49):
Necessarily think that Matt Gates could win a statewide election,
but it's certainly his decision. He's not been accused of
a crime. He has been linked to things that might
allegedly be one, but not convicted of or charged with
any So there you go. Notre Dame gets a win
over Penn State in the first college football semifinal. The
second is tonight between Texas, basically a home game.
Speaker 3 (01:29:18):
Cotton Bowl hosting Ohio State.
Speaker 2 (01:29:22):
Talked about transgenderism and the mental health issues that are
presented when yeah, and a lot more. It's a good
show today. Thanks for listening. I hope you have a
great weekend.
Speaker 3 (01:29:33):
Friends. We'll be back on Monday.