All Episodes

April 18, 2024 41 mins

In Hour 3 of The Odd Couple, Chris Broussard and Rob Parker open the hour breaking down if Robert Kraft's Betrayed or did the right think with his former HC Bill Belichick! Next,  NFL Champion Shaun King joins the show to talk everything NFL! Finally, the guys react to the Zion Williamsons injury and break down what this means for the Pelicans and the star power forward moving forward! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcasts. Be sure
to check us out live every weekday from seven pm
to ten pm Eastern four to seventh Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio. Find your local station for The Odd Couple
at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream us live every
day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR. Let's get this, putties,

you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Yes, indeed, our number three is here, and so is
the ID Couple.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Chris Bruce R.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Rob Parker live from the tire Rack dot Com studios.
We got a good game, rap. I'll give Philly credit.
They've come back. They were down double figures and now
it's sixty eight sixty six with about a minute left
in the third quarter.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
So the Sixers have found themselves.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
They've been pushed a little bit by Miamiami and now they,
like I said, have found themselves and they're playing at
the ball game. Yeah yeah, and this is you know,
you know you If you don't know you're getting this
from the Miami Heat, then I don't know what what
in the world?

Speaker 1 (01:14):
What have you not been watching? Exactly right, we talked
about it, they've been to you can talk about all
you want. They've been to the finals twice in four years.
Low right, Lo, I.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
Mean you got to give him their respect. And Rob
Joel and B three for twelve twelve points, eleven rebounds.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
What did I tell you?

Speaker 2 (01:31):
And Monse was talking, you know, she says stephen A
was on ESPN saying he didn't feel good, like MB
doesn't feel good. I guess a source told that to
stephen A. Is not his knee, but I guess maybe
has a cold.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
He's under the weather. He's playing.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
But Rob, I'm saying this, I don't want to hear
that you're not feeling good. It's not gonna be an
excuse if you finished with seventeen points on thirty five
percent shoes in a loss.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
I'm not trying to hear you weren't feeling good.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
You're out there. Once you get out there, Chris, if
you can't play, don't go out there. If you're gonna
be a liability to your team. We talked about this
all the time. Just there comes a point where you
have to say, if I can't produce, what is the point?

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Like, really, what is the I don't think he's been
a liability to this. I'm just saying like, help them.
But I my thing is, don't. You can't have it
both ways, you know, don't expect us to, especially when.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
You have a playoff history of not showing up.

Speaker 4 (02:34):

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Well, but that's what I said before the show, before
the game, that he turns to goo in the postseason.
And that's three for twelve. That's cool, Chris, Yeah, it is.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
I can't. I can't argue with that. So we'll see.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
They got a whole quarter left. Miami seventy seventy four
sixty nine. Now at the end of three, Rob, let's
go here. Fantastic article in on ESPN dot com about
Bill Belichick and his this you know this off season.

He obviously was trying to get a job, Rob. He
thought he had the Falcons job and nothing came of it.
There were six other openings or that you know, were
out there and he got.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
None of them.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
And Dime van Nada, who does a terrific job for ESPN,
Seth Wickersham and Jeremy Fowler. Rob, they wrote a great story,
really got in depth about, you know, what kind of
took place and why he didn't get a job and
all of that, and one of the many revelations that
came out of.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
It, Rob was that.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
The Falcons, you know, they had Arthur Blank, their owner,
had two meetings with Belichick, and Belichick felt like he
was going to get the job.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
And it says that.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
Robert Kraft called Arthur Blank to warn him not to
trust the bill, and that's been backed up by a
source who's a close friend of crafts Now it says
that Arthur Blank robbed among NFL owners. Blank considers Craft

his closest friend, and publicly they've both said that Craft
expressed only support for Belichick and praise for his former coach.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
But what do you think about this?

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Some are saying, you know, Craft stabb Belichick in the back,
what are your thoughts on this?

Speaker 1 (04:41):
I never think it's a good idea. I just don't
think that is really your place. He won you six championships,
he put your franchise at a certain place. And I'm
not saying, Chris, you can't say you have had disagreements.
Nobody works for somebody twenty years and everything is perfect
and you all you didn't have any knockdown dragouts or

anything like that. But that's bad Calmer. And and first
of all, if they're such close friends. Why in the
world wouldn't wouldn't that be a conversation before you even
invite Bill Belichick for an interview. That's what bothers me, Like, like, Chris,
before I even invite him. If I'm really friends with

Bill Belichi, I mean with Rober Kraft's.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
Been so good. No no, no, but you know what I mean, no, no.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
No, But I'm saying it worked for you. But but
you're interviewing him no matter what. Your friends with craft though,
your friends with crime. But I'm still interviewing Bill Bellich. Okay,
I might not like him, but I'm still interviewing him. Okay,
Then I disagree. I would call my friend first. And
if he told me don't f with him, I'm telling
you he's a bad guy. Whatever. I'm gonna give you

the reasons why don't even bother And if I really
was friends with Robert Kraft and believed in him and
thought he was on the up and up, and this
is something he didn't do, like you know, like I
really have faith in his opinion of people, Chris, then
not probably I'm gonna say I wouldn't have brought Bill
Belichick in. Now, I just I was in a similar

situation where somebody in journalism had said some stuff about me,
and the time came, Chris, you know, like this happens
in life. And I'm in the newsroom and guess whose
name comes up? The guy who was saying stuff about
me on.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
The radio, meaning like they were considering maybe hiring him
or something.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
And I was standing there, Chris, and they turned to
me and they said, Rob, what do you think about
so and so? Did they know about your No? You know, Okay,
there's my moment right there, right, there's my moment. No,
I'm just there's there's my moment. Don't touch that guy
with a tall fort, Paul. He's cancer, he's this. I

could have said that, and all I said was, Hey,
you know what, he has broken some big stories over
the year. And I left it at that because I
just didn't feel like that was my place to stop
a man from earning a living. That's just me.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
I think that's different just from what you said.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
I may not know the whole story, but this was
a case where he maybe apparently just had an issue
with you and had said some stuff behind your back.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
But that wasn't you know, you weren't necessary.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
I think you felt like, well, we got an issue,
or he doesn't like me, But that doesn't mean he's,
you know, a bad guy, or you know, I may
not like him, but.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
I think that's different. Here's what I'll say.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
The only thing that gives me a little pause is
it says Robert Kraft called Arthur Blaine. Okay, but because
I feel like this, Rob, if they are and I
don't know how close they are, but Blank says, they
might be bosom buddies, or they might just be among

the owners who none of them I'm really close to.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
He's the one I know the best. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
What I will say is this though, if they are
really close, like they're friends, legitimate friends, like even say,
like me and you legitimate friends. I do think Rob,
you owe it to your friend if he asks you,
like if you were about to say, you know, they

a woman and I knew some things about her that
you didn't know, and you're like all in love and
you ready to get married whatever. I just think I
and you asked me what do you really think of someone?
And so as your close friend, I do think I

should give my honest opinion.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
Okay, I don't I don't disagree with that, but I
disagree with people stop stopping people from earning a living
and that. I mean, no, no, no, but he gonna
be all right. No, no, no, But I don't I hear
you with a relationship and something I might not know.

I got that.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
But what if the person is Belichick obviously isn't unhiable,
you know what I mean, He's not unhirable and all that.
But I mean, even in the work seduletion, if you
ask me, man, what do you think about this guy?

Speaker 3 (09:41):
Can I trust him? Should I say, like a guy.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
You want to hire for MLB bro or something? Should
I just be like, you know what?

Speaker 1 (09:49):
He all right?

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Man? But I know you can't really I've dealt with
him for ten years and had a lot of issues.
I mean, I might say, especially in this case, we
know Belichick was a good coach, Like, look, he's a
great coach. You're going to win, but it's everything's gonna change.
He's gonna take control. I don't care what he's saying

to you about I work with other people. He gonna
take control. Now it's gonna you gonna win, but it's
gonna be difficult. I mean, should I give you the
honest answer, or should I just you are a friend
and you're gonna pay him millions.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
But but I got that. But my point is, if
you were really friends like that before I even stepped
out there, Chris, before I even went on a date
with the woman. If this is prior to it, say
you knew something about a woman prior, and you tell
me before we even go out on our rob I
hear you going out with so and so on Saturday.

I gotta tell you this. Okay, I'm not telling you
to go or not to go, but I but as
a friend of yours, I gotta tell you this. I
have more respect that way, Chris than after the fact that.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
You might just go out with her before you even
you know, even ask me like, but if you knew her, fine,
you super fine as a coach, and you just like, look,
I'm going out.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
With her anyway.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
No, But I might have said, hey, Chris, you know
that that that woman who worked at the Times. You
know when you were there, You know what I mean?
And that's the same thing with Belichick and with Craft
is like your author blank, your friend is supposedly Craft
who employed this guy for twenty years.

Speaker 5 (11:40):
But I wouldn't like the first phone call would beating him.
Well maybe, but that that's not gonna look. And I
think the difference is Belichick.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
Is so accomplished that even if Blank tells me, like
I said, look it was fun we won, or we won,
but it wasn't fun. It was a hard deal with
I'm still like, well, you know what I'm gonna find
out for myself. I gotta talk to I mean, I'm

trying to win some Super Bowls. Let me talk to
Bill Belichick. I mean, I think that's due diligence, Rob.
So it's interesting. I mean, I get, like I said,
the only thing that gives me a little pause is
Craft called him.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
But maybe I don't.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
And and look, the thing we don't know, Rob, And
I think the thing that does play a huge role in.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
This is how close are they?

Speaker 2 (12:37):
If they're really close, I think you owe it to
your friend to tell him the truth.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
You're not saying I want to hear what people are.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
But if they're not that close, then like you said,
you could just you know, chill all right eight seven
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
Nine, six sixty three sixty nine, did Bob Kraft.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Robert Kraft betray Bill Belichick by telling Arthur Blank, owner
of the Falcons, you can't trust it your thoughts.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Next, Christ and Rob The Odd Couple, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcasts. Be sure
to catch us live every weekday from seven pm to
ten pm Eastern four to seven pm Pacific on Fox
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at Foxsportsradio dot com, or stream us live every day
on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR two. NBA Insiders

podcasting twice a week to plug you right into the
NBA great.

Speaker 6 (13:40):
Fight, all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with me Chris.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Haynes and me Mark Stein join.

Speaker 6 (13:50):
Us as we team up to expound on everything we're covering.
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (13:58):
On the iHeartRadio, a Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Haven't You Hurt?

Speaker 7 (14:06):
All Right?

Speaker 2 (14:06):
It's The Odd Couple Chris and Rob live from thetireg
dot com studios.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
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Speaker 3 (14:53):
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Speaker 2 (14:55):
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Fox Sports Radio. It's all presented by Express Pros eight seven,
seven ninety nine. On Fox You're turned away into Robert Kraft,
Beatrey backstab his former.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
Coach Bill Belichick.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
All right, let's kick it off with Chili Tim in Atlanta. Tim,
you're in the odd couple of Fox Sports Radio. What's
up buddy?

Speaker 4 (15:37):

Speaker 8 (15:38):
What up Bro?

Speaker 1 (15:39):
How are you?

Speaker 3 (15:40):
What's up?

Speaker 9 (15:40):

Speaker 8 (15:41):
What's up new? How you doing man? Great props? And
Mary Man, she's rocking.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
In all right? Mary?

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Mary? Why you buging?

Speaker 8 (15:53):
Was definitely but concerning the drafts and Belichick gang. You know,
my son was for a famous company, well known company.
I'm not gonna call the name, but he's in the
personnel and he works on like the you know, the
upper management level. I remember one time when he was
telling me, he said that what they do is when

people call him and they ask for a reference, or
when he called that he asked for a reference about people.
The thing he always says is like are they re hirable?
And that's the only thing that by law they can say,
is they can only a question. They can ask, are
they hirable? Would you hire this? And that's what he does.
It's like and he answers that question.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
Meaning would him again?

Speaker 1 (16:35):
No? No, like yeah, like yeah.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Like would you if you could do it all over again,
would you.

Speaker 8 (16:41):
Again would you hire him? And he said that's the
only question that he asked, and that's the only thing
that he's allowed to give information onto. One ask for
a reference on an employee, and so you know, if
if that's what he did, if that's what Crab did,
if all the blank said, hey, would you hire me again?
You know, if you had a chance, And maybe it's

a little different situation, but somewhere along those lines are like, hey,
you know, like you know, if I got you know,
I let him go because I didn't think he was
rehirible and just kind of leave it at that, and
you kind of, you know, you go from there and
be kind of judged.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I just I still I just for god won six championship.
And I'm not saying Bill's perfect. You know, I think
he cheated. I got a lot of issues with Bill Belichick,
but I just think it's dirty pool.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
I do, but it's dirty pool to cheat, it is,
I mean that, That's what I'm saying. But I mean
Belichick has we can point to things cheating. What is
the one emotion maybe above all that cheating brings out
in you.

Speaker 9 (17:48):
I can't trust you.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
I can't trust you. That's what what Craft said. And
now get to me.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
A big part of it is how close are they
if he if it's if they're just acquaintances, they cool,
but they're not really friends. Then it's like, okay, Man,
and I don't doubt even if they are friends, that
Craft may have been, you know, just trying to also
stick it. He may have been telling the truth, but
he also may have been trying to stick it to him,

you know.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Yeah, Sean, Well, you know that that documentary that he
put together was so bad, you know, and so slanted
and tilted. Even the players said like this is ridiculous,
like they tried to make it like Belichick had nothing
to do with it, you know what I mean, And
even players. I mean that that tells you a lot,

Sewan and Sacramento. Sean, you're in the odd couple of
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 7 (18:44):
Yeah, my uncles from another mother, my brother behind the
boy and Mary Mary. He appreciate the follow back on eggs.
Mary Man, you're killing it every day on the Mary
Becoming a Star. Hey, I'm trying to get it in.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
Mary. You need to be taking this stuff, that's right.

Speaker 7 (19:04):
But my take real quick man, is hey, this is
kind of snaky behavior by Craft. I mean, if it
was unsolicited, I get what you're where you're coming from.
Chris earlier with the comment about a relationship you got
some inside knowledge about somebody, you want to share that
with the friends. But this is totally different. This is business,
and there's only one thing that he should have did
he It's on Uh, It's on the owner of the

Atlanta Falcons to do his due diligence and reach out
himself to his previous employers. He should have been sending out.
Craft shouldn't be sending out. And I conject was because
I haven't read the article, Chris, But why were you
saying he was untrustworthy? What was the meaning behind that?
Did he do something behind his bad Was he saying
he was going to spend that Tom Brady?

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Here's what I'm I'm gonna from reading the article.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
My Uh, what I glean is that he's saying, like
so Belichick was telling him in the interviews, I'm cool
to work with the GM. I don't have to have
power like I had in New England. I'm good, you know,
just working with the guys and coaching the team. I
think from the context that Craft was saying, man, look,

you can't trust that he gonna want to take full control.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
That's what But I could be wrong, but that's what
I gleaned.

Speaker 7 (20:18):
From it, and that's not fair to me. He shouldn't.
Guys can change, people can grow.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Maybe that's right, and I'm glad you said that, Sean.
You know why, because Bill is not the same guy
he was ten years ago, whatever was when they were
winning Super Bowls. That he has to adapt. He has
to adapt. Yes, he's still hiring. That's what happened to dinosaurs.
If you don't get them.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Positions that they don't they don't deserve that. Did Matt
Patricia deserve to be the offensive coordinator?

Speaker 1 (20:51):
Yeah, but I don't know that he's changed. I think
he just lost Tom Brady. After what we've seen recently,
I think he's changed that he would have count what.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Have we seen that makes that?

Speaker 2 (21:02):
I mean, honestly, I'm just honestly asking what would make.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
You at this point? Yeah, at this point.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
He's seventy three years old. It's hard to change at
that age.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
I get it. I get it, But but you can't
continue to do the same thing when you're not having
well when.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
You won six super Bowls, I mean, I would think
you'd be like, there's been all of the ones need
to change, not.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Me, Adam and DC. You're on the yard couple of
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
My God, my favorite radio show.

Speaker 9 (21:28):
Hey Jack, can I say for real quick? I must
be doing good after my trash off Tuesday against Rob G.
I got on after lease him.

Speaker 4 (21:34):
Ain't shine a second man.

Speaker 9 (21:35):
No, I'm feeling good tonight. Hey listen, Yes, sir, I
think that this is just another example of these billionaire
babies like he was.

Speaker 8 (21:44):
He was.

Speaker 9 (21:44):
He wasn't untrustworthy enough for you to be be be
your coach for all these years and so right.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
For twenty you were winning. I mean, honestly, I think
he just stuck with you because he was winning.

Speaker 5 (21:54):
You know that.

Speaker 7 (21:55):
You know that's the case, Chris.

Speaker 9 (21:56):
But it's like man like deliverery go behind, like to
go behind the man's back into take food. I mean,
we know he's already wilthy, but to take food out
of his mouth. You know this man left football food
out of his.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
Mouth, yes, Chris, to take his pob away from him.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
Really, so now he's gonna have trouble.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Well, you gotta go down and work at this near
seventy eleven.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
No, he's gotta be.

Speaker 5 (22:17):
You gotta get he's gotta get wir real, He's gotta
get whip right.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
No, maybe not the food out of his mouth.

Speaker 9 (22:24):
But you know, Bill better check man.

Speaker 7 (22:26):
That's talking to that old man.

Speaker 9 (22:27):
Oh he loves the football. That's all he knows is football,
and you're gonna hate on him getting.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
The drive man.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
He let go. Man, talk to y'all later.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Thank you, Adam, appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
I mean I do feel like if if he and
Kraft hadn't talked in you know, along a while, and
Craft caught win, that they're gonna hire the hard law Like,
hey man, look, I hear you talking about hiring Belichick,
but you can't trust dude.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
I mean, I get that.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
I'm just saying if they were having a conversation and
they're really close and blank, like, look, give me the
real deal.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
What do you think of the guy? A personality? Character?

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Like, what what's it going to be like? You know,
I think you owe it to a friend in that situation.
All Right, we got Sean King coming up, former NFL quarterback.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
We'll ask him about this and more. But first, Manci
Belanos with the update.

Speaker 10 (23:21):
Guys, I'm sweaty from this game between the seventy six
ers of the Miami Heat. Yes, you know it was
a little questionable the first half. Yes, he just had
a nice and one, so the seventy six ers have
actually just taken the lead ninety four a minute forty
five seconds to go in the first half. The seventy
six ers had twelve turnovers, just three in this half,

so they completely turned it around for sure. Joellemb twenty
three points, fourteen rebounds, five assists. He is now six
to fifteen from the field. Definitely stepped up his game
a little bit. Tyler Hero is a leading scorer for
the Heat. He's got twenty one points, three of twelve
from the three three point line. Not what you want
to hear, but he's the lad who scored twenty one points.
Jimmy Butler's got nineteen, so ye had ninety six ninety

six a tie game fell as ninety seconds to go.
Whoever wins this will be facing the New York Knicks
in the first round of the NBA Playoffs. Now following
this matchup, it's the nine to ten seeds, the Hawks,
the Hawks and the Bulls.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
We'll see how that one goes.

Speaker 10 (24:23):
Another NBA news of Pelicans rolled out Zion Williamson for
their playing game on Friday against the Kings. After suffering
a hamstring injury last night against Lakers. He's going to
be reevaluated in two weeks. The NBA also announced that
they are going to give a lifetime ban to Toronto
Raptors John Tay Porter for violating the league's gambling rules.
In their investigation, the league found that Porter had disclosed

confidential information to Bettters, limited his participation in at least
one game while he was with the Raptors and bet
on NBA games while playing in the G League. In
Major League Baseball, one game still going on. The Angels
scored some runs in the top of the ninth inning
to stay in this one in Tampa Bay. They are
currently on top five four. It is the bottom of
the ninth inning. The Rays are down to their final

out and they don't have a man on base, and
we're down to the fifty five seconds left in this game. Fellas,
it is still tied. Turnover by Miami Philadelphia against the ball.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
Back to you guys, all right, thank you, n C Belanos.
Have a good night you too. Wow. No, yeah, all right,
it is the odd Couple.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
Chris Bruce Rob Parker live from the tie rack dot
Com Studios. Our next guest does a fantastic job of
analyzing the NFL played in the league, knows the quarterback
position and the game as well as anyone we bring
in our man, Sean.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
King, what's up, brother.

Speaker 5 (25:47):

Speaker 3 (25:48):
We are good? Now, let me ask you this.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
It's a tough question for you to answer without the
context of having read the story.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
So if you haven't read it, it's tough. But there.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Did you read the article on ESPN dot com today
about Belichick and why he couldn't get a job this offseason?
I didn't.

Speaker 4 (26:06):
I saw the title, I looked at a few of
the comments. I didn't get a chance to read the
whole article.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Yeah, I mean it says that he and Arthur Blank,
the owner of the Falcons, are close friends, and that
Craft reached out.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
To Blank and told him you can't trust Belichick.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
And it should have been Blank reaching out to him
if they're really that close, to ask him before Sean.
That's the issue I have that Belichick when it gets win,
that Arthur might hire him back, and that might.

Speaker 3 (26:36):
Yeah, I mean, I would have feels like I don't
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
I think if if I don't know how close they are,
it says they're close but I think if you're close,
you owe your friend that honest truth and he can
do what he wants.

Speaker 3 (26:51):
But I got to tell you that the truth. But
what are your thoughts on it?

Speaker 4 (26:54):
I mean, it's strange because I mean what we've seen
in the National Football League is I mean, who owners
are tight, but at the end of the day, if
they feel like they can gain it advantage, they truly
capitalize on that. So it had to be something in
Belichick's interaction with the Falcons that made user blank uncomfortable.

I mean, I just don't think he would take h
Craft's word if he really thought Belichick was a white
guy for them.

Speaker 3 (27:23):
Yeah, And what what the article said.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
Over the last thirty years, though these.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Reports had been out there, rob we heard these was
that the player, the people that worked for the Falcons,
like their front office and all that. And this was
true with a few of the teams. They felt like
Belichick was going to basically come and take over and
bring in his own people and was only going to
be there for a couple of years anyway, until he

brought Schuler's record, and they felt like, now they're they're
protecting their own interest.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
I give you, and it happened that everywhere but that.
But but Arthur Blank, what is he won? Do you
know what I mean? That you're going to sit around
and everybody has to keep your job despite them not
doing I just don't understand that.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
Well, let's say this, as great as Belichick has been,
what's the one definitive weakness that's kind of continually crept
into his resume? His inability to get the quarterback? Right now?
Think about Brady was a late Brown draft pick. It
was it six round, if I'm not mistaken, six and

he wanted to get rid of Tom Brady to try
and Jimmy Garoppolo to that extension, and if I'm not mistaken,
Arthur Craft stepped in and veto Robert Crawd stepped in
and vetoed that. And then you look at how he
miss managed Mac Jones, bringing in a defensive guy to
be the office of coordinator, bringing the special teams guy

to be the quarterback coach. And when you look at Atlanta,
what's the one position everybody thinks of the glaring weakness quarterback?
So I just never thought that was a good shit.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
Well, let me start to me, to me, it's it's
bigger than it's I hear your point. You can then
pick about all that stuff. It's about somebody Sean calling
up unprovoked to stop you from getting a job. Do
you think that's cool. Let's let's break it down to you. Unprovoked,

somebody calls behind your back, they hear your interviewing at
something that I mean, they call behind your back into
it and say, we say a little more into it.
Don't don't don't hire that guy, don't trust Sean Kim.
You think that's cool, I'm asking you, well, let's do this.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
Let's operate on the assumption that what while they're saying
is one hundred percent correct. What business in America is
not that? That that that not happening? How mean it
happens in every business and our business and broadcasting. How
many times people if they're bitter about somebody leaving or
maybe had a personal like difference with a talent of

going somewhere else, how many times do they pick up
the fall and not being an advocate for you, but
be an adversary like and it happens to the NFL
all the time. I don't think this is something like
that's random. I just think it's strange. Because it's happening
to a white man's as successful as BILLI. Belichick was.
To me, that's where it's rare.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
Yeah, it's an interesting point. That's an interesting point. Let
me let's let's get to some football. Let's stay with
the Patriots. They got the third pick in the draft.
What do you think they should do? Like, I mean,
I think Washington's taking Jade and Daniels. So if you
were New England at three and Daniels and Caleb Williams
are gone, what are you doing? Are you trading down?

You like Pinnix, Maybe you think you can get him lower,
or you don't want a quarterback period because we don't
have enough around him yet, or what are you thinking?

Speaker 3 (30:49):
If you're the Patriots at three?

Speaker 4 (30:51):
Well, I think there are two quarterbacks of the worthy
of top ten selections, and MAT's Caleb Williams and Jaydon Daniels.
I think there are two other quarterbacks of the worthy
of first round so like and that's Michael Pennicks and
JJ McCarty. So if I'm the Patriots, because I don't
think we have a roster that's ready to compete, think
about what they can get to trade out of three
people talk about how desperate Minnesota, Denver and Oakland are,

especially if for some reason the commanders go any direction.
But Jaydon Daniels, I mean, there's a lot of leverage
there for three, and I think trading out, if the
right opportunity presented itself, is the best thing for the
organization to get the most assets, have the most opportunities
to upgrade the roster in one swoop. So I'm not

sold that they like Pennis at three, and I'm not
so that JJ McCarthy is capable of going to New
England with that situation that set up and making a
huge difference. I think JD can go to Minnesota where
they got Justin Jefferson and the tight end and the
wide receiver from USC and make a huge difference.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
I don't like.

Speaker 4 (31:59):
JJ and Denver because I think trade Jerry Judy was
a mistake and you look at that ronster, there's got
a lot of holes. So I would trade out of
it and try and just collect assets and build my
roster up slowly.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
I got one quest, JJ McCarthy, where is he drafted
and tell me what do you think of his talent
and where he fits it in the NFL.

Speaker 4 (32:22):
So I coached JJ McCarthy and IMG I was this coordinator.
I mean, he's an amazing kid. He's super talented, he
has a super high football IQ. He's a much better
athlete than people giving credit for. I have no reservations
about him, but I don't think he's a guy that
can go into an organization with a bunch of holes
and mask all of those deficiencies. But I do think

he's a guy sort of like a rock party, but
a more talented version that can go to an organization
is pretty sound in most areas, and he can help
them be really successful. So if you're asking me if
I want the Patriots, I'm trying to trade out of
number three unless drinking games false.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
Let me ask you this.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
The Cowboys, who I think have had a horrible off season,
there's talk that, you know, they might even look at
drafting a quarterback to, you know, in case Dak's not
there next season. And my first thought when I heard
that was, man, is Trey Lance like that bad?

Speaker 3 (33:26):
You know, I'm not even gonna give him a shot.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
And I know we haven't seen a lot of Trey,
But what do your do you have any thought? It's
hard to say yeah, you haven't seen a lot, but
it looks like Dallas isn't even thinking about him as
a potential replacement.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Like, what do you think about Trey Lance?

Speaker 2 (33:42):
And I know, again you haven't seen a lot, but
maybe you've talked to people or stuff like.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
That about Trey Lance. The league doesn't have patience for
young quarterbacks. Yeah, he's a young quarterback that needs patience.
He has not played a lot of football. Remember, he
didn't play the majority of the COVID year. He came
in only going to one year as a starter at
North Dakota State. That's why I never thought the forty
nine er situation would work. So it kind of perplexed
me that Dallas would trading for Trey Lance and not

be willing to extend Dak Prescott because he's not ready
to fill in for Dak on a team that thinks
that a super Bowl caliber. So I don't know how
that works out. It's very interesting the Dallas Cowboys offseason,
and listen, I han't about any sweep that their instructing.
I mean, the Dallas Cowboys fan base is the most
knoxic fan base in all of sports, you know, outside

of maybe Yankees and Knicks fans, but I mean also
for them to suffer brings joy to a whole lot
of America. But I'll say this, here's the Cowboys problem.
Jerry understands that he does not have long He needs
to win and wants to win now. He wants and
needs desperately to get another check.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
That's the last ten years? Are you kidding?

Speaker 4 (34:52):
Wow? He needs it, but he knows internally Dak's not
the answer. He just hadn't been presented with a better
option here.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
All right, Well that's our man, Sean King with the knowledge.
Thank you, brother, Thanks you all right man, peace, keep
you locked. Oye couple Zion Williamson balled out last night?
Did they win and then went out last night? That's
next our couple. Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcasts. Be sure
to check us out live every weekday from seven pm
to ten pm Eastern four to seventh Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio. Find your local station for The Odd Couple
at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us live
every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
All right, it's the Odd Couple.

Speaker 2 (35:43):
Chris and Rob wrapping up a worship Wednesday and uh
live of course from the tire rack dot Com studios.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
Rob, what a game.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
I mean, we've had two barn burners out of the
three games, two barn burners in the playing Philadelphia holds off,
really came back and then held off the Miami Heat.
One oh five, one oh four. Great game. Tyler Hero

twenty five points to lead Miami. Rob he was nine
for twenty seven. Wow, Wow, that's shocking. He got twenty
seven shots up, four for fourteen from three. Joe l
MB leads the Sixers with twenty three points and fifteen boards,
five dimes, only shot six for seventeen. But Rob, I'll

take that. I'm gonna give Joel and Be some props.
Take it with a WU take that, yep, I'll take that.
Tyrese Maxi nineteen points, six dimes, so good for Philly.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
Nick Batoum comes off the bench for twenty points.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
So now we got the Knicks and the Sixers and uh, I.

Speaker 3 (36:54):
Whow, it's a tough one, Rob. I think I'm probably
I'm leaning in Philly.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
I'm gonna Knicks.

Speaker 2 (37:03):
I think it's gonna be a good one. It gonna
be a lot like Miami Philly hard.

Speaker 1 (37:08):
I just I just think the Knicks, and this is
the reason, Chris, the Knicks have played so well. I
can't imagine them taking a step back even though Philly
is good. Do you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2 (37:21):
Like, I don't think that's the st I think it's
really on how good is Philly at this point?

Speaker 3 (37:26):
You know, I think it would be in the year.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
We would have thought no earlier in the year. But
but where they are and where the Knicks have overcome
to go to the number two seed, I just it
would it would be it would be a kick in
the gut if they get knocked out in the first round.
I'm gonna pick the Knicks.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
Yeah that I hear you on picking the Knicks. I'm
fine with that. But I don't think it's a kicking.
I mean, I think you're disappointed, but I don't think
it's like losing to a typical seventh seed like Philly
would have had a better record than the Knicks by
if Embiid had been there. So I think the question
to me is is Philly are they back to what

they were before and be got hurt? I don't know,
but I think I'm gonna go with Philly. So let's
talk about Zion. Rob.

Speaker 1 (38:15):
We said it.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
You called him NBA dead. I said, you know, we've
moved on. He's still a very good player, will make
some Los Star teams. He already made one.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
But we've moved on.

Speaker 2 (38:25):
You know, John Moran when he gets back, Sga, Wimby
check Holmgren obviously ant man up in Minnesota. But Rob
last night, Zion came out and got busy forty points
against Lebron James and the Lakers, eleven rebounds as well

hit the glass.

Speaker 3 (38:47):
Remember I said he needs to rebound better.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
But then Rob pulls a hamstring in the final moments
and can't be there in crunch time and his team
goes down with him.

Speaker 3 (38:59):
Who knows if they win.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
It was a close game, obviously, so maybe they would
have won had he not gone down. But were you
you know, what were your thoughts? I thought it was
really a microcosm of his career. It's never been about
his ability. It's been all it's.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
About availability, and unfortunately when they needed the most and
he put played well. So I'm not sitting here poo
pooing his performance quick because he played really, really well.
But it's just disappointing, like like this is what this
is what we keep looking at. He's not forty two, right,
I was he twenty three? Did you?

Speaker 3 (39:36):
It was odd.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
I don't want to rip him because I mean, I
don't know. It seems like, look, a hamstring is a
serious injury.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
But I don't know. He kind of ran off the court,
didn't really grab his hammy. I don't know. It was
just weird. It was just weird. I'm not gonna accuse
him of anything.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
But when he left, you know, he kind of ran
to the training room. So I don't know, but it
was it was God ain't unfortunate because now Rob, I think,
rather than silence his critics with a huge performance, I think,
now you actually you may have done away with some

of the good will you had earned, some of the
trust you had earned. Where people thinking, Okay, he played
seventy games, he's fine, he's gonna you know, he's gonna
have he's gonna be able to play going forward, he's
gonna be healthy, and now the questions about his health
are just gonna continue.

Speaker 1 (40:29):
Yeah, how can they not that there's nothing else people
can do, when once again, here's the issue and why
this keeps happening to this guy who's so young and
so talented. It's a bummer to be honest, if you're
a Pelican fan, I would be bummed out that he
can't play a full, you know, playoff game when they
need a most yep.

Speaker 3 (40:49):
Yep, and you know, we'll see what happens.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Of course, they have a chance they play Sacramento, but
he's they're saying he's out for that game for sure
and will be reevaluated in a few weeks. So even
if they win Rob in advance, looks like they're gonna
be without him.

Speaker 3 (41:06):
So you talk about a bummer, man, all right, it
is the odd couple. Christena Rob, we are signing off.
We are three of the four playoff games done.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
Now you got Chicago and Atlanta going at it, so
check that out on ESPN, but keep it locked here
for your listening pleasure. Fox Sports Radio Jason Smith, Mike Harmon.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
They bring fire, period the end
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