All Episodes

April 25, 2024 38 mins

Chris and Rob tell us why it’s clear by the on-court product – and the off-court commentary – proves that the Phoenix Suns has a leadership problems, debate whether it’s foul or fair for Jayden Daniels to privately leak out that he would prefer not to get drafted by the Washington Commanders and tell us why they’re still feeling very good about the Los Angeles Clippers’ chances of beating the Dallas Mavericks in round one.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
Let's get this, punies, you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
It is The Odd Couple. I'm Chrisy's Rob. We're live
from the tire Rack dot com studios and shortly after
the show, our podcast goes up. So if you miss
any of today's show, just check out the pod. Search
Odd Couple wherever you get your podcasts, and also follow,
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wherever you get your pods and you will see today's
show post that right after we get off of the air.
It is our number two of a three hour show.
And Rob, we had a few playoff games. We know
every night we're gonna get an NBA playoff game and
one of the interesting series and Kerry Kittles was speaking

about it earlier. Rob last hour, he really was high
on the Minnesota Timberwolves, as am I. But I thought
they had a really tough first round matchup with the
Phoenix Suns. We know the Phoenix Suns are star studied justsic.
Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Bradley Beal and Phoenix Rob had

beaten him three times in the regular season, three out
of three and each win was by double figures. Wow,
and now here we are in the playoffs and the
tables have been turned. Minnesota at home. Now they were
in Minnesota, they gotta go to Phoenix for the next
two games. But they plastered the Suns by twenty five

in game one and last night beat them by twelve.
Rob Kevin Durant, thirty five years old and kind of
looking it, had only eighteen points on six or fifteen
shooting and was outplayed by Jaden McDaniels Rob, who had
the game of his life with twenty five points and

eight rebounds. Yeah, it was unbelievable and that allowed the Timberwolves.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Did you say, McDaniels, who'd you say? What was right?

Speaker 1 (02:36):
That allowed him to survive with just twelve points from
Karl Anthony Towns Rob and fifteen on three or twelve
shooting from Anthony Edwards and Devin Booker who himself wasn't awesome.
Six for thirteen.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
That's a bad loss. Christ, that's a bad loss right there.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Yeah, book has six turnovers too. And here's what he said,
Rob about the team.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
He said it quietly.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
You know the team.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
You know, we need to execute. You know, we play
well when we're playing well, and then you know we
need to stick together once things turned turned back, Like
I said, we've done that throughout the season. So you
know something that speak right. You know, we're all all
trying to fight out there, and you know, so far
in this series when it turned as you know, we've

kind of separated instead of being together. So and that's
everybody talked about him.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
So we got to figure out Books not playing Rob,
he called him out. We separate when things get tough.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Well, we've seen it, and I'll say this, this is
not what people signed up for in Phoenix. This this
could not be worse. Chris for real? Uh, when kd
went there, you were you know that? Oh my, oh
Devin Booker. Oh mind. Then they got Bradley Beal too, Oh, like,
how are you gonna stop him? They don't.

Speaker 6 (03:57):
I was told they don't need a bench, don't need
those other people, they don't need a bench.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
They got so much.

Speaker 6 (04:05):
Wow, this is gonna be because I'm assuming they're losing
this series. This is where you have to re examine
what you got. This ain't no way, Chris.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
You're gonna be like, oh, we'll regroup and come back
next year. Well, I think it is.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
I got a lot to say about the Suns, And
like I said, several things. Number one, like you said, Rob,
we don't need a bench. You know what else they saying,
we don't need a point guard? Yep. And they are
the worst fourth quarter team in the league by far. Rob.

They're so bad in the fourth that their point differential
this year, which obviously was in the negatives, was more
than two times that of the second worst fourth quarter
team in the league. So more than it was twice
as much, twice as worse, right then the second worst
team in the fourth quarter in the league. And Rob,

you know this, I'm sorry, Like I'm not claiming to
be any basketball you know genius, But Rob, you look
at that squad and they thought they didn't need a
point guard because Devin Booker can handle the ball in pass,

Kevin Durant can handle the ball in pass, Bradley Beal
can handle the ball in pass. That doesn't make you
a point guard.

Speaker 3 (05:35):

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Just because you're a great offensive player you can drive,
draw two people to you and then pass to the
open man doesn't make your point guard. And in the
fourth quarters you see it. They have nobody to control tempo,
nobody to get the ball to the right people, to
hot people. The guy in his spots directing traffic. And

I don't blame Booker, he's a two guard. But they
don't have a point that's number one, Rob. Secondly, what
it books and book said, they're not mentally tough, they
don't have a leader. And Kevin Durant thirty five years old,
two time champion, but he not stuffing, you know, Rob,

I didn't like people. People might disagree with me, and
I could be wrong. I didn't like the smiley when
Anthony Edwards is all up in your grill talking.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
About you a old so and so. You said it.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
You didn't like it, you know, and you come out
and then get get outplayed by a role player the
next game.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
By what you McAll it, right, you should have.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Been fired up, like, oh no, you not about to
talk to me like that. I'm gonna give y'all buckets.
And then Rob, Here's this is why I said when
you said it couldn't get any worse, it's worse than
you know, Rob or I think, and you know, Rob,
next year their payroll is over two hundred million dollars.

They have they will have the highest payroll in the league.
Bradley beal Rob three years, one hundred and sixty million
dollars left on this deal, taking that contract, and he
hasn't no trade cost to be off. Who's taking nobody?

Speaker 7 (07:23):
He's not.

Speaker 4 (07:25):

Speaker 1 (07:26):
I never say never, but this is about the closest
that I could come to saying they won't be able
to trade that.

Speaker 6 (07:32):
You know what they're doing in Washington right now, Chris,
when they're listening to the show and they're popping bottles
of champagne. Somehow somebody took Bradley Bill.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
Off our handship for real champagne.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
They would have been just a couple of games better
than they were this year with Bill. And he's good,
but he's obviously not like carrying your team anywhere. And
then Rob U.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
So I just think, look next, you know, Kevin Durant
wants to trade back to Brooklyn. I mean, I'm just
saying that's how bad it is.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
He might want to get trades in Minnesota maybe, but look,
here's the one thing, and financially it doesn't even work.
But Oklahoma City has a ton of draft picks. Would
they want Kevin Durant? Now? The thing is again, financially,
I don't even know how it could work. But you know,

I rob. Bottom line is what I'm saying is this
is probably their squad. I think they're They're big three
is likely to be their big three next year because
of the financial situation. I mean, I'm sure they could
trade Kevin Durant somewhere and get some good players for him.

Speaker 6 (08:50):
But Chris, can you bring this back? Can you really
run this back? After what we've seen? I hear what
you're saying, like this strap that right at the top
behind the back of choice.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
I don't want to trade Booker to you.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
No, I mean, but I don't. But you can't give
it the other pieces.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
I mean, you probably could trade Durant if you want to.
I don't know that I want to.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
Two years in I don't know Chris, and and he's
not looking younger every day, looking older.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
No, I mean, he's still playing well. No, but yeah,
he's playing great, but he's just not rapping. I mean,
this is he's he's always a great individual player, but.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
So does he not anymore? Is he at that point?

Speaker 1 (09:42):
I mean, and I honestly and I don't. I'm not
even saying this as an insult because, as you know,
I was one of the few in the national media
that did not criticize him when he went to Golden State.
I'm not gonna start now, that's for sure, but I
will say this, Rob, I don't think unless he goes
to that type of team denverse, you know what I mean, Like,

I don't think he's winning a championship now. I do
think Rob, he could go to ok C. Now again
I don't, I don't even know that that's financially possible.
But if he went to OKC and they were able,
obviously you keeping SJA, but even I wouldn't give up
check for him. At this point, chat Rome James Williams,
all right, I keep them and I can drop Kevin

Durant in there, then maybe they could win, because I
think they wouldn't. All they need KD to do is
just give him his their bucket.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
His buckets.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
But I don't Rob, Honestly, I don't think Lebron, I
don't think KD. I don't think Steph unless he goes
somewhere else, are winning any more?

Speaker 3 (10:47):
Ring, No, I'm with you. It's pretty obvious too. Stuff's
been out of the playing game twice, Chris in the
last four years. Yep, like like twice. Yeah, that says something.

Speaker 6 (10:59):
And with all the high expectations people had for the Sons,
what a downer, Let's not It wasn't five years or
ten years ago that they were up too on the
NBA Finals and like, look.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
At where they look.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
They blew it.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
Rob Chris ow it and Chris poor Chris Paul, And
I mean he obviously laid a role in not getting
it done.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
But Rob, that was his chance, that was his You
remember everybody was crowning them when he.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Was talking about where he's gone rank, he's top five
point guard all time, this and that, And I will
say this, Rob, as old as Chris is, the Sons
would have been better off keeping Chris Paul because of
the point guard h they need a point even though
he's not what he used to be, he's still you know,

is a is a very capable point guard. And on
top of that, Rob he they could have got out
of his contract after this season if they wanted to.
This is a hot young owner. I know it all right.
I mean Matt Ishbia and look he's dropping in there.
I'm about to win the championship right now. I'm making moves, baby,

watch me work.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Look at that between Matt.

Speaker 6 (12:14):
What's the Ishbia Ishbia? We saw with Steve Cohen with
the Mets. You got billions. Yeah, went out spend all
that money. The Mets have the highest payroll now in
the league.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
And last year didn't even make the playoffs.

Speaker 6 (12:29):
Like like I'm just saying, like, young guy, they come in,
they want to splash, I would show you how to
do it. I got deep pockets. I know sports, my boys, Isaiah,
you know what I mean, Like all this stuff and
and and they go they go crazy early on, and
then they.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
Got to pull back because they realize, like like they're stuck.

Speaker 5 (12:47):

Speaker 1 (12:48):
I think they're done obviously as far as this series. Now, Look,
I don't think they're done like the Lakers. Like I
don't think the Lakers have a chance. I think the
Suns have a chance. I'm picking the soda, Rob But
I wouldn't be shocked if the Suns come and win
these next two or make it a series. I don't
think they'll win it, but I don't think they're like

out of it, like no chance, you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (13:12):
I think I think that Minnesota split with Minnesota, I.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Just three to one is pretty much over.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
Yeah. I just if they won back to back games,
I would be surprised. Just I just would be all right.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox, You're turned the
way in. How big of a disappointment are the Phoenix
Suns and Kevin Durant in this situation?

Speaker 3 (13:42):
All of them?

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Book Durant and beal your thoughts next, Chris and Robb,
they couple of Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 7 (14:01):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Up on Game? What is up on Game?

Speaker 2 (14:09):
You ask?

Speaker 7 (14:10):
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Speaker 1 (14:41):
All right, it's the Eye Couple Chris and rib live
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It's all presented by Express Pros eight seven, seven ninety

nine on Fox. What in the world is wrong with
the Phoenix Suns? Lack of leadership and Devin Booker now
saying they're not together? Really, that's not your We're not
mentally tough when the going gets tough, All.

Speaker 6 (16:08):
Right, Chris, let's kick it off with Josh in Arizona.
You're on the EYD couple of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Josh?

Speaker 4 (16:14):
How y'all doing? Man? Thanks for having me on.

Speaker 8 (16:16):
Yeah, okay.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
I got two points, one.

Speaker 9 (16:20):
About the Suns in one about KB. Real quick, Chris,
you are a thousand percent correct. I had no expectations
for this team. I'm shocked that they even got in
the playoffs the way they did when they don't have
a playmaker. Now we are in this position, this league
where point guards are shooting guards and there's no more
power forwards and everybody's a wing basically and a big man.

Download you still have to have some of those same concepts.
You still have to have a wing that can guard
six sevens and six eighth You still have to have
a big that can rebound and protect the goal. You
also still have to have a playmaker. Draymond Green's not
a point guard, but he's their playmakers. They their playmaker.

Speaker 4 (17:00):
Murry's a two guard for crying out loud, like, you
gotta have that guy on the floor to get other
people involved.

Speaker 9 (17:05):
So when they didn't have that, I didn't.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Expect much and real quick on KD. Kd's like Kawhi
for me, if you look at pay attention to their careers.
Kawhi Leonard could dominate a game with his play, but
he's never been a leader, and when he's had success
spurs him Dune. I mean, yeah, but there're different.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
Kinds of leaders. Don't say everybody's not a raw rob
follow me. Sometimes lead with their with their play. I'm
just saying.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
And the one thing I will say that's different. I mean,
and I don't think KD could do this. He hasn't
done it. Kawhi Leonard led Toronto to a championship.

Speaker 4 (17:41):
Well that's my but that's my point. He had Kyle
Lawry be that leader, and he had Nick Nurse be
that leader.

Speaker 8 (17:47):
He was just he was just doing his thing.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
But he had people there taking on that vocal leadership.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Now that's fine all, but he led him as he did.
Wasn't It wasn't a super team. That's my like, that's
that's a difference. KD won his championships with a freaking
super team. It was a darn could never get over
the hump. They could never get over the hump until
that's the difference. But uh yeah, yeah, neither one is

a leader. I don't think I don't think either one
is a leader.

Speaker 3 (18:19):
Eric in Austin, Texas, You're on the odd couple of
Fox Sports Radio. What's up?

Speaker 7 (18:23):

Speaker 1 (18:24):
What's up?

Speaker 5 (18:25):

Speaker 10 (18:25):
What's up?

Speaker 4 (18:25):

Speaker 8 (18:25):
How you guys doing it?

Speaker 3 (18:27):
How are you?

Speaker 8 (18:28):
I'm doing going this worship Wednesday?

Speaker 4 (18:30):

Speaker 8 (18:30):
Like the last call, I got two points real quick,
one on Phoenix Like Chris, like you said, lack of leadership,
lack of point guard. I knew the minute they traded
for Bradley Build they weren't doing nothing because Bradley Bill
is a point guard. And Devon Book is a point guard.
You can ask the average seven assists and still not
be a point guard. I knew they weren't going nowhere
now I want to throw Trader polls. Do you guys
and hear what y'all think. Do y'all think Bradley build?

Where if there's no trade clills to go to Golden State?

Speaker 1 (18:56):

Speaker 8 (18:57):
Okay? So what about? So what if what if Phoenix
ran it back and did it for Chris Paul Because
Craig Sawston he's gonna be going to Golden State. They
can't pay him the money.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Well, he see, Look, I think they would be probably better,
but they wouldn't win the championship like Chris. You know,
I don't think they win the championship. But to get
rid of that contract, it still might be worth it. Again,
it's not getting you a title if.

Speaker 6 (19:31):
Okay, if it's about the money, but it ain't about
winning no championship.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Getting fall back you you be a playoff team, you'd
probably be about what you are now. Because remember Chris
Paul will be even a year older than he is now,
and we can see he's not the same.

Speaker 5 (19:48):

Speaker 1 (19:49):
For the Warriors. Rob, that's interesting. I mean, I like
Beal a lot, but he's just injured too much for
that contract. I just don't I don't think they do it.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Yeah. Hey, Kevin in Virginia. You're in The Odd Couple
of Fox Sports Radio. What's up? keV? keV?

Speaker 8 (20:11):

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Going once?

Speaker 3 (20:14):
All right, Joe? All right?

Speaker 1 (20:16):
All right.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brussar and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm Eastern,
four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
All Right. Thoroughbred Raising has a new independent regulator. It's
called HEISA, and HEISA is implementing comprehensive reforms. Rob in
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First dot Com. Rob g let's talk, come on in

here to talk about Jalen Daniels And look, I think
the commanders with the second pick should take Jade and Daniels.
But he does not want to be there. What was
he on today, Rob Talk? Was it today or yesterday?

Talking about he'd rather go to the Raiders and the Vikings. Well,
it goes back to Friday.

Speaker 10 (21:17):
You guys will recall we had a very spicy segment
on the odd Couple, which on the best of segment.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
If you want to check that out yet, was it spicy?

Speaker 1 (21:24):
You haven't got to it yet.

Speaker 10 (21:25):
Recall that Jaden Daniels and his representatives were very ticked
off that he thought he was going to meet with
them privately, and they ultimately had all four quarterback prospects
in the building at the same time.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
Because Rob was so wrong and I'm.

Speaker 6 (21:42):
The one that's spicy when you go into the restaurant
to get some a piece of spicy pop.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
Ods, that's me, that's Rob Parker.

Speaker 10 (21:49):
And so again that was a very public situation because
his agent was liking tweets that, you know, questioning the
whole process. Right, So over the weekend, I'm not gotting
over the weekend, And yesterday Danna Rossini posted her most
updated news and notes heading into the NFL's draft, and
what she said in her report was that Daniels has

quote told people that his dream world he would reunite
with Raiders head coach Antonio Pierce, who coached him in college,
or he'd end up with Kevin O'Connell in Minnesota. That's
his preference to go to one of those two teams.
So today he was speaking at an event and a
reporter asked him, I wish we had this album, but

we don't. They asked him whether or not he'd be
fine getting drafted number two overall, the Commanders has been
the projection and his answer, which was very politically correct,
was I'm blessed to go wherever I'm called. Whoever calls
my phone, when the commissioner gets up says my name,
I'll be blessed and they're gonna get my all. And
of course there's good reporters there like Rob Parker who

said quickly, okay, so you're saying that if you're taken
by the Commanders, you would be on board with it,
and he says yes, even though no one really believes.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Well, look Rob, first of all, you look at follow up.
Washington is in a horrible situation. You got Terry McLaurin,
you got you know, you got some decent players. Obviously
if you go to I get the Raiders, right, Antonio Pierce,
they have a history together. They got Devonte Adams. You

being Vegas, like, I'm not mad at him for one
that and then the vikings you'd have justin Jefferson, all right,
So I understand, and Rob, I don't mind him kind
of putting out his preferences and maybe letting if you
don't want to go to Washington, letting them know, you know,

give him something to think about. But at the end
of the day, you're gonna be professional and you're gonna
go there and play. And I think if he goes there, Rob,
he'll end up, you know, he'll be fine, And I
don't think he'll cause any problems and he'll be fine.
I don't mind the guy having preferences and making them known.

This is his way to try to sway the draft,
if that's what he's trying to do. But at the
end of the day, wherever I'm drafted, that's where I'll go.
And Chicago kinda is in the same situation, because I mean,
we haven't heard much about it lately, but Caleb Williams,
I mean, where there's smoke, there's fire. There was enough
smoke to make you think he didn't necessarily want to

play there either, but he will. And so I got
no problem with these guys having preferences and voicing.

Speaker 6 (24:37):
I just think that stuff that you could leave you
don't want. That's why I had so much respect Chris.
We both talked about Joe Burrow.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Don't go there, don't go to Cincinnati. Oh that's a
terrible franchise.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
Don't go there, bah blah blah blah blah. And we
talked about it.

Speaker 1 (24:56):

Speaker 3 (24:57):
The reason your top pick is because some team doesn't
have a quarterback. Things aren't good there. You're you're you're
bought there to try to turn things around. You don't
get to go to the Kansas City Chiefs. And you
don't want to go to the Kansas City Chiefs anyway.
They have a quarterback? You do you know what I'm saying, Like,
I don't. I don't understand all of that. I really don't,

because you never know where you can wind up and
what could happen.

Speaker 6 (25:25):
Michael Jordan all, I don't want to go to Chicago Bulls.
They think they've never want anything. My god, what did
you do there? Became a legend. All I'm saying, Chris,
is if you have some concerns that should be behind
closed doors and let your people talk about that. Why
have a fan base already feel like you don't want
to be there. You kind of put that out. You

sound like a little baby that you want everything to be,
you know, in your favor. It just doesn't have to
be public that That's all I'm saying. You could have concerns,
don't make it public. Everything doesn't have to be for
public consumption. That's all I'm saying in this.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Yeah, I don't mind it because number one, I think
Joe Burrow and you're right, we both said he should
go to Cincinnati and what happened. And when you're that guy,
you'll turn him around, and he did. And that's my thing.

Speaker 8 (26:17):

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Jaden Daniels isn't saying don't draft me. I'm not going there.
Y'all gonna be sorry if you draft me, or I'll
hold that like they're not saying that. Kayler Williams not
saying that about Chicago. All they did or at let's
keep it on. Daniels is just make his preferences known,
and that's fine. Robbie. I'm coming out of college and

I love to be in LA I'm a great reporter
or whatever, and a lot of places want me. But
I really love to be in la The weather there
is great. I got a good friend that writes for
La Times. I'd rather go there. But you know, sure,
I'll work in Milwaukee and I'll be good darn good
at it. Like I don't have a problem with that,

And it's an opportunity for him to make them think
and say, you know what, maybe we shouldn't draft him,
Maybe we should look at a trade with I know,
we know the Raiders or the Vikings want to move up.
Let's see what they get like. So I don't have

a problem with it. Once you're there, though, Now you're
a commander, and now I want one hundred and ten percent,
I don't want to hear about the Vikings or the
Raiders anymore. You are on our team lead us. So
in the time in between right now though, I got
no issues with it. And if they if they're afraid

of it, then don't draft him. But I think you'll
be professional and show up there and do the best
he can.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
I just think you gotta be careful.

Speaker 6 (27:54):
You don't want to scare people off because it might
not be not only the team you don't want to
go to, but the team you really want to go to.
They might be afraid of you as well. Uh, this
guy's a prima donna. This guy's this, this guy's that.
They always have gonna put put something out there. That's
all we heard about Caleb. I mean, we've heard everything
about it that just pick the guy apart. I'm not

saying he's above criticism, Chris, or or you can't discuss
some of the stuff, But my god, you have thought
he's the worst thinging that, the worst quarterback who ever played.
And he's a he's a troubled child, and he's this,
he's Caleb, and he's this, and he's that.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
That's all we heard.

Speaker 6 (28:34):
And he's still gonna wind up being just where everybody
thought he would be because you said it.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
I said it.

Speaker 6 (28:40):
The Bears would be crazy, Chris to not take this.
They haven't had a franchise quarterback to roll the dice
and have this guy be something special. And you you
picked the wrong guy. He's going to have to prove
to me he can't play. I'm not I'm not doing it.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
Yeah, And I think Jaden is good enough. I don't
think they're gonna teams are gonna back away from him.
And Rob he said the other day, I don't know
if you saw it that uh, he said, Michael Vick
was the first, you know, like really dynamic running quarterback.
You had some you know, Randall Cunningham and a few others,
but you know Vic the first. And then he said,

Lamars took it to another level. And he said he's
trying to, you know, do what they did. And he
is a dynamic runner and passor. I think at this
point now he's older than them. Uh, he's been in
college a while, but he's a better pocket passer than them,
more pocket presence. But he also can run that football

and so dynamic athlete. You got any concerns about his size.
He's six ' four, but he's thin.

Speaker 3 (29:45):
Yeah, I mean he's gotta put some weight on he's Uh,
that'll happen some muscle, Chris.

Speaker 1 (29:50):

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Once he becomes a pro, eating all those steaks, spending
all that money, you know what I mean, like baked potatoes,
a lot of butter, he'll get.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
All right. It is the odd couple. And speaking of improvement,
how about Luka Doncis's defense. Could that be the thing
that sends the Clippers home? It's one to one right now.
We'll get into that next a couple Chris Rob.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
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Speaker 1 (30:32):
All right, it's the idd couple, Chris and Rob live
from the tireg dot com studios and Rob. Last night,
you and I both have the Clippers beating the Dallas
Mavericks and getting to the Western Conference Finals and losing
to Denver for that matter. But last night, in Kawhi

Leonard's return, the Clippers go down, they surrender home court advantage.
Are you concerned at all?

Speaker 3 (31:02):
No, because I didn't think they were gonna sweep them.
I didn't think that. I think that the Denver of
Dallas is a very very good team.

Speaker 6 (31:09):
Chris, I'm not. I think they were gonna bounce back.
We talked about it yesterday. Didn't we say that, like
they did, not that they were gonna bounce back six
or seven? I think, huh yeah, I think I think
so too.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
So I'm not overly.

Speaker 6 (31:22):
It wasn't like the If you want to say, would
I be concerned if the Clippers got blown out in
that game? I would have been surprised like that was
a close game that they easily could have won. Dallas
played better, Luca made a big shot Chris, and they
won it. It happens, but they weren't out of the game.
They were down and came back right the Clippers.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
They had a lead in the third quarter. Well, what
everybody's talking about, Rob, And we know how great Luca
is offensively all right, last night he had what thirty
two and nine, I believe, But defensively, Rob, he he
really has improved. I'm not saying he's a lockdown defender
by any stretch of the imagination, but Rob, he did

clearly was Garden and was taking the challenge of Garden,
Kawhi and James Harden and whoever really he needed to.
And Rob, he goes ahead and holds the play where
he was the closest defender. And I know sometimes this
can be misconstrued, but still there is some legitimacy to it,

where he was the closest defender. The Clipper shot too
for seventeen and Rob, I think what has happened with
Luka Doncic, and it's a great thing is that when
you are a young rising star in the NBA. I
think Rob When you first get in the league, your

goal is let me establish myself.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
You have you have to establish yourself right right.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Let me show everybody that I can play and that
I lost reel right, and I'm going to be a
star or I am already a star. Wins and losses
aren't as big of a deal in general. Like Wimby,
I mean, you joker, not joke, but you know they
lost eighteen straight. Nobody's saying Wimby's not gonna be great, right,

I mean, so we've Lebron didn't make the playoffs his
first two years. No one was saying, oh, he can't
get it done. He's not a winner. We expect that
of young players. But once you establish yourself firmly as
a superstar, all right, you that guy? Oh my, then
it's like okay. At a certain point, Rob, the honeymoon ends,

and now the media is like, okay, but can he win?
Oh he's great, he puts up numbers, but Kenny win.
It happened to Michael Jordan. It happened.

Speaker 6 (34:00):
I was covering Michael Jordan during that time, and they
were like, he's a great player.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
He doesn't make anybody else better, but he got the.

Speaker 1 (34:10):

Speaker 3 (34:10):
It was all out there.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
It was right and you have to you get and
it's a compliment because we think you're so good that
you should be winning. And so Luca Robs started getting
that over the last year or so, year and a
half or so. Well, Kenny, yeah, okay, he's nice.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
Can he win?

Speaker 1 (34:35):
And Rob, to his credit, I think he took it
to heart and said, all right, one thing I need
to do to better my chances of winning is to
defend Lebron defense. Jordan defended jokichieven defense. He's not fantastic,
but he's he's actually good.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
Pretty about effort. Thow you got a Brian effort.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
You don't have to be like And I know Nash
didn't win, but still Steve Nash and Steph Curry, Rob,
they they try. They're smart defenders. They're not great individual defenders,
neither is Jokics, but they're smart. They talk, they'll be
in the right place right, they make the right rotations

and reads. And that's what Luca. I think Rob that's
the evolution of his game and that's gonna help him.
Now we'll see. I got the Clippers in this one, too,
But I think Dallas is a really good team. I
won't be surprised if they win it. But this is
the next step for Luca, and it's a good one

and it's one that all the champions, essentially Rob have
to take.

Speaker 3 (35:47):
And also.

Speaker 6 (35:49):
For Luca Chris, I'm with you, like he was getting
away with it coming in out of shade. People are
talking about is his condition and all that stuff, and
he still was putting up points and all that and
doing his thing. But now you got you're gonna be
held to a higher standard. That's not gonna be good
enough just to do that and have half a game

and not put in an effort.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
Right, You don't have to be a stopper. You just
have to put up an effort and make people work
for theirs. That's it.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Yeah, Because what it does Rob when you are the
best player on the team and you don't put in
effort defensively.

Speaker 3 (36:31):
Hard for anybody else, hard for anybody.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
It's human nature and they I'm not saying it's not
that they don't respect you or whatever, but you're taking off,
So what's gonna make them like? You know, it's just
natural for them to slack off a little too. But
when they see you putting forth the effort. Oh he's
getting after it and he's got to handle the ball

all the time. Oh boy, right, Like all I need
to do is catch and shoot. Let me, let me
really get after it defensively. And so that's the other
benefit of this is that it's gonna make the Mavericks
overall a better team and better defensive team. And they
are a good defensive team now they've second half of

the season, they've played terrific defense and this series, right,
and that's one thing. Look, the reason I'm not deflated
about the Clippers. One, you got Kawhi Leonard back, and
he wasn't himself, but second half he was a little
bit better, kind of had this rhythm a little bit more.
Second thing robed James Harden. I mean, look, any day now,

it could, it could leave. But so far through the
first two games, he's been James Harden. I'm not saying
he was fantastic.

Speaker 3 (37:47):
Not that he yet.

Speaker 1 (37:48):
But I can handle miss shots. I can't handle no shots.
I can't handle turnovers all over the place. I can't
handle being tentative and their rob They defensively have held
the Mavericks, who are a great offense below one hundred
points in both games.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
There you go that says that speaks volumes. I'm with you.
That team scores yep.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
So uh we got a barn Burner in that one
and also Rob, how about the Miami Heat. They are
up on the Celtics eighty two seventy seven late in
the third
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