All Episodes

April 13, 2024 80 mins

Jonas Knox talks about a smart career decision from Buckeyes OC Chip Kelly, the weird trend of caring about athletes following and unfollowing on social media, the comical lack of interviews for former Patriots HC Bill Belichick, a quick look ahead at UFC 300, Joe Burrow explains why he’s okay with taunting in the NFL, why it wouldn’t even matter if Ohtani was gambling on sports, and more!



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I have to stop.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
From the beginning, Jonas Knocks, you thought you knew me,
You didn't know a thing about me.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
He's crazier than a else. Wracked that guy, Jonas Knocks,
you heard me, PRAI in some darkness is lighting up
your speakers to establish an alibi for the day. From
the tirag dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios, here's Jonas Knocks.

Speaker 4 (00:27):
Yep, Okay, I'll be port this world.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
You know, sometimes you see people do stuff and you think,
why the hell they making that move? And then you
see the result you go on that makes sense and
that is what just happened in the world of football.
I'll explain what I mean coming up here and just
a couple of moments from now, Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio.

You can listen to the show here on the iHeartRadio app.
You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across
the country and wherever you are making us a part
of your Saturday morning into the afternoon. We appreciate you
doing so. We are going to take you all the
way up until four pm Eastern time one o'clock Pacific,
and we do so live. We don't tire rack dot

Com studios tire rack dot com. We'll help you get there,
an unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a
protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tire rack dot
com the way tire buying should be. So sometimes people
will make a move and you see them make a move,
or you see them do something and you realize after

the fact, after you had some questions, some doubts, oh yeah,
makes all the sense in the world.

Speaker 3 (01:52):

Speaker 2 (01:53):
It's kind of like those you know, don't knock it
till you try it, like a lot of people have,
like a cocktail, a drink of choice, a sandwich. You
try it and you go, oh, yeah, it's not bad,
Like yeah, actually kind of makes some sense. Like I
remember the first time I had sweet and spice together.

I was living in Charleston, South Carolina. I believe I
had just gotten laid off my radio job. That was fun,
and I remember thinking they told me they had this
combination of sauce because I wanted to get some wings
on whatever eleven dollars I had left to my name,
and they told me this combination of like yeah, well
we've got this. It's got a little bit of a

it's got some mango in it. It's got some spice,
it's got this. I'm like, it doesn't see the no no, no,
trust us. It's great. All right, I'll give it a shot,
never look back. Took one bite and realized, Oh, that's
my go to mango hobanaro. That's my thing. Like that

is like, I'll get it anywhere because of that one movie.
It made sense. You tell me that. On the surface,
I go, none of that adds up. Like I'm in
the produce atyle, I'm not thinking, Hey, look at that
mango over there and look at that hobinaro. That would
go great together. You throw it in a sauce, you
throw it on some wings, and I'm hooked. And I've
never looked back. If you were to say, so, there's

a guy. He runs a team, he's the head coach,
runs the program. He's going to take a demotion and
no longer be the head coach somewhere. Instead, he's going
to have to play second fiddle to a nether head coach.

And he willingly made the move. Just on the surface,
doesn't really make sense. Why would you do that? Why
would you willingly take a demotion? You didn't get fired.
You didn't get kicked out, but you willingly took a demotion.
Why the hell hell would you do that? And then,

if you're Chip Kelly, you walk into the Horseshoe and
you realize, oh god, there's eighty thousand people here for
a spring game at Ohio State, and the place I
just left had forty thousand in the last home game

at the Rose Bowl. Oh and by the way, this
spring game is being nationally televised on Fox. Yeah, now
it makes sense why I made the move? Okay, got it? Yeah,
all lines up? Now, everything checks out. Do you wonder
why coaches were doing this? Do you wonder why Chip
Kelly specifically chose to take a demotion? And you can say, well,

he was gonna get fired, he was gonna okay, fine,
but but he hadn't been fired. Well, you know they
were really sure nil this and that? All right, all
of that is fair. How about just the fact that
he gets to go someplace where football actually matters to
a point to where on an April Saturday, beautiful Saturday

in April eighty k decided we're gonna show up to
watch our team play each other in a scrimmage, a
spring game, and the people at Fox are like, Yeah,
we're gonna nationally televise that. We're gonna run with that.
We're gonna we're gonna go ahead and air that. This
is why when you hear people talk about, well, you know,

football matters elsewhere, it matters in bigger places, and we
look at it from a national landscape. Go, okay, I
get it. I get it, Like it's why those schools
didn't want anything to do with the Pac twelve. It's
why the Pac twelve was always kind of last in
line during COVID, last in line to get their TV

deal done, last in line. And then you look at
this and you go, this is just to scrimmage. Like
now I get like, I would rather play second fiddle
and be a coordinator in the Big Ten at Ohio State,
then go be a head coach at another program that
just doesn't care as much. And you could say, well,

they're gonna be in the Big ten anyways, a little
different and they're gonna find that out quick. I mean,
last home game of the season for UCLA and the
number say forty two thousand and change, let's be honest,
probably around thirty. If we're gonna be clear about this,
and be honest. So I'm watching this game in Columbus

going dude, like, this is why people tell you, Oh, well,
why would so and so choose to go there? Why
would you get on campus? You get to a game
and you realize the the pageantry, the size of it all.
It's just different in some places. And CHIPCA without the

regular season being anywhere close to being near just found
out as he walked into the Horseshoe and saw eighty
thousand people there to watch a spring game, a scrimmage
and exhibition, not against anybody else, just against themselves. That
was nationally televised on Fox. And next week Michigan gets

the same treatment. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio, get
me on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas
Knox on Twitter, and you can hang out with us
as always on the iHeartRadio app. All right, so let's
have a conversation about some lookie lose. You know what
a LOOKI lou is like in traffic, Like my mom

used to call people lookie louse when traffic slows down,
and it's not because there's an accident, it's because people
are looking at an accident. Some people call them rubberneckers.
My mom always called them looky lose. Apparently there are
some lookie lose in the NFL and some lookie louse

that covered the NFL. Did you know that Brandon Ayuk
unfollowed the forty nine ers on Instagram? Did you know that?
Were you aware of that? Did that even cross your
mind that Brandon Ayuk or cross your feed that Brandon
Ayuk had unfollowed the forty nine ers on Instagram? Because

I didn't know it either until it was reported on
earlier today. Brandon Ayuk, in the middle of a contract
negotiation with the Niners, has unfollowed them on Instagram. Why
would I know that? And better question, why the hell
do you know that? Why are you looking? I don't

want to go off on the tangent that I've gone
on before in discussing well, you know, I can't stand
how players use social media to be passive aggressive and
people have done it for years and years and it
was Facebook and they're going through a breakup. Are you
in a relationship? It's complicated, blah blah blah blah blah.
I don't want to go through all that. I want
to go through. How the hell do we know that
these guys are doing it. There's like a representative for

Brandon Ayuk reach out to like some of these news
outlets like ESPN or Pro Football Talk or some of
these other ones and say, hey, just to give your
heads up, he unfollowed the team on ig Ooh okay, cool. Cool.
That beats us having to write a story about people
tampering with some kicker from the UFL. All right, we'll

run with that here as the headline. How does this
stuff even get out?

Speaker 1 (09:40):

Speaker 2 (09:40):
How would you know? And apparently that's just the move
in the middle of a contract negotiation, throw a tantrum
on social media, distance yourself. Stefan Diggs did it, and
we all run with it. But why does anybody follow?
And maybe there's an app where you and see who
unfollows who? I have no idea if somebody unfollows me,

I don't know. And furthermore, I don't know why anybody
would want to follow me, So I have no clue
when this stuff pops up. But apparently you got a
bunch of people looking over the urinal the other guy
going hey, nice watch, but what are we doing? Either
that information is being handed to media outlets and they're

running with it, or people are a little bit nosy
and people are trying to find out what these temper
tantrums are all about and trying to tie the two together. Personally,
I'm not going through anybody's IG or Twitter or x
or Snapchat or TikTok to see who they're following and

better yet, who they're unfollowing, because I don't care. Jonas
Knoxy or on Fox Sports Radio, get me on Twitter
again at the Jonas Knox that is, at the Jonas
Knox on Twitter. Speaking of don't Care, We're gonna have
another edition of Do You Care coming up later on
this hour. That'll be how we close up our one
of the program. We're also gonna have the scraps coming
up an hour two. It's all the usual grab ass Shenanigans,

fun stuff as we take you all the way up
again until four pm Eastern time one o'clock Pacific. Coming
up next here though, from the tire Raq dot Com studios,
we're gonna talk about somebody in the NFL, somebody in
NFL circles who finally, finally is getting a little bit

of respect, finally having some people defend him for the
first time. In a long time, and you'll hear it
next here at FSR.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (11:57):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day
five to seven pm Eastern.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
But here's the thing.

Speaker 5 (12:03):
We never have enough time to get to everything we
want to get.

Speaker 6 (12:06):
To, and that's why we have a brand new podcast
called over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun
in our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly,
because this guy is over promising things we never have
time for. Yeah, you blubber Lisa and me.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Well you know what it's called over promise.

Speaker 5 (12:22):
You should be good at it because you've been over
promising women for years.

Speaker 6 (12:24):
Well, it's a Covino and Rich after show, and we
want you to be a part of it. We're gonna
be talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk
life and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing
about something or we didn't have enough time, it will
continue on our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
Well, if you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make
sure you check out Over Promised and also uncensored, by
the way, so maybe we'll go at it even a
little harder. It's gonna be the best after show podcast
of all time.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
There you go, over Promising. Remember you could see on YouTube,
but definitely join us. Listen Over Promised with Covino and
Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio. Coming up in we will
call it a little over ten minutes from now from
the tire Raq dot com studios. We are going to
talk about I guess the lighter approach towards somebody in
the world of sports who's got a little bit of
an issue, a little bit of an issue they were exposed.

It happened earlier this week. We'll get into that conversation
with you here coming up again a little over ten
minutes from now here on Fox Sports Radio. So I
thought this was interesting because when certain people come out
and have commentary about some of the situations and storylines

in the world of sports, it kind of has a
bigger impact to me. Like you'll you'll hear like some
people will get bitter about you know why they left
a team, why they left an organization, a former coach,
you know, whatever the case is, and it's like, all right, well,
you know that guy's clearly his experience was different. Clearly
his experience was not the same as everybody else's, and
so he wants to go on social media and kind

of bury somebody or get upset about something. But I
did think this was interesting because Stefan Gilmour took to
X or Twitter, whatever the hell you want to call
it yesterday and defended Bill Belichick because of what happened
in The Dynasty, which was on I think it was

Apple TV Plus or whatever the hell you know, app
it was on streaming. It was on to where they
chronicled the New England Patriots. I think they tried to
make it like the Last Dance, and much like the
Last Dance, there were some people that were not fairly represented,
and there's been some people that have had some pushback afterwards,
like Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant and some of these

guys are still not happy with Michael Jordan and the
way they were represented in that documentary, you know, and
the fact that we were in the middle of COVID and
there was nothing else going on, and people were just
sitting at home ripping through bottles of booze and thirty
packs on a nightly basis, because you know, it was
either that or hand sanitizer. So what are you gonna do?
Those guys aren't happy about it, and so they're going

on these media tours and they're talking about it. Well,
somebody who was not represented well in the Dynasty was
Bill Belichick, and you've seen more and more people come
out and defend him, and more and more people come
out and say, listen, that's not the way it was,
whether it was Gronk, Julian Edelman, Robert Kraft spoke about

it last week, like, there's people that were not thrilled
with the way that he was portrayed in this documentary,
and so Stefan Gilmour, who won a Super Bowl there
was actually one of the first big time free agent
signings of Belichick that you can point to as far
as a guy that they spent and some people thought
maybe overspent in free agency on and he was great
for New England. He went to social media and just said, listen,

I just watched The Dynasty. Bill's the greatest coach I've
ever been around, and talked about situations he put him
in and why he was the best and how you
know he kind of built redid the defense and the
defensive game plan and the Super Bowl against the Rams
and the Bill was the only one who could pull
that off, And just glowing respect for Belichick and his

greatness and his genius and all that that comes along
with it. And then you know, earlier this week, you've
got Matt Ruhle, the head coach at Nebraska, who was
talking with reporters about this sort of coaches gathering that
they do every year. They do a coach's clinic, a
clinic Nebraska, and they get everybody together and Bill Belichick

was invited to speak with everybody there in Nebraska, and
Matt rule broke down how it was dealing with Bill Belichick, who,
by the way, as we know, was only interviewed by
one team for their vacancy at head coach this offseason. Right,

So take that with you when you hear Matt Ruhle
talk about Bill Belichick's impact on the Nebraska coaches there
when he spoke with him last week.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
He is so smart, It's seemed so much that he
can make the complex so simple that it humbles you
and embarrasses you. I was embarrassed yes day listening to him,
how smart he is, how simple it was. He went
four and a half hours, was just with the coaches,
forget the clinic. Like he came in and met with
our coaching staff with three and a half hours in.
I was like, coach, would you like a water coffee?

Like to use the restroom because I desperately had to
use the restroom, you know, And he's like, I'm fine, Matt,
And I was like, yes, sir, And just sitting there
and just talking right and just his recall from things
fifteen years ago. The only reason why we don't get
through more information is because he's having to slow down
to make sure you understand what he's saying. I mean,
so you have this man who's a savant, right, Who's
been a defensive coordinator, he's been a special teams coordinator,

he's coached, you know, he could be an offensive coordinator's
been a head coach twice, a GM person. I mean,
he's and he's talking about football in a way that
just like illuminates things and makes things so simple that
you're like, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
So Matt Rule, Stefan Gilmore, I mean, we're talking like
head coaches, potential Hall of famers, Rob Gronkowski, Robert Kraft, Julianette,
like all of these people are talking about his impact,
what he does, the way he should be remembered, the

way he should be represented. And that guy got one
interview this offseason to be a head coach with the
Atlanta Falcons. He might have spoken with Washington, maybe somebody
else kicked the tires on him, But just think about
that how they're discussing it. Like Matt Rules a head coach,

coach who's had success in football, and you could say
whatever you want about what happened in Carolina, but his
history has shown history is going to be a little
kinder to Matt Rule about that whole situation based on
the fact that David Tepper is a disaster, I mean,
like what's happened with Frank Reich. Like I mean, like

like it's become very clear that maybe coaching wasn't really
the problem, that maybe they've got an impulsive owner who
just hires and fires guys way too quick. But like
Matt Rules had success in college, like Matt Ruhle, you know,
just got you know, one of the top recruits at

quarterback in Reyola to come commit there to Nebraska. Like
he's had success. So this isn't like some run of
the mill nobody who was, like, you know, coaching at
a D three somewhere as a tight ends coach. And
he's talking about no, no, no, like he's been around
great and he's saying I was embarrassed, Like he approaches

at a level that I don't even Stefan Gilmour, potential
Hall of Famer, Defensive Player of the Year, Super Bowl champion,
is talking about. Man, you guys don't understand. He's incredible.
If I'm an owner and I'm looking around hearing the
commentary and the breakdown and I just hired a head

coach this offseason, I'm thinking to myself, like, wait, what
why was he not anywhere near the building. And I've
said it before, I think this only adds more pressure
to Atlanta and Raheem Morris and everybody there because if
the stories are true and they decided they didn't want

Belichick and people in the organization didn't want anything to
do with Belichick because they were intimidated or didn't get
along with him or whatever. You if those stories are true,
what are we doing? Like the idea that that is
an actual reason to not bring in a coach who

you are hearing people talk about as the greatest of
all time that embarrasses other coaches with what he knows.
And he was there and available and wanting to coach,
and nobody else talked to him. Nobody thought to be like, hey,
you know what about Like hey, what it's like? We
do this all the time. If an organization drafts somebody

else and a player behind them ends up being an
all time great, the organization who passed on him, or
the organizations who passed on him, they get destroyed. Like
general managers, coaches lose their job. If you missed out
on an opportunity to draft a player he went elsewhere,

and that player ends up being an all time great.
I mean, you could go through history. Every single draft,
somebody gets drafted for somebody else, and every organization who
didn't take him gets destroyed. You can probably think of
your favorite team right now. Your favorite team passed on
an all time great player took somebody else, and that

player that went after him a pick later, two picks later,
around later, three rounds whenever it is gets destroyed, Well,
how are we going to look at some of these organizations?
If Belichick takes a head coaching job somewhere next year,
like what has been rumored, like Philly or Dallas or
something like that, how are we going to look at
these organizations who went elsewhere to hire somebody else. And

I'm not saying that these other coaches aren't going to
be great, and I'm not saying that I hope that
they fail or anything like that. But if it happens,
and we know this to be a case, because six
to seven to eight jobs open up every single offseason,
how are we going to look at those organizations around
the NFL that didn't even knock on the door of

Bill Belichick at him his vacation home in Nantucket in
the offseason, and hired somebody else when he was there
available and willing to talk? Like, how are we going
to look at those organizations? Because the more you hear
everybody who actually knows something about football, everybody who's actually
been around him, been around others, talk about this guy

like not even bring him in for a discussion, no conversation, No,
I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense to
me whatsoever. And I think it's a lot of people
who were either bitter at Bill Belichick about his dominance
in the league or just want to focus on the
final years without Tom Brady and say, oh, well, well,
well that's why it's like, dude, like he's the one,

as Rodney Harrison pointed out, As Devin mccorty pointed out,
he's the one who brought in all of all these
great players that people didn't want anymore. He's the guy
who said we're starting Tom Brady and we're not going
to be going with Drew Bledsoe anymore. He gave him
one hundred million dollars. Belichick was that guy, but apparently

not good enough for anybody else to kick the tires
on when it comes to a head coaching search or
an interview this offseason. Apparently kind of strange, but apparently
that's the case. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio, get
me on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas
Knocks on Twitter. We are going to have a conversation
here coming up next about somebody in the world of
sports who's got a problem. I mean, they've got a problem,

right we're going to showcase that problem and we're going
to get into that for you here on FSR, but
for all the latest from around the world of sports.

Speaker 7 (24:32):
Make some noise for nick Code. All right, thank you, Jonas.
I feel like you were really talking to me there
a moment ago, because I grew up a fan of
the Sacramento Kings, and you want to talk about missing
on draft picks, that that is the epitome of their franchise.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
All who's the one that still burns your ass?

Speaker 7 (24:50):
I mean, most recently, it's taking Marvin Bagley a pick
before Luka Doncic, but you can go back Thomas Robinson
a pick before Damian Lillard, Jim or Ferdet right before
Clay Thompson. Like it's it's really bad.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Yeah, but listen, I mean you've had some great players though,
Like who's like, who's on your Mount Rushmore as Sacramento
Kings players. I mean it's all from like twenty years ago.

Speaker 7 (25:15):
Paiga, Brad Miller, Yeah, Brad Miller, Pagia White Chocolate, Jason Williams,
Chris Weber, Darren Fox is the guy, the most recent
guy who is really kind of getting himself onto that level.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Given that he's been able to stay there for a while.
You know, a real tough player. But you know my
favorite White Chocolate Jason Williams moment. By the way, could
you call somebody today white Chocolate or did you get canceled?
Like I feel like we probably get canceled for it,
but screw it. Who cares? Yeah, it's a long established
nickname at this point. Yeah, I mean so, Jason Williams
nickname was White Chocolate, and there was I didn't even

know if he was played for Sacramento at the time,
but I still remember this because my buddies and I
used to say to each other all the time after
we saw the video. There was a reporter that was
in the locker room who was taking down notes as
he was interviewing Jason Williams, and Williams was pissed about
the game or something that happened, and Jason Williams got
annoyed with this reporter taking down notes, so he took

his pencil away or his pen away and just kept
saying to the guy, you ain't gonna write nothing homeboy,
you ain't gonna write nothing home. My buddies and I
for years after the fact, like would always say to
each other, you ain't gonna do nothing, home boy, Like
that was our go to. It's hilarious. Yeah, I don't
even remember that, I swear to you can find the video.
And I don't know if he was with Sacramento at

the time and got it. Probably happened fifteen years ago,
and I just remember that was our go to. Like
he was a great player, had a ton of highlights.
Whenever I think white Chocolate Jason Williams, all I think
about is him taking the pen out of the guy's
hand and saying, you ain't gonna write nothing, homeboy, and
this reporter looked like he was gonna crap himself. It
was great. But that was your Sacramento Kings update from

twenty years ago.

Speaker 7 (26:58):
Yes, so exactly, only here on Fox Sports. Ready, right,
all right, Moving day at the Masters. Jonas leaders set
to tee off here momentarily world number one and Masters
champ from two years ago. Scottie Scheffler is part of
a three way tie atop the leaderboard at six under.
He's joined there by Max Homa and Bryson de Shambo.
Tiger Woods has trailed off a little bit. He is

three over for his round today, now plus four for
the tournament, back in a tie for thirty second. Wind
is still a bit of a factor today, but not
as intense as it was on Friday. In baseball, the
Braves anounced pitcher Spencer Streider had surgeery to repair the
UCL and his throwing elbow. He will miss the rest
of the season. Some games in action, Yankees on top

of the Guardians three to two in the seventh, Twins
and Tigers tied at two in the sixth, Royal's up
on the Mets four to three in the third, and
the Reds with an early two to zero lead on
the White Sox. They were only in the second inning there.
In the NBA, The Athletic reports that former Bucks coach
Mike Budenholzer is among the finalists to be the next
head coach of the Brooklyn Yes, Jonahs, back to you.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
Thanks Nick Jonas Knox here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming
up here in we will call it a little over
twelve minutes from now, we are going to have another
edition of Do You Care. This is where we basically
take a bunch of stories that have been talked about
and force fed to you over the past several days
in the world of sports radio and television, and we
tell you are honest, brutally honest opinions on all of those.

So again stick around for that. That'll be yours here
in a little over twelve minutes from now. So I
got to say this, like, sometimes people are such a
scumbag that you kind of admire it. And I'm not
saying that they should be celebrated or should get a

round of applause, but it's like a level of scumbag
that I can't personally fathom ever getting to, but just
kind of looking in amazement at what a scumbag this person. Actually,
ISI's interpreter is at the top of the list you

want to talk about, full blown, degenerate, gambler, dirt bag,
just just somebody that you would want nowhere near you
and that you shouldn't trust. The guy's gambling one hundred
and eighty million dollars. Then, like, you know, there's some
people out there that are still going the conspiracy theory

route and they're like, ah, well, you know, because he
had to turn himself into authorities yesterday or whatever he
had to do, and he's looking at like potentially thirty
years in prison, Like like you're looking at some of
the details of the report that comes out like he's
like he's pretending to be sho Heotani when he's talking
to the bank. Then you're probably thinking, oh, well, you know, listen,

it's a conspiracy. Otani was still gambling and he was
still doing this, and it was it's like, Okay, well,
they've got recordings. I mean, they've got proof of text messages,
They've like, they've got the proof. It's so they're just
making this up like they've got the proof. And that's where,
you know, this is where the conspiracy theory stuff kind

of goes. And I'm not trying to judge conspiracy theories here.
You know my opinion on it. I'm always open minded
to it because if they're not true, at the very
least they're entertaining. I don't believe majority of them, but
I'm not going to be closed minded to it because
I feel threatened by it. Like, oh, God, so and
so said the earth was flat. We've got to cancel him. Okay,

why is he think that? Why do you think it?
Such and such beliefs in Bigfoot? Okay, probably not true,
but where's your evidence, what's the proof? Let's have a conversation,
no judging, Let's just have a discussion. I'm open minded
to I'm not threatened by it. I don't get scared
by that stuff. It is what it is. People think differently.
No problem doesn't bother me at all. Let's have a conversation.

But like this guy is a dirt back and a
half and I'm I'm like watching the details come out
and trickle out, and like you know, you've got like
the bookie who's like following up. I mean, things could
have gotten really really bad and show, hey, Otani had
no idea, like no clue, just like blindly sort of

and whether you believe that or not, I mean, this
is what we're being told, this is what we're going
with whatever, but just had no clue while this guy
was stealing millions of dollars from him and gambling on
everything the NFL college football, like the text message when
he found out that he could gamble on soccer AND's

like texting the bookie, there's soccer games all day long,
almost like it just like was like overjoyed. It was
like me the first time I went to Santa Anita Racetrack,
Like I go to Santa Anita and basically the way
it works. If you've never bet on the ponies or
gone to a horse track, it's kind of like this.
You go to a horse race and usually the races

are like thirty minutes apart. So I remember going to
sant Anita Racetrack and we get there and you know,
we're licking the little little bit. We're having a couple
of throat burners, you know, getting on the liver loube
and we're just you know, we throw down a couple
of bucks on one race, lose, and it's like, all right,
when's the next race? And you see twenty eight MTP

And so you're you're a newbie at this and you go, goh,
what does MTP mean? Well, minutes to post, right, So
twenty eight minutes till they get to the post and
they start the next race. You're like, god, we got
to wait twenty eight minutes for the next race. See,
you go to the bar, you know, you you get
on a little bit of the the funny stuff again.

You start, you know, having a good time and then
you wait your turn. You go back about twenty five
minutes later, go up to the window, go back to
the track, and you bet on, You're like, and then
it comes back up again. You know, thirty one MTP
is God, you gotta wait another thirty minutes, this and that,
And then all of a sudden, somebody taps you on
the shoulder and says, you know, there's other races going
on around the country, right yeah, but we're not there.

You don't need to be there. See that race right there,
it's called Golfstream. So place in Florida. Their race is
coming up in four minutes. Go to the window and
bet on golf stream. Huh, don't mind if I do.
And then you realize, oh my god, you could bet
on all the That was Otani's gambler with soccer and

Otani's money. It's like a level of degenerate. I can't
even comprehend. I can kind of relate to kind a
little bit. But at least that was my money, and
at least we're talking like two to five to maybe
a ten dollars bed. This guy was a full fledged
junkie and couldn't get enough. And so to see the

layers of all this and what a scumbag he actually was.
I feel bad for Atani. I don't know how he
trusts anybody ever. Again, he seems like a great guy,
quiet guy, like had no idea any of this stuff
was going on. But when you just see the layers
of this come out, it's at a level that you

can't even sort of comprehend, Like I can't even begin
to put myself in that spot. So congratulations, Scumbag of
the year. Goes to show heey Otani's interpreter who apparently
thought it was okay to rob somebody of millions of
dollars and place a bunch of bets because you just
found out that Juventus is playing later on today, Oh

and after that Real Madrid Roma, and insert any other
soccer team you can think of, But don't bet on baseball.
Don't bet on the thing you actually are around and
know because you're in the hole, because at least you
have a little bit of integrity. Unbelievable job, well done,
dirt bag of the century. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio,
Get me on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the

Jonas Knox coming up neck here from the Tiraq dot
com studios. We are going to have another edition of
Do You Care? And It's yours here at FSR.

Speaker 4 (35:06):
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Speaker 3 (35:23):
This is Fox Sports Radios. What call your friends as
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foxsports dot com for details.

Speaker 2 (35:36):
Boom, trust your eyes at what Jonas Knox, Fox Sports
Radio coming up top of next hour. Believe it or not,
you were actually getting to see something in the world
of sports evolve in real time like you've never seen
it before. I'll explain what that is again coming up

top of next Hour a little over ten minutes from now.
Before we get to another edition of Do You Care, Though,
I want to remind you that shortly after the show,
our podcast will be going up. So if you've missed
any of today's show, including one person in the world
of football who realize they absolutely made the right decision
earlier this afternoon, make sure you check out that podcast.

Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast. Be
sure to also follow, rate and review the pod. Again.
Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts,
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Speaker 3 (36:33):
There are so many stories in the world of sports,
and most of them are a complete waste of time.

Speaker 2 (36:38):
DMS your reports.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
Let's get kinky. Here's some of the big stories from
the last week. But Jonas, the real question is do
you care?

Speaker 2 (36:48):
And for that we turn it over to our executive producer,
Bo Benson to find out what the hell people have
been talking about all week.

Speaker 8 (36:53):
Bo, all right, a little bit of an audible here,
But while we're gonna break there, Caleb Williams tweeted he said, wait,
well you all see my Draft day suit and my
lady's dress one of one's. So Jonas, I just have
to ask you, do you care about what Caleb Williams
might wear? And also do you care that he's revealed
that he does, in fact have a girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
It appears I'm trying to think how I can uh yeah,
you know, it just it feels like, uh really trying hard,
you know, like it's just just just like that's for
me personally, I don't care. I don't care, but I

think when you are, when you have to go that
far with something like dude, who cares what people are
saying about you and whatever? You know, you like you
like to wear his fingernaarrow polish or phones or whatever.
He released a video after that stuff came out, like dude,
who cares people are going to say what they say

because people say bad stuff all the time. But apparently
he feels like he's got to let it be known
one way or another that he does have a girlfriend.
So fine, man, do what you gotta do. Just get
to Chicago and just play football, you know what I mean?

Speaker 8 (38:12):
This is first time where I feel like he's going
a little too far with the story.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
It's like, you don't, you don't, you don't need to
do all that, Like you don't like you know what
I actually, I'd love to have a conversation with him.
I'll just let him look through some of the tweets.
I get everyone to be like, hey man, it's okay.
Like people say bad stuff, just retweet them. It's fun here.
It doesn't matter.

Speaker 8 (38:31):
Yeah. The Phoenix Coyotes announced their intent to move to
Utah starting next season. So Jonas again, do you care
about this one?

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Not really? I mean, look, I just it wasn't working there.
I feel like the NHL has done this a bunch
of times. You know, the Calgary Flames moved from Atlanta
to go to Calgary, by the way, I think. I
think the first year they got to Calgary they won
a Stanley Cup, or they might have wanted I forget
what it was. But like quote back, I think moved

to Colorado. Like it just feels like teams up and
move all the time. Phoenix is a good market. I mean,
you know, the Diamondbacks, the Suns. You would think that
that would work. But I guess it's just not a
thing there, and the ownership was bad and it was
a rough going and let's go live to our I
have a thought on the Phoenix Coyotes insider Chris Prefett

for The.

Speaker 9 (39:20):
Latest Chris, they heard that Steve Hartman might be going
to the Phoenix market and decided they.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Didn't want to go. Part of that. Geez all living
the dream, So long Coyotes. But nonetheless, if Steve Hartman's
going there, I mean that to me, that would increase
the property value and it should mean they want to
stick around. But again, you know, bad news for Phoenix,
good news for Utah's they get another professional team.

Speaker 8 (39:44):
What else we got both home plate umpire. Last night,
Angel Hernandez in the Astros Rangers game, he made history
called a strike on a pitch that was almost seven
inches off the plate in against Rangers rookie White Langford.
It was a three p strike out. I believe in
all three of the pitches were way off the plate,
but the biggest one was seven inches off the plate. Jonas,

do you care?

Speaker 4 (40:06):

Speaker 3 (40:06):
I do.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
I love I love his Yeah, I just feel like
calling a strike. But you know, I'm just listening. This
is what I'm gonna do. Like, I'm gonna call balls
and strikes so away. I want to call balls and strikes.
Oh you're threatening me with robot umpires. Okay, Well, if
we're gonna be replaced, let's go out and let's go
out in a great blaze of fire. Like that's what

we're gonna do. We're gonna go out guns blazing, and
we're going to make the worst calls possible. If you're
gonna threaten us with robot umpires. Do you know how
many people worked at a check stan at a supermarket
that when they put in that self Checkstan just said, oh,
you think we're replaceable? Okay, We'll show you how replaceable
we are. Good for him and I want him mumping

my games next.

Speaker 8 (40:50):
Former Colts quarterback Andrew luck said he never got the
urge to come back after his shocking retirement in twenty nineteen.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Jonas, do you care?

Speaker 5 (40:57):

Speaker 2 (40:58):
Really? No, listen, you do what you want to do.
I don't. He didn't want to play anymore. He's out,
he made a bunch of money, he's got a family,
he's happy. Good for him.

Speaker 1 (41:05):

Speaker 8 (41:06):
Amazon Prime premiered the Fallout series this week, and Jonas,
I just got to say, it's pretty good. Do you care?

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Who's in that?

Speaker 8 (41:14):
Walton Goggins is in it, he's the best, and then
a couple other actors. There have been some cameos so far,
but it's just too enjoyable right now.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
Look, and I'm not trying to be that. I'm not
trying to be disrespectful because I know a lot of
people probably put a lot of time and effort into
all of this production and everything they got happening. But
there's too much going on. I was at Universal Studios yesterday, like,
it's a damn shame. What's happened to some programs that
were big back in the day, like whatever happened to Backdraft?
You know, the good stuff, the classics. You know, it's

pretty sweet when you get to see something evolve in
real time in the world of sports. It's kind of
a throwback, kind of makes you realize what it was
like back when. And I'll explain why that is coming
up here in just a couple of moments from now,
Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio. You can find us on
the iHeartRadio app. You can also find us on hundreds
of affiliates all across the country and wherever you are

making us a part of your Saturday afternoon, we appreciate
you doing so. We're going to take you all the
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installers tire rac dot com. The way tire buying should
be so, as Nick co pointed out, and he will
have the updates on this throughout the course of this
show and here on Fox Sports Radio. Scottie Scheffler is
your favorite or is currently the leader at Augusta National.
Now it's early on, but he's got a one shot
lead over Max Homer and Bryson Deshambeau two shot lead

over more Kawa. But when you see Scotti Scheffler and
you're watching his per Rmans as of late, you realize
this is like Tiger Woods esque, right, Like this is
where this is at. Nobody's had shorter odds going into
the Masters since Tiger Wood's in his dominant days that

like Scotty Scheffler had, Like it's pretty incredible to watch.
And so when you're you're seeing how this stuff plays out,
everybody was always waiting for the next Tiger Woods. Oh
who's it gonna be? Is it gonna be Rory McElroy,
Jordan Spieth, Brooks Koepka, and like all of those guys
went on heaters, But Scotty Scheffler's going on a heater
right now. And if he wins this one, like we're

having discussions about like like how far could this ultimately
take us? And I don't want to get up into
the ole Well, who's got the most majors and who's
got all this like like Tiger Woods is never going
to catch Jack. It's never gonna happen. But in my lifetime,
Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer I've ever seen, never
seen anything like it. So to get to see this
sort of dominance from Scotty Scheffler, it kind of takes

you back to the Tiger Woods era. It's very similar,
and we could be watching the next great golfer continue
to ascend up the ranks of the all time rankings.
If Scotty Scheffler is able to pull this off again.
They're through one hole here on a Saturday AUGUSTA. He's
got a one shot lead. Maybe he wins, maybe he doesn't.

But the fact that he was his overwhelming of a
favorite or had the shortest odds going into this tournament,
I got to tell you how dominant he's been. Now,
speaking of a throwback, I do want to point this
out because if you watch like an old time movie,
if you watch like a you know something from the

fifties or the sixties, or you watch a movie that
portrays a time period from back then, or a television show,
and it could be it could be anything. I mean,
you could watch back to the future, and they go
all the way back in time to the fifties and sixties.
You could watch Tombstone and they'll take you all the
way back to that. You could watch you know, Yellowstone

and the show that precedes Yellowstone, and it's back from
like the eighteen hundreds or whatever. It is, Like you
almost kind of wish, man, I wish I was around
back then. I want to see what it's like. Curious,
I want to see what it's like. I mean, you
want to see what it's like because you could see
how things have evolved and where they've evolved from. And
you probably haven't even thought about this and probably haven't

even realized this, but you're getting exactly that in the
world of sports right now. Later on today, the UFC
is going to have its three hundredth event. Now they've
had more than three hundred events, but it's UFC three hundred.
It's a big deal. The fight card is stacked, you know,

if you want to get into the weeds and all
the great matchups they got, Like it's an incredible fight
card from start to finish, from the pre limb fights
all the way to the main of it. Like it's
a stack card. Whether the card lives up to all that,
who knows, But you've got notable, big name fighters, former
world champions. Like you've got two former world champions that
are kicking off the card at like two or three

in the afternoon, Like it doesn't even make sense, but
the card is stacked and they've they've done a great job.
But the reason I say this because I could talk
UFC specific and boxing specific stuff, but a lot of
people aren't into it, like I'm into it, So I
don't want to go down that road because it's something
I like, I think a lot more than you like.

But what I think you like is getting to see
things evolve and getting to see what things were like
back then. The UFC is the example we've got in
our lifetime where we've seen an entire sport evolve in
our lifetime. Like imagine being around when Major League Baseball

began and then imagine being around thirty something years later
and you could tell people, oh, I remember when, like
I remember what this turned into. That's what we're getting
with the UFC. That's what we're getting with mixed martial arts. Yeah,
it had been around in some form or whatever, but
the UFC took it to a level that it's never

been before. Like it's not like I can remember watching
the first UFC. It was like fourteen dollars on pay
per view. There were no gloves, there were no weight classes,
the rules were a little sketchy. They were fighting in
places where maybe you know, maybe it was you know, sanctioned,
but it definitely wasn't sanctioned in this state, and it

wasn't allowed in this state. And then you'd have to
move like it was bananas. And then you've seen it
just sort of progress, and they had a reality show
and that kind of saved the organization and now you
see what it's become and it is a legitimate sport
covered by legitimate outlets, and we've gotten to see it

all sort of ramp up in real time, and it's
pretty incredible. Like I've always wondered like where like if
you were if somebody were to say, hey, this is
the first NFL game, Like, wouldn't it be kind of
cool to go back and be able to look at that,
or to be able to go back and know that, hey,
I was around for the first NFL game and then
thirty years later, I'm still here And you get to
see how much different the sport is. That's what we're

getting with the UFC. So you may not be into it.
You may not be, you know, looking and breaking down
or gambling on the fights or gonna watch the pay
per view or whatnot. But I'm just letting you know,
in real time, there is something happening. There's something going
on in the world of sports that we're getting to
see evolve in our lifetimes that people right now, you

and I today could probably look back and go, Man,
I'm sure somebody was really into the NFL in the
twenties and the thirties and got to see it evolve.
And we're getting to see an entire sport evolve in
our lifetime. And I think it's pretty cool to watch.
So UFC three hundred coming up later on today. Jonas
Knox here Fox Sports Radio. Get me on Twitter at
the Jonas Knox at The Jonas Knox on Twitter. I

also am curious about this. We were talking about the
Ohio State Spring Game, okay, which I know you're thinking,
why are we discussing the Ohio State Spring Game. Well,
because it was such a big deal. Eighty thousand people
showed up to see it in Columbus earlier at the
Horseshoe and it was televised on Fox. But I am

curious to see what the ratings are between the Ohio
State Spring game and the UFL games going on. And
I'm not saying the Ohio State Spring Game is going
to beat the UFL ratings, but I'm fascina to see

how that is because I've always wondered this. While the
NFL tries to come out with these spring leagues, and
I think they're beneficial and I'm a fan of them
because I think it gives players opportunities. It gives them
a chance to pursue their dream, which to me, you
should want that for anybody. It's why I like the
Big Three. I think it's weird that the NBA wants

to distance themselves from the Big Three. It's kind of weird. Like, dude,
it's an opportunity for players who still want to play
to go continue and pursue playing. I remember doing shows
with Katino Mobley here on Fox Sports Radio. Great guy,
and he loved playing in the Big Three. It was
fun because it was like, dude, you still want to play,
you still want to be competitive. You can go out

there on a stage, it's half court. Yes, it's not
the same thing, but it's something. It's like the senior Tour.
Like imagine like being able to have an outlet after
you're done to where you can still play. You can
go and continue and pursue your career and maybe it's
not at the level that you were once at, but
you can still do it. Like why did band still tour?
Well they need the money, Well there's that, But did

they like playing? They still want to keep playing, and
so you continue on. And the fact that we've got
this opportunity for players who left college wanted to pursue
their dream. The NFL wasn't answering, so they started knocking
on another door and it's the Spring League. And even
if they don't play in the NFL, the fact that

there's a chance, a gateway, a path, a platform for
them to go pursue that I think is awesome. I listen,
I had a brother who played semi pro football in Europe,
like wanted to continue playing. They offered to set them
up room and board. He went and played in Amsterdam,
he played in Italy at the time of his life. Yeah,

he didn't make a lot of money. Yeah, it wasn't professional,
but he could continue playing when he wanted to continue playing.
He wasn't ready to stop playing. Then he knew, look,
a high level college football was done. He wasn't going
to go play in the NFL, but he wanted to
keep playing. So it offered him an opportunity. And so
the fact that we have these spring leagues available I
think is great. But it's why I've always said, like

you can try and come up with like a league
below the NFL or like a developmental league. To me,
where college football is at now is almost a separate
entity to where I look at college football as basically
a professional league, like I look at on the level

of the NFL, like it is second to the NFL
in popularity, Like the NBA can get upset about that.
All they want those are facts, like the two biggest
sports in this country are the NFL in college football.
And so I'm curious to see what the numbers were
on the Ohio State spring game. You know they loved

it in Columbus. Eighty k showed up, and you know
that college football is getting to a level and to
a point to where it's really In the conversation with
some of these other leagues with the fact that Fox
is airing an Ohio State spring game today and then
Michigan's next week. Like that's that's where this is gone

over the past several years, the broadcast rights, the moving Yes,
you know college athletics, there's a lot of flaws to it,
but as far as football goes, there's a lot to
love about it. A lot more people are loving it,
and you're seeing that play out, and I'm fascinated to
see what the ratings are between the spring game for
Ohio State and the UFL and some of the other
stuff that's going on. I'm curious to see how that

plays out. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio, get me
on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas Knox
on Twitter, and you can hang out with us as
always on the iHeartRadio app. Part It's coming up next
here from the tire Rack dot Com Studios. There's a
quarterback in the NFL who believes in something that might
surprise you, and I'll tell you what that is. Here

on FSR Boom Texas are Jonas Jonas Knox Fox Sports
Radio coming up a little over ten minutes from now
from the tire rack dot Com Studios. There's a lot
of concern about something in the world of sports, but
I think there's a clear difference, a clear difference. Some

people aren't gonna be happy with this, they're not going
to be thrilled with this, but I think there's a
clear difference between what should be considered a punishable offense
and what she can kind of, you know, deserves a
slap on the wrist. We'll get into that for you
again coming up here a little over ten minutes from now.
So we were, you know, because we care about the
clock here on this show, radio formatics. We care about

that stuff. Now, some of these other nickel and dime
shows that you hear on Fox Sports Radio, like those
Hooligans in the morning, two Pros and a Cup of Joe,
maybe they don't care about radio formatics, but we hear
on a Saturday afternoon we do. So there wasn't time
to get to the feedback tweat of the show thus far,

so I figured now's as good a time as any.
Like Tony who writes in you Otani seewad bet boy
is the top of your hit list, and Otani's interpreter
finally got the Feds on his ass. Now you can
get back to your showtime Otani's onesie and watched the

Dodgers choke like you on Fat Chubby Bleeps. Greg writes
in Joff Joni exploding in his pants to your bleep
boy toy Tiger and the fact that he's back hack

with your small iron with your bleep as your man
finishes out of the top fifty once again. Col writes
in you don't have any knowledge about sports. It's the
Arizona Coyotes, not Phoenix, and your boy giggling like a
schoolgirl about a ball missing by seven inches and it

is an embarrassment to real sports shows. Get off the
air and get into your Ford, Bronco and f off.
Derek writes in see wha Joni? Imagining all the hipster
hogs you could be bleeping to if you were relevant
enough to get into Coachella. You failed bardop bleep at

the Jonas Knox that is, at the Jonas Knox on
Twitter or x well. You can find all of the
positive feedback here on the show. I've retweeted all those,
so feast your eyes. Never been to Coachella. To be
honest with you, and have zero desire to go to it.
But if you're into that, I would say the most
offensive thing there is that he used the term boardop.

That's offensive technical producer. I mean, if you're going to
be demeaning, don't be that demeaning technical producer. That's the
role if not for technical producers or quote unquote board
ops as you call them, none of this is heard.
The most important part of any radio station, the most
important part of any program are the people. It's like

the pilot of a plane. Like you can bitch and
wine all you want about the fact that your beer
was lukewarm when you got it. How about just the
fact that that pilot didn't send you straight into a mountain.
We focus on that. So they're the pilots of this
whole thing. They deserve respect. It is technical producer, not boardop.

The other stuff you called me probably accurate though, Right
at the Jonas Knox, At the Jonas Knox where you
can find all that fun stuff. Joe Burrow star quarterback
for the Cincinnati Bengals. He was a guest at the
New Heights podcast they did in Cincinnati, Jason and Travis Kelce.

It's by the way, Jason Kelsey making the rounds Man
guy was at WrestleMania last week. It's doing pot He's
gonna be fine. I do wonder if he's enjoying everything
and the first Sunday that he's not playing, how that
impacts him. But it's like getting over a breakup. Just
keep yourself busy having a tough time. Just keep yourself busy.

Like don't like if you give your time, yourself time
to sit around and think that some bad stuff happens.
Just keep yourself busy, right with either something or somebody.
That's the best advice I can give you when you're
going through a breakup. Right doesn't mean you have to
go out and get bombed. It doesn't mean you have
to go out and wake up in a puddle of
your own puke three nights a week. Just keep yourself busy,

focus on stuff. Give yourself some tasks, some chores, some trips,
things to look forward to. Jason Kelsey's doing all that
stuff that I do wonder how he's going to be
reacting to post NFL life when the season comes around
and he's not playing. But they had a podcast there
in Cincinnati. Joe Burrow was one of the guests, and
Joe Burrow talked about the tweet that he sent out

during the AFC title game where Zayflowers got busted for
a taunting penalty. He was a big play of the game,
got busted for a taunting penalty and it cost him
fifteen yards and it was one of the many meltdown
moments for the Baltimore Ravens in that game. It just
everything that could have gone wrong went wrong for Baltimore,

even though they were favored to go to the Super Bowl. Thus,
Kansas City won the game, went to the Super Bowl
and won another one. And Joe Burrow just basically said, yeah,
I'm pro taunting and just said, you know, we're adults.
If somebody sacks me and taunts me like you made
a play, I get it good for you. So I'm

not going to get my feelings. And it is kind
of weird how we do this with football to where
you have to sort of, you know, get on people
for trying to show a little bit of emotion. Like
I can understand if you want to do that in
some other sports, like the taunting, the flashy stuff, like

you know, like people get upset about that in baseball
and it's like I could almost understand it more in
baseball if you get upset about a bat flip or
something like that, because the retaliation and the potential physical
harm that you can endure is not really supposed to
be part of it. You're not supposed to hit people

with a baseball. There's a reason why you get a
free base it's not supposed to happen. But if you
flip your bat or you pimp a home run the
next time up, you know, you might get a ninety
five in your ribs might happen, or it might go
over your head, or might hit you in the shoulder,

or might hit you in the ear. Like there's like
so I can understand why, Hey, maybe we don't want
to you know, like like that that's not part of this.
And you know, you can't really trust guys to police
themselves because you know they could take get it out
of control, So why even go down there? Like I
got understand the thinking for that. When it comes to football,

the entire game is policing yourselves because the entire game
players have to deal with real life repercussions its sanctioned
violence and car crashes for three hours, Like if a

player is going to taunt or showboat or something like that.
They realize when they go in, like, oh, yeah, that
there's a chance that's gonna happen, Like I'm gonna have
to answer for that. So if they're okay with doing that,
knowing in the back back of their mind, the next
time I catch a ball, I'm gonna get a ride
Dell in my ribs, And I'm okay with it, Like,

I don't have a problem with it. If a player
wants to taunt or celebrate or do an end zone
dance or whatever he wants to do, and like, to me,
there's no issue whatsoever. Like if you like, if there
was a dirty play, a dirty tactic something like that,
I could understand it. But if Zay Flowers makes a
catch and stands over some guy who cares, he's gonna

have to answer for it. At some point, they police themselves.
So the idea that like you see certain players or
certain coaches or some like you know, sort of throw
their hands like, oh, why would you do that? Why
would you put your team in that spot? It's like
why is he being punished for it? So I'm kind
of with Joe Burrow here, like I know that. Well,

it's a bad look for kids. Okay, Well here's what
else is a bad look for kids seven years old
playing tackle football? Probably probably not a great look for kids.
You know, that's probably not a great look. But like
we're trying to like dumb down and make football so
safe and it's got to be this and we got
to do it. It's like, dude, at some point, you've

got to accept the reality. It is a physically violent sport.

Speaker 1 (01:03:17):
It just is.

Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
And that's why they play it and we don't because
they can handle it and we probably can't or don't
have the ability to. And there's no shame in that.
But if those guys are going to go out there
and celebrate or taunt or come up with a big
play and stand over somebody or make a gesture, look,
as long as they're not doing a throat slash or

a gun to the head or pulling out an invisible
rifle and shooting somebody, Like, as long as they're not
doing any of that, what does it matter? If there's
no racial slur, nothing else attacked, Like, who cares? Whatever
they do, they're going to have to answer for why,
because that's just how the game is. It's bill into that,

it's baked into it. You have to answer for your
decision on the field every single play, and potentially a
dangerous way. That's the way this stuff goes. So I'm
with Joe Burrow. The fact that guys are getting pot
for taunting doesn't make any sense. And the fact that
it's fifteen yards way too punitive. You want to throw

five yards in there. You want to get a little
slap on the wrist, reprimand them a little bit, have
a talking too, that's fine. But to punish guys and
change games because some guy wants to get excited about
making a play, I don't get it. Jonas Knox here
Fox Sports Radio, at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas
Knox on Twitter and again you can hang out with
us as always on the iHeartRadio app. Right, so come

it up next here. There's a clear difference, speaking of punishments,
between one punishment and a punishable offense and another in
the world of sports. And I can promise you there
are going to be some people that will not like this.
We will have that for you next year on FSR.
But for all the latest from around the world sports,
including what is happening at Augusta National on a Saturday.

It is Nick kob all right, thank you Jonas.

Speaker 7 (01:05:06):
Yes, the leaders teed off about an hour ago, so
we are in full swing here on moving day at
the Masters. Scotty Scheffler a couple of birdies and a bogee.
He is your leader at seven under for the tournament
minus one today. He's got a one shot lead on
Max Homa and Colin Morikawa. Marikawa has been great so far,
three under for his round to push him up to

minus six. Homa is even so far. Bryson to Shambo
was tied for the lead at the start of the day.
He has dropped a stroke. He now sits two shots
back of Scheffler. Ryan Davis has climbed up the leaderboard
a little bit. He is now up to minus four
one under four today. Also have Ryan excuse me that
Cameron Davis. Ryan Fox is two under today. He has

gotten to within four shots of the lead. And with
the wind to little calmer today, we're seeing better scoring
out at Augusta National. Tiger Woods by the day, by
the way, struggling today six over for his round, now
plus seven for the tournament, but he did make the
cut for a record twenty fourth consecutive time in baseball.
The Braves announced pitcher Spencer Streider had surgery to repair

the UCL and his throwing elbow. He will miss the
rest of the season. On the field one final today,
Yankees edge the Guardians three to two in game one
of a doubleheader. Twins and Tigers in extras tied at
three apiece. Royals on top of the Mets nine to
four in the six, Red's out in front of the
White Sox five to nothing in the fifth. Blue Jays
with a five run first inning. They're taking advantage of

the lowly Rockies in Toronto. No games in the NBA today.
They'll finish the regular season tomorrow, but The Athletic reports
former Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer is among the finalists.

Speaker 2 (01:06:42):
To be the next head coach of the Brooklyn Nets.
The executor of O. J.

Speaker 7 (01:06:46):
Simpson's estate said he will fight payouts to the families
of ex wife Nicole Brown and friend Rod Goldman. Simpson
died Wednesday, having not paid most of the civil judgment
awarded back in nineteen ninety seven.

Speaker 2 (01:06:58):
I thought this was cool.

Speaker 7 (01:06:59):
Jonas Deadline reports ESPN is producing a thirty for thirty
on the life and career of Stuart Scott, a fan
favorite that to.

Speaker 2 (01:07:07):
You, Yeah, he's one of the all time greats, Stuart Scott,
Like he was like like like some of like the
Sports Center anchors like Dan Patrick obviously at the top
of the list, but remember watching Craig Kilbourne, like all
those guys like like they were it was almost they
took that show and them doing that show became the
star of the show. It's like the NBA on TNT guys, Like, yeah,

people want to watch the basketball, but I know a
lot of people that would rather watch the NBA on
TNT show than the actual game. Yeah, it's a talk show.
It's like you're just hanging out with those guys.

Speaker 4 (01:07:41):

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
No, it was awesome, like to see all those all
those Sports Center guys go on to have a legend
even Like That's why I love what Scott Van Pelt's
done to where he's kept it alive and you've seen
like a lot of like Neil Everett I thought was great. Yeah,
and he's no longer doing it. Yeah, he's no longer
doing it because he just kind of said and I
don't even think he had social media. It's actually pretty awesome.

He just said, yeah, I'm out see you guys, and
like Warlan, I think he went back to Hawaii like
screw it. I made my money. I'm out see I
don't need all the drama, so that's what I do it. Yeah,
So hopefully that'll be a good one to look forward to.

Speaker 9 (01:08:15):

Speaker 2 (01:08:15):
Thank you, Nick. It is Jonasnox here on Fox Sports Radio.
By the way, coming up in a little over twelve
minutes from now from the tiraq dot com studios, we
are going to have another edition of the Scraps Things
in the world of sports and beyond. We have not
had a chance to get to. Will put a bow
on everything with that coming up here again twelve minutes
from now. So we were talking about just the full
blown degenerate scumbag that Shojo Tani's former interpreter was, I mean,

stealing millions of dollars because the guy's got a gambling
problem and all the other things they'd came along with it.
But I was thinking about this because I heard Adam
Silver talk about Johntay Porter of the Toronto Raptors, who
apparently is another degenerate gambler kind of saying, well, you know,
he could face a lifetime ban, a permanent ban from

the league if what he's accused of is true. And
for those of you that aren't familiar, to sum it up,
Johntay Porter, like, there were some irregularities with some stuff
that he was involved in. He checked out early in
a couple of games, and they just happened to be
games in which the under on his performance was bet heavily,

like the under of threes, the under like things like that.
And you can see and I've seen the reports. I've
seen the actual reports set out by DraftKings where they
let you know about the biggest movement of the day,
and if you go to those dates, you can see
his bets and betting the under on him in those
games were the biggest bet performances in those games. And

those just happened to be two games where he showed
up with like some sort of a reaggravation to his
eye and left the game. And that he may have
also been talking about it on message boards and things
like it. Just so that's like, I mean, clearly bad,
but I was thinking about this even if Sho Heo Tani.

Let's just say hypothetical that sho Heo Tani was making
all these wagers? Who cares? But who cares if show
Hayo Tani was betting on European soccer, the NFL, college football,
the NBA, the WNBA, badminton, horse racing, cornhole, bowling, golf,

tiddly winks, strippers, like who cares what he was gambling on?
If he wasn't gambling on baseball, what does it matter?
Like you could judge him and say, well, he's got
a problem. Okay, well yeah, I mean a lot of
people have problems. I mean, like, you know, but what

do you want? Like some guys like to gamble. Some
guys like to go to the Spearmint Rhino and spend
fifty thousand dollars? Like what do you want? Like some
guys like to gamble, and some guys like to leave
the NBA bubble to go get some chicken wings at
a strip club in Atlanta, like what? Like what do

you want?

Speaker 1 (01:11:28):

Speaker 2 (01:11:28):
Some people have addictions? Like but like, even if this
was true and showe hey O Tani was gambling on
all these sports, and I'll take it a further step,
even if he was betting on baseball games, I don't care,
like because I think there's a big difference between betting

on games and betting against yourself in games, because that's
where things get sideways to me, Like and maybe I'm
able compartmentalize in a different way than some people can.
But Johntay Porter betting on the under or tipping people
off to bet the under, and him leaving games mysteriously

because of an eye injury, like all of a sudden,
the guy turns into a cyclops and he just happens
to go cold from three. Weird, kind of weird. But
like if he was betting on himself to play well,
or he bet on his own team, I don't have
a problem with that. Like if you found out Shoe
Heeyo Tani was gambling on the Angels last year, Like,
first of all, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

I would question his judgment. I'd question that, like you know,
I mean, Angel Stadium is turned into a you know,
it was once home of the two of the top
three players in baseball and now it's turned into the
home of Monster Jam with a giant waterfall in the
background and a freeway. But now I would question his

judgment in that, but I wouldn't I wouldn't say he
should be punished for it. Like if you're Major League
Baseball and you wanted to pull them aside, say hey,
you know, listen to kind of a bad look. Could
you stop it? Okay, I got it, But like you've
got these people go no, no, no, you can't gamble
on anything at all. It's like, okay, fantasy football. Like
it's just like there's some stuff where like when the
gambling stuff starts to become more prevalent in the world

of sports that I think people look at and they're
not really being rational with it all. They're not really
look atting look looking at it with a realistic guy,
Like do you think nobody in the NFL is in
a fantasy football league of plays fantasy football? Do you
think nobody in the NFL has Like it's like these

guys for the Lions that got busted because they were
gambling on college football games, and then months they got
punished for it. They got suspended a couple of games,
and months later the NFL came out and reduced some
of the punishments against play. Like there's a big difference
between Jamison Williams betting on how many times he drops

a ball in the game and betting the over and
then all of a sudden turning into a t rex
in the middle of football games. There's a big difference
between that and him betting on some college football game
while he's icing his knee on a Saturday at the
team facility. Like there's a huge difference. And it's like

nobody wants to like go into the weeds on this stuff.
They just want to paint. They just want to, you know,
paint it with a broad stroke and say no, all
of it, getting rid of all of it. It's like, no, like,
come on, let's let's let's actually like not be lazy
and let's be open minded and look into this stuff.
So I see the Johntay Porter stuff and I go,
all right, that is different. The guy's betting the under

on himself. That's a worse offense because you can actually
impact that. But if it did come out that Ottani
was betting on these sports, wouldn't care. I don't care
at all. And if it came out that Otani was
betting on baseball games, I wouldn't care. If there was
no inside information, no insider trading, it wouldn't bother me,
but apparently would have bothered a lot of you. So

that being said, gamble away, Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio
at the Jonas Knox on Twitter. That is at the
Jonas Knocks on Twitter, and you can hang out with us.
Is always on the iHeartRadio app. All right, it's coming
up next here. We're going to close up shop with
a little something we do call the scraps. Things in
the world of sports and beyond we have not had
a chance to get to. And it's yours right here

on FSR Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio. The Tiger Woods
potentially winning the Masters, taking a little bit of a hit. Listen,

I'm not rooting for it, all right, I just want
to be clear. But he is currently sitting at eight over,
so he is way far out. Lots of bogees, a
couple of double bogies. Yeah, it's not looking great for
the third for Tiger Woods. Let's go live to I
have a thought on Tiger Woods insider Chris Profet for

the latest Chris.

Speaker 9 (01:16:05):
I gotta imagine, if you're a golf fan, you just
got to get really heated about this sometime, Like even
when he was like doing well. He was always like
just one under par when the leaders are like minus
eight and everyone's like Tiger, Tiger's in it, Tiger's in it.
Oh my god, oh my god, Tigers in it.

Speaker 2 (01:16:22):
Well, it's also look, I think people have got to
like they've everything is skewed now to where like Tiger's
great moment when he won the Masters a few years ago,
Like to me, that was sort of his goodbye as
far as goodbye to winning major tournaments. And there's nothing
wrong with that. He's like literally the best golfer I've

ever seen in my life, all time, great legend, change
the sport, incredible, But it's like people are looking for
that to continue on, and I think you got to
change your expectation. Like, if you're a network and you're
airing a tournament that Tiger Woods is in, your goal
is not that Tiger Woods wins the tournament. It should
be that Tiger makes the cut because he's gonna bring
eyeballs for the entire weekend. That probably would have still

tuned out had he been eliminated on Thursday or Friday.

Speaker 9 (01:17:10):
Do you do you think that, like maybe though focusing
on Tiger then makes us completely lose sight of anyone
else who might come up to be the star to
take his place.

Speaker 2 (01:17:19):
I think that it's starting to that's starting to fade away.
I thought that before that there were probably golfers that
won tournaments where Tiger finished in the top ten, and
we cared more about him finishing that high up than
the guy who actually won the tournament. But I think
Scotty Scheffler and some of these guys are starting to
make names for them, especially Scheffler. If he wins this thing,
the conversation changes. But you know, we'll see, we'll see

how it plays out again. Tiger Wood was eight over par. Meanwhile,
Scotty Scheffler lighting the course on fire, now sitting at
seven under and in the lead there at Augusta National.
By the way, coming up in about ten minutes from
now from the tire rack dot Com studios. Stick around,
it'll be Alex Curry and Karmen Vitally. If you missed
in of this show, you can check out the podcast

you just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast.
Be sure to also follow, rate and review it again.
Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast. You'll
see this show posted right after we get off the air,
and I will tweet out a link to that podcast
as soon as it's available at the Jonas Knox. Right now, though,
it is time.

Speaker 3 (01:18:19):
For this, Jonas Moron, how could you not get to
these stories?

Speaker 5 (01:18:25):

Speaker 2 (01:18:26):
These are the scraps And for that we turn it
over to Bo Benson to find out what the hell
we've missed so far.

Speaker 8 (01:18:31):
Bo all right, so I'm gonna lead off with this
one because this is a tailor made for Jonas Knox. Here,
the soccer team that plays in the arena that the
Eagles and the Packers will use when they play in
Brazil in Week one is apparently in negotiations with the
Philadelphia Eagles to wear white and not green in order
to not disrespect the home fans that I guess there

art rivals play in green, So they don't want to
disrespect fans by having the home team play in green
in that game.

Speaker 2 (01:19:00):
Okay, So so who like who is scheduled? Because that's
a that's supposed to be an Eagles home game. Yes,
so the Eagles are supposed to be in green, yes,
so they want them to play in white.

Speaker 8 (01:19:11):
They want them to play in white.

Speaker 2 (01:19:13):
So the Packers on a neutral field then have to
take on the role of playing in green.

Speaker 8 (01:19:18):
Yeah, apparently if this is real or if it looks real,
so I have no reason not to believe it. But yeah,
they said that they don't mind if the Packers are
in green, because you know, rival teams playing green in
the stadium all the time. They just don't want the
home team to be wearing green. Yeah, there's like an
informal band for this club. I guess against you. You
can't show up to the stadium wearing green. That's how
far it goes.

Speaker 2 (01:19:38):
Yeah, that's awesome. And you know, if I were the
Eagles and Packers, I would say, cool, kiss our ass.
We're bringing a ton of money to you, and we're
bringing a ton of people out there that's going to
help the economy. We'll wear whatever the hell we want,
and if you don't like it, we'll take our business
health Like you keep this up. If I were the
Eagles and Packers, I would I would lock arm in
arm and say, you guys, keep this up. We'll go
to Bolivia. We're not messing around, and we'll just travel

somewhere else in South America.

Speaker 8 (01:20:02):
Yeah, I'm I'm very interested how the NFL plans to
kind of keep a safe area for Eagles and Packers
fans that are visiting Brazil. If they're doing this for
the team itself, that's as a fan, I might not
leave my hotel.

Speaker 2 (01:20:16):
No, I'm telling you right now, people that are covering
the game players, fans, somebody's not leaving. I'm like, somebody's
gonna like what they got there and not want to
go anywhere else. What else we got?

Speaker 4 (01:20:28):

Speaker 8 (01:20:29):
They in View unveiled Alan Iverson's statue yesterday for the
seventy six ers. People were complaining that it was small,
but then if you look at all the other statues,
it's the same size. So yeah, I don't know why
people are complaining, But good for Allen Iverson.

Speaker 2 (01:20:41):
You know what, Like, if you get a statue to me,
you can't really complain about that unless it's like just
completely insulting if they point out every flaw you got.
But I mean, I can't even imagine what it would
feel like to get a statue and don't worry. I
won't have to worry about it because that need ever
happened in here at Fox Sports Radio, Showners, son of
a Bitch

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