All Episodes

April 14, 2024 80 mins

Martin Weiss and Kerry Rhodes talk about the possibility of Scottie Scheffler leaving The Masters for the birth of his child, if there’s any concern with the Boston Celtics after late season blowout losses, Joe Burrow’s welcome for taunting, the three way tie atop the NBA’s Western Conference, the future of Tiger Woods, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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I'm Martin Weiss, joined here, as we just said, with
former All pro NFL safety Carry Rhoads. You know I

was an all pro too once never actually and what
you're not pulling something? I set the high jump records.
That's it, that counts. Got it, got six y three,
got sixty three? Yeah, and blew my hamstring out hamstring
injury early that I steal you. He this day, at
thirty five years old, it's still lingering, right, especially a
rainy day like today. I wake up and like, oh

my knee, my ankle, what's going on here? And Carry
Rhoads walks in here with a thriller jacket and an
ice coffee. So here we go. That's right, I have
no comeback right now? Go ahead, all right? So carry Honestly,
when I saw that we were doing the show together
and I was kind of perusing the the internet, say

what in the world we're gonna talk about on this
Sunday morning as people are coming home from church other
you know, Saturday night, whatever you were into, right, getting
ready for a massive day. In the NBA, almost every
game means something, which is I mean, good job by you, NBA,
because now like we have like you look at the
tie breakers and it's more confident. It's like that always

Sunday in Philadelphia me where he's pointing at the corkboard
and it's are It's like all these different arrows and
strings and drawings trying to connect everything that could potentially happen.
But I wanted to start on what green Jacket Day?
Today is Green Jacket Day. Somebody will win the Masters today,
and it may be Scottie Scheffler, it may not be
Scotty Sheffler. Right now, as of last night, was the

betting favorite to win the Masters minus one twenty. So
I mean, you know, generally a field like that, everybody's
at plus odds. He's now you gotta bet one hundred
and twenty dollars and win one hundred to bet on
Scotty Scheffler. That's what American thinks, or just say, the
bookmakers think is going to happen, that Scotty Scheffer's gonna
win the Masters. However, Scottie Scheffler, as you probably have heard,
his wife is pregnant and is due any minute, Yes,

any minute things yea, yeah, she's not in Georgia right,
the doctor would not clear her to fly. So I
have to you know, see me, like I said a
minute ago, I'm not a former All Pro safety, right,
all the games that I played and were officiated by
people who made like twelve bucks an hour, right, you know? So,
I mean the Stake'shart's so big they won't hide at all.

No State's Cort's so big. But you you played in
big games, big time player. I saw a highlight reel
over there, jumping over Tom Brady. You know what I'm saying,
Like all this type of stuff, I have to ask
you. You know what I'm saying. I don't know if you
have kids or not. No kids, no kids, all right,
But if in fact you were in this position that
Scottie Scheffler's in, you can only win the Masters. You know,
there's tons of people only win it once in their life.

It's not like it. Repeat winners are rare, right, you know,
it's it's like Golf's super Bowl, right, It's it's golf's
NBA Finals, right, And it's a week long tournament, a
weekend tournament. You know, I'm saying, there's a brutal on
the body. You gotta walk everywhere. It's you know, I
know people say you go to walk everywhere, but it's
kills and all. You know, you gotta walk the terrain,

right for sure. But wondering if you were like up
for NFC championship games, super Bowl, one of those moments
that you know, again, like in an NFL career, which
you know, how would you play how many years? Nine years?
Almost a decade? I mean the average player, first of all,

is only playing three years, right. But if you are
in a scenario in which you've been year seven, for example,
and you're walking into NFC Championship, AFC Championship, super Bowl,
one of those type of games, right, would you consider
missing that game for the birth of your child? Would you?
You know what I'm saying, how would how would you

operate with that? And I was immediately reminded of Van
Jefferson for the Los Angeles Rams when they won the
Super Bowl, Right, a player they needed ultimately because O'Dell
Beckham went down, Right, you know Van Jefferson wide receiver
who then played for the Rams. He gets the game ends,

he gets his he gets his hat, and he's like, hey,
we gotta go because Bobby's having a baby. Right, that's right.
What if you were in this scenario, what would you do?
Because Scheffler says, if his wife goes into labor between
now and the start of the final round, he will
withdraw in order to be there for the birth of

his first child.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
Man, it is an extremely hard situation, right, this is
gonna linger.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
This is gonna last forever.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
Quite literally, the rest of your child's life, the rest
of his life. But even that, the rest of your life,
the rest of your life and that marriage though, so
that's the other part of the equation. Right, It's gonna
be an argument down the line, eight years down the
line about something that happened, and it's gonna be used
on them one day. You know, you weren't there for
the for the birth of your child. Like it's like

one of those things that could always linger. But no,
in all seriousnessess's, in all seriousness, it's like a it's
his job, it's what he's paid to do. His wife
is in labor. I'm sure they've had these conversations. I
think it really boils down to communication, right if if
you know, having the real uncomfortable conversations, that that's what

makes a relationship.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Last works, thrive or not or not thrive.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
Right, Like, we get to get on these terms of
understandment of look, this is, this is something that's special
to both of us right here.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
The birth of our child, the first child.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
Obviously, even in childbirth, there's so many different things that
could happen. You don't want you don't want your significant
other to have to go through that alone. I'm sure
right now he has and they have family, close friends,
or whoever else they want in that space to hold
that space for her. I'm sure there's all these things
that are in place. Right for a fact, those things

are in place. That's something to do without a contingency plan.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Exactly. You got those things. You got things that are
in place.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
So if you got a chance to do what you
know not a lot of people can do and have
a chance to do, is win the masters.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
You've got to go out there and compete.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
You're in the lead, you're you're the odds on favorite,
You've played well. These things don't come around often. You
got a chance to go win it, man, Go go
win it. As soon as you win, as soon as
you get that jacket fitted, get your butt out of
there and go go go sit Go sit by your wife, man,
and and and congratulate her for doing what she just did,
bringing the life into this world.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Yeah see, I kind of land on that side of
it as well. Yeah, yeah, I kind of land there.
I would think, you know, I may never be back here. No,
you know what I'm saying. I may never be back
in this scenario. And honestly, you may never be in
any scenario.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
You just got to put it in the take it
out of the context of that actual one thing that's
about to possibly take place. I mean, we live in
the in the world now, I mean in society. As
a human, you don't know what your next five seconds
are going to be. So if you got a chance
to win the Masters and then fly there and go
sit with your wife and congratulate her and bring in
your your child, I think I think that's the course

of action.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
And I think you know, and you know, a scheffer
could do whatever the hell he wants. For sure. I'm
not trying to pass judgment either way. I'm just putting
my I'm trying to walk a mile in his shoes here,
or walk the course in his shoes, I should say.
And because it's like, you know, I three point six
million dollars and win the Masters, you know what I'm saying.
I'll tell you how about this, I'll play I'll put
two million of this three point six in little junior's

college fun for sure, for sure.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
Well, I think he'll be okay once he gets to older, right,
he'll he'll with it. Yeah, he'll be fine.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
And and so that's kind of where I land on it. Honestly,
I think I would. I would. I would because it's
the Masters. If we're talking about the Buick Open or
the Zurich Open, or you know what I'm saying, like
week three, maybe I missed Week three, I might have
been hurt anyway, Oh for sure, you know what I mean. Yeah,
that wouldn't be even even even the question. And I

know that like ultimately sports they don't matter, right, Like
in the grand scheme of the world, they do not matter.
But if I am in it this far. I got
to see it through. You have to. You gotta see
it through.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
You have to And even flip it on the flip
side of that me as a competitor, if I did
not play that NFC Championship game, how do you think
I'm going to be able to handle that with my
with my wife or my significant other? Right, Like, even
if we had an argument again, we go to the
argument part of it, and I.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Had that on my test. It wasn't for you exactly.
So there you go. That's it.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
You just got to go out and play, man. That's
what we do. That's what he does. He's a he's
a golfer, he's a competitor. He wants I'm sure he
wants to win it. It's not like game ten of
a baseball season. I can miss that one. I'm gonna
have a day off anyway. Why don't we just schedule
it around that. It's gonna be a double hitter that
day anyway. So I'll miss the first part. I'll come
in the second. I'll catch on a little bit, right,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Maybe I played the first game at oh Okay three
o'clock is what we're expecting this thing, all right, Hey, skip,
we got to hurry up now, feed up the pitch clock.
I got somewhere to be. Yeah, you know, but you know,
I hope you know. But I think that's ultimately that's
the same move that I would make, is getting up
out of there, Scottie Scheffler again, because you know it's

interesting too, I find and I'm not like equating the two,
but I feel like when you have something going on
outside of the sport, your play elevates. Like I remember
I played, I was playing high school sports, right, Yeah,
there's a kid on my team who was Muslim. We
go through Ramadan. He played better during Ramadan. Look at

Kyrie Irving right now. Every time he shoots a free throw,
he goes you know, he's praying the guy yes, and
you know he has been on a tear and he's
not eating from sun up to sundown. Crazy, right. I
think when you have something that is going on outside
of your sport, right outside of just you know, what's
happening between the white lines or the sidelines, if you're

playing basketball, whatever, I think it can help you focus
a little bit more on what you're actually doing. Like
would Scheffler be in first place if he wasn't probably
consistently are constantly thinking about how is my wife doing?
Right now? Do you know what I'm saying? Like, would
he be like would he still and don't get me wrong,
one of the best golfers in the world. Yeah, sure,

So you don't luck into the first place at the
Masters on Sunday, right, So it's like he's one of
the best golfers in the world. But what without the
you know, the the thought that's dragging you elsewhere, would
he still be playing as well?

Speaker 3 (10:48):
I don't think it's a thought that's driving him. What
I feel it's when it's something that's bigger than you.
I think if you take that approach or that that
understanding of it, it's not like you're being dragged out
side of what you're doing.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
It's just this is bigger than me.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
Now, I'm not doing this just for myself and Ramadan situation.
I'm doing it for God, right, and so that higher person,
that higher power. If you're in a situation where now
you're about to bring another person into this world.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
Now again, it's not just me. It's not just me
and my wife.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
It's me, my wife and my kid, and so now
you're doing these things for stuff that's outside of you.
Now you hone it in your craft, and your craft
is already like you said, he's one of the best
in the world. Kyrie's one of the best in the world.
But now there's something bigger than even that, Like I'm
doing this for higher cause and a bigger purpose, and
I think if you equate that to it, it has
a nice ring to it.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Scheffler said that there was an adjustment because he and
his wife have been dating since high school, so she's
been to almost all of his tournaments. So there was
an adjustment being here one of being he had to
make his own breakfast, which I was say, this isn't
the last, this isn't the first tournament he's played nine months,
So you had your pregnant wife making you breakfast.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
You're out there competing. That's right. We don't we don't
uh us athletes. We are superstitious. So whatever it is,
I'm sure that's probably part of his superstition.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
And so yes, it wouldn't make a difference. Who's gonna
strand with these eggs and toast this bread. There's nobody here,
he said, Nike was dressing him, so that was he
didn't have to worry about what he was what he
was wearing. I guess his wife normally picks that one out.
It sounds a little spoiled too, you know. You know
sometimes you know they say, you know, men look for

women to take care of them. It's like, I'm not
saying that this is the exact scenario, but when you're
doing stuff like that, you can't pick up. I picked
out what I wore today, So did I my jacket?
My jacket? I picked this. I picked this out. Tell
Michael Jackson, I'll just all right, Like I said a
minute ago, it is a massive day in the NBA.

Every team is playing. Just about every game has some
level of implication. But I want to take a look
back at the last week because I think that this
top seed we may have seen the canary and the
coal mine for them. We may have seen something that
may be a big cause for concern as we go
through the marathon that is the playoffs. We'll break that

down coming up next Martin Weiskerry Roads Fox Sports Sunday.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
Hey, we're Cavino and Rich Fox Sports Radio every day five.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
To seven pm Eastern. But here's the thing.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
We never have enough time to get to everything we
want to get.

Speaker 5 (13:39):
To and that's why we have a brand new podcast
called over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun
in our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly,
because this guy is over promising things we never have
time for. Yeah, you blubber lit lame in me.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Well you know what it's called over promise.

Speaker 4 (13:55):
You should be good at it because you've been over
promising women for years.

Speaker 5 (13:58):
Well, it's a Cavino and Rich show, and we want
you to be a part of it. We're gonna be
talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk life
and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing about
something or we didn't have enough time, it will continue
on our after show called over Promised.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Well, if you don't get enough.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Covino and Rich, make sure you check out over Promised
and also Uncensored, by the way, So maybe we'll go
at it even a little harder. It's gonna be the
best after show podcast of all time.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
There you go, over Promising. Remember you could see it
on YouTube, but definitely join us. Listen to Over Promised
with Cavino and Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
Martin Weiss carry rhads in with the guys on a
Fox Sports Sunday, Masters Sunday and an NBA Sunday All
everybody plays just about every game matters, But I want
to talk to you about the team that's had this
position locked up for the longest time. Did you know,
Carrie Rhodes that the Boston Celtics there's a larger gap

between first place in the East and second place in
the East. Yes, then there is between first place in
the West and tenth place in the West. I do
know that, I do. This is just one of those stats.
You're like, huh, radio got to know what that he's
talking about. You got to be wrong. No, I promise you,
I promise you're right. There's only ten game separator or
eleven games separating the top the top of the West,

and the play in Boston has had I think they
had first place in the East locked up before anybody
else had a playoff spot.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Yeah, they locked in to be a playoff spot in December.
It was it was pretty crazy.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
No, I'm just just abowt, right. So you know, Joe
Missoula had a little bit more time to watch the
town over and over again, knowing that he would didn't
have to prepare for the postseason. But but the thing that, okay, so,
but you look at the last five games, right, played
a tight winning Sacramento one by one point. Yeah, beat
the hell out of the Trailblazers expected, lost to the Bucks, yeah,

one one o four to ninety one. Lose to the
Knicks one eighteen to one oh nine, and then thump
what I call the most unseious well second most unseerious
organization in basketball to Charlotte Hornets. Yes, right, most of
serious is the Wizards. Yeah, I'll give you that. Yes,
we're trying out a tandem of Kuzma and Pool on

game one of eighty two. That's not well, all right,
we're looking at a win total win the teams, right,
and the teams take the under. But so first, when
you saw kind of their mixed bag of results beating
up on abjittedly bad teams, then seeing two teams that
they will see in the postseason likely right, or two

teams I should say have potential to see in the
postseason with Milwaukee with the Knicks, you see them losing
both of those games, and let's be honest, the final
scores are a little bit closer than the gameplay, and
Dick indicated while watching, what do you do? Is that
something that's caused for concern to you? Where are you
right now with the Boston Celtics, Because I have something

that I over there even more than the results. It's
concerning here.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
I have no concerns about the Boston Celtics. It's one
we've talked about it. They don't have anything to play
for right now minus just continuity and stand healthy.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
At this moment.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
If you've really watched them close closely, when they're all
locked in, they're the best team. These last couple of weeks.
They've been shuffling different lineups in and out. Uh, you know,
their whole contingency of players they're they're they're top six,
which is you know obviously Tatum, Brown, White, Horford, Jew

Holliday and Porzingis.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
It's weird because they have they feel like they have
a solid six rotation that like they have like starter
depth in a weird way. Oh yeah, all six can
start and they should be starters on teams. But in
this situation, one one's out and that's been Al Horford.
But he's been the constant professional the whole season, and
when Porzingis is out, he comes in, steps in. They
don't lose a beat. Obviously Porzingis is a little bit

better of a better scorer, but I mean Horford can
do all the things just as well and probably defense better. Right,
So you don't much, but that team is they're locked in.
I mean these games, the one that I am the
most concerned about, or I had, I was a little
taken aback by the result was the nick game. Knicks
came out and really you know, put it to them
with all of their guys there, and so that was

a little concerning. But the Knicks have more to play
for and they're trying to get that second seed and
Bronson's been on a burner right now and playing well,
so more it's more about the Knicks than the Celtics
in this situation. But yeah, no worries here from me
about the Celtics. So the thing that was you know,
I wasn't necessarily where. Weird things happened in March and
April in the NBA season. I think Kenneth Flulfton Junior

just had the twenty seven points in the game. Malachi Flint, yes,
had fifty the other day for the pistics came out
the next time. I missed the next seven shots. Yeah,
weird stuff happens around this time, right, because you have
teams have different motivations, you know. And and I equated
to the last week, the last month of school in
his senior year in high school. If you got your

college acceptance all wrapped up, you know what I'm saying,
You're putting your feet up, You're chilling, you know, making
paper airplanes in class. Not even there. If it comes
down to you know, you gotta get a C minus
to graduate. You over there asking a excuse me, mister Rhodes.
Can I get some extra credit in Earth science? Right?
You try to because I can't come back in two
weeks for summer school. I gotta, you know whatever, I

gotta figure this out. So you have some guys preparing
for summer school, some guys who are cruising the Celtics
have been cruising for quite some time. But the most
concerning thing to me was in the Milwaukee loss. They
didn't attempt a single free throw, a single not a

single one. And it's and the thing that it to me,
it is a that is a canary in the coal
mine for their style of play. They don't attack the rim,
they don't put pressure on the defense. Right now, they'll
shoot a million threes, but you gotta make some not
just close out, but if you gotta draw some fouls
here as low the game down, especially in the postseason

when your rotations are tighter, right and you're only playing
six to seven guys, but you know they always say
what you play sevy guys, trust six and a half, right,
something along those lines. Did not attempt a free throw,
and just off quick glance, there's two games in April
in which they attempted less than fifteen free throws as
a team.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Yeah, they've cut down on any NBA in the second
half since they all start, since they all star game.
Free throws across the border down across the league. So
if you watch it that way, they're officiating differently. Obviously,
zero free throws is just alarming. Exactly what you're saying,
but again that game Porzingis doesn't play. He draws a
lot of files for those guys in the in the
mismatch situations when they when defenses are switching the contempt

he gets, he draws a lot of files in those situations.
He didn't play that game. And so obviously Tatum and Brown,
they're so athletic, they're gonna have to add some variety
in their game in the playoffs. And it will because
it's going to be more game plan specific, you know,
in the playoffs, each game is different. You know, they're
throwing different coverages. So I think that'll go up. But
it is a call for alarm. Their style of play

is three point heavy and a lot of teams don't
win that way.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
They have taken the most threes in the NBA, yes,
and attempted the least two pointers, yes, which is a
nerds dream and analytics right, because three is more than two,
don't you know, haven't you noticed? Right? But part of
it is going to the rim, drawing fouls, forcing the
other team to make rotational adjustments because now their big

guys have foul trouble or their guys have foul troubs.
They can't stay in front. Yep. And also it allows
Boston's a good free throw shooting team. Yes, you know
what I'm saying, Like they're often just looking at the
numbers for April, They've only had one game which they
shot less than seventy percent from the line. Yeah, those
are literally free points, Yes, free points. So I think
the Celtics, that's what concerns me about this team is

what happens when they go zero for ten from three
and a half? Yeah, do they then go like the
Houston Rockets have famously went oh for twenty seven and
or like, cause I'm just yelling at the TV, go
to the rim, Yeah, because that was that was what
they used to do when we were playing all the time. Look,
put two feet in the paint and something good will happen.

If you're the if you're the ball, go put two
feet in the paint. Kick it out for three, or
dump it down low, but put two feet in the
paint and make something happen. Right go inside to get out.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
Yeah, you know those teams, those Houston teams, Yes, I
remember that that over twenty seven stretch. But their best player,
James Harden at the time, he kept the ball in
his hands all the time, and so if he wasn't
the one getting there, nobody else was true and he
was done. Remember that series. He was so fatigued he
couldn't do anything. Chris Paul had got hurt, so he
wasn't there to help, and it was It was a
bad situation for those guys. But again that's dan TONI system,

and you live, you live, you live, and die by it.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
Sometimes that is true. But let's say, coming up next,
let's go ahead and kick it over to Isaac Lowing
Cron for it on the Masters.

Speaker 6 (23:01):
Why, thank you very much, Martin and Carrie. And we'll
actually begin with a quick little NFL tidbit. The agent
for San Francisco forty nine Ers receiver Brandon Ayuk has
just posted a tweet denying rumors that Ayuk has asked
to be traded again. That tweeted moments ago by Ayuk's agent.
And now we take you to Augusta for this Master's updates.

Hello friends, I'm Jim Natz for a tradition unlike any other,
and I'm told by my producer then we have a
surprise guest analyst. Now for the final round.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
God, it's great to be with you, Jim. I'm excited
to be here. Told earlier I got butterflies.

Speaker 6 (23:51):
Oh no, I have to put up with this craft
five months out of the year and now not even
augustin NAT. My sanctuary is safe anyway, Scotty Scheffler, it's
a one shot lead at seven under. He'll see off

the final round at two thirty five eastern. Okay, Tony,
how would you analyze the mechanics of Scheffler's swing?

Speaker 5 (24:20):
Does he get both feet in right here at the end, Jym,
He's gonna go like this?

Speaker 2 (24:27):
Do I think I'm gonna be sick? And speaking of sick?

Speaker 6 (24:33):
Tiger Woods today four over par through thirteen homes, including
a triple bogie seven on the fifth hole.

Speaker 7 (24:43):
That's what I meant by settling gym right, It's like
you're just like rushed American legend.

Speaker 2 (24:48):
Right there, Jim.

Speaker 6 (24:49):
Nevertheless, he's plus fifteen for the tournament, twenty two shots
off the lead. Well, thank you, Tony. I hope you're
enjoying your time here at AUGUSTA.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
Been looking really good right now, rubbing that belly. But
I'm like, yeah, but right now it's a Jim nance call.
Let's go get a snack.

Speaker 6 (25:11):
I can't believe he got past security.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
And that is your.

Speaker 6 (25:17):
Master's updates, all right, Martin, and carry back to you
like I.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Love how you know, golf anouncers are just you know,
the way they make the whole thing sound as Martin
White scarerows come to you from the tiraq dot com studio.
It's like like there's a baby in the room they
don't want to wake up. You know, I'm going to
make sure he doesn't wake up today. I don't know.
If you wake this baby up again, I will kill you. Uh,

but let's go ahead and kick around one of the
things that Isaac just had in his update right now,
Uh Brandon Au Yeah, you know, you know Carrie clutch
your pearls here. But he on followed the forty nine
ers on Instagram yesterday, did he? I know this is
like a golfing ouncer. This is very serious business is
not good. This is not a joke. Okay, break in

place of emergency because we are here now all right,
soundly alarms, but in seriousness. Uh, the forty nine ers
have a lot of guys to pay, one of the
main ones being Rock Purdy, who is you know still
has a roommate in the Bay Area because that's how
much he makes. Yeah, right, you know, uh, and you know,
last pick in the draft is gonna end up making

you know, quite some quite a bit of cheese. See.
And as he's been to two consecutive NAGY Championship games
and the Super Bowl this year, got knocked out of
the one last year against the Eagles, you know his
his bag is coming due. Forty nine Ers have the
most expensive defense in the NFL. And uh, you have
other people who are kind of up and Brandon Ayuk
seems to be the odd man out. So just now

came down, Like Isaac just said, he has not yet
requested a trade, but Carrie, should he be requesting trade
at this point?

Speaker 3 (27:02):
It's a very murky situation. I mean, obviously financially financial wise,
for him to make what he thinks he deserves or
wants to make, he probably should. But going around requesting
trades in the NFL, in any sport, doesn't really pan
out most of the time. You go get your money,

but you're gonna end up going to a team that's
not that good and then you're gonna fall.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Off the face of the earth as a player.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
And people aren't gonna remember you, and you'll have the
money and that's fine. And you know, if you haven't
had it yet and you haven't got that bag yet,
then obviously go get the bag. But you're in a
situation in San Francisco where you just catch you.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Yeah, Auk has not He's still on his rookie deal
exactly right, So he has not signed the big extension.
He has not signed. You know, none of that is
has come down.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
For you, right, So I mean, in those situations, right,
you want to get that, but again, just be careful,
be careful for what you ask for.

Speaker 2 (27:58):

Speaker 3 (27:58):
I know you you want to go out and get
the money and do all those things. But if you
can get a couple of million off of that and
be in a winning situation, I know it sounds weird,
but for me personally, I would stay there. You got
a chance to win. You got a chance to win
a super Bowl and make a lot of money. I'm
gonna make sure I make the right decision there. So
don't do anything rash, brash, unfollowing requesting trades, you know,

handle it like a pro.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
That's what that would be my advice for him. So
do you think that unfollowing a team on social media
is not handling it like a proud you. Would you
quantify that as like, you know what I'm saying, because
obviously I think social media existed in the time that
you play, but not necessarily in the way it didn't
exist at all, or it was just I might say
it was in his infancy. Right, So that was back

when you were like taking pictures of your breakfast and
being like, look at what I'm eating for breakfast on Twitter.
Now now it's more like if you don't have takes,
what are you doing here? Right? I should say, it's
not even Twitter anymore, it's X. You had the top
eight on MySpace, but it's a little different you if
you took the team out of your top eight, it
didn't mean.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
I was never on my space. That's a whole damn
mar No, No, I don't know if you know that. Yeah,
I didn't even do MySpace any of that.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
Stuff, none of it. None of it. I got you.
I was on MySpace, and let me tell you, so
that there was a point of contention if you took
somebody out of your top as like, wait, we don't
want our friends. I'm not the eighth best star eight?
Where do I rate ninth at best? Okay, got it, appreciated, pal,
But like, what do you what is your take on
that new age? Because I think now, honestly, not only

is it because I start to wonder about this type
of stuff, because like, yeah, players will do it, but
I feel like a lot of times players are advised
to do it because just because of this moment right now,
it becomes yet another data point in the iyuk is
unhappy with the team? You are whoever is unhappy with
the team, Like when Justin Fields unfollowed the bear I

was about to get traded, He's like, you know such
and such. This is a way to express a passive,
aggressive way to fresh I am not happy. Yeah, and
you think the forty nine ers care about that? I don't,
right off top, but it just it makes me wonder. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
No, no, it's one of those things where yeah, it's
it's petty and a lot of people are petty in
our world now, and they like to express themselves in
any way they can. They have so many outlets to
do that. One way is still unfollow But again, who
are you hurting in that situation? Who are you really?
You know, getting getting to in that situation. No one,

I mean, the only people that really take an interest
in that would be fans or people that are covering
the team, or people in our position right to talk
about this after it happens. So at the end of
the day, just be like I said, be an adult,
be a pro. And you know, again, if you want
to unfollow the forty nine ers, unfollow all the other
teams that you follow as well or people in those positions,

so it doesn't look like you're trying to do that
on purpose. It just doesn't really make much sense to me.

Speaker 2 (30:58):
Yeah, you know, I guess I don't know. I followed
my job. I suppose you know, my job follows me back, right.
You know, I don't know if if all of a
sudden this is what happened to be God forbid my
last show on Fox Sports Radio, if I would unfollow
the page.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
But is your is your boss here at Fox Sports
Radio with the Fox Sports emblem?

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Is he following you?

Speaker 3 (31:20):
Is he's the one that's that's a messaging your posting
about you or or allowing that space. It's not him, right,
It's a team, right, So it's like it's Susie from
from the department. That's right, one out of account. So
you're really unfallowing, Susie. You're not going to fall in
Fox Sports. It doesn't really affect them. It's what I'm saying,
guy who's.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
Running the social right, are the person who's running the
social media.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
That's it seems a good offend that that's the one
that's a good offend, that not Fox Sports.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
You know what I do want to know, how do
people even notice these things? Like I would not like.
I wouldn't even notice. I don't notice people don't follow
me now, No, you know, I don't like how where
is like this is like some some bot that I'll
tell you, you know, let me, let me look for IU
and then you got to write some script to see, Okay, Brandon,
I ke ig unfollow forty nine years all right, and

then putting so you get a notification or something like
that when it happens. I wouldn't even know.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
There's no way I know, but I think those there
are people out there looking at that story now knowing
that he's unhappy, right, and so let's follow the steps.
It's a lot of sleus Internet slus out there trying
to figure it out and they can figure it out
that way, they can go down and.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
Check through the following list. But oh yeah, there's definitely
a lot of a lot of that slue south the
internet detectives, especially when uh, you know, like I don't
know if you've been paying attention to what's happened in
hip hop over the last few days, but uh a
little bit. Yeah, between these dish records, I'm like, man, well,
how are these guys breaking this stuff down? They're like like,
it's like they're translating this whole language, like, oh, that

was a disc who.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
Knew right, nothing direct, everything indirect and like you said,
passive aggressive, right, Yeah, that's that's.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
I find it fascinating. But ultimately, I think I kind
of laying with you, I would try to stick on
that forty nine or train for some time because I
think Kyle Shanahan has figured out quarterbacks, you know, as
much as the Trey Lance thing went left. Yeah, I
do think that he has. He's found a way to

Like most of these coaches that have come to learn,
they want to run their system right. They want a
guy who will effectively execute their system right. I think
brock party and this is not an insult, but is
a great system quarterback. I think if you told put
Rock Party in Cincinnati for example, and ask them to
do all the things that Joe Burrow was doing, or
put him in Buffalo for example, ask him to do
all the things that Josh Allen does, you're gonna you're

in for a rough year. But if you tell him
to do what Kyle Shanahan wants him to do, go ahead,
you know what this size of the limit, this situation
reminds me, like to the fullest of the situation when
the Redskins drafted RG three and Kirk Cousins at the
same time.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Oh yeah, the latter is the one that had the
more successful career so far, I mean so far, And
I think this is going to happen again with I
think so far.

Speaker 2 (34:02):
I think that's the safe I think that's a safe one.
You know, maybe Kurk goes into TV and then you know,
he starts jumping off boats like ARG three is my guy.
I love, I love, I love Bargie man.

Speaker 3 (34:11):
He's It was funny because when he was playing the
thing that I said about him early on, I said
he talked too much, and the fact that now he's
doing that that's what he's doing, that's his career is
completely going well.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
Yes, a natural fit. You know what you talk too much.
It's kind of like when you when I was a
kid in school. You know, they're like, hey, this kid's
got a d D. All he's doing is yelling and
running around. Now you know, I yelled all the time.
So it works out and make money for it. It works out. Uh.
You know, there's one aspect of sports that that I
truly appreciate, and that's very little to do with the

final score, very little to do with uh, you know,
like I said, the results of things. But along the way.
It's one of my favorites. It seems to be one
of Joe Burrow's favorites as well. We'll get to that
in just a minute. Carrie Martin Weiss, Fox Sports Sunday.
Martin Weiss is me, Kerrie Rhoads is him. Fox Sports Sunday,

coming to you live on a big day in sports.
NBA in full swing. Everybody's playing, every game matters, the
master's in play. Well, Scottie Shuffler's wife have a baby
before he's done. Hey, how would you feel, real quick
if you were in second and the guy who was
in first Withdrew, right, Like, you didn't beat him, but

he withdrew and all of a sudden you win a championship. Well,
that story would be a little different for me. I
would say I was playing so good that last round
he withdrew. Oh yeah, you just changed You just changed
the word, and you know, you got to switch it around.
And as you get older, you know, those stories blossom
to something bigger. Anyway, So that would be my story.
That's all. You get to the super Bowl, you're a

card you're with the Cardinals, and you get to the
super Bowl and all of a sudden, the Patriots just
don't show up.

Speaker 3 (35:56):
Yeah, no, no, My stats would have been crazy that game.
I'd had three in the absence against Brady and you know,
the whole different exactly.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
You didn't know it said five pick sixers in that game,
right right. Anyway, Joe Burrow was on Travis Kelsey's podcast,
because every athlete has a podcast now, Yes, so Joe
Burrow was on this version of the Athlete podcast and
he said something to the effect of, you know, let
them taunt, let guys taunt, And he actually tweeted after

his a Flowers got the controversial. Well, I guess the
penalty was a controversial. The timing was pretty dumb. But
the quarantine penalty in the AFC Championship game that ended
up basically, you know, really throwing a wrench in the
Ravens plans there. Where are you on this as a
as a former player, would you you know, you break

up a pass against Gronk? Are you standing over him
saying you know, gin't complete pal like? How like you
have to wake up earlier to that to get past
carry Rhoades right, just like that? But were you a
big trash talker? How do you feel about taunting? And
in this way it should it be? Like do you
think that it should be a penalty or not? No,
it should not be a penalty.

Speaker 3 (37:04):
I mean, it's not like in hockey where they're really
gonna fight, Like nobody's out there fighting like you got
a helmet on, You're gonna hurt yourself you try to
punch somebody in the face.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
I mean, it's it's just it's irrelevant.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
And so now, if it got to the point where
they were all out massive team brawls, and obviously something
would have to be addressed, But at this moment, you're
just celebrating, You're you're in the moment where athletes were competitive.
It's gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
And I think now, just off the top of my head, yeah,
I feel like there's more. There are less team brawls
related to taunting and more related to like the play
that just happened, right, So like if you'll see, like
maybe you'll see, for example, a quarterback with his foot
out of bounds and then some defensive back to side,
they still want to push them. Now the offensive line

gonna come over and push you. Of course, you know.
Now now we're in now we're in the mix, right right.
But it's never because a guy was like, you know,
did the incomplete sign or did the seat belt sign?
Which for the longest time I thought they were, like.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
Why are they putting a they putting a sword? Somebody
else said that too, I think it was last week.
I was like, no, that's the seat belt.

Speaker 2 (38:11):
I mean, I caught on after a while, but I'm
getting I'm getting older. I don't know, I'm not as
hip as I once was, but so I'm because I'm
proton things. Yeah, And I think part of the reason
why is when I was a kid falling in love
with these games. I didn't remember necessarily the big catches
for the first downs or you know, the dunk that

put the game out of reach. I remembered the celebrations.
I remember where I was. I had to race to
to try to finish my homework so I could watch
the same split at Giants. So that night football as
soon as I turned the TV on, Joe Horn gets
a touchdown and lifts up the stanchion and talks on
the phone. Yea, what that's crazy creative too, now talking
on the phone maybe a bit far sharpie and your

ankle sock, maybe a bit far right, maybe a bit fun.
Grab the popcorn, do the popcorn. Yeah, those are the
moments that we remember, and not only that when players retire.
Those are the moments that we all put on ow
loop on TV. Those are the moments that were like,
do you know how many times we will see Tyreek

Hill throwing up that peace sign as you run past
Matt Malana on the way to beating Buffalo in that
thirteen second game? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (39:22):
Yes, and that's crazy, like especially for those like the
cele the touchdown celebrations not being allowed.

Speaker 2 (39:29):
It's just when we.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
Really talk about the No Fun League. That's that's that's
what that is. And for the NFL to now not
allow that, and like you just said, kids all around
the world definitely want to see that. And you know,
they're trying to do the Nickelodeon games and stuff like
that where they're trying to bring trying to bring entertainment
that stuff. It's kind of like a fad, but the
celebration let them be humans and have fun and enjoy

the big things that they just accomplished.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
You mean you're not watching uh, you know, Christian McCaffrey
going to the slim zone and the end zone and
here in SpongeBob called the game. Nope. I'll tell you what.
I was a kid, and maybe it's just because I
wasn't watching many cartoons or whatever. That would have had
no appeal to me. No, no appeal to me.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
Terrell Owens going and grabbing the popum it was enough.
That's fun, you know, that was that was enough? Yeah,
that was enough.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
Yeah. So I'm with it, And I think this is
one of the reasons why I've always been a fan
of Joe Burrow, partly because he went to LSU and
I you know, from Louisiana, So I like it. I'm
a Michigan fan. I like when LSU does well. You know,
I know a lot of people who are attached to
the university and so on, so I really like it
when LSU does well. You know, I'd root for them
against anybody but Michigan. So happy for Joe Burrow, and

I loved the fact that he turned the Cincinnati Bengals around.
They said, you can't go. There's gonna be a disaster.
Coming up next, we'll talk about the Western Conference. It's
all tied up at the top. We'll break it down,
Martin and carry Rhoades. That's right. I hope you were
taking notes through Monty's update. It's confusing. It's all over
the place. The Western Conference, who knows who's making the play?

Eastern Conference? Who knows? Are you gonna be in the
second seed? You're gonna be the fifth seed? Are you
gonna be this five seed? Are you gonna be in
the play in? Everything is up for grabs right now,
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is the way that tire buying should be. So Carrie,
let's go ahead and dive in to the Western Conference.
The one seed in play two seed? Who knows three seeds?
Still confusing? All right? So this is this is how
it goes. Oklahoma City will be the one seed if

all three teams win, are all three teams lose. In
that scenario, Minnesota would be second and Denver third. Got it? Yep?
All right? Denver will be the top seed if they
win and the other two lose. In that case, Minnesota
would be the second seed. Oklahoma City would be the

third seed. You got that? All right? I'm not. I
know you're a smart guy, but there's so many things
flying around here. I'm just trying to explain it to me,
like I'm five. All right, sports shouldn't be this hard,
all right. Minnesota is the top seed if it wins
and Denver loses, in which case, Oklahoma City would be second.

Oklahoma City is the top seed if it wins and
Minnesota loses. All right, So there it is. There's kind
of the whole scenario there. Basically, the only thing that
matters for these individual teams is they need to win, right,
They need to win today. If you want to go
ahead and get that one seed and play the eight
instead of the seven going in, or you know, play

you know, obviously it depends on the playoff seating, right,
So if you want to get the number one seed,
which you know, silly meat, I think it's a big
deal to get the one seed. I would try my
best to do it. You gotta win, right, because none
of these the only way the Oklahoma City remains is
everybody's gotta lose a Oklahoma City losers. Right. Where do
you think this kind of plays out here in one, two,

three atop the West?

Speaker 3 (43:14):
Yeah, it's gonna be interesting. Obviously, I think it's going
to be Okay. See, I think OKAYC is going to
get the one. But I'm also a little preferential with
why I want them to be that one seed. They're
they're the one obviously, they're really good, they're young, they're exciting.

You got an MVP candidate with Shae Gilige as Alexander.
I want them to be the one seed. Because I
don't want Denver to win the one seed because I'm
a Dallas Maverick fan and I don't want them to
have to face them in that second round after we
beat the Clippers. So it's it's about matchups.

Speaker 2 (43:52):
I want okay See to win that one.

Speaker 3 (43:55):
I want Denver to fall in that two to three seed,
so we can, you know, just look at that potential
mats down the line. But again, Minnesota's had a great year.
Kat's been injured, he got back last game. It's gonna
take some time for him to mess in there. And
Minnesota's playing a game against the Signs that the Sons
really need to win. So I think the Sons will
come out and possibly win that game to avoid being

in that you know that. I think they're in the
seventh spot now, but they got a chance of getting
that sixth seed. So there's so many potential things going on.

Speaker 2 (44:23):
Because you want to what you want to do is
and we say this's in baseball all the time, and
now that we are now into the play in uh
era of the NBA, we're trying to Now it's not
necessarily as uh you know, as novel and new as
it was prior we're kind of used to it now
as we've seen I have to call it the Lebron
Steph Curry Invitational, the Western Conference play in there. That's true.

They have represented they love it, they love it. But
you know, so like in baseball, we see it all
the time. You play one hundred and six to two games,
and now you're playing a one game playoff. Anything can
happen in one game, right, So that's where we you
are now. So if you're the Suns, you desperately want
to avoid being in the play in because if the

playing is what if everything stands the same, right if
all if the way the today plays out, all the
standards are the same, Yeah, you would have the Lakers,
the Kings, the war and I'm sorry, it would be Suns, Lakers, Kings,
Warriors in the playing tournament in that I think most
people would take the Warriors and the Lakers who be

the teams that emerged from that, right, yes? And so
if you're Phoenix, exactly like the Lakers and the Warriors
are old.

Speaker 3 (45:38):
And right yeah, and right now, Phoenix would be playing
Golden State first. And they don't want that, Nobody, they
don't want those problems because very much.

Speaker 2 (45:46):
Like you know, anything gonna happen in one game in baseball,
anything gonna happen with one game with Steph Curry's uh
the point guard for the other team. Yes, he is
one of those singular talents in the NBA who, by
the way, by his skill set now because it's not
its side that is speed. Is this skill set his
ability to shoot threes and the way that that has
everybody jumping out of the gym at every moment, and

that you know, the gravity that that Steph brings, which
every every player has some level of gravity, right, It's
just it's just relative. Somebody look gravity a little. It's like,
you know, but everybody's good. You know, when somebody's holding
the ball, people are gonna be watching them. Yeah, anyway,
but Steph is Steph. You know, would you beat I

put it like this, if you walk up tomorrow and
found out that Steph dropped fifty in the playing game
and now the Warriors advanced like you wouldn't be surprised. No, No,
surprised at all. No.

Speaker 3 (46:36):
And even take the Steph further, I know the Lakers.
People would take the Lakers over Sacramento. That's the only
one that I'm a little worried about for the Lakers
in that situation. The Lakers in Sacramento. It's a bad
matchup for the Lakers. Sacramento has had their number, you know.
The bonus is too physical for a d down in
the post. So and in a roster constructure way too
like Saponus is strong. The Sacramento is a guard heavy team.

Lakers are a big team.

Speaker 4 (47:02):
You know.

Speaker 3 (47:02):
It's just it's not a great matchup. Yeah, so it's tough,
but that I mean that, I can't I can't lie.
The play in stuff has been fun and it gives
us something to talk about right now in these last
couple of days, because if that wasn't the case, I
guess we would still have, you know, that eighth spot
up in the air, right if it wasn't the play
in situation where the Lakers Segrament of Golden State will
be fine for the eighth So it would still be exciting,

but not as many scenarios.

Speaker 2 (47:27):
Yeah. No, I am a fan of anything that that
makes the regular season matter more. Yeah, And I you know,
we play eighty two of these games. Were supposed to
watch them and have opinions and so on, Like I
am a fan of anything. Just about did you like
the Cup O the n season tournament? Yeah? See, that's

a little different, that's a little a little The thing
I did not like about the NCAS and tournament is
one of the things I just like about the NBA
most of the time. What are we doing on these courts?

Speaker 3 (47:56):

Speaker 2 (47:56):
What are the uh? I feel bad for people who
are color blind because they're just looking at this. A man,
it's just all these tones of gray, right, but seriously,
like I want to be able to turn the TV
on and within a second, a split second, know who's playing,
know where they're playing. Yeah, if I'm watching the NFL,

I have no question which team is which and where
they're playing. Right, if I'm watching the NBA, why is
Memphis gray? When did this happen? You know what I'm saying?
Like just all these different you know, they got a
new jersey every week, and it's like, you know, can
we get a little level of consistency here? I want
to know. And I know that they're trying to find

ways to differentiate the play in games or whatever. A
great idea for that would have been potentially wearing alternate jerseys.
But now they wear alternate jerseys every other day Now,
that just becomes regular to have, you know, twenty different
jerseys to where and I get it. I guess you
gotta sell as much as you can. But for me, yeah,
that was the thing I didn't like about the Ncason Tournament,

But I didn't hate the actual application of it. I
wish the Pelicans had taken it more seriously, but I
think that embarrassment that they received at the hand of
the Loston Migles Lakers, yeah, kind of woke them up
for the rest of the year.

Speaker 3 (49:10):
Yeah, it felt gimmicky. Obviously, I'm down with it as well.
I think there's a level of it, a level to
it that can be successful, but yeah, it seems very
very gimmicky. And I think if you present it in
a gimmick way, if you present it in a way
where it's, like you said, very colorful and very different
from what the rest of the product is, it just

kind of raises your alarm and raises your flags to
the point of is it really that serious or is
it a gimmick? And I think that's the part, probably
the only negative part with it for me.

Speaker 2 (49:40):
Yeah. So, but the play in tournament sign me up
sign me up. If nothing else, it provides a level
of excitement at a time where, yeah, we'd be talking
about the different scenarios, but you have playoff scenarios. Again,
I've said it like eight times today, but instead of
making any less true that almost every single game matters.

Almost every single one of these games matters for seeding
and for who you're gonna play coming up next? You know, dude?
Do you? And what I love about the play in
as well is first of all, it makes it harder
the tank. You gotta be real bad to tank. Yeah.
And secondly, it uh you have now you have teams

like like the Suns for example, are the Pelicans that
they matter way more than it like in years past,
six or seven, you kind of whatever if you're playing
for the opportunity to not have a single elimination playoff game.
I think it's I think it was a great idea
to add excitement, and it's one that like doesn't take

away too much from what historically the playoffs have been, right,
and also doesn't take too much out of the players
in that like, it's not like adding six extra games, right,
It's not like they're having a play in series, a
play in series, I'd be like, I get the hell
out of here now. But anytime I think winner, what
did they always say about Game seven? It's the best

two words of sports, right, any of the time that
you can force a winner go home scenario in professional sports.
I don't know about y'all, but that's what I'm here for.
I'm here to watch guys compete. I'm here to watch
guys read or watch people, I should say, because March
matters for the women's side was you know, that was
the whole thing, was going to go home and that
was electric the whole thing. And I'm here to watch

people compete. I'm here to watch the culmination of all
the hard work that goes into it. And only one
team can win, right. But what we see and I
think this is something that is of note in the
play and now in the years past, we've seen certain
teams kind of use it as as as stepping stone, right,

Like you remember in the first iterations of these, John
Morant has some of the best games he's ever played. Now,
obviously i've heard Memphis basically you know, punted on the
season after the turn of the calendar, but they for
a good, solid two or three four years, we're competing
with the top of the West, right, you know what
I'm saying. Uh, And so I think we see that

like we saw the New Orleans Pelicans. They went into
the play in right, gave not necessarily gave the Sons
to scare, but took them to six in the first round. Right,
took them like that was a series and wish and
you got a chance to see just how passionate Pelicans
fans are in New Orleans. Right, because you talk about, oh,
sell the team, they should move that team to Seattle,
It's like, no, they'll go and support a team that

they think that's a shot to win, right, you know
what I'm saying. And I think it provides a little
bit more excitement for fans along the way. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52:37):
No, the NBA, man, it's that's my It's my favorite sport.
It's my favorite sport to watch, even during the season
when I'm with and when I'm invested in my team
and my team is doing well obviously, but indeed this
play in stuff has been it's been exciting. And then
again you look at some of these teams and you
see the teams that are in the play in, it
gives them a chance to you know, obviously with some

of the name recognition on these teams that in the
play in give them a chance to compete in the
scenario where you just said, if for all the marbles, right,
And that's fun. That's fun being a sportthead and being
somebody that wants to see competition like yourself.

Speaker 2 (53:14):
Absolutely, Yeah, that's what I love to see and one
of the things that I don't love to see and
I kind of wish we weren't seeing yep right now,
because you know, it's kind of a I just hate
it personally when we get to this point with a
lot of athletes where it goes from being a former
great to kind of the butt of the joke. I

was talking about this last night, but let's keep doing
I want to hear what you're saying. Well, we will
keep going, and we'll talk about this coming up next,
because I just you know, not everybody knows when it's
time to go relax, yes and just be a family man,
and I think the time has come for one of
our legends will break that down. Coming up next Martin
Weis's Carry Roads Fox Sports Sunday, Martin Weiss's Carry Roads

Fox Sports Sunday here well on a Master Sunday, NBA
Sunday ay UFL going on too, you know, if you're
interested in spring football. But what I wanted to talk
to you about is this, especially on the news that
Tom Brady is considering a second another comeback, right, Yeah,
especially on the news of that. I don't know how

serious Brady is on that. That's one of those I'll
wait to see, you know, I'm not necessarily preparing for it. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying. I'll wait to see if
he actually is serious about it. But Tiger Woods is
currently of the golfers that made the cut in the Master,
so he can't be not the worst, but he is
at the bottom of the leader board. He has shot right.

He's only ever scored in the eighties five times in
his career right twenty fifteen, had an eighty five in
the Memorial third round. He had an eighty two at
the Phoenix Open and eighty one at the British Open
in two thousand two, in an eighty in the twenty
fifteen US Open. Well, today or yesterday i should say,

recorded ten over eighty two and it ended the day
eleven over part which is something that really like as
a casual golf fit. I'm not living and dying with
this every week. You know, I'm not doing any of that.
But I, like many other young black men, would introduce

to this sport because Tiger Woods was dominating Sunday red Tiger, right,
you know what I'm saying. It's like a tiger was
walking people down right to see Tiger Woods his body,
like many other professional athletes, Like almost all other professional athletes,
his body has betrayed him. It is remarkable in fact

that he is even able to go out there and
make the cut in general. Right, But I and I
don't want to. I can't really be in a position
where I'm telling guys what to do with their lives, right,
because I can't do that. I don't know what you know,
but I just wish for the sake of my memories
that Tiger Woods would hang it up. I wish that

Tiger Woods would have he could have retired three years ago.
For me, the legacy is already written. It is in stone. Right.
There's nothing that you can do now to really change it.
I wish now all you are really changing for the better.
All you can really do now is just provide people
with memories of limping down the green and the masters.

Speaker 3 (56:34):
Yeah, physically for him, it's gonna be tough to ever
get to a level of obviously what we're used to
with Tiger. Golfing's one of one of those sports where
you can adjust a little bit there, and you can
as you get older. Obviously the game's gotten all the
guys have gotten stronger, they're driving it further. I mean,
just like anything else any other sport, right, you improve,

you start having workout plans, you start doing these things
where now they look like athletes out there where back
in the day it was a little different game, right,
So it's kind of hard to navigate that world. But
in golfing you can still improve and still be really
good at certain elements of that game. So I don't
see him, you know, riding off oft the sunset. I know,

for your own your own preference, you would love to
have the image of him being Tiger, and I think
I think those days are gone, but he can still
win certain tournaments, so I don't think he'll walk away.
It's gonna be a tough one. Now, if we're talking
about a real and that game, that game is demanding,
but a demanding sport in the physical contact type of

way like a football or basketball or whatever. You just
can't physically do it, but you can construct your game
around certain elements in golf where you can still be
a serviceable player. And I know you don't want his serviceable,
but you can still win.

Speaker 2 (57:50):
I'm not here to watch Tiger. I hear you, and
I will say this. To his credit, comfortably made the
cut record at the Masters for twenty four times making
the making the cut. So that's big and I'm not
taking away from that, but it goes back to I
remember last year around this time and when when other

golfers are applauding him on the back nine, and I'm like, man,
this is this is tough. This is tough to watch
because it's not complimentary. Right, I just say this, It
is complimentary. But they're not doing that unless you think
that are They're not doing that if they think he's

a real competition, Oh for sure, they're not. They're not
clapping for him if they think he could really if
he's gonna wake up tomorrow and shoot way under and
somehow beat them.

Speaker 3 (58:44):
Yeah, no, no, there's no there's no fear in Tiger anymore,
which is probably his number one. I think it would
be the shining light for him, right, like he walked
into he.

Speaker 2 (58:54):
Walks on the course, and that it is yet you
know what time it is for sure. It's so that
that's something that I just I just can't stand. I wish,
I wish that he would just you know, hang it.
Only it reminds me of I'm you know Nick right on.
First things first, Yeah, I made a bet with him, right,
we bet. Now I'm trying to remember the teams. I
picked the card. I picked the Cowboys and the Lions,

and he had he had gone on TV and been like,
if you have my phone number, I bet you the
Chiefs go farther. If you have my funerer, text me,
we'll make the bet. Right. So I did, and I texted,
I said, I bet both the Cowboys and the Lions,
but either one of those teams to go further than
the Chiefs. Right, one hundred dollars a piece. You lost.
I lost on ball right. So after the morning after

the championship games, and the Lions, I mean just melt
Chris's coveryr Ears melted down at the end against the
forty nine ers there. I text him, I'm like, yo,
you know, send me your cash app. I send you
my two hundred bucks. You know what I'm saying. You know,
all's fair and love and war. Appreciate that, you know, saying,
just you know, all's good. He texted me back, don't
worry about good. I'm good. Don't worry about it. That's

a furiator. Yeah, you know what I know because he's like,
you know because especially in that aspect, I'm a production
I'm working in a production over the f F Fox
Sports one. He's obviously on television and spoiler alert, talent
has paid a lot more than production. Does you know
what I'm saying. I could make more here over a
three day period than I can in five days working
in production. Right, So he' said I don't want to

take the money from this guy. That's that's what he
didn't said that, but that's that was that's the energy
he suns you exactly. No, I get it. Hey, you know.
I was like, I was like, all right, man, you
know what I'm saying. You got it. And he's a
really nice guy. So I'm not trying to pay him
as a jerk or anything like that. Yeah, Right, but
that's what it kind of reminds me of. It's like
we're not He's like, we're not on the same level financially,
So don't even worry about it.

Speaker 3 (01:00:43):
I'm gonna give I'm gonnaive you Ale, give you a
little secret here, Martin, Right, it's it's ego. You're you're
confident what you do. You're a manly man. You have
this way about you where no, no, I'm gonna earn mine.
I'm gonna get mine, and I don't need you to
do it for me. I don't want you to give
me anything. And that would be your approach, and even

take it from that approach and then put it on
Tiger and what his energy is and what his orr
is like you, I'm sure Tiger doesn't want those applause either.
He knows that obviously that's the same energy that so
I'm telling you, like that would be that Tiger is
not He's gonna get better and if he can get
to a point of if he couldn't do this at all,

and exactly the feeling that you're feeling right there, I
don't think he would subject himself to that. But he's
still deep down thinks that he can win somebody these tournaments.
So that's why he's out there doing this thing. Yeah,
I just it's tough to watch.

Speaker 4 (01:01:41):

Speaker 3 (01:01:42):
I'm gonna patch you on the back in the minute
as soon as soon as we go and break, I'm
gonna give you a nice, little, a.

Speaker 2 (01:01:46):
Little pat in the back that man. You know, I
just wish, I just wish that he would stop because
it's hard to watch. It's hard to watch him walk
and you can see how a whole he's walking okay,
but then by whole thirteen or fourteen, it's like, man,
he's really laboring to get up and down these greens,

and it's just, you know, I just you know, I
wish he had gone out as on top as you
possibly can. Nobody gets to pick really when they retire, right,
so a lot of people get retired themselves. Yes.

Speaker 3 (01:02:18):
And we were talking about it off air a little
bit when we were coming to this segment, Like I
was talking about this last night because I saw a
little film of me doing a couple of highlights or something,
and I was like, man, I was running around pretty good,
and I was like still in my prime. And I
looked at him, I was like, oh, that's the year
I retired. So I went out that way. I wasn't

having this situation, so you kind of it's a fine line.

Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
That's a competitor. It's tough.

Speaker 3 (01:02:44):
But once I was done, I also I had a
hard time watching football because I could still physically do it.
And so that if you think about it from that
perspective as well, it's hard even from that perspective because
I couldn't want football for a couple of years because
I would find myself judging myself off the play of

other guys, and I know I could do that.

Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
And let me ask you, this, is this fair to
say that you could have gone out after retirement. You
could have done it for a week or two weeks
or three weeks, but the sixteen weeks that the season
was then would have been more of the struggle, for sure.
So it's because it's being a professional athlete. It's not
about being great once. It's about being consistently great across

the board where people can depend on what you bring
to the table, for sure. And again you talk about
the ego part of it.

Speaker 3 (01:03:33):
If I couldn't do that and I'm still laboring to
do that, think about what that does for Tiger or
think about what that does for that top athlete, right, Like,
you know you can't consistantly do it now now at
certain points, either you're still in checks, you're doing it
for the money, sure, or you're doing it out of
spite to prove that you can do it. And that's

not a winning formula.

Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
Either either way. But let's go ahead. If Martin and
Kerry coming to you live from the tireq dot com studios,
let's kick it over to Monte Bilanos b an update
and everything that's going on in sports. How many NBA
games are going on?

Speaker 8 (01:04:09):
I think all of them too many, And there's so
much going on that I'm not even gonna try to
explain it. I can explain a little bit of it.
But going back to just real quick, where we're saying
about Tiger Woods. Yesterday, Steve Hartman and I during our show,
we were saying that this might be his last masters
he broke the record twenty four consecutive cuts. This actually

might be it because we were saying, like, he doesn't
seem to be the type of guy to just go
through the motions, like he's not going to do it
unless he thinks he can actually win, right, and we
may have just seen the end of Tiger Woods at
the Masters, just because he look, you're right, it looks
like he's in pain. It's tough to watch. And when
he accomplished already, it's you don't need you, you can

go off. And I think it's still going out on
a high note again. Twenty four consecutive cuts at the Masters.

Speaker 7 (01:04:56):
That's a record.

Speaker 8 (01:04:57):
He currently is five over for the day through seven
venteen holes, sixteen over for the entire tournament. Scottie Schaeffler,
who's in the lead at seven under par, Colin Marcawa
one shot back.

Speaker 7 (01:05:07):
They're set to tee off. You know this might change,
but in about an hour or so. Now, let's check
in on the NBA.

Speaker 8 (01:05:12):
Everyone and their mom is playing a lot of playoff implications.

Speaker 7 (01:05:16):
We're gonna start with the seventy six ers.

Speaker 8 (01:05:17):
They're currently beating the Nets twenty two to eighteen late
in the first quarter. No Joel mb today for Philly.
He tweaked his knee on Friday against the Magic. Philly,
along with Orlando, Indiana and Miami, they have a chance
to take the fifth seed in the East. The only
way for Philly to get the fifth seed. Is if
they win and then Indiana loses at home to the Hawks, carries.

Speaker 7 (01:05:37):
Like this, they won't have it are gonna end there again.

Speaker 8 (01:05:40):
And it's a precautionary you know, sitting out for Joel
and beat It's not that he can't play.

Speaker 7 (01:05:44):
They're just you know, easing into the playoffs essentially.

Speaker 8 (01:05:47):
The Bucks are currently beating the Magic in Orlando twenty
to sixteen, also late in the first, just like the
Knicks are on top of the Bulls late in the
first twenty five to twenty one.

Speaker 7 (01:05:55):
Pretty much all of these games that started are late
in the first.

Speaker 8 (01:05:58):
To assume that that he have a slight lead over
the Raptors eighteen seventeen. The Pacers are beating the Hawks
thirty seven to twenty six.

Speaker 7 (01:06:06):
The Calves are up on.

Speaker 8 (01:06:07):
The Hornets thirty three to twenty four. They actually just
ended the first quarter.

Speaker 7 (01:06:11):
The Calves New York Milwaukee. They're fighting for the.

Speaker 8 (01:06:14):
Second seed in the Eastern Conference, and the Celtics are
beating the Wizards thirty two to twenty seven.

Speaker 7 (01:06:20):
They're also about to end the second quarter.

Speaker 8 (01:06:22):
And on the West also a bunch of stuff going on.
There is a three way time for the top seed
in the West. Nuggets, Okay, see Timberwolves.

Speaker 7 (01:06:29):
I hate that the Clippers.

Speaker 8 (01:06:31):
Are playing the MAVs carry It's like very annoying. I'm
so upset about it. I like the MAVs. I don't
want this to happen.

Speaker 7 (01:06:38):
I wish, you know, it was a conference championship that
this was. So I'm very upset.

Speaker 8 (01:06:43):
I'm gonna be very torn in how I watch those games.
But I'm excited again. Lots going on. There is one
hockey game currently going on. The Kraken actually just scored
there on top of the Blues one zero five minutes
to go in the first period. And we do have
a bunch of baseball, but it's all about to get started.

Speaker 2 (01:07:00):
Back to you, guys, are you excited?

Speaker 8 (01:07:03):
I am, like I am, but I'm not like I
like the MAVs.

Speaker 2 (01:07:08):
I mean, I get it, but I think the Clippers
bigger issue is not necessary. Who they're playing again in
the knee.

Speaker 7 (01:07:14):
You mean Kawisney.

Speaker 2 (01:07:16):
Who's going to be playing for them? There's no good question.

Speaker 8 (01:07:18):
And if history repeats itself, which it always does the
way Tylo has answered questions about the knee, it's like
we've been here we have heard these answers exactly the
way you've said them.

Speaker 7 (01:07:29):
He is not okay. I don't think he's okay.

Speaker 8 (01:07:32):
I think he's trying to make it seem because maybe,
you know, psychologically.

Speaker 7 (01:07:38):
Advantage or something.

Speaker 8 (01:07:40):
But I'm afraid that in like whatever, a week or
two weeks, Let's say we get.

Speaker 7 (01:07:44):
Past the MAVs. Let's say that he comes out and
he's like, oh, he has a tornamentiscus.

Speaker 8 (01:07:48):
He's not playing the rest of the playoffs, Like I,
I just think they're waiting for that.

Speaker 7 (01:07:52):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (01:07:53):
It's very frustrating, but hey, hey, if the Clippers lose.

Speaker 7 (01:07:57):
To the MAVs and the MAVs go on to the finals.

Speaker 2 (01:08:00):
It will be somebody else.

Speaker 7 (01:08:02):
I will, I will.

Speaker 8 (01:08:03):
I'm gonna put on my Dirk shirt right like, right away,
I'll put on my Dirk shirt.

Speaker 7 (01:08:06):
Don't you worry.

Speaker 2 (01:08:06):
We're gonna have to watch this.

Speaker 7 (01:08:09):
We already know where we're going. Stop it.

Speaker 2 (01:08:12):
He's missed the last seven games with right knee knee inflammation.

Speaker 8 (01:08:16):
Yes, exactly, and then see me that he's had issues
with you know.

Speaker 2 (01:08:21):
They they won't have to play just about for another week.

Speaker 7 (01:08:24):
Yeah, that's not making me feel better.

Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
It's really because tor is torn though exactly.

Speaker 7 (01:08:30):
That's what I say.

Speaker 8 (01:08:31):
That's what I'm saying, and it's just the way Tyler
has answered the questions.

Speaker 7 (01:08:35):
It's not it's not making me feel better.

Speaker 3 (01:08:38):
And it's crazy because that would suck because I do
want the Clippers that fools.

Speaker 2 (01:08:41):
Right for sure?

Speaker 7 (01:08:43):
What that looks like, we've never seen that never. I
don't even know what that is, right, little strength.

Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
That's interesting you say it because when my team is playing,
you don't care. I don't give it good if the
other team is fully healthy or not. If you're eighty
r no. I get that. But that's why they got benches,
that's why I got general manager, built the team out right,
and the.

Speaker 7 (01:09:06):
CLIs got a team. We got a team.

Speaker 3 (01:09:08):
There's chants, but we talked about history here, right, and
this is the third time these teams have met in
the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
You want to see them four strand I don't want.

Speaker 7 (01:09:16):
Yeah, I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (01:09:17):
I'm with you, all right, Kerrie Martin Carry Roads coming
to you live from the tirereck dot Com Studios. Martin
Weist Cary Roads. The NBA season ends today. NBA regular
season ends today, and we'll have the play in and
then the playoffs, like I said, started around April twentieth,
Airbril nineteenth or roundabout there. So from about six or
five to six days before we'll start seeing actual play

off basketball. We'll see some play in basketball before then.
But this is the time because you know it's a
regular season award, right so this is the time. I
think it's a great time to turn and take stock
in the NBA Awards. And I want to ask you
what do Oklahoma City, Minnesota, and Denver all have in
common right now? What do they all have in common?

They are fighting for the ones they are. What do
Oklahoma City and Denver have in common?

Speaker 3 (01:10:06):
They have two m VP candidates, So I don't understand
why nobody is.

Speaker 2 (01:10:11):
And I look the m VP conversation, The conversation goes
as long as you wanted to. But I don't understand
right now why Anthony Edwards is getting absolutely zero conversation
about being the NBA m v P except for from me,
who good question. I don't think he is. I'm not
saying we should be in consideration. Where is he at

the in the rankings right now? I know it's there
are people with Luca doncis ahead of him. Joe Brunton
ahead of Uker after the coda is ahead of him though. Listen,
I'm sorry, mister Mavericks, No he is though. But the
point of the matter, race do you know when they're
not ahead of each other in the standards and the
wins and losses? And that's what I thought. We played
the games for who what? Who lost? Otherwise why don't

we why do we even keep score?

Speaker 3 (01:10:59):
I hear, fifty wins, Dallas has fifty wins, not that
far off from Minnesota, right, So it's that's fine. I mean,
they got a few more wins, but.

Speaker 2 (01:11:07):
Home court advantage they could have, but they don't, right,
I hear you. You know what they could have done.
It could have one more games court.

Speaker 3 (01:11:15):
Event they could have. Yes, no vers is great, So
I'm not even it's not even about that. It's just
the conversation about wins. That's I get it. You gotta
have some other I guess thing that puts that person,
that propels that person ahead of the other person for
the lead. But you think about Russell Westbrook in the
years he won the MVP. Those teams won forty something games.

But that's really where it all went left. That's where
that's where it went left. So it can happen, and
we've seen that, so it's I don't think that's the issue.
You got fifty wins in your you know, in the
second half of the season twenty twenty and two.

Speaker 2 (01:11:49):
I think you're doing a lot of winning. No, of
course they are, but they did too much loser at
the beginning of the season. That's the point. Don't look
at it carry it's a regular season. Yes, everybody will,
but yeah, it just I just don't understand why he's not,
you know, I mean shake Gilds. Alexander has been on
the bench off and on the bench down in the
stretch of the season. And I know Jamal Murray's the

in and out of the lineup. But like the Timberwolves
lost car Anthony Towns and everybody wrote them off. And
I don't know if anybody's noticed yet, but they're in
a three way time for first in the West. Right
when the Towns went down for a significant amount of time,
a very serious injury, yes it was, you know, they
didn't even fool around with the way the Clippers are

doing with the tendonitis and the swelling and all that, like, no, no, no, no, no, no,
he's gone for a while.

Speaker 3 (01:12:38):
He's out, he's out in Minnesota's a team that again,
it isn't just called Anthony Towns and Anthony Edwards. You
mean you feel in you know, call Anthony Towns goes down.
It gives a guy like nods Reed, who's just I mean,
he's I don't know if you know how good nods
Reed is.

Speaker 2 (01:12:52):
I'm sure you do.

Speaker 3 (01:12:53):
But from the out people that are outside of the
basketball world, a guy like that substitute he's gonna up
his playing. So he's I was around twenty eight points
a game, so it's not like a big drop off
for him being from Carlington. Town's been out, So you know, again,
Anthony Erwars is great. I think he's one of the
top five MVP candidates this year and I don't know
where he falls in that line. But yeah, he's not

gonna win it this year.

Speaker 2 (01:13:16):
No, I didn't know he's not going to win it.
But it's just at some point the wins in the
loss of shit matter. But I wasn't on Nasrid after
I watched him play at LSU. Wonder the ultimate gangster
Will Wade, who did. If you watch that documentary, they
feel that he did not care how much y'all want. Hey,
we need some more money over here. We got to
pay these guys. Exactly he came.

Speaker 3 (01:13:36):
He did that a little two years two two years
too early, right, exactly right.

Speaker 2 (01:13:42):
Maybe LSU should call him back. Exactly, Hey, will, let's
let's let's run that back World War time. Speaking of
running it back World War time and speaking to people
who might be a little bit over the hill, we
did hear from one definite first ballot Hall of Famer
that he is considering a return. Martin Why carry Roads
a Fox Sports Sunday. Martin Weiss Carry Roads, Fox Sports Sunday,

former All Pro safety carry Roads Carry? How old are you?
I can't believe you asking me that. I mean, I
could google it. But you get right next to forty one?
Forty one years old. You know that that goes up.
You shouldn't move be knocked up. Of course. So when
when the two women are trying to get in the
club and Craig Robertson says, look, you're not too old

for the world, You're just too old for this club.
And she's pregnant, right, go home? Are you not too
old for the world. You just because Leslie Vanners crying,
are you coming old? You're not too old for the world,
You're just too old for this club at forty one
years old, I think again, you're not too old for

the world, but you're a little too old for the
club called the NFL. I'm yes, especially since she didn't
play quarterback. Yes, you know. Yeah. But Tom Brady, when
he retired in twenty twenty three, which was the second
time in as many years, said he was done playing
football for good. Finito finished end of day. Well, apparently,

according to the Deep Cuts with Vic Blend's podcast another podcast,
Well we could hear this version of the Athlete podcast
one day. It is a situation, right, Maybe it's the
forty nine ers. Maybe you know, headed to the playoffs.

Speaker 9 (01:15:28):
Offense is great, Patriots could be You never know, Scott forbid, somebody.

Speaker 2 (01:15:34):
Goes down, would you pick up that phone. I'm not
opposed to it. If they would.

Speaker 9 (01:15:38):
I don't know if they're gonna let me if I
become an owner in the NFL team, But I don't know.
If I don't know, I'm always going to be in
a good shape, always be able to throw the ball,
so to come in for a little bit like MJ
coming back.

Speaker 2 (01:15:49):
I don't know if they let me, but I wouldn't
be opposed to it. Well, I don't know who who's
the overarching day? I know, I guess you know you
just wait a minute on ownership. But what did you
think of possibly the greatest quarterback of all time coming
back for a second Swan song? Yeah, I'm I'm I'm
gonna you remember karate Kid.

Speaker 3 (01:16:10):
You're talking about movies, right, sure, wax on, wax wax on,
wax off.

Speaker 2 (01:16:14):
I'm gonna sweep the leg.

Speaker 3 (01:16:16):
If he tried to go back again, I am gonna
sweep tom Brady's flag. He is not playing. I do
not want to see Tom Brady on my screen playing
quarterback again. He's already fine. He doesn't need the money.
He's competed at the highest level. Hey man, get on,
get on the white horse, ride out. Enjoy your life

outside of sports. This is not the only thing that
matters in this world. You can do other things. So again,
if I hear this again, if I hear him flirting
with it, and I do, I'm gonna throw it out
there because just because of the conversation I know him.
I worked out with my nor. I'm well, I know
it's competitive drive. But Tom, if you're listening, you're good,

You're good, brother.

Speaker 2 (01:16:59):
Don't do it again. We are stretching the list of
young man's game and you have already beat father Time.
And to put another third movie reference in here, it's
like when Creed goes uh to Rocky's restaurant in Philadelphia,
when Michael B. Jordan goes to the restaurant and he said,
you know I didn't beat Apollo Creed. Father Time beat

Apollo Creed, and father Time is undefeated. Well, father Time,
it's taking at least one loss.

Speaker 4 (01:17:30):

Speaker 2 (01:17:30):
I think that loss was to Tom Brady. But much
like at the casino, if you don't get up with
their winnings, you will give them back. Let's throw one
more movie referencing. Let's throw in another Rocky one.

Speaker 3 (01:17:41):
And what did what did Creed's trainer tell Rocky to
do when he was fighting the Russian?

Speaker 2 (01:17:46):
Throw in the dang towel, Throw the towel. And the
thing is he already did, he already did. Don't pick
the towel up. It's on the ground, it's dirty, don't
pick it up. And trying to wipe your face off
and say, how what is it's five downs again? Like
he did that game in Chicago, man, you know. And
so it's like like we only have a handful of
those memories from Tom Brady, especially the last season where

he didn't play. I mean to say, he didn't play well.
He did not play up to the standards that we
have been used to seeing out of Tom Brady. Was
that better than fifteen other quarterbacks in the NFL that year? Sure? Sure?
But I think Baker Mayfield last year for Tampa probably
had a better year than Tom Brady did in his
last year. Yes, right, So you know Tom, just watch

him on TV. He's calling the game. He's going to
be calling the games. Do that be a part of
the TV? Do that? You do that? Relax, put your
feet up, go on some dates, you know what I'm saying.
But you don't need to devote. You know, you're a
pro athlete. How much time are you spending the voting
week by week to the game that's coming up? Man?
Is it's an arduous task anyway? Who arduous? You like that?

And so why would you put yourself through that? I know?

Speaker 3 (01:18:59):
Why don't if I could come in. Even if I
could come in and just play the games, I wouldn't
do that. So no, let it go.

Speaker 2 (01:19:06):
That's kind of where I'm at, And I know everybody
you know he's talking about, Oh he could come back
for the Raiders, he can come up. He'll be forty seven, guys,
forty seven years old. Do I think he can still
go out there and play a week or two? Sure?
If I had, uh, if I lost the starter to
an injury, do I think he could come in and
do like Cooper Rush? Did you know? It's like Cooper

Rush did for Dallas for years ago. If you years go,
come out, go go four and oh three and one?
Sure put the longevity of the season. I don't want
to see Tom Brady Carter it off.

Speaker 8 (01:19:38):
Why not?

Speaker 2 (01:19:38):
I don't. I don't want to see that. No, you
don't want to see anything bad happen to him. Man.
Just again, it's it's time.

Speaker 3 (01:19:46):
Let the young guys do it, man, Let them let
them perform and let the Lamar Jackson's and the rest
of the young the young guys take it.

Speaker 2 (01:19:53):
It's their time, man. Yeah. So that's that's where I
land on it as well. You know, he really could
have could have went off really on tip when he
could have retired right after the Super Bowl. But he
is available. His contract has expired with the Buccaneers and
he did retire, but you know, when you get unretire,
I guess it's not that hard to do so, but
I hope for his sake that he does not come back,

because I'm not trying to see that. Well, Carrie, it's
been a blast, great man, it's been fun. Assume Steve
Hartman's up next as he wanders around the studio, said
for us Martin Weiss, Kerry Roads, Fox Sports Radio,

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