All Episodes

April 27, 2024 80 mins

Jonas Knox talks about the possibility of the NFL’s 18 game season in the near future, Chris Ballard’s defense of Adonai Mitchell and anonymous sources, another edition of Do You Care, the first round shocker in the NFL Draft, The Scraps, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I have to stop. From the beginning, Jonas Knocks, you
thought you knew me, You didn't know a thing about me.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
He's crazier than a else.

Speaker 3 (00:09):

Speaker 2 (00:09):
That guy, Jonas Knocks, you heard me pray in some
darkness is lighting up your speakers to establish an alibi
for the day. From the tirag dot com Fox Sports
Radio Studios, here's Jonas Knocks.

Speaker 4 (00:27):
Yep, Okay, I'll be part of this world.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
You know, it's a great thing. It's been a brilliant idea.
It's been well planned, well thought out, and it's been
an absolute success. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't
come with some flaws. I'll explain what that is coming
up here in just a couple of moments. From now,
Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio. You can find this show
on the iHeartRadio app. You can find us on hundreds

of affiliates all across the country and no matter where
you are making us a part of your Saturday morning
into the afternoon, we appreciate it. We will be taking
you all the way up until four pm Eastern time
one o'clock Pacific, and as always, we do it live
for the tire rack dot Com Studios tire rack dot com.
We'll help you get there, an unmatched selection, fast reshipping,
free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers.

Tire rac dot com the way tire buying should be. So,
the NFL has done a couple of things over the
past several years that at the moment you're thinking, yeah,
but I'm not sure this is going to be a
great idea, Like, for example, moving the extra point back.
It's like, well, you know, the place too obvious, it's

you know, it's a twenty yard field goal. Everybody just
kind of tunes out, we'll just move it back. And
I'm thinking of myself, why would you do that? What
does it matter? And as it turns out, they moved
it back, and all of a sudden, a thirty three
yard kick turned out to be like a real play
with real ramifications and a real impact on a football game.
And we're seeing kickers miss somewhere like having complexes about

it like it just it turned out to be a
great idea. When the NFL decided years ago we're going
to move the draft around, I was a little bit
skeptical on it. I thought, listen, I don't know that
this is the best idea. It's always been in New York.
It's always been tradition, Radio City Music Hall or whatever
the hell it's called there, or wherever the hell they
had it at. But it was always in New York,

and it was always a big event. You know, you
moved it. You open up Thursday with the first round,
and then you had Saturday Sunday or Friday Saturday. I
thought it was great. It used to be the Saturday
Sunday Extravaganza and it would be a marathon and go all
that time. And then they decided, we're gonna move it around.
We're gonna move it to Chicago, We're going to move
it to Philly. We're going to move it to Dallas

and Nashville and all these different places. And then they
move it to Detroit and you're seeing like hundreds of
thousands of people show up for an NFL draft. And
I was making this point on the show Friday, on
the whatever the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe
with it's starring me, and there was like a couple

other guys on the show, I think, like Brady and LeVar,
some couple guys, but it's starring me, featuring me and
then they're kind of there. It was making this point,
like the NFL Draft is such a big deal that
Joelle Embiid suffered Bell's palsy and scored fifty points in
a playoff game, and that was kind of a that's sweet.

Who the Raiders take? Oh man? Can you believe what it?

Speaker 2 (03:46):

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Just like that is how big the NFL Draft is.
That it completely overtook that story and that incredible performance
in a playoff game and completely over took everybody's headlines
and everybody's conversation. So like the NFL moving the draft around,
going to Detroit, I mean it's like you mentioned, like

that many people in one location. It's like Woodstock ninety nine,
except nobody's burning the place down. It's tremendous and there's
still people there. But I'll say this, as great as
it is, sometimes there are some flaws the whoever's idea
this was. And I know you want to like grow

the game, and I get it, you want to like
welcome in other audiences. All that makes sense. Having the
international fans of the year for each team call out
some of these picks today at the NFL Draft, Yeah,
I don't know. That might be the one where you
go em. Maybe we modify that a little bit. I

have zero interest in seeing some guy walk up from Istanbul,
no offense to Istanbul, or London or Ireland or whatever,
who's probably half in the bag. Like the packers had
some guy walk up, you would have thought that somebody

pulled this guy out of a claw machine. He had suspenders,
he had stuff hanging off him, and he's calling out
a pick. You imagine like the guy who's being drafted,
like this is like his dream come true. He's like, man,
I've been thinking about this moment since I was seven
years old playing pee wee football. I've been thinking about this.

I've been wanting this moment. This is like, this is
my time to shine. This is the biggest moment in
my life, in my career. I'm becoming a professional. I'm
gonna start getting paid handsomely for doing something I love.
I'm there with friends and family. It's a Saturday. I've
had to wait a couple of rounds, but the time
is here. The phone rings, You see the area code,

you know it's something you don't recognize. And then you
call and you talk to the GM, you talk to
the coach, You talk to the owner, and you're excited
and ecstatic. You've got tears in your eyes. Your family's
holding hands, you're grasping each other, you're looking at the television.
And then all of a sudden, some dude who looks
like he was pulled off the middle rack at a

carnival at the basketball shot, walks up and announces your
name after seventeen beers that he's had the previous night before.
And that's the moment you remember the international fans calling
out these picks. Enough's enough. We've grown the game. We've
given them a bunch of games. There's the potential they

could even get their own league someday. We don't need
to do this. We've reached the tipping point. Everybody, relax,
all right, We're fine, We're good here. We just don't
need human stuffed animals walking up to the podium to
announce somebody's dreams because it kind of takes away from

everything else. Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio. There's a term
in professional wrestling called the cheap pop. You know what
the cheap pop is. The cheap pop is when you
go to somebody's town. If you just call out their town,
you're gonna get a reaction, like if you call out

their town, or if you come out like say, you know,
the WWE is performing in Chicago, and all of a sudden,
somebody comes out and they're wearing a Bear's uniform or
they're wearing a Cubs hat, or it's like, that's called
the cheap pop. If you want to get the fans
behind you, you do it. It's called the cheap pop.
That's the move in professional wrestling. That's the go to.

If the crowd's a little bit down or there's not
a lot of energy, you come out and you say,
you know, it's an honor to be here in Chicago, illttoi,
and it's like, people go up, they start clapping, they
start cheering everybody. It's, you know, the cheap popp. It's
the go to. It's the one you keep in your
back pocket just in case you need it. Roger Goodell

apparently is a big fan of the cheap pop. Huge fan,
so much so that when he was on the Pat
McAfee show starring AJ Hawk yesterday in Detroit following the
first round of the Draft, the conversation of eighteen game
regular season schedule and the potential of moving the Super

Bowl back and all that that was brought up. Let's
take a listen to Roger Goadell, knowing the audience, knowing
there's a live crowd behind him, and using the cheap
pop tactic to try and worm this into the conversation
in the middle of draft weekend.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Well, I think we're good at seventeen now, but listen,
we're looking at how we continue.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
I'm not a fan of the preseason. I'd rather replace
a preseason game of the regular season any day.

Speaker 5 (09:00):
That's just picking quality, right, So if we get if
we got to eighteen and two, that's not an unreasonable thing.
The other thing it does, which I thought you were
going to is that ends up on President's Day weekend,
which is a three day weekend, which makes the Sunday
night and then you have Monday off.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
There you go, live crowd, round of applause, Roger Goodell,
that's how you do it. Listen. We are all about
safety first. We've got brand new helmets, all right. We
care about the game, you know, we don't want this
many preseason games, you know, Listen, we want to make
sure that that safety is paramount in the NFL. It's
got to happen, We've got to have safety. How about

an extra regular season game though, But but wait, wait wait,
wait wait wait, We're gonna give you an extra bye week,
and then in turn that would push the super Bowl
back to a three day weekend so people don't have
to go to work out a Monday. So a couple
of things should be addressed. Number one, if you don't
have it already set in your mind to have something
scheduled or have some something in your back pocket, a

lab you know, like like whatever you feel like you
need to do the cheap pop. If you don't have
something already built into your schedule to know that you're
going to take the Monday off after the super Bowl,
then you're not planning ahead and you deserve to go
to work hungover and half in the bag the next day.
You deserve that. If you want to go funeral, if

you want to go bar mitzvah, if you want to
go look, I mean the in laws a Mexican. If
you want to go kin Signetta on a Monday. Look,
you could try and sell that and spin it. Listen.
I know, but it's their culture, it's what they do. Like,
I don't know what to tell you, like, whatever you
want to come up with, birth of a child. If
you want to fake it, like completely lie, whatever you

need to do to get that Monday off after the
super Bowl, you go ahead and you do and take
care of your business. You deserve that, all right. But
if you're not planning ahead and you're still working on
a Monday, that's your problem, not mine. But here's the
other thing we've been hearing for years. Safety safety, safety,
player safety. We care about this stuff. It's important. Yet

here we are and Roger Goodell is using the little
prize at the end of this whole thing, the little
ring or whatever you want in the bottom of the
cracker jack box, the happy meal prize and toy that
you get there. It's like, oh, well I didn't want
apple slices. Yeah, but if you eat your apple slices,
not those fries that have been soaked in grease for

three months, then guess what you get, Like a Super
Mario Brothers one up box? Well, what's inside of it? Nothing?
But if heat good, you can get this prize. So basically,
what he's saying is we understand that we're asking a
lot out of players, all right, but we're willing to
take away a preseason game. Dude, who plays in preseason

games anymore? Like who's playing in those games? But don't worry,
we're gonna add an extra game, and then on top
of that, we're gonna have the super oil give us
a second bye.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
We go.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Well, yeah, like, calendar wise, you can't just add an
extra game and have it not make some sort of
an adjustment to the schedule. They've been trying to get
to this point a little bit at a time. They
were always gonna go to eighteen games. This seventeen game
test run or seventeen game adjustment because you know, we

deserve an extra game. No, dude, you were always gonna
get to eighteen games. It was always gonna go here,
And so I get the whole You got to give
a little to get a little. But let's not pretend
like this wasn't always the plan, Like they weren't always
looking at this going, hey, this is in our back pocket.
And by the way, we'll start having the discussions in
front of a live crowd that's gonna cheer anything. At

that point, man Detroit was gonna cheer anything except for
a Packers, Vikings or Bears draft selection. They were just
happy to have the draft there in town because it'll
let them forget about what the Piston season look like.
So you like this was always going to be where
this conversation headed. The NFL was always gonna get to

eighteen games. It was always going to happen, and you
were going to have to push the schedule back anyways,
Like it didn't make sense. Yeah, but well, you know
we'll get rid of a preseason game, okay, and then
what these guys aren't playing in those games anyways, So like,
what does that really do? You add a second bye week?

The NFL having one team getting a buye in each
conference was only temporary, and I said it at the
time when had happened. Listen, it's only a matter of
time before eight teams are gonna get in and we're
gonna go back to two buys. That's it. It's only
a matter of time. That's the way this thing's gonna work.
And so when you hear Goodell talk about this and
a feel good weekend and in front of a live crowd,

this is the beginning stages of them working this in
and the Players Association is gonna speak out against it
and say we don't like it, we're not fans of it.
And then you see how much money's involved, and it's
gonna go the way this always goes. You're gonna get
eighteen games, but they're gonna promise you the super Bowl
during President's Day weekend after that, so you can get
excited about having potentially the day off on Monday. And

this was Roger Goodell's cheap pop moment with fans behind
him to sort of work this way in and get
the conversation going. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio, get
me on Twitter at the Jonas Knox at the Jonas
Knox on Twitter, and you can hang out with us
as always on the iHeartRadio app. So we are going
to have the usuals coming up later on. We've got
another edition of Do You Care. We've also got the scraps.

If there are any complimentary or positive tweets that have
been sent into the show, those won't get red, but
the insulting ones will. It's the same old grab ass
and fun stuff in Shenanigans you expect on a Saturday,
as we get you set for a busy weekend of
draft grades and playoff basketball and hockey. Here on FSR
coming up next here though, on the tiraq dot com studios,

we are gonna tell you that that if you wanted
to play for somebody in the NFL, if you wanted
to play for somebody and prove a lot of people wrong,
we've identified just the guy to play for. Problem is
you better hope you're not wrong. That's next.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
We don't need to bring jonas in.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 4 (15:31):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (15:38):
What is Up on Game?

Speaker 4 (15:39):
You asked, along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman,
Zada and Super Bowl Champion. Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris.
You can only name a show with that type of
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Speaker 1 (15:50):
Up on Game.

Speaker 4 (15:51):
We're going to be sharing our real life experiences loaded
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Speaker 1 (16:09):
From Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio. Coming up in we
will call it about ten minutes from now from the
ti raq dot com studios. We have an example in
the NFL of somebody who can handle some ball busting
and somebody who can't. We will tell you who those

two individuals are. That'll be yours here coming up in
about ten minutes from now here on FSR. So there
was some speculation because when like players drop in the
draft or you know, the projection is some guy who's
going to go somewhere in the draft or be drafted
by you know, somebody here at this spot, and then
it doesn't happen, there's some speculation that like, all right, well,

is their character concerns? Are their character issues are there?
And you know, that happened a little bit with Texas
wide receiver at Donnie Mitchell, who some people had projected
as potentially maybe a first round pick. They saw him
as as somebody who had a lot of talent at Texas,

and they were wondering sort of what happened, And there
was some stuff out there that apparently he was a
little bit difficult to assess and interviews, that they found
him difficult to kind of judge, and that the process
didn't go as smooth as everybody thought it was going
to be. And so Colts GM Chris Ballard decided to

speak with the media about those reports and about those
rumors as to why Donnie Mitchell fell in the draft
as the Colts drafted him in the second round of
the NFL Draft. And let's take a listen.

Speaker 6 (17:52):
I mean I read some of the that was set
on tea. I mean just a typical choose my language,
our typical unnamed sources, you know, bad interview. That's such book.
I mean it is it's bored, like put your name, like,
put your name on it. We tear these young men down.

These are twenty one, twenty two young men. And if
you can, if people out there can tell me they're
perfect in their lives, it's crap. It's crap. This is
a good kid. And you know, for those reports to
come out like you know much I said it last year,
it's it's bud. I'm sorry. I apologize for the language.
I don't but I do.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
By the way, he's got a little uh with his
hair grown out he's got a little chip gains from
a fixer upper. I don't if anybody else noticed that,
but I mean, first off, great rant. I don't know
the last time we've gotten a rant like that from
somebody in the NFL who's picking who talking about a
second round draft pick who they should be really really
excited about. But a hell of a rant by Chris

Ballard that seems like a guy you probably don't want
to mess with all seems like a guy you don't
you want to play for. And he's not wrong. Like
I think, sometimes we lose focus of the fact that,
all right, so we're picking apart because we've run out
of material and run out of content. We're picking apart
twenty one twenty two year olds that are trying to

make it to the NFL because of either an interview
or a moment or It's like, there are things that
can be done and players have done them before the
draft that you look at and go, all right, that
should be called into question, like the Jalen Carter situation,
the tragedy last year. You look at it, you go,
that could be called into question. We understand that, all right,

we can understand the concerns we can understand the question marks,
the character concerned, like all of that stuff. But if
it's simply that the interviews were awkward or the interviews
made him a little bit difficult to assess, dude, some
people just don't interview well. Like not every job interview

you have is going to be a home run. Like
I've told this story before, I remember getting a call
and I'm not going to say who it is, but
from a you know, pretty big market in radio, having
the program director call me and basically kind of you know,
trying it was a feeling feeling out process and not

feeling out that's out of weird, you know what I mean.
It was over the phone, So get your minds out
of the gutter, a right, just leave it a lot,
but your standard old school, old fashioned phone call, just
trying to get a gauge for who I was as
a person and a potential employee and all this stuff.
And I can remember in the middle of the conversation
and we talked for about fifteen minutes. At about the

six minute mark, I remember thinking to myself, this is
going so horribly wrong. There's not a shot in hell
I ever hear from this guy again. Ever. I knew
six minutes in and we had like another nine to
go before we set our goodbyes. And sure enough, I've

never heard from that guy ever again ever, and he's
like a pretty prominent name. But for whatever reason, in
that moment, in that discussion, while we were just you know,
talking about a potential fit and what it could look
like and what my thoughts were on radio, and I
feel like, yeah, I've been doing this long enough. And

at that point, you know, I hadn't been doing it
as long as this. This was before Fox Sports Radio,
but I felt like I had a pretty good understanding
of radio, what I wanted, likes dislikes. I knew the
market he worked in. I knew the professional teams that
were in that city. Like I felt like, I was,
you know, should the call come, and I was kind
of expecting it for it to come that once the

call comes, I'm going to be prepared and ready to go.
And I bombed literally, not quite literally, but figuratively deficate,
hated down the inside of my leg on a phone
call with the guy, and trust me, I desperately needed
work and I completely bombed and I knew it. And

afterwards I said, Okay, that didn't go well, Hopefully somebody
else gives me a shot. Luckily for me, they did.
And here we are, so like, if this is all
about a Donnie Mitchell not interviewing well or teams interview
and go, ah, you know that didn't come across well,

if that's how this happened, and he ends up with
Chris Ballard and the Indianapolis Colts, a guy who some
people said was a first round talent ended up going
to them, Like, there's a reason why Chris Ballard is
probably fired up about it because a he probably can't
believe the guy was sitting there, and b he looks
at it and goes, dude, this is so dumb, like

what we're like, We base so much of our opinion
on how these guys interview. There's a big difference between
a bad interview and a bad incident off the field. Now,
if there are incidents off the field and things that
happen else, like, that's one thing. But if this is
all about a guy who came across awkward in an interview, dude,
welcome to the club, not interview. Every interview you have

is a home run. I'll just say this. If you're
Chris Ballard, and you go that hard in the paint
for a guy, you better hope you're not wrong. Otherwise
you're gonna have to hear from the fan base and
a lot of people in the media questioning why you
went the direction you did when everybody else went the
other way. As it stands right now, just a rough interview.
But he ends up in Indianapolis, and he ends up

with a good football team and playing for a good
general manager. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio at the
Jonas Knocks on Twitter at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter.
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it's coming up next here. We're going to tell you
how we have an example of somebody in the NFL
who can handle a little bit of ball busting and
somebody who can't. That's yours here on FSR. But for
all the latest from around the world of sports, Let's
turn it over to Martin Wise.

Speaker 7 (24:19):
Milwaukee Bucks point Guardemian Lillard has been diagnosed with a
Grade one achilles strain. He's now doubtful for tomorrow's Game
four in the Indiana Milwaukee series. The Pacers lead that
series two games to one. The Cavaliers in the magic
of Game four of the four or five series in
the East, right now, Orlando won like an eleven to
two run in the third quarter. Seven oh five left

in the third quarter, Orlando with a sixty eight to
sixty seven lead, as Donovan Mitchell at sumps a shot
and yep, you miss. It's still sixty eight to sixty seven.
Carolina Island, Carolina Hurricanes, the New York Islanders getting things
started in Game four, Islanders trailing right now the Hurricanes
in the series, and the game Carolina with a three
to zer lead in the series. He's one on lead
in the game, seven minutes left in the first period,

and Jonas as you were just talking about, the NFL
draft is.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
In full swing. Chris Baller just made a pick.

Speaker 7 (25:09):
He took Anthony Gould from Oregon State at wide receiver,
and then up next after that you had the Falcons
taking J. T. Birchran linebacker from Notre Dame. Then the
Bears took Austin Booker at rusher out of Kansas. Chris Abrams,
drain cornerback out of Missouri, goes to Denver in the
tenth pick. In the fifth round. Jarvis Brownlee Junior, the
last person drafted so far, cornerback out of Louisville for

the Tennessee Titans. The Denver Broncos are on the clock.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
Jonas, you're up, Thanks Martin, Jonas Knox he or Fox
Sports Radio by the way, coming up in we will
call it a little over twelve minutes from now from
the ti raq dot com studios, we are going to
have another edition of Do You Care? So here's how
this works. There's a lot of stories in the world
of sports that you've been force fed over the past
several days, and you're probably thinking to yourself at the time, like, man,
why are they talking about this? I don't want to

hear about this crap. Well, don't worry, You're not alone.
I'm the same way. We'll decipher which story those ares
that'll be yours coming up here again a little over
twelve minutes from now. So, like there's a there's an
art to ball busting, and there's some people who can
handle it and some people who can't. Right now, if
you grow up in a big family, you really don't

have a choice. You just got to be able to
handle it. I grew up we had a lot of
brothers and sisters, big family, and it was like, all right,
if you showed that something bothered you, then you were
going to hear about that for the rest of your life.
That's just the way this works. If somebody knows, especially
when you have a lot of older brothers, if somebody

knows that something's gonna bother you, they're going to go
to that every time, like that's the week that's like
your weak spot. They know that. You know, Like in fighting, Hey,
if you come into a fight, if you come into
a UFC fight and you've got a bum knee or
you're dealing with some sort of an ankle pain, you
know what you don't do. You don't wear one sleeve

on your knee or one an ankle wrap. You wear two.
That way, people just say a little bit of a
fashion choice. Oh, maybe feels comfortable having his ankles taped
that way, You're not showing everybody where your weak point
is and where your soft spot is. And so you're
seeing a couple of examples in the NFL of some
people can handle some ball busting and some people who can't.

Dan Campbell, this is a man who can handle some
ball busting. They showed the Detroit Lions war room earlier today,
and everybody in the Detroit Lions war room was wearing
Dan Campbell number eighty nine Lions jerseys, including Dan Campbell himself.

What do you want to bet somebody within the Lions
front office said, Hey, next time the camera comes in,
let's all be wearing Dan Campbell jerseys just to bust
his balls. And Dan Campbell's sitting there in a jersey
that didn't even fit all that well. Sleeves were all
baggy and whatnot, and he's laughing as the camera's on him.
Do you think Dan Campbell strikes you as the type

of guy that says, can we make sure we're wearing
my jersey the next time the cameras are turned on here?
Probably not. That's probably like Brad Holmes or somebody else
within the front office who's like, hey, let's do this
and really give him a hard time. And they did it,
and everybody's laughing, everybody's having a feel good moment and
a fun time. That's Dan Campbell. That's a guy who

can handle some ball busting. And then you go on
the flip side and you've got David Tepper, the owner
of the Carolina Panthers. That is somebody who can't handle
some ball busting. Now you're probably saying, well, what are
you talking about. You just sat here and talked about
a Donnie Mitchell and he had one bad interview and

teams are judging him and that's not fair, Like, why
are you giving David Tepper a hard time? Because he
had one bad moment last year when he was at
a Jaguars game and the Panthers were losing and he
threw a beer at some guy. And it's like, Okay,
that one moment. You're right, I'm not going to judge
him for that one moment. It was a rough year,
it was a difficult time. They're seeing everything they traded away.

Go to Chicago and the Bears have completely redone their franchise.
They've got a franchise quarterback, and they've got Roma dunes
like all these things that have happened, and Dj Moore
went there and he was a stud last year, and
they're sitting there with Bryce Young and question marks and
they fired another head coach and all that stuff, like, hey,
just a difficult time. And then David Tepper follows that
up with the second proof and the second piece of

evidence that we've got that he can't handle some ball
busting as he's on his way to the Panthers war
room and facility for round one of the NFL Draft,
and now surveillance video from a restaurant on the way
there shows David Tepper walking in and confronting the people

that work at the restaurant because there was a sign
out front that said, let the GM and coach make
the pick, not the owner. So David Tepper takes it
upon himself to walk into that restaurant where somebody has
a sign up and confront the people inside. And then,

because one of the people inside was wearing an Eagles hat,
David Tepper, in one of the douchiest, most disrespectful moves,
takes the guy's hat off his head and sets it down.
What are you doing? You just threw a beer at
some guy wearing a Steve Burline jersey or whatever. Jaguars jersey. Look,

I hopefully it was a Bucky Brooks jersey if he
wants to be respectful, like you just threw a beard
a guy wearing a Bucky Brooks jersey and some Zuba
pants at a Jaguars game, and then you follow it
up a few months later confronting a restaurant employee because
of a sign out front that says, let the coach

and GM make the next pick. What are you doing?
First and foremost? Clearly can't handle getting his balls broken.
Can't handle it. So if you wanted to really get
under somebody's skin, that's the guy. We've got two pieces
of evidence that we can point to on it. We've
got proof David Tepper's that guy. Here's the other thing.

Who are you to walk in and tell anybody what
they should have in front of their restaurant and then
follow that up by removing somebody's hat from them. He's
real lucky he didn't do that to some other employee
who doesn't need his job as much as he does. Otherwise.
I know a lot of places, and I'll just speak

for myself. My brother owns a restaurant in a bar.
I can assure you you walk in and you take
the hat off the bartender's head who's sitting there trying
to serve you because you didn't like to sign out
in front, and David Tepper's getting slept right there where
he stands. That doesn't go well, but for some reason

he thinks that's appropriate. It's like, oh but listen, everything
was fine. We shook hands afterwards, and you know, all
was good. It's like, where do you get the idea
that that's okay, that you can just go in there
and just be And if you're Roger Goodell and you're
the NFL, don't you look at this and go, hey,
maybe we should have vetted this guy a little bit.
I mean, I know we wanted to get the previous

owner out of town and all this stuff, and this
guy's got all this money in the world, but maybe
we should have vetted this a little bit. And if
you're Frank Reich, if you're Matt Rule, if you're some
of these other guys who were the scapegoat and fall
guy for why this thing hasn't worked, are you not
looking around going hey, Dave Canalis just say, you know, Boddy,

this is what potentially could happen here. Like every time
David Tepper either fires a coach or has an incident
off the field, everybody within the Carolina Panthers front office
or within that team, or within that fan base should
be looking around going, oh my gosh, what have we
gotten ourselves into. I mean, we don't have the off

field issues yet of a Daniel Snyder, but this is
a guy who's an egomaniac, who's way too sensitive and
can't handle a little bit of criticism. Otherwise he throws
beer at you, or he approaches you in a restaurant
and takes your hat off your head if he doesn't
like what the team logo is on front of it,
and god forbid you put a sign out in front.

It's not like everybody called David Tepper an a hole.
It's not like anybody like totally insulted and they just said, hey,
let somebody else make a pick, Like, hey, you know,
but we let the coach in the GM make the pick.
Nothing wrong with that instead David Tepper on his way
to the draft, It's like, mister Tepper, how come you
were late? I had to approach some guy at some

point bar and grill on the way there because he
had a sign out in front man, What did the
signs say? Did they have like your social Security on
it or like did it insult your family? No, it
just said let the coach and GM make the pick. Also,
their sign was accurate and that offended you. Okay, Fun
times for the Carolina Panthers. Jonas Knox here Fox Sports Radio,

at the Jonas Knox on Twitter at the Jonas Knocks
on Twitter, and you can hang out with us as
always on the iHeartRadio app Let's Go Live to Our.
I have a thought on Dan Campbell's baggy jersey insider
Chris Prefet for the latest Chris, Yeah, I want one.
That's it.

Speaker 8 (34:34):
That's it. Yeah, I saw that. It's in that black style.
I'm actually wearing the new one for I'm on Ross
Saint Brown right now, extended by the Detroit Lions. But
those black ones look good.

Speaker 3 (34:45):

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Did he he played for Detroit Didy Yes, in the
famously in their winless season. Yes. Was he number eighty nine?

Speaker 8 (34:52):
Yes, that was his number? Yeah, Yeah, you gotta go
with that. Yeah, that's that's got to be. As soon
as they open up the custom jerseys, I've got to
get one of those.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
And I do wonder if Detroit ends up winning a
Super Bowl, do they retire Dan Campbell's number eighty nine
in the Ring of Honor? I think, I mean, why
wouldn't think you have to? Yeah, like nobody wears eighty
nine anymore. Like the all the wide receivers are are
two nine tight ends. Yeah, they're too fancy. They all
want like you know, single single digit jerseys. They all

want these like flashy numbers. Yeah, eighty nine is sort
of a lost number, Like it wasn't Mark Bivaro eighty
nine back in the day the Giants tight end.

Speaker 8 (35:30):
So he actually, I know Danielle wore different two different eighties.
He wore eighty four with the Cowboys as well.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
I missed the good old days when a tight end
would wear something in the eighties. Man, for all you
tight ends that are still doing it, good for you.
Way to keep the tradition going. So there it is
Detroit Lions and the Detroit Lions team store Chris Purfett
with like one of those jerseys. You get that over
to them, we'd appreciate it. Jonas Knocks here Fox Sports
Radio at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter. Coming up next

here it is another edition of do you care right
here on FSR Jonas Knox Fox Sports Radio coming up
top of next hour a little over ten minutes from
now from the tire rack dot Com studios. So, somebody
in the NFL did something that you'd expect. Yet there's
gonna be people that spin it into this noteworthy and yeah,

great teammate moment. But if you know the person, if
you know the player, you'd expect it. It still doesn't
change the fact that things are a little bit awkward.
We'll get into that for you again coming up here
a little over ten minutes from now. A reminder this
shortly after our show, our podcast will be going up,
so if you've missed any of today's show, be sure
to check out the podcast. Search Fox Sports Radio wherever
you get your podcasts. Be sure to also follow, rate

and review the podcast. Again, you can search Fox Sports
Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You'll see this show
posted right after we get off the air.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
There are so many stories in the world of sports,
and most of them are a complete waste of time
DMG reports.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
Let's get kinky.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
Here's some of the big stories from the last week.
But Jonah, the real question is do you care?

Speaker 1 (37:04):
And for that, we turn it over to our executive producer,
Bo Benson to find out what the hell people have
been talking about all week.

Speaker 9 (37:09):
Bo, all right, the biggest story of the week by far,
Reggie Bush got his Heisman trophy back, and he said
his next goal is to get USC's two thousand and
four title and those wins reinstated by the INSTATEABLEA.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
So, Jonas, do you care? No, this is one of
the biggest non story. This is like what the cool
kids on Twitter like to complain about. Give reggieus heisman back,
give himss Heisen back, Like who cares? Why don't they
just come out and be honest. It was OJ's heisman,
and now that he died, it was refurbished and they
give it to Reggie Bush. Why don't you just say that, Like,
let's turn this story into something that actually matters and

is noteworthy. Other than the fact that Reggie Bush gets
his heisman back. What does it do about the thirty
scholarships that were taken away, the three hundred grand he
got and I get it, college football's landscape has changed
or whatever. It doesn't mean he didn't commit violations when
he was there. He doesn't you want to admit to it.
There's a defamation lawsuit. There's all this, oh, I'm gonna
get the vacated wins Back Heisman Trophy or no Heisman Trophy.

Reggie Bush was the best player in college football that
year and he was deserving of it. The fact that
they took the trophy away to begin with was lame.
But I don't need that to know that Reggie Bush
was the best. It's like just like I don't need
Barry Bonds to get in the Hall of Fame to
know that he was the greatest hitter I've ever seen.
And you could say, oh, he was on the gas,
his head expanded, Okay, well, there were a lot of

guys on the gas. There's a lot of players in
Major League Baseball that are in the Hall of Fame
who have egregious things in their background. Ty Cobb might
have murdered somebody, look that one up. There's players that
have been had been caught with sandpaper in their gloves
filing down baseballs and they've gotten it. It's like this
whole idea that we need a prize in order to
know that we made the shot at the carnival. You

don't if you know, you know, and we know Reggie
Bush was the best player in college football, So just
move on with your lives.

Speaker 9 (38:59):
Next, Angel's third Basement, Anthony Rendon tore his hamstring, as
reportedly facing a long road to recovery. Jonas, do you care?

Speaker 1 (39:07):
I do, because I was really hoping he came out
and just had a monster season. As an f you
to everybody that was offended that he said, baseball has
never been a priority to me after he signed this
seven year deal. But I think I have this right.
He hasn't played more than fifty eight games since signing
the deal in a season. I think I have this right.

Speaker 9 (39:27):
That sounds correct.

Speaker 1 (39:27):
Yeah, And then he comes out and says, you know,
obviously I'm disappointed, and it's like, so they were able
to come up with the money to pay Anthony Rendon. Meanwhile,
Sho HEEO tani Is just took the five Freeway up
north and said, all right, well you guys, enjoy that
over there and get ready for the next monster jam event. Anyways,
go Dodgers. Just the whole thing and the way this

is transpired for the Angels not ideal.

Speaker 9 (39:51):
Next, the Cowboys and running back Ezekiel Elliott appeared to
be close to a reunion.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Jonas, do you care?

Speaker 3 (39:58):

Speaker 1 (39:58):
Kind of a fun store, are you listen? Zeke was
always better as a cowboy. Maybe he'll come back and
he'll show some flashes and finish out his career in Dallas.
But he's still pretty young. I know some people look
at his production and say it slipped, But if you
can work him into a platoon situation, I think it
makes sense for both sides. Next show, Hao Tan.

Speaker 9 (40:17):
He took his first at bat in Toronto yesterday after
the Wild Day in December where everybody thought he was
gonna sign there, fans boot him and he hit a
home run.

Speaker 1 (40:25):
Jonas, do you care? Well?

Speaker 4 (40:27):

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Why is he getting booed? Yeah? That was odd. It
was very odd because because of a report, because of
a rumor, like so Jay's fans like like took a
rumor and ran with it and actually thought he was
going to sign there. And then the guy shows back
up and it's like, oh, we got a boo his ass,
like like boo the reports, Like if you don't like
the rumor, boo the rumor? What did shohey have to

do with anything? Did anybody throw any like gambling slips
on the field by any chance. I'm just curious. You know,
just because you do something nice for somebody doesn't mean
it's going to make the situation any less awkward. I'll
explain why that is coming up here just a couple
of moments from now, Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio. You
can hang out with us as always on the iHeartRadio app.

You can find us on hundreds of affiliates all across
the country. Wherever you are making us a part of
your Saturday afternoon, we appreciate you doing so. We're gonna
take you all the way up until four pm Eastern
time one o'clock Pacific till the end of this hour,
and we do it all live from the tire rack
dot Com studios. Tire rack dot com. We'll help you
get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road

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dot com the way tire buying should be, so everybody knows.
The big, surprising, stunning moment that took place in the
NFL Draft was the Atlanta Falcons taking Michael Pennock Junior.
Now it's nothing against Michael Pennock Junior. I love the guy.

He's been one of my favorite players to watch at
the college level in a long time. Like and I
don't know, I was thinking about this too. Maybe it's
because he's left handed. There's just something about it, Like
I think I give preferential treatment to left handed throwers,
left handed fighters, because I've thought about it, like a
like a lot of my favorite fighters all time are
left handed, like Manny Pakiow Mirco crow Cop. If you're

an MMA fan, you know that name. His name was
Mirco crow Cop because he was a cop or he
worked for the police force when he was in Croatia.
He was a kickboxer and so his last name was
actually Philipovich, but they just called him crow Cop Croatian
cop for short. And the guy's finishing move was a

left high kick, like he would just he would pas
dispenser dudes with a left high kick. There's something about
left handed fighters, left handed throwers, Like I just think
it's fun. And so you see Michael Pennix and you
see him go to Atlanta, it's like, it's not a
knock on Michael Pennicks junior. It's more so, why would

you do that if you're the Atlanta Falcons, and you
just gave Kirk Cousins one hundred million dollars. Well, they needed,
you know, some insurance just in case, you know, Kirk
Cousins isn't healthy. Well, if you were that concerned whether
or not he was healthy, why'd you give him a
hundred million dollars guaranteed? Like, if you had those question marks,
what are you doing? Like I could understand having some

insurance if like he had been there for a while. Like,
there's been some speculation that the Rams were kicking would
potentially draft a quarterback because there's this awkward thing going
on with Matt Stafford and he wants some more guaranteed
money and they're having to speak about it, and apparently
talks have not been going smooth. There's also some conversations about, well,

you know, Jared Goff and the Lions are far apart,
Dak Prescott and the Cowboys don't have anything locked in
after this year, So there's been some thought that like, okay, well,
those could be some teams that maybe surprisingly would take
a quarterback, but it wouldn't be that surprising because that
would be an insurance policy. If something were to happen,
then next year, but it's like you're locked in on
Kirk Cousins for the next couple of years. And so

by the time Michael Pennix Junior really gets his chance
of everything goes well for you, then it's like, well,
we're looking at the Jordan Love model. It's like it's
not really the same because, like the Jordan Love model
was Aaron Rodgers had kind of struggled a little bit.
He had been there for a long time. They weren't
quite and he came out. It's like, you just signed
Kirk Cousins. He just got there. He was just at

a Braves game during Sunday night baseball, sitting in the
booth like he's talking to Shack on his podcast about like, man,
I want these to be my final years. I want
my kids to remember it instead like his kids first
memory of his time as an Atlanta Falcons quarterback because
I'm raft drafting his replacement. Like so it's it's it's
just kind of a weird situation. It doesn't really make

a lot of sense. And then you know, Michael Pennix
spoke of the media and this shouldn't come as a surprise,
but apparently Kirk Cousins did him a solid and did
reach out. I'm gonna keep it, you know, just between
me and him right now, you know. But it was
definitely good conversation and you know, I'm super excited to
work with him, and he said he's the same with me.
So of course he was gonna call him. It's Kirk Cousins.

He's a great guy. Of course he's gonna call him
and say, hey, man, don't worry about it, welcome in.
It's fine this and you know they don't even worry.
It doesn't make it any less awkward. But Jordan Love
spoke glowingly about the fact that Aaron Rodgers called him,
had nothing but kind things to say about him, all
this stuff, and Aaron Rodgers had a couple of MVP

seasons after that. It still didn't make it any less awkward.
Like you just signed him and you drafted his replacement.
That's like, I mean, like, what do you want to do.
It's like finding out, you know, like your wife left
you for the security guard at the bank. It's like, yeah,

but the guy, you know, I mean, he let me
in five minutes earlier to deposit my check. It's like, oh,
what a great dude. Doesn't make it any less awkward.
I mean, you know she's still you know, they're still
hanging out in his apartment. I don't know what to
tell you, Like, I mean cool, Like okay, I got
early access, Like well he did me a solid Okay, Well,
so it doesn't change the fact that you drafted the

guy's replacement. So like, you know, we can try and
pretty this thing up and try and make it make sense.
It was a strange move in what has been a
strange off season for the Atlanta Falcons. Like if this
doesn't go well and like, hey, you know, this season
it's a struggle, and there's all these other things, and

god forbid, something happens to Kirk Cousins. But Michael Pennix
Junior comes in and then he doesn't play well, Like
you've basically kind of gambled away your season, a season
in which you absolutely could compete for the division and
probably should win the division because you wanted to look
two years ahead or three years ahead down the road.

Like this is also the same off season they chose
not to hire Bill Belichick as head coach when he
wanted to be there. You think Belichick would have drafted
Michael Pennix Junior. I mean, do you like, just like
the whole thing in Atlanta is odd, It's strange. Look,
I'm appreciati if they did it. It made the draft
more interesting. It felt like we were just going to

get chalk chalk, chalk chalk everything that we had projected.
People were bragging about their mock drafts because everything had
gone as a lot of people expected. And then Atlanta
throws a screwball into things and takes Michael Pennix Junior.
You hope it works out for everybody. You hope Kirk
Cousins has a great run in Atlanta. You hope Michael
Pennix Junior has a great career. But you can't help
but wonder if the Atlanta Falcons fell too much in

love with the guy that isn't going to see the
field for a couple of years. Jonas Knox here Fox
Sports Radio, at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter, at the
Jonas Knocks on Twitter. Now, we did have another quarterback
go off the board. Spencer Rattler is now a member
of the New Orleans Saints. Right, so we have been
waiting to see who the other quarterback was going to be.
To get drafted. Because six went in the first round,

it was a major run on quarterbacks, and now we
were waiting to see the seventh quarterback go off the board,
and it was Spencer Rattler who went in the fifth
round to the New Orleans Saints, which if you talk
to enough people, they tell you he's got a shot.
The arm talent is there, the you know, you can
you could work with him. He's very coachable, but he's

got a shot. And there's all the fundamentals and things
like that that need to be tightened up. But as
far as just the natural thrower of the football and
all the other terms of these people that you know,
break this stuff down talk about, Spencer Rattler's got all that.
And so he goes to the New Orleans Saints, who have,
you know, got themselves a you know, a quarterback in

Derek Carr who's had a little bit of an up
and down start to his New Orleans Saints career. And
so now Spencer Ratler gets there with the Saints and
all of a sudden that becomes something to watch. Not
saying he's supplant Derek Carr or anything like that, but
it is at least the next best quarterback off the
board and he goes to New Orleans and he was
a guy that a lot of people thought maybe the

Raiders would have taken in the second round. So you're
getting him in the fifth round if you're the New
Orleans Saints. So at least we now know where the
next quarterback is going to go. And he's going to
go to the New Orleans Saints and that's Spencer Rattler
who gets there and he's going to back up Derek Carr,
which will be a fun sort of quarterback battle to watch.
And again, if you believe some people that cover this

stuff and actually do the deep dive into all of this,
like people forget Spencer Ratler was the starter in Oklahoma
before Caleb Williams and he ended up getting supplanted by
Caleb Williams there at Oklahoma and then he transferred and
he went to South Carolina. He can sling it, and
so that's something that you look at and at least
it's a training camp note, or at least it's a

storyline to kind of pay attention to. And it also
makes preseason football, even though Roger Goodell wants to eliminateseason
football or at least cut it down to a game
to give us eighteen games in the regular season. Getting
to see guys like Spencer Rattler in the preseason is
why I still like preseason football. People can can root
against it and not be a fan of it, but

you get to see players in real time NFL action. Yes,
it's not the regular season. Yes, the end zones aren't
painted sometimes. Yeah, I get all that. You know, it's
a sparse crowd and it's basically giveaway tickets because the
season ticket holders don't want to go to the preseason games.
But at least it's something to watch, something to pay
attention to. For the New Orleans Saints at the Jonas

Knox at the Jonas Knocks on Twitter, which is where
you can find all the positive feedback of this show.
Many people chiming in here, David writes in Old Daliss Ginger,
Roger Goodell is Jonas Knox level desperate to pander to

the brothers to finally like him, to get street cred
like you are to NFL hunks like TB twelve, Jimmy
g and Travis Kelce to let you have their way
with them every way possible. You bleep Paul writes in
Jony is like a bleep at a Pride parade, getting

to see bleep Williams, and now you can follow him
painting your nails and the colors that he does and
wearing makeup like he does, like the bleep you are,
except you're still an irrelevant board op. Again, that is insulting.
The term is technical producer, not boardop. All the other
stuff is fine, Jason writes in j Off Jony loving

the drafts. So you got new beefcakes to bleep your
man bleep to your perfect scouting report is a nice
size bleep, tight bleep and preferably white or will take
bleep if they're in the mold of Caleb Williams. The
Judas Knox, which is a fun Twitter account rights in

I'm going to love hearing your weak ass bitch boy
takes bleeping Spencer Rattler playing for the disappointing Saints. You'll
be making more dumbass excuses in Lebron James being down
three to zero. Well there you go, you just heard it.
Paul writes in Hey, bitch boy, your entire show is

a cheap pop you moron. Another guy writes in hey, bleephead,
put some respect on Brady and Levar's name. You're the hoe,
I mean Joe at the Jonas Knox. That is, at
the Jonas Knox where you can find all the unedited

versions of all of those, or at least most of those.
Some of those are a bit much so we cannot
retweet those because I don't want to get suspended or
whatever they call it on social media. So that being said,
at the Jonas Knock you can find whatever we can repost.
Coming up next here though, from the tirac dot com studios.
If you would like to know the brutal truth, some
brutal honesty about one of the hottest teams in all

of sports, there's one man, Hink who can do it.
We will be joining us next here from the Tirack
dot Com Studios. Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio coming up
in a little over ten minutes from now from the
Tiraq dot Com Studios. One of the great movie rules
of all time came to life in the NFL. We'll
tell you why that is again coming up here a

little over ten minutes from now. But you know, the
talk of the NFL has been none other than the
Chicago Bears, maybe for the first time in a positive
way since the mid eighties. And so I was thinking
to myself, you know, we need somebody who's going to
be able to tell the truth about this whole thing,
all right, we need somebody who's not going to pander

or be a kiss ass and is going to let
you know the brutal truth about what is happening in Chicago.
The Bears with Soldier Field, with whatever that fiasco is
that they didn't include the parking in when they put
the renderings together to let everybody know what a brand
new stadium could look like, all that fun stuff there
in Chicago. They just drafted a punter, for God's sakes,

earlier today. So none other than Mike North is here
to set the record straight, former Fox Sports radio host,
one of the all time greats to ever do it
in sports radio. You get them on Twitter at North
to North, Mike North, how are you handsome?

Speaker 10 (54:32):
Seventeen? No, seventeen to know my friend, Bears.

Speaker 1 (54:39):
Are Mac Northy.

Speaker 10 (54:41):
I'm telling you, I'm feeling so good.

Speaker 3 (54:43):
You know, the whole thing, the whole week's just been monumental.
I mean, it's been a journey. It's really been a journey.
I tried to get in touch with all the folks
that basically work with me when I said I don't
want Justin Field, and they haven't gotten the callback. Because
everybody was for Justin Field. They decide to hold the
party for everybody that didn't want Justin Field in a

phone boots and I'm the only guy attending. So basically
they're more pensive right now about Caleb Williams. But I've
watched the man, and I got to be honest with you, Joe.
I mean, it's it's a crap shoot like any of
the three other quarterbacks. I'm not against him like I
was with Fields or I was for Mitch. I mean,

I said, basically, if Justin Fields can match Mitch Trubisky's stats,
then I'll be happy. And he didn't, so he's gone.
And then the other day I'm on the radio and
I said, if he throws, if this Caleb Williams throws
for sixty percent of his passes, makes two playoffs in
four years, throws twice as much intercept touchdowns as interceptions,

will you be happy? And the guy goes absolutely, I go, well,
those were Mitch Trubisky's numbers. When we let him go,
he had a twenty nine to twenty nine record, So
the nonsense the Mansons, we're still trying to replace him.
Now we got this young man, Caleb Williams, and I
watched him the very first time I turned him mind
this year was against Notre Dame. He impressed the hell

out of me through three interceptions, basically mechanics were screwed up.
They scored a whole twenty points. And you know, I
wouldn't have minded Jay if we had the second pick
and we had our pick of four instead of the
beers just saying this guy's heads and tails above anybody else,
because I don't see that well.

Speaker 1 (56:30):
And I'm also a little bit surprised that Kayleb Williams
is going to go with number eighteen. I mean, first
of all, I can't believe they didn't retire Mike Tom's
acts number back in the day. That was a stutter
to me. So he's where he's following in the great
line of number eighteen's in Chicago, Tom, Zach Kyle or
And now we've got Caleb Williams at QB. But also
to your point, like people were, remember that conversation, everybody

was happening, Like, what should the Bears do with the
number one pick? Well, first of all, they kind of
lucked into this because Carolina sucked, and so because Carolina
was so bad, and they've got an owner who's the
most insecure owner in sports. The Bears ended up at
number one, and there were people that were out there
pounding the table for now they should keep justin fields
and just build around him. And it's like, well where

did all those people go?

Speaker 3 (57:15):

Speaker 1 (57:16):
What happened all those people north theer? I mean, are
they all hanging out with you?

Speaker 2 (57:19):

Speaker 1 (57:19):
I don't understand where all the all the conversation went
when it came to all this stuff.

Speaker 3 (57:23):
Well, what I wanted, Joe, and this is this is
on record. I wanted cousins of Wilson. And then I
wanted them to take a quarterback. And somebody says, well,
they don't do that anymore except in Green Bay. You know,
they led a quarterback. I go ninety miles away boys
the last thirty years, you know, I mean you had
quarterbacks sit behind fire, you had then you have this quarterback,

the new guy. I love, Jordan Love sit behind Rogers.
Rogers stay up behind far and they sit for two, three,
four years, and somebody goes, well, who does that? I go,
the team that gets in the playoffs almost every year
and the team that we haven't been since Patton was
a corporal. How's that?

Speaker 1 (58:03):

Speaker 3 (58:05):
I mean the nonsense. I think that I would have
preferred that. I think the Bears would have been a
playoff team, just like you know, Atlanta has got an
edge in the South because they picked up Cousins, and
I think Pittsburgh's got a little bit of an edge
because they changed their quarterback situation with Wilson. So you know,
we'll see what happens. I can't believe they're going to

throw another rookie into the fire like they did Fields,
And you know, we've gotten in the habit. We're not
patient in Chicago. We don't know what a good quarterback is.
We don't know what a bad quarterback is. Basically, what
we've done the last three three different times the last
ten years, we've leased a quarterback every three years, like
I leased my Cadillacs. We had Trabisci for four, we

had Fields for three, and now we're going to do
a deal with Caleb Williams. So we'll see what happens.
But nobody has had a team more ready than Caleb Williams.
I mean, you got Keenan Allen, you got DJ Moore,
you got hol Comeet, who's at tight end, you got
they picked up a new running back and slip. But
they're in a tough division with Detroit who's over and

unders ten and a half, and then you got Green Bay.
You're asking a rookie or maybe a bage ent our
second stringer who was two and two last year to
step in and try to win a division the over
unders eight and a half only a game more than
it was last year with Fields. So I think the
only thing.

Speaker 10 (59:26):
I'll say about Fields, if Caleb.

Speaker 3 (59:28):
Williams gets hit like Fields did, he won't last the season.
He never will say, He'll never think he's got the
same situation that Field's had at Ohio State. Every film
I looked at Caleb Williams, He's got all day to pass.
I mean the Pac twelve was so bad defensively, they
broke the whole. H they broke up the whole.

Speaker 1 (59:47):
You know what you guys allowed to what he points
a game. We got to get rid of this whole thing.

Speaker 3 (59:51):
Yeah, they can't.

Speaker 10 (59:52):
They total organ State what's wrong with you?

Speaker 3 (59:53):
You're finished? Uh? You know I made. I watched the
Pack twelve this year and I could have thrown some
passes against it, you know. So we'll see what happens.
But I did see him, and then I see the
new guy after Caleb Williams acts like the hot shot
and says I'm going to sit out the bowl game,
and the new guy comes in and breaks the individual

passing records for us. So we'll see what happens. But
I think every drafts a crap shoot. I could have
taken Daniels. I would have been happy with anybody else.
But we'll see what happens.

Speaker 1 (01:00:26):
And it's also the one thing Mike North joining us
here on Fox Sports Radio. Get him on Twitter at
North to North. He's the voice of Chicago sports, the
man who's going to tell the truth, not pander to
the audience like a lot of guys do. But I
also like Justin Fields as a teammate. All you hear
is glowing things about him, like he was tremendous and

he was in a difficult spot. So Caleb Williams, to
your point, is going to take over a much more
ready made team, and ready made franchise. But I look
at it like this. And I heard Olin Kreutz, the
great Chicago Bear Center, make this point on radio yesterday.
He was on a year old stomping grounds on the score,
and I heard him say, look, we all we all

want the flashy players, the quarterback, the wide receiver. He's
I can't argue with the Caleb Williams pick the Roma
Dunes pick from his Almah Water Washington. He goes, but
then we get to the season, and we're about halfway
through the season, and we're like, well, why didn't they
address the offensive line? He goes, like, we like everybody,
everybody wants the He's all everybody wants the offensive lineman

until you get to the draft and you want the
bright and shiny stuff. And I still look at the
old line and I go, all right, dude, like there's
some question marks there. I love the defense, all right,
I like the direction. You know, offensively, there's a lot
going on there. But I still look at the old
line and I go, that's at least got to be
a conversation at some point.

Speaker 3 (01:01:48):
There's no doubt about it, y'all. I mean, the bottom
line is that you look at what fields did. He
had all day to pass at Ohio State, and he
threw to better type of receivers. Then he threw with
the Bears. This Caleb Williams. You know, he's going to
be stepping into a situation where he's going to see
a rush and defenses in the NFL that he's not

going to be ready for. I mean, somebody said to
me the other day, this guy could be the next
big thing. I thought he could be Jason Campbell too.
I mean, I've been through seven hundred, I mean, and
he looks more like Jason Campbell, which is scary.

Speaker 10 (01:02:22):
I will tell you this out of it.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
Since the Super Bowl Era, seven hundred and seventy seven
quarterbacks have been taken. Forty six percent have lived to
see a second contract. I've heard it all. I've seen
the Tim Couches, I've seen the Achille Smiths, I've seen
DeAndre Wars. But here's what I've also seen. I've seen
every USC quarterback and some of them friends like Sean Salisbury,

like Matt Berkley, like Matt Reinert. Everyone has been a
bust in the NFL. And don't bring up Carson Palmer
to me, because Joe Burrow showed up in Cincinnati. They
forgot about him in ten minutes. Okay. So the last
USC quarterback that I saw that was ultimately successful did
play for the Bears. His name was Rudy Bunkich in

nineteen sixty five, and he read the league in passing.
That's how far.

Speaker 1 (01:03:15):
Hey was that? Who the movie Rudy was named after?
Is that what the Rudy you're talking about?

Speaker 3 (01:03:19):
Or no?

Speaker 1 (01:03:19):
Is that I went to school with this kid?

Speaker 3 (01:03:21):
My god? I mean that's how long ago was, you know?
I mean it?

Speaker 10 (01:03:26):
So when I'm looking at can the Bears pull.

Speaker 3 (01:03:28):
Off something that nobody's ever pulled off? Ohio State, I said,
didn't have a quarterback ever do it in the pros
until this year, and somebody said USC North See I go. Yeah,
My argument held up for fifty eight years. Ohio State
didn't have anybody until Stroud. Now can a USC quarterback
after countless amounts of disappointment basically come in and play

for the Bears? An Ohio State quarterback build? Now we
got a USC quarterback, and both both clubs, both colleges
on Chill Stroud, have never produced a quarterback in six decades.

Speaker 1 (01:04:08):
I also think there's something to like having expectations and
then let's let's slow down a little bit here. Like
people are talking about, Oh, we're gonna we're gonna win
multiple championships, just like, how about you just be like,
how about you, uh you know, be the final team
in the NFL to have a four thousand yard passer
in a season. Why don't we start there and finish
about five hundred.

Speaker 3 (01:04:28):
I'll give you the best one of all. If folks,
I know six media types or wholes for writers, or
I know now if you have the holy trifecta Mike North,
basically you should just quit the business, okay, uh D
three D six men, and I will not divulge them.

I'll forget about the national guys, forget about all of them,
the org Lowski's and all them guys. They had Catleb
Williams going to Canton. Well, anybody who listen to those
guys around their mind, okay, and not Callab Williams Justin
Field's going to Canton. Okay, but if you look at it,
I know of six people in the Chicago area. Now
we got papers, we got pats, So I'm not going
to finger them dead. Thought Fields was going to be

an MVP. Okay, that thought. Basically the Cubs of twenty
sixteen would have four championships by now. Okay, And yet
the White Sox rebuild was going to work and they
got four wins. You kick both things. You gotta walk
out of them. You just walk out. I mean, I've
been hearing, I'm hearing everything, but Field's going to can

until the White Sox were going to run the Central
Division for the next ten years and they got four years.

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
Now, I will say this, Mike North joining us here
on Fox Sports Raining, I will say this, I do
love the balls of the Bears being like, you know what,
we only got four picks in the draft. You know,
why don't we go ahead and spin the chamber and
draft a punter. You know'll just go that in the
in the fourth round as they took Tory Taylor out
of Iowa, who, by the way, is fantastic. But the
fact that at the time and they trade it back

in and got an extra pick, that at the time
they only had four picks in a draft and one
of them was spent on a punter, I think it's tremendous,
my friend.

Speaker 3 (01:06:09):
And here's another thing. They were worried somebody was going
to grab him. Okay, pore up the punters. How important
one thurs theen years. The punter should have been our
most valuable player?

Speaker 1 (01:06:22):
Are you kidding me? How does Mary Buford not have
a statue by now? Morphy? How does that not happen?

Speaker 3 (01:06:29):
We had a guy named Bobby Joe Green. When he
first started, he looked like Paul Anka. By the end
he looked like Cannibal Lecter. He was he founded so
much he was exhausted. It's crazy. But you know, I've
heard it all in this town and we have nothing
to show for it. You know, the mis evaluation of
Panlent by the Bears, by the White Sox, you know,

the the Blackhawks, you know the Bulls. They haven't won, uh,
basically since christ was a child. I mean so, I
mean it's just like in Saor and then I get
yelled at because I'm negative, and I did yelled because
I'm negative.

Speaker 10 (01:07:05):
Well what's going to be positive about?

Speaker 3 (01:07:08):
I mean, you know, I made I made you. So
hopefully this kid will be everything we're hoping for. I'm
not against him like I was Field. I think he's
got some talent. But you know when you practice against
one hundred and twenty fifth defense like he did. USC
defense was one twenty fifth.

Speaker 1 (01:07:27):
Oh, so you're learning what are you learning?

Speaker 10 (01:07:29):
What are you learning?

Speaker 3 (01:07:31):
I mean, he's going to go up against the lineus
next year after playing against his defensive practice every day.

Speaker 1 (01:07:37):
So we'll see what happens North the last one for
you here, We've got to get to the bottom of
this stuff. I mean, what is with the circus tent
that they're calling the new soldier field that they're that
they're throwing up with no parking available? In the renderings
put together?

Speaker 3 (01:07:54):
I saw the renderings and the first thing I did
is look at a rendering, an artist depiction of a
big mac, and then I went and bought an actual
big Mac. Okay my artist renderings. Have you ever had
an artist rendering of a beautiful home and then you
went into it and there were splatters going, we owned
this place. Get out.

Speaker 1 (01:08:13):
They're like cleaning up the blood from a murder scene
two weeks earlier.

Speaker 3 (01:08:16):
Yeah, you walked in and it's the scene from seven.

Speaker 10 (01:08:19):
You know what I mean? Orsha Gars sitting in a
chair going and sit down, Carson, you know, I mean,
that's how I walked into every new season with all
these seas. But the Soldier Field thing was funny. They
hired this guy, Kevin Warren.

Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
Who's in my opinion, he's the president of the Bears,
but he's a hustler. I give him credit. He's helped
to build them. And they asked, like he put the
bricks in for all the stadiums and did this into
that he's president of the Bears and we were supposed
to be going to Arlington Park, which is perfect, and
we were. He was hired to do that, and then

after a year he goes, I'm gonna hire a CEO.
Well you should have done that a year ago, a
chief operating officer of the stadium. What are you doing?
Then we hear they're going back. Then we see the
artists renderings and we're looking, and I'm looking.

Speaker 10 (01:09:11):
I go, am I gonna park my power over on Michigan.

Speaker 3 (01:09:14):
What the hell are we? And I've made that walk
from Michigan Avenue to sell at your field.

Speaker 1 (01:09:20):
Oh it's a disaster.

Speaker 10 (01:09:22):
It's like I needed a cave by the time I
lived on I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:09:28):
And then there's not a cat stand. I'm looking for it.
I'm even looking for a phone. If they put this
thing together in like a month and going, hey, this
is what we want to do, right before the draft,
right before you got the number one pick, this is
the announcement thing. Then there's no parking lot. There's not
a parking lot in the picture, so you know they're
not serious. I think they're gonna end up being back

in hide Finn. I think they're gonna end up building there.
But now in my lifetime, do you ever see Prissy's Honor?
Do you ever see that movie Prissy's Honor? Okay, I'll
give you a better one.

Speaker 10 (01:10:01):
Have you ever seen any I guess, any movie where there's.

Speaker 3 (01:10:07):
Just there was Nick Naughty back in the seventies eighties, okay,
a people sexiest man. He was on the magazine covers
by the time they finished the Stadium. Okay, I'm either
going to be dead or I'm gonna be like Nick Naughty.

Speaker 10 (01:10:23):
Is now okay, and it's not as pretty as it
used to be. Okay. You know somebody said the other day, boy,
this game may do ten years. I go up seventy one.
What are you how much time to think?

Speaker 3 (01:10:35):
I got?

Speaker 1 (01:10:39):
Get him on Twitter at North to North Northy you're
the best. He's the voice of Chicago sports, a Hall
of famer.

Speaker 10 (01:10:46):
Everybody good, Oh.

Speaker 1 (01:10:47):
Everybody's good. You know. We're still still chugging along here
and and and send the best to be and everybody
over there. And if if you want more brutal honesty
about how things really work in Chicago, he's the guy
to go to at North to North, Love you, Northy.
We'll talk later.

Speaker 3 (01:11:02):
Many Yeah, next time you're in Chicago, brother Gibson. So
we might we might have to keep our head on
the swivel this time later.

Speaker 1 (01:11:11):
Way to us stick the landing the great Mike North
with us year on Fox Sports Radio. He is one
of the best, one of the all time greats. That
that was a lot of fun. Jonas knocks here on FSR.
All right, so we do need to get to something
in the world. But one of the great movie characters
came to real life in the NFL. We're going to
get to that here coming up shortly for all the

latest sto from around the world of sports. Better late
than ever, it's Martin Wise.

Speaker 7 (01:11:36):
The New York Jets have traded defensive lineman John Franklin
Myers to Denver in exchange for a twenty twenty sixth
sixth round pick, less than a week after trading in
the quarterback Zach Wilson to the Broncos as well.

Speaker 1 (01:11:48):
Go back to the NBA Real Quick.

Speaker 7 (01:11:50):
Milwaukee Bucks star Damian Lidlard. He's been diagnosed with a
great one Achilles strain and is doubtful.

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
For Game four of the playoffs tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (01:11:56):
In Indiana, Pacers lead that series two games to one.
Cavaliers at Magic. In Game four of the series, Orlando
wins one, twelve to eighty nine.

Speaker 1 (01:12:07):
Series now tied to apiece.

Speaker 7 (01:12:08):
Thunder Repelicans just getting started down in New Orleans. Thunder
lead the series two to nothing. Re Pelicans lead the
game four to two nine minutes left in the first quarter.
There at the Smoothie King Center, Carolina Hurricane and New
York Islanders score there tied a piece at one at
the end of the second period.

Speaker 1 (01:12:26):
I guess our start of the third period? How are you.

Speaker 7 (01:12:29):
Going to look at it? Glass half empty? Glass half full?
Carolina leads the series though, three to nothing. And in
the NFL draft, let's see here. Keton Oladopo from Oregon State,
the most recent selection safety for the Green Bay Packers,
Javon Solomon from Troy and edge rusher to the Bronx
to the I'm sorry, that's the Bills, not the Broncos.
Keelan Robinson from Texas running back to the Jaguars, Tyrone

Tracy from Perdue, another running back to the Giants. And
finally Rashen Ali from Marshall a running back going to
the Baltimore Ravens. Sure he will have a thousand yards
next year as those Ravens seem to just plug in
these running backs that we have. Very few people have
heard of until week five and he's just running through
the league. But we'll see what happens with that. Dalen

Simpson aubor and safety to the Colts. It's a twenty
ninth pick in the fifth round. Jonas, I pick your best.

Speaker 1 (01:13:19):
Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. And listen. I'm okay
being mister irrelevant, all right, nothing wrong with that. I'll
take what I can get. Thank you, Martin Jonas Knox
here on Fox Sports Radio. Coming up next here from
the tire rack dot Com studio. So we promise this,
we are going to deliver. One of the great movie
characters came to life in the NFL. We've got the
proof next here on FSR Jonas Knox, Fox Sports Radio,

make sure you stick around. Coming up a little over
twelve minutes from now from the tire Rack dot Com Studios,
Alex Curry and Carmen Vitally will take over the airwaves.
They'll have all things NFL, Draft, NBA playoffs, you name it.
Always a fun listen. Make sure you stick around for
those gals. They'll be ready to rock here coming up
in a little over ten minutes from now. A reminder

that shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up.
So if you've missed any of today's show, including Mike
North letting it Fly on what's really happening in Chicago
with the Bears, the stadium and everything else going on there,
make sure you check out that pod you search Fox
Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast. Be sure to
also follow, rate and review the pod again search Fox

Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You'll see this
show posted right after we get off the air, and
I will also tweet out a link to this podcast
at the Jonas Knox. That is, at the Jonas Knox
where you can find that as soon as it's up
and available. But right now it's time to close up
shop with another edition of this Jonas Moro.

Speaker 2 (01:14:43):
How could you not get to these stories? Moron?

Speaker 1 (01:14:47):
These are the scraps and to find out what the
hell we've missed so far on the show, Bo Benson
our executive producer Bo So.

Speaker 9 (01:14:54):
The New England Patriots drafted I believe UCFO wide receiver
Javon Baker in the fourth round of the NFL Draft,
and he had an interesting quote you wanted to share
with everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:15:04):
Yeah, so in meeting with the media after he was drafted,
you know you like typical per usual. You know it
took too long. You're all gonna pay as far as
you know him having to sit and wait for as
long as he did. He also dropped a couple of gems,
like the mentality is to kill whoever is on the
other side of me. And this one quote, bring your popcorn.

I make people in wheelchairs stand up. Now, that's pretty aggressive,
but it did remind me of one of the great
movie characters of all time. Anybody who's a big fan
of football movies a cult classic if you will, the program.
So when I hear Javon Baker say bring your popcorn.

I make people in wheelchairs stand up, and the mentality
is to kill whoever's in front of me or ever
on the other side of me. It makes me think
of the great Alvin mack Oky thunder line. Once you
were assigned, kill the.

Speaker 2 (01:16:03):
Quarterback, if the tight end so hard, his girlfriend dies,
kill everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:16:13):
By the way, you don't want to talk about movies, Bo,
that could probably not be made today based on some
of the content. Like I was looking up at the
highlights from the program, I was like, yeah, I can't
play that. Yeah, definitely not gonna play that. Nope, yeah,
that's not gonna work. This is a classic from Javon Baker,
who went hard after the Patriots drafted him earlier in
the fourth round. Pretty rough, pretty rough going. Where does

the program rank for you, BO, on your all time
favorite football movie list?

Speaker 9 (01:16:41):
Can I be honest, I have not seen the program.

Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
You've never seen the program.

Speaker 9 (01:16:45):
But I will. I will watch it. If it's a
movie that you recommend of all people, I will watch it. Okay, Well,
but it might spot in between Friday night Lights and
any given Sunday.

Speaker 1 (01:16:55):
Okay, Well, I'll just say this. If you're gonna watch it,
might I recommend when the wife and child are asleep, okay,
and just to double up the safety, I would watch
it with the AirPods in. I'm just saying, and you'll

understand about twenty minutes into the movie why I say that,
because there are some things that are definitely not suitable
and you don't really take that into consideration. You see
like rated r PG thirteen, you see that coming up
on moving and then you have a kid and you realize, oh, yeah,
that's not a good idea. I don't want her to
hear that because I don't want her to say kill
them all, let the paramedics sort them out at preschool.

Just not not a good look for anybody involved. So
that would be my recommendation, less an ideal. That would
be what else we got during the NFL draft Today.
Ian Rappaport shared a little bit with the desk on
the NFL Network, I believe, saying the NFL teams were
hesitant to draft Spencer Rattler due to what they had
seen on the Netflix documentary that was filmed while he

was in high school, which is, you know, like four
or five years ago now. So I don't know, I
feel like that's kind of bush league from my league
NFL teams to do. Yeah, dude, how long was it?
Like the QB one or something?

Speaker 9 (01:18:14):
Yeah, I just I think if any of us had
a documentary about us that was filmed in high school,
we probably wouldn't like the stuff that was shown.

Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
Dude, I was a janitor in high school. Like, like,
I'm sure me pushing around a mop bucket and cleaning
up urine off a of a little kid's carpet in
class probably wasn't the best look either, Like, I don't
like what are we talking about? Because because that that
showed Netflix, I think it was called QB one, and

I think he was on there with I forget who
else was on there, but there were a couple other quarterbacks.
So they went back to that as the reason why
he felt, dude, they're just trying to find something wrong
with anybody.

Speaker 9 (01:18:54):
I feel like the process this year with Caleb Williams
and now that Spencer Ratler just kind of shows how
how looney it can all be.

Speaker 1 (01:19:02):
Like Donnie, we were talking about this earlier, donnad Mitchell
from Texas, Like, Okay, what did he do? Was there
like a like an off field to my knowledge. I didn't.
I didn't hear of any like, you know, he pulled
a gun on somebody or got a dui or pulled
a like. The reasoning that he fell down the draft
is because he was hard to assess during the interview process.
Yeah really, yeah, Like that's you're just trying to find

something wrong with somebody. Like you're trying like everybody's been
in a relationship and you might still be in that
relationship where you're with somebody and it's like, dude, are
you just trying to pick a fight. It's almost like
they're trying willingly to pick a fight to have some
sort of an altercation. That's what this feels like. Yeah,
real quick here.

Speaker 9 (01:19:40):
Chicago City officials determined that the famous landmark rat Hole
sidewalk needed to be removed and replaced due to damage.
The future of this rat hole sidewalk will be determined
at a later date and a collaborative decision between city
departments and the Mayor's office. So the imprint of a
rat on the sidewalk is gone.

Speaker 1 (01:19:58):
And oh so that's that's why it's called a rat hole.

Speaker 9 (01:20:01):
Yeah, it's a fully print of a rat.

Speaker 1 (01:20:03):
So he crawls the wet cement. Yeah yeah, No, first
of all that that's an egregious air by them. That
is a teaching lesson to let people know, don't draw
on them, don't walk in them, God forbid, if you're
a rat, don't get stuck in them.

Speaker 3 (01:20:15):
This is what I

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