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April 25, 2024 19 mins

George Noory and author Amy Robeson explore her research into past life regressions and the Akashic Records that show events in your lives, and how to use the records as a tool of self discovery to continue evolving into a better person.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
And welcome back to Coast to Coast George Nori with you,
Amy Robison with us. Amy is an Acastack Records Master
teacher who empowers individuals through her powerful Arcastic Records program,
which she'll talk about and helps them to tap into
their inner potential for transformation. And Amy shows people how
to be courageous enough to walk the divine path. Amy,

Welcome to the program.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Hi, thanks for having me talk to you.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
How did you get involved in the Akashak Records.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
I found the Akashak Records by accident. I was in
dire need. I was starting to get depressed again, and
last time I got depressed, I wanted to take my life,
and I knew that I didn't want to get depressed
to that point. I injured my telephone for the second
time in my life. And I was having a complete

identity crisis, and I was having very bad at dreams
nightmares of people killing me or something happening to me
at all times. And so I wanted to find something
that would make me feel better. And I knew that
I wanted to learn how to meditate. So I found
a meditation teacher. And when I found that meditation teacher,

she taught me how to do dream interpretations, automatic writing.
I became like a meditation teacher to learn how to
do like exorcisms and or cleansings and all sorts of
different things. And when I studied with her, that's when
I found the records.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
What are the records, Shamie?

Speaker 3 (01:40):
The records are an incident field of possibilities. Every word,
the thought from the moment your soul has incepted is
recorded in the Akashic field. And we can open up
the akashak records to ask any sorts of questions about
the past, the present, or the future, and you will

receive love and guidance and support from the Master's features
and loved ones, also known as the guardians of the records.
So you can think about it as like a computer
database of your soul and you can ask and receive
support on demand.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Who is the person amy who records our life in
the records?

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Metatron? Metatron is an archangel that is the keeper of
the records, and so he records everything.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
So when one dies, do you face the kastic records?
Do they like open up this book that we have
heard about. I remember in my Catholic days, in Catholic
catechism classes, they would talk about the good book that
talked about your life? Is that what that is exactly?

Speaker 3 (02:53):
It's referred to as the Book of Life in the Bible.
And you can you will go through a review when
your soul transitions.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
Truly remarkable, and can you alter the records? What if
there's some bad things in there that you just don't want.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
We have the ability to transform. We can't delete anything,
but we can transform the experience. So for example, let's
see you had a traumatic event happen and you're still
struggling from that event. You can go into the records
and receive guidance on how to overcome that event, or

they can provide love in a way that allows you
to remember your wholeness. That event still stays in your records,
it's not deleted, but you are transformed from that event
and it's no longer impacting you in a way that
it was impacting you in the past.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
Now, these guardians of the akashak records who appoints them
to that assignment.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
It's all based on questions. So if you go into
the Akashak records, there's special guardians based on the questions
that you're asking. You're going to ask all sorts of
different questions in one session, and so they'll switch out
based on what the practitioner or the client is needing

at that particular time and what they're asking. And so
I always like to explain it this way. The guardians
have specialties and based on their specialties, that's how they're
going to support you. So if you have a toothache,
you want to go to a dentist, you want to
see a dentist because that's what they studied, not a
car mechanic. So the same thing with the guardians. They

have specialties based on the questions you're asking, and they
will switch out all throughout the sessions, throughout the entire
session to support you.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
If your Akashak records are bad, what does that mean?
What happens to you?

Speaker 3 (05:00):
I think it's information. It's if you learn, well, first off,
we weren't all perfect in previous lifetimes or in this lifetime.
And the guardians and sure, and when they connect with you,
they share everything with you, share everything with you from
a place of non judgment. And so if there is

something bad in there, and I'm putting that in quotations.
They're going to talk to you about it in a
place of empowerment, a place that you can learn from,
a place that allows you to have a different understanding
and not learn of that experience and have shame around it.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Intriguing, very intriguing. Indeed, Now in the Acastak Records, they
also have good things you've done, right, Oh.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Yeah, absolutely. You can discover all sorts of different things
about yourself inside of the Acastak Records. One of the
things that I love the most about the Acastak Records
is they speak to you in language that you understand.
And so if you're sarcastic, if you like to tell jokes,
they're going to tell jokes with you too. If it's
a serious question, they're going to take a more serious tone.

But they're going to use languaging and even slang word
that you relate to and understand, so that it's relatable
and you'll discover new things. I often refer to the
Akashak Records as a life tool that allows you to
have a self discovery because they understand that we're having
a human experience and they want to support us and

having that human experience and support our soul and evolving.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Interesting now that we hear different kinds of references about
the Akashak records. One expert would have one definition, another
would have another. Why so many different interpretations.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Which I think is really neat because the records meet
you where you're at, and so you can have some
one that goes into the records and they view the
entire records as a library, where if I go into
the records, I don't see a library. That doesn't mean
that that doesn't exist for that person that's going into
the records. It just means I have a different way

of connecting to the information and that they're connecting with
it based on my soul's understanding. Also, there's different philosophies
on how to use the Akashak records and for for example,
like I teach my students inside of Sacred Awakening how
to open their records for themselves and for others. Now,
the Akashak record takes into consideration everything the soul has

ever experienced. And what that means is it's not just
from this lifetime, it's from any place in time that
the soul has ever experienced something, and so you could
have been an amazing expert in music in a previous
lifetime that the Guardians want to share that information with
you so you can pick it back up so that

it might be helpful or useful in this lifetime, and
it might not be. So the thing is is like,
no matter what, the Guardians are meeting you, where you're at,
and how people perceive the records is how they're connecting
to it and in what methods they're using it as well.
And I think it's great that there's all different types

of methods out there because what it does is it
allows the access to the records to become easier and
easier for people as we evolve and as we go
through this great awakening.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Amy, have you had any unusual or strange experiences with
the Acastak records or the Guardians.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
I have had all sorts of different experiences than the
Acasak records. I would say that the most unusual experience
that I had it was actually I was getting ready
to put together a crystal grid for one of my
core and we were going to do like a money

clearing of patterns and things like that, and so I
was getting ready to put together this crystal grid, and
I was I had the records open. I was guided
to clear out the main crystal that was going to
go in the center of the grid, which was like
a Celtic, an optical calcite. And when I was clearing

it out, I saw angels just shoot down right out
from the sky, like right with my eyes wide open,
and pull a soul right out of this crystal. There
was something that was stuck in the crystal that was trapped,
you know, it was definitely a soul of some sort,
and it just like riipped it right out of there
because it was stuck.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
Truly remarkable. The records. How thick are they?

Speaker 3 (09:52):
How thick are they They? Everything has a record, and
so they they are. I would say that they're they're
definitely The depth of the records is how deep do
does the practitioner want to go? Because there's realms within realms,
there's there's spaces within spaces withinside of the Akashak records

that someone can explore if they're willing to do the
work and exploring them. And just because there's something in
this in the records doesn't mean you need to explore it.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Does one need to die in order to see the records.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
No, no, the veil is getting released thin now where.
Back in the day, if someone wanted to go into
the records, they would have to go into a deep trance.
That's how Edgarcasey would go into the Akashak records. He
would go He's called a sleeping profit. And so now
as the veil is sinning, we can open up the

Acastak records with a with a simple method or complex method,
depending on the teacher, and you can just start asking
questions and the records start speaking to people when they are.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Truly remarkable. Amy Robinson with us. We're going to talk
about past lives with the Acastak records at the half
next hour. We'll take phone calls about them as well.
Does everybody from the moment you're born have a record?

Speaker 3 (11:17):
It's from the soul's inception, so it's not from just
like this lifetime when you're born, it's from when the
soul is incepted.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
When so if you had twenty five past lives, you're
in there right.

Speaker 3 (11:28):
Yeah, everything's recorded, and everything has a record, just like
a crystal. The Earth, different planets, objects, places, things, they
all have a Kashak Records because it's all energy.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
How does knowledge of the Acastak Records make you a
better person in this life?

Speaker 3 (11:48):
For me, what I have seen is it allows people
to feel supported in a completely different way. It allows
them to feel supported, it allows them to feel validated.
And the reason for that is they get an opportunity
to discover something new about themselves. They get an opportunity
to ask questions to their deepest desires or to ask

for simple support like what can I make for dinner?
Or what is it the color that I can where
that will make me feel more grounded and more calm.
The questions are endless, and so the possibilities of how
the transformations can occur are infinite as well.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Tell us about your book gifts.

Speaker 3 (12:33):
Oh, it's not a book, it's it is twenty plus
free meditations healings that I do inside of the Akashak
Records that people can access for absolutely free, and they
can just go to my website which is the Amy
Robison dot com back slash free and there's all sorts
of different healings and they're from money to inner child

to new beginnings, and.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
They find that on that website they can just sign
up for it or how did they download it?

Speaker 3 (13:03):
Yeah, they just sign up for it and they get
access to our member portal and it's absolutely free and
there's twenty plus free healings on there.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Do a Kashyak records generally get better as you have
more lives?

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Oh, that's an interesting question. I wouldn't say that Kashak
Records necessarily gets better. I think that the more life
we have, the more opportunities opportunities we have to evolve,
which means that there's more information in the Kashak Records
for you to look at, sift through, and for from

the guardians to pull from as well.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Where do angels fit into the same meeting?

Speaker 3 (13:46):
Well, the masters, teachers, and loved ones also known as
the guardians of the records can be angels. They can
be ascended masters, they can be past loved ones. Not
every loved one meets the crayteria to be an Akashak
record guardian, but the loved ones are coming through right

now in massive waves right now anyways in and outside
of the record. And then but as far as angels,
angels can be someone that gives you guidance in the
record as a guardian and archangel Metatrone is the keeper
of the record as well.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Can you erase anything in the book.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
You can erase, you can transform, You can transform what
it is that you are looking at.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Give me an example.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Yeah, so if you let's say you discover that you
had a past life and in that past life you
experience tragedy and you experience persecution.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Or or you warn't a good person. Let's say you
stole a car or something like that.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
Yeah, I mean, you can have things that you're fearful
of from previous lifetimes that are impacting you in this lifetime.
And that fear can feel really real, or it can
feel really irrational, like where is that coming from? I
had a great life or I'm not. I'm not everything's
going my way right now, or maybe you had a

great childhood and you're just not sure why that fear
is there. Well, we can utilize the records and uncover,
like where that fear is coming from. And it can
come from a previous lifetime where maybe you were persecuted
or you did something bad and you're always looking over
your shoulder, and from that understanding, we can clear that

from the cells. We can clear that from the energy field,
so you're not holding onto that fear anymore. And if
it's a path life progression, we're reclaiming that fragment of
the goal that had practiled off, and it's still living
that experience, because when you have a past life, there's
a part of your soul that is still living that experience.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
What techniques do you recommend to people who want to
access their cash up records?

Speaker 3 (16:18):
So for my students in Sacred Awakening, I teach them
a different modality that's really simple and easy. We utilize
the crystaline energy and we have a simple prayer and
so the method itself is very simple. We pull the
crystaline energy and there's a specific prayer that we say,
and then we just access them.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
And how long does it take to be able to do.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
That depending on the day, because if someone's having a
bad day, they might need a ground a little bit
more in their heart space. But if they're feeling good,
it can take like less than two minutes less than
a minute, depending on the person. But in the beginning
or when you're first starting off, it can take a
few minutes or five minutes. If you're not ground it.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
That's not bad, no, not bad at all.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
We live in a fast paced world. We needed to
be fast.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Have you ever had a student go into their records
and then they come back crying all upset.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
I have had students that have had emotional experiences, moving
experiences inside of the Akashak records. But the beautiful thing
is we have the support of the master's teachers and
loved ones, and so if someone's crying, it's actually a
good thing because what they're doing is they're releasing, they're
releasing old trauma, they're releasing that they're holding on too.

So it's really healthy to cry.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Do they ever have any physical recollection of their past
lives or do you need to go into this mode
to tap into the Akashak records in order to figure
it out?

Speaker 3 (17:52):
So sometimes you can open up the Kashak records and
you can just find yourself in a life. I remember
having a client there that we just opened our record.
Her neck started immediately turning red and she goes, I
have a noose around my neck. I'm ready, I'm getting
ready to be hung. And so that particular time, the

guardians knew that she was ready to receive that information,
because they never share information that they're not ready to
receive with someone, and so they're always going to share
information that the person is ready to receive. In that
particular case, we just like ended up right in a
past life where another way of getting into a path

life is where we are guided in through different spaces
and where we just land in a life a path
life that way where it's like very intentional and what
path life it is can is very open ended to
where the guardians want to take the soul on that
journey in that particular session.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
More Coast to Coast am every weeknight at one am
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