Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It sign's a tool sport with Adrian Barrage.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Good morning, Barra Grass. How are your mate? Yes?
Speaker 1 (00:08):
Not well, yes, considering it was about still thirty one
degrees and four o'clock this morning when I got up.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Yeah, no, I'm hanging in there.
Speaker 1 (00:16):
I just heard Mikayla say it's thirty two at the
moment and thirty three shortly and it's hoped nobody lights
up by the way, Fingers crossed for the Fieries.
Speaker 2 (00:24):
Especially, they've got enough on their plates.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Buggers Boxing day test at the MCG. We're looking forward
to that, Yes, looking forward to boxing day for the
cricket and we're looking forward to just twenty five Greeks.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
That's the reason why we're looking forward to. I thought
you're going to say the sales or something. It's going
to be. It's going to be a boiler. You have
changed it has.
Speaker 1 (00:44):
Been, mate, That's right because it's exciting because the Australian
nineteen year old opener Sam Constance will make his taboo
and against Boomra, you know, the best fast bottle in
the world probably at the moment, desperate Woomrat.
Speaker 2 (00:58):
It's what a challenge.
Speaker 1 (00:59):
But the prodigy, the kid he's He scored his first
ton when he was eight in an under thirteen's game,
so like he's been he's been coming. So we've all
scored a ton out in the backyard though, haven't we.
Yeah yeah, exactly six and out and all that. But
this was a proper ton in a match, so the
kid must be good. But you're right, Melbourne said, for
the hottest day for the first of the Boxing Day Test. Ever, wow,
ever thirty nine, we're sending it. We're sending it your this.
It was also great to see Nathan McSweeney last night.
I don't know if you watched the Big Bash, probably
I saw that the stuff on, yeah, but I saw
the highlights and he sent a message, didn't he? In fact,
because we were seventy eight not out when they got
across the line, and of course all the reporters all
they could say.
Speaker 2 (01:49):
Was was that a message? Were you sending a message?
Stick it up? And was that? But oh no, no, no,
he's too smart for that. You're not going to say
like that.
Speaker 1 (01:58):
And he was banned the match after being unceremoniously dumped
from the Test team. So it's been an interesting week
because the Indians are blown up to luxe because Verrat
flew into Melbourne and the media happened to be there
only because looking for Scott Boland, who was going you know,
he was at the airport as well, and they go, hey,
it's Verrat and so Scotty just got wiped and off
goes the media chasing Verrat, who unfortunately had his young
kids with him and he's super, super super protective of
his kids. They're very young, and I get it, you know,
he's a multi millionaire and Mumbai goes out with like
fifty security staff fifty well to get through the crowd
and stuff like that, and he would need it there.
So he's had a bit of a showdown with the
Victorian media and the Melbourne one in particular, yeah one
one Channel nine reporter.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
And then so the payback was.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
Ravindra, Ravinda, Judaja well done okay, who was.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
A very good all rounder, and Hicky named us.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
He had a press conference like a day later or
two days later, and he refused to speak in English,
which was it was a very good tactic because there's
no way you can put anything on it.
Speaker 2 (03:12):
But they did it twice and again it was a
big stitch up.
Speaker 1 (03:16):
So I don't know what you think about those sort
of tactics, but you know, India are sort of lauren
to themselves and I sort of.
Speaker 2 (03:23):
Get it with because Firet's kids. I get that.
Speaker 1 (03:25):
But to do that sort of thing when the kids,
when Ravenda can clearly speak English.
Speaker 2 (03:31):
If only it hadn't arraigned in Brisbane.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
Yeah it could have been. Yeah exactly. Now we're in
the balance. It's got to keep it's got to keep
our powder dry. WA's claimed the Rod Marsh Trophy too.
I don't know if you know about that, the under nineteen.
So we're still a great a great cricket stuff future
w A and the scorch is flying. They got a
chance to take on the Renegades tonight. Jie Richardson's back
in Melbourne with his test team. So Bryce Jackson looks
like he's coming in the Albany Boy fast bowler from
Albany right fast baller. Yeah, we love them that we
started with. Dennis Lee just got actually started with way
back before then as well. I reckon Andrew Tie might
play as well. I wanted this touch on AFL. I
just saw in my mailbox I got the annual report
from the West Coast Eagles and my friend Don Pike,
who's the CEO there now. It's detailing the changes at
the club and the future direction. It was a really
good letter or a really good summary of what is
going on. And he's doing an enormous job alongside the
board of the West Coast Eagles. So people that have
gone obviously Gaff and Darling, two huge names. Nisbet who'd
been there twenty five years a CEO. Yeah, Simmo the
coach been there eleven years.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
He did go.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
Trevor Woodhouse in recruiting for thirty two years, Ryan O'Brien,
Rowan O'Brien thirty three years, the great Rosslyn Didning steps
away and a bit of retirement. So this is a
rebuild off the field, yeah, you know the head physio
Gary Stocks and media manager twenty four years, so it
really is a refresh after winning. Has this only won
ten games across three competitions AFL, AFL, W and waffle
in two years. Yeah, ten games, three commons in two years,
so the only ways up. He was basically saying we
needed to have a change, which is fair enough, fair enough,
and I wanted to mention Cozy Picket too. Now do
you know the Melbourne star Cosey Picket because I Picket,
I know the name.
Speaker 2 (05:30):
Yeah, very very good player.
Speaker 1 (05:31):
He's playing in the Indigenous All Stars game in February
Optics Stadium, which has the greatest number of talented young
forwards and small forwards ever seen ever. A mass you
know when you goes through a Bobby Hill and Calamarchie
and Cousey Picket, Shay Bolton. I don't know who's going
to stop them all. They're playing the Dockers. So Jordan
Clark's got a plan about six blugs, and so does
young Walker.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
You know what I mean, Like this super but this
kid has this He grew up in queriting from the
bush are Yeah, but I know we're citing.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Yeah, yeah, that's per demon Zone idolized his uncle Byron Picket.
Do you remember Byron who won the normswith medal, Yeah,
for Port Adelaide.
Speaker 2 (06:13):
How many years ago that was? Yeah? That was gee?
That was twenty wasn't it twenty? Twenty years ago? Two
decades ago? Byron Pickett won the Norms with medal. Yeah, mate.
Can you believe how fast time it's going? Sometimes? Yeah?
Slow days, fast years? Is that the way to somebody,
I think, yeah, it can be like that. Yeah, don't
you reckon.
Speaker 1 (06:34):
It feels like this year gone, just go almost into
the new Year's now.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
Speaker 1 (06:39):
There's been a fantastic tournament going on in golf. It's
called the PGA's Parent Child Tournament. Bring your kid to School,
that's the word it is. It's all the greats, including
the women, Anika Sorenston and people like that, Tiger Woods,
Nick Fouldo, what's his name, Patrick Harrington, all the greats,
your name, one of them, they've got one of their
kids playing with him, or one of their sons or
daughters or whatever. And Tiger Woods and his fifteen year
old son Charlie have been taking all before them right,
and he's really coming to Charlie. He's going to be
a star, So he'll be around for a long time
and we're going to be hearing about Charlie Woods for
a long time. Off the back of his old man,
I'm gould be the greatest of all time, apart from
maybe Jack Nicholas. So they had this tournament saying it
just finished and it was sudden death between them and
Bernhard Langer and his son Jacob. There's a name from
the past, Jason Langer. It was twenty seven under. They
tied on the eighteenth and Langer, Bernard Langer has just won,
which is very pretty unpopular. Was barracking for the Woods.
It's going to imagine they wanted to see them get
up and Bernard spoiled the party. Even he said in
his speech they would sometime. They will win sometime. Don't
worry to make because he could see everrun's go.
Speaker 2 (08:02):
This is flat.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
But anyway, but there was something that remarkable that happened.
There was a piece of play that you will see
a million times today on social media, on seven news everywhere.
Charlie Woods and you're going to hear it now getting
a holding one. Oh yeah, I just gave it away.
You have to sort of know just okay, scrub what
he just said. Just picture it in your mind. Charlie
is just stepping up to the tea right now.
Speaker 2 (08:26):
Oh, really good contact. This is a great looking shot.
If it's the right number. Oh it is the right.
Charlie Woods has made an ace after fourth ow goods
that and a ace And guess what his father was
actually not?
Speaker 1 (08:50):
Watch it? Good on your dad, Well done, dad, I
could come to you don't where his dad and Charlie Woods,
I don't know where his dad was, where his dad
was that was selecting his next club was he he
was in the portoloo.
Speaker 2 (09:06):
He's actually he came out. What happened? What happened? Wow?
Speaker 1 (09:11):
Dad in one? I think, And there's a beautiful hug
and a magnificent smile. You said a million times and
getting an ace is always amazing, not that I've actually
done it.
Speaker 2 (09:20):
Apparently it's amazing. Apparently Apparently tell me good to shout
the bar. But doing it with your dad, how special
with that? But I don't care. Who's your dad? You
know who's your dad.
Speaker 1 (09:32):
Dad might not have scored the hole in one, but
I reckon he felt like he had to win exactly,
and he hasn't had that many of late and he's
really come a good And the funny bit being that
he mistered Patrick Harrington's kid, Paddy, So Patrick Harrington and
Paddy Harrington they played together. He got a hole in
one as well, and Tiger's kids were both there, so
Sam his daughter was the caddy. Charlie the fifteen year
old was there that he has with his ex wife
Ellen Nordegren Ordogren, is it yeah? Yeah, and Holly Pub's
sized divorce stuff. Charlie maybe not so much.
Speaker 2 (10:09):
Tiger, Yeah, she was pretty.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
Speaking of other fights, yes, now nicely Gyson Fury, famous
heavyweight boxer beaten by the Ukrainian Alexander Usick sick. Yeah,
we'll go with that. That Alexander, it's like Alexander. Alexander
thirty seven year old, gave a boost to the country.
He said that you need Tyson Fury. They call the
Gypsy King. He reckoned king, he reckons He was robbed
despite all the judges giving the fight to u Sick.
But maybe his mistake was he was dressed as Santa
when he came out, and he came just so he
came out as the Mariah Carey's what song would he
come out to?
Speaker 2 (10:51):
Mariah Carey? The one you've heard one all times? Oh yeah,
all I want for Christmas is a knocker? Is you
come out to that? And that does get played? How
much ruelties would you give?
Speaker 1 (11:04):
He earns about three million every year Barrow, Is that right?
Speaker 2 (11:07):
Three million?
Speaker 1 (11:08):
Just on that one, just on that one, so good
every December three million? Now, No Brice Cotton, no cats
held to thirteen points and they lost one hundred and
twenty eighty eight to Illawarra, so they're going to really
look at something there. The Cats and the glory as
we predicted. Yes Friday they won got up mate and
they they winless streak of eight A matches, so fantastic
to them. And I just wanted to send a big
congratulations to the Perth footy club. I know I'm the president,
but the new waffle w team that we've got, new
women's team. First scratch match Saturday, jes Seedinary former Eagle
won a flag with the Crows Netbull great Caitlin Bassett
just doing a spectacular job. And to see these young
women out there playing footy at lath Lane. Season starts
March twenty nine, so happy for them and congratulations. Good
fantastic Merry Christmas, and Merry Christmas to you Barrow. You
can put the pads away now, mate, you can stick
to your padlock on your sports locker. Hang up the
bootboll twenty twenty five.
Speaker 2 (12:05):
All right, you're a very ch