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November 21, 2023 9 mins


PSA: Flex needs you to clean your dishwasher.

Plus, a listener has a called in with a Loveline: Why am I always the 'Inbetween' girl?! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Clea Flex and Frooms Flex and Frooms. This is the
Flex and Frooms catch up podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
It is Flexing Rooms on Kita. I just it sucks
to come with the bad news, but you do need
to clean your dishwasher. It doesn't clean itself no matter
what the settings tell you. And also your washing machine.
And to be fair, there's a celebrity brand that you
won't hate that's just launched and it's not who you
think it's gonna be. It's not a Kardashian, it's not

a musician, it's an actor.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
Anyway, enjoyed the shapeless girl. You're listening to Flex and
Frooms on Kita.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
If you didn't grow up in a dishwasher household, I
recoon there's some shame there. I definitely grew up being
like way you guys had these. You guys had these,
and so in my late twenties now I have graduated
to a dishwasher household. There are a few things that
I did not understand about the process and the journey,
Like number one, you gotta clean your dishwasher.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Yeah, I didn't know that. Did you know that, Mickey? No?

Speaker 2 (01:00):
And we you didn't have a dish wash growing up,
so I'm not surprised one of mine. It was a
hand washed type of thing. And it's interesting though, because
it makes sense in theory that the thing that cleans
needs to be clean. Yes, but why aren't we cleaning them?

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Because you can't be bothered?

Speaker 2 (01:17):
No? Is that what it is like? For example, do
you know washing machines have to be cleaned? Yes?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
And I clean mine because I bought it in new
and it's mine. How do you clean yours? Are you
put a rint through? Like there's a rinse that you
buy and then you put it on the rint setting.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
But how are you draining it?

Speaker 1 (01:34):
It all does it itself? It's got like a cleaning function.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
What there is a separate filter. I'm not talking the
dry filter. I'm not talking the rint thing. There's a
little little plug at the bottom you gotta and there's
a different catch.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
It's so scary. The man who sold it to me,
it didn't tell me.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
What's it gonna tell you? Hey, with this thing that
you're about to buy, this extra maintenance, it's about to
be ature, not a convenience. And then I was thinking, so.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
No, no, no, no no no so so no no no
no no no no no, no, no paid. Oh the thousand
dollars for that one?

Speaker 2 (02:08):
Is it a Samsung? You've had a thousand dollars? You
got a discount the second hand? First up, I feel
like you lied. That felt like a lie you said
for the first up.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Yeah, I bought a new I was very proud of
myself you.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Hello, lovely.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Another day, another time to dissect dating culture, because it
is all around us. We were discussing it today. How
there you can buy premium Tinder for five hundred dollars
a month. That is allegedly going to work. But we'll
see about that. Today we have a cent in message
question from a dear listener, and I'm just gonna get

straight to it. Hey, gremlins, I'm coming to you from
unfortunate circumstances for which I require your feedback. Hunting. I
have been on a lot of dates this year and
have stuck in what I would say, three or four situationships.
With every situationship comes that little heartbreak you experience, you know,
the glimpse of fope that this person might be different,
and then the situation proves to end like all the others.

Babes that I really like you, but I'm not ready,
la la la la la, or it's not you, it's me,
et cetera, et cetera. Hitting some home truths there, my friend.
What has really been getting me through, though, is that
all the guys seem to get in relationships quickly after
anything's with me, whether it's getting back with an X
or a whole new girl. I am sadly the in

between girl right now, and it's left me feeling like
shite tbh. My self confidence is my self confidence is
through the floor right now. Please help, sincerely, the in
between girl. Aya ya ya yaii. Listen. I'm unsure we're
to start with this, but I'm sure we will get
to the bottom of it for you because I feel
for you, and I think there is a way to
circumvent this problem and this feeling. I will start by saying,

if you start dating somebody and they say I really
like you butt or I'm not ready, you have to
take that as truth. I feel like it's so easy
to be like, oh, but you know they might change,
or if I stick around long enough, and I have
to say I speak on behalf of everybody. Ever, I
think everyone's done that, because when you really like someone,

you're like, well, I really like them, we really get along,
so why are they of course they're going to change.
I can convince them, and that just serves to really
hurt you in the end. So what I would do
if I were in your position, young Gremlin, is the
minute that I hear someone say, oh, I'm not ready
for something. If I'm ready for something, you have to
just attach, like you literally have to cut that off immediately,

because it's so easy to it's so easy for them.
What they've essentially done is given themselves an out so
they can still enjoy spending time with you, hanging out
with you, and yeah, like they might develop feelings, but
if they don't, and they keep hanging out with you,
getting all the good things about you, they can easily
just say, oh, you know, I told you that I
wasn't interested anyway. So I think they've got too much

power over you right now, And even for your own sake,
I think it could be interesting and sometimes it's a
bit of an ego boost where you just let them
go and then see what they do. Like, think of
it as a fun game. If they're gonna play games
with you, play a game back, and meanwhile, try and
find a new a new friend to hang out with

that but I feel you, this is really hard. But yeah.
My biggest advice is when someone tells you how they feel,
understand that it would have been hard for them to
even send that message, so they mean it. Okay, you're
listening to Flex and Rooms on Kaita.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
People are getting increasingly sick of celebrity brands, but is
this one different? Listen to this video from lux Collective.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Angelina Julie is opening her own create your own Clothes
store in New York.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
Well does that even mean? So?

Speaker 3 (05:58):
The concept originated us twenty years of covering humanitarian stories.
She had uncovered some of the horror and effects of
the fashion industry and the environment, and also in the
lack of recognition to the people who actually make the clothes.
And so Angelina Jolie is open in this workshop so
that the tailors and artisans receive the credit they deserve.
So you can take in your clothes to get them
refit or reimagined and not cycled into something new, and

they'll only be using leftover quality, vintage materials or dead
stock to reduce the waste and be more sustainable.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
That is so impressive. I can't point together.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
We've got to see no complaints about this one. We've
got to see this one viral sold out, lines out
the door. It is everything that people are claiming to want,
and so this is it. In practice. We talk about
over consumption, we talk about sustainability, and we also talk
about celebrities having a responsibility to do better by themselves,

by their audiences and buy the world give them the
amount of power that they do have. They mentioned that
Angelina Jolie has spent a lot of time utilizing her
likeness and her brand too. I wouldn't say, but to
raise awareness about humanitarian crisis crises either way. So I
imagine this will go really well. It does worry me though,

because this brand has been out for about two or
three months now, and have you heard it about it?
For me? No, just come on your timeline. Are called
it's called Itelier Jolie. It sounds luck it sounds really beautiful.
I haven't seen I tried to google actual people who
have used the service, not just talking about what the
service is. You haven't seen that come through yet. I

was reading some of the comments on this video and
they were talking about there were a few people who
said that when they were studying business that they had
pitched a similar idea and their lecture had been like
that would never work. That's a bad business model. There's
no growth in it. And perhaps it is. You know,
maybe this isn't something that is going to be her
next cash cow. But I think this in itself could
start a trend. I mean, we've seen a ton of

other brands like coach Hose, coach Topia, where they're taking
their recycled they're taking older bags and dead stock bags,
ripping them apart, and you can make your own one
of a kind bad cool. So it's happening slowly, but surely.
I just think that there's a bit of a marketing
problem with these things. They feel quite underground in the know.
You have to know to know, or be really interested

in just the news cycle to be across it. It's
not really going viral like I would have assumed it would,
but I'll keep you posted on how it goes, and
hopefully this time next week I can find someone who's
actually been before.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Yes please, type of FLEXI is a big question.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Where I pose the question. It helps you unpack what
you think, why you think it, and who is influencing
the way that you think. I rip these questions from
my conversation card game reflex because why think about them
from scratch when I already thought about them once before.
This is a really good one. It's a bit of positivity.
I don't want to do that because positivity gets boring sometimes.

But question of the week, what keeps you hopeful when
everything around you is falling apart? I feel as though
when we look at people who we perceive to be optimistic,
they're mostly into in a way that just serves to
hurt them in future. Like people who are so in
denial about everything around them. You're like, Okay, your time
is coming. But when you're actively aware of the world, life, society,

what keeps you hopeful and in a good mood. Kind
of reminds me of that conversation we have with Clementine Ford,
and she was talking about how cis hat women feel
hopeful about marriage and it working out for them because
even though the stats say otherwise, they see a depiction
of romance or a depiction of union, and they think, oh,
that could be memm hmm, Clementine. The gift that keeps

on giving anyway, if you want to answer this question.
Go to our Instagram story it's Flex and Frooms. There'll
be a question box. Put your answer in there, and
then on Thursday, I'll read out a few anonymously and
we shall discuss anxiety with Flex and Firms on CADA.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
You've been listening to the Flex and Frooms Daily podcast.
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