All Episodes

January 21, 2025 47 mins



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Haley and Max in the morning.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
With these two together, anything can happen.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
Haileen Maxis haircuts for Haley.

Speaker 4 (00:12):
I'm Haley, Haley Pierce and everyone, nice to meet you.

Speaker 5 (00:16):
He just Max. You're Haley.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 5 (00:18):
Yesterday showed us a picture.

Speaker 6 (00:19):
Where she'd butchered her young son's hair the week before
he goes back to school.

Speaker 5 (00:22):
And ruined his life. And now stop to make.

Speaker 6 (00:26):
It up to him by doing it to someone else.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
I'm I'm going to do a great haircut on someone today.
I've brought him my haircut trolley. Yeah, my haircut, I've
got capes, I've got everything. This is really exciting and
to celebrate, we thought everyone that calls the show today
can win a free haircut one hundred dollars inc.

Speaker 5 (00:44):
Haircut Aboucher.

Speaker 6 (00:46):
You just had to give us a ring on thirty
one or two three at Lease from lights View has
done exactly that morning a lease. Let me ask you
an important question. First up, have you got hair?

Speaker 2 (00:56):
I do indeed have hair.

Speaker 7 (00:57):
I have quite a lot of it.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Tell me more about your hair.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Is it like shoulder length or does it go down
past your your low.

Speaker 7 (01:05):
It's kind of like a mid lower back like Rah
strap length, and I wanted to grow it for my wedding,
but now I'm probably gonna have my hair up, so
I thought, what's the point.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Then I'm going to cut it off.

Speaker 4 (01:16):
I'm quite good at braids.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
If you want me to come over and do that,
not for you, I.

Speaker 7 (01:25):
Will take a braid if Hailey is offering.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
Though people love free things.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Hair things are expensive these days.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
Picture of what you did your son? At least what
do you do for work?

Speaker 8 (01:36):
I work as a paramedic.

Speaker 6 (01:38):
Thank you having long hair as a paramedic to save lives.

Speaker 9 (01:43):
No, well see I put it up in a bun
for work, but even then it still gets in the way.

Speaker 6 (01:47):
So well, I mean, at least we can do your
saving lives. We can save your hair. We'll give you
one hundred dollars z hair come out, ladies. Thank you
so much.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Guys, I really appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Thank you for calling the show this morning. Have the best.

Speaker 6 (02:01):

Speaker 4 (02:01):
He saved some lives.

Speaker 5 (02:03):
Yeah, please, I will.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
We don't start very similar jobs here. We save lives,
don't If you get if a triple zero call comes
through it About eight forty five today from.

Speaker 6 (02:12):
An eighteen year old in North Adelaide, because Hailey's had
a slip with the clippers.

Speaker 10 (02:17):
All right, he congratulations, a lease, get on throughout the
show when your one hundred dollars in haircut voucher zinc
the element of hair. Come get the look at their
Plimpton Nord and only Salon's.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
And next, let's find out.

Speaker 10 (02:29):
How we got here and the whole journey of Haley
absolutely butchering her son's hair.

Speaker 4 (02:34):
Stop saying that.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
I did a great haircut.

Speaker 10 (02:38):
Thank you very much, lad you decide Next Hailey and
Max in the morning, here thinks the week's homes.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Hailey Maxis haircuts with.

Speaker 10 (02:48):
Haley all right now, after butchering her son's hair and
an at home haircut, Hailey wants redemption to prove she
can cut hair. Today, eighteen year old Hayden is Harley
Pearson's client.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Hear how we've got to this point so far?

Speaker 2 (03:01):
My dad was a hairdresser in Adelaide for fifty years.

Speaker 1 (03:04):

Speaker 2 (03:04):
I feel like I'm naturally good at it. I decided
that I would cut my thirteen year old's hair.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
I'm going to show you the photo.

Speaker 6 (03:12):
Oh, I don't even have to zoom in to see
the problem here problem He's got a shelf on his head.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
It's kind of like a Miranda because he's got really
straight hair. It's a difficult haircut to do. No, okay,
don't blame it.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
On the hairmail.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
It's the hair.

Speaker 5 (03:27):
This is all you.

Speaker 6 (03:28):
You've given your son a shelf just before he goes
back to school.

Speaker 4 (03:31):
We have since fixed it. Okay, So you admit.

Speaker 5 (03:34):
There was something that needed fixing.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
I didn't think it needed fixing. And he actually liked it.
Austin was a happy client.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
That's because he can't see the back of his head.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
That's because he loves his mother and he thinks his
mom's a really good hairdresser.

Speaker 5 (03:45):
That's truly.

Speaker 6 (03:46):
I appreciate you saving the cash. It's a terrible haircut,
so it's a free haircut.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
And what the thing is, I just loved doing it.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
I wanted you it more. That doesn't make it better.

Speaker 4 (03:56):
Just your opinion doesn't count.

Speaker 5 (03:57):
My opinion is it's terrible. And if you don't try me,
we're getting Wayna.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
No, don't don't get my dad in the ways.

Speaker 6 (04:04):
Fifty years in the industry. He's been around the world
cutting hair. No one knows good haircuts better than Wayno. Hi,
what do you think you've seen the picture? What did
she do to your grandson?

Speaker 7 (04:15):
I know it's in New Jess and you've seen lots
of haircuts. That don't mean you can cut hair now.

Speaker 11 (04:19):
After this haircut is affectually.

Speaker 10 (04:21):
Known as chopper yeah, or Hailey the happy hacker.

Speaker 5 (04:26):
Whatever you want to do, Alice is her hands looking.

Speaker 12 (04:28):
At the haircut.

Speaker 13 (04:29):
Often liked his haircut, by the way, because she.

Speaker 7 (04:32):
Left a bit of hair on top, but there.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Was nothing underneath.

Speaker 6 (04:34):
Virtually shaved all the.

Speaker 10 (04:35):
Way around, almost like she put a pot on top
of his head and shaved.

Speaker 7 (04:39):
All the way around with the clippers and then left
the top. Then she couldn't help herself.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
She had to keep on hacking into it.

Speaker 6 (04:45):
Yeah, it was an absolute haircom So no particular approval
from you, ano none at all.

Speaker 13 (04:50):
Leave it to all the professional hairdresses.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Whatever I want to cut someone's hair for free, just
call it. Do you want me to cut your hair?

Speaker 5 (04:56):
If you want to fry a top now?

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Kylie in Holden Hill, Hello.

Speaker 8 (05:03):
Hello Hattie.

Speaker 6 (05:05):
I was under the impression that we were only cutting
boy's hair.

Speaker 8 (05:08):
It's my eighteen year old son and I've been trying
to get him to tackle this long, curly mop for
three years. Oh, so good luck, Haylee.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
Does it mean a lot to him? Does he know
I'm going to cut his hair?

Speaker 8 (05:22):
He doesn't know it's you, but he knows he's getting it?

Speaker 5 (05:24):
Yeah, Okay, can you describe them up for us?

Speaker 8 (05:27):
It's halfway down his back. He's a mousey brown, never
done anything to it. He hasn't even had a trim
for three years.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
Kylie, you just wait. It runs in my jeans. I
am a hairdresser.

Speaker 5 (05:39):
Oh, Kylie, my heart.

Speaker 6 (05:42):
I really hope she does a better job than what
she did to her own son.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
I wait to meet him.

Speaker 5 (05:46):
What's his name of, Kylie?

Speaker 4 (05:48):
Hayden, Hayden and Harley.

Speaker 5 (05:50):
Wow, I feel so bad for your son. Thanks, Kylie,
all right, thank you, Haley and Max.

Speaker 10 (05:56):
In the morning, Haley, butchering another kid's hair todation. Your
own son's here with an that home haircut. She wants
redemption to prove she can cut here. So eighteen year
old Hayden is Hairley's client this morning. He's coming in
in about an hour and it's going to go awfully.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
Stop saying that it's gonna be amazing.

Speaker 6 (06:12):
It's going to be terrible. Speaking, You're terrible. I had
a borderline terrible experience. I had an appointment recently, something
that I go to like semi regularly. Tell me if
I'm wrong to raise my eyebrows at this. So it's
a week before Christmas. I have forgot the appointment, because
everything in the world happens the week before Christmas. I
get a notification on my phone ten minutes beforehand because

I put it in my calendar.

Speaker 5 (06:36):

Speaker 6 (06:36):
So you've got an appointment in ten minutes. I'm like, crap,
I'm twenty minutes away. So I jump in the car
as quick as I can. I'm going to give these
people a ring, and I'm gonna let him know that
I've made a mistake and I'm just going to be
ten minutes late. I hope that's okay. So I pick
up the phone, pick up the phone, pick up the
phone and.

Speaker 5 (06:59):
It rings to I think twice, and then they pick up.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Yeah right, hello Hairo by BBB speaking.

Speaker 6 (07:07):
So I get on to them and I say, the
lady at the desk, I'm just I'm sorry, I'm coming.
I'll be ten minutes late. That's not a problem. If
there's someone asked me, just just like push them forward,
and she instantly is like defensive. She's just like, we're
very busy. You might have to wait a long time.
So yeah, that's okay. Just put the person after.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
It's all good.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
You can't just rearrange her appointment.

Speaker 6 (07:30):
I understand that, but they're short appointments. This is like
an hour long appointment. I'm only going to be five
or ten minutes late. Anyway, I get, I hang up
the phone with her. We don't have a hang up,
no noise, It's okay. I hang up the phone with her,
and I'm like, oh god, I didn't go well. I
walk in and go, I'm like eight minutes late. She goes,
that's fine, you know.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
In you go.

Speaker 6 (07:50):
As I come back out after my appointment, which again
very brief, she picks up the phone as I'm about
to pay, I just wait a second, Max. Yeah, all good,
No worries. Hi, it's so and so from so and so.
Oh okay, not a problem. No, that's fine, you know,
and I will see you in ten minutes. It's the
person after me has called and said they're going to

be ten minutes late, and has got the nicest reception
from the reception.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Say it's you.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
It must have been Ton And I was so true.

Speaker 5 (08:22):
I was like, I'm so sorry, I'm ten minutes late,
but I'm coming.

Speaker 4 (08:24):
But you like that You said it in sour max voice,
didn't you?

Speaker 5 (08:28):
And she's picked it up.

Speaker 6 (08:29):
Right in front of me to the next caller ten
minutes later and given the complete opposite tone.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
And I wanted to know, Hayley, is it me? Yes?

Speaker 6 (08:38):

Speaker 2 (08:38):
Because it would have been if it would have been
a woman on the other end, someone like me, And God,
I'm so so sorry. I never do this. I'm so sorry.
I really need my back done. Can I please come.
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
It's not You wouldn't have said sorry because you wouldn't
have had much.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Emotion in your voice if I didn't.

Speaker 6 (08:53):
If I was an asshole, I wouldn't have called. I
would have just rocked up and expected to work.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Yeah, so true, But you don't know about what was
happening in her life. I have had a really hard
day in the morning. She might have broken up with
her husband. And then you pull with your angry voice
this TV stars coming in getting his back cracked again?
Who knows?

Speaker 4 (09:11):
Do you know what the best thing you can do
is actually find out.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
You should actually call them and see like, Hey, was
it something that I said? Was it me?

Speaker 5 (09:18):
I'm a nice guy.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
I know you're a nice guy, but sometimes you can
come across the other ways.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Let's do this.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
True nice little peppermint tea over there for you today, Maxie. Yeah,
as we sip on that beautiful team, I'm going to
tell you what's happening in Hollywood at the moment. This
is probably the most confusing but captivating lawsuit of all time.
I even googled this over summer because I just randomly

want to know exactly what happened. But Blake Lively and
Justin Baldoni have gotten even more complicated. So both parties
are suing each other over the control of the movie
that they were in together, defamation, and accusations of a
multi million dollars smear campaign. So part of Blake's lawsuit
includes allegations that Justin sexually harassed her on set. He's

suing for defamation.

Speaker 4 (10:18):
It's all over this bit of audio that.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
That finally has been released that apparently he was doing
things in this audio that she sang, but it sounds
like it actually wasn't happening.

Speaker 4 (10:28):
We have the audio here, have a listen.

Speaker 12 (10:32):
One cure.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
My nose is so big.

Speaker 3 (10:41):
You can address this.

Speaker 11 (10:44):
Just kidding.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
So that was apparently where there was a bit of
sexual harassment, but it sounds like he's having a little
bit of a fun time together. So that was released
by Justin Baldoni's team. It is so confusing, but I
just find it so fascinating each other so much. Who's
sim Blake, I mean, she was gossip Girl. I loved
I've always loved her. And Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, who's the

other guy anyway? Yeah? Justin faster, nice bowl of Baldoni.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
Oh, extra farmsan on my Baldoni? Please? All right?

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Speaking of Justin to Justin Bieber, now, he's actually set
the record straight regarding a recent post he apparently followed
his wife, Hayley Bieber on Instagram. Can I just say
though he has a blue tick. When you have a
blue tick, it's almost impossible to be hacked. He's saying
he was hacked. Someone else went into his account and

unfollowed his wife.

Speaker 6 (11:41):
I'm going to hack Dustin Bieber. I'm gonna have access.
There's so much darth and what I'm gonna.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Do is I'll show you what with one little click? Anyway,
they're back on and then one more story. It's time
for one more story, don't know? Yeah, okay, one more story.
We're still got have pepmint tea to go. Hugh Jackman
and his new girlfriend Sutton Foster have allegedly been trying
to get together for a while. This is juicy. So
apparently hughes ex debor Lee Furnes and Sutton's X they

would go out as a foursome.

Speaker 5 (12:11):
M listening listening to me. Turn the music so I
can listen harder.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
I feel like you're not listening to my special gossip.

Speaker 6 (12:18):
Do we have time for one more story? And then
you've derailed your own story.

Speaker 4 (12:22):
Keep me in the eye with them talking to you
about celebrity stuff.

Speaker 5 (12:24):
They had a foursome, so they had so they used.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
To go out for dinners and stuff.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
And then they would hurt with each other.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Yeah, and then all the people because she's an actress
as well, would say that they would see them hugging
for ages in the hallway.

Speaker 5 (12:36):
So they've gone on a double date.

Speaker 6 (12:37):
But really they just wanted to date each other, even
though they and their partners were just sitting there all
for me eating their bow donies with Farmers.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
And that's my celebrity podcasts.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
Hot Tea, all.

Speaker 10 (12:49):
Right, give hot tea mixed one two three dot com
that I use. Can we give away another thousand dollars?

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Let's go.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
Mean mixes, Money Masters.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
We guarantee a winner every week. It's bloody easy. We
already gave away a one thousand dollars this week. Let's
do it again. Ten questions, sixty seconds.

Speaker 6 (13:13):
It's as easy as that Courtney in old Inger is
playing today. Courtney, good morning, Amber had a win yesterday.
What are you going to spend your winnings on?

Speaker 5 (13:23):

Speaker 7 (13:23):
I don't know yet. Hopefully maybe some shopping or some bills.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Are you feeling like really on it today? Because you've
only got sixty seconds and I get really panicky. You
know that you can all the time, all my mons.

Speaker 7 (13:38):
My high is counting right now, so probably not.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
The pressure, Courtney. It's your measurable. What do you do
for work? Courtney?

Speaker 2 (13:45):
I'm a nurse? Oh you a good person?

Speaker 5 (13:48):
Safe life? You can answer ten?

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Can we just give her one thousand because she's a nurse?

Speaker 5 (13:52):
Otherwise that I don't have that much money?

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Okay, all right, this may be a good thing or
a terrible thing. But I have been given the job
to do the questions today. So I've been practicing over
and over because I get.

Speaker 5 (14:05):
Really ned you that you're nervous. Courty in the studio. Yes,
she'll be fine. Ten questions, sixty seconds.

Speaker 6 (14:13):
We'll give you ten bucks right for every correct answer anyway,
so you should be in some cash.

Speaker 5 (14:16):
Get them all right, and you get your You get
your thousand dollars.

Speaker 6 (14:19):
We have to accept your first answer, and if you
pass on a question, we'll come back to it at
the end.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
All right, Okay, yep, okay, everyone breathe. Are we ready?
I'm not ready, Ailey, I'm really nervous.

Speaker 4 (14:32):
My heart is Okay, read.

Speaker 6 (14:33):
My friends, let's do this. Ready, you say your time
starts now?

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Okay, time starts now. What color is the Microsoft PowerPoint
logo blue?

Speaker 4 (14:47):
Who sings the eighties hit take on Me?

Speaker 2 (14:51):
Huh? What is the capital of Vawatu?

Speaker 6 (14:56):
Oh? My god?

Speaker 4 (14:58):
Who is a cousin President of the United States?

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Donald Trump? Who voices Elsa in Frozen Half Path? What
is the name of the Tasmanian team in the Big
Bash League.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
They're in Hobart.

Speaker 2 (15:16):

Speaker 7 (15:16):
Oh my god?

Speaker 4 (15:17):
Which paper size is bigger A four or a five?

Speaker 2 (15:21):
A four? What color is one hundred dollar note?

Speaker 14 (15:25):

Speaker 4 (15:26):
Jasmine and a boreo are both types of What.

Speaker 5 (15:32):
Have we you carry?

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Which marine fish shares its name with a popular haircut?

Speaker 5 (15:39):
Huh No, dear pa, what's your name?

Speaker 2 (15:44):

Speaker 10 (15:44):
Another ten barks only because Haley went too slow and
stuffed up a bit.

Speaker 6 (15:49):
We've got it in there, Okay, so let's go through
the results. Okay, we've got a bit of cash in here.
The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.
A four is bigger than a five? Paper one hundred
dollar notes of green? Unfortunately, you won't be seeing one
of those today.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Courtney, we have given you.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
Your name is Courtney, so that's forty bucks for you. Whatever,
it's not so bad. Let's let's all learn a little
bit here.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
The color of the Microsoft PowerPoint logo is not blue,
it's orange.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
These orange singer think of it.

Speaker 5 (16:27):
I know it's tough.

Speaker 6 (16:28):
The singer of the eighties hit Take On Me was
aha couple of vatu is port ve La. That's tough,
and this one's tough to Who voices Elsa in Frozen
Idina Menzel?

Speaker 5 (16:38):
Has she done anything other than vena Elson.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
No, never even heard of it.

Speaker 6 (16:43):
The name of the Tasmanian team in the Big Bash
is the Hobart Hurricanes. Jazz and ar Boreo are both
types of rice with chicken and the marine fish. You'll
kick yourself when you hear this marine fish that shares
its name with a popular haircut. Mullet thought me, yes,

the short back in sideitch.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
I was thinking, Ny, it's very stressful. You did a
great job. Forty bucks is all yours.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Thank you, guys, thanks.

Speaker 5 (17:20):
And saving all our lives. We appreciate you.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
Thank you.

Speaker 11 (17:23):
No worries.

Speaker 2 (17:27):

Speaker 3 (17:27):
Maxis kind of Haley, all right, this is happening.

Speaker 10 (17:31):
Haley Peerson absolutely butchered her son's hair with an at
home haircut. She wants redemption to prove she came cut hair.
It's in the jeans. Eighteen year old Hayden is Haley's
fire this morning. He's coming in minutes, but you're going
to warm up on Max.

Speaker 1 (17:45):

Speaker 2 (17:45):
My thought, because you know, when we studied hair dressing
in Taste, we always.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
Used to start with the styling session.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
I've got Max next to me, and I thought, before
Hayden walks in because I'm just between us a little
bit nervous.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
Yeah, I'm counting this as a mission that you are
now starting to realize maybe you don't have a god
given gift to cut hair.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
Normally at tape when I study, we do it on
the dummies. I've got a real person. But that's okay,
he'll be fine. Yeah, I'm quite confident. But I just
wanted to style your hair because you're obviously on the
news every night.

Speaker 6 (18:16):
Now, I will not let you anywhere near my hair
with scissors or a buzz cutter.

Speaker 4 (18:20):
Okay, that is a deal.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
But what we do have is some really nice hair
gel cream.

Speaker 5 (18:26):
So it looks like a wax or a cream like
a panacotta.

Speaker 6 (18:29):
It actually looks like it would taste pretty good if
you have a spoonful of it.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
Okay, So I'm gonna style Max's hair, which you will
wear on the news tonight.

Speaker 5 (18:36):
Ah, there's a chance that I have a shower between
now and then news to so.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
But as you step into my salon, that's Harley's salon.

Speaker 5 (18:44):
Do you even know the name of it?

Speaker 4 (18:46):
Yeah, hair by Hairley?

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Is that what my name's called?

Speaker 5 (18:50):
Hair about?

Speaker 2 (18:52):
If I just held this up for you, Oh, haircuts
by Hairley. So yeah, that's my branding, my marketing team they.

Speaker 5 (18:58):
Always been to the name.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
They've made some capes for me. So you're going to
whack your capeon. I'm going to start doing your hair.
You gonna to take your headphones off.

Speaker 6 (19:07):
Traditionally when you go to the hairdressers, do you put
your own cape on?

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Or sorry?

Speaker 4 (19:11):
Mate, comes take a seat down, which I can tell
you're a coffee.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
Yeah white with one barber that I go to says
do you want to beer? And I'm like, no, man,
it's ten am. Of course I don't.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
I'm not a barber. I'm a full hairdresser.

Speaker 2 (19:23):
Okay, so Max has got his Max has got his capeon.
I will say, we are filming this, so you need
to jump on our socials and see the amazing work
that I do.

Speaker 5 (19:32):
It's styling.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
I'm going to start.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
Is an asurd amount of gel I go all in.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
First of all, I'm going to brush your fringe down.
We're going to go like fall Out Boy kind of emo.

Speaker 5 (19:45):
Do you know how microphones work?

Speaker 2 (19:46):
This is slightly thicker than the one I've missed.

Speaker 10 (19:50):
It looks like a whole whack of whipped cream on
Max's hair right now.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Okay, you're looking nice because you've got a really nice face.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
I like your bone structure.

Speaker 5 (19:57):
What style are you going for here?

Speaker 6 (19:59):
Usually I just have it sort of swept over to
the side and off my face for TV.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Yeah, I thought for this you could do something different
because Max has an amazing head of hair. Like, you'll
never lose your hair. It's going to be really nice
and thick for your whole life.

Speaker 5 (20:12):
So I tell you what I'm speaking of.

Speaker 6 (20:13):
Thick. It honestly feels like you've put two kilos of
wax in my hair.

Speaker 4 (20:19):
It's not the one that I'm used to.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
Sorry, it's slightly heavy, but it's looking really good. And
one's going to stick that down there over your eyebrow.

Speaker 5 (20:27):
I thought it's Burjo from the other side. You're an independent,
partial observer.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
You do look like the lead singer of an emo
pop punk got me.

Speaker 5 (20:35):
Some fall out boy, you know a bit of my
chemical romance.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
It's actually quite good, guys, if you look like if
you squint, honestly, it feels like I'm wearing a swimming cat. Okay,
I'm much better at cutting than I am styling, but
we will.

Speaker 5 (20:49):
Can I get a mirror. You get a mirror in
this slum. Guys, I'm going to see what you've done
to me.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
I'm really the big reveal. Max, what do you think?

Speaker 2 (20:58):

Speaker 6 (20:59):
I feel so bad for the guy that's about to
have you do permanent hair to him.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Okay, your hair is difficult to deal with. I'm going
to be better at hated.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Okay, we're going to meet Hayden in a couple of minutes.

Speaker 10 (21:12):
We want to know thirteen one oh two three your
haircut horror story.

Speaker 6 (21:16):
Just want to look like I had to hang out
in a playground because I want to go on the swings.

Speaker 10 (21:24):
Thirty one oh two three. Give us your haircut horror stories.
Every caller who gets on air wins a one hundred
dollars Zinc haircut voucher. So call now Zinc the Element
of Hair, Come and get the look at their primpted
Nord and Only salons makes one or two point three
Here thanks a week's homes Hailey and Max in the morning,

eighteen degrees right now our tops of twenty eight around Adelaide.
Today we have got for everyone who gets on air today.
I had one hundred dollars Zinc haircut voucher Zinc The
Element of Hair, Come and get the look at their Plimpton,
Nord and Only salons.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
Hailey Maxis hair Cuts with Haley.

Speaker 5 (22:04):

Speaker 6 (22:04):
Hairley Pierson over here has taken up the scissors and
is cutting her son's hair and she's absolutely destroyed it
the week before he goes back to school and has
killed all of his self confidence.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
He liked the haircuts because he couldness see the back
of it, so he liked it.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
It looked like he was wearing a hat back to
his round.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Yeah, there's a little veranda of the back.

Speaker 5 (22:23):
Yeah, there was.

Speaker 6 (22:24):
So what we're doing is you're trying to prove to
us that you can cut hair, and you've started off
by styling my hair to make me look like Pete
Wentz from fall Out Boy.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
It's hot.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
It actually looks really good on you. Yeah, you would
have worn that back in the day.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
I'm all ready to release a very deep and dark
and meaningful album.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
Please do I think his best interview I'm.

Speaker 5 (22:43):
Radio h You know it's just mood apathetic.

Speaker 6 (22:46):
But we have eighteen year old Hayden coming in, who
is going to be your first and maybe last real client.

Speaker 5 (22:51):
He has got big long hair.

Speaker 6 (22:54):
In the meantime while he drives in here, we're going
to make him feel a little bit better if he's
listening to the radio.

Speaker 5 (22:58):
Because I'm thirty one O two three.

Speaker 6 (23:00):
We wanted your haircut horror stories, silly idea, Norell.

Speaker 5 (23:04):
And Mount Barker.

Speaker 6 (23:05):
Have you got a haircut horror story from high school
for us?

Speaker 2 (23:09):

Speaker 8 (23:10):
I sure have. So it was back in the eighties
and I had a friend who was giving out free
haircuts in her apprenticeship. So cueued up for a lovely trim.
I had the perm on top precision cut over the ear,
and as she was going in for that precision, she
sliced the top of my ear.

Speaker 6 (23:25):
Oh yeah, are we talking like a little cut that
just bleeds a bit or you've lost a bit of ear.

Speaker 7 (23:30):
In or l I lost a bit of ear. It
was actually like a disc of skin.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
I mean it did grow back eventually, but yeah, a
lot of bloodshed and navigating around the ear yet.

Speaker 5 (23:43):
So he's either going to lose a bit of ear
or have hair a.

Speaker 7 (23:49):
Yeah, just just leaves like a comb over bit just
for safety.

Speaker 5 (23:54):
Did you ever let your friend near you again? No?

Speaker 8 (23:57):
And the demands for her free haircuts dropped considerably after
that incident.

Speaker 2 (24:03):
Thanks for sharing that.

Speaker 5 (24:05):
No worry, it's not going to cut your ear. Zinc
zin Zinc Haircut Vouch.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
All right, I don't know why we're doing this, but
Vanessa has called up in Shiadow Park. Hello, what's your
haircut horror story?

Speaker 9 (24:21):
Well, I have to Actually the first one was when
I grabbed the wrong pair of scissors. I was supposed
to be sinning on a fringe and I grabbed my
point cutters and took a whole chunk out and there
was no coming back from that one. I tried to
hear it out and then.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
Put some more hair over the top that.

Speaker 9 (24:40):
Short clear Patra fringe look on the client. That was
like a centermeter and a half long.

Speaker 6 (24:47):
It's very cool inner Melbourne suburbs.

Speaker 7 (24:50):
It was, but not a few years ago.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Also as a hairdresser, you still make mistakes.

Speaker 9 (24:56):
Oh you do you do?

Speaker 5 (24:57):

Speaker 9 (24:57):
And the second one, well I've learnt now. I I
always start a men's haircut from the back, not from
the front. I thought I'd just change it up and
start at the front, and too busy talking and click
picked up the wrong clipper garden.

Speaker 7 (25:10):
It fell off and.

Speaker 9 (25:11):
I ended up doing a zero straight through the front
gender or head.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
So I ended up being a baldy for a while.

Speaker 5 (25:19):
And this is friar tuck.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
You do you do?

Speaker 2 (25:22):
You have a job right now? Would you like to
work for me?

Speaker 7 (25:25):
I work from home.

Speaker 9 (25:27):
I worked from home and been doing that for.

Speaker 6 (25:32):
I mean, you can't cut your own hair, so Zink
will do it for you. Got one hundred dollars in
haircut oucher. Thank you for calling with a couple of
horror stories to make Haley feel even better. Let's round
it out Danny in Lewiston. Danny, you have the haircut
horror story that I think no one wants to hear.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
It is a wedding haircut.

Speaker 7 (25:50):
It is so two days before my wedding, I was
getting all my roots touched up and perfecting the blonde
that had taken months to get and I went home.
She sent me home with china on my hair and
told me to rinse it out before I go to bed.
And I rinted it out and it came out brown
and red.

Speaker 5 (26:06):
Instead of blonde.

Speaker 7 (26:07):
Oh, completely blonde was completely gone covered. I looked like chocolate,
a chocolate browny red color.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
It tells you to go home and rint it out yourself.

Speaker 7 (26:17):
Yeah, pretty pretty crazy and this is somebody was name
for years and all the rest of it. So telling
her what happened, I later found out I was called
a bridezilla over dramatic, having a meltdown. And when I said, yeah,
when I sent photos, oh it's okay, wait till we
blow dry, it looks fabulous, I said, yeah, no, there's
no coming back from.

Speaker 5 (26:36):
This red color in the hair.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
No, no, no.

Speaker 7 (26:40):
Will you tell her that? But in the end it
ended up being two blink bleach rinsers at the hotel
the night before my wedding.

Speaker 4 (26:48):
Oh, dad, is just horrifying.

Speaker 5 (26:52):
Pretty that scars you for life. The least we can
do is give you a haircut.

Speaker 7 (26:58):
Cheers, guys, much appreciated, Thank you for sharing.

Speaker 6 (27:01):
You'll be fine, mate, It's gone so well.

Speaker 10 (27:05):
For who on zink the Element of hair come get
the look at their plimted nord and only shallon.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
Haileen Maxis hair cuts with Harley.

Speaker 5 (27:16):
Yeah, we're doing it because Hailey cut her eighteen year.

Speaker 6 (27:19):
Old that not her eighteen eleven year old son's eighteen
year old son's hair, and absolutely butchered it, ruined it
before he goes back to school.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
Okay, everybody else said I ruined it, but I liked
it and he liked it, and that's all that matters.

Speaker 5 (27:31):
It's terrible. He couldn't see the back of it. That's
why he didn't mind.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
So the reason I did it is because my dad
was a hairdresser for fifty years, very well known in Adelaide.
My grandma also hairdresser, so it runs in my family.
I've always cut hair.

Speaker 5 (27:45):
I am like hand of tint Street.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
I love to cut hair. It's my favorite thing.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
Right, So you have some redemption.

Speaker 6 (27:53):
You have decided, you know what, may I messed up
one haircut and then you try to style my hair.

Speaker 5 (27:57):
Maybe I messed up two haircuts.

Speaker 4 (27:58):
Thank you look fabulous.

Speaker 6 (28:00):
So now you have asked the people of Adelide, is
there anyone that will let me cut the hair? We
had a nomination not from the person whose hair is
going to be cut, but from their mother. Kylie is
with us. Good morning, Kylie, good morning. Now, Kylie, you
are standing next to someone a little bit taller than you,
with a little bit more hair than you.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
Can you please tell us a little bit about your son.

Speaker 13 (28:22):
Hayden Well, the.

Speaker 14 (28:23):
Curly mop has grown for three years, he has refused
to have it cut. I used to get phone calls
from his school teachers because he went to a private
school about his hair and he wanted it to keep
growing for his year twelve photos. And then he agreed
to get it cut. But then no, I'll wait for graduation.
I want to imm my graduation photos there. And I've

tried bribery with money and all sorts, but we finally
got him here. So I'm very excited. I am so excited,
and we go on vacation next week, So don't.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Bluck it up. Do you have faith in me, Kylie?
I do.

Speaker 14 (28:57):
I used to cut his hair when he was little.
Why he doesn't like haircuts.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
But yeah, So, Hayden, how do you feel with the
fact that I, Haley Pierce It are going to cut
your hair?

Speaker 13 (29:09):
Absolutely devastated and afraid.

Speaker 5 (29:14):
Hayden, because you didn't sign up for this, your mother
signed you up for this.

Speaker 6 (29:17):
Can you please tell us what pretense you were brought
here this because you didn't know why you were coming
this morning.

Speaker 13 (29:23):
I know I was going to get my haircut, but
I thought by a professional.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
I am professional.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
You're my second haircut.

Speaker 13 (29:29):
Not from what I've heard.

Speaker 5 (29:30):
Okay, Hayden.

Speaker 6 (29:31):
So you've got big, long, curly mops that go down
to I mean probably if you strained it.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
Out really like actually long at the back, really long curl.
You have beautiful hair, but I will say it hides
your lovely face. I think you do need to go shorter, Hayden.

Speaker 6 (29:48):
Can we ask you with there any restrictions here, like
what would you not like to happen apart from I
don't want.

Speaker 5 (29:53):
A terrible haircut?

Speaker 12 (29:54):
Well, I know no matter what's going to happen with
Haley here, there's going to end up horrible, So there's
no limits.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
Todd, do you know what you're a challenge because you
obviously think that I'm going to be terrible, but I'm
going to be amazing and we're gonna have a great chat.
And that's why people come and see me. It's from
my chats over my haircuts.

Speaker 6 (30:12):
You've got to be on the radio as well. So
now that you've seen their you've seen Hayden's hair. Yeah,
have you got a bit of an idea about what
you would like to do with it?

Speaker 2 (30:18):
I definitely have an idea, and I think you're going
to look amazing in fact, you probably could be like
a hair model from now onwards and you will look beautiful, Hayden, beautiful.

Speaker 13 (30:29):
Our definitions are beautiful the same.

Speaker 5 (30:31):
Yes, Okay, yes they are.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
I'm going to keep some of the curls.

Speaker 5 (30:35):
That's exciting.

Speaker 10 (30:37):
Full buzz cut Okay, Hayden. The next time you talk
to Hailey is going to be right before she cuts
your hair. Any final words.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
Pray for me. I'm praying for me.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Haircuts with Haley. We are doing that very very soon.

Speaker 13 (30:52):
Every number has a story. Yours magic number only on Adelaide's.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
Okay, I picked a number.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
I put it in a very special locked vault here
at mixed.

Speaker 5 (31:09):
Yep, there were sirens and everything. Number between one and
one hundred. Yeah, only Hayley knows it.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
You have to guess which number it is, and if
you guess it right, you get five thousand dollars.

Speaker 6 (31:20):
Five thousand bucks just for guessing a number. We want
to hear your stories, Adelaide. Why is the number that
you're guessing your favorite number? Why is it important to you?
Why is it your special number? Danielle from Soulisbury, North
is in the hot seat today morning.

Speaker 5 (31:33):
Dannielle, what morning?

Speaker 6 (31:35):
What is the reason behind your guess, my guess.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Okay, so the number.

Speaker 6 (31:42):
Three is my guess.

Speaker 7 (31:44):
The reason behind it is I have three boys. My
first was born on the third of February, my second
the third of March, and the third the third of April.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Right, that is really special number three, Danielle. Just to
add on to that, my son was born on the
third of November.

Speaker 5 (32:08):
Yeah, that's good, it's not bad.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
And my other son was the thirteenth of November.

Speaker 5 (32:14):
That's not the same thing.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Three, yeah, but it's a three.

Speaker 5 (32:16):
It's Daniel's.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
It's a special it's a special number.

Speaker 6 (32:21):
I like how them out three months consecutively on the
same date.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Yeah, I know, I don't know what ye okay.

Speaker 5 (32:28):
Something nine months before that going on. Danielle's definitely.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
All right, Danielle, is three my magic number?

Speaker 5 (32:39):
Do you need to look in the vault? Do you
need to remember it?

Speaker 4 (32:40):
I remember what my number was.

Speaker 5 (32:44):
Oh my god, it's not sorry Danielle's story.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
You know, so do I.

Speaker 4 (32:53):
Three is a beautiful number.

Speaker 5 (32:55):
It is, sorry, daniel No five thousand dollars. But we
do have some movie tickets for you.

Speaker 6 (32:59):
You can each of those sons along to go and
see We live in Time, Andrew Garfield.

Speaker 5 (33:04):
And Florence Pew.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
It's gonna be just a brilliant time for you to
get around yourself.

Speaker 5 (33:10):
Thank you, Thanks for playing Danielle.

Speaker 10 (33:13):
Thanks as John Crowley's deeply moving romance. We live in
time in cinemas now, and you're off for free.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
Another couple of those he gets tomorrow. If someone doesn't
get the five thousand dollars right.

Speaker 6 (33:24):
Hopefully someone wins the money, but in the meantime we
might need five thousand dollars to rescue what Hailey's about
to do here.

Speaker 5 (33:29):
Because Haley, you've stepped into your hair salon.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
We have Hayden sitting there, eighteen year old Hayden about
to get his first hair cut in three years.

Speaker 5 (33:37):
Because you reckon you can cut hair, Hailey. We don't
think you can.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
I can.

Speaker 4 (33:41):
I'm even wearing a hair fanny pack right now with
all my.

Speaker 5 (33:44):
Scissors in her hair cuney pack.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
I've even got my cab ready to be capd up.

Speaker 12 (33:49):
She doesn't know the difference between any of the scissors shaded.

Speaker 5 (33:53):
Hayden has as much doubt as me, and I love it.

Speaker 4 (33:55):
I don't have that special towel that they put.

Speaker 13 (33:57):
On I have the special touch called fear.

Speaker 5 (33:58):
Yeah, Hayes is quite funny.

Speaker 6 (34:01):
He's got his cape on. He's full of one liners.
I like where he's going.

Speaker 5 (34:04):

Speaker 6 (34:04):
This is going to take about half an hour, so
we don't get to do a full reveal right now,
but we do have a lot of hair, and a
lot of it's in a ponytail.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
I'm going to start. Your ponytail is really long. It
almost goes down to your bum.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
Crack, right, are you okay?

Speaker 2 (34:15):
I'm going to start.

Speaker 4 (34:16):
I'm going to start with the ponytail.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
Are you ready?

Speaker 4 (34:18):
This is a big deal.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
So what we do is we do this.

Speaker 1 (34:21):
Oh my god, this is a really sharp.

Speaker 5 (34:25):
Don't make that seppy noise.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
Okay, there we go. Ponytail God has a really nice pop.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
We're going to go more than that.

Speaker 5 (34:34):
Hold it up to him, Hold it up to him.
What are we thinking, Hayden.

Speaker 12 (34:37):
It's marvelous. Not the haircut, just the hair.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
You already look great. This is so exciting. Oh my god,
I've got my buzz back. Guys.

Speaker 10 (34:47):
All right, she has officially trimmed off the ponytail. The
bulk of the hair is gone. Now it comes down
to the styling.

Speaker 2 (34:53):
Hailey, I have no styling.

Speaker 6 (34:57):
Yeah, I can tell you that the free.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Oh my god.

Speaker 10 (35:01):
All right, we're gonna keep going hair these haircuts coming
back with her first client, Hayden coming up next. Oh
my god, it's all happening in here. Haircuts with Hailey
is officially on.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
Hailey Maxis haircut of with Haley.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
I'm so excited right now.

Speaker 5 (35:18):
I know you're buzzing.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
I'm actually living my dream.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
You know when you're a kid and you pretend to
be like a fireman or you play shops. I kind
of feel like I'm playing to be a hairdresser.

Speaker 5 (35:28):
Except you're just playing with somebody's real life here.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
Yeah, but I'm quite good, and I'm quite excited because
Hayden is sitting next to me. He's eighteen years old.
His beautiful mum, Kylie is also here keeping a watchful eye.
She nominated him because his hair, it goes all the
way down.

Speaker 5 (35:44):
To his bum, hasn't had a haircut for three years.

Speaker 2 (35:46):
Yeah, and I've already cut the ponytail off. You can
see this all on social That was so thrilling.

Speaker 6 (35:51):
Yeah, you've got a buzz on because I will admit
we did haircut horror stories this morning, and all of
a sudden you're like, I'm going to ruin someone's life.

Speaker 5 (35:58):
You're a little bit down on yourself.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
Give back.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
I'm back.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
I grew up in a salon. My dad was a hairdresser.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
But just because I mean, I didn't arrange Tony, you
guys did because you didn't trust me. But Tony from.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
From Zink's here, zinc is here, Tony morning.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
Thank you so much for coming in as if nothing
else an insurance and safety blanket.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
There is no insurance here.

Speaker 4 (36:20):
Trust me, Tony, hairdresser to hairdresser?

Speaker 2 (36:24):
Do you You've provided me with my fanny pat today
and everything that I need, which is fantastic.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
Do you like is it easy to stuff off a haircut?

Speaker 11 (36:32):
How you're doing a great job. You're doing a wonderful
job stuffing it up.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
Do I look quite professional the way I'm cutting you?

Speaker 12 (36:43):

Speaker 1 (36:44):
You do?

Speaker 11 (36:45):
But Poul Hayden here, When I rocked up, I thought
I saw Michael Hutchinson me in the studio, and now
he's just.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Hutch I think he looks better already.

Speaker 11 (36:54):
Oh well, he's looking okay. But you're lucky. You've got
a good model.

Speaker 5 (36:57):
He's got a great money. He's very good going.

Speaker 10 (37:00):
How they get back on the tools and let's get
some live advice from Tony.

Speaker 6 (37:04):
Yeah, Tony, the way that she's going about it, and
I mean trying to do too much fear into Hayden's
eyes here as Haley just cuts chunks out. What are
you seeing about her style and about where this is going?

Speaker 11 (37:18):
Well, firstly, how she's actually holding the hair and where
she's actually cutting it. You should be doing it the
other way around, Haley. Okay, Well that's why you're a mix.

Speaker 5 (37:26):
Right' What's what's she doing wrong?

Speaker 11 (37:29):
Basically she's cutting behind her fingers when she should be
cutting in front of her fingers, when she's holding out
the hair. And you probably see this on your socials.
Thank god, you can't see what's going on there, Hayden.
But yeah, she said that she's actually going to give
you a very stylish cut. You might end up looking
like me if you're looking on your socials.

Speaker 5 (37:47):
Yep, you're probably impot He's not going to be baled.

Speaker 11 (37:51):
Okay, Well, as long as as long as we know
that Paul Hayden said that he's open to anything, but
I would probably sort of stop it at that.

Speaker 5 (37:58):
How are you feeling, Hayden.

Speaker 13 (38:00):
If no one sees me again, it was Hailo.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
He trust me, he's such a handsome man.

Speaker 13 (38:06):
This is hostage.

Speaker 2 (38:08):
This is the beginning of your your new life.

Speaker 5 (38:11):
I want to believe hey, and I do want to
believe in Haley. So this could be the new year.

Speaker 6 (38:14):
So pick up that two thousand and seven women's weekly
that we have in the corner, because it is a salon.

Speaker 5 (38:18):
We have to have old magazine.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Is that your weekend? Any plans for the weekend?

Speaker 5 (38:21):
You guys working, you guys kick back, you have a chat.
We've got some more hair to cut.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Yeah, do you want to kick off with some clippers.
We've done scissors.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
Yeah, I'm doing the clippers next. All right, yeah, not yet, mate.

Speaker 5 (38:32):
A sort of running out of time.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
Are we? Okay, you've got another client putting the pressure
on me.

Speaker 5 (38:37):
It's a salon, all right, it's a go go go world. Okay.

Speaker 6 (38:40):
These clippers they look like sheep shearing clean enough.

Speaker 2 (38:46):
All right, let's do.

Speaker 5 (38:47):
This, all right?

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Really is this on the right level? Level three?

Speaker 11 (38:51):
I'll let you know if you've done it.

Speaker 4 (38:53):
No, Oh my god, I'm shaving underneath.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
Clippers are going so satisfying.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
You're a club of hair coming off the hair.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
That's a one.

Speaker 11 (39:03):
No, it's not no, it's not no, you tolm me.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
You want to a two?

Speaker 5 (39:07):
Oh my god, Oh no, it's a little shake of
her head from Hayden.

Speaker 11 (39:11):
It's fine, mate, just as you just actually move your
wrist and just face it out as you're doing it.

Speaker 5 (39:15):
Harley, Okay, boops.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
All right, yeah, may give a zinc the element of hair.

Speaker 10 (39:21):
Come look at the get the look at their plimped
Nord and only Salon's Tony big thanks to you. Get
on here today with one hundred dollars zinc haircut and
actual professional cutting your hair.

Speaker 5 (39:31):
No, Haley, we promise she doesn't work that.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
Not haircuts with hairy. More on that. Next we'll get
an updated on Hayden's hair.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
Next it means Hailey Massis haircuts.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
With Okay, good morning.

Speaker 10 (39:45):
Yeah, it's twenty two minutes away from seven. Haley Pearson
is in the middle of cutting eighteen year old Hayden's hair,
who had really really long, red curly hair.

Speaker 5 (39:54):
Yeah, haircuts with hairy going along. I mean okay, no,
it could be way worse.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
Talked me down.

Speaker 5 (40:00):
There's no blood.

Speaker 2 (40:01):
Everyone in this room knows it's great.

Speaker 4 (40:03):
You look so handsome.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
You've got I've gone like asymmetrical, so shaving all the
way up the back, and then like the horseshoe area.

Speaker 4 (40:12):
I've left long and curly, and I'm scrunching it up.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
He looks so handsome.

Speaker 5 (40:16):
It looks like it could be straight out of Zulan.

Speaker 3 (40:18):
Oh god, you are.

Speaker 5 (40:19):
You're a horrible liar.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
He's lying.

Speaker 4 (40:22):
He's trying to be funny. I'm very good.

Speaker 6 (40:24):
She's talking herself far, but he's talking it all down.
I mean, we're probably somewhere in the middle, if I'm
being honest.

Speaker 13 (40:29):
Every time shows this, this is something sharp. She smiles
like a madman.

Speaker 6 (40:34):
Taking some sick pleasure in it. What have you got
left to do, Hailey, We've got a little bit left
in the show.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
It's just a tiny little touch up, but I reckon
it's almost done.

Speaker 4 (40:41):
I'm really happy.

Speaker 6 (40:43):
There is one length of hair which is pretty much
the same length as the start of it, and then
there's other lengths which are about two centimeters.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
That's all I was going for, that's my look.

Speaker 6 (40:50):
Yeah, just something to maybe tidy up, something to consider
over the next break.

Speaker 1 (40:53):
All right, you're going to finish it.

Speaker 10 (40:54):
We've got two songs that you're going to finish it
by then Tony from Zinc Hair The Element of Hair, mate,
what do you think so far?

Speaker 11 (40:59):
I think the asymmetrical came about due to a little
slight mistake that Hayden. Right, that can all be fixed, right,
as long as the asymmetrical doesn't go higher on the
other side, you'll be fine.

Speaker 5 (41:08):
Yeah'll be fine. Yeah, we're fine. Everybody talking about you'll
be fine. Okay, I disagree. He's going away next week.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
Guys, you're going to pick up all the ladies on
that crew.

Speaker 5 (41:19):
You've got a family holiday.

Speaker 6 (41:21):
You've got a big responsibility over the next to your songs, Dailey,
all right, two songs.

Speaker 10 (41:25):
And then the final reveal of eighteen year old Hayden's
haircut from Haircuts by Harley Pearson.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
Hailey Maxisk.

Speaker 2 (41:39):
Okay, guys, can I just say you've just tuned in,
You're welcome Yesterday.

Speaker 4 (41:45):
A couple of days ago, I.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
Real that my son I cut my son's hair. You
said I butchered it. You bullied me in just saying
to thinking it was a terrible haircut.

Speaker 6 (41:52):
You had a veranda on the back Okay, you could
take shade under the back of your site.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
But to redeem myself because I know in my heart
that I'm a great hairdresser because my dad was my grandma.
We have brought in eighteen year old Hayden and his mum.
Eighteen year old Hayden had very long, curly hair and.

Speaker 5 (42:08):
Had a heckut for three years. And this is a
big deal.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
Massive deal.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
This is like you know, and when you're eighteen, you.

Speaker 5 (42:14):
Gotta look good.

Speaker 2 (42:15):
You look good.

Speaker 5 (42:16):
You might be out on Honley Street this weekend. Who
is so?

Speaker 2 (42:19):
I have been cutting his hair for the last what
the appointments forty five minutes, but it's been going for
about twenty minutes. And can I just say I'm very happy?

Speaker 6 (42:28):
Yeah, well, you were going to be happy regardless, But
it's not your opinion that matters.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
Okay, are you ready to see your new hair? Hayden?

Speaker 4 (42:37):
Okay, I'm going to pass you the mirror.

Speaker 2 (42:39):
This is the first time you're going to see your hair,
remembering that it was down to your like ten minutes ago.

Speaker 5 (42:44):
We want your honest opinion. Now that you've seen yourself,
you're a new man. What do you think?

Speaker 1 (42:48):

Speaker 13 (42:48):
She definitely cut. Hair, don't know if it's any good.

Speaker 5 (42:52):
Come on, mate, have a lookout. It probably Hayden. What
do we think?

Speaker 2 (42:56):
It's okay?

Speaker 5 (42:58):
You know what? From an eighteen year old, it's okay,
it's pretty good.

Speaker 3 (43:03):
What can I just say?

Speaker 2 (43:05):
I'm really proud of myself. Can everybody in the room
please agree with me?

Speaker 6 (43:09):
Look, come on, it's surprisingly better than I thought.

Speaker 5 (43:13):
Thank you, Max, It's better than I thought. What about
mum Kylie? What do you think now that you've seen it?

Speaker 6 (43:18):
You wanted a haircut from a long way out, but
put that to one side.

Speaker 5 (43:22):
Is this a good haircut?

Speaker 14 (43:23):
It's pleasantly surprised. Yeah, you can see his gorgeous little
face now.

Speaker 2 (43:28):
Thank you. Your beautiful asymmetric cut is going to get
all the girls on the cruise next week.

Speaker 5 (43:33):
What about the professionals? Tony from ZINC cares here as well.

Speaker 6 (43:35):
Tony, you've had a chance to not only critique the
hair but also the hairdresser.

Speaker 5 (43:40):
First of all, the style, the cut. What do we think?

Speaker 11 (43:42):
I think Hailey's done an exceptional job for her first time.
I think she should stick to radio. But look, you
can see it sort of runs in the family. She
sort of had a fair idea. She's obviously spent a
fair bit of time in headresses too, so she's actually
been watching a fair bit. But I'll tell you the
confidence level that she has for someone that sort of

put her hands to hair was actually quite good.

Speaker 2 (44:07):
I'm confident in everything I do.

Speaker 5 (44:09):
That it is.

Speaker 11 (44:10):
When I walk in and saw you this morning, Max,
I was worried. I'll tell you, I was really worried
you and me, both.

Speaker 6 (44:15):
You and me, But I was dead set thinking we
might be having a friar tuck situation. Didn't you It's
worked out all right, Hate, Really, it all comes down
to you here now, Hayden.

Speaker 5 (44:24):
I mean, Haley thinks it's the best thing since last Bread.

Speaker 6 (44:26):
You now essentially get to say to us, I would
like my hair professionally fixed or Hailey started a pretty
good job.

Speaker 13 (44:35):
I like my hair professionally.

Speaker 2 (44:41):
You're so mean to me.

Speaker 5 (44:43):
What do you think, Hailey the salon? Has it been
a success.

Speaker 2 (44:46):
Yes, I'm going to be hitting the streets of Adelaide
next weeks with my mobile hair salon. I'm going to
get a little vam and go round if you want
a free haircut. Let me know what a day, what
a fun show?

Speaker 5 (44:58):
You cut some hair? Yes, mostly received.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
Well, can I say, right before we did this and
they came into the studio, what if I say to
you guys?

Speaker 5 (45:08):
You said, and we tried to get the audio of
that the microphones.

Speaker 6 (45:10):
Unfortunately we're off at the dark and you're like, what
if I ruin this kid's life.

Speaker 4 (45:14):
I can't cut hair.

Speaker 5 (45:14):
I can't cut hair. What if I ruin his life?

Speaker 2 (45:16):
But I didn't.

Speaker 4 (45:17):
I did a really good job.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
It's going to be all on the mixed Facebook and
Instagram page later today.

Speaker 5 (45:22):
Done from Zin here. Just just do me a little
bit of time.

Speaker 6 (45:26):
It's just a tidy up that he's doing it at
the moment in the corner.

Speaker 10 (45:31):
All right, peeping flagstaff hill on thirty one O two three.
Do you want the one hundred dollars Inc boucher or
do you want Haley to do it for you?

Speaker 2 (45:38):

Speaker 6 (45:39):
I love Haley's enthusiasm.

Speaker 7 (45:42):
I would love a hair aboucher.

Speaker 2 (45:44):
No worries, no offense taken.

Speaker 6 (45:47):
Well done, Pip, you got one hundred bucks from Zinc Hair. Congratulations,
Go get you there and we promise one hundred percent guaranteed.

Speaker 5 (45:56):
No Hailey's working every again.

Speaker 2 (45:59):
I retire my business lasted one day.

Speaker 10 (46:02):
Thank you the Element of Hair, come get the look
at the plimped Nord and only sail. And thank you
to Tony for fixing up Haley's mess and providing those
vouchers right now.

Speaker 13 (46:11):
When instant cash just for listening. This is Halium maxis
fun money.

Speaker 5 (46:20):
Yeah, it's fun money.

Speaker 6 (46:20):
Know the show, win the dough. All you gotta do
is be listening all day. Answer a simple question with
some cash with Michelle.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
I heard it yesterday. Everyone won. They got all their answers, right.

Speaker 5 (46:30):
I feel like it's not the most difficult question.

Speaker 4 (46:32):
No, you just got to listen to the show.

Speaker 5 (46:34):
And you and I have listened.

Speaker 2 (46:36):
Yes, well questionable, No, I don't listen when you talk.

Speaker 10 (46:40):
You also go in the running for the Dreamland king
sized bed that Haley Max did show number one from.
It's worth six and a half thousand dollars. Get the
right advice and the best price on a new mattress
or bedroom furniture and cut through the confusion with up
to sixty percent off now at Dreamland.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
We're out here.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
God, what a beautiful day.
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