Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Quest. Yeah, welcome friends to the Christian O'Connell Show podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Hey, this is Christian O'Connell just to quick thank you
for download this or mini podcast while the show is
on its very short Christmas and New Year break time
Wasters five days a week, every single show with you
the time wasters, and every single morning Jack and I
get to laugh so hard and grown at some of
them as well, but mainly laugh so hard at your
time wasters. So this is made with a lot of
love and thanks. Some of our favorite ones with you
guys from this year. Have a great Christmas and New Year.
We are back early January ish. If you ever want
to email the show about anything, Christian at Christian O'Connell
dot com dot au. Enjoy the best of the time
wasters for twenty twenty four.
Speaker 1 (00:46):
Look Christian O'Connell Show podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:51):
Today we are looking for your hungry celebrities. Oh my word,
what a legendary singer being around for years behind that
keyboard when someone's going to get him some food Stovey
wonder Gold, Oh my god. Legendary Hollywood actor also been
around for years director as well. Clint Feast would be good.
Clint Feast would be good gold. Oh my words, someone's
a little bit greedy. That's right. It's one of the Jackson's.
It's Gannet Jackson. All right, leave some for everybody else.
Gannet's a bird with a big gullet. Is too much
bird stuff on today? Silver? Some unnatural spontaneity, Johnny Dip
Hnny Dip Gold, legendary soul singer. Marvin Gay. He is
so hungry altogether. Now, that's right, he's starving. Gay. You
got its silver and one final one Brussels sprouts crow,
brussel sprouts crow bronze. Right, so all right, what have
you got then, hungry celebrities you ready to mark? Let's
Kim daw Dashian.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
That's very good gold plus.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
That is perfectly formed, isn't it beautiful? Kim dor Dashian
will down Wendy Sellings real name.
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Why would she lie about it?
Speaker 2 (02:08):
That's a strange name, Wendy's Sellings, But she's a real
estate agent. Email would be selling the bottom always be sellings.
I'm Wendy Sellings. Tom Hankerings, He's got Hankerings, snack Jack
snack Nicholson silver, well fed Sheering, Tom lang Shanks bronze
quite work Shaquill o'meal God Good instead of Shaquille o'neils
Shaquille o'meal. I'm surprised ever done some endorsement they must
have done. Snoop Hot Dog, Bronze, Craving Tatum Bronze, Brad
Pitter Bread Gold, Claire Well Done, fifty cent Cone Gold,
fifty cent Cone very Good, Anthony soup Dog Gold. That's
from eleven year old mav Hope for Maverick, my friend.
That is a killer name. Not post Malone roast Malone
silver plus, Gorge Clooney, look at him, just take going
up for doubles at the buffet Gold.
Speaker 1 (03:14):
The Christian O'Connell Show podcast.
Speaker 2 (03:16):
Today, we're looking for your strong celebrities on thank you
for the production, Thanker Powerlift Today fits celebrities. You say,
whoa wa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa Who's in the
gym with us? Jack? Who's there? Oh my word, it's
Morgan Free Weights silver plus. That's not Robert de Niro.
Who's seen these ripped? Is Robert Devaney.
Speaker 3 (03:42):
Silver plus?
Speaker 2 (03:45):
Funky Cole Medina's in the gym. He's just showing off.
That's right. I've just seen him with no kit on
his toned loake. Hello, gold can't touch this but a
one to emcy hammer curls working those bumped sons out,
guns out. Elvis's ex wife is here. Oh yeah, yeah,
Priscilla Presley she have you seen her? She is ly
like Godsilla president. Wow. Plus, I don't do that one
from the Bible. We can't be in We've got time
and well I mentioned about Priscilla Presley being there. Elvis
has come back, come back from the dead. That's right,
he says. He's under the bar bell right now. He's
always bench press. All right, Jackie boy? Who else Scott
is there? Who's who in the gym today?
Speaker 3 (04:59):
Jack Yeah, we got an a lister on the treadmill now,
Oh yes.
Speaker 2 (05:03):
Wow, I mean I'm ready fit and strong on that tread.
Speaker 3 (05:07):
Lead to Decadio.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
He's warming up there, just doing some stretching at the moment.
It's nim bring up for this one guy, Silver a CDC.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
We're a strong man. There is schoolboys. They're in the
gym as well, lead with lead singer bond squats and
oh no, an Italian dictator has walked into the gym.
Benito Muscolini, All right, what have you got there?
Speaker 2 (05:40):
We're looking for fit and strong celebrities. Jacked post, Oh,
how don't sleep? You o? The songs you're ready to mark,
Let's do it. Royd's Witherspoon Silver, Louis Armstronger.
Speaker 3 (05:55):
No, it's already part of the name.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
Bronze, Tom Tanks Gold, but a mitch jacked up Nicholson Silver,
Eddie Shredder Singer. They're getting ripped, Danny, well done. Will
Smith machine some good gym knowledge there. They are stationary machines.
Smith Smith Machines is a stationary machine. You know, wants
to have the weights and you you respect free weights.
A little bit of a jim snobbery. There many for women,
Chris Jimsworth gold, Royd's Orberson got a big old. That's
what it stand for. We didn't know. That's why I
had those glasses. Hugh Jacksman Gold. That gets a gold.
It's like aheadline. You've seen a million times of Wolverine
bog standard expanding one canery never figure it out, guys,
Tom Plank, that's gold. Doris leg Day topical reference. I
mean she's only like a thousand years old Doris Day reference.
What on Glenn Bernie Temple while we were really keeping
it in the zeitgeist.
Speaker 3 (07:18):
That is very good, though Taytor strip.
Speaker 2 (07:20):
Comes down with doing Bernie Temple jokes, ZiT ghest rowing keating,
Oh yeah, that's how to get strong and mid Reppington
from s As Bronze, muscle Crow, Silver and Barbel Streisend
Silver plus.
Speaker 1 (07:42):
The Christian O'Connell show Podcast.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
It is World Romance Week and we're looking for your
dating movies today. Dating movies, the Immersion, the emotional worklocker,
I've been hurt before, I'm fright again, right and he
was gonna get Bronze and he's up today. Zero Dot
her piece, No second date for old men, Bronze Eat,
Praying love back at her place, Silver, not Honey, I
shrunk the kids, Honey, I've got four kids. Bronze and
catch v D if you can go one jacket boy,
what have you got? Dating movies?
Speaker 3 (08:30):
I just saw a four guy last week, really loved it.
Dating movies fall in love guy.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
My bloody hell? What is this a Hallmark card?
Speaker 3 (08:40):
Bronze not Dancing with Wolves, Romancing with Wolves, Gold, the
flirt Locker, Crushing Tiger, Smitten Dragon and the last minute
entry just just wrote it down, Swinging in the rain.
Speaker 2 (09:04):
Very good Gold for that Jack You're in to Mark,
I am cat on a hot tender roof. Gold, Anthony
dating Miss Daisy, Silver, Breakfast at Tiffany's Place, Bronze Grindering,
Nemo a little bloody fish Silver, shame on you, Paul
Sex Mangi.
Speaker 3 (09:30):
Speaker 2 (09:31):
Billy Madison becomes Ashley Madison. Wow.
Speaker 3 (09:35):
Irrelevant documentary on Netflix right now.
Speaker 2 (09:38):
Gold, you're watching that Pats watch that is interestingly gone
a ear in sixty seconds. Gold Wild done, Andy, bend It,
Swipe Beckham, not like Beckham, but Swipe Silver, Puss Willing,
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Thanks, thank you for trying
to keep Queen the Tindernator, Silver catfishing this Daisy Gold
World and Corey the wedding Swinger. Gold. That's some tony,
Well done, Wife Swappenheimer. Josh, that's very good, Wife Swappenheimert's
show out this next one, Big Mama's Only House please
mm hmm this renown Big Mama's Only House, Mating Private
Ryan Silver, Tindergarten Cop Gold, very clever you me and
her Peace Gold. I'm Matthew sleepless in Seattle. If you
know what I mean, nudge nudge, how's your father? What
a mind? I never even knew what that means. It's
swipe my left foot, silver and the passion of the Christ.
That are the passion of the Christ job plus.
Speaker 1 (11:07):
The Christian O'Connell show podcast.
Speaker 2 (11:10):
Okay, Sweet songs today on the time waste on National
Sweet Treat Day. Now, I'm holding this up to the
to the like my friend add it is who threadbare.
There's not a lot of content in here. Get out
of it. Ronald Reagan topical.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
When I think of sweet, I think of Ronald Reagan.
Speaker 2 (11:31):
I mean this was it. The sooner we replace some
of these with AI, the better. What would chatch ept
have churned out a lot better than a Ronald Reagan?
Fact it was last several decades ago. Most of all,
listen is what even know Ronald Reagan is? They're gonna
be going? Is he saying Ronald Reagan is her husband,
the mysterious judge. It's coime In Netflix documentary coming out
with the next six months about Reagan is the Ronald
Reagan's favorite food in the world was licorice. Jenny, he
wants that three and a half tons ordered to the
White House in a single delivery, a lot lot. He
was also known to give jars out as gifts for
other heads of state unofficial visits. You go, missus thatcher.
It's Jenny Bean's licorice from The Worst Kite? Does anyone
like licorice?
Speaker 3 (12:30):
I didn't like the licorice jelly beans before. It didn't
go with the set. No, they help you go to
the toilet, li Christian.
Speaker 2 (12:37):
All right, So sweet songs, achy, flaky hard, I do
like a flaked you love flake. There's no one every
breakthew flake. That's the end of the flake. Ones. Okay, guys,
too much flake fun life on Mars Bar. How did
he come up with that one? Wow? Genius. It was
my friend, the Ronald Reagan of this feature Brownie Eyed
Girl Cold, You don't what's a great song? Oh? Water
beautiful mo yeah yeah, answer sweets to it, Harry booful,
bronze lint on me, silver can't press me much. I'll
leave it there. I leave it there there. It's gonna
go and empty myself into the world toilet.
Speaker 3 (13:30):
Sweet sweet hey tubes, oh very good, cold chocolate, mousy
in the sky with diamonds. Absolutely no thank you not
at this tuck shot Bronze toffee madly deeply yeah yeah,
Silver and fantails of the opera.
Speaker 2 (13:49):
Oh no, that's good. That's gold all right. What have
you got? Then? Sweet songs return to splendor sugar, Oh yeah,
silver douds like Tracy. Oh this is a well known
sweet snack. But he mean raspberries another thing sweet. It's
not in the confection our raspberries. Silver, Christian def leopard,
have a sweet tooth. Pour some sherbies on me. Silver
plus some crape popcorn. No bronze, sweet doughnuts, stop me now.
Silver and our seed in the UK sort of anarchy
in the UK, and our seed.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
And seeds licorice the same genus bronze.
Speaker 2 (14:34):
When you licorice upon a star? Bronze knocking on Alan's door. Silver,
Bertie Beats done, dirt cheak thirty done, dirt cheap. I
made that song for tomorrow, please not from air, just
for me. Psycho killer pythons. Silver, the whiz Fers takes
it all. Gold done. Male Tobler, owner of a lonely heart, Simon,
very good to take about. What's new? Percy Kitcat gold
very good, well done, knows that Paula Twinky Twinky Little
Star silver, Jesse's Curly Worthy Silver Union of the Jelly
Snake by Simon Labon Bon said doublas, Yeah, silver plus.
That's good one.
Speaker 1 (15:18):
On the Christian O'Connell show podcast.
Speaker 2 (15:22):
All right, so it today is National Stay Warm Day.
We're looking for your cold movies. Australia has won our
first of a gold medal at the World Bob Sleigh Championships.
You would have thought that, would you? Queenslander Bree Walker
took out the women's Monobob title, edging out her German
arch River Lisla Buckwitz. And then this is completely unrelated
to that. I mean that conception rates peak as the
weather gets colder, keep each other warm, cad up, peaking
in interesting word, peaking in July and August. Stone levels
soar through the roof with the lower temperatures, and sex
drive tends to follow too much detail. We need to
get into their light. They don't want to hear me
talking about their sex drives. The Mono Bob all right,
Oh my god has got chilly in here. Oh my word,
what are they watching those igloos cold movies? Bridge over
the River kwai. It's a classic war movie, alright, but
a little bit colder. You see that coming over the horizon,
you get fringe over the river, the blizzard, br Blizzard
of Oz. Silver and full thermal jacket. Oh my word,
I got my goose down jacket on. It's full thermal jacket.
Freeze Winny. That was the radio for anyone that maybe
I shouldn't started with Jack. What have you got? Oh
my god? Stalard sites desperately seeking shoes on? Did you
get out? No, don't come back like that. Do not
do this show dirty like that wind. Oh it's so cold.
I'm gonna put my shoes off. When is that?
Speaker 3 (17:13):
Every time I said I was cold, my dad said, well,
why don't you put your socks and shoes?
Speaker 2 (17:19):
Why do you hunckle very thin out there in your
bare feet playing in the yard?
Speaker 3 (17:24):
Bronze number and number na we go there we go,
gold shirtless in Seattle.
Speaker 2 (17:31):
Well that's not warm. Now that's cold. Yeah, that's cold.
He's cold. Yeah, breathe didn't wear his shirt? Why didn't
he cold? Also, it could be summertime there, smart moved, I.
Speaker 3 (17:45):
Wasn't win again and great Tom Hanks film Frost Gub.
Speaker 2 (17:56):
That's cold all right. We read to Mark, let's do
it cold movies, Boys in the Hoodie gold, very good,
what Josh weekend of beanies gold. These these are very
good today, Mark, well done, Glove actually Silva, we brought
a snood. Yeah, Bronze long, John Wick, that's what's under
that beautiful Suervis. He's got good long John twelve Brass
Monkeys bronze, Brass, Ruffy the Vampire Slayer, Silver, Missus without fire,
Oh heat, I got the money maybe I don't know.
Silver plus very sad, brisky business bronze, what's heating? Gilbert
Grave Scott, well done, dude, where's my cardigan? Gold? Edward
Shivery hands gold and Andy thermals and Louise gold. He's
a very good what I Mark? Edward Icy poul Hands bronze. Yeah.
The talented mister Nipley. Carly, that's very funny, Freezing miss
Daisy bronze, weekend a Burnney's gold and scarf face gold. Yeah.
Now's so many goals, so they well done. Everyone who's
the best in show.
Speaker 3 (19:34):
Congratulations to Carli for talented mister Nipley.
Speaker 1 (19:38):
The Christian O'Connell Show Podcast