All Episodes

November 28, 2024 55 mins

Our Final Breakfast Show for 2024

We go round the ream for our Double Thumbs Up Of The Year, The Naked Hour, Garry Clause, Knock It Into The Park and 6 Word Year

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Christ Yeah, welcome friends to The Christian O'Connell Show Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Showtime Timmy, the guys might cuddle in and spoon me bikini.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Come here, a lot of scamp The Christian O'Connell Show,
Gold one oh four point three.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Soho two and forty two.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Welcome to the Christian O'Connell Show.

Speaker 5 (00:25):
Good morning, Jack, morning guys, Good morning Patsy Money boys, guys.
This is the last time for this year we'll be
in the studio riding the radio airwaves. Yes, I just
want to say it's been a blast this year. Thank
you very much, Thank you guys.

Speaker 4 (00:38):
It's been a great year. I've loved it.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
And I actually obviously we're we're spoiled by doing this
for a living anyway, and we get a very nice break,
which is one of the many parts about working in
Australian radio. In the UK. You've got two weeks off
and I shud think that was a really big break.
And remember when I first moved here and they should
you get six weeks off for Christmas? I was like, oh, look,
I don't think I need that every year and the
boss said, tell you what, take it and see any
film when you come back and I remember enjoying that

six week break so much like it is the best.
So we won't see each other again until next year,
each other, that was a statement. I don't want to
see you guys until next year. League a nice bit
of distance between now and the future.

Speaker 4 (01:18):

Speaker 5 (01:19):
Yeah no, no, what's just a weird crystal claim. So
this weekend, in fact, this afternoon, I'm heading to Hobart.
We went a couple of years in between lockdowns. I'm
taking my twenty year old daughter, who lives away from
home now, so we're hanging out together in Hobart. We're
off to Mona tomorrow and then we're going on our
first ever father daughter wine tasting tour.

Speaker 4 (01:40):
We booked. You know, you can do those tours where.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
It's just loads of the randos, but I find them
fascinating because you don't know who you're going to see.
So we're booked on one Monday. Yeah, I can't wait.
I'm really looking forward to it. Yeah, it's a gorgeous place.
Task may what are you up to this weekend, Jackie boy?

Speaker 6 (01:54):
Straight after the show, I am, I've got a real treat.
I'm playing golf with the Great Glenn Robbins, he's what
he royalty blend in our household with Avid Golfer, and
in our household was so revered. I just remember brilliant
comment the panel, my dad laughing, laughing at Russell Coy.
He's just such a big part of our lives. And

maybe I reckon ten years ago now, over summer one year,
I did a breakfast show with him.

Speaker 4 (02:20):
And Andy Lee.

Speaker 6 (02:22):
Breakfast Radio on Fox FM, and he was he was
such a lovely guy. I haven't seen him in a
long time and I'm so excited.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
To see paying golf.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
Yeah, so tell me about this then.

Speaker 5 (02:31):
So are you nervous because obviously you meeting somebody in
a fan of and you've got play golf, and he's
obviously good, and.

Speaker 6 (02:36):
He's really good, and I'm just brand new. So yes,
I am nervous. Yes, that's the best way to say.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
Was it just you two or you in a force them?

Speaker 6 (02:43):
So there's there's two other non celebrities. I caught myself.

Speaker 4 (02:53):
Just good people. Though, good people. They've wont to have
their jack.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
That wouldn't make such a cool podcast series.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
If you record the recording.

Speaker 5 (03:06):
What you're talking years ago in the seventies and early eighties,
there was a TV show every Sunday afternoon where there's
former golfer I did a round of golf with someone
famous and interviewed.

Speaker 6 (03:15):
It's a great idea. Yeah for me, the level of
Patty is too stressful. I'm just in the trees looking
for balla.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
What are you to this weekend?

Speaker 2 (03:31):
Patsy off to Lance Moore where we actually for a
Tattinger brunch which will be very nice. What champagne? So
that'll be lovely, you know what? Just getting up on
a Saturday.

Speaker 4 (03:45):
Not having champagne that morning books.

Speaker 6 (03:47):
Yes again for the second time this week. You can
make a lunch, but you can't make our team lunch.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
Yes, yeah, it must stop because the team had Esa
was not a Tattinger one. It was apart like parm
and Chip. You on, Pantsy, You've got to break out
the bubbles.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
That's it top shelf for me.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (04:04):
All right, We're going to play a song when we
come back. We're going to do our favorite things of
the year for double thumbs up.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
The Christian O'Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 5 (04:13):
God one a four point three Friday morning is a
Christian O'Connell's show. So have you Friday. The first half
hour show, we go around the team, we talk about
the things that we've enjoyed this week. Because this is
the sorry to say, this's a large show of the year,
We're going to talk about the favorite things we've enjoyed the.

Speaker 4 (04:26):
Most this year. Patsy, you kick us off. What have
you enjoyed?

Speaker 2 (04:30):
This is really hard because there's been so many great
moments of twenty twenty four. But on stand the other night,
actually we watch Nugget is Dead.

Speaker 5 (04:37):
That's getting a lot high.

Speaker 6 (04:40):
This train Christmas film.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Ozzie Christmas Film, and it's a bit it's a bit
like our version of National Lampoons Christmas. It's very, very funny,
but it's also got a beautiful message of I don't know,
of love and of the family unit. And even though
we're all quirky in our own ways, and you know,
December twenty five sometimes can be really stressful for families,
there's just this underlying joy of just everyone being together

and being themselves. So we loved it. That's on Stan
and the other thing that they've just brought out this week.
We got right into Ten Pound Poems, which was a
brilliant series. Sure good that it's beautifully mate, Stephen Curry's
in it, and they've just like some sort of preview
teasers photos of Sirius two, which is going to drop

next year. So I'm really really looking for.

Speaker 6 (05:26):
Your recommendation is to look at some photos of what
might become.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
I tell you what, guys, what I really love is Stills,
but it is Robins today. Just seen what some Sillers?

Speaker 4 (05:38):
Have you seen Glenn about forthcoming features?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
No, it's got a new family, new Irish family comes
into this series.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
Photos way, just add it to my game one of
my albums.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Seriously, I am so.

Speaker 4 (05:54):

Speaker 5 (05:54):
It only took a year.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
My favorite book the year has to be Kathy Let's
Husband Replacement Therapy. I've been burning through any possible book
that mentions Perry menopause or menopause because of the podcast
that I've done this year, Rage Against the Menopause on
the iHeart One.

Speaker 6 (06:13):
I got a recommendation for you. Yeah, did in her
book Club All Fours by Miranda July. Miranda very good.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Yeah, it's incredible, beautiful, I will get that.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
But this is pretty steamy.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Live right in my alley.

Speaker 6 (06:30):
No, but right up the.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
Look the other way. The bus coming.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
But this book's great because you know, menopause can be
a bit of a mess with your head, so to
look at it in a comedic.

Speaker 6 (06:48):
I just find the best way to book is look
at the front cover ontient. It's so funny.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
So Kathy led of course, is in episode nine and
ten of my podcast, and she was hilarious as she
always is. She was She's such absolutely adore her and.

Speaker 7 (07:07):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
I've absolutely I've got to say, I've absolutely loved it.

Speaker 4 (07:11):
You've got to come back such a big.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
I'm looking at series two and where that's going to go,
and of course we're going live with it just for
a couple of dates, so fun next year. So I'm
really really enthusiastic about it and I love it. I
just feel the love and the support. It's been beautiful.
And the movies we did see earlier in the week,
the preview of Mowana Too, which has been doing amazing things,

so take it with the kids, go and see it.
Paddington three as.

Speaker 5 (07:39):
Well, I will be going to see that was in
my top five of movies I have even seen any.

Speaker 6 (07:45):
Paddington's a great movie.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
It's brilliant, So I think he goes back to Peru
and third one and it's seriously, it's beautiful.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
It's so gorgeous.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
But yeah, Mowana has been doing even before it opened
at the cinemas, in the previews. In the US box office,
it's done like fourteen million US just earlier in the week,
So it's going. I think it's going to be massive.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
I hear what we've done, sped up stills and they're
calling it movies.

Speaker 6 (08:18):
But she shares a series of many, many stills back
to back, created moving.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
But there's a beautiful line in Mawana where because you
know she's she's no, she's one of the it's one
of the Disney movies where she's not a princess. She's
kind of like just a commoner. No, Mowana is the
daughter of the No, she's not a princess.

Speaker 6 (08:39):
But she's the daughter of the chief.

Speaker 3 (08:40):
And she's not a princess.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
She's pointing at you.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
Now she's going to you.

Speaker 6 (08:44):
And by the end of this it's beautiful because the people,
the whole story, she's meant to be the next chief.
It's not a princess. I'm telling you, she's not a princess.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Anyway, there's a line where Maui says to her, but
everyone thinks you're a princess, and she says, but I'm
actually not, and he's a bit weak.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
Spoil it now.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
It's so beautiful. It's so beautiful, go and see it.
So that's my top three.

Speaker 6 (09:07):
It was hard.

Speaker 4 (09:08):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (09:13):
At the end of the show, we're not making the
end of the year. Coming up next, Jack and I
have got some stills, so we'd like to show you.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
The Christian O'Connell Show podcast Friday morning.

Speaker 5 (09:24):
We're doing double thumbs up and we're talking about the
favorite things, the best things we've enjoyed this year, Jack,
what have you loved?

Speaker 6 (09:29):
All right? The best from me of the year. The
best documentary was The Unbelievable American Nightmare on Netflix. I
won't say too much about Justin You've got to watch
it to even believe that that really happened. My favorite
book this year was a book by Jessica Nole called
Bright Young Women. Highly recommend that. And then my favorite
movie maybe this is just recency biased, but better Man

The Robbie Williams Bioe where he is a lucky It
is my favorite movie of the year, and I can't wait,
Bianca hasn't seen it either. Comes out Boxing Day in Australia,
and I'm going to take her and go and say
sit again. And for me to sit through a movie again,
it's very rare.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
So this is the Robbie Williams Biopetle mob. He says
it's actually better than Rocketman and Beheman.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
And Bohemian Rhapsody. Yes he is a monkey in it
sounds ridiculous, but it is so good and so original.

Speaker 5 (10:19):

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Can't wait to see it.

Speaker 5 (10:20):
Okay some for me best stand up, specially Adam Sandler
on Netflix.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
Also Shane get Us. I loved TV.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
Here's some of them, Showgun, Shrinking, Bad Sister Season two,
Slow Horses, Kirby Enthusiasm, Season twelve three, Body Problem Hacks
on stan English teacher tires.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
I can't have enjoyed too much this year.

Speaker 5 (10:42):
Favorite book Tom Lake by Ann Patriett nonfiction, Patsy. This
is a great book that you should read as well.
It's called Wisdom for the Second Half of Life. Yes,
I Am fifty one. Great book by James Hollis. My
favorite movie of the year. It broke me in but
in a beautiful way. All of us strangers you can
now stream it is an incredible movie.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Loved it The Christian O'Connell show podcast.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
Now, I know you're playing golf this afternoon.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
I suppose you're not going to go and watch, you know,
Australian Golf Open this weekend. I do know that he's
not going to go along with what.

Speaker 6 (11:14):
I haven't yet migrated, So I'm only you two got
playing golf and I haven't yet migrated to enjoying Watching
golf to meet golf on TV is still very boring.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
I noticed that those are your clubs in reception.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
Yes, yeah, I'm going straight after that.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
Yeah. No, I got that feeling like, wow, we will
say goodbye. And this guy he's putting his bag bag
on his shoulder, bag of vance's straight if you didn't
trust the people of Richmond in your testa that they'd
have those away or hug you when he arrives, just
putting his fifth through the window and grabbing them.

Speaker 6 (11:45):
No, I said, when come nine o'clock, I'll still have
time to wish everyone to merry Christmas. In the back
of my.

Speaker 5 (11:51):
He's cleaning his shaft and he's putting his balls away.

Speaker 6 (11:53):
Yeah, and then I'm straight.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
Out Patsy, what did you end up doing yesterday?

Speaker 5 (11:58):
This time yesterday we were trying to get a yes
badroom near heir because you had an all day looking
after auditing her big playing last night.

Speaker 4 (12:05):
How did it go as a performance?

Speaker 2 (12:06):
It is fabulous. The kids are so great. So this
was the stage stage school performance. They do a series
of them every six months.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
Were they doing a play or a musical.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
They do like a series of musical acts and they
have it's a big glee actually because they have certain
troops that do you know, right up to eighteen years
of age, and these kids are definite future musical sort
of talent. Like you saw them first, you will see them.

Speaker 5 (12:35):
These kids agencies, Patsy starlets. They're going to make you
a start, So hair I get sent to cover costs.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
They are phenomenal, these kids, like they're just or inspiring
and if you were to walk off the street, you
would pay money, like good money to see these kids.
They are just beyond So she had a great.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
It's already singing, dancing.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Singing, dancing, all of the above. They did a Descendants,
a Disney Descendants act. They sort of all do like
on stage twice and then the other one was from Anastasia.
It was great, it was so good, but it was
a long night. It was a long night. So we
got home about I don't know quarter twelve party.

Speaker 4 (13:20):
And then what time?

Speaker 7 (13:21):

Speaker 5 (13:21):

Speaker 4 (13:22):
No, that way you said that it's fine.

Speaker 5 (13:24):
That word is a fall less word. You must well
say use anywhere where the rest of it. I know,
my marriage. The fine word is like everything is about
to go down because you hold on to something, a
stall is going through.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
I just don't know. I just don't know what version
of PATS you're going to get today. I'm likely to
burst into tears, be hysterically laughing, or be asleep.

Speaker 4 (13:49):
Welcome all the three Pats today.

Speaker 5 (13:50):
Okay, hopefully in one brain, the last one of the year.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
All of that.

Speaker 6 (13:54):
It'll be good. It'll be good.

Speaker 5 (13:55):
So what's time you get up? Because your alarm goes
off like three?

Speaker 4 (13:58):
Yeah, so you've had less than three hours sleep, correct?

Speaker 5 (14:02):
I mean, look, technically you're not allowed to operate heavy
machinery if you haven't said you should not be able
to read the news to and then speak into a microphone.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
I know, I know, but we will be fine. I've
been doing this long enough on autopilot don't take that
a bed.

Speaker 5 (14:19):
I've got oh mate here with this bag of golf
clubs waiting to get at.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Five to night. The moment I hit that a break Wow.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
Team the Christian O'Connell show.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
Podcast yesterday on the show in Ouncetown.

Speaker 5 (14:31):
When we come back in the new year, we'd have
tickets to send you to the Australian Open, the men
and women's final. Huge prize is worth a fortune. You'll
have an amazing time there. Tickets are on sound now
for the Australian Open. The Australian Open hits different. So
the idea is this is called a knock it into
the Park. We have been gifted Kia Arena five al

thousand Sita Stadium in Melbourne Park and the idea is
that you will come down at the end of the
first week when we're back in the new year, the
weekend of the finals, and you're going to try and
hit the tennis ball from outside the key arena over it.
Keep going, keep going with length, girth, distance, depth into

the court.

Speaker 4 (15:14):
Do that you win tickets to the final?

Speaker 5 (15:16):
How did you get on going down, yes and testing
this out rio You think you're a kind of semi
pro tennis player.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
Yes, yes, junior tennis champion in high school.

Speaker 8 (15:24):
Obviously it's been a long time since then, but I
still think I've got it.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
We went down Kitlyn and I to have it. Go
have a test hit.

Speaker 8 (15:30):
Yesterday the Australian Open provided their own pro. Obviously they're
worried about my level, so they sent down an ex
pro tennis player.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Who else?

Speaker 3 (15:40):
Let Mark Philip Pusra Raydon Patterson the.

Speaker 4 (15:43):
Log Hell you're kidding? No, no, no, they got and he
did he have.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
A security detail? Or he did and he did it
which he went baseball cap sunglasses.

Speaker 6 (15:51):
Yes, yeah, he had MAULTI had actually had two rackets.
Obviously the pros to it. That's why they kicked him
off the tour.

Speaker 4 (15:57):
That's where he's ex pro.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
What a cheap payment, the old double racking ploy.

Speaker 8 (16:04):
So they said, all right, Braiden, like, if you can
do it, give it a go. So this is the Audior.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Braiden X Tennis Pro.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
He's lining up here he goes.

Speaker 5 (16:16):
And was that a young small child screeching the background
or was that producer Can.

Speaker 6 (16:22):
A very excitable producer, Kaitlin.

Speaker 8 (16:24):
But we feel like because once you get there and
you're looking at it actually looks huge, and you're thinking
there's no way there's and obviously there's no way that
the pro.

Speaker 5 (16:31):
I don't think anyone listens to this is thinking that
the Key Arena is like two foot high once you
get there, is hues. She had some massive stadium for
five thousand people. You didn't think you could just step
over and get in there like a giant.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
Anyway, then bravely stepped up to the plate.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
Can anyone tell how this is going? By the way
you are showing your hair braid in the pro, you.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
Are giving away what happened next, my friend. All right,
let's have listen.

Speaker 5 (17:01):
So this is real.

Speaker 4 (17:01):
This is your first go, this is my first go,
and you are former pro.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
I am not a former pro, but I am a
former tennis champion in year ten.

Speaker 5 (17:12):
You never lose it exactly exactly.

Speaker 4 (17:14):
Alright, let's play this.

Speaker 7 (17:15):
Alright, Thanks Christian. I'm down here at k Arena. It's
a beautiful day. All shivers. I dropped the racket. I'm
a bit nervous. Key Arena is bigger than I thought.
I was very confident about two hours ago. I am
significantly less confident.

Speaker 5 (17:29):
Now I'm not confident that he is going to do.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
He goes cats the ball.

Speaker 9 (17:38):
Oh my god, that is nothing but awesome. That's going
to be over the year.

Speaker 5 (17:49):
It was.

Speaker 8 (17:50):
It was, and I gave you out hit the pro
and I gave him a little look, just you know, saying,
you know.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
We all saw it. We all felt that genuinely for shot.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Genuinely first shot.

Speaker 6 (18:01):
So be honest, do we are we having to change
the competition get too easy? Or did you do something
incredible one in a million shots? Okay, I would I
would love to say that.

Speaker 4 (18:11):
Are you overhanding it or you just under armed?

Speaker 6 (18:13):
Under arm?

Speaker 5 (18:14):

Speaker 4 (18:15):
How the pros to it?

Speaker 6 (18:16):

Speaker 5 (18:19):
Yeah, Braiden overhead, No, Braiden underhand.

Speaker 6 (18:23):
Ah right, Okay, you just got a bit nervous.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
I was a bit more, you.

Speaker 4 (18:26):
Know, cool, Yeah, yeah more Yeah.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Yeah, it is actually honestly quite easy.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Well listen, let's rio second, go.

Speaker 8 (18:36):
Three, two, one, let's leaf No, I've nailed it again,
I reckon.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
And now bloody one.

Speaker 5 (18:45):
Of the guys from AO has tripped iver trying to
catch the ball.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
By you.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
It seems really quite easy to getting.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
So what are we going to do?

Speaker 6 (18:55):
Great question?

Speaker 8 (18:56):
It's easy to get the ball over key area, into
the core somewhere into the court. What's really difficult and
what we thought could be the answer to our problems
is you have to instead of just getting it into
the court. Yeah, you have to get it into the
service box as though you're doing a serve.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
Yea they would get they would love it was because
so they would get two goes, like two serves, great, I.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
Love it, Yes, that's a fault and the second serve. Yeah,
and then maybe another go if they touched the net
and it goes in if you get a let lady.
But yes, so instead of you know.

Speaker 5 (19:30):
So now they've already got it's going to be key
where we position them right now, you're going to be
cross almost cross court on the other side.

Speaker 8 (19:36):
Yes, exactly, like literally, like as though you were doing
a serve, you're on the southwest side of the moment.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
I was confused, I was northeast and southwest.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Southwest north And which way is the wind going?

Speaker 6 (19:51):
Yeah, well that would depend.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
On the day.

Speaker 4 (19:53):
Absolutely, Yeah, yeah, amateur.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
So it's just like you're doing a normal serve exception.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
But outside and the normal.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Yeah, instead of lining up at the service line, keep
walking back, keep walking.

Speaker 5 (20:04):
You're going you're going up exit and then you take
a shot to take your shot. Yes, okay, and we
don't mind where this under armed. They can hit it
anyway they want.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
Any way you want. I would recommend under arm. We
haven't tried over arm.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
Your there's no if you had a former pro coming
down doing it underarm, there's no way someone's going to serve.

Speaker 6 (20:24):
That over Yeah, that's a good point. But there you go.

Speaker 5 (20:29):
I don't know you never the radio barras. Now I'm
scared of one going to say not been as impactful
of what you've had. Nine you didn't help. Now you
go nine four one four one o four three. Do
you want to come and take part? It's going to
be in a couple of weeks time. This is the
last show of the year. I know it's a it's annoying.

It's the last show that when we're back, though, we
will be doing this. Knock it into the park. It
is the world's longest serve.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
The Christian O'Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 5 (20:58):
Thank you very much to start to tell me about
your year in six words. But bloody, how amy you
would have thought that we live in the most miserable
or you know, hard effected city in the world. Oh
my bad luck caught up. It's just it feels like
a Taylor Swift song title. All right, So here's the thing.
We when we come back in the new year, the
Australian Open will be on and we're going to be
down there and you'll be with us. We'll be outside

the Key Arena for grahps tickets to go to the
women's and men's finals. An amazing experience, one of the
biggest third Grand Slams in the world. You'll be there
trying to win.

Speaker 4 (21:28):
Your way to the final. All you have to do.

Speaker 5 (21:34):
Who says all you have to do is tennis ball over?
I keep saying it's into Korea into Key Arena. It's
actually over and into Kia Arena. Rio was down there
yesterday did it with his first two shots, just whacking
over and into the court.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
So now we've had to slightly change this because.

Speaker 5 (21:51):
Otherwise we're going to be going down there and a
winner will be found immediately at five past six.

Speaker 8 (21:56):
Yes, so you have to hit it over the roof,
and then you've also still got to hit it over
the actual tennis net and then into the proper service more.

Speaker 5 (22:05):
As if you're actually playing a game of tennis and
you were serving.

Speaker 8 (22:07):
Yes, and pros probably only get their first serves in
maybe fifty at best sixty percent of the time, and
we're asking him to get it not just over the net,
but over the stands.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
Thank you for this and that, and then also further
back as well.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
So way harder, way, way, way, way too hard.

Speaker 5 (22:25):
And we have no winners.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
We might we were going to have immediate winners.

Speaker 5 (22:28):
Now no winners.

Speaker 4 (22:29):
What's the difference here?

Speaker 3 (22:30):
Yeah, in the arena, we'll deal with that.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
How close did you get yesday to the service?

Speaker 5 (22:37):
Bos I got within like they on participating was down there.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
He got very close both times, so he was just
this side of the the what's the next.

Speaker 4 (22:52):
Thank what we sent Katelyn down?

Speaker 5 (22:54):
What did you think it was? Volleyball or sting up
on the Gold coast? All right, so where can we
be able to come down at the moment and take
But who wants in ninety four one one O four three, Pete,
good morning, Good morning Pete. So you want and you
think you can do it?

Speaker 1 (23:10):

Speaker 10 (23:11):
Yeah, Look, being a bit of a bull hitter back
on the day, I used to play some local tenners.
You know, I could get my serves in with a
bit of window cyst which you go straight over the top.
And yeah, I generally think I can hit the ball
over and Rod Labor and get a spot in the
in the Australian.

Speaker 5 (23:30):
Well you're not playing. It sounds like you actually got
some wild card. And this is imagine the commentary says,
and one is weighing on a radio station and here's Pete.

Speaker 6 (23:43):
And I know you don't hang on every word receive,
but nobody said when your wait to playing at the open, people.

Speaker 5 (23:52):
Are thinking, bloody, how's he pulled off this price? I'm
playing at the open, Pete, chancey, you're through. Let's try
who we got here?

Speaker 4 (24:02):
Cam? Good morning Cam, Welcome to the show. Good morning Cam.
You fancy you can do it? You fantcy your chances?

Speaker 5 (24:08):

Speaker 1 (24:09):
I do, actually yes, former junior squash champion, I've played
many times.

Speaker 10 (24:13):
I'm playing squash because you can just smash the ball
to as you can actually broke it one.

Speaker 6 (24:17):
Time broke a squash ball.

Speaker 10 (24:19):
Yeah I actually broke but a split in it.

Speaker 5 (24:21):
All right, your nickname will be ball breaker. Come on,
I love this, the power, the fury, the cam cam.
You're in, good luck, we'll see you in the new year.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Christian Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
We're aout Cross Lights to North part with Gary Klaus,
Santa's Bogan brother. The last two weeks be giving you
the grown ups a present for Christmas. Christmas is for kids,
but not with Gary Klaus. It's all about you grown ups.
So thanks to Mercedes Benz Berrick, who will better only
trading offer by at least five thousand dollars and you
get next to two thousand dollars of Christmas. That's seven

thousand more than anywhere else. Give them a go. It's
until the end of the year December. The thirty first.

Speaker 8 (25:06):
Reclaus is coming a town.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
Reclauses come in a town.

Speaker 8 (25:11):
He's making a list us truckers with gifts, but only
four Adad's gone nothing for kids.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
Y Claus is coming a town.

Speaker 8 (25:22):
Stoping by the pop or the Crown.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Garry Claus is coming to town.

Speaker 5 (25:30):
All right, This starling satellite is in position Gary.

Speaker 4 (25:33):
Are you there?

Speaker 9 (25:34):

Speaker 1 (25:34):
Well, well, well he's trouble of my goodness, Christian, Jack
and Patsy.

Speaker 5 (25:40):
Great to see yesterday. Thanks for popping over to our
team Christmas month.

Speaker 4 (25:44):
Oh isn't he very lively? Yesterday? In the front bar.

Speaker 6 (25:49):
Yes, yes, we had a great park blah how you
pull up?

Speaker 4 (25:56):
Yeah yeah, not too bad.

Speaker 5 (25:57):
So when I left, I think you're about to go
and play Paul, Yes, played forward.

Speaker 3 (26:00):
With some of your little elves Caitln and Witchy and
Clinton and.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
One of them for got to come to work today
on the old Dieger shots with you after I left.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
Yes, yes, you had the red bull vodkast.

Speaker 5 (26:14):
You hate to see any young boy like that from
the country. Oh, wide eyed and sicky.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
Yes, they're naughty little elpie. Yeah yeah, they've been quiet today.

Speaker 6 (26:22):
Is yes, very normally very yuppy, but yeah no.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
Yappy yeppy, room spinning and everything. How's alight? Okay? So
how does this work? For the last time ever?

Speaker 8 (26:37):
Thank you so much all the grown ups we've been
emailing into Christian I am the adults only Santa.

Speaker 6 (26:43):
It's my last day on It.

Speaker 4 (26:45):
Just sounds rude when you fras a sexy Saturday.

Speaker 6 (26:49):
I'm only for adults.

Speaker 5 (26:51):
Oh yeah, I've been working my bloody butt off for
the last two weeks.

Speaker 6 (26:54):
Today is sadly the last day.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
Then I handed over to Santa.

Speaker 5 (26:59):
And what bought you? What will you do now? Then?
What is your role there.

Speaker 6 (27:02):
Well, now we have to be Christmas party.

Speaker 4 (27:03):
That's bloody hell. What's in a weekend affair? Yes, we're
doing laser tag.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
We're going We're going to the local retenter.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
We're gonna tear it up on the pokies now, I
think get trying to pull up the ponies.

Speaker 5 (27:17):
Okay, four, well done, all right.

Speaker 4 (27:23):
So the last few requests I know, very sad. All right,
So let's go to Jimmy the Garbo.

Speaker 5 (27:28):
Now, yesterday Jimmy contact of the show that it was
taking a sickie to go fishing. Maybe don't tell one
of the biggest radio stations in the city. And then
later on I got an email from Jimmy, a Christian,
as was fishing this morning. A giant fish Grammar line
pulled my rod straight into the water. Gary clause, Gary clause,
Gary clause is a Jimmy's words, not mine. I definitely

need a couple of rod holders, so bloody heart to
catch fish then to lose a rod is a kick
in the ass. Kind of have the frank Marine stainless
steel three way adjustable rod holder ninety nine bucks and
the Shimano fish quest rod eighty bucks.

Speaker 6 (28:08):
Well you have been a bit of a naughty boy.

Speaker 7 (28:10):
I got it.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
He's on the line right now, Jimmy the Garbo. Good morning, Good.

Speaker 10 (28:15):
Morning Tom O'Connell, and thank you for keeping my secret
a secret.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
It stays between me and you and the city. That's
Turkey glacky my boss.

Speaker 5 (28:25):
Listener to this.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
Yeah, I noticed that we know he is Jimmy the Garbo.
It really narrows it down.

Speaker 10 (28:33):
Bloody fish, I swear to god, took a freaking rock.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Can you believe that.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
It must be out there now with it.

Speaker 10 (28:39):
I don't know what he's doing with.

Speaker 6 (28:41):
It, but I'll tell you why if I ever catch
him again, I give making the head. That's true. It
must have been a big fish to that whole rod
yees or you're a fisherman.

Speaker 10 (28:48):
I've never seen it before in my life. It's just incredible.

Speaker 4 (28:51):
But yeah, he Gary Clause, Gary Clause, please, I need
a roll holder.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
Jimmy, you've been a very very nooughty good.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
Every six o'clock in the morning, Jimmy's there.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
You've been a very good garb and they've been a
good boy in the rest of the year. So you're
getting the rod hold on.

Speaker 4 (29:11):
Oh my god, the Shimano fish quest is coming.

Speaker 10 (29:15):
Thank you very much, guys, have a merry Christmas.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
Happy Jimmy.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (29:19):

Speaker 4 (29:20):
And let's do should we do one last one.

Speaker 6 (29:22):
One for the roads for one more Christian, let's do it.

Speaker 5 (29:26):
And we just told a little peep up there from Patsy.
I wonder where you've got last half and hour. Yes,
we're speaking to us just to cry for How Jesus
is it you the lot, poor old Patsy, about half
an hour of sleep for the last twenty four hours.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Let's give some more presents, Yeah, Christian and Gary.

Speaker 5 (29:48):
I have three windows in my bedroom, and out of
each window I can be viewed by three separate neighbors. Well, whatever, folks,
you vote? Oh you want a present here? My assistant
curtains are old, unt upodated like me. I'd like to
replace them with vertical blinds. Then I could let the
lighting and some fresh air without being in full view
of the neighbors. I was hoping Gary Claus could help

me out and my neighbors out. I'm sure they don't
like looking at me getting changed. Come on, Gary Klaus,
what can you do? Well? What a scene this is?

Speaker 6 (30:20):
I wouldn't be surprised if Gary was one of the neighbors.

Speaker 5 (30:24):
You love a little pet, don't what I've always said us, Yeah,
you are once. Never have you been up centering, Julie, Julie, Julie,
we cannot have these peeping Tom's ruining your buddy Christmas.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
Judy h sorry, she's hiding on the floor light now
in their own bedroom. Fright to move. The neighbors are
there right now, Juli, Good morning, good morning.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
I'm tired of being a key.

Speaker 4 (31:00):
These grains from my.

Speaker 5 (31:00):
Name that you can two performances twice today, one the morning,
one in the evening. Plaints are packed houses. We cannot
have this, Julie.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
No, we can't, Julie.

Speaker 6 (31:13):
I'm going to give you the greatest gift. Someone can
give you the gift of privacy.

Speaker 4 (31:18):
Your wishes grand the greatest gift, make any sense, don't
end on a bad one.

Speaker 5 (31:25):
The blind guys Venetians, yes, vertical ones yeah, oh yeah, Julie,
your wishes ares, yes, you can have them for Christmas.

Speaker 4 (31:41):
Thank you, Thank you, Gary Claus and thank you Chris,
thank you.

Speaker 5 (31:48):
We really have ended on it.

Speaker 4 (31:50):
I'm going to shut the blinds now for the year.
On the show, Garry have a great Christmas.

Speaker 5 (31:56):
I've got a feeling that kind willing we see you
again next year. By bye Gary, to you and the
Elms any brother, Bye Gary. The Christian O'Connell Show podcast,
Christian is the theme Christmas songs.

Speaker 4 (32:11):
No, just because we are finishing for the year.

Speaker 5 (32:14):
The rest of you have proper jobs, are not finishing
for the year today on November anyway, we don't get
to get the details.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
Sty Friday, we.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Turned the last out of the show into a giant jukebox.
We give you a theme, you pick all the big songs.

Speaker 6 (32:26):
Oh Christian, We've got no songs for the whole hour.
Oh nick nick nig, nick nick nig, naked our naked hour.

Speaker 4 (32:38):
Oh nick nake big.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
Nick nag naked our naked hour for the last time
this year. Then we're looking for songs where this morning
size in the tide so can be big small, tiny, white,
extra small extra larfe Yeah, why why narrow sized supersiding?

Speaker 4 (33:03):
I think there is a song called super staining group
of Marda Patsy.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
What are you going for?

Speaker 2 (33:07):
I'm going to go with the Queen of Soul of
Rutha Franklin this week and say a little prayer.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
An hour ago, Patsy wond us that we don't know
which which pat we're going to get. You gave us
three options. We didn't know there was a fourth bonus,
one of the crazed starlet.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
It's a gift with purchase for you this week.

Speaker 5 (33:30):
Who sang it? Better?

Speaker 4 (33:37):
Tax some flex to actually sing along with a Weatha Franklin.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
How disrespectful from that icon I always remember it from
that iconic scene in my best friend's wedding where they're
all sitting around the table and they crack into that song.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
Jack's nodded, but you've not seen I know that fate
not well enough that you ain't seen any of that.

Speaker 6 (34:00):

Speaker 4 (34:00):
It's polite.

Speaker 5 (34:02):
This is what you do.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
Who has seen it?

Speaker 5 (34:06):
And that's a great song, Patsy, it's a beautiful song. Actually,
what a gorgeous day is today as well? Perats is
the why it can be nice this weekend? Or was
it snowing within the next home?

Speaker 6 (34:14):
You know what I hate.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
I hate to blow blow your bubble. But tomorrow is
not so great. So tomorrow is rain maybe a thunderstorm
again with twenty two.

Speaker 4 (34:23):
Yeah everything you're singing, no, yeah, yeah, it's my fault.
Actually delirium.

Speaker 6 (34:32):
It's delirium today.

Speaker 4 (34:34):

Speaker 6 (34:34):
Yeah, Jack, what's yourself? My song is short skirt, long jacket,
Cake not in.

Speaker 5 (34:40):
Perhaps he's noting, how do we turn the off? This
is a great fan, won't they?

Speaker 6 (34:51):
Although I can never separate this from a memory I
have of my first boss when I worked at the
cinema doing this at a Christmas party on karaoke. He was,
honestly my first both was David Brent. I can't separate
the two.

Speaker 5 (35:05):
What a strange karaoke song to do Field? I didn't
know because they all have, like pre say, a couple
of hundred songs, don't they. They're big, well known songs. Cake,
We're an indie band, a very good one, but not
well known that I'm going to go with. This is
an eighties band actually called then Jericho, Big Area all right,

songs with size size in the title.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
The Christian O'Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 5 (35:36):
We're looking for a whole big hour of Friday songs
and anthems. They're going to have a size in the title,
like every little step Bobby Brown grew tune from the eighties,
What about this? How do you feel about Creed where

I haven't seen the video for this. I bet it's
in black and white.

Speaker 6 (36:12):
You know, Creed is in their cruise era. You know
how kids have their own cruise where you think it's
now doing their cres.

Speaker 5 (36:20):
Oh my god, imagine being stuck in a boat with
Creed fans and their arms wide open, terrifying.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
This is a great song, super Tramp, give a little love.

Speaker 5 (36:32):
This is a great song. And he wants to hear
Peter Gourbiel big time. And for the first time ever.
I've been doing this a couple of months, this feature

every Friday. No one's ever texted in not with a request.
But of course we don't play. When he said, Christian
and the only thing I wanted you not to play
Fleetwood Mac little lies.

Speaker 4 (37:03):
She hates this song. This is a good song, like.

Speaker 9 (37:10):

Speaker 4 (37:13):
All right, let's take some calls. Who we got here?

Speaker 5 (37:15):
Adam, good morning, good morning, good morning, Adam, welcome show.
What can we play from eight.

Speaker 10 (37:22):
Crazy little thing called Love from Queen?

Speaker 5 (37:31):
Good song? Adam, Thank you very much. Have a good
Christmas in a great new year. Richard, good morning one
in Christian, Jack and Patsy morning.

Speaker 4 (37:40):
What would you love us to play?

Speaker 5 (37:41):
I'd love you to play All the Small Things by Blink.
This is a big song.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
I will not go turn the Life of Jeremy.

Speaker 5 (37:54):
Definitely playing this brilliant song. Thank you very much that Richard.
Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you, Steve.
It's like it slight delay? Is it us the weather?

Speaker 6 (38:11):
That one was a good half minute.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
I think the Boss is sort of running down the
power because of the last show of the year to
save on money. You know, it's like one bar and
the electric heater rather than three. Hello Steve, welcome to
the show.

Speaker 4 (38:24):
How are we Steve? What would you love us to play?

Speaker 6 (38:27):
Okay, can't go past elcon John's Tiny Dancer.

Speaker 5 (38:34):
That's your sound, brilliant. This morning's definitely going to play that.
Thank you very much, Steve. Have a great Christmas thanks
to joining the shows. Nicky, Good morning, Nicky, Hello Christmas greetings, Cruz.

Speaker 4 (38:52):

Speaker 5 (38:53):
All right, Sat Nicholas, you're very good and I hope
you're well as well. What's the song you'd love us
to play? Big Friday, Big.

Speaker 4 (39:00):
Tree by Big Country.

Speaker 5 (39:02):
This is a great song, big Love and NICKI I'm
going to play this. Nikki, have a great Christmas. Thanks
for being brought the show.

Speaker 4 (39:19):
Thank you all right, all your big songs coming up
from ates.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
The Christian O'Connell show podcast.

Speaker 5 (39:26):
It is our last show of the year. I know
it's offensive, it's disgusting. We are lightweights. I hate myself too,
but if you could, you would We will be back.
Just be honest, ask yourself today, donate the player, hate
the game. I do appreciate it is actually rude to

be finishing in November, but this is the last show
with you guys live, and so we want to end
it by knowing how you been. What's it been in
any year as a grown up? There are up and down, sideways, moments,
all of it.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
It's a lot.

Speaker 5 (40:03):
It's messy, isn't it been a grown up? So let's
talk about during the next twenty minutes. How has your
year been for you? How would you describe the flavor
of this year in six words? Looking on a lot
of the ones coming through. Some of you have been
through a lot this year, shock, grief, recovery, love, and

then this final one future Michael, I love that my
six worthier Christian. Too much work, not enough play? How
deep is your love? I favored us a song request.
By the way, I thought that was your year.

Speaker 4 (40:40):
Jackie Boy, how would you describe this year for you?
You've You've had a big year my friends.

Speaker 6 (40:44):
Yeah, I've distilled my se words down into the interview
that changed my year. I was on the Imperfect podcast,
something that I was petrified to go on. It's one
thing to talk about, well, I went through the struggles
I went through when my son was born. I didn't
know at the time, but I've had postnatal depression and
thanks to the support of this team and my lovely wife,

I was able to get through it.

Speaker 4 (41:08):
One thing.

Speaker 6 (41:08):
Getting through it is another thing entirely to go on
a podcast that is about vulnerability and being open and
tell the whole story. But I'm so glad I did
because the ripple effect it had was overwhelming and it
brought me only connection where I feared that it was
going to I don't know I did. I feared what

people would think about it.

Speaker 5 (41:30):

Speaker 4 (41:30):
I remember walking with you.

Speaker 5 (41:31):
We walked together up to the studio to you and
go record it, and I remember just being in all
of how brave you were even taking those steps is
really hard. Yeah, I've been in that room as well,
and They're lovely guys right there. You couldn't be going
into a more welcoming environment. But the whole thing is
about you. It's like open heart surgery and there's no
anesthetic in there. At times you feel like you're actually
on fire. You are, You're in this crucible. Yeah, and

actually some of you does get destroyed in the flame
of all but actually when you leave, I left feeling
like they would. That was amazing. It was great.

Speaker 4 (42:01):
Two of them were crying as I am, and I'm
thinking I have said too much.

Speaker 6 (42:05):
This is going to be a huge We wanted to
be vulnerable, but not that.

Speaker 5 (42:11):
Going to see okay, do we need to check in
on it? Was something but your episode. When I first
heard the whole thing, it's an amazing change.

Speaker 6 (42:18):
And I was nervous about what strangers would think about it.
But I was more nervous, honestly about what friends and
family and people I loved would think about it, and
people that I wasn't sure would understand it. And I
want to read one message I got from my father
in law, because Biank's dad is somebody who over the years,
I love him so much, but I have found it

hard to connect with him we are in a lot
of ways, very different people, and it was somebody like
that who I wasn't sure would understand what I went through.
And this is one of many messages I got after
do in this podcast, but this is the one that
meant most of me. Hijack, I just had the best
car drive of my life listening to your podcast. I'm
very touched by your sincerity about the problem that at

the time I could not understand why you could not overcome.
I'm so happy now able to speak about it. And
I've always been proud of you, and now I'm even prouder.
I may not have expressed it or showed it, but
I want you to know that I've always been proud.
I love you, Jack. I will always be here for you. Bianca,

Gordy and all of us in the family are blessed
to have you with us. By the way, Gordy does
look like you, and which I mentioned in the podcast
that what scared me the most as Gordy came out
and he looked like a miniature version of me. Gordy
does look like you, and I'm sure he has the
same part that you have. I love you guys so hard.

Speaker 5 (43:42):
Wow, God how does it feel to actually read out
and actually really feel what he's said.

Speaker 6 (43:47):
It changed, honestly, it changed our relationship and with's mum
as well. It's a cliche to say, but people have
difficulties sometimes with their in laws where they feel like
especially because if you think think about it from their
point of view, I bought Bianca from there. They live
in Florida. I bought bianchor from the US. Couldn't be
further away from where they live now to live here

so to we've always clashed in some sort of way,
and to have that recognition and acknowledgment and now like
a breaking down of barriers was the most important outcome.

Speaker 5 (44:20):
It is amazing how if you don't share your heart,
he doesn't share his heart. You know, those people that
people are frightened have been vulnerable because you're fright of
being judged. And it's not just the judgment. That's what
you do with that judgment. It's not what you're so
much about what your father in law says what makes
you feel, it's how it makes you feel inside. It's
some old story that he's touching again. Togainst a lit
up that I'm not enough or I need to be

more this. Yes, why can't I be more like that?

Speaker 6 (44:44):
And then you've put something that I had a lot
of shame about, the post ad of depression. You put
it out there and you're not sure if people are
going to turn their back on it, but because he
turned towards it, it will change our relationship forever.

Speaker 5 (44:56):
Well done.

Speaker 6 (44:57):
It's been a great year and.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
Went for you and your family and what you've done
and your your bravery, encourage and walking up there into
that room, okay, has helped so many people.

Speaker 4 (45:06):
You say it's a ripple, it's actually tidle.

Speaker 5 (45:09):
Jack. I know I've seen all the emails that I've
had that I've fought on to you is because you
told your truth and that's what most of us always
struggle to do. But you did and it's been a
huge moment for you. I'm proud of It's been amazing.
What a great thing, what a great special thing you've
done this year as well. Thanks shout out. Thank you
for your support as well and.

Speaker 1 (45:25):
The Pleasure, Pleasure, Pleasure, the Christian O'Connell show podcast.

Speaker 5 (45:30):
Thank you very much for your lovely message about Jack's
sharing there. Good morning to Debbie or work no play perimenopause.
My six word year, Christian, this is a great one
from one of you. You haven't put your name here.
Finally take control of my life for me this year,
I actually had the last six months where it has
been characterized the flavor of my year genuinely has been

and done. Why I'm not going to do a buzz kill,
but it has been characterized by loss and grief. Mother
in law dying suddenly five months ago, and then the dog.
We had to put the dog down yeap three weeks ago. Yeah,
not of sadness, not a grief actually says it wasn't
going to be a buzz kill. But actually my sixth
word it comes from a Nick cave song who just
writes miserable songs, so maybe I shouldn't take inspiration from that.

But he's got this lovely song called joy, and in
it there's a line there's been too much sorrow, and
then there's the other bit of it that says, now
is the time for joy. And even in all the
sadness and all the loss, and there's the same in
all of our lives, even in the struggle that you
went through, Jackie Board, there's also joy. There as well. Yeah,
sorry for the second.

Speaker 1 (46:31):
Moment, Christian Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 5 (46:34):
This might be a strange question for me to ask you,
but can someone please let me know? Is the music
sounding really quiet this morning? We think our end in
the studio the music is quieter the normal and we're
running around trying various things to work.

Speaker 4 (46:48):
Is it quieter the normal?

Speaker 7 (46:49):
Is it just this.

Speaker 5 (46:51):
Shitbox studio that a podcast out? Literally the worst I've
ever been in my whole career. Even when I was
a nobody in our tiny radio shows, judio was better.

Speaker 6 (47:00):
Than this because now we're pushing up the volume of
elber John to try and make it sound normal and here, yes,
oh we know he's too loud, and.

Speaker 5 (47:06):
You're Terry and Craigie Bonus going what the hell is
he doing playing with the faders putting get up and down?
So please can you just let me not? Does it
sound normal volume? I know it sounds amateurish because actually
it is amateurish. We've got Caitlin Butcher going, you need
to push the fader up, harmon. This is the thing.

Speaker 4 (47:24):
It's always set up.

Speaker 5 (47:27):
DJing here like David Guetta right in the Favors doing
live mixes it's just set there. But I don't know
if the music is really can you I don't before
we know, they can't even hear what I'm saying now,
it could just be.

Speaker 4 (47:41):
So yeah, what I was trying to say earlier.

Speaker 5 (47:42):
And then I started to quote a Nick Cave's song
All in a Bit Payshape, because that is Nick Cave song.
So that actually this year with or not despite, but
with all the grief in the last and mother in
law and then Sandy are beautiful dog three weeks ago,
Actually now is the time for joy as well. You know,
a daughter turned eighteen last week. Eldest daughter two came
along to our Christmas lunch yesterday and yes, my word,

she said it was like a documentary. She she saw everything, Yes,
didn't she It was like the rainbow of emotions when
you drink. We didn't have a big there was no
big argument, the one in case we people think we
all had a big fall out. But there was a
some people, Hey, you want to unraveled, you unwrapped and

there was a flavor. There was a flavor. There was
a flavor unwrappling. But now now is the time for
joy with everything that's gone on, for my family and
actually a couple of you. You've lost your pets as well,
and you both have got dogs. You just to actually
call them a dog, to actually just reduce it down
to a title, because you wouldn't. I wouldn't say I
lost a human this year, my mother and law Jacket.

It's like these dogs, they're just such.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
They just give you.

Speaker 5 (48:47):
They require nothing of you. They don't need money, they
don't need to give you a lift anywhere. You need
to wash their clothes.

Speaker 4 (48:54):
They just like.

Speaker 5 (48:55):
The thing I really miss about is first thing in
the morning because when I could for the houses asleep
Wman shepper dog Niche bless her. Was like great to
see her. You've got this, just sure. I love you Shenanigans.
Do you want to go for walk right now? I
don't know when we've been through this in many years, Niche.
It's not the time. We're not going for walk.

Speaker 6 (49:13):
Your dog is your most consistent part of your life. Yes, honestly,
they're there every day. And Jack is.

Speaker 5 (49:18):
Actually really making it worse. You know, I've got the
second kid leaving in the in February, and Jack's going,
that's all you got and you lost that?

Speaker 4 (49:25):
Well, you sure it's the time for joy.

Speaker 6 (49:27):
No, but I did. It did make us appreciate Luna
and we haven't given her as many hugs and kisses
as we have since you los Agia at all the
best and lots of love to the whole found.

Speaker 5 (49:38):
Thanks Jackie boy. And you've got your big old mountain
dog Press who's not been well. It scares you, doesn't
I know.

Speaker 2 (49:44):
Well, when our first Marima went, you know, it's the
first time I reckon I've cried at work. I was
absolutely inconsolable. I came in the next day and I
really probably should have taken a good chunk of time
off because I just him to me. He was We
had Charlie when we couldn't have babies, so he sort
of filled He did feel that void. He was like
our fluffy child. An old family treated him like like

all of the family grieved Christy.

Speaker 5 (50:10):
They're a member of the family. No, no, no, they are.

Speaker 4 (50:12):
They're absolute member of the family as well.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
They really are felt like they'd lost a grandchild because
his dog was just every You guys aren't.

Speaker 5 (50:19):
Actually helping you actually actually like pouring hot fountain the
wound that I was trying to heal at the moment
you telling out another dog that's dead.

Speaker 4 (50:26):
I mean, how many dogs are dying in this break?

Speaker 5 (50:28):
At least four at them. It's like. And also that
dog really have been there for us, because we put
in a crate one day and she was like, there
was this crate that arrived one day that we had
to sort of gather in and then someone turned up
took her to Heathrow Airport and then obviously she knew
nothing about this. These people that were especialist in and
they said, listen, it might be nice if the kids

put some drawings up there of what's happening. So the
kids put these pictures up here, pictures opposite the Harbor Bridge.
We weren't moving there, so the dog must have felt
really leapt down. It's like, God, tell he's a ship,
which way do I look to see the Sydney Harbor Bridge.
So that dog had really got shoved in a crate.

Speaker 4 (51:06):
Imagine he's just thrown.

Speaker 5 (51:07):
A crate one day with some kiddie pictures, right, and
then the other side of the world. You've got to
start a new life out there. But she's been a
rock for the family. We have ten glorious years with
that dog. So yeah, now is the type of joy.
Thank you very much. Sure your lovely message as well.
I mean every year brings you something different. For Paul,
who's just texting right now, bought my dream car fulcon gt.

Now is also to time for your joy as well, Paul, enjoy.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
The Christian O'Connell show podcast.

Speaker 4 (51:33):
Am I getting another dog? Yes?

Speaker 5 (51:35):
Yes, I will be getting another dog. I've been told
by my wife I need to wait at least six months.
I said. All it needs to be is another big dog,
because all the dog that remains now is a little
tiny dog who now looks very scared when he goes
down a dog part right, He's got little dog sindrumps,
so he would bark at everything because he had a backup.
Proper dog gets a German shepherd dog. Now he looks
around like, where's the backup? I am wide open here?

Speaker 4 (51:59):
Why open? I need someone running interference?

Speaker 5 (52:06):
All right? Time for today's time waste. So the last
one of the year up for grabs. Cyndey law per tickets.
She's bringing her girls. Just want to have fun. Farewell
taught to Melbourne April or second next year. Tickets are
on sale now. Ticketec you can Winni Penn.

Speaker 4 (52:18):
Now on the Time Waster, we're looking for your Christmas bands.

Speaker 5 (52:23):
Have you done with yours? Jack?

Speaker 6 (52:24):
You're happy all right?

Speaker 5 (52:25):
Christmas bands Billy Noel silver, nine, Grinch Nows gold, We
Three Kings of Leon gold, Frankinsense goes to Hollywood silver,
Frankie elf Is Presley gold plus.

Speaker 4 (52:45):
And you Three Wise Men bronze s my end of
the year On the bronze.

Speaker 5 (52:51):
I'm just looking through the ones that were two craps
to read it on any of these possible the who
ho ho ho ho, the who hold.

Speaker 4 (53:03):
Under the tree? Jack, what have you got? Christmas bands?

Speaker 6 (53:08):
Bon bon Jovi? Oh yes, gold, Santana clause, Hey yeah yeah, Silver, Yeah,
now that's in gold.

Speaker 5 (53:18):
That's good.

Speaker 6 (53:19):
Grinch Spoon Wow silver and Gloria elf Deephan gold.

Speaker 1 (53:26):
The Christian O'Connell show podcast, it's.

Speaker 5 (53:29):
The last time wast of this year and we're looking
for your Christmas bands. Beeston Show. You have to go
and see Cindy Lauper next year. Jack, you ready mark?
Are even ready to mark? For the last time this year?
I'm ready to go.

Speaker 4 (53:44):
Let's do it.

Speaker 5 (53:46):
Grinch one eighty two gold, Mary Sabbath Silver, Noel Gallagher Gold,
Saint nicolback and they should be Saints gold Presence of
the United States of America instead of Presidents silver plus
not Sir mix a lot, Mr Gifts a lot, so doubler,

the Franklinson's Golden Gifts a lot silver and Steve Adam
and the presents gold.

Speaker 4 (54:15):
I'm justin. Frankie goes to the Mayers window gold. Who's
that that's on? Fiona?

Speaker 5 (54:22):
Michael Buble's Silver, Slazy Silver Plus Slayer Silver, Ham Haylen
bronze is good, Michelle White though it was good, Chris Cross,
Kringle Bronze, Barry White, Christmas Silver, Fleetwood, Santa Sak Gold,

Elvis President Lee Bronze.

Speaker 4 (54:46):
Dominic who's nine.

Speaker 6 (54:47):
Sorry, just shined it and it was actually gold underneath.

Speaker 5 (54:50):
Yeah, neither settings were working around this year. Stevie, Wonder
what I'll get for Christmas?

Speaker 4 (54:56):
That's my that's my favorite Plus Fi owner.

Speaker 5 (54:59):
That is very good. Stevie, Wonder what I'll get for
Christmas this year? Missle Tones, Tony Gold, Simon and gar Babble.

Speaker 4 (55:08):
Robins. All right, who is a winner today?

Speaker 6 (55:11):
I think I know Fiona will be going to Cyndey
lauper for Stevie. Wonder what I'll get for Christmas?

Speaker 1 (55:16):
Well done, Fiona, The Christian O'Connell Show podcast
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