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July 28, 2024 • 14 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:12):
Laura and come on in.

Speaker 2 (00:19):

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Hello everybody, Happy hump day, everyone hoping you've had a
wonderful day and this is your time to shine.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
It's three pm. It's the pick up and that's what
we're here to do.

Speaker 5 (00:29):

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Wow, you sound like a motivational speaker, Bride, Well, that's
what that's our job, Laura.

Speaker 5 (00:32):
We pick people. Are you just like Tony Robbins?

Speaker 4 (00:35):
Hasn't even canned a bit? Tony Robbins?

Speaker 5 (00:37):
Okay, has he? Because I kind of like him the motivation.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
This is the generational gap that we worry about.

Speaker 5 (00:44):
It is actually so true.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
Tony Robins is a massive American motivational speaker, the first.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
Of his kind, like the world leader, I should say.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
And the fact that I'm explaining this to you makes
me feel so old.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
See, I'd reference inspirational speaker as Gretathornberg. Pepper Pig.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
We've banned Pepper Pig in our household because she's so
mean to her.

Speaker 5 (01:06):
She constantly calls a dad fats and I don't he's
a pig. Yeah, but she's like daddy. Daddy has a
fat belly. She's a little she's not nice.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
She hangs up at our friends and stuff. She's really mean. Yes,
I just don't answer your call.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
As the parent in the room, I'm very passionate about
Pepper Pig and I think she's not particularly nice to
the people that she hangs out with.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
All right, enter Pepper Pig, Pepper's dud. Welcome to Wednesday everyone,
but listen coming up now, this will shock you. We're
talking about one of the biggest stars in the world
at the moment. They've decided to renew their vows. As
a lot of celebs do. It's a real in thing
right to be like, we love you so much, we
renew our vows. They've chosen to fly to Australia to
do it here of all places. After this, let's go

start the pick up Wednesday afternoon around Australia. Welcome to
the show. If you're a pickup fanatic at picking up
a night pickups, our fans are called pickuppers.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
I don't think they are.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
We've never called them a pickup or are well?

Speaker 5 (02:01):
They are now pickers?

Speaker 1 (02:03):
Yeah, picks cut but sorry is it? If you were
a picker, you'll know that Every Monday we do a
segment called Pickup put Down and guess what, guys, management
love it so much, we're now doing it twice a week.
Picks all the big topics of the week that we're
all talking about at work. But week, Yeah, how do
I rebrand this the topics that you talk about twice a.

Speaker 5 (02:23):
Week all around the country.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Everyone, I bring to the girls and you decide whether
or not we carry on the conversation, we keep talking
about it, or we snuff it out. It's a midweek
check in. Okay, So ladies pick up or put down?
Scary movies.

Speaker 5 (02:39):
Pick up, put down?

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Oh no, I love them, but I feel like that
we need to probably get a bit more specifica with this.

Speaker 3 (02:45):

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Well, they're kind of having a resurgence because Long Legs
is in cinemas. People are talking about seeing it. Yeah,
it's the Nicholas Cage horror. It's apparently being called the
creepiest and scary movie of all time. They've described it
as the Silence of the Lambs meets Hereditary.

Speaker 4 (02:58):
I hate scary movies.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
I gets so scared that I can't even watch scary movie,
which was like The piss Takes. It's the comedy, it's satire,
it's comedy of all the scary movies.

Speaker 4 (03:09):
It's like an amalgamation.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
And I can't even watch that because the funny satire
version still scares me. I feel like Nicholas Cage has
not had a good movie since Connair.

Speaker 5 (03:18):
Is that a horrible thing to know?

Speaker 1 (03:19):
A generational gap? What is connae?

Speaker 5 (03:21):
Oh my god, conn Air was amazing. Even producer Grace.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
Is we're the same age.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
The air is like one of the like a forest
Gump toll me no Forrest Gump run forest.

Speaker 5 (03:33):
Ye, so conn run. It's like some criminals take over
an aeroplane. They're in the air. He has to.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
It's a whole thing love hijacking, a hijack, that's it.
Oh god, connors, pick up, put down, moving on. Renewing
your vows every year.

Speaker 5 (03:50):
Oh I can't even get married.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
Yes, I haven't even walked down and had vow once,
so I can't be on board with renewing them.

Speaker 5 (03:56):
It sounds like one for the privilege.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
I mean, if you've got the money to renew your
ours every year, kind of nice, very nice to take
some time out to say nice things about your husband
if you still like them.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Yeah, oh, I mean wife in this case. G Flip
and Kraschelle Strauss from selling Sunset superstars have renewed their
vows and they've chosen Australia. They got married in Vegas
a year ago. G Flip said that we planned to
do a ceremony every single year. Why would you do
it just once? They did it in Australia last week.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
You would also hope that after one year of marriage
you still felt the same.

Speaker 5 (04:22):
Way as you did last year.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
Like it's I understand when people do the ten year
marriage renewals, but it's also because often after a decade
you might feel a bit differently about them.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Yeah. Also cute that they just said, we love each
other so much? Why would you do alright?

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Finally let you love pick up put down. The official
Australian Olympics uniform image here described it for those listening.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
It's like a long netball skirt thing that goes past
the knees at that awkward length, like you're at a
private school and you don't know what to do with it.
And then it's attached to a swimsuit leotard and it's
the skirt.

Speaker 4 (04:56):
For me, that skirt thing has to go.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
So the top half looks like Speedo's I thought though
it was swimmers with a skirt over the top, but
it is actually just a one piece. And there's been
there's been a couple of Olympic athletes that have come
out on social media who are absolutely mocking it.

Speaker 5 (05:11):
The Matilda's ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (05:12):
Yeah, the football girls, Matilda girls, they've come out being
like pretty much in a nice way, like what is
this thing?

Speaker 1 (05:17):
I'd love to source a pair and we get Brittain, Laura,
producer Grace to wear it for a show.

Speaker 5 (05:22):
Why don't you wear it for a show, Mitch, let's
get three.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Pairs and now we'll all wear it for a show.
I mean, everyone is talking about the Olympics, right, the Games.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
I actually have a friend that is at the Olympics now,
she's an athlete there and she's sort of spilling the
tea like the inside.

Speaker 5 (05:36):
Of goss and it's not what you think. Really.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
Yeah, well I think everyone is interested in the Olympics.

Speaker 5 (05:40):
Oh yeah, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
All right, well are we going to expose the dark
underbelly of the paras Olympics.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
I'm going to tell you some things I think will
probably shock you.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
Okay, all right, after this, I'm the pickup.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
You're just joining us. We've been having a bit of
a laugh. We probably shouldn't be laughing. But about some
of the Olympic opening ceremony uniforms.

Speaker 5 (05:58):
The Matilda's Girls did.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
A TikTok reel that's gone viral because they're pretty ugly.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
When I first saw it, I thought that that's what
they were actually going to have to play soccer in.

Speaker 5 (06:08):
And I was like, it's below the knee.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
I don't understand if you missed it though. It's kind
of like a it looks like a speedo swimmer up
top and a really long netball skirt down bottom.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
Net bully.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
It looks just awkward length.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
I was like, they're definitely going to get caught up
and take a tumble. But big news happening. Selene Dion
was just announced to be the singer at the opening ceremony.
That is absolutely huge because she hasn't really performed in
a long time. She's been really unwell. She's amazing, Like
she is amazing. I'm not surprised that they asked her,
But I think the thing that was the most surprising

was how much money they are paying.

Speaker 5 (06:43):
To perform at the opening ceremony.

Speaker 4 (06:45):
You know what, it's not amazing how much they're paining her.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
It's amazing how much they're paying her in comparison to
how much they paid the Olympians if they win a medal.
So Celendon, she's a goddess, but she's been paid reportedly
allegedly two million dollars.

Speaker 5 (07:00):
They get this.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
An Australian athlete, if they win a gold medal is
only paid twenty thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Only that's something else, Gorkap.

Speaker 4 (07:11):
Yes, it is.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
When you have trained for four years and you dedicate
your life full time job. We expect you as a country,
like we're so patriotic, we expect you to go out
there and bring it back for us. If you work
out how much that is over four years, twenty thousand dollars,
you do the math.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
I can't do it. I don't have a calculat on
me right now.

Speaker 5 (07:26):
Okay, But twenty.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
Twenty thousand dollars is Australia's payment if you win a
gold medal. But every country has a different payment. This
is something I didn't realize. So there's like different incentives
across the world.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
US athletes thirty seven five hundred, so almost sixty thousand dollars.
Singapore incredibly probably because they don't have that many people
win a medal. They pay one point one million dollars
to whoever wins a gold medal.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
I mean easy to say that, but if you're not
going to win any gold medals, it doesn't matter. They
could say you'll win twenty million dollars, but if there's
no one winning, then you don't have to pay it.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
I found this really hard to believe, but we had
our entire team here do.

Speaker 5 (08:05):
Their due diligence. One person, yeah, one person.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
The United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway don't pay anything to
their winning athletes.

Speaker 5 (08:14):
But you know how they make all their money. It's
how fans.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
No, it's how most most athletes make their money in
Australia as well.

Speaker 5 (08:22):
They make it through endorsements. They make it through brand
deals and.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
All that sort of stuff.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
You know, Puma and Nike and added Ass, all those
sorts of things are how most of the athletes are
making their big dollars.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
I have a friend that's there now, Darius Seville. She
is an Australian tennis player. She's one of the women's
top one hundreds. And if you want to go and
get like an inside look on what's happening in the village.
She's outing a lot of things that people probably don't
know about on her Instagram. So she's putting things like,
I mean, we all know they sleep on their cardboard beds, right, so.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
I don't know if people know. They only found this
out this morning. The non bonk beds, which are like,
if you haven't heard this, it's like a cardboard slattered
bed that can only take the weight of one person.
And there was a big rumor going around that the
reason why they had these cardboard beds is to deter
the athletes from from getting a freaking.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
O because they provide them all with condoms.

Speaker 4 (09:10):
That's false.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
These cardboard these cardboard beds are so strong that there's
so many athletes showing them jumping on it, literally jumping
on it doing One of the divers was doing like
flips on it.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
I think I was trying to get a bunk bed
in the studio. See if we can break.

Speaker 5 (09:23):
It for who, Mitch, for who is going to go
on the bonk bed?

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Pick up?

Speaker 5 (09:28):
Okay, okay.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
Everyone stated that the person I dated not long ago
had a cardboard bed.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Apparently very like environmentally friendly, that's why people do it.
I don't think it's the the rumor that's going around
the Olympics saying that it's for, you know, deterring people
from bonking. I actually think it's so that there's less
waste they put that statement out, Laura. Sorry, I thought
I was giving my tinfoil hab.

Speaker 5 (09:53):
I did, and I only read the headline. I thought
I cracked it.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Next up the show, we all have a real flaky
friend in our life, one of those friends you come
and hang out and they don't hang out. Well, listen,
I have the ultimate friendship hack that will enable you
to know exactly where your flaky friends are at all times.
This will solve many friendships around Australia and I'm going
to I'm going to unveil it to the world. Next,
I have the ultimate friendship test that I have come

up with and I've got.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
So many friends trademarking it.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah, it is a Mitch Jury friendship test. Official.

Speaker 5 (10:24):
What have you done?

Speaker 1 (10:25):
Listen? We all know how hard it is to get
hold of a friend that is super flaking. You invite
them things and they don't turn up.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
The only person who knows how hard it is to
get in touch with a friend who's super flakes is
us because that is you, Mitch.

Speaker 5 (10:35):
We should be doing the test on you.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
Whatever you were a chocolate bar, you would hands down
be a flake.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Yeah, I would happily. I own my flakingness. That's why
this comes from within.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
You actually make up lies all the time. You actually
do not own it in any capacity.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Well, then New britt are going to love this, okay,
because my new invention is define my friend app.

Speaker 5 (10:56):
That's invention.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
But I appreciate you trying to take claim to something
that you didn't have anything to do.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
With to find my friend challenge. So I now challenge
you listening to this in you two girls, to go
to your text messages and find a friend that you
text all the time. What you can do is if
you hit their icon, hit their name, you go to
their name at the top if this is an iPhone,
and then you can hit the button that says requests location.
And what that does is that sends them a prompt
that says, Mitch Jury would love to see your location. Now.

I did it ahead of time because it's a test
to see if your friend really loves you and if
they trust you. I did Producer Grace, who I'm very
close personal friends with and who works on the show,
And in two minutes flat, I got the response, Grace
has accepted your location and has shared hers back with you.
I now can see where she is twenty four seven.
She can see where I am twenty four seven.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
Love that fear, It's very sweet.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
I also did it to Britney Hockley this morning, to
which I got an instant denial, an instant decline, and
Britt replied, why do you want this? No?

Speaker 5 (11:54):
I think I.

Speaker 4 (11:54):
Actually said, why are you trying to stalk me?

Speaker 5 (11:56):
Ey? You so obsessed with me?

Speaker 2 (11:58):
The only person who I I think you should have a
problem with this is Mitch.

Speaker 5 (12:02):
Why did I not get one?

Speaker 1 (12:03):
I've just done it now.

Speaker 5 (12:04):
No, I don't want it now. I'm not going to
share my location with you now.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
When you just said you sent it to your two
dear friends, how was I left out of that equation?

Speaker 1 (12:12):
I really should have seen this one coming out.

Speaker 5 (12:13):
You just walked to that. Okay, I've got a new
friendship challenge.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
It's you send it to all your friends, and then
the person who gets left out knows where they stand.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Oh, Laura, Because I knew Grace would say yes, and
I knew britt would say no, what do you.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
Think I'd do a radio Why did you think I'd
say not?

Speaker 1 (12:26):
I know you don't know how to use your phone.

Speaker 5 (12:27):
I don't know. I actually don't prefer messages.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Is the test, Brittany Hackily Laura burn I now challenge
you to find two friends and to request their live location,
and we will check in tomorrow on the show to
see if they've done.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
Maybe somebody that's not a really good friend, like, maybe
let's test like a medium friend. Not because I feel
like long lifelong friends are all going to say.

Speaker 5 (12:46):
Yes, right, Well, I don't have my husband, but I
have my mother in law. She's the only person I
have on find my friends. You don't have Maddie j No,
I don't need to know where he is all the time.
I trust him.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
I also don't have Ben either, even though he's on
the other side of the world and could be doing
whatever he wants.

Speaker 5 (12:59):
See I'd be sending it to Ben.

Speaker 3 (13:01):

Speaker 5 (13:01):
I trust Ben, but he's under the country. It's just
nice to know if any matter.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
I'm shocked. You don't know bet On, Matt, I reckon,
make that number one. I reckon. We both do your partners. Laura,
you do your husband Mattie. Brit you do your fiance Ben.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
Okay, request done, Laura's location message is already being sent.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
Great, and then who would be my next person? I
don't know?

Speaker 1 (13:22):
I reckon maybe brit you do someone from the jungle
for me?

Speaker 4 (13:25):
Oh yeah, yeah, what don't I do?

Speaker 5 (13:27):
Why don't you do Rebel Wilson? Britt, You've got her
number in your phone? Think I'm actually stalking. I'm not
going to do Relic. You should probably accept it to
be of a legal case. Actually having a bit of a.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
Rough time, I am going to go Tristan.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
Tristan McManus from Channel ten. Yeah, wish I knew someone
who was a celebrity. I don't know anyone. You guys
are the biggest celebrities I have in my phone.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
Okay, I'm requested it.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
I feel awkward because look how awkward this looks?

Speaker 2 (13:53):
All right, and I am going to request you know what,
this will make for an interesting conversation. I'm going to
request our boss. Let's see what he has to say.
Tony's read the message.

Speaker 5 (14:02):
What's happening live?

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Okay, updates on the show tomorrow. Everyone, Let's go. That
is us done. We will find out tomorrow if Laura's
got a job and if BRIT's friends with Tristan McManus.
Great friendship tes
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