All Episodes

June 28, 2024 • 25 mins
  • The Man Who Paddled A Pumpkin
  • Can Will & Woody Surprise Each Other?
  • Baby Sitting Gone Wrong
  • What Your Car Says About You
  • Woody's Spicy Relationship Hack

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
We're just taking calls on what you used a vegetable
for aside from eating, obviously, and I'm going to be
honest with you.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Pretty disappointing responses.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
But the reason we asked that question is because a
man called Adam Fukuerson. I'm going to throw to Adam right,
was in we are we saying your last name correctly there, Adam?

Speaker 3 (00:30):
Yeah, I mean if you say it wrong, it does
sound like a squear word.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
So you've done well, Thank you mate.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
We are live on radio, so we are really walking
the tight rope when we say funks, which is.

Speaker 3 (00:41):
Probably say you just call me Adam.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
Then yeah, Adam, I've actually cunning Farkler.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
I've actually thought of a quite an appropriate nickname for you.
I call you the pump King, because well, you tell everyone,
pump King, what have you just done?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Oh, there's a bit of a story to it. To
a made of mine grew an enormous pumpkin. So I
actually went around a cert when it was growing and
put stuff on Facebook. Fair to say, this guy, Mark
Peacock put in a lot more work than I. So
he spent four months ago on this thing. And it's
a bohem of thee we had to use a tractor
with forks to get it on a youth to take.
He took it up to the Sydney Beast to show
and he won the blue ribbon up there. So it's

four and seven kilos which is the size of a horse.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
Oh my, the size of a horse.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
Wow, well it's the weight of a horse. So it's yeah,
big nugget. So it's imagine and it's bigger orange thing.
It looks like Chuck Norris's testicle, I think so allegedly.
So I've heard what what I've done when I saw
this thing and said what are you going to do
when you finished? And he goes, well, I don't know,
And I asked him I a good paddle and he
thought that was a great audea. So that that's what happened.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
So you you had the idea to so you obviously have.
Did you hollow the big boy out?

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Oh yeah, yep. So he actually hollowed that out with
his dad because the seeds are fifty dollars each, so
it's all like a Melbourne Cup winning horse and you've
got a foal. So he's going to sell the files
off later and he doesn't trust me with that amount
of money, I guess. So yeah, he did all the
hard work and all I did was scribbled Cinderella on
the side of it, hopped in and paddle it down
the river.

Speaker 5 (02:14):
Wow, wow, slide down, hopped in and puddled it down
the river. My lord?

Speaker 2 (02:20):
So which which whereabouts in particular? Were you Adam?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Yeah? So we're in Tumid in New South Wales. We're
right at the bottom of the snowy hydro scheme. It's
our river Barregon is one of the most beautiful rivers
in Australia. It's very clear, but with that it comes
it's very fast and very cold. So paddle it for
a mile down that.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
River, I mean, and how was she in?

Speaker 3 (02:39):
It? Very slimy, so it's very it's not a pleasant
feeling at all. But yeah, it didn't didn't handle it
all well, it's like a very heavy, fat inner tube
the sort of paddle down the river, but very stable.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
And did you stay dry?

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Like fairly? I had all of the goose. It's his
slimy from the inside the side of a marrow. So yeah,
it was pretty gross.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
This has captured the nation, mate, this is making national news.
I mean, you're on our radio show right now.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Because it's the talk up.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
What were people's reactions like though when they saw you
on the side of the river there, when you were
floating down inside of humongous pumpkin.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Well, I put a post up on Friday because my
wife said you probably shouldn't put it on face you
would really basic Like tomorrow, I'm going to paddle a
bit of first person a paddle of pumpkin and the
tim river at eleven o'clock. That was all I put.
We had more lights on that than I have friends,
so I knew something had gone wrong. But we rapped
on down to the river. In the first vehicle I
saw was an email, and so I thought that had

really gone wrong. Mark reckons there about a thousand people there,
which is incredible in it down with only six thousand.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
All right, so this is this is the maiden voyage
of this humongous pumpkin, I mean, Adam slash Pumpkin. I'm
keen to really test this thing out. Do you still
have the hollowed out pumpkin in your position?

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Well kind of so, because it's so big where we
where we pulled up, we had no way of moving it,
so you couldn't physically lift it because it's so heavy.
So the end for for Cinderella was, yeah, we cut
it up with an axe and put it in a
trailer and now it's feeding some cattle out at green
Law's farm.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
That's a shame.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Is there any chance you made the peacock could grow
another humongous pumpkin? Because I wouldn't mind seeing how this
thing goes on the open seas.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Good lucky. Make sure you get plenty of life, is sure.
It's policies. He's planning to grow on next year. He's
only for six n kilo, isn't it because he's a maniac,
But yeah, he's planning.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
To do it.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
And he's like buying a horse. Like, do we need
to sort of, you know, put a dibsy in early
on that or.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
After this has happened, you probably do.

Speaker 5 (04:50):

Speaker 1 (04:53):
I hope to see you maybe inside another vegetable as well.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
That's a bit forward.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
We're talking about the brand new Taylor Swift album and
how Maddie Healy of the nineteen seventy five is one
of their ex's. He's obviously got song lyrics written about
him in the brand new record said nothing surprises him anymore.
So he's not bothered about the lyrics. Now, I gave
you what probably three minutes there.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
I'm too competitive.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
I've had a bit of time to plan this, But
he said, nothing surprises him. The question is right now
on Willim Woody, can you and I surprise each other? Okay,
so I suppose you're only allowed to do one surprise?

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Yep? And you smell that? Yeah, yeah, that's a a
good smell. What is that? If you do you want
to go first?

Speaker 5 (05:50):
What if you brought in here?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
I've brought something? What are you going to do? Do
you want to go first?

Speaker 5 (05:59):
You go first? Apparently the produces a screaming at me
that you go first?

Speaker 6 (06:02):

Speaker 3 (06:03):

Speaker 5 (06:03):
Why can't I go first?

Speaker 1 (06:04):
I just want to say, I don't want to do this,
but you've you've played to my competitive side and I
was I didn't.

Speaker 5 (06:11):
What is the smell? I know, I know the spell.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
I am holding no the urinal cake.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
It's like a effectively, it absorbs the smell of we
when it's dripping. Obviously a bit fresh number of members
of this team obviously have pre show. Where's now Will
I'm going to say this again, I don't want to
do this, but would you be surprised if I licked this? No,
would you be surprised? I don't do that, But would

you be surprised because they want to win?

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Don't do it? But would it? Sounds like you'd be surprised.

Speaker 5 (06:46):
I would not be surprised.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
I think you would be. I won't be What if
I rubbed it on my face?

Speaker 5 (06:51):

Speaker 1 (06:52):
Okay, fine, but hang on, but I'm not going to
do it unless you're You're properly surprised by.

Speaker 5 (06:58):
It, and I have to wait and see it.

Speaker 3 (06:59):

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Did you have you wait today?

Speaker 7 (07:04):
Yep, it's coming closer. I understand that it's coming closer.
It's not not surprising currently, it's not surprising.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Tongue out, I'll go again.

Speaker 8 (07:27):
No, No, aged man, A surprised say into the microphone
that you're surprised and that I won.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
Winning is very important to me. I win by Winter Music.
You don't win, Yes, I don't. You just yes, I did.
That's why I'm getting Winter Music.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
You've lost. You've lost more more ways than very drugs.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Now you've lost producer and Elise baby sat my daughter
on the week.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
Yes, it's nice.

Speaker 4 (08:11):
Did you have any contact hours A B or did
you just get the graveyard shift, the TV control and
the snacks.

Speaker 6 (08:15):
No, what do you and I hung out for a
bit before.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
Solo with your daughter. Well she was asleep when Analyse
was solover there.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
That is true. Yeah, yeah, so it's a bit of
a dream gig.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
Really, that's what I was saying. It's the dream shift,
rock up child's in bed. You really just sit and
watch TV and eat and.

Speaker 6 (08:31):
Drink pretty much. Yeah, I would have been night It
would have been a nightmare. It was my first time babysittings.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
It was your first time babysitting first.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
You did not mention that before babysitting my daughter.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Wow, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
I thought you had babysat Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Yeah, this is probably a conversation we should have had
the last week.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
But you did have to deal with a bit of
a hurdle early on.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
So ab came over and unfortunately Remy had just don
a poo on the rug in the living room and
ate it, so pooh on rug straight in the god
kind of areas. It was horrific. And then what the
problem was? What I know, I couldn't believe what I

was saying.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
What do you mean we watched it.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
So so she was outside. She doesn't like wearing nappies.
It's a bit of a problem at the moment. She
pools at the nappy and she's getting better at actually
removing her and it's like, you know what.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
We're at home.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Yeah, outside of the garden, totally fine. But then she
came inside and a bit guilty. Daddy wanted to watch
a bit of the footy, so I was like, you're
inside now, so I'm gonna have to put a nappy
on you. But I just there's a hot game of
football on right now. So I start watching the footy
and probably fifteen twenty minutes the past, and.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Then I looked up and she was.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
Taking a poo on the rug in the living room,
and then I saw that she started screaming, and then
she had poo all over her mouth, and then I
tried to pick her up, and the pool kind of
flicked every because she'd stepped in it. And anyway, so
what I had to explain to you, analys and the.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
Reason I bringing god because it's a.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Brown rug, I said to ab very nicely. Took her
shoes off at the door when she came over, and
at least, wow, thank you lovely manners, and I said,
I said to Abe, maybe you might want to put
your shoes back because I don't I don't exactly know
where the poo is on the mat and if you
if you do, if you smell poo.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
This isn't like a normal thing in.

Speaker 6 (10:25):
The when we started sucking on my drink bottles, so
I had to.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Who infested drink bottle?

Speaker 1 (10:33):
We bathed her, we bared and I brushed her teeth.
But then we're all chatting because we're having a couple
of drinks.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
Since burned the bottle.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
I actually drank out of it like an hour. I
was so thirsty.

Speaker 5 (10:46):
He didn't give you any water, did No?

Speaker 4 (10:49):
I didn't give I discussed this with Analytes before she
left the other night. I was like, make sure, given
that you're going over there, he stacks his pantry, make
sure there's stuff for you to drink and orders Uber eats,
you know, like that is just And was there a.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
Payment that that happened? There a transaction here that occurred.
I hope so ab there was a transaction. Oh that's great,
and I'm very glad grilled for dinner. You've got grilled dinner.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
What he paid for it. I let her snack. I
gave it.

Speaker 5 (11:14):

Speaker 2 (11:14):
So I messaged Anal's earlier that day and said, I
want to get you a bit of a smaks ward of.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Snacks, and Ab you said to me, no, no, no, no,
because I'm trying not to snack.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Please don't because then I will let the sack.

Speaker 5 (11:26):
Think I would like just a bit of human ship.

Speaker 6 (11:28):
Yeah, yeah, delish sign me up somehow.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Though I have still come out on top from a
financial sense, because well, AB signed into her binge account
and forgot to sign out, so I've got that now
made while I was there, so I've been hit a
lot of binge.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
And also she made this huge batch of carrot cake cupcakes.

Speaker 6 (11:50):
Wow, was babysitting, But I feel like I kind of
owed it to you after what happened.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Okay, now let's let's finish this thing.

Speaker 5 (11:56):
What happened, there's more final, more, final.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Little twist in the tail.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
So as me and I are leaving, we're walking out
the front door, and it was like, okay, and again, AB,
please just call us if anything goes wrong, like you know,
we're not that far away, we can come home straight away,
et cetera. Yeah, no, worries, and so there's like two
doors at my house. So there's like a there's a
glass door and then it's kind of like a bit
of a gap, and then.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
A security door.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Right right, I'm at the security door, and a Lisa's
at the glass door.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
And as I'm saying my final.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
I'm saying my final goodbye, and Alisa's waving, waving at
me while stepping backwards, she put her head through the
glass door.

Speaker 5 (12:36):
Oh my god, I.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Broke the window on the door.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
I broke the door. Literally, They're like nearly in the
uber pretty much, and I'm like, see you guys.

Speaker 9 (12:53):
Well, we watched it child with this woman who's never
looked after a baby before, and you just walked backwards
through a glass.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
Straight through a glass, smashed.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Everywhere, And so I said, Aba, I said, I said, Abe,
We've got to go to dinner because this reservation. Please
don't worry about it, like honestly, it's fine, like I
watched it, not your fault, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
Just leave it. Anyway. I got back home and had
sticky taped her grilled bag over the.

Speaker 4 (13:25):
Creative right now, though I have asked people to call
if they drive a fast and all loud.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Car coming in your car?

Speaker 4 (13:39):
See, I mean I want people who are passionate about it.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
Have you got the you know, the muffler in the
back of a car so it makes it look like
a caner?

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Is it a spoiler? Is you got one of those puppies?

Speaker 5 (13:54):
You had a spoiler?

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Or what do you call that thing? It sits on
the hood of the car and it allows exhaust to
go in.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
It's called a snorkel.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
Oh, the snorkel If you've got one of them? Yeah? Yeah,
And want to call on thirteen one and six? Luke?

Speaker 1 (14:06):
Have you got one of those things on the on
the front there that lets the air in and gives
you engine more power?

Speaker 2 (14:11):
I imagine?

Speaker 3 (14:12):
No, No, I don't.

Speaker 5 (14:14):
What do you drive, Dan, Luke? What?

Speaker 2 (14:16):
What? What are you into?

Speaker 3 (14:17):
I have a twenty seventeen VF Commodore, which is the
last generation Australia made vehicle in the market.

Speaker 5 (14:24):
Is it loud? Is it loud?

Speaker 4 (14:26):
It is very loud, but does have biomodal exhaust so
you can operate it from quiet to loud modes.

Speaker 5 (14:33):
Oh, there we go, Luk. We're going to go to Ryan.

Speaker 3 (14:35):

Speaker 5 (14:36):
Ryan, you've got a loud and fast car. Yeah, mate,
what are we talking? How loud is it? Ryan?

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Oh, it's pretty loud. Got a fully built two thousand
and six thirty.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
Camri, Yeah yeah, Camri fully fully built though Yeah sorry, yeah,
got that.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
Yeah. So it's a turned Cameri with a four G
sixty three engine in it.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
Oh yeah, yeah, classic, So coming out of Menievo, coming
out of the Imagine.

Speaker 5 (15:01):
Coming out of anywhere else.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
And yep, pretty loud, Ryan, very loud.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Girl turned a head.

Speaker 5 (15:10):
Of course it does. Has got the muffler on there, Ryan.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Of course, mate, of course, it's got to have the stuff.

Speaker 5 (15:17):
Ryan's down the line, Mate, Hey, what is the muffler?

Speaker 4 (15:20):
We've got that big thing that put around the exhaust
makes it louder, to make it loud, Brucie Bruce, Mate,
you drive.

Speaker 5 (15:27):
A loud car.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
I certainly do.

Speaker 5 (15:29):
Yeah, what what what? What's what's under the hood? There's
a Ferrari?

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Oh, Bruce.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
And loud?

Speaker 2 (15:41):
What color is your Ferrari? Bruce?

Speaker 5 (15:43):

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Mate black Ferrari?

Speaker 4 (15:47):
All right, boys, I've got you all up. So the
reason I got you to call is there was a
study in Ontario, in Canada around people that drive loud
or modified cars. And what they found was that pretty
much ninety percent of people that owned loud or modified
cars can be directly linked to narcissism, sadism, and psychopathy.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
So you know, wow, you does that ring drew it all?

Speaker 3 (16:16):
Bruisie, No no, we.

Speaker 5 (16:20):
Don't believe names on the ten black phone.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
No no, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
Hey, doctor Carl's going to join us right out next.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
You having a great job, No no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 5 (16:37):

Speaker 2 (16:38):
I'm really excited.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
I think I've stumbled into a relationship hack that could
end cheating.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
Awesome, I know, I'm really excited.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
So to kick off, I have to say that that
my beautiful fiance and I we made love last night.

Speaker 2 (16:53):

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Yeah, and it was lovely great, Okay, but something different
happened that. Like I said, I truly think this could
end to cheating. So my fiance was in the shower,
she was showing, and I was doing that.

Speaker 5 (17:07):
Thing big on the word fiance. You're back, Nah, Well.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Yeah, I'm using it. I think we we we toyed
around with.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Other ones and betrothed. I'm just going to go with
fiance anyway. She's in I'm just going to call her Mim.
From this point on, MIM's in the shower. I'm in
the bedroom.

Speaker 2 (17:22):

Speaker 1 (17:23):
I think we all know that when you're in the
bedroom and your partners preoccupied or they're going to be
arriving shortly, Like walking into the room, you're thinking like
what can I what can I be doing? You know,
I should I do some push ups? Like should I
get into a certain pose position?

Speaker 2 (17:37):
Like what do I want her to walk into?

Speaker 3 (17:39):

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Well, he's just want to, you know, set the mood
be a bit sexy, low.

Speaker 4 (17:42):
So you knew that you were going to be I'll
be on the good foot and doing the bad thing,
making the beast with two backs.

Speaker 5 (17:48):
Did she go into the shower going get it? Get ready?

Speaker 2 (17:51):
We've had a discussion.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
Okay, okay, well you need to give that context as
every time Sim's going in the shower, I'm not going
to go.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
There was there was a there was a there was
a lot of maybe after my shower, ah, right, And
I was amazing, bedroom, what do I do?

Speaker 2 (18:06):
Push ups? Et cetera.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
I couldn't think of anything, And then I noticed that
I went to this event on Wednesday night and they
gave us showbags.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
At the end the game, we're on the grid, yes,
And in the show bag was a Ralph.

Speaker 8 (18:17):
Law and cologne Lovely and I was like, oh, I
sprown a bit of Ralph.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
So I nude.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Yeah, I was naked, so I had to start splitzing
myself with Ralph all over and I'm like, this is
going to be great. So then and I lie back
down on the bed covered in Ralph. Anyway, she comes
out and what happened then for the next three to
four minutes was awesome.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
Okay, And then afterwards.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
She goes she goes, oh, that that was That was
a really interesting experience for me.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
And I was like, what happened? But what are you
talking about? And she goes, so, what did you were you?
What were you? What was on you?

Speaker 1 (18:56):
Like you sprayed something different on and I was like,
oh yeah, I opened up the the show bag and
got the raff Ralph Lauren and she was like, Okay,
that makes sense because because you smelt so different, there
was like a real naughtiness to that, and I kind
of at times felt like I was sleeping with someone else.

Speaker 5 (19:14):

Speaker 1 (19:15):
And she was like, I hope you don't take this
wrong way. But she was like like, there was there
was a real excitement. So I looked at her and
I was like, I think we've like cracked quite a
good thing here in that when you go with someone
for a really really long time and maybe things start
getting a bit monotonous, spray on a new cologne, whether

it's on your partner or on you, and then it
will feel like you're sleeping with someone else. Like this,
this has gone so well that I said to Mim,
I was like, I'm gonna go past Chemi's warehouse on
the way home tonight, and tonight in.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Bed with you, it's gonna be Michael Boo Blake.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
Well because he's got a coll yea. So I thought
you were David Beckham on Saturday, because they've all got close.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Shane warn on Sunday.

Speaker 5 (20:06):
I'd probably get the warning.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
Bernard Hill, who plays King Thayaden in or who played
King Theaden in Lord of the Rings.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Just for those who don't know Lord of the Rings,
because it's a shocking franchise, who.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
Was King King King of Rohan.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Or the writers of Rohan?

Speaker 5 (20:25):
I know, yeah, the d I know, yeah, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
They ride on horses, yep, and they're quite scary.

Speaker 5 (20:31):
Yeah, they'rey're good guys, I'm trying.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
To speak like four people who don't know Lord of
the Rings. He's the king of a group of people
who are very good horsemen and horsewoman.

Speaker 5 (20:40):
They're commit it. Yeah, they considered the horse people.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
They're kind of like largely peasants, if you really want
to get into it.

Speaker 3 (20:45):

Speaker 4 (20:46):
I'm here to four for World War One and they're
kind of meant to be the Russians, these peasants who
are getting dominated by the Germans aka Sarahman and the
ki and then they rebel anyway, Okay, is that all right?

Speaker 2 (20:59):
Yeah, that's fine. I ssh people the horse people.

Speaker 4 (21:02):
So anyway, the horse people, ironically, just like the Russians
did in World War One, they come and save the
day through like a massive cavalry charge which saves the
other men. Anyway, Bernard Hill is the king of these people,
and I just wanted to celebrate him so by playing
this speech that he has.

Speaker 5 (21:19):
It's quite stirring. Before the riders of Rohan ride into
the battle.

Speaker 10 (21:23):
Right, spear shall be shaken, sill shall be splinter, a
sure day, a red day the sun.

Speaker 5 (21:40):
It's really great and they charge in and they kick
some ass.

Speaker 2 (21:43):
Shields shall be splintered was a weird line.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
They're splintering their own shields, sprinting other people's shields.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Yeah, it go with something a bit more emotive.

Speaker 5 (21:49):
I think that.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
Yeah, oh no, the splinter's on the shield. I mentioned something. Now,
I'm sure it happens. It's like you'll get mud on
your shoes, you know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (21:57):
You're gonna get some chafe start out here.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Some of your shoes might become untied.

Speaker 4 (22:05):
Arguably his best bit is where he rides down the
cavalry front and he.

Speaker 5 (22:10):
Yells this, it's really happy them to ride.

Speaker 4 (22:17):
Yeah, right in tied into battle obviously right now, right now,
right now. And look anyway, look, I realize that Lord
of the Rings is in everyone's bag. So I want
to make this a bit more accessible. But I still
want to celebrate Bernard Hill because I think he's amazing
and I think it's one of the great roles ever played.
So what we're going to do right now is call
a bike shop. I'm wonder if I could bring my
bike in for a service. Yeah nice, And I know

that normally takes a couple of days, but I was
wondering if they could turn it around in a couple
of hours because I want to. Yeah, all, I haven't
no idea what's going to happen here.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
We'll probably just saying no, you can't, it's going to
take a few days.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
And then I said double down shield is splendid to
say that.

Speaker 3 (22:57):
My rod calling with Jack speaking.

Speaker 5 (23:00):
Good I Jack, how's it going? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (23:02):

Speaker 2 (23:03):

Speaker 4 (23:03):
I'm just looking for a couple of places to drop
my bike in for a service. Yeah, but I'm a
bit worried about not having my bike. I know that
it takes sometimes a little bit of time to get
at service, but it's kind of my chief form of commuting.

Speaker 5 (23:17):
So I was just wondering if I dropped.

Speaker 4 (23:20):
It in with you guys, would I be able to
sort of like maybe get it back this afternoon, because
I'm pretty keen to.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
Wh What's what was that something to yell on o?

Speaker 5 (23:33):
No, no, no, I was just saying that I'm very
keen to if possible.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Yeah, so I've got free spots Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this week.
Would I be able to pick it up that evening
because then in that instance.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
For the whole day.

Speaker 5 (23:48):
Ah, but what about how I need to hello are
you there, Jane?

Speaker 3 (24:08):
Hey? Yes, what was that I had some sort of
cheering going on for thirty seconds.

Speaker 4 (24:14):
Sorry, I just get a bit enthusiastic about riding and
right writing now in particular.

Speaker 6 (24:21):
Okay, but what's that like?

Speaker 3 (24:22):
It's like you're cutting out and then like a radio
is turning on.

Speaker 6 (24:27):
Now I've got classical music.

Speaker 3 (24:29):

Speaker 5 (24:32):
My name is William Cling from radio station. I do
a show called William Riddy Bernard Hill.

Speaker 4 (24:36):
Bernard Hill is the guy who played Thad and King
Thad and in Lord of the Rings he died, gotcha,
he died today and he has a big speech.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
I saw that in the news.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
Yeah, that's that's the same one.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Yeah, but did you actually need your bike service store?

Speaker 2 (24:48):
What's only caught half of that?

Speaker 4 (24:49):
No, I makes you okay, Jack, my bike just got
service recently so I can.

Speaker 5 (24:54):
Which is huge. Yeah cool, all right, thanks Ja. What
a lovely, lovely, lovely.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
And now I'm hearing classical music.

Speaker 4 (25:06):
Find a little bit bernand Hill, last little bit of
riching on Lord of the Rings. Our audio producer Mark
made a cutdown of fat Boy Slim to celebrate that
great speech.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
It's really money, great man,
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