All Episodes

April 16, 2024 34 mins

Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst & Best Selling Author  & David Schoen, Civil Rights Attorney, who previously represented President Trump, discuss the first day of President Trump’s trial in NYC and the attacks on the US by Iran, which we paid for since funneled over $10Billion to Iran through the Biden administration. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thanks Scott Shnan, and thanks to all of
you for being with us. Our two Sean Hannity showed
just two hundred and three days until well, what is
an inflection point for the country, probably the most pivotal
election will ever face in our lifetimes. Eight hundred and
nine four one, Shawn is number. We'll get to some
of your calls coming up here. So we have this

trial beginning in New York. There are a lot of
things that are going to happen. We expect that probably
about a two week period of time for jury selection.
We learned today the judge is steadfastly refusing to recuse
himself from this case. The issue is that President Trump's

legal team have been making that his adult daughter, political
activists running a prominent democratic consulting firm, literally fundraising on
her dad's case, and clients like Adam Schiff among them,
you know, racking up some ninety three million dollars according
to reports and donations by sending out solicitation emails citing

the Trump trial over which her father is presiding. Then,
of course, the issue of the Access Hollywood tape has
been brought up here. Well, you can't play it, but
you can read the transcript, what difference does it make
the judge being very heavy handed with the former president
warning President Trump that he will be jailed if he

doesn't show up for court every day of this trial.
So we've got we've got a lot of issues now
that will be coming fast and furious regarding it. The mob,
the media, they're obsessed with this to the point where
it doesn't seem to matter that Israel was attacked by
Iran over the weekend, which we have been spending a

lot of time on. But what we have in this case,
and I thought Jonathan Turley laid it out very well
in his column and when I watched him on air
earlier this weekend, and that this is going to show
how damaged and politicized and weaponized the justice system is,
not only in the country, but especially and specifically in

New York. You know, all of this goes back to
what is an alleged crime, a misdemeanor under state law
that the statute of limitations have already expired, and it's
not even clear what exactly that he's been trying to
charge President Trump with as we now head into this case.
And then he's arguing that President Trump intentionally lied when

his former lawyer listed the payments to Stormy Daniels as
retainer costs rather than a payment. And Turtley rightly points out,
you know, making this more repellent is the fact that
that will be the number one witness for the prosecution,
the DA Bragg in this case. Anyway, here to weigh

in on this and so much more, we have Greg Jarrett,
Fox News legal analysts, best selling author David Shown, civil
rights attorney previously represented President Trump. Welcome back, both of you.
Glad to have you here. But anyway, this spectacle begins,
Greg Jarrett, and you know, the media seems to be
salivating as you would expect.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Oh absolutely. You know, they long ago convicted Trump in
the court of public opinion, and now the judge wants
to gag Trump so he can't respond to some of
the accusations against him. Remember Bragg held a nationwide news
conference condemning Trump as a criminal when he released the indictment.

And you know, fence, somebody accused of a crime, especially
somebody who's the leading candidate for president of the United States,
has a constitutional right to speak out to defend himself.
And gagging a defendant like this is an unconstitutional prior

restinct restraint and his free speech rights.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
But by the way, it's not the first time we
saw this. We saw this, I believe with Matafort. I'm
not one hundred percent sure on that case, but we
definitely saw it in the case of what's his name
that was on trial, Roger Stone. In his case, he
was totally gagged.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
You know, judges do it all the time because they're
arrogant and imperious, and they can get away with it
because by the time an accused has the ability to
fully take it up on appeal, the case is over.
You know, there's a verdict, and so you know, that's
why judges go ahead and do this. You know, to

think that Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen can give endless
interviews condemning Trump, but he's not allowed to respond by
criticizing those witnesses, that's utterly absurd.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Let's get your take, David shown on all of this
as a lot to get to number one. I guess
the issue of recusal and the judge in this case.
Number two is the issue that Greg is bringing up,
and that is the gag order. And we can go
from there and whether or not Donald Trump could even
get a fair trial in a city that only had
twelve percent, which will be the jury pool that voted

for him in the last presidential election. Not exactly favorable
conservative Trump or Republican territory.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Yeah, Greg's exactly right on the gag order issue. You
said it all. You said it all correctly in your
introduction the ten or fifteen reasons why this makes a
mockery of our justice system. It's a terrible statement about
the justice system. As you well know, there's a special
prosecutor appointed, Mark Pomerantz, who presented this case to Alvin
si Van and his team. All of the higher up

said no, not to prosecute this. As you said, the
SAIDs passed on it. They had all of the evidence
cederal election Commission. What we didn't mention is Alvin Bragg
ran on a platform of getting Trump a private citizen.
So on. As to the recusal, the judge absolutely had
to recuse himself. This is not just an appearance of
impropriety case or a discretionary recusal. The statute says the

judge shall disqualify himself if he has an relative to
the sixth degree who has an interest that could not
will could substantially be substantially affected by the proceedings. We
already know that collected ninety three million dollars the judge's
daughter for her firm fundraising off of this thing. May
know Shifts has contributed millions of dollars to her company.

They have a vested interest, the judge and his daughter
in ensuring this case isn't dismissed. One of the two
other big issues I'll get to very quickly. One is
you mentioned Sean in the introduction. The grand jury never
charged what the target crime is in this case. The
only way this becomes a felony is a misdemeanor of
doctoring the business records with the intention to commit another crime.
The grand jury never identified that other crime. The defense

layer has moved for a bill of particulars for the
prosecutor to identify it. That would satisfy it. He has
a fifth and sixth Amendment right as grand jury charge
what the crime is in this case so he could
defend it. The judge said, well, the government gave you
four theories to go on, you can't defendicate it. Completely
different defense if he supposedly doctor the records to cover
up for the election or whether it's for taxes. The

last thing I want to tell you is and we
have to see how this plays out. Michael Cohen was
represented by Bob Costello with the Feds. Cohen tried to
implicate Costello and Juliani in some things. The Feds weren't
buying it, and Cohen waived his attorney clime privilege. They
then called Costello in to testify. Costello told the Feds
and the grand jury that Michael Cohen told him as

his lawyer, the exact opposite story, and he said to Cohen, Cohen,
if you ever want to help yourself, now's the time.
Give them Trump if Trump did anything and Cohen said,
I can't because Trump didn't do anything wrong. Here they
should be calling Bob Costello to testify. The lawyers have
not prepared him. They need to prepare them to test
They've told him, well, the judge isn't going to allow it.
The judge has to allow it. It's classic prior inconsistent

statement impeachment testimony.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
Let's talk about the statute of limitations about a state
law which was which is classified as a misdemeanor in
the state of New York and then the large stretch
to basically try this case as a federal matter. That
that defines all logic in my mind. But that's where

we really find ourselves. And especially because the statute of
limitations had passed, then we have I don't think it's
one or two, but I think aren't there three letters
that Stormy Daniels had signed saying that denying that she
ever had an affair with Donald Trump? Is the judge
going to allow that in? And that she did not
accept hush money? Didn't she also say that too, because

I would assume she's going to be a witness in
this case at some point.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
First of all, hush money is a pejorative term, an
invidious term, But it's perfectly legal to pay somebody money
and change for their silence. Corporations do it every day.
The question in this case becomes did it violate federal
election laws? And the answer is no. The Federal Election

Commission investigated and they said this is not a campaign
donation for no violation of the law. The DOJ also
studied it and said there's no crime here.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Well, they had been down that road in the case
of John Edwards, or at least a similar case had
they not, and.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
They lost it. So Alvin Bragg, as a local prosecutor
is commandeering the authority and jurisdictions of the FED to
bring a case in which the underlying crime is breaking
federal law. Well, he didn't have the authority to do.
Everybody's doing it anyway. Now the judge doesn't seem the

least bit bothered. I mean, I think that's one of
the if there's a conviction, it's one of the many
grounds for appeal. But it's also selective prosecution, Sean, because
Hillary Clinton used the same mo. She employed a lawyer
to secretly pay for the phony Steele dossier, and they

booked at his legal expenses. Well, she got caught and
the Federal Election Commission find her on the Democratic National
Committee for doing it. But was Hillary prosecuted, of course not.
Her last name is Clinton. Barack Obama wasn't prosecuted either.
Find a whopping three undred seventy five thousand dollars for

hiding donors and keeping illegal donations. But his last name
is Obama. But if your last name is Trump, they
will contort the law, mangle evidence, and do everything they
can to come after you to influence the upcoming election.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
All right, quick break, we'll come right back more with
our legal panel, Greg Jarreed, David Showan, than your calls
coming up. Eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, as
we continue this Monday, two hundred and three days till
the all important November fifth election. Yes, that'll decide the
future of this country. All right, we continue now day

one of this ridiculous trial that's going on in New
York with Donald Trump alleged hush money payments. As it
relates to something that was a misdemeanor that everybody passed on,
but then of course album Brad pressure to do it.
It shouldn't even be a felony on top of everything else,
the Fed's declined to prosecute it, and his predecessor declined

to prosecute this anyway. David Showan and Greg Jarreted continue
with us. David, Now again, this is going to go
on about two weeks, or at least we anticipate jury
selection will be about two weeks. Forty two questions that
every potential juror will have to answer, among which are
do you listen to talk radio or where do you
get your news from? Questions like that. I doubt anybody

that said they listen in the talk radio or what
hosts oh Sean Hannity, I would imagine the mediate dismissal,
wouldn't you.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
It's going to be very difficult to find a jury
in this case, I think, and I think they have
to figure out who their ideal juror is. But now
I want to back up one second. One thing we
didn't discuss is remember on this recusal issue, this Judge
Merchand was hand picked for this. This is the same
judge they've put on the Bannon case, the Trump organization case, Weifelberg.
This is not coincidental. There are dozens of justices on

the Supreme Court in New York County. There's a long
history and that county alone of the District Attorney's Office
hand picking judges. It was taken up by the New
York City Bar, the Criminal Defensal Association years ago. The
DA's office promised that they stopped the practice in this case.
The chief Administrative Judge claims to have picked Merchand for

this job because of his competence. One thing I can
tell you for sure, because I've been in front of him,
Judge Merchant was not picked because of his competence, So
I think the public is entitled to know all of
these things. American Bar Association came out with a thing
a week or two ago saying lawyers have an obligation
to defend the integrity of the judges. I have an obligation.
Every lawyer has an obligation for calling it like they

see it. This is not appropriate. The default is random selection.
A judge that have been picked in this case by
random selection, And the fact that this guy won't refuse
himself when the statue tells him he must is very telling.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
What do you think people should be looking for and
what should the Trump defense team be looking for?

Speaker 4 (13:27):
And Adjuror Greg Jarrett.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Well, I'd be looking for a working class person who
is fed up with a rampant crime in New York
and sees a progressive district attorney by the name of
Alvin Bragg who doesn't lift a finger, only protects criminals,
and doesn't care about the innocent victims of crime, and

yet he is bringing this cockamami case against Donald Trump
for purely punitive and political reasons. And I would hope
that that juror or jurors would say to themselves, this
is fundamentally wrong. And I would hope that those jurors

would also say, we're going to follow the law here,
and the law here is weak, if not nonexistent. That
that's what I'd be looking for if I were the defense.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
Last word, David Choan, I.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
Think greggs right, and I think you need somebody particularly strong,
because remember you only need one here. He ought to
be able to find one juror in New York County.
It's going to stand up for him. Remember the judge,
unfortunately with his rulings, and I'm afraid of the jury
instructions go well.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Hell. The last word in that, I mean he's going
to just he can, ultimately, for any reason, decide. And
now that person if in any way the judge senses
that that it might be somebody with an open mind,
I'm I'm not confident that that person's going to make
it on the jury. But that's just my gut feeling,
especially considering the Fusel issue.

Speaker 5 (15:01):
Yep, you may well be right.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
Unfortunately, all right, David Sean, thank you, and Greg Jared,
thank you. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is a
number if you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 5 (15:10):
We are.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
We have so much to talk about. A lot of you,
I know, standing by very patiently. We'll get to your calls.
Eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn. If you want to
be a part of the program, be sure to check
in as soon as you get to your car after
work for breaking information you need to know about. This

is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to
the top of the hour. All right, imagine you're out
and about people.

Speaker 4 (15:38):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
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say when I get to one surprise has been the
Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. And you know, I've been
surprised at a number of things that he has said
he seems to be on the mend. I never wished
him ill, And although I kind of find it somewhat miraculous,
a lot of people when they have any type of

cognitive event, they don't often come back from it. And
it looked for a while that he was struggling. But anyway,
he said he's astonished that this country is not standing
more firmly with Israel, and I think he's right. And
he disagrees with Biden on the US response to the
Iranian attack, saying I'll never capitulate to the fringe of

the Democratic Party, and he's been doing this with regularity.
I vote he gets to wear his hoodie to us,
said it, listen, this is.

Speaker 6 (18:01):
Your reaction to Iran's attack on Israel. And how worried
are you that this is the beginning of an open
war between the two countries.

Speaker 7 (18:09):
Well, a couple things, actually, I think it really demonstrates
how it's astonishing that we are not standing firmly with Israel.
And there should never be any kinds of conditions on
all that when a nation can launch hundreds of drones
towards Israel. And I'm not going to be talking about
conditions ever. And second, I think that also was Iran

had to have some fireworks after Israel smoked that Iranian
general and I am here for that, and I think
it's just a matter of theater part of it as
well too. And finally, it demonstrates how unstable things are
and why we need to lean in and stand with Israel.

Speaker 6 (18:50):
A senior Administration official tell CNN that the President Biden
told Prime Minister Netsan Yahoo that the US will not
participate in any offense operations against Iran.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
Do you think that's the right.

Speaker 6 (19:03):
Call or should direct US military action as some of
your colleagues and the Senator suggesting, should that be on
the table.

Speaker 7 (19:11):
I don't agree with that, you know, and I just
think we should follow and have Israel's back in the situation.
I don't agree with the president. That doesn't change anything
that he's a fantastic president. I'm proud to stand with
him and campaign for him and vote for him.

Speaker 6 (19:29):
Marco Rubio was just on the show and he said
the White House leaking the fact that Biden told Nettagnahu
not to directly respond to take the win quote unquote
was offensive to him because it seemed to suggest that
he it's Biden trying to appease.

Speaker 4 (19:50):
The far left in his party. What's your response, Well,
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (19:56):
I mean, the president is entitled to his own views
and whatever he decided to do, but I would never capitulate,
caviculate to the fringe. I'll never pander to that as well.
In fact, that helps that empowers from us.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Then you got John Kirby spinning like a top. We
want de escalation, We don't want a war with Iran. Well,
if they didn't want a war with Iran, maybe they
should have told their friends that they give all this
aid and assistance to and wave all these sanctions on.
Maybe they should have been forceful in telling them something

other than don't you know Joe Biden's favorite ward to
an adversary, don't don't.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
Okay, A lot of good that did. They did, listen.

Speaker 8 (20:42):
He's also been very clear Kate that we don't want
a war with Iran. We don't seek to widen and
broaden this conflict. We don't want to see things escalate.
As a matter of fact, what we want to do
is see things.

Speaker 4 (20:52):
De escalate, and defending.

Speaker 8 (20:54):
Israel the way we help do on Saturday should.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
Have that effect. I mean talk about de escalating.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
So is it the position of the Biden administration that
Israel should not retaliate on Iran or Iranian territory.

Speaker 8 (21:06):
Now again, that's a decision that only Prime Minister Yahoo
in the War Cabinet can make. I mean again, we
respect their sovereign decision making process. What we want to
see is de escalation of the tensions. We don't want
to see a wider war.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
One interesting thing, and we've been watching these protests now
anti Israeli protest blocking traffic everywhere from San Francisco to
New York City and places in between. And you've got
this whole issue about how Joe Biden and the radicals
that really are the Democratic Party today there are no moderates.

A fetterman might might fit into a category of his
own here, because no other Democratic senator has had the
courage to speak out in Israel's defense against terrorism. I mean,
at the end of the day, it's what I've been saying,
is that Joe Biden is unwilling to take on a
radical base and take a clear moral stand that radical

terrorists have got to be stopped. And if you think
that if they defeat Israel, that they're done. You're living
in a fantasy world. This whole ideology convert or die
is real.

Speaker 5 (22:18):

Speaker 1 (22:18):
If Iran ever gets nuclear weapons, well, I happen to
be of the belief they will use them based on
that twisted, sick ideology that they adhere to. But don't
take my word for it. Listen to Michael Moore. This
is how radical the left has become in the country.
This is why Joe Biden is telling Israel that he
won't support any offensive reaction. There's got to be a

price to be paid for what Iran did this weekend.
There's got to be a price. And to tell Israel though,
just like on October seventh, sorry you lost all these Israelis. Sorry,
so many Israelis are still hostages. Sorry Americans are among them.
But we need de escalation and we need to cease fire,
and you need to stop short of winning your war

against terrorism. You know the answer needs to be no.
We support Israel's right to defeat radical Islamic terrorists that
caused the worst terror attack in their history, but we're
not there. And one of the reasons Joe isn't doing
it is for pure political ambition and expediency. And this
is Michael Moore warning Biden about his Israeli policy.

Speaker 9 (23:29):
Listen, it's the madness of all of this has gone
on for way too long. And President Biden, please please,
you hold the power to turn this thing around. There
are millions of good Israeli is, good people in Israel

who don't want this either. They want the hostages back,
Helsinian families want their prisoners that are in Israeli jails back.
And nobody wants this to continue. Only the few crazies
in the net and Yahoo War Cabinet. We have the
power to stop it. We know the right thing that
we have to do. And President Biden, you have to

do your part.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
Why are you.

Speaker 9 (24:18):
Risking having even ten thousand people not show up who
are just deciding they've already decided they're not going to
vote because of this. Hillary lost to Michigan by ten
thousand votes. Don't make the same mistake, please Hillary.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Two point zero. Well, I don't think it's wrong either.
All right, we'll take a click break. We'll come back
and get some more of your calls toll free on
numbers eight hundred nine four one Sean if you want
to be a part of the program, We're going to
get an update from Washington in terms of what will
the congressional reaction be to what was unfolding over the weekend.
The Fellowship is increasing the urgency are f the IFCJ,

the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. I mean, you
see what happened and what was unfolding this weekend. There
is an urgency now to place mobile bomb shelters and
prepare for worst case scenarios. And this is where Israel's
may Israelis may be able to get in shelters and
they may be there for weeks on end. Now they

have a team on the ground that have been working
with partners to secure food and other basic needs for
hundreds of thousands of displaced Israelis and their families. They're
now making sure the most vulnerable elderly are protected. They
are now poised for further attacks. Now the nation of Iran.
I don't think this is going to end here. A
full attack from Iran. They made They gave it their

best shot over the weekend, and Israel if they don't respond,
I'd be shocked. I think a response is more than warranted.
And Iran has been attacking Israel through their proxies for
decades and now this entire war against of terror against
Israel has now come to a head. And with the
RANS direct involvement as well as involvement from other countries.

God only knows how what this is all going to
evolve into. I don't know, but the situation is dire
on the ground for the people of Israel. The Fellowship
is continuing their day to day role of supporting Israeli's
in need. They need your help desperately. Let me give
you their website. It's one word support IFCJ dot org.

SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. Whatever you can donate is so greatly
needed and appreciated.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Sean. It's got more behind the scenes information.

Speaker 4 (26:45):
More contacts than anybody, more friends, behind the curtains. Sean
Hannity is on.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Now let's get back to our busy phones. Sam is
in Louisiana. Sam, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 4 (27:02):

Speaker 5 (27:03):
Sir, thank you for taking my call. Been listening for
a long long time.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
You appreciate it. Glad you're out there. What's on your
mind today?

Speaker 5 (27:11):
Israel is not looking to hurt the Palestinian people, but
the Palestinian people should have stood up and said, listen,
we have embedded within our society radical Muslims, and we
need to get rid of them.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
If you don't have the moral clarity to understand that
radical islamis that commit acts of terror against so many people,
like like they did against our country on nine to
eleven oh one, If you don't see the moral the
necessity to stand with against those radical terrorists, then, frankly,

and you put your own political expediency and ambition above that,
then you you stand for nothing. And that's why President
oh Neville Chamberlain Biden is who he is, and and
this is why all the pressure is being brought to
bear on Israel. No pressure is being brought to bear
on Iran.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
Why not?

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Well, you know why I went through in chapter and
verse Biden's brutal record of appeasement with Iran, and he
continues that to this day, including America importing Iranian oil,
why would we do that?

Speaker 5 (28:25):
That should be stopped immediately.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
It should have never happened, just like the Iranian deal
should have never happened, just like waving sanctions and allowing
ten billions to go in their coffers from Iraq. Just
like they make a deal, they wanted to give six
billion dollars for as a hostage payment, just like you know,
turning a blind eye to the sale of Iranian oil

in spite of sanctions on the world stage. It has
enabled the number one state sponsor of Arty get richer
and richer and richer. And then they can fight all
their proxy wars in fun Hamas and Hezbollah and the
hoodie rebels at a Yemmen, and they can do it
with impunity as they have been doing.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Well. Can I say one other thing what I'm really
afraid of? And the deep down in my heart, something
nasty is going to happen in our country, America will
be attacked some type of way bridges or harbors or
ports or theaters or something. And Director Ray needs to
step up. Their model is fidelity, bravery and integrity. Director Ray,

your fidelity is waning, your integrity is waning. Your bravery's there.
Step up and speak to your president.

Speaker 4 (29:44):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
No, he should be enforcing the law. He's supposed to
be in charge of our top law enforcement agency. He
has sat back and allowed this institutionalized law breaking at
our southern border, allowing in tens and tens of thousands
of people from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, and Afghanistan.

And then he just comes out and says, Oh, the
threat level's never been this loud or severe, and you
had no kidding.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
You're not wrong.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
It's I've been saying it over and over again where
it's not if we're gonna get hit. He always allowed
terror cells into this country. And I will be proven right,
although I would be more than happy to be proven wrong.
Trust me, I remember nine to eleven. Anyway, I appreciate
the call. Eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if
you want to be a part of the program, Gina Next, Connecticut,

Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 10 (30:38):
Hi, Hi Sean, how are you.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
I'm good, what's going on?

Speaker 10 (30:42):
Well, thank you for taking my call. I wanted to
kind of touch a little bit on a dual justice system.
You know, Trump seems like anything and everything that they
can go after him before they do, and they always
come up empty the classified documents. They want to arrest
him and put him in jail. They want to give
him a pass. He's too old, he's too stenisles, so

they just shove it under the carpet. And I guess
my biggest point is, what's going on at the border
right now. We've got murder, rape, violence, everything going on there.
Why isn't the Biden administration and contempt for that? If
that was Trump at the border right now dealing with this,
he would have been removed from office. Why do we

allow this to happen? Why do we allow criminals in
New York?

Speaker 1 (31:29):
You already know the answer, Gena. We have talked at
length about it. Joe Biden's Department of Justice has been weaponized.
We know the answer. It's been politicized, and he is
with impunity, been aiding and a betting in the law breaking.
And why only I guess Joe Biden will know. If

he even knows that today's Monday. Probably the only thing
that he has in his mind today is Donald Drum's
on trial. Yeah, thanks to a system of justice that
is probably the most tainted it's ever been in our lifetime.

Speaker 4 (32:06):
I'll give you the last word. Go ahead, How you know.

Speaker 10 (32:10):
Sean, how do we stop this? Our Republican Party needs
to unite together. And if they keep going on as
individuals and don't look at the American people to help
our country, we are going to be in trouble.

Speaker 3 (32:25):

Speaker 1 (32:25):
We are in trouble again. It's happening right before our eyes.
You're watching the next terror attack, likely is already the
cells have been set up. No one will ever convince
me that all these people from China, Russia, Iran, Syria,
Egypt and Afghanistan are coming to our southern border because

they want a better life for themselves and their families.
Never And I wish, I pray to God that Sean
Hannity one day has to say I was wrong.

Speaker 4 (32:57):
I'm not going to be wrong. I wish I would us.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
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