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April 16, 2024 31 mins

 Congressman Zach Nunn (R-IA), Air Force Intelligence Officer Veteran and a Member of the For Country Caucus - Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans serving in Congress, discusses what is happening internationally and where America stands, and Biden’s betrayal of Israel. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News roundup and information overload. Our toll free
our number is eight hundred and nine to four one
Sean if you want to be a part of the program.
We know that there's no doubt. I mean, it was
interesting when the phone call apparently was going on if
you were watching, as I was all day and night
on Saturday. I had been tipped off by my sources

that this could have come as early as Friday night.
I was on standby Friday night late on purpose and
in case something broke, as it relates to Iran directly
attacking Israel, which had never happened in history. And then
sure enough, it happens on Saturday. And you know, now
we get the reports that the Biden administration has this

phone call and Joe Biden speaks to the Prime Minister
of Israel, Prime Minister Natan Yahoo. The details of the
call get leaked, and then of course the reports keep
coming out that Biden told and Yahoo that the US
will not participate in any offensive against Iran. So here
you have the number one state sponsor of terror, the

people that helped AMA's plot, plan and scheme the attacks
of October the seventh with the cuts forces and the
Iranian Revolutionary Forces, the regime that funds the Huti rebels
and all of their attacks within the region. The one
country that has been funding has bolah At Elebanon, and

those attacks came in furious also over the weekend. And
then when asked about it John Kirby, he just won't answer.
If Biden did tell met Yahu what we know that
they leaked that he told net Yahou, which is that
when Israel would rightfully respond to the number one state
sponsor of terror in their brutal attack against them, a

direct attack with the US, don't count on us being
there for you, We won't support you. Show restraint by
hear any more of the show Show restraint, non sense.
How about go win the war on terror, Go defeat
your enemies. We support you defeating your enemies. That in
and of itself would send a message. But Joe Biden
has a radical base that he's got to appease. And

we see what's been happening in the Democratic Party that
they saw what happened. It scared the hell out of them.
In Michigan, when you had eighteen point nine percent of
the electorate in the Democratic presidential primary not vote for
Joe Biden. Over one hundred thousand Democrats wouldn't vote for
him over this issue, and fifty thousand in Wisconsin. So

Joe doesn't want this to be an issue cam November.
So Joe's willing to put his personal political ambition above
standing against radical Islamic terrorists and the number one state
sponsor of terror. And now he's been putting nothing but
pressure on Israel to back off and not win their
fight against those people that attack them in an unprovoked

attack on October seventh.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
Anyway, listen, So CNN reporting is a following John President
Joe Biden and senior members of his national security team
have told their counterparts the United States will not participate
in any offensive action against Iran, not according to US
officials familiar with the matter. I've seen similar reporting in
Reuter's Axius, CBS News, the Washington Post, and many more.

I list that out to ask you, is that reporting accurate?
Is that the position of the Biden administration.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
I really can't go any further than what I've gone
to here this morning, Kate. I'm not going to get
into the diplomatic conversations that the President and the Prime
Minister had on Saturday night or have had it any
other time. We want to make sure that Israel can
defend itself. We actively participated in that self defense on
Saturday night. We will stay committed to Israel's self defense.
At the same time, we want to see tensions de escalated.

We don't want to see a war with Iran, and
we certainly aren't looking for a wider conflict in the region.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
Do you dispute that reporting?

Speaker 5 (03:56):

Speaker 4 (03:57):
I think I'm just going to leave it right at that.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Well, Prey unbelievable to me and the Biden White House.
Now the dog bides the beast things you're feeling sad
forget about their appeasement of Iran. Going back to the
Obama and Biden administration and their appeasement, which I went
over in great detail earlier in the program. Now that
John Kirby is blaming that the Trump administration for emboldening Iran, No,

that would be the Biden administration that did that. They
feared Donald Trump and joining US now Congressman Zach Nunn.
He is from Iowa Air Force intelligence officer veteran is
also a member of the Four Country Caucus in the
US Congress, and that these are a group of Iraq
and Afghanistan veterans that are now serving in Congress. I

don't think there's any ambiguity here. I think the administration
leaked the contents of that phone call with Prime Minister
nets in Yahoo. And I'll add this Congressman, and I'd
like to get your take on it. I think the
very reason that they have been pressuring and pushing and
pressuring Israel to abandon their war on terrorists after October seventh,
even while we still have hostages being held, and to

de escalate and telling them and lecturing them how to
win their war when or not win their war, or
basically give up their war on terrorism without winning it.
Now they're saying that the United States won't stand with
Israel in spite of the worst attack in their history
on October seventh, followed up by Iran for the first
time in history, directly attacking in a brutal fashion this weekend.

An independent country, why wouldn't you say, go win your war,
go defeat the terrorists that are attacking you.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
You're one hundred percent right. And here's the reality. The
United States has to be unwavering in our support for Israel,
the right to defend herself, the right to defend her people,
and the right to be able to stand up as
the strongest democracy in the Middle East. And the US
is a long history with this look. I've flown combat
operations in the Middle East for years. I have seen
a tragic change in US policy here. When President Trump

was there, he helped US embolden the strike that took
out the Iranian commander Solamani so that he couldn't strike
not just Israel, but makes threats against the homeland. Here,
defeat terrorism begins with strong leadership in the White House.
What I saw from the Biden administration when they came
in is the abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan. Today, it's

the abandonment of Americans who are being held by Hamas.
And it's a Biden administration which has release sanctions that
six months ago would have prevented exactly this type of
math attack by Iran or drones for cruise missiles, for
threats not against Israeli military leaders, but against Israeli civilians.

By reigning down hell fire in the form of three
hundred plus. You know, strike weapons that but four Israel
with wise leaders in the US military. I just talked
to my friends over at the Pentagon who were running
the military command center that night, working in a way
only the United States and our military long partnerships could

do to encourage folks like Great Britain, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
other Arab nations to stand up and take these weapons
down before they killed people. That's what American leadership looks
like to be able to defend our allies. That's the
determ we need against Iran. And this administration has chosen
to go the absolute opposite direction.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
But Joe's made a very conscious decision here, and that
is he has abandoned any war on terror. And I've
gone through in chapter and verse and I can get,
you know, going back to the Obama and Biden administration
and the you know, a plane with four hundred million
dollars in cash and other currencies and one hundred and

fifty dollars billion dollars given to the Iranian regime that
was in foreign banks, that was held up. Then you
fast forward is Biden has wanted another deal. Biden was
a part of that deal. Then you add that Okay,
we had sanctioned against the Iranian sale of oil. Not
only has he turned a blind eye to it, but

the US imports of crude oil and petroleum products from
Iran under Biden, you know, has been significant, starting in
March of twenty one up to and including today. Now,
why would we why why would we lift sanctioned so
that Iraq can pay them ten billion dollars? Why did
they make a deal that would have given them six

billion for a ransom for hostages? Because that, to me,
these are all the policies of appeasement.

Speaker 6 (08:33):
This is what we need to be asking specific questions
on the Biden administration, particularly here why they decided to
ease sanctions and in many cases not even enforce the
sanctions we currently have on them. Today, Iran makes more
than eighty billion dollars in this ghost armada of flagged
Iranian tankers selling oil to places like North Korea and

China and Russia, some of our biggest adversaries, a net profit.
And this is exactly how they fund the Huti Rebels,
Hamas and Gaza and Hesblon Lebanon. Even more important to
your excellent point, Sean, here is this idea that the
Biden administration throught that they could basically buy off Iran
to not build a nuclear weapon. Here's the reality. The

United States and Israel were ninety nine percent effective because
we supported our ally Israel to defend itself. That situation
is not going to be the same if we all
embolden Iran to take, you know, lethal action that could
result in the creation of a nuclear weapon that threatned.
It's not just Israel, but are in all of our
allies in Europe as well. We have to be on

a floor leading to stop these threats that Iran is
committing before they make it. We opened a new chapter
this weekend, Iran taking direct accident against Israel that's never happened.
People in Israel went to bed on Saturday night knowing
that they were always under threats from their immediate neighbors
who were proxies of the High ERGC in Iran. They
woke up in a tear of our Irons on early

Sunday morning to the fact that Iran was going to
shower down health fire on them. No, wow, I should
have to deal with that and then be told by
this administration, Hey, you guys need to just take it easy.
And de escalate at this point.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
So basically, when they say they're not going to part,
they are going to allow Iran to be to fire
one hundred and seventy UAVs, none of which crossed into
Israeli airspace thankfully, one hundred and twenty ballistic missiles of
a few of which did enter Israeli airspace, thirty cruise
missiles and even though yeah, ninety nine percent were shot down,

and yes we did have some support from Jordan and
the US and the UK. Great, But if now, if
Israel responds to that vicious, vile attack and there's not
a price to pay, what motivation would there ever be
for Iran not to do this whatever the hell they
feel like it. If Joe Biden's president, well, I think.

Speaker 6 (11:00):
That's our first question. We need to end the tenure
of Joe Biden. Not only is it a threat to
our Middle East policy, it's a direct threat to folks
here at home, because God knows, if Iran's decided to
go to a direct conflict with Israel, They're going to
find other targets, ones that are even more impactful. And
I had colleagues who are up flying fighter caps, combat
and air patrol being able to shoot these weapons down

as an air force guy, those are the weapons that
we can see. My concern are the weapons that show
up on our own shores, primarily through the southern border,
and end up in a US metropolitan area. They cause
immediate death to Americans. We've already seen three US service
members killed by Iranian proxies just this year in the
Middle East. I don't want to see in Iran that

feels emboldened. And on question that if Israel has threatened
to take a strike against them, they say, well, you
know who the soft target is today, it's the United States.
Let's find a way to enter and do harm to
the US because that's how they feel. Not only they're
going to go after US, but they want to cut
off the support for Israel. If they can't do it
Israel itself, watch for them to come after us next.
And that should be chilling to every one of our listeners.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
All right, quick break more with Iowa Congressman's Act non
Air Force intelligence officer veteran a member of the Four
Country Caucus. Than that is Iran and Afghanistan veterans serving
in Congress. As we continue, then we'll get to your
calls eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, as we continue,
all right, we continue now with Iowa Congressman's act. None
is with us. What is fascinating from a political standpoint

where two hundred and three days out, is that this
is where Joe Biden now finds himself. If you look
at poll after poll, he's losing, you know, significant portions
of what makes up the Democratic base or coalition, and
that means he's losing African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans,
young people, even suburban women. And I would argue now

that a part of that base would be Jewish Americans
that have historically voted very heavily Democrat. I'm not so
sure that vote is going to be headed his way
after what happened this weekend and this admonition to pressure
Israel to stop its fight against Thomas and now to
stop its fight after being attacked by.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
Iran Jah, I think the administration and all their talk
with the Israelis has really emphasized or showed its true
colors of this. They're interested in the two state solutions,
and it's not Israel and Palestine. It is a Michigan
and Wisconsin two state solution. They are afraid that they're
going to lose so many votes in Deer Creek and

in areas outside of Milwaukee that they're willing to do
whatever it takes to appease a small fraction of their
own already.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
I think, did you mean Deer Creek or dear Born
or both born?

Speaker 6 (13:43):
Dearborn? Excuse me, yeah, but you're absolutely right on this
is the fact that the administration is playing domestic politics
while selling out one of our closest allies. That is
not the way that the president should act, and it's
certainly not going to get him the coalitions that he
wants of the unwilling minority of Democrats who feel very
strongly in opposing any assistance to Israel or even helping

our US hossages currently trapp in Gaza.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
I never thought I'd see America side with and ostensibly
give a pass to radical Islamic terrorists, and that's what
Joe Biden is doing in both instances, and that would
be the fight that they're having with a moss after
the worst terror attack in their history, and then pressuring
Israel not to respond to what was three hundred aerial

threats for the first time in history fired directly from Iran,
the number one state sponsor of terror, the one the
same country funding all these proxy wars against Israel, and
that they would say, oh, we're not going to be
a part of any effort. You have to take them out. Unreal,
and I'll tell you the world's going to pay a
price over time. But I appreciate you being here, Congressman

Zach Nunn, and I hope you'll come back again. Thank
you for your strong stand.

Speaker 6 (14:58):
John, keep the faith. Thank you very much for.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
Having me eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, If
you want to be a part of the program, I
know a lot of you very patient, want to get
to the phones when we get back standing up for
what's right with America. We're back on the Sean Hannity Show.
All right, twenty five down to the top of the
hour of your calls coming up straight ahead, Mike Lindell,
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All right, let's get to our busy telephone, shall we?
Let us say hi to Bill Is in the Free
state of Texas. Bill, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 7 (16:47):
Sir Patti Sean. You're a great American.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
You're great American, my friend. Tough times we're living in
two hundred and three days till election day. God help us.

Speaker 7 (16:56):
I will be all right. Listen. I was listening to
you on Friday, and you took a call from a
pretty rabid liberal you or you know, batting around abortion.
I think, and it occurred to me that some of
these people are They get so gleeful when they try
to come back at you, and you handled him really well.

You know, my my, My hope has always been, and
I cling to this, that there are more good people
in this country than there are bad people. That has begun,
has begun what waiver in the last few years, you know,
I see, I don't care what subject is they're coming
at you with. It's it's deceptive. It's evil. Evil's greatest

strength and it's is its ability to deceive you and.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Look, look, I tend to agree with you. I think
that the American people, we are a good people, we
are a generous people. We're also a people that is
overwhelmed and burdened down by by massive government issues that
cause us all that to work longer and spend less
time with our families. And everything's more expensive, and we

we're all paying a price for it, and it's really
gotten particularly acute since Biden's been in office. With that said,
there are people that have very ulterior motives for everything.
There are a lot of not so good people that
you run into a life as well, and you just
have to be able to hopefully discern between those that
are good and those that are not. And we all

make those decisions on our own every day, don't we.

Speaker 7 (18:30):
I think we got to keep our eye on the
ball and our eye on the prize. We're in a battle,
and it is a battle between good and evil, Make
no mistake, there's a battle between good and evil going
on right in the big middle of it. My hope
is that they're more good people than bad. But either way,
something's going to come down here soon well well you know,

and it's going to It's going to make the decision
for us. And the way the the borders are or
wide opened, some some's coming down, and and when it's
just it scares me a little bit. But you know,
my faith is in Almighty God, and and I really

don't worry all that much because I know in the
end the truth will out and the good will out.
I know that. And but I just wanted to tell
you how much I have.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
Well that that good book you're referring to also does
warn in in those last days that it's going to
be really bad.

Speaker 6 (19:32):
You know.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
I know people have thought since you know, since Christ
hascended into heaven, that that day could be any moment.
I don't know. The things are looking pretty dire right
now around the world. To me, pretty scary. But what
happened in the last century is pretty scary too, not
one but two world wars, Depression. You know, we America

and the world has struggled mightily over time. But I
would say that you know you're right. We do how
this story ends, don't we.

Speaker 7 (20:02):
God bless you man, and keep up the fight.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
Sean, all right, my friend, appreciate the call. We'll stay
in the Free State of Texas big time. AJ Houston, Texas.
What's going on, baby big time? Sean hen it is, Hey,
I missed that voice. What's going on? Sean?

Speaker 1 (20:21):
We got this idiot that's in the White House that's
selling everybody out. And then we got the kangaroo court
that Trump's going through right now, knowing that Biden got
a woman that said and got the name of the
places what he did, blah blah blah, and then Trump
don't have nothing even the woman's story said, nothing happened,

and they still trying to prosecute the man. And at the.

Speaker 2 (20:46):
Same time, Seana rambling, we.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Got Biden, got the borders wide open here, we are
Israel good attack and we now going to back them.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Who does that to our ally?

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Who does that to anybody that's supposed to be good
for the You know, where is the moral clarity?

Speaker 2 (21:08):
Tell me why there's moral ambiguity? When on October seventh,
in an unprovoked terrorist attack, twolve hundred plus people injured,
what nearly three hundred people taken hostage? You know, only
the small number have been released. We believe there are
still hostages. We don't know how many in total have

been killed there and then have an American president you know,
constantly urge for a ceasefire rather than supporting our ally
in their victory over the radical terrorists that did this,
that were in part trained and funded by the by
the country known as Iran. And now we have this
vicious attack over the weekend, three hundred aerial launches out

of Iran into Israel, and Joe Biden said, yeah, we're
not going to help you. If you want to strike back,
can defend yourself. That's insane to me. That is the
definition of insanity. And how somebody does not have moral
clarity on that important issue. I don't think it's worthy
to be the president of this country. And I think

Iran knows that they have a week in the United States,
they have a week president that he is nothing but
an appeaser, And I think appeasement always ends the same
way with more aggression back to you.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
But Sean, look at this. They got the bridge shut
down in California, in the Chicago, they shut o hair down,
and the Palestinians, why aren't they helping is Real to
get rid of homage? And then you hear them in Chicago,
when do they they teaching them to say depth to America?

Aren't we where is that beout these people who if
there's been anybody like us, and they be knocking at
our door right now. They teaching them into the telling
them the Democratic Convention is going to be disrupted, in
which we already knew that that was gonna happen. But
who's disrupted and how is they gonna disrupt? How is
it that these people that's supposed to be free Palestine

not telling everybody what AMA's doing to Palestine? America? We
better watch out. The Biden got all these people surrounded us.
We don't know who they are. We know mostly on
and sixty countries that we know where they're all coming from.
But like you see it, they not doing a job.
I call it treason what biten them just did to
this country man. And I guarantee you.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
He already has blood on his hands. Every unvetted Joe
Biden illegal immigrant that commits a murder, a rape, I
blame him directly. His policies have allowed for this. He's
doing nothing to stem the flow or to stop it.
He's doing nothing to vet people from these geopolitical foes.
He's aiding and abetting in the law breaking. It's even

worse now, every America lives in a less safe country,
and we now sit on the precipice of just waiting
until whatever extremists he is allowed in unvetted for them
to attack this country. And it's gonna come. I hope
I'm wrong, pray I'm wrong, but I'm not wrong, big time,
big time.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
I'm not wrong, because that's coming to a theater near us,
and we all better be ready for it. And God
bless you big time. Shan and Doug going it. We're
gonna get this. We got it. We got to stop
the cheat that's gonna happen during the election. They already
that started. So I hope every Republican, every republic congressman

come on and put their foot down like that and
they didn't do in the red wave that supposed that happened.
Get your hands out, your button, come on and save
this country. God bless you, Sean, and God bless America.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
Love you man, You're the best. Love you back. God
Bless America. God Bless Texas. Eight hundred ninety four one.
Shawn is a number of f want to be a
part of the program. California. We had these protests going on.
I'm glad I'm not on that long line of cars.
They can't actually cross the bridge that's gone on for hours. Anyway,
Danny's out there in the free state of Oh sorry,

they're not so free state of California. What's going on?

Speaker 5 (25:17):
Hi, Sean, thanks for taking my call.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Well, what has taken the police so long to get
out to that bridge and start arresting those people that
have kept motorists waiting that long? How does that happen
and happen in your state and in New York to
be fair, and elsewhere around the country.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
The northern part of California is way different than Sacramento down.
It's a different it's a different country.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
I wouldn't put LA in the best of categories either,
to be honest.

Speaker 5 (25:48):
That's what I'm saying, Sean. From Sacramento down they are
so liberal that we couldn't even get rid of Gavin.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Newsom Nope, And and if the elect were held tomorrow,
he'd win again.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
It's it's sad because my opinion is that the American
people are not standing up for freedom. They are letting
our laws.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
Well, the American people are, many of them are, but
our leaders are not. You know, we've lost our moral compass.
So well, let's be fair, Joe Biden has no moral compass.
His top priority is one thing, and one thing only,
maintaining power by any means necessary. And he's got to

now cater to this radical base. And if that means
abandoning allies as they look down the barrel of a
gun and you have twelve hundred Israelis killed on October
seventh and hundreds taken hostage, and if it means that
Iran gets to fire, you know, three hundred aerial threats
into out of Iran into Israel, it's Joe Biden's that's

going to say, no, I'm not going to support any
response you have. There's no more clarity here. There is
a good and an evil in this equation. And those
that believe and convert or die, and these radical Islamic Mullahs, yeah,
they're not on the side of good here. And and
Hamas and it's charter that calls for the destruction of Israel,

they're not on the side of good here. Anyway, you
get the last word.

Speaker 5 (27:22):
Joe Biden is a fraud. As far as I'm concerned,
he is a fraud and not a true American for
our litting our borders wide open like that. I thought
that was part of his constitutional job was to protect us.
That's not protecting us When we have an open border

like that and we don't know who's coming in.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
It's disgusting in good morning when that day comes, you know,
just remember we tried to warn everybody. I've been saying
it loudly and clearly and repetitively, so that everybody knows
what he's done here and everybody knows that he'll be responsible.
I hope I'm wrong. Annie is in Tennessee next Sean

Hannity Show. Annie, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 8 (28:09):
I'm great, Sean, how are you? Thanks for good Paul,
and thank you for standing up for the truth in
people of America.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
And Donald, thank you well, thank you for giving me
this microphone and that camera every night. I appreciate it.
What's on your mind today?

Speaker 8 (28:27):
Well, like a color A couple of dollars ago. He
spoke of that liberal on Friday about abortion spam. What
saddens me greatly is that I think people have become
so desensitized to that. And when you challenged him about
you know, the sixth, seventh and eighth month, I mean,

and they can't articulate, well, you know, and justify why
it should be a right. And it's sad that a
long time ago they made it legal a medical procedure.
They made legal to take the life of a baby.
And if and I know in your in your audience,
you have a lot of nurses that have worked in

the operating room and clinics and such, and part of
their job would be to assist or or be available
to these procedures. It leaves the mark on you.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
And I think they ought to have the ability, the
freedom to opt out of any such participation based on
you know, being a matter of conscience. That's that would
be like being a conscience as objector right. I thought
liberals supported.

Speaker 8 (29:42):
That right exactly, and and it was allowed on religious beliefs.
But I think the American people, they they don't really
see in their mind what actually happens, because it's just
as as if the baby was born and then it
was killed.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Well, you're describing the gruesome practice known as partial birth abortion.
They've come a long way from Bill Clinton, even legal
and rare, they've come a long way. No, no, nobody
should get in between even in month nine eight and nine.
Nobody should get between this is Newsom's answer a doctor
or the doctor's patient and their conscience. That means no

regulation late term abortion is perfectly acceptable to them. That
needs to be told. That story, part of the story
needs to be told more right. That's going to wrap
things up for today. We have full coverage of all
the freaking news stories. Of course, Joe Biden saying, oh no,
we're not going to support Israel all the way. Mark
Levin is in Israel. We'll also check in with Lindsay Graham,

Mike Waltz, Aaron Conwold's way in New Cambridge, Alway in
well the latest on this, you know, the beginning of jury'
selection in this ridiculous case in New York, Alina Haba
and Alan Ershchwitz and Greg Jarrett and all the other
news of the day, and that would also obviously include
the protesters and everything in between. And why doesn't Joe

Biden stand by our ally and have the moral clarity
you would expect in an American president nine Eastern Tonight.
We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for
making this show possible.

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