All Episodes

April 17, 2024 30 mins

Sean questions what America's allies must think about us today and worries, if we're not careful, there will be no allies left in this world!  We've learned from World War II that appeasement just doesn't work and allies are critical.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of
you for being well. This is our toll free telephone number.
You want to join us AT's eight hundred and ninety
four to one, Sean if you want to be a
part of the program. Well, a very frail and weak
and mumbling and bumbling, stumbling president, your President Joe is
just out up to the podium in Scranton in Pennsylvania.

He doesn't have to worry about the next two hundred
and two days being in a courtroom dealing with an
eight year old case that literally where the statute of
limitations have run out, which is a misdemeanor to start with,
that they've tried to now turn into what would be
a felony count by upgrading the misdemeanor that the Feds itself,

on the federal level had passed on, just like the
previous DA in New York had passed on.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
And you have a.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
DA in New York that you know, literally, if you
beat the living Adam ship out of cops, it's no problem.
You're gonna get let out, no bail. You get to
flip the bird to New York and leave that sanctuary
city for the sanctuary State of California. What a great country.
You know, a guy that takes sixty percent of felonies
downgrades him the misdemeanors. When it comes to Donald Trump,

misdemeanors get upgraded to felonies federal law, even though the
statute of limitations passed? Is that justice in America? And
you don't think what's gonna happen in two hundred and
two days from today actually matters. It matters, It matters
a lot. Donald Trump cack like, I'm sure he'd love
to be in Pennsylvania. I'm sure he'd love to be

out campaigning.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
You know.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Judge told him yesterday that if you are not in
this courtroom, you're going to jail. So this is what
the Democrats democracy in peril that they want to argue.
This is what the Democrats that support just one elected
official that would have the power to decide whether anybody

on a major presidential candidate is even on the ballot
for people to vote for. And this this is okay
with America. Really eight year old case and they just
happen to bring the trial two hundred and three days
outside of the election. Went now to day two of
the trials two hundred and two days to election day.

You know, a president that is literally, as we speak,
has absolutely no comprehension about the world and the situation
that his weakness is causing the world. By Joe Biden
abdicating America's role on the world stage as the leader
of the free world, we now find ourselves in a

position where terrorism is on the march, where now Joe
Biden is telling Israel don't don't like he told Iran
don't Hey, Joe, they did. They tried to hit Israel
with three hundred missiles and weapons and drones and everything
in between. And you're telling Israel don't respond. Don't you

want you know, why don't you just get down and
bow with the alt or radical terrorists for crying out loud?
How stupid can you be? How weak can you be?
Because this is insane. We learned today from the New
York Post the Biden administration quote knowingly and unlawfully provided
more than one point five billion dollars in aid to

Gaza in the West Bank, allowing US tax dollars to
subsidize Palestinian terror groups like Hamas. According to a new
lawsuit BOP brought by Representative Congressman Ronnie Jackson and victims
of past terror attacks in Israel, President Biden, Secretary of
State Blincoln have known for years the US AID is

providing material support for hamas tunnels, rockets, weapons, weapons procurement.
You know, when I was in these, these these terror tunnels,
when I was last in Israel, and when I saw
them in house, saw and saw the amount of money
and sophistication that went into the architecture and the building

of these tunnels. And then when I stopped by you know,
border towns like Stroat and you know, just off the coat,
just off the the border with Gaza, you can see
Gaza with the naked eye in a town where they've
been hit with ten thousand rockets in ten years. And
children because of the close proximity to Gaza, they have

to play in underground bunker playgrounds. Is what part of
this does Joe not understand? You know, Iran is now
threatening a new attack against Israel with weapons that it
has never used before. Well, what are they supposed to
do because all they see in America is a weak

president that is doing the bidding for radical Islamic terrorists.
Why wouldn't why doesn't this President have the moral clarity
to understand that what happened on October the seventh should
never be allowed to happen again.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
Where radical terrorists.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Can kill twelve hundred innocent people in their home country
and take hundreds of others hostage and rape many of
them and kill many others, including Americans. Just as a
side note, it's unbelievable and what is the you know,
Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, called out the pro

Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. Why would a party
and this gets to the heart of why why is
Joe Biden turning on Israel. He is turning on Israel
because he does not want to lose the support of
the base of the Democratic Party. That is basically just
that its own version of the Squad and the radical

squad that it is. Joe Biden saw that eighteen point
nine percent of voters in Michigan, a lot of people
out of Dearborn, that they were furious with the fact
that he'd offer any support to Israel, and eighteen point
nine percent of Democratic primary voters voted uncommitted to Biden.

Over one hundred thousand people in Michigan. That would be
enough to turn that election. Read turn that state red
and fifty thousand that followed up in Wisconsin as well
that don't want Joe Biden. That's what this is about.
House Republicans demanding the Biden doj now investigate death to

American chanters in Dearborn. Well, if you're in this country,
is it not a stated concern of the free loving people?
When other you talk about those calling for insurrection? What
does death to America mean?

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Good grief?

Speaker 1 (06:59):
These are the times who are living in But of course,
you know what what happened with all the other previous money.
Where did the money come from to build the three
hundred and fifty you know, miles or plus of terror
tunnels in you know, to into Israel? Where did that
money come from? Well, a lot of it came from US,

came from you, a lot of it came from Israel.
This was money that was destined to build hospitals and
schools and infrastructure that instead was being used to attack
Israel and in doctrine kids into school into hating the Israelis.
By the way, Russia now has deployed a warshiped warship

that's armed with hypersonic missiles to the Middle East. Well,
I guess this is Russia's way of rewarding Iran for
helping them out in their war against the Ukrainians. Vladimir
Putin has now deployed as one of his warships to
the Middle East.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
What is Joe gonna do here?

Speaker 1 (07:58):
I mean, well, on the press reps here of a
potential World War III.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
And you think, well, that can't happen in our lifetime?

Speaker 1 (08:06):

Speaker 2 (08:06):
Really, are you that dumb, stupid naive?

Speaker 1 (08:09):
This is what the world looks like when you have
a weak American president that abdicates his role as the
leader of the free world. Hours after Iran attacks Israel
hundreds of missiles and drones on Saturday night, Russia dispatched
a navy frigate armed with hypersonic missiles right into the

Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal. The Kremlin confirmed the
ship's presence in the area, adding that it will continue
to perform the tasks assigned to it under the expedition plan.
According to website airtechnology dot com anyway, the state of
the art airborne missile system with hypersponic hypersonic aeroballistic missiles.

The missile has a reported range between nine hundred and
twelve hundred miles while carrying a nuclear or conventional payload
of over one thousand pounds. The missiles quickly accelerate to
MOCK four after launch and may reach a speed up
to Mack ten. The missile's low radar signature, erratic flight trajectory,
and high maneuverability, in combination with its high speed, can

make intercepting its highly make intercepting these missiles highly complicated.
In October twenty three, a Russian news agency reported the
missiles can be programmed to change target acquisition during flight.
The hypersonic missiles multipurpose warhead can strike stationary targets such
as command centers, air bases, as well as moving targets

like enemy warships. You want more information because a lot
of this technology we is based off technology that was
stolen from US by China and others. According to my sources,
we don't have hypersonic capability.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
There ought to be great.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Urgency in this country to develop it, match it, defeat it,
surpass it sooner than we ever possibly could imagine. I mean,
it's it's these are really unbelievable times. This, you know,
for Joe Biden, this is a low point for him,
you know, first force trying to force Israel instead of

taking the very clear moral position that our ally, Israel
has a right to defend itself, defend it the state
of Israel. It's country which is now in jeopardy to
stop radical terrorists that invaded them. Israel was the victim here,
Hamas was not the victim.

Speaker 2 (10:39):

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Amas empowered and voted in by the people of Gaza.
There's a recent poll showed seventy percent would vote them
in again. And Israel now is trying to win their
war against radical terrorists and forever eradicate Hamas while simultaneously
fighting Hisbollah in the north as Hezbollah in Lebanon is

firing missiles into Israel left, right and sideways, including on
Saturday night, Israel faced more than sixty tons of airborne explosives,
one hundred and seventy drones, thirty cruise missiles, over one
hundred and twenty ballistic missiles, and Joe Biden has said, well,
you're on your own. We're not gonna be there if

you strike back. Well, what do you think how will
Iran interpret Israel not striking back? They'll be embolden even
further to strike Israel even more well, we deem this concluded.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
No, you don't get to deem.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
This concluded. Israel will decide what the response will be.
I don't think Israel has any other choice but to respond,
Otherwise they will be emboldening Iran and further attacks will
likely be the result of this. I mean, it is classic.
This is why it's Joe, Neville, April and Biden. You

know I played last night on TV Winston Churchill the
very famous.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
Blood toil, tears and sweat.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
All I have to offer what is our nim victory,
victory at all costs, victory against these monstrous purity said
to those who have joined the government, I have nothing
to offer but blood, toil, tears, and strict you are
sporting up on the team, I will say it is

to wage war by sea, land and air, with all
our might, with all the strengths that John can give us,
to wage war against the monstrous tyranny never surpassed in
the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
You are quite in our aim. Take an astrain one word.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Victory, victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of
all terror.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Have a long and hard. The road may be co Wow.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Here's the problem for Joe Biden. Here's the problem for Biden.
Victory at all costs for Israel would mean that many
in his radical base are not going to like him,
and Joe Biden prefers to put his own blind political
ambition above standing up with moral clarity against radical Islamic

terrorists who killed innocent Israelies and took hundreds hostage, including Americans,
on October the seventh. The only message should be clear, concise, unequivocal.
We support Israel's full victory in their war on terror,

and that war now includes Iran, that guy that engaged
in an unprovoked attack, just like Hamas did on October
the seventh.

Speaker 2 (14:02):
But what is Joe doing.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
He cares more about his political radical political base than
anything else. He's afraid of the admonition of the likes
of Michael Moore. Well, if you support Israel, you're gonna
be Hillary two point zero. That's not the America that
I believe in. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is

our number. That's why two hundred and two days from
now really matters, doesn't it. You know, we've now reached
a low in this country. I don't know how else
to say it. What do you think all of these
people that were disrupting traffic yesterday, the people that were
blocking traffic at the airport into O'Hare in Chicago, or

those that close down the Golden State Bridge I'm sorry,
Golden State, Golden Gate Bridge in state after state?

Speaker 2 (14:56):
What do you have?

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Angry far left demonstrate that represent the Democratic Party base?
This is why you go back to twenty twenty, similar environment.
What was happening there was rioting, insane rioting, five hundred
and seventy four official riots, dozens of dead Americans and

thousands of cops. We were witnessing nightly pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles,
molotov cocktails, thousands of injured cops. But you know, buildings
burned to the ground, billions in property damage, and were
what were liberal politicians telling us? They were telling us
very simply, Oh, these are mostly peaceful protesters. Sounds like

an insurrection to me or a riot to me. Notice,
with all the outrage expressed by the Democrats over January sixth,
they all ignored the five hundred and seventy four riots,
just like they all ignored the actions of the people
yesterday because their base demands it. That's why, you know,

it's pretty unbelievable. The times we are living in are
pretty unbelievable. Doesn't matter. Sixty tons airport weren't explosives fired
by Iran and to Israel. All the drones, cruise missiles,
ballistic missiles. You know, what did they do in the
summer of twenty twenty. Kamala Harris tweeted out, you know,

the bail fund for people involved in all of the
peaceful protests that weren't so peaceful. They just flat out
led to us that was a preview of coming attractions
for a whole bunch of lies. We were going to
be told. And she tweets out the bail fund. After
a police precinct was burned to the ground in Minneapolis. Oh,

I wonder if Donald Trump did that, they'd call that
an insurrection. Did they take all these people that we
had on videotape with all that evidence. Did they have
hearings in Washington? Did they talk about insurrection? Did they
talk talk about how this can happen it's a threat
to democracy? No? Did any democrat? I mean, it took

until yesterday for Gretchen Whitmer to condemn the people in
her state, chanting death to America, death to Israel. What
took her so long?

Speaker 2 (17:16):
You know?

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Was it just you know, political calculation going back and
forth whether it hurts me or helps me. Because certainly
Joe Biden is factoring in. It's all through the prism
of twenty twenty four presidential politics. Everything that he's doing,
everything that he's saying right now, the fact that he's
been pressuring Israel not to win their war on terror

and to retreat and to give up this conflict after
they were attacked. Can you imagine twelve hundred dead Americans
and some Allied country telling us we got to stop
fighting our war against terrorists they killed in US and Americans?
How would you feel about that? How do you think
Israel feels about all of this? Okay, Joe helped shoot

down some of the missiles. Good for Joe. He didn't
really have any choice, but he does have a choice.
If the free world and Israel do not respond to Iran,
that will rightly be perceived as weakness. That weakness will
embolden further aggression by the likes of Iraan, just like

they have emboldened further aggression by terrorist groups like Hamas
and Hezbolat because they've never paid the full price for
years and years and years of firing.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Rocket after rocket after rocket.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Tens and tens and tens of thousands of them into
the innocent state of Israel, and Israel shoots him out
of the sky. At this point, the Iron Dome and
their missile defense systems is only a band aid. Hypersonic
technology is now in the Mediterranians. Boutin is aligned with Iran.

On what's Joe gonna do now? Just tell Israel don't respond,
don't his favorite new word, don't. But what is his
message to our closest ally, You're on your own. We're
not going to support you if you strike back and
defend yourself from these attacks on Saturday night, We're not

going to support you any further if you go and
win your war against the terrorists.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
How do people lose track? How does their moral compass
go so sideways?

Speaker 1 (19:35):
How to in their mind do they justify emboldening radical
Islamic terrorists by trying to pressure innocent victims into not responding.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
What world are they living in?

Speaker 1 (19:54):
I mean, the closest analogy and I'm not. I mean,
you just got to look at Neville Chamberlain. He was
so ex After the meeting Hitler, Munich, Germany came back
and gleefully telling the people of Great Britain peace in
our time, peace and our time, Well, there wasn't peace
in their time. And then in a moment where everything

was on the line and hanging in the balance, then
they brought in the guy that well many people didn't
like that much, but had been warning the world about Hitler.
And that guy's name was Winston Churchill. He spent the
time he studied Hitler, he read mindkomp he knew what

his geopolitical ambitions were, and he was outspoken and forceful
in his opposition to appeasement. And when the darkest moment came,
you know, they the country of Great Britain our ally,
they turned to Winston Churchill and he showed nothing but
a tremendous resolve, commitment, strength, moral clarity. The idea that

a prime minister in the middle of the bombing of
Britain would would be walking amongst the people of bombs
bursting all over all over the country and trying to
you know, to encourage people and leading a nation with
resolved to defeat the terrible evil in their time? Well,

what do you think it is the people that want
to wipe Israel off the map that's evil in our time?
The people that want from the river to the sea.
I know, we hear it in this country, the halls
of Congress, college campuses all across Europe, you know, gas
the Jews after the Jews in Australia. Do I understand it? No,

I don't understand it. Why would Biden be so hostile
in light of the how Israel has been attacked by
Hamas on October the seventh and attack this past Saturday
night and tell them that you're on your own. And
Chuck Schumer, you know, just to make matters worse, calls

for elections in the middle of a fight against radical terrorism.
How would Chuck Schumer have felt. He's from New York,
he remembers nine to eleven oh one, I was there.
How would Chuck Schumer have felt at the time of
Israel said we well, America needs a new president, call
for elections would How would Chuck Schumer feel if the

leader of the Kanesset came out and said, yeah, no
more weapons for the United States.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
No help from the United States.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
Israel if in case you're interested there, resolve against our
war on terror was steadfast.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
They never wavered. They were with us from day one.
They never wavered.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
Maybe because they've been surrounded by this sick, twisted convert
or die.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
Ideology and literally their.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Existence hanging in the balance every day, they are far
more rooted in reality. But the calculation is uh uh, Well,
look at all these people protesting and shutting down traffic
on the Golden Gate Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge and
at Chicago's O'Hare Airport.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
We better listen to them.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
We better listen to the one hundred thousand plus voters
in Michigan, the eighteen zero point nine percent of Democrats
in the primary that wouldn't vote for Biden. They better
listen to the fifty thousands people in Wisconsin and the
Democratic primary there that issued an uncommitted protest vote. Oh,
Joe's shown too much support. What has happened to this party?

This was once the party of Joe Lieberman, who recently
passed away. I was friends with Joe Lieberman. We're pretty
close friends. At one point, got along with a very
very nice, kind decent man, but he had moral clarity
when it came to the war on terrorism and his
support for Israel. He never wavered. He understood evil in

our time. But now Joe has chosen to appease the
radicals in his base because the threats from the likes
of Michael Moore that you'll be Hillary two point zero,
you know, and then in Chicago chanting death to Israel,
death to America. There is a growing number of people

living both inside this country and around the globe that
not only hate Israel. Netanyahu's example has always been dead
on accurate. If they were ever successful in destroying the
state of Israel, they're not done. If you've done any
basic study or analysis of this, convert or die Islamic

radical Islamic ideology. They believe in a caliphate worldwide conquering,
and they look at it and they view this in
terms of hundreds of years. And the West has been
timid and woke and politically correct and too afraid to
call this out for what it is. We're not talking

about all Muslims. We're talking about radical Islamic terrorists, people
that are supportive of groups like Hamas Hezbolah, Islamic jihad Iran.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
What is it going to take? Why?

Speaker 1 (25:36):
You know, how is all of this money that both
the Obama administration and the Biden administration thrown at Iran
for appeasement purposes?

Speaker 2 (25:44):
How has that all worked out? Has it worked out
very well?

Speaker 1 (25:51):
And meanwhile, we're living in a country where we have
one presidential candidate that is told by a judge you
must be in court every day for at least a month,
be longer. And the other presidential candidate, whose weaponized justice
system has been going after him with a vengeance, is
out campaigning. Wow, Russia's armpack with Iran. Moscow has now

pledged fighter jets, air defenses. What's Joe gonna do? Joe
has just threatened to abandon Israel. Iran sought to change
the equation of its confrontation with Israel. They say, if
Israel responds, they will unleash fifteen hundred missiles. Israel's ready
for that. I have confidence in Israel. Iran was utterly

humiliated on Saturday night. Reports that his Bola and the
hoodie rebels and others were completely stunned by the attacks.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
Failure. However, that won't stop them. What happens.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
If Israel doesn't respond, how will that be interpreted? It
will be in interpreted rightly so as weakness. NBC News
is now reporting that the Israeli response to this attack
could be imminent, and whatever that attack is, any freedom
loving America needs to support their ability to defend themselves.

Not saying that America has to engage, I am saying
that if all they're asking for is for us to
provide weapons that they're willing to pay for, that's the
least of what I think we should be willing to do.
Because their war on Israel, the Little Satan, is just
the preview of coming attractions and what ultimately would be

their big war, which is against us. If you ever
wondered what America would look like with a very pathetic,
weak president, you're witnessing it right now. The world has
been emboldened by Joe Biden's weakness, by his appeasement, by
his frailty, by his cognitive decline, and that's how this

new access of evil has now emerged. House Republicans of
voting to enforce stricter Iranian sanctions don't expect one Democrat
to go along with this. They won't because they too,
like Joe, are afraid of the radicals that now represent
their country.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
For their party. Brother in our country.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
All right, when we come back, we're gonna get to
Alina Haba, who is President Trump's legal spokesperson.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
One thing that came out.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
Now, I know Stormy has since denied this, but she
signed this January thirtieth, twenty eighteen. To whom it may concern.
Over the past few weeks, I have been asked countless
times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship
that I had with Donald Trump many, many years ago.
The fact of the matter is that each party to

this alleged affair denied its existence in two thousand and six,
twenty eleven, twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, and now again in
two thousand and eighteen. I am not denying this affair
because I was paid quote hush money, as has been
reported in overseas owned tabloids. I'm denying the affair because

it never happened. I will have no further comment on
this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram.
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