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April 18, 2024 17 mins

Sean goes over the Attorney General's Lawfare efforts against President Trump.  If you don't think Democracy is in danger, you are sadly very mistaken!

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
And thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of
you for being with us. Here's our toll free telephone
number if you want to be a part of the program.
It is eight hundred and ninety four one Shawn if
you want to join us before we get going today.
And I've got a lot to say about this, this
eight year old misdemeanor somehow convoluted into a felony statute

of limitations a biden donor judge who should have recused
himself because of family members that will involved in the
issue surrounding the case. We'll get to that, and to say,
before we do that, I want to highlight something that
I think is important and we're going to get to Obviously,
you know what we are anticipating. Tensions are high. There

is no doubt that Israel's going to respond. I have
no doubt in my mind. I don't know what the
response is going to be, but I hope it is substantial,
because anything short of a substantial response will only embolden Iran,
the number one state sponsor of terror, to continue what

they have been doing.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
We have a lot to say on that in the
course of the program.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
We have all things simple man Bill O'Reilly today and
we got a lot, we got a lot on the
on the plate, uh, And we'll get your calls in
throughout the day as well. But I want to first
highlight that your Attorney General, our weaponized Department of Justice,
Merrick Garland UH has now inadvertently admitted that this recording.

Remember the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary committees, they have
subpoened the transcripts, the tapes of Robert Hurr, the Special
Council investigating Joe Biden, and the fact, remember the Special
Council determined that he willfully kept top secret classified documents.
He had him in eight separate locations, although numerous locations

within one location, but different parts of the House, et cetera.
And that Joe Biden even went as far as to say,
oh I found new classified documents today. Let me share
it with my ghostwriter anyway. So rightly so, the committees,
they have a role, the Congress's role in oversight. They

have requested that the Attorney general, they have subpoened the
Attorney General over and over again that he released the
interview of Joe Biden with the Special Counsel, the one
in which he said yeah, the read one of the
reasons we didn't prosecute because he comes across as a
likable old man, very forgetful, blah blah blah, and we

probably wouldn't get a guilty verdict because he's gonna come
across as a forgetful old man, even though he wilfully
did that, which, of course Donald Trump is being prosecuted
for that which Donald Trump's home are logo got invaded
over and again. The two tier system of justice is
exposed because of your Hillary Clinton. You have top secret

classified information on a server or on your servers, and
the FBI identifies it, it's no reasonable prosecutor whatever prosecute.
And here we are looking at a prosecution, but only
if you're a Republican Donald Trump. Never mind that Hillary
deleted thirty three thousand emails that had been subpoenaed and

destroyed the servers, the hard drives with bleach bit, and
destroyed devices with hammers and removed simcards, all of which happened.
This is the weaponization of our Department of Justice. And anyway,
the Attorney General repeatedly was defending the president's cognitive fitness
for office yesterday, telling Congress repeatedly that Joe Biden had

no impairment. Despite what the Special Counsel Robert Hurr cited
about Biden's foggy memory. Was I still vice president in
two thousand and nine. You became vice president in two
thousand and nine, Joe, And well, I was disgusted when

he brought up my son blah blah blah. Well, the
Special Council never did that. Joe did that. And now
the House and these committees are now threatening that they've
because they've been so uncooperative at Joe Biden's weaponized dj
that they may have to hold the Attorney General of

the United States in contempt of Congress. He is facing
a contempt vote by House Republicans because of his outright
refusal to hand over tapes of Biden's interviews with her.
Tran transcript show apparent Biden confusion at a very high level.
But yet Garland testified yesterday and argued yesterday would violate

Department norms to provide the actual audio, which quote would
likely be used by Republicans to oppose Biden's bid for
a second term in a November election. Well, now we
got the real reason that Merrick Garland is protecting Joe
Biden at all costs, and he's not cooperating with a

legal subpoena and legitimate, justified oversight of a Congression of
Congressional committee. So the reason they don't want the American
people to hear the tapes is because they know that
those tapes will be devastating to Joe Biden, likely causing
him a chance at reelection. And Merrick Garland is now

interfering in the election himself. Now, that would tell me
that I know they're going to give him one more chance.
Apparently the committee's to hand over these tapes, but based
on that statement, I don't see that forthcoming. Well, then
their only recourse is to hold the Attorney General in contempt.
I would say the next step would be to impeach him. However,

the Republicans don't have enough votes in the House and
too many Rhinos in the House to actually get that done.
By the way Biden's disastrous speech. I said this yesterday, Linda,
I don't think this is out of bounds at all.
You know, so many people get so triggered if they
even see or hear Donald Trump's voice. You know, Donald
Trump now is being forced into a courtroom for what

will at least be a month, maybe longer. And if
he misses a single day as of now, missus, one day,
he's going to be put in jail, according to the judge.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
Well, can I push back on that for a hot second.
I gotta say one thing. If you're watching Donald Trump,
this man is being persecuted from all sides. He's the
human version of Israel. It doesn't matter where he turns.
Somebody's trying to kill him. And I can honestly say, like,
you go up into Harlem and people just start singing
in your presence.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
The start he went to, he went to the bodega
where I remember the worker there, what's the name, jose
Alba had to defend himself.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Remember, they wanted to arrest the.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
After both of them.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
Okay, and what happened.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
The people spoke and thankfully the charges had to be
dropped because of public pressure. And what's what's fascinating about
it is they were chanting four more years for Trump.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
We actually have it. It's cut three today, it's only
thirty seconds.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
It's pretty awesome. Right now, we'll do it. We'll do
in a second.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Another moment.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
He was in Atlanta. Yeah, so I don't know.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
If I'm Donald Trump, I'd be going all over the
city of New York right after each day's trial that
he's forced to attend, or else he's going to be
put in jail. But think about this, This now leaves
an open field of swing state campaigning to one candidate
on top of everything else that they're doing. You know,
we welcome to the United States of America. And by

the way, Joe's appearance in Scranton was a disaster, as
it usually is. He had a hard time remembering where
he was, where he grew up. We're now two hundred
and one days away from election day. Donald Trump can
campaign at all. He's stuck in this courtroom. He's stuck
with a gag order. But all the people that will

likely be testifying against them, the appearing all over social media,
all over cable television, giving interviews here, there, and everywhere.
There's no gag order on any of them. I mean,
I think it's fair for Donald Trump to want to
point out that the judge in this case donated to Biden.
I think it's fair that he point out that this

is a case from over eight years ago whose statute
of limitations have officially come and they have gone. I
think it's fair of the President to point out that
had they not run out, that this would be a
misdemeanor based on New York law, and that by a
long stretch, the very the DA in New York, Alvin

Bragg is trying to actually use federal against Donald Trump
and basically take what would be a misdemeanor and turn
it into a felony. And the medium mob is is ecstatic.
There are gasmic over it. You know, one fake news
CNN host, you know, celebrating with a banner that reads
Biden hits the trail while Trump sits in court. Does

anybody not see that they they have taken the opposition
presidential candidate off the campaign trail. And if they have
their way, this would be the entire the next two
hundred and one days that they'd keep Donald Trump locked
away with a gag order in a courtroom so he

can't campaign. Oh the giddiness, you know, it's like the
Super Bowl. Over at the hard hitting news show The View,
According to one of their hosts.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
This is not an ordinary trial.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
This this taxpayer funded media promoted smear campaign against Trump,
where they shut when he has a gag order in
the threat of jail off he opens his mouth. Is
and the other people that are involved in this case
have no such thing. You got a prosecutor that ran
on getting Trump, just like the ag in New York did.

The judge donates to Biden. You can't make this up.
The jury pool comprised of Americans living in the deepest
of blue cities, or only twelve percent of the electorate
voted for Donald Trump. It's a misdemeanor document labeling allegation.
It dates back eight years well passed the Statute of Limitations,
and they mysteriously found a way to bring it back

and turn it into a felony. But none of this matters.
It's not about justice. It's not about keeping Americans safe.
It's not about a da that has reduced sixty percent
of felony cases to misdemeanors. No, he upgrades it. If
your last name's Donald Trump. This is a city where
violent criminals, gang members, drug dealers, sex offenders. You know,

the no bail laws let him right back out on
the street.

Speaker 2 (11:00):

Speaker 1 (11:00):
And if they do get tried, it's the punishment is minimal.
You know, it's the it's all part of the no
bail law defund dismantle reimagined police insanity. You know, Donald
Trump now is effectively removed from the campaign trail at
the height of an election. The judge threatening jail again
and again, you're gonna call this over what.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
You know?

Speaker 1 (11:25):
And we have, you know, a letter from Stormy Daniels
in her own words, you know, out there saying an
assigned statement that in fact, none of this ever ever happened.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
You've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
You really, on so many levels, you just can not
make this up. You really can't. But this is the
America we're living in today. This is not equal justice
and equal application of our laws by any stretch of
the imagination. You know, the statement of Stormy Daniels, and
by the way, this was the official statement January thirtieth

of twenty eighteen.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
To whom it may concern.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Over the past few weeks, I've been asked countless times
to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship that
I had with Donald Trump many many years ago. The
fact of the matter is that each party to this
alleged affair has denied its existence. In two thousand and six,
twenty eleven, twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, and now in twenty

eighteen dated January thirtieth, twenty eighteen. I am not denying
this affair because I was paid quote unquote hush money,
as has been reported in overseas own tabloids. Now it's
reported everywhere. I am denying this affair because it never happened.
I will have no further comment on the matter. Please

feel free to check me out on Instagram and she
gives her Instagram account out. Okay, and the lead witness
in this case, Yeah, I think in Congress they discovered
that he'd lied to Congress. Yeah, that would be a crime,
pretty unbelievable. We've got a lot of ground to cover today.
We're going to get to all the issues involving Israel.

We got Bill O'Reilly on the program, and we'll get
a lot of your calls in also eight hundred nine
four one Sean, if you want to be a part
of the program, I want to remind you about our
friends of Pure Talk. You know, you can't even spend
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pound two fifty keywords save now. And by the way,

after that you probably can afford the burger and fries
that's cost over twenty bucks. You know, it's the most
politically charge case in the country. And what do we
know about the judge he donates to Biden. You don't
think that's a conflict. Congress Woman in the least defonic
you know, said it pretty well that the judge's daughter

is quote a democratic political operative who's financially benefited from
her father's unprecedented trial of Trump. Now keep in mind
New York law does forbid this type of prejudice. Actually,
we know the exact article. It's Article two, section fourteen.
At the state statutory grounds for disqualification, a judge shall

not sit as such in or take any part in
the decision of an action, claim, matter, motion, or proceeding
to which he is a party, or in which he
has been attorney or counsel, or in which he is interested,
or in which or if he is related to any

party to the controversy within the sixth degree. In other words, yeah,
if your daughter is a democratic operative working against the
defendant with the defendant's top bo enemies. Let's see, like
Adam Shift, the congenital liar, you can't preside over the
case for some reason. The firm where the judge's daughder works,

they won't get back to us. We're just looking for
a statement. We're being polite. Judge meanwhild doesn't seem to
understand the concept of fair. I mean a gag order
for Donald Trump, but not for any of the other
people that hate him that will be testifying in this case.
The first seven jurors have been seated. We have a
lot of him about them. I'll share that with you

when we get back on the other side. But anyway,
we'll tell you. I don't know how much you can
glean from this, but it's certainly interesting. And by the way,
states like New York, I'll tell you about what the
law is. They tend to craft their own rules and
trial waivers. But under criminal Procedure three point forty point
five zero, a defending can wave is right to be

present at a trial and doing so if the prosecution
doesn't object and the judge may grant the waiver. Well,
why don't you let Donald Trump go out and campaign?
Then right, let me come back. We'll check in with
all things. Simon Man Bill O'Reilly and also Congressman GREGGS.
Stuby will be with us as he is moving forward

with sixty GOP House colleagues to designate eleven Iranian proxies
as farign terrorist organizations so Biden can stop giving the money.
Israel says they will retaliate. It could be imminent, it
could be at any moment. We don't know, but don't worry.
The White House adviser is defending Iran's right to defend itself.

Have an Arab American activist regarding Joe's handling of this,
with a history of anti Israeli rhetoric praising terrorist organizations,
and Biden's advisors contacted him to gauge his reaction to
Biden's phone call with Prime Minister net and Yahoo, Yeah, okay,
guess what this guy did not support or guess did

not support Israel.

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