All Episodes

April 19, 2024 30 mins

Peter Schweizer,  President of the Government Accountability Institute and Host of the Drill Down Podcast, & author of his latest New York Times #1 bestseller, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans -

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Our number is eight hundred nine four one Sean, if
you want to be a part of the program. Almost
every day on this show, every night on Hannity, we
have a lot of news because of Joe Biden's you know,
ten million plus unvetted illegal immigrants and where they are
coming from. And we're seeing massive numbers tens and tens
of thousands from Russia and China. And let's see oh

iran number one state sponsor of terror, their satellite Syria, Egypt,
home of the Muslim Brotherhood, Afghanistan where Al Qaeda now
has reopened their training camps. We had the latest example
the Biden administration program, you know, the one that actually
flies the illegal immigrants that you pay for right into
America directly and gives people what forty some options where

they want to settle and stay. Well, a Haitian immigrant,
the illegal immigrant brought in by Biden, killed two of
his roommates in New York. He used the Biden administration signature,
what they call the CBP one program to enter the
country illegally, but according to Biden, it is legal.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
Okay. Was there any vetting done?

Speaker 3 (01:10):

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Maybe if there was some vetting, maybe this would have
would not have happened anyway. And then, of course we
watched in the US Senate yesterday basically the Democratic senators
shredding the constitution. Mayorcis who has facilitated all of this
illegal immigration and lied to us for three years. The
borders closed, the border secure, The border has closed, the
border secure. Yeah, well, let me tell you every Democrat

that voted against having a trial for may Orcus, all
of them should pay a heavy price in two hundred days.
This number ought to scare everybody. The number of Chinese
nationals that have been entering our country illegally and stop
by border patrol so far this fiscal year has now
exceeded the enormous number that we saw in fiscal year

all of fiscal year twenty twenty three, and they still have,
you know, six plus months to go. According to the
Customs and Border Protection data, in the first six months
of twenty twenty four, which began in October, border patrol
now is caught twenty four thousand, two hundred and ninety
six Chinese nationals crossing illegally between ports of entry, far

exceeding the twenty four thousand, one hundred and twenty five
caught in all of fiscal year twenty twenty three. Now
do you think people are making this trip from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt,
Afghanistan because they want a better life for themselves of
their families. I don't think so. Now, there was an
incredible Daily Mail piece out there how China is deliberately

allowing the export of deadly devices that turn handguns into
machine pistols as they are seeking to destabilize the US.
There was a Drilled Down piece talking about, you know,
incentivized murder and how the CCP has provided government funding
tax breaks for fentanyl makers. I can't even believe we're

discussing this on this program, but you know, here we are.
We're discussing it. And our friend Peter Sweitzer has been
doing the deepest dive of anybody into all of this.
And he's the president of the Government Accountability Institute, host
of the Drilled Down podcast. His latest New York Times
number one best seller, Blood Money, Why the Powerful turn
a blind eye while China is killing Americans? And a

new report out of the House Select Committee on the
Chinese Communist Party is revealing that the CCP now has
been incentivizing fentanyl production being via government funding. Other reports
have shown that they have partnered with the Mexican cartels,
and China is now subsidizing fentanyl chemicals that are being

used to ultimately kill Americans. And they're making a fortune
off of it, and we're allowing it to happen because
our borders are wide open anyway. Peter Sweitzer joins us now, sir,
welcome back, Sean.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Always good to be with you. Thanks so much for
having me.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
How bad is it?

Speaker 3 (04:03):
It's terrible. It's killing one hundred thousand Americans a year
through sentinel poisoning. I think the thing that people sometimes
miss is, you know, they see pictures of people that
are you know, sort of shaking the you know, Sentinel
addicts in San Francisco elsewhere. The vast majority of people
that are dying of Sentinel poisoning don't even know they're
taking sent It's a kid studying for a college exam

who a buddy says, well, take this adderall it will
help you concentrate. And it's actually, you know, a sake
pill with Sentinel in it. They die of an overdose
and this is designed by.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
This I have a very good friend of mine. He's
been on this show talking about it. Who used to
work at Fox, Eric Boling, lost his nineteen year old
son University of Boulder. He got a what was a xanax,
which by the way, any any doctor would prescribe to
any student that might be suffering panic orings, niety attacks.

And he just got it on the street and had
ventanyl in it and he never woke up.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
Yeah, yeah, it is. It's not an overdose. It's an
overdose medically, but it's really a poisoning because people are
not intentionally taking fentanyl. And that's what makes this so troubling.
And people will say to me, Sean, like, why don't understand.
Why would you know drug dealers want to kill their customers. Well,
the Chinese want to kill Americans. That's their involvement in this.

They control every stage, from the precursors to the money laundering.
But for the drug cartels, they're making twenty times. The
profit margin on sending fentanyl drugs to the United States
is twenty times what they make on cocaine or on heroin,
so they don't care if they die. So you have
this cooperation between the Mexican drug cartels and the CCP.

They both get what they want, and unfortunately our political
leaders don't want to stand up and call China out
on this. I can guarantee one thing, Sean, if the
id face we're doing this to China, President g would
be in President Biden's face about this every single day.
And yet this president does not raise this issue. He

says there's not going to be any finger pointing for
China doing this. I think we're well past the point
we need more than finger pointing to deal with this problem.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Joe Biden has shown no willingness at all, although he
did say talk about tariffs this week for the first time,
probably only because it's been pulled because he hasn't done
anything for over three and a half years. As it
relates to China, I would argue that goes back to
your previous book, Secret Empires, and the amount of money

that the Biden family has done and how much money
they've gotten from China. I haven't even gotten a total figure.
Everybody remembers the WhatsApp message, I'm sitting here with my father.
Why didn't you keep your commitment between everybody he knows
and my ability to hold a grudge? And I regret
not doing this. According to James Comer five days later,
what five million dollars was wired into one of these

these quote bank accounts or what Comer calls shell corporations.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
You confirm that happened? Is that true? All true?

Speaker 3 (07:13):
Yes, yes, no, that's absolutely correct. And here's the thing.
I mean, you know the Democrats on that committee say, well,
you know they were engaging, the Bidens, were engaging in
business transactions with Chinese businessman. You know that it's a
pretty broad definition of businessman they're using. If you look
at the head of CEFC, that energy company by.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
The way, this is in the energy sector. This is there,
just like Barisma in Ukraine. This is China's oil and
gas giant, and this is and they sent us five
million dollars.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
This is at a time.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
But we do have on tape Hunter Biden admitting he
had no experience and energy, oil, gas, none of it.
And we do know at the time he's admittedly was
addicted to hard drugs. Only imagine the dossier that the
Communist Chinese have on the Bidens.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Oh absolutely, and think about this vee ming that the
head of CEFC, this energy company, had all of other
massively shady connections. So one of the bizarre and very
troubling relationships is in twenty seventeen, he wires five million
dollars in the Hunter byon laptop. This is, according to Ye,

this is a loan, a forgivable, interest free loan to
the Biden family, not just to Hunter. He wires five
million dollars. Well, he is business partners at that time
with a Chinese gang leader who goes by the name
White Wolf. They actually invested jointly and had projects going
together and have these associations with these Chinese patriotic organizations.

This guy, White Wolf is the one who set up
the Fineloa cartel in the Sentinel trade. So you literally
have one degree of separation between the Biden family and
the Sentinel trade that is killing one hundred thousand Americans
every year. So when they talk about a Chinese businessman,
you're talking about guys that operate, yes, in Chinese business,

but have criminal and other associations that make them far
more than your typical Chinese businessman. And that's what a
lot of people I think are missing as part of
the story. And I think it's the reason that Joe
Biden does not want to have a conversation about Sentinel
in America because it brings it too close to his

family's financial gifts, as it were, from China.

Speaker 1 (09:40):
Unbelievable and I don't see any desire with this administration
to ever confront China. Click break more with Peter Sweitzer
on the other side, I would continue with Peter Schweitzer
his new book, a number one New York Times bestseller,
Blood Money. Why the powerful turnal blind eye while China
is killing Americans? I don't think they have the ability
to confront China. I've got to imagine that the communist Chinese,

Russia and all these countries that they did business with.
Am I wrong in believing in my heart and soul
that they probably have dossier's on Hunter Biden that would
would probably even implicate Joe Biden.

Speaker 3 (10:16):
Oh. I don't think there's any question about it. And
they also have the leverage of knowing that they have
these dossiers, but have the ability to demonstrate the full
extent of these relationships. You know, the Hunter Biden laptop
is just one source of communication that Hunter Biden used,

that the Biden family used, and there's no question in
my mind that there are probably other communication devices that
the Chinese captured and the bottom line, seean is we
know one thing about these individuals that were stuffing the
pockets of the Biden family. They were not getting any
legitimate service or business in return. So the question is

why did they continue over the course of years to
send millions of dollars to the Bidens. They were getting
something in return. What exactly it is, we don't necessarily know,
but I think it absolutely had everything to do with
Joe Biden's policies and Joe Biden's posture towards China. So
they are not in a position to, you know, confront

China in any direct way, even though it involves the
killing of Americans. And we've talked about Sentinel you mentioned earlier,
the story and the Daily Mail that came from the
reporting and blood money. China has smuggled these devices into
the United States. There the block switches that convert handguns
to fully automatic machine guns. They're highly illegal, and they

smuggled thousands of them into the United States. We've got
machine gun fire in urban America. Our police are being
outgunned because of this. But Joe Biden will not confront
China on what they're doing. He wants to take away
the Second Amendment rights of law abiding Americas. So again,
this is resulting in violence and death of the American
people at the hands of actions that China is taking.

And Joe Biden does not want to deal with this
issue or even confront China over it.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
I mean, it's almost a novel that you would read
and not even believe.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
It's so insane.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
What do you think the communist Chinese votive is here,
because it sounds to me like they're engaged in a
cold war against the United States and the United States
basically putting their head in the set.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
Yeah, I think that's it. You know, as I lay
out at the beginning of Blood Money, China has this
doctrine called disintegration warfare. And on the cover it was
a book written by two military officers in China in
twenty twelve and it's been embraced by the Chinese government.
On the front cover of that book they quote the
ancient Chinese strategists Sun Zoo, and the quote is the

best strategist is the one who defeats his enemy without
actually fighting him. And what disintegration warfare means is we're
know look for ways to undermine fragment disintegrate the United States.
But we're going to do it without giving the appearance
that were actually at or or doing anything hostile to them.
And that's working. You know, Sentinel was part of that,

COVID was part of that. These glock switches that we
talked about are part of it. We know that they're
aggressively involved in cyberspace. They have you know, hundreds of
thousands to millions of social media accounts where they where
they position themselves, they present themselves as Americans. These accounts
are actually run by Chinese intelligence officers and propagandists, and

basically half of these accounts sean say that America is
a hopelessly racist, bigoted society, and the other half of
the accounts basically say I only like white people. They're
trying to stir up dissension and racial of fragmentation in America.
So this is a full fledged attack on the United
States without actually being the appearance of a war.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Peter Switzer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, author of
the number one New York Times bestseller Blood Money. While
the Powerful turn a blind eye while China kills Americans anyway.
Amazon dot Comhanity dot com, bookstores around the country. There's
a reason it's number one. Your government needs to read this.
Joe's not going to do it in two hundred days.

That can all change, Peter, thank you twenty five to
the top of the hour eight hundred and nine four
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So I had two American friends. I have Israeli friends,
but I had two American friends that were in Israel
on Saturday night when the when the attack from Iran began.

We talked to the Great One, Mark Levin. He was
there at the time. I had gotten news this attack
was imminent. Late Thursday, early Friday, and I was just
desperately trying and get him on the phone.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
It took a while. I finally got him.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
I did not know John and Rassic was there from
five for fighting hours before this attack began. You know,
he had ten, ten, th fifteen thousand people in hostage
square in Israel and literally literally was performing his new
song Okay that he wrote in the aftermath of October

the seventh, and it just reflects the sadness, the reality
in the hate that lives in every corner of the world,
it seems at this point for the Jewish people, on
Christians too in many cases. And this was him performing
that night. Listen, this is.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
A time for choosing, This is a time to the
moral man is losey.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Smid and long long.

Speaker 4 (17:50):
I don't understand. I don't understand high yourself. I don't understand.
I don't understand how that bo.

Speaker 5 (18:13):

Speaker 4 (18:18):
We we are we are not again, we we are
we are not Oh okay, hey, hey, okay, you.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Had anywhere so our friend John and Ross he joins us.
Now this new song.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Literally he was singing that just hours he performed that
song before tens of thousands in hostage Square in Israel,
and I did not know you were there until we
started communicating. I think you wrote me you told me
that this had happened. I'm like, you got to be
kidding me.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Where are you?

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Are you safe and secure? What's going on? And we
stayed in touch and I said, please let me know
when you land, when you were leaving, and thankfully you
did and you got home safe. I mean, this now
in retrospect has to be surreal for you because you
played that song hours before this attack occurred, you.

Speaker 5 (19:57):
Know, Sean, it was, it was fascinating. Before the event started,
they actually did an announcement that said, an event of
an imminent rocket attack, take this action, which I'd never
heard before a show before, Sean. And the crazy thing
is is nobody left, not one person left. The hostage
families were there, the hostage friends, so many supporters, And

to sing that song in that moment under that threat,
for the hostage families, for the people of Israel who
feel abandoned, I got to say, it took me right
back to the concert for New York, you know, singing
Superman the Concert for New York. So it was, it
was inspiring, it was scary, It was every emotion. But
I was honored to do it, and I really thank you.

I know you once you found out I was there,
you were on with me for almost forty eight hours,
so I appreciate that. And actually I was texting Mark,
you know when the Interception started going in Jerusalem.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
By the way, be grateful you were with Mark, because
I'm sick of this thing they put me in the band.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
I'm going up to my room.

Speaker 5 (21:00):
No, I was getting the ranting tweets too while while
Interceptions were happy to Rusalem.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
So I mean, he goes, everybody's fine here for crying
out loud.

Speaker 5 (21:13):
Damn it, Joe.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Exactly. But you know I was worried. Look, I was
feverishly calling him. I couldn't wake his ass up, and
I'm finally he called me back. I'm like, well, thanks
for finally picking up your phone. Now it is six
hours or whatever. I think it's six hours ahead. Uh,
but you know I did watch you perform that song,
and we'll put it up. I want to put both videos.

I want to put the video. I remember when you
gave me an early version of this song and you
wanted me to listen to it, and you we were
talking about different ideas for the music video that would
accompany this song. And you know, first of all, I
got to tip my hat to you because you're one
of the few people and you did this with Ukraine

as well that sees what's going on in the world,
and you're just so driven and motivated as an artist
to speak out about it, and it is giving people
so much comfort. When I saw the size of the
crowd that you were performing in front of at Hostage Square,
I was blown away. And then you're meeting all these
families they don't know if their loved ones are dead

or alive, or they know that their loved ones were killed.
You know, it seems that what twelve hundred people died
that day when this unprovoked attack happened, And then we
got a president of the United States it just keeps
lecturing Israel not to win their war on terror and
to stop because he's more concerned about votes that he's

losing in Dearborn, Michigan and other places in the country,
because you know, he would stand on the side of
liberty and freedom and the right of a country of
self defense. And what's even worse is he's telling Israel,
you're on your own if you fight back against Iran.
And meanwhile, three hundred missiles were fired into that country

and thankfully they were able to stop ninety nine percent
of them.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
You know, when I wrote okay and the video came
out and Israel tweeted it and shared it, I think
I got a small sense of what Jewish people deal
with every day. Sean, We're not Jewish, but the vitriol
that I received, the threats, and you don't have to
be Jewish to condemn Hamas, you have to be humans.
And after I that video came out, I got thousands

of emails from Israeli saying exactly what we're saying. They
feel abandoned. They feel abandoned by America, they feel abandoned
by the world. They feel abandoned by the music artists
who have been silent through this whole episode. And that's
why I went. That's why I went to Israel. I
wanted them to see they're you know, they're not abandoned.
There are millions of Americans, tens of millions of Americans
who support them to want the hostage is home. And

I'm glad I did, and I'm glad I spoke to
the hostage families. I'm glad I played for the troops.
I'm glad I played at hostage square because it's been
shameful to see the response of the world to Israel
and the evil that is Comas and it makes me mad.
But being there and being with those people Sean they
have fortitude, they have joy, they have compassion, they have
smart They're going to win this. But thank you for

the Iron Dome, because if not for the Iron Dome,
we probably wouldn't be talking right now.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
You're probably right because my understanding is well, Mark was
in Jerusalem. You were in Tel Aviv, which was the
target of a lot of these missiles that were being fired. Look,
I don't want to drag you too deep into my world,
because the world of politics is a sewer and you
don't need the stench of it on you as well.

But it's to me it might be the lowest point
I think in Biden's presidency, by not only abandoning Israel,
but putting a knife right in their back and twisting it.
You know, how is it that he has put his blind, own,
blind personal political ambition above a simple moral principle, which

would be you stand against radical Islamic terrorists. And it's
just sad to me that the United in States of
America as a president that doesn't have the moral clarity
to stand against radical terrorism, especially when you consider what
we went through after nine to eleven. Israel never abandoned us.

Speaker 5 (25:13):
I'm glad to use the word moral, Sean, because that's
exactly what it is. It's not political. It was moral
when I wrote Blood in my Hands about America abandoning
our allies and our citizens to the Taliban. When we
saw that happen, I think we saw these dominos starting
to fall when we offered Zelinski plane tickets and he
asked for missiles, and President Biden said, well maybe a

little Invasion's okay. We're seeing the exact same dynamic here.
And again, it's not political with me. If some other
crazy company invaded and took hostages and massacred twelve hundred people,
this song would remain the same, only the names were changed.
It is a moral message. That's why Reagan, you know,
that's why the Reagan doctrine still stands. And I'm proud

of our speaker who's not only standing up for Israel,
but I end up for Ukraine because these are all connected,
Sean putin Hamas Iran, they are all connected. I put
them right next to each other in my video over
the World's evils on the March. Hey, it's the access
of evil all over again. So I think if we
don't realize that and we don't take a global approach

to this, this is not just Hamas versus Israel. This
is civilization against those who want to tear it down.
And the fact that we've been on the sidelines and
in many instances, you know, undercutting Israel. It's a historical shame.
As is the historical shame of the artists of America
in the world who have remained silent and afraid to
call out Hamas for the evil. It's a historical shame.

The world has gone mad. But we have plans we're
standing up for At this concert just the first of
many things. Sean, we are going on offense. And my friend,
all your tweets and your text to me meant a lot,
because certainly it wasn't ideal to be there, but knowing
that you were trying to pull every button to get
us out of there, that I will not forget.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
I had made calls that you don't know about I
i't to tell you right now. I was looking for
Plan B, Plan C and Plan d uh. But you know,
let me ask you this, because you have now been
more outspoken politically through your music, which is phenomenal. I mean, look,
everyone's always gonna love uh, Superman and one hundred Years

and all the great hits that you play has has
have things changed for you? And either the concert you're giving,
how people react to you, has that changed?

Speaker 3 (27:32):
You know?

Speaker 5 (27:33):
Some people are really grateful. You know, I play Okay
every night. I just played the show last night. I
flew back to Washington, and I talk about this moral
message and people, you know what they say to me,
Sean at the end. You know, certainly Jewish people say
thank you, right because they do feel abandoned. But non
Jewish people come up and say, you know, thank you
for singing for good. They don't think thank you for
singing for Israel. If they thank you for singing for
good because people in their gut they know right from

wrong and they know what we're doing in America is shame.
So there's that side, and then there's the vitriol and
the death threat from the nutjobs. But you know, after
meeting with hostage family.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
Sean, by the way, welcome to my world in the
early years of five from fighting, and you're coming out
with hit after hit after hit. I doubt you ever
got any type of hostile common in your life. Rock
Stars are love, man, They're not They're not hated like
talk show hosts.

Speaker 5 (28:21):
Well, but you know that when you meet with hostage
families and you look to them in the eye and
you see their pain and they're suffering in what they're
going through. Terrible backlash, any backlash we get, anybody that
calls it the name, anyone who wants to protest my concert,
you know that is trivial. That is trivial. And if
we don't stand up, I'm sorry, the bad guys are
going to win. And with every voice, your voice, Mark's voice.

And it's not a left right thing. Most of the
folks I was over there with an Israel or Democrats,
leftist Democrats. If you have a soul, you understand right
and wrong, You understand the good that is Israel, the
evil that it's Amas. So I think this is a
time for us all to come together, just like after
concert for New York, just not like after nine to eleven.

But we can't. We can't play defense. We have to
go on offense. And that's uh, that's what you're gonna
see some new things coming forward. But but yeah, it's
uh yeah, some people that want to hire me, some
people don't want buy a ticket.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Yeah, whatever, don't worry, I'll buy it. I'll buy extra
John and Russic.

Speaker 3 (29:22):

Speaker 1 (29:22):
The video of him singing in hostage Square is up
on hannity dot Com and the original video that he
put out with the song when he when he did
debut the song. We're putting that up as well. Thank you,
my friend. Glad you're home safe.

Speaker 5 (29:35):
Thanks Sean God bless America.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Eight hundred and nine four one shown our number. All right,
that's gonna wrap things up at today Loaded up tonight
Chaos in the court room of Donald Trump. Today, Jonathan
Turley weighs in on the entire case.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
Steven A. Smith rightly nailed it.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
He said, Yep, Democrats they want Trump to be in
court in jail and don't want them to run for
president because they don't think they can beat him. Also
of the vag ramse Swami, the latest out of Israel,
Brooke Goldstein, Alan Dershwitz and Victor Davis Hansen handicaps the
twenty twenty four race in just two hundred days. All
happening tonight, nine Eastern on Fox. We'll see you tonight.

Back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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