All Episodes

April 25, 2024 23 mins

Bill O’Reilly, author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents, No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden, talks about higher education, rampant Marxist protests and the next steps for 45 in the  absurd hush money trial. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:31):
All right, Leonard skinnered simple man.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
That only means one thing on this radio program, and
that is all things, simple man. That means all things
Bill O'Reilly, all things Bill O'Reilly or billoreilly dot com.
My heart is troubled, mister O'Reilly. These are insane times
we're living in. As you can see, we now have
Columbia professors that we have discovered, tenured professors that's celebrated

the terrorist attack on Israel on over the seventh. You
have other Columbia professors now rallying to support the pro
Hamas protesters that are on campus. Columbia students are being
taught by people lecturing with ties to terrorism that there's
nothing wrong with being a Hamas fighter. That's a terrorist

organization whose own charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
The squad member leader AOC complaining that Colombia's decision to
call the cops on pro Hamas lunatics as heinous. And
yet Columbia Bill O'Reilly gets more than one point two
billion dollars a year in federal funding. Meanwhile, their endowments

are in the billions. These are very very difficult times.
And I'll add one thing and then I'm going to
hand you the ball. We have a president of the
United States that has been doing nothing except pressure Israel
to to back off their war on radical terrorism. The

worst terror attack in history, twelve hundred dead Israelis, dozens
and dozens held hostage, many raped, beheadings, the most violent
deaths that you could imagine. And on top of that,
after Iran fired directly into Israel, Joe Biden said, no,
we're not going to help you with any offensive or

response effort that you might engage in. I feel this
is all political because the radicals in the Democratic Party
Joe Biden needs if he has any chance of winning
this election in just a mere one hundred and ninety
four days.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Your thoughts, sir.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
Well, it's complicated in a sense that when you have
a power base that controls a president, then that president
really isn't looking out for the nation. He's doing the
bidding of the power base, right.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
I agree.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
From day from the first day in office, this is
what Biden did by the executive order of opening the
southern border and abolishing remain in Mexico. So the first
thing he did was an action that has led to
a catastrophe for this country and will for decades to come.

So it's just a continuation of that. Now, what people
don't understand is how ingrained the far left is in
certain areas like academia. So in the Ivy League schools,
you cannot get hired if you're Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly.

No matter how smart we are, no matter how successful
we are, we will not be higher. And I would
say seventy five percent of universities in the country wouldn't
hire us.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
And I'd say, I'd say, in your case, ninety nine
in mind ninety yeah, but I'm smarter than you. All
Right tooche good life, mister Riley, keep going.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
So when you have an entire educational system that is
run by leftists, you're going to have an overwhelming number
of leftists in the system. And that's what's happened over time.
When I was at Harvard in the mid nineties, it

was left. It was liberal, but it wasn't crazy. And
I still keep in touch with some of my old
professors who aren't nutty at all. Graham Allison, who's the
dean of the Kennedy School, is a brilliant man.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
And his announced you would you ever donate a penny
now to Harvard based on what's been going on there.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
No, and I'll get to that in a moment. But
Alison is the best China analyst in the country and
he is dean emeritus at Harvard. So it is changed.
Everything has changed. And Biden sold his soul to the
George Soros Cadres for Money an organization because those people

are organized in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee. The far left controls
of voting precincts there and that's what Biden did. So
it's no surprise that he's constraining Israel because the far
left hates Israel. We've gone over this now as far
as the individual college campuses are concerned, if you send

your kid to Columbia or pen or Yale, even Harvard,
even though Harvard maintains a cachet around the world, then
you are putting them into a system where they will
be ostracized if they don't go along with the far
left mantra that's on campus. That's what you're doing. So

I recently had a son applying to colleges and he
got into seven colleges. The only one he didn't get
into is Boston College run by the Jesuits, because the
head of that college, father Layy, hates me, and so
he denied my son entry even though my son had

the grades to get into BC. It was the best
thing that ever happened to my son because he wound
up at Salve Regina University, run by the Sisters of Mercy,
and there isn't any woke, there isn't any far left
idiocy there. It is run in a very fair way
and the education is tremendous. And my son went to

Oxford off that, so things work out in division.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
And by the way, I'll brag on your son because
he's a great kid. He played lacrosse at Oxford and
is a phenomenal athlete and a great student on top
of it.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
But if he had gone to a liberal school, if
he had gone to my alma mater, Marist College, which
has gone from a working class traditional school to a
devoted left wing school. I told him, I said, look,
I love that school Maris when I went there, but

it's not what it was. And if you go up there,
you're going to be under siege because these leftists control
the agenda on campus. We need to have you go
to a school whereas a neutral where all opinions are respected,
and he chose how they not me, and he's done
great there. So my message to your listeners today is

if you have kids in high school and they are
thinking about college, you got to get involved.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
It was a great article that came out today about
how kids going south for their educational dreams now. And
and I know, for example, I know people at colleges
like UVA and Wake and usc UH that's University of
South Carolina, the game Cocks and Vanderbilt and schools like that.

They the prestige that maybe these Ivy League institutions once had.
And there are public ivys you know, Vanderbilt I think
is considered one in terms of they're just not They're
not like Harvard or Columbia or Brown or any.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
Of these schools.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
And by the way, with both my kids built, I mean,
I'm so powerful. I had no say and where they
went to college. They told me where they were going
and that was the.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
End of that.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
And de spies them. I'm sure, no, no, build.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
They didn't listen to me. They did not listen. I
promise you they did not listen to me. Then I mean, well,
I don't call my kids urchins like you. But I
guess if if I treated them like urgins, maybe I
would have had more success.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
I totally failed in that department.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
All we can do is provide pathways. I would make
one exception. Brown has not gone it's liberal.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Oh yes it has.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
I have a friend of mine whose daughter graduated from
from there.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
I came down hard.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
On the anti semitic stuff, okay, but but on wokeism,
I can all right. For example, day one, and this
is going back a number of years, it's the It
was the first time I ever heard the I and
understood the depth of proper pronoun usage, because apparently all

new students are. They go around I guess a certain
area of the college, introducing themselves to other students and
asking how would you like me to address you? What
pronoun would you like me to use? And up to
that point, and this is going back a number of years,
I've not never heard of that before.

Speaker 3 (10:04):
Had you no, Look, it's so. But once that happens
and gets the infection sets in. But the ivy leg schools,
it's I don't think you're ever going to recover from this.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
I really know, Bill, Can you explain something to me
because I thought the left cared. I mean, some of
these schools, you might get expelled for comments, uh that
are disparaging. For example, to the LGBTQ community. You might
get expelled if you use the wrong pronoun. We went

through an entire me too movement. And and God forbid,
if you ever said the wrong thing at a party
to somebody, you could get expelled for that too. But
you're you're you're in a public square, and you can
say things like we are Hamas sure, and and and
what part of what happened on October the seventh, the murder,

the rapes, the beheadings, the kidnappings, the torture, you know
what part are they missing?

Speaker 1 (11:08):
How do you not have moral clarity?

Speaker 2 (11:11):
And and just to add a little bit to this,
where is the President of the United States? Where is
his moral compass and his moral clarity? Because I say
he's put his blind political ambition above what it would
be the rightful, courageous, moral stand against radical Islamas that

are murdering and torturing people, and that have as part
of the charter the destruction of Israel, and how they
treat minorities in these most radical groups. If you're gay,
they will kill you bill. If you're not covered and
you're a woman, you will be punished and maybe beaten severely.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Sure, but there are two separate issues here. Number One,
people believe what they want to believe. And these college kids,
most of whom don't know anything. Okay, they want to
be accepted by this group for whatever reason. Okay, maybe
their friends are in the group. Maybe this is.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
Accepted by a group that supports terrorism.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
Bill, but look at it that way. They don't know
what Hamas is. I'm Hamas. Well, why don't you say
I'm a Nazi? Because it's Amas in the Third Reich
and the same thing. There's no difference. They want to
kill Jews, that's it. It's not hard. So those people
are just flat out ignorant. With Biden, it's a little

bit different. Well it's not more than a little bit.
So my commentary on Biden's abortion remarks in Tampa yesterday,
I end the commentary by saying something that maybe I
shouldn't say. Okay, this is on the No Spin News tonight.
I say, if there is a judgment day after death,

I would not want want to be Joe Biden and
the reason, Now.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
That's that's pretty harsh. I'm sure you're gonna get hammered
for that, you know me, not that you give a
flying rip, but I'm just telling you I know.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
And the reason is that this man purports to be
an adherent of the Roman Catholic faith and he doesn't.
It's not like Mario Cuomo who comes out and says, look,
I don't personally believe in abortion, but I'm not going
to impose my views on everybody else. That's not it.
Biden promotes abortion. We did a sirch Kennedy. He has

never uttered in public that adoption may be a good thing,
not one time.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
You know what the sad thing is if you ask
any liberal. This came up in the DeSantis and new
Some debate. I pressed Newsome hard at to give me
an answer. He finally gave me one after going in
five or six times, and it was do you support
any any restrictions in months seven, eighth or ninth excluding
if the mother's life is in danger? And his answer

finally was I answered it. I said, it's between the
doctor and the patient and their conscience. No restrictions bill
up to the moment of birth and same thing every Democrat.
They won't answer that question. But the Republicans are extreme
on abortion, so they're telling us. But listen, mister o'reiley,
we can always talk to you for an hour. We

appreciate you coming on all things. Bill O'Reilly at Bill
oreilly dot com. Sir, you have a great week, great day.
We'll talk next week. All right, quick break, right back,
we'll continue Biden. I said this before, I said, Joe
Biden being out on the campaign trail is a good
thing because he's he can't have a clean day. He
messes up every day, and he and he had another

teleprompter hiccup today. I think maybe one of my favorites
is he's reading from the teleprompter and he goes four
more years pause. In other words, he was given instructions
to say four more years to get the crowd to
start chanting four more years, and then he was supposed
to shut up and pause, except he reads four more years.

Speaker 1 (15:07):

Speaker 4 (15:09):
Listen, imagine what we can do next four more years, Paul.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Four more years pause. You can't make it up, only
Joe Biden. Then hears him stumbling through his speech today
and then lying again about he used to drive an
eighteen wheeler, which has been debunked many times.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
You lost your phone. Get that man in his phone.
He's going to be in trouble. That woman phone and
folks in a sense. I don't know why he's We're
surprised by Trump. How many times he have to prove
we can't be trusted. Don't mess with the moment of America.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
We're ready to move forward, not back.

Speaker 4 (15:51):
Are you ready to choose unity, every division, dignity ever, hate,
truth over lies? Are you ready to choose freedom of
her democracy?

Speaker 1 (16:01):
Well, we do get that time.

Speaker 4 (16:05):
Anyway. Besides, I used to drive an at wheeler. You
know what, negotiate that's exactly right now.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
The problem is as much of a cognitive mess as
he is. Then you've got your you know, Ben diagram.
Vice President, you're giggling, Vice president. You know, let's go
back and listen to Kamalaw, you know, giggling and laughing
at all the inappropriate times.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Do you play to visit the border? Not today.

Speaker 5 (16:40):
More parents are seeing the value of educators when they
had I said, we're not paying them nearly enough.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
I'm kind of a geek, so to that extent.

Speaker 5 (16:57):
One of the things I love are ben diagram. Since
taking office, the President and I've made an incredible investment,
the largest investment ever to take on the climate crisis,
roughly at trillion dollars with a T.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
I had to.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
All right, let's get to our busy phones. Eight one
hundred and nine to four one, Shawn is our number.
If you want to be a part of the program.
Let's say hi to Tim Is in Nevada. What's up, Tim?

Speaker 6 (17:29):
How are you hey, mister Sean Hannity. It's a pleasure
to speak with you, sir.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Oh, the pleasure is all mine. What's on your mind today?

Speaker 6 (17:38):
Well, I'll tell you what. I've been watching all this
stuff with these campuses, all the protesting and whatnot. And
you know, I'm like many of the other conservative Americans.
You look at this and you say to yourself, these
are the same kids at want their student debt paid.
And of course we have a president that's willing to

bound down probably make that happen if he could.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
By the way, there are seventeen states now that are
suing Joe Biden over this, and we did have a
Supreme Court decision that did forbid him from doing it.
But you know, the rule of law doesn't matter in
Joe's world and with a weaponized system of justice. But continue, sir.

Speaker 6 (18:18):
Yeah, it's just amazing. But you know, there's a reason
why all this is happening, and it's because Biden has
basically turned the White House into a giant circus tent.
And what I mean by that is when you stop
and think about just the things that have happened in
the White House, Like they found cocaine in the White House.

They got people pulling fire alarms, and they have people
in the halls of Congress wave and flags for other countries,
which you know, they do everything they can to desecrate
the highest office in the United States and our historical landmarks.
But now that's just rubs. After these students that you

know go on their little Mary path and they say
my body, my choice, but they don't say their student
wont they pay? And it's just it's amazing that they
can continue to do this. I would think that our government,
or at least the local police departments would core it up,
cordon off each end of wherever those protesters are and

get each one of them and find out who they are,
find out if they're students or if they're just people
that are walking on campus that are paid well.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
Director Ray says on college campuses and the protesting, the
FBI doesn't monitor them, but they share intelligence about specific
threats of violence. But we do know the FBI is
monitoring tiger moms like Linda that show up at school
board meetings and monitoring peaceful pro life protesters. You have

people chanting that they're supporting a terrorist organization and then
not monitoring that, and then in the same breath, you know.
Christopherra goes on to say that I'm hard pressed to
think of a time when so many different threats were
elevated at the same time. I'm like, well, why don't
you do something about it? Why don't you fix that?
That might be a good idea.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
Yeah, and the and the other thing, the thing that
really gets me is is they can stand in front
of those police officers there's and and mouth off to
them and sometimes spit at him or even even hit
him in some sudden and those officers can't do No.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
We had a cop get pelted with a bottle at
Columbia University last night.

Speaker 6 (20:37):
Yeah, yeah, So, I mean we just need to buckle
down on these kids. I mean there. To me, it
just reminds me of a bunch of for the most part,
the girls, a bunch of girls that didn't make cheerleading
squad and want to go out and be heard. That's
all they're doing.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
But well, I think it's more sinister than that. I
think it is.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
You know, these are supposed to be the best of
bright educational institutions. You have to have a great grade
point average, or at least you used to, I don't
know what it is today, and and you have them
so ignorant and intellectually lazy that they are. They end
up offering aid and comfort to terrorist organizations and that

should be repulsive to everybody in the schools. They're having
negotiations and they set deadlines, and then when the deadline
comes and goes, then they have another negotiation with another
new deadline. Uh No, those students, you know, if you
use the wrong pronoun or you said something offensive h
on any controversial issue, be it race or LGBTQ, you'd

be expelled. But you're allowed to support openly, you know,
a radical terrorist organization.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
Then they'll arrest you.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
But they're not gonna have a You're not gonna have
a criminal record, don't worry about it.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
Well, what's the point.

Speaker 6 (21:57):
Yeah, that's why it's think we need to turn the
page back and listen to Mike ro a little bit
when he says we need to attend these trade schools
because you won't see anybody in trade schools. I was
in one and it did me a world of good.
But you won't see anybody in trade schools protesting and
asking you to pay student loans because they work for

what they've got. And these kids are just you know,
it's just out of control. They need to be contained,
they really do. They need to be vetted.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
And here's the problem. The professors, and we've vetted some
of them. You have tenured professors that openly celebrated what
happened on October seventh. The fact that they're not fired
for that is beyond any comprehension I have.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Anyway, good call, Tim Year.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
My years working as a contractor some of the best
years of my life and taught me a lot of
valuable life lessons. Appreciate the call, my friend. Eight hundred
nine four one Seawan. If you want to be a
part of the program, quick break right back to our phones.
Eight hundred nine four one Shawn. We continue

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