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April 25, 2024 29 mins

Roger Severino, VP of Domestic Policy at Heritage and Trump's former Director of the Office of Civil Rights (HHS) and Abe Hamedeh, (HAH-MUH-DAY) who is a Former Army Intel Officer and Former Prosecutor, with extensive Middle East Foreign Policy expertise, discuss the real threat of pro Hamas demonstrators on college campuses.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Coming up next, our final news round up and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Our all right News round Up, Information Overload hour. Our
number is eight hundred and ninety four one sean if
you want to join us. Well, not every elected official,
not every professor, is going along with the insanity that's
been unfolding on college campuses now all across the country.
Not everybody is weak and timid and so morally compromised

as Joe Biden. If you can't, if you don't have
the moral clarity to understand who the bad guys are
when they're radical Islamic terrorists, I don't know. I don't
know where your moral compass is. Here's Governor Ronda Santa saying, nope,
we're not going to tolerate Hamas demonstrators period.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Listen, Uh, you think about what happened when you have
these Hamas demonstrators out. They're taking over bridges and they're
taking over roads, And first of all, you don't have
a right to do that. You have someone get stuck
in traffic, how do you know if someone someone may
need to get to a hospital, someone may need to
pick up a child somewhere, and you're just going to

commandeer the road because you're you have this this ideological prediction.
They tried to do that in Miami and what happened
in ten minutes They got dragged off the road where
they belonged, and we're not going to tolerate that.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
You look at.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
You look at these universities when we have students who
are doing things that I mean, some of the stuff
with the Hamasque I think is absurd that someone would
go out and demonstrate on that. But you know, when
you're chasing Jewish students around, when you're not letting a
Jewish professor and or a building, when you're targeting people

like that, that's not that's not free speech. I mean,
that's harassment, that violates appropriate conduct. And yet at Columbia,
at Yale, all these places, those guys, those folks rule
the roost. They do whatever they want, and these administrators
and the Presidency's universities are weak, they're scared, and they

don't do anything. Yeah, you do that in Florida at
our universities, we're showing you the door. You're going to
be expelled when you're doing that stuff. And you know what,
the minute people start to face consequences, you are not
going to see this nonsense going on.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
I mean, obviously a lot is happening here. You know.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
The saddest thing is you look at New York, for example,
But it's been in Texas, it's out at Berkeley, it's
at Mit, it's at Havid, it's at Yale.

Speaker 4 (02:39):
It's it's now, it's growing.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
And what are some of the saddest things in New
York is those people that were arrested. Oh, then they're
not even going to keep a record that they were arrested.
So what's the point. We still have Jewish students, for example,
at a lot of these universities. Columbia is one case.
Or rabbi said, do not go to school. It is
not safe for you. They don't feel comfortable, nor should

they feel comfortable. But you know, suspensions, by the way,
have been tossed for the terror teaching they have. These
twelve Columbia University students suspended over an anti Israeli event
on campus last month had their punishments lifted shortly thereafter
no consequences for their action. Sixteen students initially suspended for

failing to provide information about a host of student activities,
including their unauthorized teaching and you know, so it doesn't
matter what they do. They're not going to be held accountable.
The college is afraid to hold them accountable. Now things
are getting so out of hand now many people are saying,
why don't you bring in the National Guard and protect

Jewish students from from having to do remote learning? For
crying out loud, But you have basically based you have
all of these schools cowering to the radical extremists that
are on their campus. It's unbelievable, or barbarians inside the gate,
as Benjamin Weingarten wrote in The New York Post today.

And then you've got the professors that are supporting the students.
And then you've got all the tenured professors that we've
mentioned in the past that was celebrating what happened after
October seven. How do you celebrate evil and murder and
torture and beheading and rape, because that's what they are,
that's what they're supporting, that's what they have been supporting.

It's pretty unbelievable, but these are the times that we're
living in. Anyway, eight hundred and nine to four one,
Shawn is our number. We'll get to your calls coming up.
Roger Severino Vice president Domestic Policy at the Heritage Foundation
and President Trump's former Director of the Office of Civil Rights,
Abe Hamaday, is also whether this former Army intel officer,
former prosecutor, extensive Middle Eastern foreign policy expertise, welcome back,

both of you. I don't know what I'm more angry
at the schools or the ignorance of the students that
are there, or the sheared numbers and the absolute repugnant
growth of anti semitism in the halls of Congress, on college,
university campuses, or all over Europe, all over the world.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
I never thought Roger would get this bad. But it's
that bad.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
Oh, yes, it's worse than since the sixties. Do you
have these kids that are being treated like complete snowflakes
when they're acting like snow plows. They're burning through everything,
destroying everything in their way, getting their way. And Columbia, Yeah,
it suspended some kids, but as you mentioned, there's gonna
be no consequences. The President said you could come back,
We'll welcome with open arms, and it will not be

on your permanent record. They're providing housing, counseling and saying
we're still going to take care of you, no matter
what this is absurd. You cannot coddle the people that
are trying to figuratively burn the place down. But that's
exactly what the administration is doing, and they bartered upon themselves.
If you say we're going to treat you like a
child having a temper to rum and given to everything

you say, and not hold people accountable, then you shouldn't
be surprised when they say the most outlandish and dangerous things,
threatening students and the rampant anti semitism. It's the left
eating its own and in one way, you know, they
were asking for it and now they got it. The
administrators created this monster, they created it, and now they
have to deal with it.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Unbelievable. Abe, Let's get your take on all of this.
And I'm actually with those people saying that the Guard
ought to be brought in and that people that are
offering aid and comfort to radical extremists and terrorists, I
would argue our clear threat to American safety and security.
It's not even about free speech. You're supporting terrorists.

Speaker 6 (06:43):
That's exactly right, Sean. And I think you know in
ben Win Garden mentioned that the barbarians are not at
the gates. They storm the Castle, and that's what's happened.
You have. You have this Marxist ideology that's really run
rampants across all of their universities. But this is what
Marxism is doing. They're seeing the college campuses as they're
indoctrination camps. They use the left wing media as their

propaganda machine. And now they're using radical Islam and BLM
and Antifa as their military wing. So you have all
of this combination. It's a recipe for disaster, and now
it's going to harm Jewish students, it's harming Americans. But
what's more interesting about all of this is that it's
filled with contradictions. I mean, you're seeing that these people
who are actively supporting Hamas, if they went into Gaza,

they would be killed. They're waiving the LGBTQ flag with
the hesbal Luf flag and a Hamas flag. So it's
build a contradiction. So we have to identify what this
enemy is. It's an unusual alliance between these Marxists and
radical Islamm. It's without going unchecked, it's only going to
continue to get worse.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
Yeah, I mean that's the danger of this. And you know,
at a point where the world needs American leadership. And
I've argued this for a long time that Joe Biden
has abdicated America's role as the leader of the free world.
And he he's done that with China. Let's try to
walk all over US intellectual property, theft, unfair trade practices,

spy balloons flying right over the continental US over military basis,
no consequences, no consequences for coronavirus, no consequences for hostile
maneuvers against our fighter jets in international airspace or confronting
our navy with international maneuvers in international waterways. He allows

Iran to get rich Roger, you know, turns a blind
eye to the sanctions that would have prevented them from
selling their oil on the world market, even going as
far as buying some of that are oil from Iran
and making the mulas in Iran that were nearly bankrupt
under Trump rich again, and then of course giving a
sanctioned waiver allowing Iraq to send them ten billion dollars

and wanted to make a six billion dollar deal of
ransom payment to the iranium Mulas.

Speaker 4 (08:58):
You can't make this up.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
I mean, this man has no strength and he doesn't
have any clarity. I mean he actually his own State
Department is now comparing what happened on October seventh to
Israel's response to what happened on October seventh.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
That's insane, And there's a major contrast. The world was
by and large at peace under President Trump, and he
actually operated from a position of strength. When you don't
hold people accountable, and it ties in with the students,
If you don't hold anybody accountable, they're going to be
acting out. Iran is now acting out, loving missiles at

Israeli ally, which would not have happened under President Trump.
And you're seeing it because as president does not actually
hold anybody accountable. We have crime running rampant in our
own streets, where the world on fire, and it's a
lack of leadership. It's a lack of accountability. Things are
slipping out of our hands. It's more chaos than we've

had in decades. Right that the knock on Trump before
when his first term was field institute chaos. Well, the
chaos is with Biden. It didn't happen under to one's
first term, and it's to the lack of accountability.

Speaker 2 (10:08):
All right, quick break, we'll come back more with Roger
Severino and Abe hamidays with us as we continue our
discussion about the insanity on college campuses. All right, we
continued Roger Severino, Abe hamidays with us as we discussed
the insanity on college campuses. What do you think the
answer is, Roger? I mean, these protests don't seem to

be ending anytime soon. What is the answer. Biden's not
going to do anything about it. He needs the votes
of people around. He needs the votes of all these protesters.
He got freaked out over the uncommitted vote in Michigan
in the primary there where he lost eighteen point nine
percent of Democratic primary voters, which was over one hundred

thousand votes. He lost over fifty thousand in Wisconsin. Last
night in Pennsylvania lost nearly forty thousand votes.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
So, I mean, he is now.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Bleeding support from his base, and this is a big
part of his base, and he's putting his political ambition above,
you know, simply making a moral stand against radical terrorism
because his base doesn't want to support Israel.

Speaker 5 (11:15):
Yeah, his base is radical students, and he just gave
them a gift with yet another student loan amnesty, unlawfully
giving them hundreds of millions of dollars to these radical
students and former students because he wants to give them
everything they want as children and working class Americans raising

families trying to do the right thing have.

Speaker 6 (11:36):
To pay for it.

Speaker 5 (11:37):
You know a lot of good people didn't go to
college and started working and are paying taxes. Now they
have to pay for these types of students who get
worthless degrees that want us to pay for their bad decisions. Again,
the lack of accountability, and he's doing it for political purposes.
Now you said, what's going to happen to make this end? Well,
there's a short term and a long term. Short term,
the administrators have to have backbone in the police. They're trespassing,

they're chasing Jewish students off campus, sending the police and
the contents immediately. Now the long term there, we have
to cut off this bigot. People have to stop donating
to these Ivy League schools, stop sending their kids there.
I went to Harvard for law school and I'm not
sending my kids.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
The radicals are going to stop sending their kids there.
They like this, why would they stop? Well care, but
now there is a migration, just like there's a migration
out of California, New York, New Jersey. There's a migration
away from Ivy League institutions, and you're having record applications
at southern schools. And one of the main reasons is
is these schools are not woke. This isn't happening on

these campuses.

Speaker 5 (12:44):
Precisely, Harvard applications dropped something around nineteen percent, and now
they reinstituted the SAT right because wokeism said the SAT
is racist. And guess what happened. You started getting students
who were failing at higher rates and Harvard just reinstituted
the SAT. So wokeism is going to collapse upon itself.
But people have to vote with their dollars. Don't send

their kids there, don't donate to these woke institutions. I'm
sending my elvis to Hillsdale because they actually believe in
the Constitution and a liberal arts education. Fancy that you
know what education was actually for. These schools are out there,
We need to support them, and the federal government has
to stop funding these schools that may be violating federal
civil rights laws when they're not protecting Jewish students. That's

the other thing you got to do is make sure
we enforce our civil rights laws appropriately to make sure
this campus is actually a place where Jewish students and
other students, Christian evangelical students could get an education without seeming,
you know, as if they're being threatened and attacked by
their own administration.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
It's just unbelievable times they will give you the last word.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
Well so, and I think you know, talking about earlier,
the foreign influence happening all around these universities is really
something we need to highlight. I mean, you have China
with its Confucius Institute, you have you know, so many
people moving their students and their donations out of these
IVY leagues. But where do the universities go get the funding?
A much bigger stig of funding is from these foreign
countries like Qatar, who is prone to their host hamas,

I mean their hamas is in their country. So this
is an issue that I see where Congress needs to
address that. Some of these universities are beholden to foreign interest,
so we have to look at ways to limiting them.
But if you know what I'm concerned about too, is
it's not just IVY leagues any longer. Some of this
stuff is going on to the State University as well.
But Roger's exactly right. This is where the government needs
to really take action to civil rights violations and start

to enforce the law. This is what happens when there's
no consequences in this world that we live in under
the Democrats and Biden regimes, that the marches are totally emboldened.
So you know, here in Arizona we just had, you know, despicably,
somebody just vandalized a card. It is that it had
a profanity about Israel on it, and this is for
a Jewish student. So people need to take this very

seriously because this is very dark times we're living in.
But unfortunately, you're right, Biden is completely playing politics. It's
going to harmed you. That is a harm American.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Ultimately at the unbelievable times, guys never thought we'd be
dealing with it. But I appreciate both of you. Abe,
thank you, Roger, thank you. Eight hundred and ninety four one.
Shawn is on number. We'll get to your calls coming
up in mere moments. You know, there was one television personality.
There are very few. He also runs mediaite, the website
Dan Abrams, and we've always gotten along with Dan and

I was just actually really impressed, like people like Robert Kraft,
owner of the Patriots. He says, I'm ashamed. I'm embarrassed
to be a graduate from Columbia.

Speaker 7 (15:35):
Listen, as a graduate of Columbia University Law School, i
am ashamed. I'm embarrassed by what I'm seeing on that
campus and now other campuses. Right, I wholeheartedly support the
arrest of the students, professors, and outside agitators preventing everyone
else from attending classes. Right, I'm not talking about protests.

I'm talking about encampments. I'm talking about preventing people from
going to class.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
Today was day seven of the.

Speaker 7 (16:08):
Anti Israel protests on the Columbia campus. More than one
hundred students and agitators have been arrested there. And look,
I give the university president Minus Shafik, credit for requesting
that the NYPD helped clear out the illegal pro Palestinian
encampments on campus. But let's be clear, this isn't just students.

Hundreds of professors walked out saying they wanted to show solidarity.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
With the solidarity with the students. I think they should.

Speaker 7 (16:39):
Get fired for walking out on their jobs.

Speaker 4 (16:41):
If they left.

Speaker 7 (16:44):
One lecturer at Columbia Law School trying to minimize the encampments,
saying he was quote shocked and appalled. The university president
went immediately to the New York Police Department. This was,
by all accounts, a nonviolent protest. It was a group
of students camping out on the lawn in the middle
of campus. It's not any different from everyday life on campus.

Speaker 8 (17:05):
It's not any different.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
From everyday life on campus.

Speaker 7 (17:10):
Except now the school has to co remote for the
rest of the semester. When you decide to protest on
private property, you still have to abide by certain rules.
You aren't just entitled to take over the campus because
you believe your cause is righteous.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
Good for him. I'd be embarrassed too. If I went
to any of these schools, I'd be mortified, and I'd
be speaking out. And I don't think anybody should donate
a penny. All they care about is their endowments, and
there shouldn't be one federal dollars spent on any of
these quote Ivy League institutions. It's ridiculous, by the way,
A lot of response to the Alec Baldwin issue being

harassed by one of these pro Palestine protesters in New York.
You know, just say it, Alex is hey, and Alex
say it's saying I'll leave you alone.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
Alex, say say it. Let me play it again.

Speaker 9 (18:04):
Just say free.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
Palistine one time, one time, one time, one time.

Speaker 4 (18:11):
Alex is a criminal. You know he's a criminal.

Speaker 9 (18:15):
Come on, Alex, just say free Palistine one time, one time,
just one time, please, and I'll leave you alone.

Speaker 2 (18:23):
Free Palestine, Israel, scientism.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
Please say it one time.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
You know.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Look my history with Alec Baldwin is I think it's
fairly well known.

Speaker 4 (18:37):
Is that a fair statement, Linda.

Speaker 9 (18:39):
Yeah, I think that's fair.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
All right.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
We don't like each other. I don't like him, he
doesn't like me. I know he's got an upcoming trial
and voluntary manslaughter, I believe, is what the charge is.
We know that the armorer on the set of Rust
has now been sentenced to jail, had her trial. And
do I think he purposely tried to kill that you

know that cinematographer. No, I don't miss Hutchins. I don't
believe he meant to do that. Do I think that
he should have a right to go and buy a
cup of coffee without being harassed and having a phone
shoved in his face and somebody's screaming at it, just saying, Alex,
just say it. Say it once, Alex, I'll leave you alone, Alex, Alex,
say it. Say it's a I mean, you know, what

kind of country do we live in now? I'm a
little bit old school and somebody harasses you like that.
I I I'm not offended that he knocked the phone
out of the woman's hand. I'm sure he's probably gonna
be sued over it, because that's the society we live in.
But I mean, the guy wanted a cup of coffee.
Leave him alone. I don't understand this whole thing. And look,

I've had my own experiences over the years. I don't
talk about them often, but I've had my spare share
of this crap, and I'm a little more disciplined than him.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Uh, And I.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Usually can diffuse that I've been able to up to
this point my life diffuse any situation.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
You know.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
One of the biggest considerations when I left New York
is it's gotten so bad that I had to really
be careful where I went, especially in New York City,
and I had to know that I was going to
be safe and secure and not put myself in a
position that I had to defend myself or other people

that might have been with me.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
And I'm just I don't want to live my life
like that. I don't want to live my.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Life with a bodyguard either. I just don't want to
live my life that way anyway. Nd I didn't ask you,
what did you think of the situation? You don't love
Alec either. I don't think anybody really likes him.

Speaker 9 (20:38):
I don't really have an opinion about him one way
or the other, but I never have. I don't put
that much sock in people who read other people's words
for a living. If your job is to read scripts
written by other brilliant people and you're able to convey
them on the big screen, god bless you, that's wonderful.
But as far as I'm concerned, but.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
You got to admit, he was a great talk show host.
We'll get to that.

Speaker 9 (20:57):
Fabulous, fabulous. But you know, these Prohamas supporters are out there,
and essentially what it is is it is a mass
bullying Marxist movement.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
That's it. That's all it is.

Speaker 9 (21:09):
They could give a rip about anything else except control,
and this toxic overtaking of all things America. So it's
death to America, death to the Jews, death to the milionest.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
What they're supposed to be the best and brightest. You know,
to get your joke, well, no, well look at least
the way it used to be.

Speaker 9 (21:32):
You know, I'm going to disagree with you. I feel
very and I'm somebody who has higher education degrees, but
I'm going to tell you right now, school is what
you make of it, wherever you go, whether it's a
community college, which I started out my educational career community college,
and I really believe in my heart that whether you
go to the best in the brightest schools or the
worst schools, if you're there to learn, if you're there

to better yourself and come out of wherever you're from,
you can do it.

Speaker 2 (21:58):
Yeah, but that's a different point that I was making.
My point was if you wanted to get into any
one of these Ivy League institutions and you weren't an athlete,
you got to make you got to kind of bifurcate
that part of it.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
You would need.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
You'd need grades higher than a four point zero. You
need a near or perfect score on the SAT or
the ACT, and you had to be at the top
of your class to even have a shot at being
considered to get into that university.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
And I knew kids that had a.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
Four to three, four four to three or four to
four grade point average, which you know, four point zero
is perfect, but they took all the hard ap courses
and that raises their GPA, and they aced the SAT,
and they aced the ACT and they were not admitted
because the number of applicants that had that same exact

academic background were getting in. Then I don't want to
I don't want to divert the conversation into okay, affirmative
action or DEI or whatever else. But that was the
standard usually you had to That was the bare necessity
to even be considered. And then if you got into
that school, that meant you were pretty smart. Now for

smart people generally speaking, that were people that are supposed
to be smart. Why are they having a hard time
understanding the absolute horror of radical terrorists? Why are they
not understanding murder rapes, beheadings, hidden appings of what would
be the equivalent of forty thousand Americans in a day.

I don't think it should be that difficult.

Speaker 9 (23:38):
Well, here's why it's difficult, and you make all wonderful
points for the rational and pragmatic human being that is informed.
So originally we started talking about Alec Baldwin. So regardless
of what I think of Alec Baldwin, regardless of what
I think about what happened on the set of Rust,
putting that all to the side, the man has a
right to go into a private establishment beyond his own

personal cell phone and buy a couple of coffee and
not be bothered. It's completely and other nonsense that some
psycho broad gets to come in, scream at him and
then say to him, just say you support Palestine and
I'll leave you alone. Essentially, psycho Broad, Yeah, I'm a check.
I can say it, so you know, have at it.
If you don't like it, tough noogies. But as far
as I'm concerned, this person comes.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
In, I'm responsible for you or or Riley.

Speaker 9 (24:24):
No one is responsible for me. I am responsible for me,
period end of sentence. And if you don't like the parts,
you can turn the dial. But the bottom line is
the guy has a right to get a cup of coffee.
And this is the thing. You can't do anything. You
can't go anywhere. You can't say anything unless you agree
with this completely and totally asinine mantra. Most of these

kids walking around are either getting paid because they read
something in the back of some newspaper. They got all
this funding from these nonprof NGOs who are pushing this
whole Marxist theory. There's more power in the voices of
many than the voice of one. And they sound it
sounds like they're like they're hymnotized. And so Alec Baldwin
has to say I support Palestine if I don't. If

I support Palestine, then this girl doesn't care that he's
currently accused of manslaughter. She doesn't care.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
About that, you know what. And she did ask him
about that too.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
Anyway, Uh, just to kind of divert our attention a
little bit, Alec Baldwin did try his hand to talk radio.
We have two tapes of it actually, and one time
Mark Levin and I actually tag teamed him when he
was doing a tryout at our flagship at the time
in New York and anyway, and then he tried at

w PHT in Philly, and this is how it went down.
And I think it's the greatest radio. I think I've
ever heard in my life. Please call what's the number again?

Speaker 4 (25:48):
I evan? What the number? Oh, it's right in front
of Alec. Oh? Interesting?

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Are there any calls? No calls, Alec? Nobody's calling? Okay?
Is Shaw Hannity?

Speaker 4 (26:00):
And what did he say? Is Sean Hannity? I don't scientologist?

Speaker 8 (26:07):
That was that?

Speaker 4 (26:08):
Was it? Yeah? Listen when we come back.

Speaker 8 (26:11):
Uh, oh we got some time. Oh great, well we're
gonna Uh can we take some calls on.

Speaker 6 (26:18):
Whenever we want?

Speaker 8 (26:19):
Do we have calls that are on there now? No
calls yet? No, no calls yet. What number do people
call to get on the air? And do we have
that number? It's right there? Do I have the call
number in front of me? Oh, I'm so sorry. That's interesting.
Interesting at twelve ten at PhD of course, any other
questions you have, any other comments you have, call us

to the uh what else? Call us please at to
one twelve ten. Now, if you don't call, we're going
to keep reading from the Scientology Manual. You might not
feel it. You might not feel the energy right now.
You might not feel the swell of what's happening. Do
we have any calls yet? There ivan no course let's

read some more about scientology. Is Sean Hannity a scientologist?
Alec Baldwin posing the big questions tonight? Here? Do we
have any calls here yet? Ivan? None? Boy, it's just incredible, unbelievable. Well,
you leave us no choice listeners.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
That is the greatest radio tape in the history of radio.
All right, let's grab a quick call here, man, I'm
being long winded today. Let's say hi to Veronica in
the Free State of Texas. Hey, Veronica, how are you
glad you called hello?

Speaker 3 (27:32):
I wanted to tell you Katie is awesome.

Speaker 4 (27:35):
He is awesome. I agree, my staff is awesome.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
She is awesome. I wanted to talk about, first of all,
what's going on at UT right now. I hope DPS
drags them all out and back to where they came from,
because probably most of them are not from Texas. As
you said, they're coming into Texas and we won't people gown.

We're not blue, we don't want to be blue. We
like our conservative values. We're a very friendly state. If
you're native, I'm a fifth generation Native, I would help
anybody do anything. We like our guns. We're going to
carry our guns.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
So well, you just need to know that there are
there's a fortune by the hardcore left to turn Texas blue.
You need to understand that. And and I don't think
they're wrong in they're thinking if they succeed, then it's over.
Republicans can't win if they start out with it, without

New York, New Jersey, California, all the electoral votes associated
with it. If we don't win Texas, it's over. They're
trying to destroy Ted Cruz. Now Beto Bozo got you know, Yeah,
he gave him a run for his money because they
spend two hundred million dollars against Ted Cruz. They're doing
it again this election cycle.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
Oh hate. I don't know how he got what he got,
but he got it from Austin, Dallas, and Houston because
they're all liberal.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
No, he got it from around the country. That money
came flowing in from all over the country. But listen,
we do love Texas. God bless Texas. Veronica. We really
appreciate you called. Thank you for checking in with us.

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