All Episodes

April 27, 2024 34 mins

 Brigitte Gabriel, Founder & Chairman of ACT For America, had this to say about the current state of the nation’s college campuses and their treatment of Jewish people, American people and anything other than Hamas.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Coming up next our final News round Up and Information
Overload Hour. All right, News round Up in Information Overload
Hour eight hundred and nine four one Shawness number. If
you want to be a part of the program, Well,
we've been hearing it all week, and now we have
a montage of the you know, in many cases pro
Hamas chanting that has been going on around the entire country.

You know, we got repulsive anti semitism in the halls
of congress college campuses. It's like one starts and they
all want to join in. It's pretty sick. Here is
a montage of all of the chants that we've been
hearing all week.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
I love the record, lyrely on so shily locks and loose.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Jesus yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Bo, it's.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
Mord bo.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
It's like that's tuber down this. So we can we
get a web, we can get a hard bar. I'll
mek bar, I'll be come.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Yes, No, remember the seventh of October.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
We're gonna trun out.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
The seventh of October.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
That therefore came out seventh.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
Tomor more times, not five more times, not ten more times,
not a hundred more times, a thousand more times seven.

Speaker 4 (02:18):

Speaker 1 (02:30):
You really just can't make it up. And it's just like,
what where does this moral ambiguity come from? Where does
this madness come from? This is this is is sick.

What part of twelve hundred dead israelis on October seventh?
Don't you understand what part of women being raped and
beheaded and all the murders and the kidnappings and children
being beheaded and burned alive? I mean, what are you
missing here? Where's your moral compass? This is not a
moment where you have well, this is a tough one.

I'm really you know, I'm torn on this issue. Either
you believe that people that are radical Islamic terrorists that
have declared war in a country, either you believe in
that country's right to self determination and self defense and
you support their outright victory, or you don't. Joe Biden

has had nothing but ambiguity because his blind political ambition
is more important to him than standing with Israel and
just offering moral support. Let's start with the basics here.
And you know these kids that are going to these
Ivy League institutions like Columbia, HAVEVID and Yale and other

big institutions, usc ucl A, you know, Austin, Those that
are going to NYU. The Fashion Institute of Technology joined in.
He just you can't really believe it. Prohomas protesters at
George Washington University endorsing quote Hitler's final solution to exterminate

the Jews. You think I'm making it up? New York
Post the despicable anti Israel protester sparked horror after being
photographed at George Washington University with a sign calling for
the final solution the Nazi plan. By the way, if
you don't know what it is to exterminate all Jewish people.
This person was seen mingling among students carrying a huge

Palestinian flag and the sign with the expression that Adolf
Hitler used to sum up his plan for the annihilation
of the Jews. Well, what do you think death to
Israel and death to America means? At Columbia demonstrators there
rush to join at NYU protest Now, it's kind of
been funny on Fox New dot com. They've run a

lot of interviews with these these students. Why are you protesting?
I don't know, why why are we protesting? What is
this about? Like they're clueless? By the way. Congresswoman Omar
shows up at Colombia to cheer on the lunatics that
have been taking over the campus and running the asylum.
And why PD chief is blasting AOC for complaining that

the counter terror units were used to remove these hamas
supporting Columbia students. Why what are you gonna let them
take over the college? I don't think so anyway, joining
us now? Great to have a back. Brigitte Gabriel is
the founder and chairman of ACT for America. Uh, and

it's always great to have you back, Brigitte.

Speaker 5 (05:46):
How are you? Thank you my friend? Delighted to be
with you.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Well that I did I sum up pretty much how
sick everything is in the world right now.

Speaker 5 (05:55):
You pretty much summed it up pretty well. And these
cafea wearing sneak as students are blithering idiots who do
not know why they're protesting. They just want to cause,
they just want to protest. And by the way, they
are enraised about what's happening in Palestine. Where are the
demonstrations against the brutal conflict in Sudan that has displaced

millions of people and killed more than fourteen thousand people Sean,
while eight convoys have trouble getting eight to the people.
What about the crisis in Yemen, more than half the
population meeting humanitarian assistance amid constant turmoil and war, and
they are fighting the hooties. By the way, what about
the war in Maynamar between the military and opposition groups

which forced large numbers of people to flee, while as
much as quarter of the population Sean is facing hunger
and illness. What about those people? They're not worthy, They
have zero value. They shouldn't be alive nor eat anyway.
So why, you know, should the students care? This is
pure jew hatred. Is not about Israel and a Palestinian state.

This is an opportunity to bring about another holocaust, to
wipe the Jews off the earth.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
That is their end goal.

Speaker 5 (07:10):
And like you said, they are shouting they want Hitler's
final solution. They want to burn Tel Aviv to the ground.
They want to kill the Jews, pure and simple.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
What's amazing to me is this is in the halls
of Congress. It's on college campuses, Supposedly what used to
be considered the best of the best, that Clem de
la clem of universities. They're nothing but in doctrination centers
with radicalized professors that even celebrated what happened on October seventh,

and look at the level of sheer ignorance. But here's
the scary part, Brigitte, and I've interviewed you many times
over the years about this very topic. You know, they
are aiding and abetting radical terrorists. As a matter of fact,
these terror groups are thanking the students for their their
moral support. I mean, how insane is this? There are

people and here's the other thing. These kids are supposed
to be woke, is supposed to be pc If they
use the wrong pronoun, they might face expulsion from these schools. Okay,
that's fine and dandy, But it's okay to go out
and talk about and supporting radical Islamic terrorists that murdered

and kidnapped all these people in Israel. And this their
worst terror attack in their history. Where's their moral compass?
What has happened?

Speaker 5 (08:34):
They don't have a moral compass. The world is turned
upside down, but finally shown they are coming out and
showing their true colors. And I think it is finally
good for the Jewish people in this country. Oh eighty
percent identify and want the Dei diversity equity and inclusion,
and they are flaming democrats. And a lot of these

students joined these universities specifically because they were so row
and so open minded and so into everybody and endorsing everybody,
and they thought they're going to fit in perfectly and
they're going to be so happy. I think this is
a wake up moment. This is a teachable lesson for
the Jewish community in America to wake up and realize

that they have embraced something a monster that now they
have lost control over. And what is so concerning is
when we are watching these demonstrators right now with the
cafeia wearing students minig your highest on college campuses and
on our streets, spreading all over the country, we are
looking at people who identify with Hamas a terrorist organization

so much that they are publicly screaming we are Hamas
while burning American flags down, while screaming that's to America,
that's to Israel. I think the FBI, the Counter Terrorism
Task Force need to start looking at these students, because
it's students who feel so proud and so emboldened as

to stand up publicly in front of cameras and cell
phones and say we are Hamas. That type of student
will be very easily persuaded by a terrorist organization, a
redgical Islamic terrorist organization, whether it's Hamas, whether it's al Qaira,
whether it's Isis, whether it's the Hooties, whether it's al Shabab,
you name the soup alphabet of all terrorist organizations. They

will be just easily picking students from America and saying, hey,
would you like to become a shahid or a martyr
and committed suicide attack. You'll be serving the cause and
you'll become a glamorized hero overnight. That's the concern because
these students are showing how gullible they are and how
informed they are that they do not know the difference

between a terrorist organization and standing up for freedom. And Lookshan,
you and I have talked about this for decades, and
I thank you, by the way for giving me a
platform where I am able to use and I to
discuss publicly the important issues the most talk radio hosts
are afraid to talk about. You are so bold and

the way you tackle these issues, and I thank you
for bringing people like me on because we need to
discuss these issues. We need to talk about the cancer
that has infested our society. And when you're talking about
Hamas and what drives Hamas, we're talking about a radical
Islamic ideology that is the anchor of the terror movement

that is calling for wiping Israel off the map. And
it's finally about time for us to stand up and
say we need to nip this in the bud and
start arresting, expoding, sending out the funding students are receiving
student loans. Anybody who participates in these demonstrations, they need
to be sent out of the country and dealt with.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
All right, clickbreak more with Brigit Gabriel. The group actually
is the founder and president of ACT. All right, we
continue with brigitque Gabriel eight hundred and nine to four one,
Shawn or number. We'll get to your calls in a minute.
What do you make of President Biden? All he has
done because of the radicals that have now taken over

his party is put pressure on Israel to do everything
but win their war against terrorists. That's number one, and
then he's even taken it a step further. The US
won't support Israel in their right to fire back after
Iran fires three hundred missiles at the State of Israel.

Thank god they knocked him down. But the fact that
a US president, you know, wouldn't support Israel's right to
fire back and even offer support to fire back against
the number one state sponsor of terror. Wow, that's shocking.
By the way, it's not just shocking, it's embarrassing. I'm
embarrassed for the country that it has no moral clarity

and he's abdicated the role as the leader of the
free world.

Speaker 5 (12:58):
Yes he has. Biden is weak. Biden doesn't even know
what he's doing. And here's the scary part. Remember one
of Biden's first foreign policy decisions was to overturn the
Trump era policy by releasing millions to Gaza that would
be immediately taken by Hamas. And we knew that. He
released funding to Honorwad, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency,

and here removed the Iranian proxies, the hotties from the
terrorist Trump, on the other hand, under cut Palestinian terror efforts,
stifled Iranian ambitions, and created space for the Gulf States
and Israel to enhance times. Biden, as soon as he
came to office, immediately reserved those games. We're now experiencing

the consequences of tessifying Islamic ideologues and bolstering Iran. Obama
might have sent the Mola's palats of cash in the
middle of the night, but Biden openly subsidized the Revolutionary
Guard with a six billion ransom payment at least five
billion in sanction relief, including ten billions via a waiver.

And I can go on and on and on, Shan.
The reason why Israel is still fighting the war with
Hamas and Gaza is because the Biden administration has put
checkles on Israel's ankles. This war would have been done
by now. A lot of civilians' lives would have been
spared by now if Biden let Israel do the job
the way Israel knows how to do the job and

finish Hamas once and for all. The reason why this
war is ragging on and we are losing billions of dollars,
and we are losing lives, and we are losing time
and momentum, and we are seeing all these demonstrations and
turmo on our streets is because Biden is not allowing
Israel to finish the job. It's Biden's responsibility, that people

in Gaza are still killed, that people in Gaza are
supposedly hungry, that that people are still hiding on Toddle.
It's his fault, not Bibi Natanieho's fault. Are Israel's fault?

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Unbelievable. It's sad that we're living through this time. Brigitte.
You know, we've had a lot of tough conversations about
radical Islamis, but for the President of the United States
to surrender in the War on Terrors is as chilling
a conversation as we've ever had. Anyway, we appreciate you
being with us as always. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn.

If you want to be a part of the program,
Brigitte Gabriel, thank you.

Speaker 4 (15:27):
This is what's right with America. You're listening to the
Sean Hannity.

Speaker 1 (15:32):
Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the
hour this Friday, eight hundred nine one Shawn. If you
want to be a part of the program. Look, nine
years ago, I made an amazing decision. I'm so glad
I made it. I made a decision that changed my
life because, frankly, I just saw the direction our country
was headed and crime escalating, and politicians and DA's being
elected across the country. No bail laws, defund dismantle all this.

I saw it all ahead of time, criminals going free, unless,
of course, you have a bookkeeping error. But anyway, I
wanted to protect my family and I knew I needed
to do more than just own a gun. I've been
training a mixed martial arts situational self defense for years,
but in nine years ago I joined the u SECA.
And by the way, if you want, if you want

situational self defense training, they got over eight thousand locations
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God forbid that moment ever comes and they want to
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Hannity and look into this situational self defense classes. It
doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter the
size you are. It just just techniques things you can
learn anyway USCCA dot com slash Hannity Today, Linda, I
would send you there, but I'd be fearful of what
you might learn and what you could do with the
knowledge that we would be giving you.

Speaker 6 (17:25):
Well, I'm going to burst your bubble a little bit
because I already went, oh my god, I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
To go again.

Speaker 6 (17:30):
And you know where I went because they have that
awesome defense training. So I went out there and I
had the opportunity and it was really informative, Like it
just goes to show you, you know, just how much
you stand to learn when you take defense training. You
actually don't realize how much you don't know until you're
standing there with someone who's a professional and does it
for a living. And that's why their guide is so helpful,

especially if you have a concealed carry license, like it
just it's just inform a wealth of knowledge that you
just don't have from anywhere else.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
And they're just so nice they really are. And anybody
you're gonna benefit from this, I'm not saying that. Look,
I've been training situational self defense for a long time.
Not only does it keep me in much better shape
than I would otherwise be in, but so it's a
great work out on top of everything else. But I
am confident enough that I can walk away and a lot.

This may sound counterintuitive and like a little bit of
a paradox, but it's not. It's like when people come
at me, or people a hostile to me, the commer
I become and I'm just you know, I just know
how to slowly back up. I know, you know, my
hands will instantly come up in a non threatening way,
so that if somebody wants to cold cock me, I'm

prepared for it. Just just little things that you can
learn that would make a big difference if you're ever
faced with a hostile moment. Thankfully, most of those hostile
moments have left my life since I left New York,
and I'm glad I did.

Speaker 6 (19:00):
Yeah, and you live in a state that actually prosecutes
people who blockbridges, block highways, block entrances to airports, you know,
call for the death and destruction of an entire other
race that would otherwise be called you know, hate speech.
I mean, you're Florida is the only one doing the
right thing.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Listen Florida under Rondo Santis. It is night and day.
You realize they take in they have a higher population
now than New York. In Florida, the infrastructure is better,
the taxes are dramatically lower. They don't even have a
state income tax. And I can tell you from my
own experience that the quality of life is infinitely better.

It doesn't mean it doesn't that they don't have troubled spots,
but they do real policing down here. Why I think
the law biding citizens safe.

Speaker 6 (19:48):
They really should instill one new law. Though, if you
come down as a Democrat and you don't reregister as
a Republican, the state inext does apply to you. Double
it for you, guys, because you're going to cost This
is a lot.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Of budget less than grew up. Their budget is less
than half of New York, and their services are dramatically better.
You know, when I got my license and go to
get my car, When I got went to get my
cars registered, et cetera, et cetera, it was like I
set up an amployment online, I show up, I walk
up to the window. Okay, that doesn't happen in New York.

That was not my experience in New York at all. Ever, miserable, right,
and when people see me out, I mean I don't
have my guard up. I'm not saying my guard is down.
I'm just saying it just is a whole it's like
a whole different environment. Even people that disagree with me. Yeah,
I've had a lady say, oh, you make me so
mad some nights, but I can't stop watching you. I said,

thank you, I appreciate it. Can I buy you a drink?
It's pretty funny, all right, to our phones eight hundred
and nine four one, sew if you want to be
a part of the program, let's say hi to Jamie.
Is in the Free State of Florida, my home state.
What's up, Jamie, how are you?

Speaker 3 (20:59):
Thanks for making my call, Sean. Just to give you
a little bit of background, I was born in Cuba.
I'm a direct descendant of Holocaust survivors, and what's going
on in this country is just mind boggling. I was
in Israel at the end of last month when I
was there when when they took out the generals in

Syria and they kept saying, you know, they're expecting an
attack at any moment. And it's unbelievable what's going on
in this country. Our president, who is the leader of
the biggest country in the world, is deafening with his silence.
He should be denouncing what's going on, and he doesn't.

It's it's unconsfortable. You know, I can't stand it. I'm
the only thing we can do is hope that these
kids that have been brainwashed and.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Don't even know what.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
They're protesting see the light, because this is definitely light
against darkness. You see these people with their faces covered
with massy hamas, lives in tunnels, they live underground. They're evil.
And I was at a near Or and I was
at the the music festival to see to witness what

went down there, and I just had to take a
deep breath because it's so raw still. I also visited Auschwitz,
I visited Treblinka in the past, and I got that
same feeling when I was at at at Kibitz near Or.
The only difference was it was on our turf. It

was an in Israel.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
It's it's.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
You know, Israel has to do what they have to do,
and they need the support of this nation and they're
not getting it.

Speaker 1 (22:57):
Well, I got to tell you something, It is real,
really sad to watch what's happening to our country. You know,
we've all learned a lot the last couple of weeks,
haven't we We've learned a lot about the moral failings
of a president. It really is not hard just off
of moral support of nothing else. Stop telling victims of

terrorism to stand down and not fight back and don't retaliate.
Just because you shot down ninety nine percent of Iran's weapons,
that's a win. No, it's not a win. You're just
emboldening the terrorists further. And this moral support, I mean
now you I have some of the leaders of these

these terror organizations, they're they're thanking the students for what
they're doing and standing by them. What does that do?
That further emboldens them. Very troubling times, my friend. That's
why in one hundred and ninety two days everything is
on the line. Somebody said, well, you're not passionate. What
do you want me to yell at everybody and tell
her you need to vote guard it right now?

Speaker 4 (24:01):

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Yeah, I mean I can't make people vote. I could
persuade them as best I can, and believe me, I
devote every waking hour of my work week, which kind
of never stops. Uh, Londa can tell you I am
such a loser. I'm sending her tons of articles all
weekend long. True or false, Linda, Yeah, that's true. You're

calling me a loser. You call your boss a loser? Really?

Speaker 6 (24:26):
You know you have told me often that you are
the boss, and who am I to argue with you?

Speaker 1 (24:32):
I'm just asking is it true over the week It
is true? You send news constantly all right over the weekend.
Taking what would the normal weekend be of the sheer
volume of articles, I'll send.

Speaker 6 (24:45):
You two hundred.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
Maybe that's kind of I'm probably right. I don't know
it's that bad. I need I need to stop. That's
too much.

Speaker 6 (24:53):
It's a lot. Well, I mean there's like you know,
there's there's the there's the articles that I have from you.
Then there's the articles that I have from you and James.
Then there's the articles between all four or five of
us on the TV.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
I mean, once that that saves a lot of problem.
That saves a lot of extra work to send an
individually to everybody. But and and you're very you know, gracious,
You've never complained. And when I've needed to get in
touch with you because of some crisis unfolding on a weekend,
you know, I think I probably would. I'm probably number one.

I always answer first, honestly, you, You and tiff For
number one. I got to get tip my hat to Tiffany,
who's the executive producer I had. But I will tell
you there are certain things I'll go to you four
that I will not go to tiff for, and certain
things i'll bring up to her attention and not to
your attention because it might be more radio related or
TV related. God, But yeah, you're You're amazing. And you

I've called you at like three in the morning and
you'll even pick up, which is which is really wrong.
But that's why you get a big bonus every year.
See that it's worth it, right, absolutely so thank you.
All Right back to our phones. Let's say hi to
Jim in Dallas, the Free State of Texas. What's up, Jim?
Happy Friday? Oh wait a minute before Jim, before I

get to you, Linda, I have a great recommendation for
Jim and for you and for everybody else. There is
a movie that is being released today and I got
an early showing of it. It's called Unsung Hero. Okay,
I want you can you put a link up on
Hannity dot com. Lionsgate is actually, I think promoting it.

It's in theaters nationwide tonight. It starts today. It's called
Unsung Hero, and it's it's just a great movie, just
a small it's a guy he's in the music business.
Is his business. He puts everything on the line. The
company collapses, he moves from Australia to the US. He wants,

you know, a better future for him and his family
and anyway with you know, he's got six kids and
a wife and suitcases and a love of music. And
by the way, his wife is expecting at the time.
He goes out to rebuild his life from the ground up.
And it's based on a true story. And it's a
you know, one of those stand against all odds movies.

It is beyond inspiring, you know, and anyway, you just
it's a and you can take your kids to it.
It's only PG, and it's really a good movie. Like
I love independent movie makers like this they're great, and
they sent me a copy. Michael W. Smith sent me
to copy. And I'm telling you, it's really a cool movie.

You gotta take. You could take Liam to go see
you can take your whole family to go see it.

Speaker 6 (27:45):
Yeah, it's really cool. I actually just pulled it up
on YouTube, so I will definitely put this up on
handy dot com, put it on our.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Social Ne're a rockstar, Jim and Dallas. Jim, go see it.
It's unsung hero in theaters nationwide. You're gonna love it.

Speaker 4 (28:00):
So I reminder Sean, Hey, Brijique was right. These Hamas
supporters are ignorant. There's a different between ignorant and stupid.
They are ignorant. They don't understand. They haven't been educated.
I'm not Jewish, but what I've started doing is I
if you remember, and I think the United States has

headed towards another crystal knock a Night of Broken Glass
from nineteen thirty nine in Germany. And I started wearing
a yellow star of David Wood Jude written on it.
And I've had Palestinian supporters say something to me when
I start talking to him about Palestine and the whole bit.
When did this all start seventy five years ago when

the Jews came over here. It goes back more than
that four thousand You thought.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
You're talking about the UN Partition Plan in nineteen forty eight, right,
But the.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
Thing is, it goes back four thousand years when the
Jews left Israel, I left Egypt. When you talk to
these people, these Palestinians supporters, these Sama supporters, and you
ask them, who are the Palestinians, Where does Palestine come from?
They don't know that Palestine was.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
They don't even know why they're protesting. I brought that
up earlier today. I'm just looking at the clock and
I don't have enough time. And uh, you know, at
least with the part you were talking about in the
beginning about the formation of Israel and this being historically
their land, I believe as you do, is accurate. But

you know, there are people that make their their arguments
on the other side. It's you know what, here's the
here's the big, the worst point, and that is that
you have groups of people that hate the Jews and
hate Israel. It is a tiny country. It is about
the size of New Jersey, and this one country now
has become the epicenter in the battle for civilization, and

that to me is the most significant and from the
modern error, and that would be the un partition plan
to now they have dealt with nothing from day one,
nothing but hostility from their neighbors and calls for extinction.
And we know what happened in Hitler, Germany, and we
said never again. And what I am hearing and seeing

is reminiscent of people that would like that to happen again.
And that's just scare the living hell out of everybody.
And I don't use Nazi analogies in my life, and
I haven't for real reasons, but this rhetoric is very,
very chilling and should scare everybody, and people that do

have a conscience and a soul and a moral compass,
they need to unite and support Israel's right to defend
themselves against radical terrorists. Hey, when it comes to protecting
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one day, you'll be out of the news. Would someone
please tell me what is going on here?

Speaker 4 (32:38):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
All right, that's gonna wrap things up at Today Hannity
Tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. We've got
Biden with Howard Stern. We'll get to that.

Speaker 3 (32:55):

Speaker 1 (32:56):
We have Joe Concha, Laura Trump, Jason Chafit's tonight Jim Jordan.
You will join us on the latest weaponization of our
Justice Department. Also Judge Jnempiro and Jimmy Fayla and much
much more, nine Eastern SETUDVR. Hannity on Fox seea the
night back here on Monday. Have a great, great weekend.

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