All Episodes

April 25, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about Caleb Williams being compared to pop legend "Prince," the Cowboys meeting with Ezekiel Elliott about a reunion, Puck the World w/ Eddie Garcia, Fact or Fiction, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number four. We are not
riding the pine in our four. We're in the starting
lineup on this NFL Draft Thursday. And speaking of the
NFL Draft, which is tonight. Caleb Williams on the Original
Recipe Mallory Podcast, Caleb Williams is being compared to pop

legend Prince. You know a guy from Minnesota. Yeah, what
does that even mean? The Cowboys, that's a football team.
They met with free agent running back Zeke Elliott about
a reunion. Why would they get married again? And where
are you at on the media covering this year's draft

avoiding negative stories about draft prospects. One of the prominent
NFL media people calling out other media people for their
coverage of the draft. We'll talk about all that and
more right now. Have a wonderful draft day here. It
is our number. You gotta picket, You gotta picket good.

You have to wel come. In the beginning of another
hour of the Ben Malors Show, we are in the
air everywhere in Dreamland as we shine like New Money, coast,
the coast, border, the border, and beyond. On the vast
and stupendously powerful microphones of fsre ammating live from the

Express as we ride the Express train uptown and in
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Tyrack dot com will help you get there, an unmatched selection, fast,
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recommended in stalls. Tyrack dot com the way tirebind should be.

And that ten thousand number, Stevie Meatballs told me he
can't even count that high. And the Bourbon Badgers have
so much bourbon, he doesn't even know what that means.
But it's a lot. It's a big number. So our
lead this hour, play the hits. Mall Man, play the hits.
It's the NFL Draft tonight. I'm told that's a big deal.
We've spent a lot of very valuable talk radio real

estate over the last couple of months, disate, dissecting, dissecting
the draft like it's a frog in a school lab,
breaking it apart. Right, use the elbow now to get
through the draft using the power elbow. It's it's the
launching pad, right, launching pad in Detroit, and the drafts

on the launching pad ready for takeoff. The Chicago Bears
are on the clock. Will they Hibernate. Will they get
to pick in they have the number one overall pick.
You might have heard about that. It is said to
be in the gambling market, a stone cold lock that
they will take Caleb Williams with the number I thought

it didn't work overall pick. It's also being reported widely
that Jayden Daniels will be the number two pick, quarterback
from LSU. That means the action. We'll start at number
three with the new England football team. Do they keep
the pick? Do they take the third ranked quarterback in
the draft. Do they draft some offensive lineman you've never

heard of, some fat guy. Do they take a wide receiver?
What do they do? We'll find out. So that's where
the drama is supposed to begin. Now I mentioned Caleb
Williams the number one pick. This comes after a scathing
report about Caleb Williams and what many people in the
NFL think of his football future. So if you didn't
see this one, maybe it did not end up on

your radar. A former NFL scout told a football scribe
that Caleb Williams quote scares close quote a lot of
teams with one GM comparing the former Oklahoma and University
of Southern California quarterback to deceased music legend Prince. Are

you old enough to remember Prince? Maybe you're not.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
His music still gets played. So this is what I
want to talk to about. The question Caleb Williams being
compared by a random, anonymous NFLGM to pop legend Prince.
What does that even mean?

Speaker 2 (04:27):

Speaker 1 (04:27):
What does that even mean? So I've got Corvette superficially
and Pollyanna, and we'll throw all of those things together
and we are going to make snake oil, which is
often what you can buy in the NFL draft. You
can find snake oil. So to kick off, Kayleb. Williams

is a loved or hated guy. There's no middle ground.
You either think Caleb Williams is amazing or you think
he's going to be an epic disaster. The proof obviously
is in the pudding or in the play. But Caleb
Williams has been described by some as a football savant,
and some of those same people say he's the football sapon.

He can't be trusted. You can't trust Caleb Williams. The
reason he is so polarizing he does not follow the
orthodoxy of the NFL. You see all these stories, and yes,
some of them are probably just bull crap because people
are just angry, but not all of them. He's eccentric.
He's got the pink fingernails, the pink lipstick, he's got

the pink phone case. He goes to Tokyo when he's
supposed to be working out. Of course, we should point
out just because you're unique does not mean you're useful.
I learned when I was a kid that I was unique,
just like every other kid in the elementary school. But
enter the Prince reference into the chat, and that has

ruffled a few feathers. However, I believe it's accurate when
dull cry right Prince battled if you remember his early career.
And I'm certainly not a music guy, but I remember
reading about this in a thing called the newspaper a
million years ago. But Prince battled Warner Brothers Records, and

I used to work when I around this time. I
was working in a building in Burbank right across from
Warner Brothers studios at the radio station in La Here,
and in the bottom floor of the building was Warner
Brothers Records. So I used to see a lot of
these people, and it worked out well because a lot
of the acts would go up to the Kiss FM,

which was still a big top forty radio station, and
would go up there and then you know, do the
whole thing. But the point is in this time, Prince
was battling Warner brother Records in the in the mid
nineties or so, and you know, he had become a
big deal in the eighties, but in the nineties he
was upset. He's the record company, if I remember correct,
the record company was demanding that he only released one

album a year because they could only market one album
a year, and he was it like he was like
in his day, like Taylor Swift. You know, Taylor Swift
these days makes a lot of music, tons of me,
but he made a lot of music Princes, and so
he always wanted to release and he'd make two albums
in one year, and he wanted to release him and
they're like, nah, I can't do that. And so I

remember he had written like slave on on his on
his face and changed his name to some goofy name
and protest and all that. But in the NFL's like, well,
this is what he's gonna do. He's gonna got this
Caleb Williams, he's gonna be like Prince. He's gonna write
things on his face and he's gonna protest. And the
hardliners in the NFL, let me break this down to you.
If you're a Prince fan, all right, they're concerned that

Caleb Williams is going to get into his Uh, you know,
he's gonna get a lot of money, like diamonds and pearls, right,
little diamonds and pearls in the NFL. He's gonna throw
on his raspberry beret and he's gonna drive away his
little red Corvette and there'll be a purple rainstorm as
he drives away. If he's good, guys like Yapemi and
Eugene who listened to the show in Chicago will be

running out to buy whatever whatever pink item he's wearing.
He will be called Kookie and the life of the party,
a trailblazer. If he blows, he's a troublemaker. And why
didn't the Bears listen to all the warning signs they
should have known? All right? Furthermore, we go to Dallas.

Why because the Cowboys the day before the NFL Draft
met with running back Zeke Elliott probably never heard of him.
Will there be a reunion? Why? Here's the question, why
would either side want to get married again? Zeke Elliott

and the Cowboys. Superficially it actually does work. It is
a pseudo splashy move that Jerry Jones needs to add
some one you've heard if the Cowboys are likely going
to draft some offensive lineman that doesn't move the needle,
and so you get a name brand player who happens

to be unemployed. We know the backstory. We know that
Zeke hung out in Jerry's world for a long time
and put up a lot of yards and all that,
and then fell off the map with the Patriots a
last season. But it's not like job opportunities are springing
up at this point.

Speaker 2 (09:28):

Speaker 1 (09:28):
If the Cowboys don't sign him, he should just go
to Express pros and try to find a job somewhere else.
And the problem for the Cowboys is they already got
rid of him once because they said that he was
too old and not worth the money. There was too
much tread, not enough left on the tires. Too much
tread had been worn away. And if you look at
the the advanced numbers, the comps which they use in insurance.

The comps Zeke Elliott has crossed the rubicon. Running Backs,
as a rule of thumb, with very few exceptions, have
a limited shelf life. They generally fade past fifteen hundred touches.
That's rushes and catches combined. Fifteen hundred. That is the
point of no return, the point of demarcation. And at

this point Zeke Elliott is at twenty four hundred plus touches.
He's become a plodding full back, clunky running back, that
kind of guy. Now, one other point here. If you
look at the Cowboys depth chart, which I do not
advise you looking at, it's not really plump with great

running backs. They have someone named Royce Freeman. They have
Deuce Vaughan. They got the Deuce and then some other
guy I've never heard of, and then that's it. That's
what they have, all right. Last thing here we head
to the analyst chair Fox Sports, Pete Schrager. I used
to know hi when he did stuff for Fox sports
dot com. Back and he's a big football muckety muck

does sidelines. Does he's to do that morning show canceled?
I guess they might bring it back there that NFL
Cotton Candy morning show. So Pete Schrager recently did some
podcast interview. He was questioned why NFL reporters insist on
on their covers of the draft being rainbows and lollipops,

and he went on this rant and he was complaining
about the way the draft is covered. You'll see the
draft denied. Every prospect enter the draft, he said, was
class President Treger ranted, he said, you won't hear a
negative thing about any of these players on night one.
Tonight's Night one of the NFL Draft. You don't hear
it anymore. So where are you at on the football

media establishment, the industrial complex of football. The people that
are supposed to have the inside scoop, the inside skiddy,
they're the ones that you know, the chariot awaits because
they have all the connections and they refuse to report
anything negative. So I'll use the word farcical. I think

this whole thing is farcical. We mentioned in a previous hour.
If you didn't hear it, try the podcast. We broke
down the twenty twenty draft. Twenty twenty draft, less than
five percent, in fact, less than three percent of the
player's draft that have made a first team All Pro.
So the success rate of real dominance is less than

five percent. But you're not allowed to say the quiet
part out loud about character issues. And this is one
of those things that's changed in my life time. I
don't know how old you are, that's none of my business.
But for years when I was watching the draft and
the lead up to draft, it was like, this guy's
a bad character guy. He's got a red mark next

to his name, locker room cancer, uncoachable, forgets the playbook,
trouble maker, more likely to end up in handcuffs than
the end zone, a lazy flaccid. These are all terms
that were used in the past about players that were
drafted coach killer. Have you heard any of those terms

used now? A couple of things are possible. A it's
possible that every single player that's going to be drafted
tonight is mother Teresa. There's not a single bad apple
in the bunch. They're all great, none of them do
anything bad, none of them do anything bad. Or it's

being left on the cutting room floor. What do you
think is the most likely scenario? I think we know
all right, those terms the negative get muted, the Paulyanna
principle takes over. You don't talk about sex, drugs, rock
and roll, guns, all that. No, everything is sugarcoated and
purified for public consumption. It's the NFL Draft and no

one is going to suck, no one. It is the
Ben Mahlor Show. As we press on. If you'd like
to be part, you can join us. Speakeasy rules are
in effect. We're also available on X at Ben Mallard.
That's at ben Mouth. You want to be part. Eddie's
got pucked the world coming up. Also, there's a story

about Shady Brady. What is that about Shady Brady? And
a fashion update from the aforementioned NFL Draft, something that
you will get tonight. You will not see it on
Fox Sports Radio because we do not have cameras, but
I will tell you what will be going on a
little fashion nugget from the NFL Draft. We'll get to that.

We will do it next.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maler
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Hey what's up, everybody?

Speaker 4 (14:52):
It's me three time Pro BOWLA LeVar Rington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called up
on Game? What is up on you ass along with
my fellow pro bowler TJ. Hutschman Zada and Super Bowl
champion Yep, that's right, Plexico Birds.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 4 (15:11):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to up on
Game with me LeVar Arrington, TJ. Huschman Zada, and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you
get your podcasts from.

Speaker 5 (15:31):
The Ben Malor Show never fails to amaze with all
kinds of freaks of nature. Show your support for the
oddities of the overnight, our patent blood of love and
RBS and audio spices like Ask Ben and Sports Jeopardy.
Fill up the content plate. Follow your host on Facebook, Facebook,
dot com, slash Ben Malors Show, and on Instagram at
Ben maloron Fox and a live from the tyraq dot

com Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Malor.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Our friend DJ Loreno is just getting an education on
the music writing ability of prints and the skill that
he had just about every song that was written back
in the day. As we roll on here, got pucked
the world coming up in a little bit. We'll take
some calls as well, and we'll get the board reset.
We'll go to the calls. Don't forget also this weekend

if you want to send questions in some time a
few hours left. If you're listening live a Fifth Hour podcast,
you can send a question in that'll mailbag on Sunday.
Deadline cut off is today. It's Real Fifth Hour at
gmail dot com if you want to be part of
that with me and Danny g A lot of reaction

to ask Ben, and it really is a shame how
many people are doing the wrong thing with the grocery cart.
And you need a guy. I got a guy. My
guy is super Market Seve. He's my guy, and he
is the person that has informed me that it is
rude to put the cart back. I also saw there's

a few people that kind of get it. There's a
lot of people that think they're on the right side
of history, and they're not. They're not part of it.
But there's there's a few people. Yeah, I heard the
same thing, same exact thing, absolutely, and Mark the Walker
in Rochester says I'm blessed that Rochester is the home
of Wegmans, which employs helping hands whose sole job is

to manage carts. That's right. See, I'm looking out for
other people. You're selfish. If you put your cart back,
you are selfish.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
If you put your card, you are wrong.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
One hundred percent of it. I want someone to be
employed at that grocery store, and you don't.

Speaker 5 (17:44):
You know someone who is extremely rare that grocery stores
employ someone that.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
You're not an expert, Eddie, You're not an expert. I
have an expert. Eddie, you're not an expert.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
You're not all the time.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
I see here, here's screwge, he says. I've had employees
tell me that don't they don't like customers bringing carts
back because it takes the cart people's job away.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
There aren't there's no such thing as those people.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
You are making this up and you live in a bubble.
There's a whole world.

Speaker 6 (18:11):
How about mister nice guy who says, I've been in
the grocery business since the eighties, nobody has ever lost
their job because customers put their carts back again.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
He's a liar. He's in a bubble. He's a liar.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
He's a liar. Yeah, the guy who didn't even like
this works in the business.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
My guy works in the business. He's been a business longer.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
Let's talk to him.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
Go ahead.

Speaker 6 (18:31):
What I used to work in a bakery at Sherms,
and I know the cart boys right like. They were
the same people who bag the groceries. So they'd help
the little old ladies go out to the cars, and
then they would take their time outside and breathe some
fresh air.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Exactly, collect the carts.

Speaker 6 (18:47):
No one wants to be inside.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Stop it. Let's get a little you should get a raised. Finally,
all these years, five years I've worked here. Finally, Oh
she's a fraud. Oh she's so good.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Exactly, she's she's new.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
She's the greatest employee of all time, right there, right there. Unbelievable,
all these I wait and wait for this. Anyway, let's
go to the phones. We'll say hello to Whoopee Pie Blair,
who also does not return the cart at the grocery store. Hello,
whoopy Pie Blair. No you don't. Of course he does,

because he's a decent human being. I've met him. He's
not the kind of guy that does that. No I do.
I do. You're the kind of guy that would steal
the grocery cart and take it away. That's you're that guy.

Speaker 7 (19:40):
No, I mostly I do.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
You said mostly. You didn't say all the time. You
said mostly mostly so a weasel term that means you
don't do it all the time. So some of the
time you're on the right side of history.

Speaker 7 (19:53):
But but, but.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
But but but but you're a fraud. You're a bigger fraud.

Speaker 7 (20:02):
You're a fraud.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
You're the most giant fraud of all time.

Speaker 7 (20:07):
You're a bully. You're a bleeping fraud. I like that.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Like you're an e fing fraud. How about that?

Speaker 7 (20:15):
I like to I like to say one word on
the radio, but I'm not gonna say it because.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Better don't say. Don't say it will hang up on you.
Don't say it.

Speaker 7 (20:27):
Hey, but guess what, the cheat The Astros are doing
just fine, aren't they?

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Oh they're terrible. It's so I need to remind me.
Next week we're talking all this basketball and the draft,
But next week I need to do a full We
should do like a funeral for the Astros. We should
bury the Astros on this show.

Speaker 7 (20:47):
Next, the guy that used to call it all the
time about Astro. I know I love that guy.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
No, you didn't love that guy. Stop, but you didn't
love that guy. No, No, I didn't ban him. He
went to the day shift, the dreaded day shift. But
the Astros are seven and eighteen. They are two games
behind the Oakland A's that are not even trying to
win the Athletics, they're trying to lose. And the Asstros

have a worse record in fact, in all the professional
base I'm not done. I am not done. In all
the professional baseball. There are just three teams that have
a worse record than the Astros, The Rockies, Marlins on
the White Sox. That's it. That's the list.

Speaker 7 (21:33):
Yeah, Ben, what about your Dodgers? Can I can I hurry?
Oh yeah for your Dodgers. Oh yeah, now they're back.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
The Dodgers. Are they beat up on the they beat
up on the natitude They're back.

Speaker 7 (21:45):
Yeah, Okay, it's just one team they're beating up on
in the Nationals, right, did you hear?

Speaker 1 (21:52):
The a Holes have the other twenty eighth and earn
run average this year. The Astros twenty eighth and in
earn run average and their twentieth and run score. They're
terrible every facet of the game. I've been waiting since
twenty seventeen for this.

Speaker 7 (22:07):
Let me ask you one thing, Ben, What about those
Red Sox that are sucking so bad that I thought
would win the road series?

Speaker 1 (22:16):
Well, they they did play well and they didn't play well. Well,
they didn't play well yesterday. Actually, but they they average.
That's what they were supposed to be.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
They're not.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
They're they're mediocre team. They're right in the middle. They're closelogists.

Speaker 7 (22:29):
What's that they're terrible. They'll play the good one game,
they'll have a shutout, eight nothing and today it they'll
probably lose.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Well, it appears they only so far they've played well
on the road and not well at home, so that
they could.

Speaker 7 (22:40):
I know another thing I'd like to bring up to you,
and it's NHL right now. I did not think that
the Bruins were going to win last night in Toronto.
I thought the maple Leaves were going to win that game.
I really did.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Well, you're a negative than it shocked.

Speaker 7 (22:58):
I'm picking maple Leaves though, in that series.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
Are you are you? Are you a horse? Are you
a horse racing guy?

Speaker 7 (23:04):
By the way, Yeah, I like horse you like.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Betting the ponies?

Speaker 7 (23:09):
Right, I would, but my mom don't want me to
go to a horse and.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Want you to game. I'm trying to do a commercial.
Mar Marcel I called the Marcelf because Marcelf Listen. I
thought it was Marcelf. I know, Blair, listen, I called
you by the I called you by right. But here
Thoroughbred racing has a new independent regulators you ever heard of?

That you ever heard of? That you have now because
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technology to help keep its athletes safe. To learn more
of visit Safety Runs First dot com at Safety Runs
First dot Com. Okay, you're going to visit that right now?

Speaker 7 (23:54):
Yes, Blair, sure, yep.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
I don't believe. You don't sound very convincing.

Speaker 7 (24:01):
Do you like harness racing? Can I ask you?

Speaker 1 (24:04):
Do you I've never been to a horse race, I've
never I've been to the track a bunch I've been to,
you know here in La Santa Nita, but I've never
seen a harness race.

Speaker 7 (24:12):
Yeah, I don't. I'm not into it either. I'm into
like where they sit on the saddle on top of
the horse. They have the you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (24:19):
They sit.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Kind of yeah, Blair, Blair, could you win the Kentucky Derby?
If you raced against horses? Could you win?

Speaker 7 (24:31):
I don't know, man, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
I think I bet on you. I bet on you.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
It'd be tough because those horses are going pretty fast.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Yeah, but they racing. They're just they don't realize they're racing.
They're being with so.

Speaker 7 (24:44):
They you know what I do? You know what I do?
I go to this horse that racing place. All these
guys are betting on their horses, and I don't bet,
but I just sit down in this place and I
drink soda for a dollar. It's really cool.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Well, you're quite the rebel. You know that's going to
get a lot of ladies are impressed by that Blair.
They like a man that sits there and drinks a
soda pop while watching the races.

Speaker 7 (25:06):
All right, I gotta go, Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Okay, thank you, I hanging up on you. Go away, sorry, Claire.
For some reason, I had Marcel in my head for
a second, because it sounds like something you morsel usually do.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
It is the Ben Malor Show. As we continue on
in our industry, it is a big day. It's a
big day. The question that I have is will Eddie
be here? Because sometimes Eddie does not show up to
the show on Draft night because there's a party. He
goes to what will you be here tonight for the draft?

Speaker 2 (25:42):

Speaker 1 (25:43):
Are you going to be here? Will you be at Disneyland?
You miss? That's how you got the nickname steamboat Willie.

Speaker 2 (25:47):
Yeah, because you went to the shocking news. What's that edding?

Speaker 5 (25:51):
The Los Angeles Chargers with Jim Harbonaugh.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Could you gam all this excitement?

Speaker 1 (25:59):

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Not holding an official draft party? Really, that's it. I
can't believe that.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Why are they not doing that?

Speaker 2 (26:05):
I don't know who.

Speaker 5 (26:07):
I'm just I'm shocked by that that they would not
have an official draft party.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
It's an opportunity. The Chargers have a top ten pick
in the draft, so because they stunk last year, you
would think they would want to rejoice.

Speaker 5 (26:20):
Yeah, so that we've had We've been in Disneyland, the
Queen Mary Santa Monica Peer. They always have like these,
you know, these big official draft parties. They're not having one, so.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
Sorry, you're gonna have to show up to work tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (26:33):
Yeah, my wife, My wife is going to one. But
it's not it's not like the official one. It's just
like a fan one, you know, like a fan club one.
So I won't be here.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
It is not needed because it's just the commoners go
to that.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Yeah, so I will be here.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Yeah, okay, all right, Eddie will be We'll be in
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Eastern throughout the first round of the Draft. Insider Jake
Glazer he's kind of a big deal. Former Cardinals GM
Steve Kim, College Football Hall of Famer LeVar Arrington. He's
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and the iHeart app presented by Express Pros. And this
is my last opportunity to tell you that the GM
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Steve Kaime. When he was the GM of the Cardinals,

he gave one of my favorite quotes about the NFL Draft.
It was out standing. He said that if Hannibal Lecter
ran a four point four, we'd probably diagnose it as
an eating disorder. That's a great quote. Let's get over
to Eddie right now. He's all joned up. His favorite

hockey team won a game they weren't supposed to win.
Even fuck flower with Eddie Gerse.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
All right, thank you man. The NHL Playoffs are underway.
Every series has had at least two games so far.
We'll start in the East, where the President's Trophy winners,
The New York Rangers have a two zero series advantage
over the Washington Capitols who just squeaked into the playoffs
on the second to last day of the season. Capitol
Star in future Hall of Famer Alexander Rovechkin, has one
shot on goal in the first two games of this series.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Which now shifts to Decei.

Speaker 5 (28:42):
So looks like the number one seed in the East
of New York Rangers looking good to move on. Different
story out west where the number one seed, the Dallas Stars,
are down to nothing against the defending Stanley Cup champion
Vegas goal tonight. So Vegas has had a lot of
health issues this year, so they just were squeaking into
the playoffs. But some of that was by design. The
captain Mark Stone stuffered a lacerated splained before the trade

deadline that allowed them to put him on long term
aged reserve. It took his salary off the books and
they were allowed to add three players for the postseason.
Stone was supposed to be out for a large portion
of the playoffs, but oh look, he was back for
Game one of the playoffs and he scored a.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
Goal for Vegas.

Speaker 5 (29:18):
That is some serious games on behalf of the Vegas
Golden Knights also out Western National Predators a wildcard team
like Vegas, they're tied up in one to one in
their series against the Pacific Division champion Vancouver Canucks. They
split the first two games in Western Canada. Now shifting
to Nashville, Vancouver will not have their number one goalie
Thatcher Demco outed definitely with an undisclosed injury miss Game

two a Canucks loss, and he's going to be out
for Friday's Game three and possibly longer. Carolina Hurricanes with
a two zero series lead over with the New York
Islanders in a series that is now shifting to Long Island.
New York had a big opportunity to get the split
in game number two. They had a three to nothing
lead but couldn't hold it, and they saw the Hurricanes
score two goals in nine seconds tied it. Then that
was the game winner. Rallied in the third period for

the big win. Really good battle for the Sunshine State.
The Florida Panthers taking on the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Two games.

Speaker 5 (30:08):
They've both been one goal games, but Florida's won both
of them. They've got the two zero series lead as
the series now shifts to Tampa Bay. The game two
went overtime and Carter Verhegy scored the overtime game winner.
That's his fifth career overtime game winning goal in the playoffs.
Only Joe Sakic and Maurice Rockett Richard have more. They're
both Hall of famers. Carteriver Hay not a Hall of Famer.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
You're still playing it. You can't be in the Hall
of Fame, or you're still.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
He's not going to the Hall of Fame.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
You don't know that.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
I do know that.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Don't written story yet, Eddie.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
He's just a Jets and Avalanche tied at one one
as this series now shifts to Colorado is a series
opener was a wild win, with Winnipeg getting a seven
to six win. Abs came back to win Game two.
Jets goalie Connor Hellibuck the front rudder win the well.
He's got a good name, but he's not playing good
a good game right now. He might best regular season goalie,
but he's allowed ten goals in two games so far.

And our only battle of Original six teams, that would
be the Bruins against the Maple Leafs, and Boston has.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
The more annoying than Original six fan base. I like
it two to one.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Boston has the lead.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
They split in Boston, but the leaf star Austin Matthews,
who had sixty nine goals the regular season, scored the
game winner. But then the Bruins last night came back
one game three. Captain Bradmarshan, who everybody hates but he's
really good fifty fifth career playoff goal, tying Cam Neely
for the most all time.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
In Bruin's history. He just likes licking people. No, they
hate him.

Speaker 5 (31:32):
Toronto has played the first three games without one of
their top players, William Neelander, who was out injured. Last
but not least, the Kings and Oilers, meeting for the
third straight year in the playoffs, series tied one one
after LA's overtime win last night. First game in Edmonton,
the Oilers rolled seven to four. Conor McDavid five assists,
teammate Zach Hyman with the only hat trick so far
this postseason.

Speaker 2 (31:51):
But again this.

Speaker 5 (31:52):
Series is tied at one one. We had a coach
hired and a coach fired this week. The San Jose
Sharks fire coach David Quinn after two seasons. Sharks end
of the year with the worst record in the NHL,
but they were gonna suck anyways, I don't know what
they were expecting. And the Buffalo Sabers have brought back
Lindy Ruff as our head coach.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
The sixty four. Are you serious?

Speaker 2 (32:10):
He led the Sabers to their only.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Eddie, he was coaching when I covered hockey. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Holy crap. He's the only coach that.

Speaker 5 (32:18):
Got him to the Stanley Cup Finals back in nineteen
ninety nine.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
He was fired by the Devils this year.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
Yes, while he's back, he's back.

Speaker 5 (32:27):
The team's missed the playoffs thirteen straight years, which is
show record. And finally, the former Arizona Counties and now
yet to be named Utah team arrived in Salt Lake
City yesterday to meet with fans and take a tour
of the facilities. Twelve thousand Forward fans showed up at
the Delta Center to welcome the team, and they claim
they have the twenty nine thousand season ticket deposits.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
You buried the lead, Eddie, you buried the lead. I
gotta clean up your work. Oh, I'm sure this is
gonna be good, Eddie. This is good. This is better
than any you just said. I died. I hold in
my hand the holy grail for every NHL fan. I
have the list of the eight finalists that will be
in the bracket for the new NHL team in Utah.

Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (33:10):
Wee there?

Speaker 1 (33:15):
No, there's some other good ones though. There's some other
good ones.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Pagetti, so it's got.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
Now we want the Jetties because that's cool. Obomba will
snow man. Here are the other ones. Utah Ice that's
gonna lame, Tall Mammoth. I don't like that one on.
I like these next couple you Tah Venom. That'd be
kind of cool. When you think venom, you think people
from Utah, Utah Fury Blizzard. How about the blizzard. You
could have the blizzard against the avalanche. That would be amazing.

This other one, this is the other one I like,
if it's not Yeti's I want this next one Utah Outlaws.
That is so good because I don't know. Yes, there's
a lot of really mean people in Utah. It's like
the rime in Utah.

Speaker 2 (33:57):
It's like the Mavericks.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
That's not let me tell you people in Utah are violent.
And how about the other one is the Utah Hockey.

Speaker 2 (34:04):
Club or it's Yeti's or nothing.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
No YETI I'd be fine with Venom. Yeah, YETI I
think they should go yet He's not Yetti because or
they should go Yetty not yet he's because they trademark Yetti's.
But I think YETI would be fine. Venom is okay
because that's kind of cool. Outlaws I'm okay with, although
that would be like the Vegas Outlaws, not the they

could you know anyway? A Right, that's it. It is
the Ben Maler Show. I need some judges, not too
many because I don't have too much time to work with,
but I need some judges. We are going to have
just moments away, moments away for your dancing and dining
pleasure factor fiction eight seven seven ninety nine. Fox. We'll
get to that. We'll do it next.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsportsradio dot
com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
Are you above average? Podcast listeners consume one hundred and
five more minutes of audio per day than the average American.
The Ben Malor Show is broadcast overnight, then repackaged in
a shiny pod box with limited commercial interruptions is available
on the iHeart Happen wherever you get your podcasters follow
the show and give us a golden review in large
the Malard Militia and I'm live from the Tirack dot

Com Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Speaker 2 (35:24):
It's Ben Maler.

Speaker 1 (35:26):
Please transmit a media Is it fact or fiction? Let's
face some raw fact on the Ben Maller Show. Let's
get to it. Here we go. So our friend Elianas,
she's back by where she says spent and ninety eight
days since the National Weather Service issued a blizzard warning

for Salt Lake, so they're named them the Blizzard. Probably
not a good idea. Let's welcome in our judges. Let's
say hello to Leslie along with Jackie Judge. Hello, Leslie, Good.

Speaker 7 (35:57):
Morning, Ben, great show as always, thank you.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
The power couple with less than jack the Judge, movers
and shakers. They run the social scene and Braden to Florida.

Speaker 7 (36:06):
Right, well, only at Pool three.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Only at Pool three, not the other, not the other pools.
There's a lot of pool now, I got you, all right?
Hold on, hold on, szech Leslie. We have Milkman Mike
in Colorado. Hello, Milkman Mike.

Speaker 7 (36:20):
Good morning, mister and miss in America and all the
kids to see news class Marshall caught with his parents
down with paward on folk call.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
Oh wow, believable, shocking. Dawn is in Indiana. Hello, don Hello, come, welcome,
good morning, Welcome. You're one of our judges. Welcome to
the show. You ready to be a good judge? Yet?

Speaker 7 (36:42):
Yes I am. I'm freedom in Indiana's thirty degrees?

Speaker 1 (36:45):
Oh my god, thirty it's April? What it's on? Late April?
What is a thirty degrees? Ridiculous? All right, very good, Well,
hold on a second. I think that's all we have
time for. Unfortunately, so that'll be. That'll be that All right,
here we go, Let's get right to it here. Three stories.
Figure out which the three isn't true. Story Number one
Burke to the Rescue all pro sentader Matt Burke being

heild a hero after this week after he saved his
neighbor from an alligator attack. Brooke was spending time his
home in Naples, floorid. He noticed his neighbor on the
ground struggling the freest leg from a gator, got upstruck
the ran over with his truck, and he ran it
over with his truck, I should say, all right. Story
number two Pete Rose roast well for years. Pete Rose

has been known to have goof on people and poke
fun and whatnot. And the signing of Baseball's well. At
one of the autographs signings, he said he signed a ball. Sorry,
I've been on baseball. And also tani otani is sorry.
Also I wish I had an interpreter. That is story
number two. Story number three, Oh Jays Simpson's estate in

the news here. Apparently the people looking at money make
their own money off OJ's death. One man is auctioning
off him since Bank of America business account card. He
paid seventy four seventy dollars for it on eBay last summer.
He hopes to cash you now since OJ has gone
to the Great beyond. All right, those are the three stories.

Figure out which of three is not true, separating fiction
from back. Leslie one, two or three? Leslie, I gotta
go with three, all right, have a great time. It's
not thirty degrees in Florida. I think you're you're in
good shape there, milkman, Mike one to or three. Milkman.

Speaker 7 (38:37):
Let's go for number three as well.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
A cheating Don in that nice Chili Weather one tour
three Don number two, all right you and good news
you're all wrong. Number one number in the fake story
this week. Yeah it wasn't. It wasn't Matt Burke. He
didn't do that.
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