All Episodes

April 26, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about the Atlanta Falcons inexplicably drafting Michael Penix Jr. in the first round after signing Kirk Cousins to a mega contract, the Giants passing on a QB, Sean Payton at the Broncos taking Bo Nix with the 12th pick, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here we go, the original original recipe podcast. It's the
Bed mal Show. We stayed up all night after the
NFL Draft to dazzle you, to dazzle you with amazing commentary.
So here an hour number one. We're gonna I'll tell
you what's coming up before we do that, though Fifth
Hour Podcast, major deal and it's I'm giving it to

you if you're a podcast listener only. First there will
be a Malor meet and greet for the first time ever.
I'm gonna go to the South on a Maler meet
and greet and I haven't announced it on the live
radio show. I'm gonna do that next week. But if
you listen to the Fifth Hour podcast today, you're gonna
get the inside skinny on the next Malar meet and greet,

the first one we've done here in twenty twenty four.
It's coming up. It's not that far away. I would
love for you to be there if you're geographically desirable.
So if you want to find out about that and
get the details before anyone else, you can make plans
ahead of everyone else if you want to attend.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
That's on the fit Our podcast today.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
It'll be up a little bit later today. The fifth
hour podcast here in our number one. Though, after signing
Kirk Cousins, the Falcons went out and drafted a quarterback
with the number eight pick in the draft, Michael Pennix Junior,
in the first round. Make it make sense also, since
they passed on a quarterback, the Giants are the Giants

now believing in Daniel Jones.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
They could have drafted a QB.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Instead, they took a wide receiver and with the twelfth
pick in the draft, the Broncos took Bo Nicks, the
sixth quarterback in the first twelve picks of the draft.
Is Sean Payton a genius or Cluvis? We'll talk about
that and much more right now here. It is our
number one. Those dirty, dirty dirty birds.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Well come in.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
The beginning, comeout another night of the Ben Malor Show.
We are in the air everywhere you there me here
as we bump and grind coast, Doug coast, border, the
border and beyond on the vast and breathtakingly powerful microphones
of fsre em monating live from the whistle. As we

play through the whistle, we are broadcasting live from the
tyraq dot com studios. Tyraq dot com will help you
get there and unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road
hazard protection at over ten thousand recommended installers. The great
artist ostrich Ant likes that number. Tirac dot Com, the

way tire buying, shureb And if you think I'm gonna
waste any valuable airtime in a mal monologue about pro
bouncy ball, you are a loser. As much as I
would love to sit here and barbecue the Lakers, That's
not what I'm going to do now.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
No, no, this is red meat. Big ratings.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Ma man, play the hits, moll Man, all right, our
lead this, I'll do it, boss, our lead this hour.
Coming from the draft, we continue are It's gonna go
all night in depth team coverage, burning the midnight oil.
The biggest head scratcher of the NFL Draft because.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Controversy sells the thing.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
That wasn't supposed to happen at the time it wasn't
supposed to happen. We'll get cracking on this from the
draft in Detroit.

Speaker 3 (03:28):

Speaker 1 (03:28):
This came via Atlanta. And if you were not watching
because you don't find the reading of random names compelling television,
I get it. It's not the greatest presentation in the world,
but I was watching. I was watching, So then I
did foot over to the NBA games, but I had
a lot of time between picks, and I didn't really

care what those yahoos had to say giving the commentary.
But months after get to the point. Months after the
Atlanta football team hand it over giant bags of money
to Kirk Cousins. I'm talking one hundred and eighty million dollar,
four year contract to Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
The Falcons said, you know.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
What, we want to double our pleasure, double our fund
in the quarterback room. And with a top ten pick
they selected from the University of Washington, Michael Pennix Junior.
Oh MGM. Everyone's talking about this. Everyone's got an opinion
on this. So let us discuss after the move to
get Cousins, the fact the Falcons used draft capital, a

first round pick in the top ten to take Michael
Pennix Junior.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Make it make sense.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
So I've got corso, tenderloin, and three stooges, and we
will combine all of these things together and we will
wax lyrical in your ear drums. So, first of all,
Kirk Cousins, welcome to Dixie. Welcome to the Falcons right
mixed messages from the atl adding Kirk Cousins is a

green light move when you get Cousins from the Vikings.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
He's in his late thirties.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
I always coming off an injury, but you're going for
That's a signal to the football gods that hey, we
want to have a shot at the wide open NFC.
We're tired of being mediocre the Falcons for a moment.
We're back at the grown ups table. Right, they had
a seat at the grown ups state they weren't sitting

at the kitty table in the NFL anymore. And that
abra cadabra they had to remind everyone, as League Corso
famously will say, not so fast, my friends on the Falcons,
because you got to check yourself before you wreck yourself.
As the Falcon brass punching Kirk Cousins right in the

Solar Plexus, a vote of no conference. I don't care
how they try to spin this in Georgia. It is
a vote of no confidence in Kirk Cousins. If Cousins
is that broken down, why just sign him, dummies, Why
do you sign him morons?

Speaker 2 (06:14):
It is a dead give It is a dead giveaway.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
They don't think Cousins is long for the road in
Atlanta and rather than forty five the roster again, green
light goat. We're trying to win the NFC at a
defensive player, at a player in another position of need. No, no, no,
you pull a crazy Iphant, you make a radical change
in direction.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
And don't miss Drew. This is I'm not saying.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
That I don't like Michael Pennix. I like the player.
I found him to be the top quarterback. I was
on our affiliate in Kansas City yesterday other morning show
with my friend Bob, and they asked me.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
Who do you like? Which quarterback do you like him?

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Because I hate all of them, but the one I
liked was Michael Pennix Junior. I found him a joy
to watch back when they used to have this conference
called the Pac twelve and he played in Washington. But
for Atlanta to take him, it's just dumb d dumb,
dumb dumb. It's not like he's some guy that played
only a couple of years of college football. Pennix is
one of the older players in the draft, and you're

just gonna let him sit there and rot on the
bench for a couple of years holding the clipboard and
watching cousins play. You do that for somebody you don't
think can play. Penix can play. You learn by playing,
you don't learn.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
By holding a clipboard. All right now.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
Secondly, speaking of drama o rama, we had to Gotham.
The Giants did not did not select a quarterback. Many
people thought they would. There were many a gigabyte that
was used to tell you that the Giants wanted to
get a quarterback. They had their pick, they had a
chance to draft one, and they said so wing in

a miss. They instead took a LSU wide receiver. They've
done that but for elite neighbors. Good name, good name,
elite neighbors, number six overall pick. Now, since they passed
on the quarterback, does this show the Giants now believe
in Daniel Jones? The fact that they didn't take a quarterback.

There were a couple on the board at that point.
There were three quarterbacks on the board at that point.
They didn't take one. So I am shaking my head. No,
And I will actually praise the rotund coach or the Giants,
because I got to think this was his call. Unlike
his colleagues. Brian Dable actually had the brains to decide

that he did not want to draft a quarterback because
he wasn't all horny for end of the quarterback that
were on the board. Clearly the Giants didn't like the
remaining quarterbacks. If they did, they would have taken one
of them. Regardless of that, this does not change the
status of Danny Dimes and he's still residing in the
Tenderloin district of NFL quarterback. He's got one foot in

the doghouse. And from what I've read, because of the
way the contract is built, and you gotta look ahead
not just twenty twenty four, but twenty twenty five, there's
a lot of guaranteed money in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
So this is.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
A rerun of what we saw in Denver with Russell Wilson.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
The Giants should.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
They blow, which they likely will, Daniel Jones is in
danger of getting hemorrhoids on the bench late in the year,
if he even makes it there, he often gets hurt
if they turn to the dark side. All right, final thought,
we go to Colorado and.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
It speaking of Russell Wilson, he was decommissioned.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
He was decommissioned by the Denver Football team, and the
Broncos have selected another quarterback, Oregon quarterback Bo Knicks, with
the number twelve overall pick.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
So let's do a little malor math. There's a theme with.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
The twelfth pick in the draft. The Broncos took the
sixth quarterback off the board bow Nicks. Is coach Sean
Payton a genius or is he clueless? So the arrow
is pointing towards Sean Payton eating crayons.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
I mean, wowser's here.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
If you wanted bow Nicks, you could have gotten Bo
Nicks in the second round. You didn't have to take
him with a twelve dollars pick. Tell me you're desperate
without telling me you're desperate, and there's good reason to
be desperate. I'm not discounting that, but it doesn't change
the fact you're desperate. And the reason the Broncos did this.
I blame the three Stooges Zach Wilson, Jared Stidham and

Ben Denucci. That's the quarterback room in Denver and the
fact that they spent the twelfth pick on a guy
that was as projected as a second round pick, a
byproduct of the three Stooges.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Now, if you look at the numbers.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Bo Nicks in a cocoon in Oregon was lights out
like a video game.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Good. But he was a middling quarterback at Auburn. So
who is the bow Knicks?

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Was he the guy that lit the scoreboard up at
Oregon or is he the guy who was kind of.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
When he played in the Southeastern Conference.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
Is that more of a case of him playing against
weaker defenses in the Pac twelve And that's why I was.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Able to light it up.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
And this TERRABRONI, I think he spent about a decade
in college football. Some mind boggling numbers on bow Knicks.
He's twenty four how long he played in the college game.
But he does have a nice skill set. I'm not like,
it's not like he's terrible. I mean, obviously done suck.
He's got a quick release, he's somewhat accurate. But the
way that Oregon ran their offense, unless the Broncos are

going to do the same thing, maybe they will just
a bunch of screens and run pass options and the
vertical throws just the we call that the basic bitch offense.
If you do that, fine, But he's undersized, he's got
an average arm and a couple of months back he
was projected as a second round pick and you took
him with a twelve overall pick.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Now is the way it works. We all know how
it works.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
If bow Knicks turns out to be good, then ever
want to celebrate. Sean Payton's a genius. He's got the
biggest balls in Denver. And if bo Nicks turns out
to be a jag, just a guy, just a lay
person at quarterback, this will be another mark against Sean Payton.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
He's the village idiot.

Speaker 4 (12:14):
He was.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
He was put up on a pedestal by Drew Brees,
and the guy is h he's a dog with fleas.
He's a dog with fleas. It is the Ben Maller Show.
Now that is just the tip of the spear, just
the tip of the spear. As I'm telling you, all
night long, we are a one trick pony here. We're
Top forty radio, but really just top one. As we

will give you the hits from the NFL Draft as
it persists, because it's going on all weekends, not over.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
It's just the first round. These are the people we've
actually heard of.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
But all things considered, it's just just a small slice
of what's to come another night on Friday here and
then on Saturday, the leftovers of the draft will be selected.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
If you'd like to part, you can join us here.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
Speakeasy rules are in effect, but it's all NFL Draft
all the time. You can call up, yell, scream all that,
but try to be somewhat entertaining, because I know it
seems like we're just on overnight who they all cares,
but we actually want people to listen. I'm just kind
of the goal, you know, it's it's it's sometimes we're
better than others.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
But that's that's the efforts.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Some cheesy goodness, a little cheesy goodness and the tale
of the tape. Cheesy goodness and the tale of the tape.
We'll get to that and we will do it.

Speaker 4 (13:38):

Speaker 5 (13:38):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Mellor
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Hey what's up everybody?

Speaker 6 (13:49):
It's me three time Pro Bowl of Levararrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 2 (13:56):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 6 (13:57):
You ask along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Hutschman
Zada and Super Bowl champion. Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris.
You can only name a show with that type of talent.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
On it.

Speaker 6 (14:09):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to Up on
Game with me lebar Arrington, TJ. Huschman Zada, and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
get your podcast from.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
The Ben Malbers Show is a collaborative effort. You're invited
to communicate with those of us on this side of
the microphones. You can follow your host on x He's
at Ben Mallor and you can post that and follow me.
Eddie Garcia, your humble sidekick, the voice of Reason, your
news guy. You're announcer guy. I'm at Eddie on Fox.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Yeah, I just got five more words for you.

Speaker 7 (14:51):
Go to hell, King, Eddie, back up, back up, get
jack up, check up.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
Yeah, that's the guy that got suspended for life. We
miss him so much. A hole and out live from
the tire rack dot Com, Fox Sports Radio Studios, it's
Ben Maller suspended.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
For life, but not edited out of the audio archive,
the vault, the audio vault that we have here.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
Everyone everyone lives forever.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Yes, in the audio all time best callers in my opinion.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
Yeah, I would disagree with that.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Oh yeah, no, he he He faded pretty quickly, but
he had some good much.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
I blame the woman, you know, another guy taken down
by one because he remember, he was fine and then
he got married right before.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
That's right. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
I have a theory that I've I've kept in the
back of my head that that was an intentional act
because his his lady did not want him staying up
all night calling our show, so he knew that he
couldn't call the show anymore. So he went out with
a yeah boom boom boom boom bang, yeah exactly. I
think he decided that he wanted to just end it
that way and just vanish out into the ethos.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
But I haven't heard any reports of him calling other shows.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
And normally the Malar militia will rat out the people
when they call other shows.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
They love to rat out.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Fellow listeners or people that call the show and say, oh,
that guy cheated on you, yeah, and he called. Of course,
they're also admitting they cheated on us because they're listening
to some other show.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
But that's fine. That's fine.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
So anyway, the NFL Draft, all things good. The cheesy
goodness though of the NFL Draft. This Michael Pennox junior
story is just so wonderful. If you were watching intently
during the NFL Draft, there there was a moment where
the cameras in Atlanta caught the GM Terry Fontina having

to explain to the owner's very awkward. He was explaining
to Arthur Blank why they drafted a quarterback after they
just paid a quarterback one hundred and eighty million dollars.
It was outstanding because it appeared that Arthur Blank was
blindsided based on the body language. It was like, wait
a Minute'm gonna ta well, these two by fours I

have at my home depot and I'm gonna hit.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
You over the head with that. What's wrong with you?

Speaker 1 (17:05):
And then I love the spin spinsmin spinspin spins minsman
because Raheem Morris, the guy that's coaching the Falcons, he
was asked about.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
Why would you draft a quarterback you just signed a quarterback.
That makes no sense.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
You're trying to win and he then used some cheesy goodness.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
Did you see this?

Speaker 1 (17:26):
Raheem Morris said, the Green Bay model was something we
talked about. It proved to be right last year. Hopefully
we'll be right with them close quote. You know what
this is my take? First of all, it's karma, right
Arthur Blank fed up. He should have hired Bill Belichick.
He didn't hire Belichick. And this is what you get.

You get Terry Fontineau and you get Raheem Morris screwing
things up.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
Congratulations, Okay, you deserve that. I hope Arthur Blank enjoys that.
He's trying to win right now.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
He's going for it when you sign a late thirties
quarterback and instead he's.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
Like, no, no, no, it's front off is Iowa.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
We're planning for the You think Raheie Morris is gonna
be there long enough to coach Michael Pennix Junior.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
I don't think he is.

Speaker 4 (18:12):

Speaker 1 (18:12):
So anyway, it's just just outstanding the incompetence, the absolute incompetence.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Let's go to the phones.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
And a man who is now going to do a
victory lap. We say hello to Keg Drinking Steve, who's
in Missouri. Hello, Keg drinking, Steve.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
Man Man, maybe come on, the super Bowl just decided tonight.
The super Bowl is all over. The super Bowl is done.

Speaker 8 (18:46):
We have our receivers.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
It's not We're gonna win three in a hour. It's
not even going to be closed. Man, the Buffalo Bills
are absolute fools for dealing with us. I mean, this
is gonna be like a victory lap next year with
Hollywood Brown and that dude from the Giants and then
that guy coming up CREC.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
What's what's the name of the guy they got?

Speaker 7 (19:10):
What's the guy return with big?

Speaker 2 (19:15):
What's the what's the guy's name?

Speaker 4 (19:17):

Speaker 2 (19:17):
The guy they drafted? I don't know, you don't even know.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Wait wait, wait, wait, Just for the record, you're called
up to take a bow and do a victory lap
on the national radio and you have no idea the
name of.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
The player your Chiefs drafted.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
This This right here is a microcosm of NFL draft
sports radio right here, this is it. Nobody knows who
any of these guys are, but you're gonna celebrate anyway.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
It's just wonderful.

Speaker 8 (19:57):
Tom Brady got Tom paid five thousand bucks to his lineman.
The Sports reported that he paid him under the table.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Let me go. Listen, Hey keg drinking Listen.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
You're in the middle of your dynasty allegedly, right, So
what are you worried about Tom Brady for? Why are
you so focused on Tom Brady?

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Steve? What's wrong with you?

Speaker 8 (20:19):
We're going to eliminate the memory of the cheating of
the greatest cheater of all time. That's what this is
all about. We have to destroy Tom Brady's legacy. A
federal prison paid off his lineman.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
I know, and but again, you know, you know who
Tom Brady. You know who Tom Brady is, but you
do not know the name of the player you called
up to celebrate the Chiefs drafting. I love This is
one of my favorite calls I've.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
Taken in a while. You know what you have. You
don't even realize, you don't even realize. You've made my night.
You have you?

Speaker 1 (20:51):
This is a testimonial to NFL Draft Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
You have made my night.

Speaker 8 (20:57):
I think Tom Brady should be I.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
Know again with Tom right, Oh my god, the Michigan
Gospel tom Brady.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
All right, I gotta go, thank you, all right, go away,
go go back to the bar. Alright, that's so good.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Let me, I'm waiting all night to call malor I'm
gonna celebrate. You couldn't even like spend five seconds fusing
around on his phone to find.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
The name of the guy the they traded for traded
up the draft.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
All right, Matt the Warrior Raider fan writes, and he says,
we might need to do a wellness check on Robbie
the Falcons and Bills fan, who both his NFL teams
made the dumbest moves.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Of the first round.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
Yeah, and and Robbie's his big analytic. I said, well, you.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
Know, it's a value. It's a value. Move your trade down.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Although I looked at the chart they said it was
the worst or the least compensation. The Bill's got to
trade for a team to trade down and give up
their first round pick in years in the in the NFL.
And yeah, the Falcon thing, that's an all timer. You

talk about mixed messages. You're like, yes, sign up late
thirties quarterback to go for it, try to win the NFC,
and that one more linebacker, defensive lineman, defensive back could
be the difference between you getting to the super Bowl
or not. And you draft a quarterback who won't even
play for a couple of years.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
If you're the guy that you got is good, and
if if if.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
You know, if if Cousins is good, and if he's
not good, forget about it. Drew says, should I join
the Amish? He says, that's true the video game guy,
he plays the farming game.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Is there an Amish video game you could play? They
should make? You could make that, Drew, how about an
Amish video game? Now? Is it the Amish that made Remember.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Those fireplaces, those indoor fireplaces. There was an infomercial years
ago for this like indoor fireplace.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
I thought it was the Amish that made that.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Whenever I think of Amish, I think of like butter churning,
you know, like I just want to make my own butter. Yeah,
well they make really good butter, yeah, really really solid.
But the big stick Now we are on right now Loraina,
all over Amage country. But we are allowed to kind
of goof on the Amish because they do not listen
otherwise they're not real. Well, no, I should point out,

because I have had this conversation before, there are some.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
It's like there's different levels of Amish.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
I had this explain to me by someone from Pennsylvania,
although they amash are like in Ohio and other places.
I always think of them as Pennsylvania. But there's the
old world Mennonite. That's the one that lives like they're
in the Stone Age. So it's those are the old
World Mennonite. They're the ones that and I don't know
if they're really amish or not.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
They look amished to me, but I'm not an expert
on that. But they don't use any modern technology. They're
the horse and buggy people. They're the horse and buggy people.
And they were very modish pul and Yeah, so so
we can goof on the old word of Mennonite because
they can't. They can't listen, not able to do that
at all. Who else do we have page down late

night drug tester says, when we're going to hear from
my militia super fan Josh Allen and a Falcon fan, Robbie.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
The Marria fan.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
Yeah, Robbie, if you want to call up Robbie. I'm
not going to give out the number anybody else but
for Robbie. If Robbie calls up, he'll get on the
air right Away'm gona give him an instant golden ticket.
We need an emergency intervention with Robbie the Marina fan.
At eight seven seven ninety nine on fox Y, Femi
from Chicago says a plus and two deep dish pizza
stacked on top of each other.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
On the Malon monologue, the.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
Bears cleaned up today similar to how a cart person
at the grocery store does.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
In the parking lot.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
They now have a legit franchise QB and a loaded
wide receiver group. Yeah, it does look good, you, Femi
says Caleb Click. Yeah, it certainly seems like the Bears
did pretty well, assuming Caleb Williams is actually going to
be able to perform at a high level. A firk
dog says, what did you think of the Lakers execution?

Speaker 3 (24:53):

Speaker 1 (24:54):
I can't get over how clueless all the FSR employees
who picked the Lakers to make the finals look. Right now,
he says, do Laker fans even watch basketball?

Speaker 4 (25:07):

Speaker 1 (25:07):
I did enjoy with about a minute to go, when
the that arena down there in skid Row was emptying
out and all the people are leaving the arena as
the Lakers had their ass kicked yet again by the
Denver Nuggets.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
So good, it's amazing, it's it's and.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
That looked like a broken team to me, like that
whole Anthony Davis saying they didn't know what they were doing.
And then the coach comes back and says, we agree
to disagree. They're gonna make a coaching change, don't.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
You think, right? That's it. That's it. They're gonna make
a coaching change and there will be a new head
coach in Lakerland next season. They will get rid of.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Ham, no more had, it'll go kosher. I don't know,
but they will get rid of Ham. And what a
way for D'Angelo russ to really embrace being that is
this This series is an example of D'anngel Russell. He'll
play really well for a half, be the top player
on the court for a half, and then the rest
of the time it's a brick house, an absolute break house.

Speaker 5 (26:17):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 4 (26:23):
Cubs wrap up a sweep of the Astros, are a
three to one win. Houston now seven and nineteen on
the year. Brewer I said that specific.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Watching I did watch this game Eddie.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
I was on the treadmill and I watched the game,
and I loved it because the Astros had an early lead,
and that that cheater Verlander was on the mound right
and and he couldn't even make it to five innings.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
They took him out so the bullpen could poop all
over the mound.

Speaker 4 (26:46):
It was great. Well, that's quite messy. Brewers beats the
Pirates seven to five. You have the A's over the Yankees.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Three week Yankees lost again to the AfD. They did it,
boon fire Aaron Boone.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
Tweet that out coop Ben Mallard.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Fox Sports. That's my hot take of the night.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Right there, and now back to Ben Mallerthtirack dot com,
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
No, all right, that's in subordination. It's a bad job
by you. Shame shame on you.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Yes, APT so hey, if you're ready for a new job,
let Express Employment Professionals help. Express is hiring for jobs
at a variety of industries. Job Seekers never pay a
fee at Express. Check out expresspros dot com to find
the location as expresspros dot com.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
And I did a double take.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
I'm looking at my board and I did a double
tick I said, there's no way this guy calling it
not on this night.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
Could we get.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
A longtime listener and caller to the show to burn
his Bill's Mafia flag live on this radio program. Let's
go now to Andy, the comic book guy, part of
Bill's Mafia.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
What never in a thousand years? What are you talking about?
Everything that's happened has been incredible. It's been everything that's
needed to happen in order for phase two of Josh
Allen's career to begin.

Speaker 8 (28:14):
He's not a little boy anymore.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
He's a man.

Speaker 7 (28:17):
He is the man, and he is absolutely set up
to do whatever.

Speaker 8 (28:23):
I heard this about the Chiefs last year.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Oh, they're wide receivers.

Speaker 8 (28:26):
They just won the Super Bowl. Bills are going to
be fine.

Speaker 7 (28:28):
Bills are gonna be fine.

Speaker 5 (28:30):
Absolutely, Just keep.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
You keep telling yourself that you gotta you say that
before you go to bed.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Andy, do that every night. Everything will be fine, nothing
to worry about. We're all good. Just keep telling yourself that.

Speaker 7 (28:41):
I heard the windows been closed for two years now,
so well, I think everything.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
What happened is the fun Diggs.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
I don't understand the Bill's pr people send out all
these photos of them hugging each other. Why would they
trade the fun Diggs, I don't get it. He wasn't
at all.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
He was honest. I don't I take take the l
Admit right now. You were wrong.

Speaker 7 (29:04):
That took me about surprise.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Oh, because you were blinded.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
You were blind You were standing mind a buffalo's ass,
and you were blinded.

Speaker 7 (29:13):
However, however, it was the best thing to happen because
they didn't like you. You old my locker room for
two years. He didn't blow anything anything.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
You are so you could not be more wrong. You
could not be more wrong with your take. This is
like the worst take of all takes.

Speaker 7 (29:34):
The next season, he's going to be a Dallas cowboy.
He's going to retire a cowboy with his brother. That's
why they avoided the rest of his contract, and that's
why the Bills let him move.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
You are so far up the Bill's ass. Is there
is there any sunlight where you are? Is there any sunlight?

Speaker 7 (29:52):
They got infinitely younger, and my god, Josh Allen is
ready to blitter.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Okay, okay, so okay, So explain to me why you
would help the chiefs out.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
Why would you help the chiefs? Explain that to me.
This ought to be good. I got to hear this.

Speaker 7 (30:11):
I'll explain it to you. Sure, no problem. First of all,
they now have two second round picks, which they didn't
have before.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
That's so exciting. Oh my god, I'm I have an orgasm.

Speaker 7 (30:21):
What the Chiefs are gonna pick Worthy? Anyway?

Speaker 1 (30:25):
And why why would why would the Bills draft Worthy?
By the way, why wouldn't you take the player? Why
wouldn't you draft the player?

Speaker 7 (30:32):
The Bills knew who. I think they're gonna go for Mitchell,
and I think they're gonna trade for I think that's
what's gonna happen, all right.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
All right, Well, if they trade for we can revisit this.
Oh dang, but we're doing the show right now.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
We're doing the show right now. As we do the
show right now, this looks horrific. And you're such a
Bill's homer.

Speaker 7 (30:51):
I'm gonna defend before before you do that, by the way,
and you knew that. But anyway, I'm gonna defend the
pic pick. And here's why. Yeah, God, Falcons don't expect
pick in the top ten again for the more for
the recent future.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
It's the near future made him glass.

Speaker 7 (31:11):
The Falcons are ready to win. Now the Falcons were.

Speaker 4 (31:15):
Why is he talking about the Falcons?

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Because every Buffalo Bill Finn has to have another team
and they're all Falcon things.

Speaker 2 (31:21):
That's the rule.

Speaker 4 (31:21):
Hey, how about Lindy Roff back in back with the Sabers,
Lindy Rough.

Speaker 7 (31:27):
Lindy Rough is a I love it.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
The Bill. Let me tell you something about this.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
This cat is so crazy Amy the comic book I
Love You Andy, Like the Bills could trade Josh Allen
tomorrow and and get the.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
Choppo out of prison. You say, well, he's a good leader.
He ran a good business. You know, you're successful and
all that his good business skills.

Speaker 7 (31:54):
He was like, no, no, but the Lindy roughire is excellent.
That that team as young, they don't need a coach
to wake up, make a place. They need a coach
to teach some fundamentals and toughness.

Speaker 8 (32:05):
And that's what.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
Have the Bills ever made a bad move? Have the
Bills ever made a mad move?

Speaker 7 (32:11):

Speaker 8 (32:12):

Speaker 2 (32:13):
Yea, before you were before you were born, from.

Speaker 7 (32:15):
Anything other than defensive gaps in the moment of key games.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Yeah, okay, all right, yeah, well listen, if you if
you go on Coopatar.

Speaker 7 (32:27):
The oilers are going down.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
That was awesome.

Speaker 7 (32:30):

Speaker 1 (32:31):
If if now the comic book thing, if you get
tired of running the comic book shop, which I love,
you're you're very good at that.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
You have a really nice store.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
But if you get tired that, you can always move
to Buffalo and be the pr guy for the bills,
because I don't.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Know the bills. But you're better than that.

Speaker 7 (32:44):
Relocating, which is why I haven't called in a little while.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
Oh you are are you? Where are you going? Where
are you heady?

Speaker 7 (32:50):
Saying Gabriel Valley?

Speaker 2 (32:52):
Wow, but you're gonna be low. Are you moving the
comic book shop? Are you keeping word?

Speaker 6 (32:56):

Speaker 7 (32:57):
No, we've already moved it. I'm real in the new
location next year. We'll announce the location very soon. But yeah, okay,
exciting time. All right, I was commuting. I was commuting
almost ninety minutes each way. That was yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
All right, Well listen, I will let us know. We'll
have an event when you open the store up. We'll
get some people out there.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Yeah, all right, I love it.

Speaker 7 (33:21):
All right, you just watched tomorrow. You just watched tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Okay, I'll be watched. Thank you.

Speaker 7 (33:28):

Speaker 2 (33:30):
I guess we're not doing the Mallard meet and greet
at the shop this year, Eddie, I don't think that's
going to happen.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
We'll have to find somewhere else to do the so
cal Mallard meet and greet, find another location.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
We'll get to that. NFL coaches fan base very upset
with the pick. They thought the team did a bad job.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
And so he had an amazing comeback to the critics
of his football team.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
And we'll get to that coming up in a couple
of time. Now for the who Am I? Game? I've
got the record for the.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
Most complete and passing yards of any first round pick
in NFL history. Again, I have the record most completions
in passing yards of any player ever.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Drafted in the first round in NFL history. Who Am I?
The answer? We'll get to it. We'll do it next.

Speaker 5 (34:15):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 4 (34:26):
This is the greatest show on overnight audio Earth. It's
even better when you join our curious world. We would
be appreciative to have you. You'll get to co mingle with
fellow Maler militia members on Facebook and Instagram. It's just
a few clicks away, just like our page. Go to
Facebook dot com slash Ben Malor Show and on Instagram
it's at Ben Maller on Fox NLI from the Tirak

dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios, It's Ben Mallor.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
We will pay off the who Am I? Game coming
up in a moment, But I wanted to give you this.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
The Chargers. Many people thought they were gonna trade their pick.
They did not do that.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Instead, the Chargers kept a pick and they drafted an
offensive lineman from Notre Dame, who, by all accounts, is
very good that we pay much attention to the offensive
line at all. The social media feedback the Charger fan
base was disgusted, bemused, and bewildered why the Chargers would

do that and not add a wide receiver, considering they
don't have any name brand wide receivers anymore there.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
With the Chargers. So Jim Harbaugh, did you hear what
he had to say? Eddie? Jim Harbaugh was asked about this,
Did you what Harbaugh said?

Speaker 4 (35:38):

Speaker 2 (35:39):
I thought it was great.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Harbaugh said, you're gonna say what about a weapon? Because
that's what the fans wanted, right, did Charger.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Fans get a receiver? We need a receiver.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
We come on, Harbaugh said, you're gonna say what about
a weapon? Harbaugh responded, offensive linemen we look at as weapons.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
Yeah, that's an awesome answer. I love that.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
That is a good answer. I'll give about credit. That
is a solid answer. Unfortunately, offensive lineman don't sell tickets, Eddie.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
That that's a bit, but they win games and then
that sells tickets.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
Every fat man's dream. A coach saying offensive lineman are weapons.
That's a solid comeback from Harbaugh. And is your wife okay, Eddie?
She's she's been part of the NFL draft before. Did
she see Goodell? And thinking flashback to when she was
on the draft.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
Was she actually got invited to go to uh to
go to Detroit, Detroit in the front row with all
the folks there.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
But then she thought, why am I going to Detroit?
I don't want to go to Detroit.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
Your word's not mine? But uh, maybe green Bay next year?
Maybe green Bay?

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Yeah, oh yeah, you can stay at my brother's house
there An Appleton if you want.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
You know, you've got extra room.

Speaker 4 (36:45):
I'm sure he would appreciate you offering that.

Speaker 2 (36:46):
Yeah, yeah, he doesn't care, Yeah exactly.

Speaker 4 (36:49):

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Anyway, Uh, here's the who am I game?

Speaker 1 (36:53):
I've got the record for the most completions and passing
yards of any first round pick in the NFL's history,
all time. Again, who I have the record for most
completions and passing hours of any first round pick all
time in NFL history.

Speaker 2 (37:09):
It's a bit redundant, but that is the question.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Who am I I? Let's see does anyone know the answer?
A lot of reaction to Andy the comic book guy
as the.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
The crowd is, the crowd is going wild? Who do
we have? Let's he page down?

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Andy from Lion o' lake says Jim Everett is the answer.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
Let's see your cowboy killer got a right bad job
by him.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Ya feme in Chicago, says Jerry O'Connell is the way
to go. Bert Blylevin from mister nice guy, nice shirt,
Magic Man Mallard from Ferg Dog.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
It's you, that's his answer there. I think you. You
reversed that photo there, that's a bad job.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
But you.

Speaker 2 (37:50):
Who else do we have?

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Let's see here, can't read that on the air Sean,
I think just said Eddie is the answer. Sonny Weaver
Junior from the Long Suffering Cowboy Fan the Young Bucks
from the King, Rory Dan Marino from Econ.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
Roseville, Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
Casey car Hollow says Josh Rosen, Matt the Warrior Raider
fan going with Peyton Manning, Steve the Misplaced Sandy Eggan says,
Ryan Leaf.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Is the answer. Who else you have?

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Bruce Gradkowski backup quarterback of the Steelers, back of the
day from Shane Spotsweed went Humphy, Humphrey Bogart, Eddie, do
you have an answer quickly?

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Eddie I needed.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
As former Bears legend Caleb Haney.

Speaker 1 (38:35):
No, it's not Cyndi Lauper guests by our friend Kathy
and Madison.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
The correct answer Eddie.

Speaker 1 (38:41):
Bone Knicks of the Aver Fronco Bonos College Coy.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
I've been five years as a starter in college by
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