All Episodes

April 26, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about how the 49ers John Lynch will handle Deebo Samuel, why the Eagles gave A.J. Brown a contract extension, Big Ben's Lame Jokes of the Week with the return of Weedman Hippy, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our n birth three as we
are out boxing the opponent and then we're slugging them
in our three of the original Recipe podcast with lame
jokes later this hour, it's all things football. What is
your perspective on how the forty nine ers GM John

Lynch is going to handle Deebo Samuel and Brandon Ayuk
going forward, both their names popping up in trade rumors
as the weekend continues. Why did the Eagles give aj
Brown this massive extension? And how do you explain two
hundred and seventy five thousand souls showing up to the

twenty twenty four NFL Draft in Detroit. We'll go there
as well. All of it coming your way. Recipe for
disaster here in our number three, panning for gold Well
Gum in the big of another hour of the Ben

Mather Show. We are in the air everywhere, neighboring as
we are in a good mood. It's almost the weekend.
Coast to coast, boarder, the border and beyond on the
vast and sublimely powerful microphones of fsr ammating live from

the throw as we can make all of the throws,
we can make all of them we can. It's amazing.
We're broadcasting live from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyrack
dot com will help you get there. An unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand,

ten thousand recommended installers. That's a whole lot. I mean,
that is so many that Mason the Millennial can't count
that high. Tire the way tire buying show me in
our lead this Hour from Football, But not necessarily the

players that were selected in the draft. It's the story
around the draft, the story around the draft that we
would like to talk about. In the hours leading up
to the draft, there was a lot, a lot of
noise about trades and the biggest buzz all day was

from the Bay. Have you paid attention to this not?
But if you didn't pay attention to it, this subplot
to the draft. In that lead up to the Pro
Football Draft, it was widely reported that the forty nine
ers were working the phones and they were anticipating a
trade not only of Brandon Ayuck but also Deebo Samuel

one or both were on the trade market. They were
trying to move into the top of the NFL draft allegedly.
But when the music stopped on round one of the
draft on Thursday night. That deal was never consummated. Regardless,
the damage is done. So let us discuss the question,
what is your perspective on how the forty nine er

GM John Lynch is going to handle having both Deebo
Samuel and Brandon Ayuck's name out there as a trade
fodder situation going forward. So I've got Smoky the Bear
Tobacco Shop and George W. Bush and we will combine

all of these things together, all of them together, and
we are going to make the Baba Canoos. We're gonna
make the Babaca Noosh number one far enough. So here's
the fred A needle. That's the first I have thread

a needle right for John Lynch get a water dropping helicopter. Now,
the forty nine ers added if you were not watching
to the end of the draft, they added a Florida
wide receiver, someone named Ricky Piersoll. I have no idea
who that is, but they did draft him the Niners
with the number thirty one overall pick. So John Lynch
here has ignited an inferno. He has right, we have

a couple of big ego guys. Deebo Samuel, who's really
good when he's not hurt, he's really good. And Brandon
Ayuc and for them, this is an alarming turn revece.
Now we've heard through the grapevine that Brandon Iuck would
like to be traded. I think it's an open secret, right.
He either wants to get paid or get traded, and
the Niners don't want to pay him what he wants,

and so trade seems to be the off ramp to
leave the forty nine ers. But for those guys, it's
an alarming turn of events, certainly more for Deebo Samuel,
I would say it's a humiliation situation. It is a
blow to them. Ma Cheese move. So John Lynch should
text Smokey Bear because only you can prevent forest fires.

I learned that from Smokey Bear. Speccoli told me that
to our guy in North Carolina. But no, seriously, like
Smokey Bear, because you've got a wildfire here and he
has to trade Deebo Samuel or Brandon Iouc today or
certainly by the end of the weekend. If it doesn't
happen today, maybe it's already happened. I don't know. I
didn't see it otherwise he's going to have a mutiny

on the forty nine er bounty bounty. Mutiny on the bounty,
all right now, page two, Beam me up, Scottie. We
go to Philadelphia where the eat hey ge l eat
as Eagles. The Eagles signed A. J. Brown. He's twenty seven,
and he was already rich, and now he's richer. Three
year contract worth up to you know what that means,

weasel pop goes to weasel tinety six million up to.
But really what the deal is eighty four million large compensation,
eighty four million dollars in guarantees. That makes him the
NFL's highest paid receiver. If you feel like you've heard
that before, that's because the Lions made I'm on Ross
Saint Brown the NFL's highest paid wide receiver the day before.

He lasted one day as the highest paid receiver in
the NFL. So the question, with all of the internal
strife going on in Philadelphia and all the whispers out
of sources in the locker room that there is an
issue with AJ Brown some of his teammates, why did

the Eagles give AJ Brown this extension? So here's my
theory on this, that the GM there Howie Roseman was
at a fork in the road. There is a dimension
in the Twilight Zone where Philadelphia traded AJ Brown and
said bye bye, you're out of here. Instead, what Howie

Rosman the GM did in Philly. He got in the car,
he picked up AJ Brown, They went on a field trip.
They drove together to the tobacco shop. They purchased a
diamond encrusted, very expensive piece pipe and they smoked the
peace pipe. Harmony in the locker room community if you will, now,
will it work? Stay tuned. But you're just throwing money

at a problem. That's what the Eagles are doing. And
AJ Brown is a productive receiver, is a very effective
player most of the time, and so the Eagles would
rather keep him than get rid of him. But it's
not like you just throw money at a problem and
that ends the problem. The Eagles inevitably will go into
the tank again at some point in twenty twenty four,

and that's when the tension right, That's when the tension
picks up and the finger pointing starts, and then we'll
see where we are at that particular point. But that
is a developing story. High dot dot now final point.
Our last stop here we go to the three to
one three. If you're watching the draft, you saw a
massive turnout for the Motown draft, And I don't even

know if that does it justice a massive turnout. Roger
Goodell gleefully told the media that the total attendance after
you see did you see the crowd? Did you see
what Goodell said? Maybe not? No, Roger Goodell, Rogers and
George's box. No, he's not Roger Goodell. That's an old
Yankee reference. Roger Goodell claimed the twenty twenty four draft

had a total attendance of two hundred and seventy five
thousand men, women and children, which he said was in
NFL record for the draft. Here's the question I'd like
to ask you. I'm gonna answer it first, but I'm
gonna ask the question to the electorate. How do you

expla two hundred and seventy five people on a random
Thursday night showing up in downtown Detroit for the NFL Draft.
So I'm gonna go first. I cannot explain it to you.
And the reason I cannot. The reason I cannot explain
it to you is because it's manure. That's why I
can't explain it to you. You're telling me that this

has become it's like Coachella. It's a music festival. Blow
it out, right. I deal with facts, not fiction. And
I look at these numbers, and We've done this a
lot over the years because I always get a kick
out of these things. It's like that quote from former
President the long ago George W. Bush, fuzzy math. It's
fuzzy math. Sports crowd estimations are creative guestimations. It's fiction.

My favorite of all time still comes from Chicago. You
might remember, I don't know if you're old enough, the
Cubs actually won the World Series years ago and they
claimed that approximately five I've million people. Let me repeat this,
five million people for those who in the back of

the room showed up to the Chicago Cubs World Series
break five million for that date with Destiny, which ranks
as the seventh highest attendance figure in recorded human history.
Methinks the number was inflated. As for Detroit, I was
texting a buddy of mine who is a well respected

member of the journalism community. Something I am not a
longtime a storied career in print journalism, back when that
was a thing. We were going back and forth and
we were trading one liners the city of Detroit. The
population in Detroit is six hundred and thirty seven thousand,
seven hundred five people. That's the total population for Detroit.

So with two hundred and seventy five thousand into ten
it is now I realized some of them came out
from other places, but that would mean the attendance in
Detroit was forty percent of the population of the city
on a normal basis to watch the draft, And as
a sports writer friend of mine said, tenants included the

people who were probably rifling busy rifling through those cars,
you know, breaking into cars of the people that were
at the draft and enjoying themselves getting some free goodies.
But there's no way there were a lot of people.
I'm not gonna say there weren't a lot of people.
There were a lot of people, not that many. They
just have to throw numbers out. My other favorite from
the NFL. If you've been with me a long time,

we did a weekend version of the show and this
is probably about fifteen years ago. I think it's probably
been longer than that. THEFL. One of the first times
the NFL went to London, and this is the early oughts.
They had a party in downtown London. I had big party.
Bands were playing and the NFL announced the attendance. It

was like thirty forty thousand people or something like that.
And we had listeners in the UK who were saying
that the NFL people were counting everyone who happened to
live in apartment buildings in that part of London that
they were attending the concert. It's just ridiculous. It's absurd. Anyway,

this also absurd. It's also been called ridiculous, but it
continues brick by brick. It is the Ben Mallor Show
and if you'd like to be part, speakeasy rules are
in effect. We have lame jokes of the week coming
up a little bit later this hour. Time now though
for the Mallor Riddle of the day, and here is
the Malor Riddle of the day. You can answer this
on x at Ben Mallew will get back to the calls.

They've been interesting. It's been an interesting night. It is
a full moon week, as the moon goddess Andrea, our
friend from Berkeley, has told us, so we're still feeling
the after effects of that. But here's the Mallor riddle
of the day. Jaguars executive Tony Kahan, the son of
the owner, became the first ever NFL executive in the

draft room to blank again. Jacksonville executive Tony Kahn became
the first ever NFL executive in the draft room to blank.
That is the mallor riddle of the day. The answer,
We'll get to it and we will do it next.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 3 (13:33):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game? What is Up on Game? You asked, along
with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman, Zada and Super
Bowl champion Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris, you can only
name a show with that type of talent on it.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Up on Game.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
We're going to be sharing our real life experiences loaded
with teachable moments. Listen to Up on Game with me
Lebar Arrington, TJ. Hutchman, Zada, and Pletzigo Birds on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
The Ben Malor Show is a collaborative effort. You're invited
to communicate with those of us on this side of
the microphones. You can follow your host on x he's
at Ben Mahler and you can post that and follow
our technical producer. She plays all the music and most
of the funny soundbites on the Ben Mallard Show. Her
first name is Lorraine nah and she's at FSR Tech

Queen Queen and I'll live from the tyrack dot com,
Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Maller.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
And here is the Malar Riddle of the day. That's right,
Malar Riddle of the daytime. It is made possible in
part by the fine folks with National Thoroughbred Racing. Thoroughbred
Racing as a new independent regulator HAISA that is implementing
comprehensive reforms in the sport is combining hands on care

with cutting edge technology to help keep its athletes safe.
To learn more, visit Safety Runs First dot com. That
Safety Runs First dot com. Here's the Mallar Riddle of day.
Jacksonville executive Tony Kahn became the first ever NFL a
big executive there in a draft room to blank again.
Jacksonville's Tony Kahan became the first ever NFL executive in

a draft room to blank. That is the mallar riddle
of the day. All right this see does anyone know
the answer? Page down? Fird dog kinda got it right,
which is not not a lot of fun. Clam says
the answer is to twerk Fudgie in Boston going with
take a live dump during the draft. Jeff in Tulsa

says he pulled a Ben Bishop, Die die diarrhea. Who
else do you have a lup Kerry mask? He wore
a Luke Perry Mascus by the King, Rory Milkman, Mike
and Colorado said he pulled an Al Bundy. Who else
do we have? Page down? Andy from lion Ol Lake
says he became the first executive to send smoke signals
to Melkiper for pick advice. Alf the Alien Opiner says,

to complain about that moonshot that Matt Stares hit years
ago against the Dodgers. Thanks for reminding that of bird's
eye view of that home run. Late night drug testers says,
order ah wow, order a bacon wrapped hot dog and
medello during the draft. Who else do we have? Page down?

Page down? Will Will got it right on bad job
by him? Mason and Huntington Beach listener. Mason says, the
first to ever say that he doesn't hate melk kiper Jr.
First ever trucker, Joe says. The Jags executive became the
first to use the mallor big board to draft players.

Slug in Vegas as the first person to smoke a
bowl of the draft. Who else do we have? Double
ow Mexican says to lose his virginity at the draft.
In the war room, Eloy went with Poopa's pants, Ryan said,
fornicate Paul got this right, Bad job by him? Eddie,
Do you have an answer? It's the malarulade. Jacksonville executive
Tony Kahan became the first ever NFL executive in a

draft room to blank.

Speaker 5 (17:26):
That would be do as strip tease, Eddie.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
You got it right, unless you didn't, Eddie, Unless you didn't,
that's wrong the correct answer. Tony Kahan first ever NFL
executive in a draft room wearing a neck brace because
of a pile driver he receivesturing an ae W wrestling
event the night before. I did a double take. I

didn't know what had happened, but the Internet told me.
And this guy, Will wrote in listener Will He says
to be an untrained wrestler who was dropped on on
his melon the night before by other self trained bad
wrestler wrestlers. He's an idiot who will own the jags
outright one day and will be awful. Yeah. So this guy,
because his dad's rich, I guess he owns part of

or all of the ae W. And that's the competition
Eddie for the WWE. And he was at an event
and things went wrong and he ended up needing a
brace on his neck. Yeah. Anyway, let's go to the
phones here, and why not, it's a call in show,

and we'll say hello to Enie Meani, Miney Moll. Let's
say hello to Texas Jack. Hello, Texas Jack. Welcome.

Speaker 6 (18:44):
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
I know, it's amazing, it's an amazing thing.

Speaker 6 (18:51):
Is amazing. I've been phone for two and a half hours.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Oh my god, what a horrible thing.

Speaker 6 (18:56):
My god, Now it's all I wanted to defend myself
for a minute too, Jed who Fled, who told me
I had no intest no fortitude to stay on the phone.
I think Jed who Fled and Sir scratch Job are
the same two guys, and I think they both work
in a meth lab.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Now that's a hot take. Nobody else has that take,
Texas Jack, You're the only one with that take. Of course,
Jed does not have intestines because he's done so much
drugs they had to take those out.

Speaker 6 (19:29):
Hey, did you did anybody tell you that you were
pronouncing the second overall draft picks name wrong?

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Well? I did. I actually did that intentionally, Jack, But
I did that because I want to make sure you
were paying attention. And thank you for pointing that out.
Because no, seriously, I know everyone's name. I do a
perfect show every night. But I used to work with
his old DJ named Rick D's, and Rick D's told me, said, Ben,
every once in a while, let the dumb people feel happy,
so the dumb people can call up and correct it.
And you know what, Rick, that's a great idea, mister D's.

I occasionally will make a mistake intentionally so dumb people
will call up and correct me. So thank you, Texas Jack,
you have made me feel better that I have. I mean,
mister D's gave me that advice years ago, so I
should send him a little note. So thank you.

Speaker 6 (20:13):
Oh, I appreciate you making me feel down.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
No no, no, no no no no no no no
no no.

Speaker 6 (20:18):
Congratulate congratulate your clippers on pulling our pants down that
first game.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Yeah yeah, Mavericks are in trouble. You shouldn't even won
game two. The Clippers played terribly and they the lead
going to the front four.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
Hey, hey, qu're talking at your rear hand.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
I'm not talking on my rear I'm talking on my
front end.

Speaker 7 (20:40):

Speaker 6 (20:40):
Well, they both looked the same.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
I'm not gonna already say it.

Speaker 6 (20:48):
It was going to go seven games.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
I did. And the reason I said that is because
the Clippers played down to their competition. They're playing down
to the mountain. Oh God, God is God is not involved.
God does not care who wins the Mate Clipper series.
I promise you, God's got more important things to worry about,
the Clippers of the Mavericks. I would like to think,
but I don't know who knows.

Speaker 6 (21:13):
Fan you lost his mind?

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Now, Jack, have comic comic Joe or what Andy the
comic book guys his name. But that was not the
craziest call that we took. The craziest call was from
keg drinking Steve, who called up to do a victory
lap and could not name the player the Chiefs drafted,
but wanted he wanted to do a pick a bow
on the radio because the team drafted a guy that
was supposed to be good, but he couldn't think of

the guy's name.

Speaker 6 (21:38):
He was a good pick, that's all. Yeah, I know
anything about it?

Speaker 1 (21:44):
Yeah, anything else? You got anything else?

Speaker 5 (21:48):
No, he's gone.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
He's gone. He's moving where he goes. Only only he knows,
all right, Uh so he is an interesting factoid, got
into fact. We mentioned this, so I didn't pay off
the NFL Draft. First round of the NFL Draft thirty
two picks, twenty three offensive players out of thirty two

in the first round, six quarterbacks, seven wide receivers, nine
offensive linemen, and one tight end by the Raiders. They
took a tight end. That means that the NFL community,
there are three parts of the football game. You know,
three parts we played in football. We know football. There's
the offense, defense specialty. So the NFL community values offense.

Seventy one point eight percent. Seventy one point eight percent
of the first round went to offense, zero percent went
to special teams, and the rest went to defense. And
so that's where the value is.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
On the Be sure to catch live editions of The
Ben Meler Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
Great Moments with mister Lincoln. We're gonna go by the way.
I have Lame Joe of the Week coming up, But
great moments with mister Lincoln. Which is is that still
a Disneyland?

Speaker 4 (23:05):
It is?

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Does anyone go to that?

Speaker 7 (23:08):

Speaker 1 (23:09):
I think the last person that liked it was my dad.
He's not around it anymore, so I don't think anyone
goes there anyway.

Speaker 5 (23:14):
I went to your magic shop. Yeah, not very It
is tiny.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
Yeah I know, I know, but when you're a kid,
it does you know, it doesn't feel tiny when you're
in your kid feels that may be through the eyes
of a child that's rather large. Did you buy the
funny glasses with the nose?

Speaker 5 (23:28):
And I just I just went and took a look
because of you, Oh because of me?

Speaker 1 (23:33):
Oh thank you for that. You can get any magic
trick you want in there. They got a little bit
of everything, and they'll show you the tricks. They'll demonstrate
the tricks. If you want to see a trick, they'll
do it for you. It's like the Magic Castle right there.
So great moments with mister Lincoln. Lincoln Riley, the head
coach of USC who has mastered the art of gagging
in big games. Lincoln Riley the first college football head

coach in history to have three number one overall picks
in the NFL draft. Caleb Williams became the third, after
Alligator Arms, Murray and Baker the touchdown Maker Baker Mayfield
Take that, Nick Sabman, Bear Bryant and all the other
legends of college football over the years. Lincoln Riley the

pipeline to the NFL, and oh what a pipeline it is,
directly to the NFL. Let's sayllo to sir scratch off.
Then we're gonna have Big Ben's lame jokes of the week. Hello,
Sir scratch Off. Ah Ye, all right, thank you for that,
sir scratch Off. Appreciate that. Good call. Let's just get

to the jokes. Here we go. I don't want to
do it. I gotta go right we go out knock,
who's there?

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Blame week?

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Blame week too. It's Big Ben's lame joke of the week.
It is Big Ben's lame jokes a week, every single week.
At this time we cannot afford an s so it's
Big Ben's lame joke of the week. But it is many,
many jokes. If you would like to contribute, if you're funny,
if you know how to write jokes, we do Q
and A jokes. That's the kind of joke that works
on the show. We'd like to send a joke in.

Send it care of Ben mallor Show at gmail dot com.

Speaker 8 (25:15):
Ben, did I miss you making the announcement from what's
that Matta Warrior Raiders fan?

Speaker 5 (25:21):
No, I don't.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
I did not see the announcement. He's out Oh my god,
weed Man is he called in?

Speaker 7 (25:29):

Speaker 1 (25:29):
No, I don't think so he's out there. There's the
phone ringing right now, and see if that's weed Man.
I didn't realize I would have called him. I didn't realize.
I don't know if his phone's back out he was in.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
Jeff to call him after the break, Okay, I'll call
turn the break, I'll come him.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
Well, yeah, during the break. All right, here we go,
big man's lame jokes the week. Did you hear that
Lizzo is now willing to try fasting Eddie?

Speaker 5 (25:51):
I did not hear that.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
No, yes, as long as there's fast food. She's got
that for Todd the comedian. Oh my god, weed Man,
you're free, weed Man, You're free, weed Man.

Speaker 6 (26:06):
I called the street.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
I did not hold all right, Well.

Speaker 7 (26:11):
I want to tell you I love you. I want
to tell you I missed you.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
We miss you, weave man.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
He sounds pretty good.

Speaker 7 (26:18):
Actually, I'd rather be dead than be in jail.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
No, I know, well listen, it's it's it's stupid. They
put you in jail for as long as they did.

Speaker 6 (26:26):
We Man, I didn't.

Speaker 7 (26:27):
That's so long as I was admiring jail for trespassing
and I wasn't even tresspassing.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
I know. Why did they keep you for so long?

Speaker 7 (26:38):
Because I had to warrants? Also?

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Or we we man, we were very we were very
worried about you. We we I was like, can I
call you? I didn't know if I was able to
call you. If you were going to get phone calls me,
you should.

Speaker 7 (26:59):
Warry got me. Jail sucks I'm with people. This little
spidish guy, he's dead next to me. You just sat
tiny walk guys, you doing the television every.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Day the TV. All right, well, I'm alright, calm down.
I'm happy you're out, and don't try not to go back.
All right, all right, all right.

Speaker 5 (27:35):
Make him half that he's been in jail for two years.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
Well you well, we man. You'll be happy to know
that we still bashed you every week on the show.
In fact, we did it. We did like a weed
Man roast while you were early on, while you were
in jails.

Speaker 7 (27:52):
I want you to know, before I went to jail,
I listened to your show on podcast every single day,
and right, thank you, seven not two weeks. I listened
to you and Dan, no shit.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
He's been in so long, you got right in for
so long. We've been.

Speaker 5 (28:15):
Saying that I show.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
Well, thank you. I appreciate that. All the show. Okay,
all right, all right, we got we love you, all right,
all right, listen, is your is your is your phone?
Weed Man? I tried calling you when you didn't call
for a couple of weeks because I didn't know you
were in jail and your phone was shut off.

Speaker 7 (28:36):
Jail you looked it up.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Well, we did look it up because we thought we
were worried you might be dead. But we looked it up.
And then you did you change your number? Do you
have the same number you had before?

Speaker 7 (28:45):

Speaker 1 (28:46):
No, no, no, all right, you're gonna have to give
Coop the number. But hold on, I don't you change
it every time you go to jail, you get a
new number.

Speaker 7 (28:53):
It's wow, I don't even know the number.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Oh my god, you don't know the number yet? Again,
you would all these none of the people that call
the show know their number. It's wild all right? Anyway,
can we get back to the jokes we make? Can
we get back?

Speaker 7 (29:05):
Can we get I love you? I love you?

Speaker 1 (29:07):
All right? But we man is free. We said, no justice,
no wet man, no justice, no peace, or here we go?

Speaker 2 (29:16):
What cool?

Speaker 7 (29:16):
Cool? You got married? Congratulations?

Speaker 1 (29:19):
Oh thank you? Yeah? Yeah, cool wants a gift? What
are you gonna say? And we got a new time
producing na, Yeah, we have a new we have a
new producer.

Speaker 8 (29:27):
Loraina is on the show now, Lona Lorena. Hello, all right,
let's get to it now.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
Are you.

Speaker 2 (29:44):

Speaker 7 (29:46):
Come back? Scurity, buddy man, come by?

Speaker 1 (29:53):
No, no, this just even oh no, oh my god. Okay,
all right, don't I can't help you with that. Let's
get to it though, we Man, what band does Lizzo
hate more than any other band? I don't know. No

Fin Lizzie not a fan of Thin Lizzy there, man,
that's no matter. What happens when Lizzo goes camping, I
don't know. The bears hide their food, That's what happened, Eagan, Roseville, Minnesota.
What do you call it when you pick up Lizzo hitchhiking?

Speaker 5 (30:35):
I don't know either.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Hauling ass is what you call us? Some chip and Maine.
Who has sent us many delicious?

Speaker 2 (30:42):

Speaker 1 (30:42):
He sent us the cookies a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 5 (30:44):
Very good.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
What's the real reason Red Lobster is going out of business?

Speaker 5 (30:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
Lizzo eating endless shrimp that's from Noah. That makes Noah
from Austin. I read that they lost like eleven million
dollars on their endless shrimp promotion. That's great, guys, like weed, man,
we're going in there and just going for it. What
does Lizzo's pants have in common with the Lakers?

Speaker 5 (31:10):
I don't know. What are they having common?

Speaker 1 (31:13):
They both struggled to cover the spread. That's Jorge, that's
all right, calm down. Well, weed Man's in a good
but I would be two hoos in jail for two months.
Oh right, god, all right, well, I'm trying not to go.
What are the two main ingredients for marijuana shortening? Oh?

Speaker 5 (31:35):
We Man could answer that one, I'm.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Sure well one one one part Lizzo, two parts weed Man.
One part that's arn't puffing said that one. Why don't
we pause. Let's pause with the cost. Try try to
get weed Ben's number as we pause for the cost.
Here number we Man. It should be easy to find
your number. Coop will explain how you can find your

number on the phone. But we'll get to the rest.
There are a few jokes for weed Man. About weed Man,
we get a bunch of dad jokes as well. Guys
have said in this week, so we will have the
rest of Big Ben's lame jokes. Weed Man is free.
Let there be freedom for weed Man. He's back on
the show. Big Ben's lame joke of the week. I continue.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live step.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
Into a world of imagination. The Ben Malor Show has
no marketing budget. We need your assistance in growing the
congregation of the Mala Melissia.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
How do you do it?

Speaker 4 (32:36):
Tag Mala related content on all social media networks. You
are the missing jigsaw puzzle piece to unlock the Ben
Malor Show. To new compatriots nl I from the tire
Ac dot Com, Fox Sports Radio Studios, it's Ben Maller.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
It's Big Ben's lame joke of the week. Hey we continue.
Weed Man is free. He's out of jail in Miami.
He's back on the show. How amazing is that. By
the way, this ports of the show made possible by
Express Pros. If you're ready for a new job, let
Express Employment Professionals help. Express is hiring for jobs in
a variety of industries. Job seekers never pay a fee

at Express. Check out expresspros dot com to find the location.
That's expresspros dot com. Hey, weed Man, go to expresspros
dot com and get your job. Okay, Buddy Man.

Speaker 7 (33:22):
On the show.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
That's all right. I mean you had you had a
good excuse, weed Man. You were incarcerated here we go.
Why Why can't Weedman Hippie stand the sound of applause anymore?

Speaker 5 (33:34):
I think he should answer that well.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
Because every night he gets his cheeks clapped in jail,
so he's a little uncomfortable with that. Why why is
Why is Weedman Hippie actually happy that he was in jail? No,
he was, and he was happy, according to Johnny Youngstown,

because he enjoyed the foot longs he thought, so he
laughed at He's got a sense of humor about this. Uh.
How was weed Man's famous catchphrase evolved since he's been
in jail, Eddie? I don't know how it's gone from
Ben I Love you to Ben dover I love you?

Speaker 5 (34:23):
Did he laugh at that one?

Speaker 1 (34:25):
I don't think so. Oh he's laughing. He laughed at everything.
Now that weed Man is eating more than ever in jail.
Why isn't he gaining any weight? Eddie? Anywaight? Eddie?

Speaker 5 (34:35):
I don't know why not?

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Well, Surfer Todd the comedian said this in the punchline Eddie,
and I can't I don't think I can read it.
It involves salads, Eddie. If you know Jesus, that's sir
Todd the comedian that we've met him. He's kind of
like you Weed Man. I've never met you in person,
but I imagine if I met you, you're like Surfer

Todd the comedian.

Speaker 5 (34:59):
He's any.

Speaker 7 (35:01):
To California.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Oh God, you can stay at Eddie's house. We wouldn't
even go.

Speaker 5 (35:08):
A couple of models down the road in Miami were
talking about.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
We tried to get we met a house outside of Miami.
I ain't leaving Mia.

Speaker 5 (35:17):
Yeah, I went to Miami.

Speaker 1 (35:18):
That's why you could have met Coop, but he didn't
do it. Hey, you know Gascon lives in Miami. You
want to you want to stay with gas Con?

Speaker 3 (35:27):

Speaker 7 (35:27):
I want to take gast.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
I know you know if you met him, you wouldn't
like him. How did Coop pick up the cockroach? I
don't know how with a roach clip? That's how we did.
That's Eke and Rose Minnesota. How does how does jed
who fled get his cocaine? I don't know how he
uses express blows dot com Edie is what he? That's

Kurt from Earth all right. I definitely know who's getting
more votes than Brian Finley is filling the Host of
the Year. Eddie?

Speaker 5 (36:02):
Oh really, who's that.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
The cockroach in the studio is getting the votes.

Speaker 4 (36:06):

Speaker 1 (36:06):
That's great, we men. That's Kurt from Merk. We mean
we have an infestation of cockroaches here, no way, yeah,
yeah we do? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (36:14):
All right?

Speaker 1 (36:14):
Why did jed who fled cross the road? I don't
know why to get to the crack dealer? Come on, Alex,
Alex sent that one in. How many poppies does it
take to screw in a light bulb?

Speaker 5 (36:27):
How many?

Speaker 1 (36:28):
Only one? He holds the ball while the world revolves
around him. That's hill Billy Mike who set that one in?
All right? How how has Washington's NBA team decided to
honor Angry Bill's retirement from calling the show?

Speaker 7 (36:41):

Speaker 1 (36:41):
How by making him a grand wizard Eddie?

Speaker 5 (36:46):
So I think you know what he is?

Speaker 1 (36:48):
I said, Chip, Chip, and accuse you. Remember when rapper
Sean Combs had the court legally changed his name to
puff Daddy and then later to Pete Eddy. Sure, now
the court has changed his name to pd that's his
new name, surf for Toddy comedian. Why does jose L
t Me own a large cat, Eddie? Why? Because he's

a cheetah a China that's from Dodger, Dave. Did you
know did you know that Blair and Maine has the
was the biggest mama's boy in third grade?

Speaker 7 (37:19):

Speaker 5 (37:19):
I didn't know that.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
Yeah, his mom would come to school and nurse him
every day at lunch time. So that's a there you go.
We got a bunch of dad jokes. What's the word?
I don't know if this is a dad joking at
what's the worst gift you can buy a millennial?

Speaker 5 (37:34):
I don't know what.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
A label maker? They'll never use it because they don't
like to put labels on things.

Speaker 7 (37:39):

Speaker 1 (37:41):
What what is the medical term for owning too many dogs?

Speaker 4 (37:45):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (37:45):
A rover dose? That was funny on the puck slide
that's from Ronald. Did you know dogs can't operate an
MRI edy?

Speaker 5 (37:58):
I think I did know that.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
Yeah, yeah, but cat scan and these are dad jokes? Eddie?

Speaker 5 (38:07):
Wait, come on?

Speaker 1 (38:08):
Why should you never lie to an X ray technician?

Speaker 6 (38:11):

Speaker 1 (38:11):
Why not? Because they can see right for you?

Speaker 2 (38:13):

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Come on? Did you hear Marcel? Marcel and Brooklyn had
a peekaboo accident while in the hospital.

Speaker 5 (38:20):
No, I didn't hear that.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Yeah, it was terrible. They sent him to the ICU
is where they sent him Eddie. All right, last one,
What did Blair's left eye say to his right eye?

Speaker 6 (38:30):

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Well, something smells.

Speaker 6 (38:34):

Speaker 1 (38:34):
You go? All right, we man, you're free. We've many
figure out your figure out your number.

Speaker 6 (38:40):
We man.

Speaker 1 (38:41):
I'll give you a call, right, but I don't have
your number. I kick no, no, no, okay, that's fine.
All right, there is weed man, hippie out of jail.
That's great to hear. I love that guy. He's a
character on the show.
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