All Episodes

April 26, 2024 33 mins

Ben Maller & Danny G. have another fun Friday for you! They Talk: 313, Pretzel Historian, Southern Charm, One-Take Maller, Phrase of the Week, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the Old Republic, a soul fashion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto gutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
The Clearinghouse of Hot takes break free for something special.
The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
In the air.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Everywhere. The Fifth Hour the Extra Spicy, extra crunchy edition
of the podcast, not to be confused with the original
Recipe podcast, which is the Overnight Show. But we are
here hanging out Happy Friday is the twenty sixth day
of the month of April, the final weekend of the

month of April, and Danny g hanging out with me
as we are in NFL Draft. What's the phrase for this, Danny,
It's it's a long weekend. It used to be when
we were kids, it was just one day, but now
it's like a whole. It's been this way for a while.
It just goes all all weekend, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, a
football palooza.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
How awkward was Roger Goodell with Eminem Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Well, he had Eminem as a human shield. How much
do you think the NFL paid Eminem Do you think
they gave him free tickets to the lines. He probably
got free tickets anyway to the Lions.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
He didn't even deserve his paycheck if that's the case,
because I mean he should have freestyled or something. He
just said, what up Detroit? Anybody could have did that.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
Yeah, they could have blown me, and I would have
done a better job. I would have thrown in MotorCity.
I would have thrown in you know, you know the
some of the other things. Is it the three one three?
I believe Detroit is the three one threes like stuff
like that. Come on, Pippin, get your tims on. Had
some fun with it. But yeah, it was the other

thing too, about the draft. I mean, there were a
lot of the subplot stuff other than just the meat
and potatoes of who to pick and all that. But
the thing about the draft the crowd. There was a
massive amount of people there. They said there were two
hundred and seventy five thousand people. Detroit as a city
has a population of about six hundred and forty thousand people.

The math on these crowd estimates I said it on
the Overnight Show a few hours ago, and it's like
they just throw numbers out and just gets repeated. Nobody
like questions any of the numbers. It's wild.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
I like the fact though, that you would have went
be rabbit. You would have had everybody put their hands up.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Yeah, well yeah, sure man. I would have served Detroit pizza,
which I didn't even know there was a thing until
a couple of years ago, when I think it was
was it Pizza Hut? Somebody started doing commercials Detroit style pizza,
and I was like, what the f is that? I
know about New York style peace, I know about Chicago pizza.
I'd never even heard of Detroit style pizza until a

few years ago. And I'm like a middle aged guy,
and I'm like, where did that come from? Detroit? Did
they just make that up to sell pizza at Pizza
or something? I was like, where did that come?

Speaker 3 (03:13):
That's a good point. I was talking to Alex, the vegan.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Who and I didn't realize he was still working there.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
I had no idea, right, he takes more days off
than anyone I've ever met in my life. But he
was telling me he agrees with me Whenever our job
gets pizza, they go down the street to that New
York style place and they get that really thin, not
crispy pizza and it.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Flocks very expensive. And the biggest part is they're big pieces,
but a large pie is very expensive and you get
about seven or eight pieces or something. I mean, you
get hardly any pizza.

Speaker 3 (03:52):
Yeah, Mulberry I think is the name of it.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Yeah, something like that. Yeah, I mean it's good if
you're into that kind of pizza, it's good. But it's
not for a radio station. It doesn't really work.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
He looked at me the other day because there were
some of those sloppy floppies on the counter in the
Blue kitchen, and he said, why don't they ever get
a good Chicago pie? Why don't always get this flimsy pizza?

Speaker 1 (04:14):
And there is a deep dish place that opened not
far away from our studio, like a Chicago deep dish
pizza place is in that area in the San Fernando Valley,
So they don't they don't go there, you know, you
know why they go to Mulberry Street. Danny. When Fox
Sports Radio opened the Great Annie Z, she would buy
pizza and that's where she bought it from because it

was the closest pizza place. And even though she's not
part of Fox Sports Radiomore, the people still buy the
pizza from the same damn place. Wild nobody changes.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
Not the only thing I take credit for Ben.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
By the way, today is National Pretzel Day, one of
the most important days on the calendar. National Pretzel Day. Amazing.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Go to boxing, food and sporting an event, food pretzel,
and Disneyland Mickey Mouse pretzel, hot melted cheddar cheese.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Yeah. And when I back in the old days, we
used to go to the mall. They have these things
called the malls of them. Even now there's some outdoor malls,
but I'm talking of the old school like malls where
they were all closed off. You'd walk around. It's like
you got to get a soft pretzel, right, you got
to get a pretzel or if you travel, pretzel solid meal.
Here's a fun fact on the pretzel, because I'm all

about the fun facts. If I don't give a fun fact,
alf the alien opiner will get very upset. The origin
of the pretzel dates back to the seventh century, and
we can thank the Catholic churches for the pretzel. The
rule of abstinence and fasting during Lent were much stricter,

hard to believe in the seventh century, and they forbid
the Catholics from consuming dairy eggs or meat. Couldn't eat
any at and that led to the creation of the pretzel,
which was the perfect food to eat. You weren't violating
any of the draconian rules of the Catholic Church and

you could do what you want. So and there you go.
You can thank them.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
That also where the mustard packets came from, because you
couldn't dip it in melted cheese in that case.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Yeah, well that was how we can pack. The Germans, right,
the Germans, the hard pretzel, the German thing, and they
said the k nodded. Here's another fun fact about the pretzel.
The knodded shape of the pretzel became a symbol of
union in Switzerland in the sixteen hundreds. With weddings royal

couples featured pretzels to represent the bond in matrimony, tying
the knot. According to legend, that is where the phrase
tying the knot came from. About that, but that you
can smoke it. Tying the knot, you're saluting the pretzel.
Take that for data. Stupid, but I read it on

the internet. It must be true. But the heart pretzel,
that's actually a somewhat new Now. I'm not a big
heart pretzel guy, although occasionally I do enjoy the pretzel
stick with peanut butter. Solid combination, solid combination.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Oh yeah. And you know what's good, those flat hard pretzels.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, those are good. Two. And the
historians of the pretzel, you imagine you grow up and
you want to be a firefighter or a police officer
or a soldier, and you become a historian of the pretzel.
They claim that the first hard pretzel is a relatively
new invention, and it was first created in Pennsylvania by

German immigrants, and Pennsylvania is the holy land in America
of the pretzel that we've had. Fats in Philadelphia sent
us a bunch of soft pretzels a while back and
they were amazing, just and we had to cook them
because they were not cooked otherwise terrible. But yeah, So

five hundred and fifty million dollars the annual worth of
the pretzel industry here in the United States. It's a
lot of yeah, a lot of pretzels, so I'm out
of fun facts on pretzels. On this podcast, We've got
a little Southern charm one take Mallor, and I guess
some other stuff. We'll see if we have time to

get to all that. But I wanted to start with
this and this is a big announcement. I saved it
for the podcast. I teased it a little bit on
the radio show last night, but we have a major,
major development, major development. Call to arms for all Malor Militia.
I'm going to drop this right here on the podcast

because if you listen to this podcast, you are not
a poop ed. You are a VIP in the Malard Militia.
And for the first time this year, and for the
first time in the history of the radio show, almost
twenty five years of broadcasting on Fox. I can't believe
it's been that long. We're not that far away from

that magical number. But the problem is I miss six
months in twenty six days because the company got rid
of me. But it's been a while, so we are
holding here's the announcement. Do you have a drum roll, Danny?
Can you get me in the mood with a drum roll?

Speaker 3 (09:32):
Yeah? Let me beat on my chest, here we go.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Okay, drum, dumb, drum.

Speaker 3 (09:37):
All right.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
For the first time in the history of the show,
and the first time this year, we will have a
Malor meet and greet below the Mason Dixon line. What
that's right? We are headed to Dixie for a Malor
meet and greet. Why, Danny, I'll tell you why because
I have to go there because my niece is graduating

from college in South Carolina. I've never been to South Carolina.
I never thought I would go to South Carolina. But
here we are. I'm gonna go, and it's a place
I've never been. I don't know much about it. If
you know anything about it, let me know. I've done
a little research. But here's the deal. So I am

Uncle Benny, and I will be in the state of
South Carolina. Actually gonna be driving all over North Carolina
and South Carolina, but I'm gonna be in town for
a hoot and nanny of a party. My brother both
my brothers are gonna be there. I'll be in town
and I always try to meet the people when I'm
in a place I don't normally go, and I would

love to meet you. I'm going to be in Charleston,
South Carolina. I'm gonna give you the details on this.
I do want to tip the headphones to a big
p one, a guy that listens to this podcast and
actually admits it, at least to me, Dale from Charleston.
So thank you, Dale, I appreciate. I have course finded
with Dale a couple of times I had mentioned on

this podcast, Danny, I was going to be in South
Carolina and I was looking for a place in Charleston.
Dale answered the call. There were a couple other people
that answered as well. But Dale, he's my guy in
Charleston because he knows people. He's my boots on the
ground and as a made man, he knows where I

needed to go, and he knew somebody. Dale actually is
from our neck of the woods. Dan, he's from California's
from Orange County and Brea and he moved to Charleston
a couple of years ago.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
So nice, Nice. My car got broken into it in
Brea one time.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
There's a cheesecake factory in Brea, if I remember. But
he used to listen to the first hour of the
Overnight Show on his way home from work. He used
to work at a bar. Now he listens to the
last half hour of the radio show live because he's
driving to work doing the early commute, and he says
he does listen up. This is the podcast for the

rest of the show. But here are the details. Okay,
so Malard meet and Green. I have no idea if
anyone's going to show up. I have no concept to
how many people we have listening in South Carolina and
that part of North Carolina, so there might be nobody there.
It might just mean me and Dale hanging out, which
I'm fine with. Dale seems like a cool guy. We'll
have a good time. I hope there's some others that

show up. I know Jerome and Charleston has been calling
the show, and we've had a few other callers from there.
So the way this is going to work, we will
be there the when. The when is on Friday, May tenth,
so we're still a couple weeks away from this Friday
May tenth. It'll be from three o'clock to five o'clock.

Obviously Eastern time, because we'll be on Eastern time. And
where this is going to happen. Pay close attention. My
father's mustache.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
What's the name of the place.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
Well, No, that's the place. See, that's that's the magic.
Does that not sound like a great place? I already
looked at the menu. I scattered what I want, so
I'm happy it's my father's mustache. But it's the James
Island location. Now Dale boots on the ground. Dale tells
me that there's another location out on the peninsula, but
that is or on Mount Pleasant rather Mount Pleasant. That's

not the one. This is a different one. The one
we're doing the event at is on James Island. It's
one seven three nine Maybank Highway in Charleston, South Carolina.
And I'm told it's about three miles west of downtown Charleston.
So that's that's what I'm told. And there's again another location.

I know it can be a little confusing, so just
the one we're at will be on James Island. Why
are we doing this because I'm I'm a glutton for punishment. No,
I want to meet people. I've alway tried to do
this over the years. I've had a lot of these
things in random cities. We've done several in Boston, did
one in Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Appleton, Wisconsin because my brother lives

in that area of Wisconsin. Did Seattle. We've done a
bunch in La Bakersfield, we did that. I'm trying to
think where else. I know I'm missing some that we
did Anyway, in Chicago. I met some listeners in Chicago
Kansas City, so we've done a few. Man that these
have added up over the years. But anyway, I'm looking

forward to South Carolina. And if you've been listening or
you're you know somebody else who might live there that's
a fan of the show, maybe the podcast. They don't
hear this whatever, who I saw They have French onion soup.
Danny a big French onion soups. Guy looks pretty good.
I don't usually eat fish and chips. It appears they

have good fish and chips. They've got bangers and mash
and that that. I don't know about that. That sounds
like like an English show. Maybe it's an English restaurant,
like you're a.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Hey, I don't know, but.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
It looks good. It is my kind of food. It's
like bar food mostly, and there's a couple of different locations,
but we'll beat the Mount Pleasant ones. So I'm looking
forward to it. Thanks again to Dale. We'll promote a
lot of this on the radio show this week. I'll
mention it, and I see they have chicken fingers, fried
mots around. These are all my favorite foods. These are

all my favorite foods. So it's really.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
Mystically what nine year olds like to order from the
kids menu.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
You could be jealous. You know you're jealous. You eat
your adult food. They have a deluxe grilled cheese. I
don't know about the tomato on there. I don't know
if I need that Shepherd's pie, not a big Shepherd's pie.
Too many vegetables, not big shepherd pie. Guy, they got
a Guinness stew. Let's see here, what else do they
have a lot of beer, a lot of good beer.
So anyway, that's that's the deal. We'll be we'll be schmoozing,

hanging out again May tenth. You're getting this information before
anybody else here on the Fifth Hour podcast. Maybe Alfo
will drive down from Springfield and hang out with us,
and who knows our friend, what's the what's the numb
nuts name? I forget the guys. I'm trying to think. No,

I don't want him there. No, I'm a little concerned.
I don't think he's tech tech savvy enough to hear
the podcast. We're good. We're good on that, So that's
the event. Now, moving on from that, we mentioned in
a previous episode of this podcast, Danny that I know
the way to San Jose. We learned a thing or

two about adulting this past week. You might remember we
talked about the rental car. I picked up the rental
car and realized my driver's license was days away from expiring.
So I hopped on the DMV website. That's what an
adult do. I tried to pretend like I was my mom,
the grown up. You know. I hopped on the DMV website.

I attempted to renew my license. You'd think this would
be a rather easy concept, because really, all the government
wants is your money. They don't really care whether you
know how to drive or not. They just want the money.
Much to my surprise, Much to my surprise, the California
Department of Motor Vehicles decided, you know what, let's bust
mallows balls. Let's make this a steeplechase. Rather than just

click a button, put your credit card in, get your
driver's license extended, No no, no no. I had to jump
through a bunch of Hulu hoops. It started out simple enough.
Once upon a time, a long long time ago. They
said I clicked on the website. I typed my information
and they said I needed to take a written test

to get my license rent it, and they said there
was an online option. You can click on the button
and you can take the test online. I said, great,
this is one wonderful this is what I would like.
I would like to take the test. I don't have
to go anywhere. I could sit in my underwear and
I could take the test. Outstanding. So I clicked on it,
and it said, uh, you're not eligible for the test.

You can't take the test online. You have to make
an appointment and go in person. But then they said
there's this option. You can go to a DMV kiosk.
And they made it seem the way it was written, like, Okay,
you can take the test and a DMV kiosk. I
thought that's kind of odd. Why would they have you
take a test at a DMV kiosk. But I found
what I went to it didn't work. So I went

back home. I went on the computer and said, okay,
I'll schedule an appointment. So I picked a time that
worked for me. I then typed my driver's license number in.
I typed my a few ditches, my social security in.
I was then informed by the website that they couldn't
find me. I didn't exist. They said they didn't recognize

me having a California driver's license. I was rejected, even
though they allowed me to log in to the website
to get to that point. At this point, they said
I no longer existed. So then I was like, okay.
I tried the next day, didn't work, same thing. So
I was okay, there's a phone number on the website.
I'll call the phone number. I'm sure there'll be a
nice personal answer. We all know people that work at

the DMV are very nice, and so they will. Then
they will then direct me. So I called the number.
I called the DMV number. I then got stuck in
an AI automated phone tree for about ten minutes until
I finally said screw this and I hung up. So

my license is going to be rotten soon, so I said,
you know what, screw it. I'll just show up. I'll
take the bullet, I'll go to the DMV. I have
no appointment at the DMV, but I'm going to show up.
Oh no, what could go wrong exactly? But here's what
I did, Danny. I did do the adult thing. I

did opposition research. I studied all of the DMVs. I
had two different plans. Plan A was to just go
to the closest DMV because why not it's closed whatever.
Plan B was to go far away if the line
was short, because they had the wait times listed the

average weight time if you don't have an appointment. So
I went on there and I started clicking, there's a
million DMBs where we are, and they listed the wait
times and so I went through all these and I
found one which wasn't too far away, but wasn't the
closest DMB. I picked that one and they had the
lowest average weight times. So I grabbed my headphones and

I charged my phone, make sure I was ready to go,
and I just like went into the DMV jungle. I
was treated rudely by a very large woman that was
at the front desk. It took me a long time
to get to the front desk. There were three different
stations had to go to, so she was kind of rude.

She was I hold, I describe it dismissive. I just
did it didn't get a good vibe from her. Pain
in the ass. She said, well, you you got to
go fill out this form, but you got to walk
past where they're taking the photos and then you can
fill out this form and then you can take the test.
But they're gonna call your number, so you can't just
walk over there. Now you got away for them to

call your number, even though I'd already been online for
forty five minutes. So I was like whatever, So I
go sit down and then they called my number, so
I then have to walk over. But after there's two
different lines. I had to go to the right line,
not the left line. I went to the right line.
I then got the piece of paper. Then they said no, no, no,
you got to go to this other window, window three.
So then I walked all the way around the DMB

in front of a bunch of people that hadn't showered
and smelled like ass, and I walked over to window three.
Then I was informed that not only would I have
to take a test, I had to do a eye
exam and take a phone This was not listed on
the DMV website. I was dressed like a schlub. I

was not told I was going to need my photo.
I just had my photo retaken a few years ago.
Why would I need my photo? She said, no, no,
you gotta ed your phone. I'm like, I'm just like,
you know whatever. I was like, what, fine, So I
did the eye test. I passed that.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
This is like when Eddie takes pictures of you.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. So I did the eye test.
Then I had to walk all the way around from
window three. I had to walk back around the DMB
all the way around to where they were doing the photo.
So then I had to get my photo take. Okay, fine,
I did, but I still have to take the test.
If I don't pass the test, I don't get my
license renewed. And then I'm told you know, I was

in line and then they were like, well I overheard
because I felt really bad. There was this really sweet
old man who had a Vietnam hat, which tells me
he was probably in Vietnam and he was there trying
to get his license renew I guess he had failed
his test a couple of times. He only had one
more test to take. Then he had to start the

process over again. You get three tries. If you fail
all three, they make you re pay the fee to
take three more attempts, and so this guy apparently failed
at a bunch and I felt bad for the guy.
And there were a bunch of old people in there
that apparently had no ability to take the test. Now
keep in mind, Danny, I had not studied for the test.

I just figured I knew how to drive. What's the
big deal, right I kind of know the rules, and
my ass feels so good right now. So I go
into the go in there and they're like, no phones,
put your phone down. If you're there's cameras. If you're
on your phone, you're you know you're going to fail.
You basically, don't be an asshole from Houston, you know,

one of those baseball players. So I was like, fine, whatever.
So I walked over there and a little little nervous,
you know, I was like, oh, wait a minute. You
know this is not something I studied for. So I
start going through the questions. I'm like, ah, you know,
I like, I'll screw it. I'll just do it. And
there were tons of questions I got. I only got

three wrong, and I passed the test. One take Mallard, Danny,
I passed the test, yay, and the one I got.
One of the ones I got wrong, I should have
gotten right. It was about they showed you the sign.
There was a sign that I thought meant hazardous waste,
but it meant something else, and that kind of pissed
me off. But overall, you know, it took a long time.

It didn't take as long as I thought, and I
got my license. The only problem with this is I
don't know whether or not I'm going to get my
license before I have to go to the airport to
fly to Dixie to fly to South Carolina. So that's
a problem. I don't know if they'll even let me
on the plane if I don't have a photo driver's lest.

I have a temporary driver's license I've never tried to
fly with Have you ever tried to fly with a
temporary driver's license without a photo.

Speaker 3 (25:04):
I'm gonna have to find something that has your photo
on it to go along with that temporary license.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
I could probably take my expired license it had my photo, right,
that would probably work.

Speaker 3 (25:14):
Yeah, that plus the new paper one probably would work.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
Yeah. Okay, Well, I'm hoping it'll show up. A couple
of things that happened this week. I do have the
phrase of the week, Danny, not to be confused with
the idiom of the week or the word of the week,
the phrase of the week. Are you ready for the
phrase of the week?

Speaker 3 (25:38):
The phrase of the week.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Now, I am doing this phrase of the week in
honor of the late Genie in Medford.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
I got it all over me.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
She said, I'm a doctor, right, but she was actually
quoting the phrase I'm not a doctor, but I play
one on TV. I'm a doctor. Yeah, she changed it up,
but the actual phrase that she was referencing was I'm
not a doctor, but I played one on TV and
I fell down a rabbit hole and I ended up

coming across this. So that phrase actually started. That catch
phrase started on television when we were kids in the
nineteen eighties, and it's I'm not a doctor, I play
one on TV. What if I told you that came from?
What do you think that came from?

Speaker 2 (26:27):

Speaker 1 (26:28):
Before I pay this off? What do you think it
came from? Nineteen eighty four?

Speaker 3 (26:31):
I'm not a doctor. I just played one on TV
from a TV commercial? Maybe?

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Yes, it was a commercial for Vic's Formula forty four.
Cough suroupe boom. Yeah. A guy named Chris Robinson was
the actor and the commercial. So why why did this
jackass say I'm not a doctor, but I played one
on TV? Because back in that period of time, he

played doctor Rick Weber on the soap opera General Hospital,
which is a big deal. People loved that show back
in the day. The ad continued, Now, the actor actually
was fired because I guess he had tax issues. He
was fired, so they hired another TV doctor from the
soap opera All My Children, and they kept the catchphrase.

But that catchphrase is from a cough Syrup commercial in
the eighties. But nobody remembers that, right, Who the hell
remembers that? They don't remember that. They just know the
catchphrase I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV.
And that is also something that was stolen for a
hotel commercial, the Holiday in Express. Right. I mocked that

one all the time. I'm not a pilot, but I
did stay at a holiday in Express last night. I did.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
That's right. And the flashback when we got that famous
drop from Jeanie, you were saying on the air to her,
you know, Genie, I'm not a doctor, but I played
one on the radio, and she retorted, I'm a doctor.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
That's the beauty of Genie and Medford. We have a
little foodie fun. We'll get out on a little foody fun.
We have some food stories here to give back to
the people. Let's see, I got Popeyes in Canada, Danny.
These are actual food stories from random restaurants. Popeyes Canada
has added new buffalo crispy chicken wrap with Here's the

key part. Here's the reason I'm doing the story with
loaded buffalo poutine. Loaded buffalo poutine. But it's only in Canada.
Why can't we get poutine more widespread here in America?
What's up with that?

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Doesn't taste that good?

Speaker 1 (28:42):
What? What'sh your mouth out with soap and water? Dominoes
is offering six ninety nine large two topping pizza carry
out deal. It goes through Sunday, so you have to
get that through Sunday if you want that deal. See
what else? Carls Junior waunching a new L Diablo hand

breaded chicken tender wrap. That's a lot loaded. Oh here
we go L diablow loaded fries.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
Also everything is loaded now, Yes.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
Even we are loaded. I think Hooters launching a new
sizzling menu featuring new mango habanero.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
Wet sauce, and new loaded waitresses.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Yeah. What else do we have? The habit bringing back
cinnamon toast crunch shake. That sounds all right, it's not bad.
That's here. Domino's launches a U Tip we Tip promotion
that rewards customers who tip their delivery drivers. Aren't you
supposed to do that anyway? Though? Do you need to

be rewarded for that?

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Like? What? What's But the problem is they keep upting
the delivery fees that they charge. I want to know
if that delivery fee doesn't go to the driver, who
does it go to.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Yeah, I don't know how that works. Maybe somebody can
help us out. That's that does that? America's most loved
chain in twenty twenty four. This is a new research
used Google search data to pinpoint America's favorite restaurant chains.
What is America's most love chain? Last week we had
one of these things. They said, Culver's. It is not Culver's.

What do you think it is? This is a different.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
Group Shane Restaurants.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Yeah, it's a national brand, largest a larger chain, larger.

Speaker 3 (30:31):
Chain, larger chain. Fast food though, Uh, yeah, it's fast food. Wendy's.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
No, this says McDonald's. I don't know you, big McDon
I don't hate McDonald's, but I don't need a lot
of fast food.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
No. You know, recently I had a Wendy's junior bacon cheeseburger. Hell,
it was good. It tasted the same quality as when
I had it as a kid. I like the fact
that Wendy's hasn't really changed a lot of things on
their menu.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Yeah, that's good that you ordered that at noon, because
if you'd ordered it it four o'clock, it would have
cost you twenty seven dollars. So it's good that you
ordered it at noon. Speaking of that, I saw that
Burger King and McDonald's. The claim is that Burger King
and McDonald's they do what Windy's is going to do,

but they do it in a different way. Taco Bell
also where they have the you know the Windy story
a couple weeks back, where they were going to raise
prices in the certain rush hour times. But I was
reading the story how they do this, and they were claiming, like,
I'll use Starbucks, because they used Starbucks as an example.

I'm reading from the story here. They said sometimes they'll
offer an afternoon buy one, get one free promotion on
some drinks, right, random drinks. They do that because that's
a time when they're not selling a lot of rappuccinos
or whatever, so they're trying to drive traffic when things
are slow, and they've got loyalty point offers and things

like that are on certain items. They claim though, that
the most expensive price you'll pay for any item at
Burger King, McDonald's or Starbucks or Taco Bell is actually
on the menu board that that's the most expensed. But
what Wendy's was doing was they were talking about raising.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
Prices, surging prices like Hubert.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Yeah, but the other places actually have they have like
reverse surge pricing to try to get people in the
business when people normally aren't in the business, you know.
So that's the deal. All right, we'll get out on that. Danny,
it is Friday. Anything you would like to promote today
here you'll be hanging out with Covino and Rich. I
would assume NFL Draft around the clock coverage.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
Yeah, I mean, we had a lot of fun yesterday's
Cavino on Rich. We did an official CEE in our
movie Draft in honor of Al Pacino's eighty fourth birthday
was pretty cool. Did imaging and everything, and a lot
of silliness with that. So that was a fun show.
Today Friday weekend hob Nobin and the usual antics from

two to five pm on the West Side and that
is five to seven pm and beautiful South Carolina.

Speaker 1 (33:15):
I don't know if it's beautiful or not. I've not
been there, so it looks nice.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Looks like to find out from your meet and greet
when you go to your mother's mustache.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
No, no, no, se you screwed that up. See that's
a bad job you. This is a famous location, my
father's mustache, the James Island location. It's gonna be amazing.
We're gonna have like seven people show up. It'll be awesome.
It is gonna be so much fun. I can't wait
any We have a great day today, and we got
pods all weekend long. I will explain how I became

a magician. I'll save that for tomorrow's podcast. Have a
great day. We'll catch you next time.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
Asta pasta got a murder. I gotta go
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