All Episodes

April 17, 2024 40 mins

NBA Insider extraordinaire Marc Stein joins Jason and Mike for all the latest on the Warriors, Zion and the Lakers/Nuggets series.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon at Foxsports Radio
dot com, or stream us live every night on the
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Please give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Hello.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Welcome inside final hour tonight to the Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon. We're lock from Thetirack
dot Com Studios Tirec dot com. I'll help you get
there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection,
over ten thousand recommended installers Tirec dot com. The way
tire buying should be well. Coming up later on this hour,

I'll tell you why I'm close to making decisions now
for the New York Mets. Legitimately making decisions for the
Mets tonight is the greatest night of my life.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
It is truly a terrify development coming on the heels
of you being ordained.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Or your check cleared and you are an efficient.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
At a wedding.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Now you have maybe some other higher power legitimately, like
this is not like a egg.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Legitimately, I have a pipeline to David Stearns. But yeah,
the big moments that we saw in the NBA tonight,
the last night of the Warriors dynasty. The Kings light
the beam. They move on to face the Pelicans on
Friday Night. Pelicans, maybe with or without Zion Williamson will
find out more on his injury tomorrow as the Lakers

get the w earlier. Tonight they will face the Nuggets.
So much big news to get to joining us now,
I'm a hotline longtime front of the show. Check them
out on Twitter at the Steinline. That is at the
Steinline Substack as well. The website is Mark stein dot
substack dot com. Also the Game Uncut, This League Uncut podcast.

We'll get to an a couple of minutes, Mark, what's
happening man? Happy Tuesday night.

Speaker 4 (02:03):
I'm good, Jens, I'm good. How you guys?

Speaker 1 (02:06):
All right? So let's start with the Warriors here. Seeing
this low Steve Kerr wouldn't talk about the future of
the team following the loss tonight. I have to think
the Warriors outside of Steph Curry, look incredibly different. Next year,
do Draymond and Clay still come back. I think it
needs to be some kind of reload because what they

have going on, we know it's not working, and tonight
might be the last night we saw them all play together.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
Look, I know everybody wants to be the supposed first
one to declare that, and it sounds fun to say
the dynasty's over. But first of all, look, it's been
a decade, so it's not supposed to last this long.
And when you think about, you know, the lap Quose
long term dynasty, something similar, when you know San Antonio

won its fifth title seven years after the fourth title
Kawhi Leonard came into the picture, I mean, it's not
supposed to last for eternity. But I also think it's
way premature. You think they are not just going to
discard Draymond Green and Clay Thompson. They just I know

that that's a popular thing to just speculate on and
you know it's over. But look, those three guys as
teammates are incredibly close.

Speaker 3 (03:33):

Speaker 4 (03:34):
It's not going to be easy because they certainly do
need to change, make changes. They need more shot creation,
more playmaking. There's going to be changes, but I wouldn't
just assume that it involves Draymond or even Clay after
a Really, I mean, this is an awful night for
Klay Thompson, who has so many great playoff performances on

his resume. I me tonight was a nightmare him. But
there's again that the closeness among these three teammates, and
then with Steve Kerr as their coach. You know, I
feel like I say this a lot, but I think
it bears repeating, especially on a night like this. The Warriors.

It's when you win four titles in a span of
eight years. There's just a different set of dynamics there
than any NBA team has.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
And so.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
My expectation is that they're going to find a contract
of sub sport where Clay Thompson would stay. Only Clay
knows his true willingness. Would he want to go somewhere else?
If money is the most important thing, perhaps they'll get
a richer offer elsewhere. I mean, I reported in February
that Orlando would have interest in Klay Thompson and free

agency this summer, and I don't think that's changed, and
there will be others that probably express interest, But I
really don't see Klay Thompson moving on, nor do I
think Draymond Green moving on. There will be changes, but
I don't think it's going to involve those two guys
who've been with Stephen Curry for so long.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
Well Mark if it doesn't, though, we've seen that things
aren't trending up for them, and Clay is not the
player he was. Clearly he's got an issue coming off
the bench where might be his great role. You saw
what he did tonight. He's not the same guy. Draymond
is not the same player, and everyone with him wearing
out his welcome a little bit more, a little bit

more with what's going on. I don't know that you
can bring in a player who says, yeah, I want
to go and be a part of that. I think
I'm the missing piece when I'm walking into three guys
who are so close, right. I used the analogy earlier
of if you go to a new school and you're
friends with these three kids, But these three kids have
been friends for four years. Are you really gonna be
hanging out with them a lot? No, Because they've been

through a lot. You're gonna feel like the outsider. That's
why I look at the Warriors as if they're gonna
reload on the fly, they're these players would have value
elsewhere where. They can use money to do one of
those heatles around Steph, bring in a couple of players
and they we'll figure out the rest of the roster,
because I know going into next year, with these guys
being a year older, it's not going to just suddenly

trend up for them.

Speaker 4 (06:15):
Well, remember the Warriors payroll situation as such. They're not
doing this through free agency anyway. They have the richest
payroll pretty much in the league. It's not like they
can somehow create cap space to go out and sign
a free agent. So if they're going to make significant changes,
it's going to be involved in trades. And there are
a lot of other players on that roster who theoretically

could be moved. But again, you know, Draymond has not
worn out his welcome and they're not going to say, oh,
Clay has lost it, and it's just we're gonna just
cut ties again. Four championships in eight years, it's just
a different scenario. And now, look by Thompson was he

could have signed a two year extension worse in the
fifty million range, that was on the table early in
the season are coming into this season. He didn't do it.
I'm sure he probably wishes that he did now because
obviously his play, you know, can he command that kind
of contract coming off this season? That will remain to
be seen. But again my sense is, and I think

you even saw Steve Kurse say it tonight that he
would like to see Klay Thompson back, And that's what
I expect the Warriors to try to do. I expect
them to explore prades, but not involving Draymond or Clay.
They want to keep those guys together.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
Meanwhile, on the other side of things, earlier tonight, Mark,
we saw thirty six minutes of brilliance from Zion Williamson
before he had to leave the game just as it
got interesting with three and a half minutes left. And
now we anxiously await the results of imaging.

Speaker 4 (07:59):
Really sad, only because the guy's taking a ton of criticism.
He played a career high seventy one games this season
and tonight was the best he's played. And I'm sure
you guys remember in December in the nd season tournament
when New Orleans it was their first kind of big stage.
It was the largest stage that Zion has ever played

on as a pro, and the Lakers blacked them by
forty four, and Zion just took tons of criticism for that.
And then even Sunday, with a chance to clinch a
playoff spot, the Pelicans lose it home to the Lakers
to fall into the play in zone. So, I mean,
Zion really answered all of his critics tonight. It was

easily the best game he's played at the NBA level
and he was just, I mean, fantastic. And then to
sustain that injury and he's not on the floor for
the last three minutes, you know, the dagger lost for
the Pelicans. And look at the silver line for them
is remarkably they're five to zero against Sacramento this season.

They didn't just play four times because the nd season tournament,
they've actually played five times and the Pelicans won them all.
But obviously, if they don't have Zion Williamson on Friday night,
that equation becomes much tougher. And the Pels have actually
lost even of their last eight games at home, So
we're not going to know even tomorrow will we have

a definitive picture on whether Zion can play Friday night.
That remains to be seen. But I mean that, you know,
really rough ending for the Pelicans when it looked, you know,
they wiped out an eighteen point depth in and it
looked like they were gonna put themselves into the playoffs,
and it all unravels.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Mark Stein, our guest here the Jason Smith Show with
Mike Carmon. All Right, so the flip side of this, Mark,
we get. We see the Lakers, they decide, hey, we're
gonna go guns blazing into the playoffs. They draw the Nuggets,
not the best matchup. But we talked earlier about how, hey,
if you're going to get the Nuggets, you probably want
them early when Lebron and ad are at their freshest,

and not in the Western Conference finals when they're probably
running out of gas. Are the Lakers getting the Nuggets
at the right time for them?

Speaker 4 (10:14):
Yeah? I think it was our our Fox Sports colleague
Nick Wright who started that. He started circulating that theory
yesterday on TV, and it wasn't a popular theory, but
I would agree with him and agree with the way
you just put it. If you're gonna, you know, the Lakers, obviously,
I think what is the big lost eight in a row.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Now ye to.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
Denver. So you know, the matchup has been extremely unkind
here recently, but it probably is their best chance to
see them early when Lebron James and Anthony Davis are
theoretically at their freshest. I mean, you saw tonight, you
know Lebron was you know, Lebron did not look very

fresh in the fourth quarter. I think he shot one
for eight in the fourth quarter. And obviously Anthony Davis
has been trying to play through back spasms, and so
I do think that this is their best chance. But
you know, this Denver team and look, the question with
Denver will be, you know, Jamal Murray has that all
manner of injuries this season hamstring, ankle, knee, and in

the regular season, Jokic was able to keep carrying the Nuggets.
I think that was one of the reasons. I think
that's a strong element of Jokic's MVP case, is that
Murray missed twenty three games and the Nuggets still almost
got the number one seed in the West. But in
the playoffs to win it all to repeat, Yokic is

going to need the Murray that we saw last season
and That's kind of the question is where is Jamal
Murray's game and where really is his help? Right now.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon
Live from Thetirack dot com studios. You can follow Mark
Stein on Twitter at mark Stein. Also the podcast Imagine
You and Chris Haynes. What's on the new one this week?

Speaker 4 (12:13):
Well, we have Chris actually caught up with Bobby Portis,
which that episode we just dropped on Monday morning. I
was unable to participate, but I think you'd rather hear
from Bobby Porters than me, so I think you would
enjoy that conversation with Chris. And then Chris and I
will be back with another episode probably Thursday on This

League Uncut. And if you saw any of Chris on
dnt's coverage tonight where he had some fun exchanges pregame
with Shack and Charles Barkley will be getting into that,
you won't want to miss it.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
He's on Twitter at the Steinline, that is at the Signline.
Check him out at substack as well, Mark Stein dot
substack dot com. And yes, the podcast also, Mark has
always appreciate it. We'll talk to the playoffs Roll on.
Thanks so much, Thanks Martin. All right, there goes mark Stein.
Now let's let's go into mark Stein's theory of the
Warriors keeping Klay Thompson and Draymond Green. Let's let's say

that's the way they go. We talked about, Hey, I
told you what you have to do. But let's talk
about this. If they keep these two, who are they
going to get to come in to play alongside them?

Speaker 4 (13:22):

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Because getting it stop because you're talking about you have
to move on from Draymond Green's twenty five million dollars
Klay Thompson, you will let go. Okay, that's fine, but
who are you getting to come in? Who's gonna come
in and say, yeah, I'm the missing piece for this team.
There's the the I'm sorry that that. It's Hey, they've
had a great run. Yes, eight titles. Are you know?

Four titles an eight year it's a great run. It's
an unbelievable run. But is the main thing to keep
them together so they can ride off into the sunset
or is the main thing to try to win? Because
I've seen though, they're not just gonna suddenly trend up.
When when you get to your mid thirties, it doesn't
happen that way. So it let's just say that happens.
And you know, Steve Curse says, what's he gonna say.
Of course he's gonna say. We need to keep play Toms,

we need to keep Drove, need to keep all these guys.
But in reality, we've seen them the last couple of years. Okay,
this is not enough. And they've gone from a team
that is at the top of the West to the
third in the West, to six in the West, to
tenth to the West and barely getting in the playing round.
And and it's not suddenly just going to reverse when
all the other teams are younger and they have a

lot of young stars teams like even the Kings. Look,
they finished ninth and they just crushed the Warriors tonight.
They have a lot of talent. Well, there's guys that
are on the rise. Right, you're still a kid. I mean,
the Nuggets are gonna be young for a while, right,
These teams are gonna be young for a while, and
they're really good. And and the Nuggets and and the

the Mavericks have figured things out with a Kyrie Irving
has been able to be okay with with Luka Donsic
and I mean it's it's if you keep the same thing,
you're gonna get more of the same.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
Let me ask one question about Denver though, what if
the come back and if they win it all and
he just decides he's gonna go ride the song.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
That's a hot take right there. That is a hot
take strike he as a guy though, that could just
finally just say I'm done with this, so done. Yeah. Yeah,
they call me the Joker wild Card. Thanks to Mark
Stein as well on Twitter at the Steinline. I think
I said at Mark Stein at the Steinline, that is
at the steinline for him. Glad he's going to be
joining us throughout the playoffs. Coming up next, we have

more on the big Night in the NBA and number
that will absolutely slay you as well. Keep it right here,
that's next, Jason to Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great.

Speaker 5 (15:55):
Five, all happening in only one place this league Uncut
NBA Podcast with Me.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
Chris Haynes and me.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Mark Stein join.

Speaker 5 (16:05):
Us as we team up to expound on everything we're covering.
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 5 (16:13):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
Alex, I miss you. Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend. His name is Mike Harmon. Hello.
The musical stylings of Mary mack here on the show.
I don't know, Mary, do you fill in for Alex
or does Alex flynn for you? Now? How does that work?
I'm not gonna lie. Somebody tweeted at me and was like, oh,
if Alex isn't come back, you better watch out. Wow. Wow,

it looks like I got I really got my foot
in the door. That's right, Hey, as long as as
long as you play good music and you don't play
here's your fears. I got your back. It's been two
days now, so I got your back. It's okay. I
got you. Could be a big ropidope, you ever know.
We'll have more on the Warriors Ouster coming up in
a minute, but we may have word on Zion Williamson,

who left tonight's game against the Lakers with about three
and a half minutes left to go, coming down awkward
after a jumper, and tonight was his entire career encapsulated
in one game. He's unstoppable, absolutely unstoppable, looked like he
was on a mission, single handedly brought them back when
they were just dead from the neck up for the
second and third quarter, and then just to need him

the most, he comes down awkwardly, He hurts his leg,
He leaves the game and misses the last three minutes
of the game, in which the Lakers go on to win,
and now the Pelicans have to worry about Friday And
what's going on for Zion? I mean, this is it
is it is. His entire career is summed up in
this game. Great player, unbelievable talent, could have come into

the league like Shack and took it over. But he's
got to be healthy and he just can't. And this
is I mean, And I know that you know you're
watching them play and it's you're crossing your fingers, But
every year Zion gets hurt, Okay, maybe this is the
year he's not hurt seventy games played. He was terrific.
The Pelicans had a really good year, awesome, and then
here he is hurt and now you don't know what

his status is gonna be for Friday.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Night battling the Lakers. He's a one man gang. And
it's funny like as we begin this conversation, still watching
some of the inside the NBA coverage and they just
did a little tribute to Blake Griffin and intratime. Remember
he started he couldn't play because of a foot injury,
questions about his health early on, went on to have

a hell of a career, and now you have Hall
of Fame discussions or whatever else, and we've talked about
so many big men, etc. For Zion, the frustration there,
like that's five years, that's six years of frustration of
throwing that towel and then marching off. I couldn't help
but thinking like there's the Little Mouse and the Tom

and Jerry when he gets mad and it gets all
puffy and he goes walking up. I don't remember his name,
but either way, it's the old cartoon and you're just
you could just see it all in that moment everything
he makes, the shot goes the turn starts coming up
the court, just points to the bench and has that

look on his face like something's wrong, and goes to
the bench briefly and ultimately exits. And we've had so
many false starts, and a lot of times it's been
reduced to he doesn't take care of himself. He doesn't,
you know, do this that the other fruit train. Nobody
knows what he does twenty four hours a day.

Speaker 1 (19:27):

Speaker 3 (19:28):
It was always a heavy set guy, and some folks
he's always been big.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
He walked into the league as the second biggest player
in the league. He walked in when he was nineteen,
is the second biggest player then.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
And that was the official weight, which we all know
is plus or minus whatever kind of like the height
used to be when they used to add an inch
or two to guy's height. Ah, he's six ' ten,
make him seven foot almost like he's pt Barham Hugh
Jackman run around at the greatest Showman, heighten him a
little bit. But but for Zion, we've had these false

starts where he goes on runs. And this was the
year seventy games played thirty minutes a game, showing the
aptitude and the ability to pass now defensively still a liability,
and we've seen that time and time again. Today he
turned the tables and made that an issue and exposed
some of you know what the advanced stage of Lebron
can be like. He looked good on Sunday defensively against Zion,

not so much tonight. So when he exited, it was
that exasperation. You and I just looked at each other. Yep,
it was fun, right, It was a fun thirty six
minutes he gave. And then the final three and a
half minutes, all right, who's gonna step up? Ran and
Ingram ain't getting off the bench. So it ain't him.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
They were better without They were better without him and McCollum,
which is crazy to say him, We're gonna try to
win this game without our second and third best player,
But they were better without it.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
McCollum was going to shoot them out of the game,
Zion single handedly keeping them in. And now it's the
anxious scan, right is it just a tweak? Is it
something bigger? Does he keep him out of Friday?

Speaker 1 (21:03):
What matter? The one thing you can say that that
no matter what, is that the game was never in doubt.
The game, Come on, they came back and tied it.
That's what you were gonna say, right, They came back.
They came back and tied the game. If Zion Williamson
doesn't get hurt, you don't stop him. Those last year
he was getting to he was blowing by Austin Reives

the three point line. He was he was getting lost
behind Lebron James for dunks, he was getting by Anthony Davis.
He was doing anything he wanted to at the end
of that game, dude, the Lakers. Yes, Yes, the Lakers
won tonight and succeed Saturday night winning this game. A
couple of things. Winning this game is big because Lebron
avoids a lot of criticism because he was awful tonight

and he kept taking shots which helped the Pelicans stay
in it the last few minutes. I'm gonna iso and
take shots that I'm not gonna make jumpers that are
not even close layups with nobody near me that I'm
going to blow. He was terrible tonight, what the Lakers won,
so he avoids that. But for Zion, the one thing
you can say is that and this is this is
kind of of universal. His body can't stand the riggers

of an NBA season. I trust that that's the that's
the big thing. His body can't stand the riggers. And
we're hearing from Shams Tania, NBA insider, who says that
he's hearing that it's a hamstring injury for Zion. It's
not lower leg, it's a hamstring injury, which would explain
how they let him walk to the bench and then
let him storm to the locker room, because I'm like,
if you had a leg injury, why why don't you

have medical personnel around him? Why are you not doing
it makes sense that he knows I can't run it's
my hamstring. You saw him try to get back on
defense after he comes down after the little bunny one
hander in the lane, and he knew he couldn't do
it anymore. So that would make more sense as to
how he actually left the game and actually just got
up off his chair and walked into the locker room.
But what that does say is that if it's hamstring,

what are the odds you're injury your hamstring and ready
to play on Friday. That's the that's the big thing.
It's the worst, right because you thought, all right, this ZiT.
We finally turned the corner, even if they got blasted tonight, right,
and then we can just do the old how everybody
just dismissed this thing. Ah, they were just a bad
matchup as opposed to No, fundamentally they still have some plus.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
But for Zion mentioned all these big men that have
gone on and had great moments or great careers altogether.
And for Zion, after all of the faalse starts and
glimmers of hope, it's finally these this deep run looking
for the playoffs and he gets hurt again and it's like, no, no,

he was finally going to become that guy. Because we
keep talking about how we need those superstars, right, we
need the flashy guys, we need the highlights because Lebron's
old and this guy's old, the other guy's old, whatever,
And this was an opportunity on a big stage, and
he sure as hell showed out and then exited stage
right Twitter, how about a fresco Mike is swallowing down

the Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon live from Thetirack
dot Com studio. So there's Zion now when it comes
to the Warriors, right, let's look at the end of
the Warrior dynasty from a different angle, because we've talked
about tonight.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Look, if you're gonna compete, you can't rely on Clay
and Draymond because they're not the same guys. Are you
really gonna get better players to come play? You just
had the last three years to get better players to
come play with Clay and Draymond. You gave them all money.
Who's coming? All right? Who's coming? Nobody? Nobody's coming with
these guys because it's too much money. They can't go
there and be their own superstar. They'd be joining a

team with three guys who were as close as anybody.
So are you trying to win? Are you not? But
let's look at this from a different angle. Right, Let's
just say, hey, all right, we think they want to
all play together. What if they don't. Klay Thompson, oh
for ten tonight he's hitting free agency, all right. Draymond
Green had this quote following the game tonight when they
talked about, hey, will Clay Thompson be a priority in

free agency? Draymond Green said, quote, they did right by me,
They've done right by Steph, They've done right by all
of us. Clay torres acl they gave one hundred and
sixty million dollars, right, So, okay, they've done it. But
this is when you guys were really good. Do you
really think they're gonna go crazy to give Klay Thompson
a ton of money when his best role is going
to be somewhere else as an instant offense guy off

the bench. I know, the ego thing, it's gonna be
a tough thing for him. But what if they don't
give him a big offer. What if he says, I
can go to the Lakers or someplace else and they
give me more money because they give me another start.
I mean, does Clay Thompson really want to stay? Is
he gonna stay for way less money in a reduced
role or is he gonna take more money to go
someplace else whether they have him come off the bench

or not. Draymond Green's getting paid, He's got his money.
Does Raymond Green want to stay? Because you gotta look
at do these three guys think we're gonna win a
title again? I mean, really just think about that for
a second. Thing about the Rorys want to keep these
guys going. Do these three guys all think we're gonna
run it back and win a title, or does Clay
think I need to go someplace else? Does Draymond think, Hey,
I'm okay going someplace else. I still got enough left

in the tank, and I'll go someplace where they're they're contender,
and I'm gonna give a little bit of teeth to
this team. And suddenly things are a little bit better
for me. You're relying on me a little bit less.
I could pick my spots and it would be a
bigger market surely, because you know what he's trying to do.
He's trying to get into be a big media star.
After Would he go to a team in New York
or or Boston or someplace else, someplace bigger? Yeah, I

think he would. I think he would. I think he
would do that. Would he come to the Clippers, Would
he come to the Lakers? Yeah? I think he would.
I think he would do that. So you got to
think about that perspective of we sure they want to
stay because they want to try to win. They don't
want to go and have this and be embarrassed on
national TV by barely getting into the playing around and
then getting bounced by the Sacramento Kings and watching Demonta

Sabonis like the beam after the game is over. So
just think about it from that perspective, do we think
they both really want to stay? And of the Warriors
going to spend all the money they need to to
get Clay to stay. They already gave Draymond the money,
but hey, someplace else, it's not that much money. It's
twenty five million. So some another team could say, yeah,
we could fit Draymond in here and and he'll play

the thirty minutes a night, twenty eight minutes a night.
He'll bring us the attitude we need and do the
dirty work defensively, rebound, still a great passer. Yeah, you know,
we're good with that. So these guys will have a
market someplace else. But that's the big question, Like if
they got together and said, hey, we can win it
all again, is that is that a real thought? Because
like I said, for the last three years, they could

have brought in a bunch of guys. They didn't. The
young players didn't get together. Who who's coming in? What
move are they gonna make that's gonna say, Oh suddenly
we go from we're a playing caliber team to now
we're contending for the NBA championship, there's no one. Well,
there's gonna be a bunch of transfer portal.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
You got nil yeah, sure, warriors money, sure, you know
all of those kind of things.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
You're in San Francisco. You can hook them up with
tech companies. Right. That was one of the.

Speaker 3 (27:46):
Big drawing powers years ago to get Kevin Durant up there. Uh,
And he used that and was a wizard with how
he invested his money. But I think the curiosity, right,
Klay Thompson is a free agent, and in the Draymond
quote you read more.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
Or less said well, they already took.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
Care of him, right, they took care of me, They
took care of Steph. And then he references very specifically
after he towards acl they gave him a hundred and
sixty million dollars. In other words, they've already done right
by Clay is at least how I'm reading that. And
maybe that's me being a cynic of this process of Draymond.
Maybe you know, I love you, but I'm okay if

we need to go.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
Our separate ways.

Speaker 3 (28:32):
Clearly, Kerr at the podium said I want to bring
everybody back, including Chris Paul, because that's the other part
of it, right, saying you want Chris Paul back.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
I mean he's at thirty million for next year.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
If he stays on the same pace schedule, well that
limits a lot of what you can do if you're
bringing him back. Do you think he's really a difference
maker at this.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Stage, Mike, if they pat him on the head, he'll
go away.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
Now, now some folks say this was he uh, you know,
continued and you know he found a way to beat
the Warriors.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Finally, now speaking of Steph kurright, we talked about the
quotes coming out of here and and of course you're
gonna hear Steve Curse. They want to keep the guys together,
and keep the guys together, keep the band. Steph Curry
was just asked about staying together, and you know what
he said, I just want to win. I just want
to win. Look, I gave you the look, I gave
you the the the the blueprint. As someone who now

has a has a pipeline to the Mets, what you're
gonna heard where I'm gonna be able to get in
on personnel because it's the greatest day of my life.
But the Bleeping Warriors and Zion we're gonna talk about that.

Speaker 3 (29:40):
Yeah, but we got to see it's the greatest day
of my life. That sound really exists, but it does exist.
You'll hear it, and it's the greatest day of my life.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
I'm leating on this. I'm fixing the Warriors. This is
how it has to go, right. If you're in a delory,
you build around properly, right. I just want to win
Steve Kurrz back for another couple of years. I think
you can keep Draymond. Clay Town is no longer in
the picture if I'm rebuilding for twenty four twenty five.
Right now, let's go to our own Draymond Green whoa

because he gets suspended, he starts fights and gets still
somehow comes to work every day. It's Brian Finley with
what's trend to do? That is right? Thanks guys.

Speaker 6 (30:18):
Yeah, you totally explained exactly what I'm like in all facets.
And we're going right to the Kings Warriors matchup where
the Kings won one eighteen to ninety four against the Warriors. That,
of course, was the NBA play in out of the
Western Conference, the nine versus ten matchup where Klay Thompson
went oh for ten from the floor, and a lot
of speculation about the core players for the Warriors and

that dynasty that they've built. How long are those guys
going to stick around?

Speaker 1 (30:42):
We'll have for the game.

Speaker 6 (30:43):
Head coach Steve Kerr was asked about the future of
said team.

Speaker 7 (30:47):
We've been really blessed here with some amazing players and
you know, multiple championships and finals appearances and the highest
of highs. And this is the flip side. This is life.
This is how it works. You don't you don't get
to stay on top forever. So what happens this summer
and going into next year, We'll worry about that later.

Speaker 6 (31:07):
Right now, the Pelicans are worrying about the health of
one Zion Williamson. They ended up losing their playing a
game to the Lakers tonight one ten to one oh
six in the seven to eight matchup, But in regards
to Williamson, as Jason and Mike were discussing, According to
Sean Sharani of The Athletic, Williamson is believed to have
suffered a left hamstring injury that is what took him

out of the game late in the fourth quarter. As mentioned,
the guy had forty points and eleven rebounds, but with
him not available late, the Lakers were able to cash
in and Lebron James did have twenty three points, nine
rebounds and nine It's is not at a very nice
clip from a field goal percentage standpoint. The Lakers now
as the seventh seed going to the postseason, where they
will take on the Denver Nuggets in a matchup of

the first round. Major League Baseball, let's go right over
to there now and everything has gone final on this
Tuesday night, including a Dodger win six to two against
the Nationals where Mookie Betts had five hits. The Cardinals
upstage the Athletics three to two, The Mariners victorious against
the Reds Diamondbacks. They find a way ten hits, make

it twelve fits and twelve runs scored to win twelve
to eleven against the Cubs in at ten innings in Arizona,
Brave six to two winners against the Astros Padres victorious.
So were the Mets as they scraped by the Pirates
three to one. Red Sox can't get it done. They
fall to the Guardians Denis seven in eleven innings. A
thirteen inning affair went the Raisway seven to six against

the Angels. Yankees fall on the road to the Blue Jays.
Five to four wins for the Marlins, Phillies, Orioles, and Tigers.
And I guess we called a win for the White
Sox because they didn't play postponed two and fourteen on
the year inclement weather in their game against the Royals.
There will be a makeup date that will be set

for tomorrow. That is, if you're on the West coast,
seventeenth White Sox and Royals, everybody will be tuned into
that one.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
With that, let's get it.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
Back to two guys who are about to run things
in Major League Baseball take over the front office of
the Mets.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Is Jason Smith and Mike Harmon. Thank you very much,
Brian Fenley, appreciate it, my friend. Yes, evidence that I'm
gonna be in on big front office moves for the Mets.
And it's real. I'm not making anything up. Plus, wait
till we tell you what the NBA decided to do
next Thursday night, night one of the NFL Draft. That's

next right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
I really thought we were gonna get endless love. I
really thought that's about that. I really thought that was coming.
That's a bit of a curveball for you there. Fox
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best friend
Mike Carmon live from the tyrack dot com studios. Don't
let the Lakers winning Zion Williamson Golden State Warriors getting
knocked out the beam distract you from the biggest story

of the night, and that is this may be the
greatest day of my life because now I will have
a say on Mets personal decisions. Earlier in the show tonight,
we talked to John Paul mo Rosi, longtime MLB network
inside it as you know Sternsey and the Pope. Yeah,
he one of the hottest podcast going classmates and good

friends with David Stearns, who runs the Mets.

Speaker 7 (34:29):

Speaker 1 (34:29):
The Mets got him from Milwaukee, but waiting to get
him for a couple of years, Okay, And in talking
tonight and having our visit with John Paul Morosi, he
said that, hey, you know, when you have ideas, I
will send a text to David Stearns about your ideas
because I do it with my family and aj hinch

And I said, wait, you're seriously said absolutely, let's hear
John paul A Rosi from earlier tonight. If you have
a suggestion to offer, I mean this sincerely, okay, based
on current personnel, just let me know.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
At times I will.

Speaker 1 (35:07):
Wait, wait, why what's play the rest of it? Play?
The rest was it? Were? The rest of it where
he says, because I do it.

Speaker 3 (35:15):
For an additional thirty five seconds, please deposit thirty thousand
dollars more money.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
I'm putting more money in the machine. Play the rest
of the quote. It's been wiped. No, it's not. You've
been fired. How about that. You can't fire me. I
can fire you right now. Lorrain is in here. She
can come and take over right now. It's appropriate that
you can take right now. Great gig in this guy.
That was the end of her. She had a good run.

Speaker 4 (35:39):

Speaker 1 (35:39):
He went on to say, I do it for my
father has ideas for the Tigers all the time. I
send text to aj Hinsha. My dad like this. He
thinks about this. He says, Hey, as long as it's
something positive, you have an idea, I'll text David Stern.

Speaker 3 (35:52):
I dig that he had to put the caveat of
and talking to you and I knowing that.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
You gotta be positive, dude, this is the great because
I can't play shortstop anymore. I can't do it for you.
I'm too old. If on table, No, we haven't. We had.
There's the reboot. You guys want to do that. I
don't care. We want to do that. Do this. I
know what you said, dude, I could be in on.
I could be making trade trades. Jerry, Ready, I got
for you trades for the Mets. Go ahead, the Mets

are in down this weekend. Yes, we're gonna sweep them.
Pen alans under the Dodgers. Sure for a bat and
two hats, throwing a lifetime supply of helmet nachos done.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
Now, remember what's around a time he did lay out
his plan for you know, pitching woo when I meet
a girl and talking about giving them hats. So really
there are layers to that. Hey, it's gonna cost you
two hats because back in the Jason Smith as the
Kid day.

Speaker 1 (36:48):
I mean those had high value. Yeah, does this work?
Are we gonna see you on the field? Here's how
it works. He shoot man making decisions. Oh yeah, absolutely,
you can't just shoot up. I already got were teams
interested in Pee Alonzo? So uh well, the fifth one
is of White Sox. What do you mean so I
like all those guys are hurt? You said deal. I

said I need major league players, and they said, yeah,
I know you want to Yeah? No, he did, you
just come back to us later, heachos, you can guarantee
me the helmet nachos, I said, yeah, okay, and two
signed balls. I gotta get a bat too, And do
I get to meet whoever I want to meet? No
picture was shown.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Until Harmon apologizes, Fine, that's ever gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
But I still have lots of questions. Man, it's it's
my dream job. I don't have to worry about all
the pesky stuff like payroll and paperwork and doing appearances.
I can just worry about what I like to worry about.
The most personnel, who should be playing, who.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
Should not be? Smith just doesn't work.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Hey, you will make the math work. I'm gonna get
World Series rings, I'm gonna get shares. I'm gonna be
the big success story. Hey, if you're a fan of
a team and know a lot about them. Maybe you
can get a pipeline to the president's last general manager
who runs things for that.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
So as Jason Mason, who's the girl that got away
that you want to be able to say, you're now
a big chot with them.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
Oh, no, they don't care about the Mets. Not there's
no The only the only girl that I ever knew
cared about the Mets that I could talk to about
the Mets was when we did the interview with Ronda
Rousey and you said, would you ever date a Mets man? Yeah,
you can tell me all about about the Mets. That

was a fun chat. Her come it was she said,
metsa well, listen, that's meant her career tanked. Yeah, that
was Yeah, that was it. Maybe that was the beginning.
She was undefeated when she did that interview with us.
I think you do that to everybody, fighters, head coaches,
college basketball coaches. But now, but now, like I'm going

to be making moves for the Mets like you're getting
unlimited helmet. That's the best part part of his compensation.
You're gonna look like Ben Stiller at the end of
Dodgeball unless you want something for the ride home. Here
you go, my not choes bringing all the boys to
the yard, and they're like unlimited cheese. Right, it's unlimited
cheese for the nachos. You can have a keg of cheese. Okay? Good?
Oh oh you imagine like a bigs right next to me.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
No, like you get a giant like jetpack that you
can squeeze cheese into whatever you need.

Speaker 1 (39:22):
And so knowing that, hey, my life has changed. Now,
greatest night of my life, let me just say this,
that's how about this moment in great network programming? Next week, yep,
TNT is going to put on Thursday night a Knicks
playoff game at four thirty followed by Lakers Nuggets Game three.

That's a hell of a double head. It's a great
that's fantastic. But there's one problem. There's just it's a
tiny problem. On the tiny one. It's night one of
the NFL drafts. Oh you mean what we do the
big thing with Jay Glazerah, and then we come on
and fiscerate all the all the teams man and all
the quarterbacks get chowsen early and everybody, and all those

wide receivers get traded and you laugh at the Jets
and everybody watches the NFL Draft. I mean that's in
that you put on Oklahoma City in Minnesota, right, I
mean not for nothing, but I mean, come on, you
don't put the Knicks in the Lakers on opposite night one,
where's the Clippers? Watch the Clippers doing? What do you
How do you think that's a good idea? Loud and

programming the beginning of the draft, when all the quarterbacks
are gonna get taken, there's gonna be like fifty thousand
people are gonna watch the nick It's count of programming
for all those people that hate the NFL. All four
of them exit outbout of Fresca, exit swollen down. The
Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon Coming up next, my
buddy Ben Maller. I'm gonna go figure out a trade

for Peter Lock
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