All Episodes

April 19, 2024 37 mins

Do the Warriors believe that they’re going to get better? Tim McGraw rocked the Caitlin Clark jersey at his concert tonight. 76ers Paul Reed wants ALL THE KNICKS smoke. And the guys dish out some more BIG BOLD NFL Draft predictions!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, and welcome inside our three The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon, live from the Tirack
dot Com studios tirec dot com. I hope you get
there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers tirack dot com. The
way tire buying should be, well, just really quick before

you get into a big story out of the NBA. Uh,
because it took me the hell by surprise, because I
felt like it happened in the last three days. Maybe
the this is just usually when when a story like
this comes out, you get the initial reports, it it
comes together over time, there's a back and forth, and
then finally it gets solved. It's like cotton candy, Like

you just have to put that thing in the cotton
candy and wave it around, Bodlan, there's anything in there.
And then suddenly, oh, after a couple of minutes, you
got cotton candy. You ever think about buying one of
those machines knocks at cotton candy fan, then put your hand.
That's just put it on my head. I just walked around.
I'm cotton candy man. Hey, you gotta watch that. Kevin
Fige just wrote that down. Oh, cotton candy man, Newton
new x Man, cotton candy Man. Cotton candy Man's better

than condiment man. Uh, A little surprised than all of
a sudden you wake up today and go, oh, the
Coyotes are moving to Colt Lake City. Usually stuff like
this happens that fast. Like I felt like it was
just like four days ago. Hey, you know the Coyotes,
they could wind up moving and there's gonna be a vote.
And now today not what we're done. We're moving, We're gone.
That's it. Signs of the game, last night, goodbye, and

it's all finalized. Say, I'm like, what the A's are
taking like ten years to move to Vegas and it
still don't know if it's gonna happen. And it's like,
in a span of four days, the Coyotes went from
what's next to Oh yeah, no, no, we're going to Salt
Lake City. Now we're done, We're gone. You're playing a
small venue. As Steve alluded to a little bit earlier,
the last couple of years, you've had a bunch of

fall starts in terms of that organization and trying to
get fan interest on a larger scale. I've been out
there a couple times. You've been in Arizona. Like, how
much Coyotes talk did you have from anybody? Nobody? Nobody cares.
I actually went to Phoenix road Runners games back. That
was like in a that was like in a school's
auditorium the road I dig that. But yeah, swirling a

bit because of all right, trying to get a new
stadium bill, those usual fights. But the NHL kind of
just sits in the background. Right. As much as we've
been talking a lot about women athletics, the WNBA, women's
college basketball, everything else, NHL they've got their fans, all right,

So anybody that really was watching it had its machinations
right and going through But wasn't headline worthy. And then
when you get a deal and someone says, hey, come
to u Jah, We've got lots of money. We'll give
you what you need. Don't worry us here in Maricopa County.
We're gonna fight this. It's happened, it's been approved. Oh sorry, yeah,

well sorry about that. Way I'm gonna say, like with
the A's, there's so much political wrangling and fighting and
back and forth Arizona like hey hockey, Yeah, okay. It's
like a hyper reactive timeline, like it was time lapse.
It went from hey they could, and I get there
were rumors about Salt Lake City and Utah getting a

team for a while aush or maybe Arizona would lose
the team, but like it really it's like four days.
It went from like Friday last we were Saturday from sources,
Coyotes could move to Salt Lake City. Hey there's a
vote coming up and okay, and then the players got
in and that was done.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
We're moving.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
We're players got informed, Hey we're going to be gone.
That's it. And we saw the A's update today right
after that was announced from the NHL. Right, are they
moving to Arizona Yeah, they're going to play not four
thousand stadium. It's too big, they won't sell out close.
It's too how crazy too big? But yeah, it's one

of those that just kind of was able to crazy
work the machine behind the scenes. Baseball far more publicized
and politicized, certainly, and all the history and all this
for Arizona, you got a shrug. I mean, no disrespect
to you know, the Coyote fans that are out there,

but didn't move the needle. No, and you can go
to Utah. You know what. The lasting my lasting image
of Arizona, the Arizona FA Coyotes says, well, first of all,
Shane Doan's son is playing on the team now, which
makes me feel old. But is that when I went,
we went to Arizona. Me friends in Arizona, our whole lives.
And I've been to a bunch of Coyotes games. And

one time I went to a game and didn't have tickets,
and I'm like, oh, I'll get tickets at the game.
And somebody said to me, oh, go scalp tickets right
outside the arena. And I said, what do you mean,
You're like, no, no, no, you can scalp tickets outside the arena.
I said, well, you can scalp tickets anyway. No, no, no, legally.
I go, really, go, yeah, you go outside the arena
and you go to this street, and that's where the
legal ticket scalpers are. I said, all right, now, you're

just having fun with me, because there's no way that's real.
They trust me, trust me, that's how you go. So
I go down there and I'm standing there and I go,
you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna ask a cop,
right because a CoP's gonna tell me the truth. Right.
So I said, hey, excuse me, I said, ice officer,
and she said yeah. I said, I just have a question,
and I I don't want to go to jail for this.
And she looked at me like, I said, is there

an area here where I can legally buy scalp tickets?
She goes, oh, yeah, it's right cross the street, right here,
I go. So I just got to walk across the
street because yeah, you see people right there with tickets. Yeah,
you just buy him right there? I said, really, JESU, Yeah,
I go, you're not in trapping me that I'm gonna
walk across street? And she says, no, just go you
can buy it. Funny guys, Okay, that's every place over
three hundred, like three hundred feet away from the stadium.

You can do that anywhere, right, But that was the
first place I ever realized this. I'm going back to
like the mid nineties here and they went. I'm like, okay,
I walked cross Street. I was like, hey, yeah, right here,
here you go. But they're doing it full view with
the guy everything else. I was like, oh, okay, great,
I missed the days when you got a physical ticket
handed to you. By the way, Shane Doan was in
the news as well, just since you brought him up.
This was a great story because his number had been

retired and when they moved to the smaller facility, they
didn't take everything with him. So some fan had found
the banner with his number in a dumpster. So for
their final home game, this guy met up with Doan
and was able to give it back to him. Pretty cool.
So he's got this giant banner, give it back or
sell it back. I would have said that he gave

it back you want to picture of him and hung
out with him, whatever, But the fact that for two
years that banner went we don't know where it was
in a dumpster, I guess, so this guy grabbed it.
So there you go. Uh eight seven, seven ninety nine
on Fox Jasons with Mike Harmon Live from the Tirech
dot Com Studios. Okay, we have to get to the
Warriors here because the Warriors need an intervention. They absolutely,

one hundred percent need an intervention. The news last night,
Klay Thompson said, I'm very happy because Draymond and Steph
and Steve Kerr all stood up for him, saying, we
want Clay Basher because he's hitting free agency this year,
which you get, because what are they gonna say, Hey,
good luck, We've had some great times. Okay, we had
a good run. So yah. Today head coach Steve Kerr

talked about how there's a lot of value in keeping
the Warriors' core together, meaning the three of them, Steph Curry,
Draymond Green and re signing Klay Thompson giving him whatever
twenty five thirty million dollar a year contract they're gonna
have to give him to keep him. And this is
why they need an intervention. Is that I understand, and
the emotion of what's going on. I understand that you

get weepy and tears in your eyes and think, oh
can this? Can the three of them really break up?
And we see them play on different teams, And my
answer is yes, it happens all the time. I get
that you think that the three of them are special,
that they're more special than anybody else, But you know what,
the name on the front of the jersey is always
more important the name on the back, no matter who
you are, whether your last names Curry or Brady, unless

your name is Brunson, then you're really more important than Wow.
So if you're gonna do this, I understand it's emotional,
it's all. It's a very difficult thing. But I think
if you polled Warriors fans, hey, should we move on
from Draymond, let Clay go someplace else and bring in
new stars to play with Steph or bring these three
guys back. What do you think fans are gonna say?

Because even the most emotional of Warriors fans knows what
I'm gonna say right now. You're never going to win
if you build around three thirty five year old guys
in the NBA. I hope you that just doesn't happen.
You're not gonna win. If you're building around three thirty
five year old guys in the NBA, that's a truth.

They're not going to win because if they signed Klay
Thompson to give him more money, who are they getting
to come in? Who are they gonning? They need bold strokes,
they need new blood to come in to be able
to say, Okay, we're gonna keep Steph one of the
top players in the NBA. Draymond and Clay make a
lot of money. They're not people that are gonna stand

up and say, hey, come play with us, and free
agents are gonna say, yeah, I want to go jump
in with what's going on with the three of them
in Golden State. It's not twenty eighteen, and I don't
know what's gonna happen. Draymond Green, you know, goes crazy
every five minutes. I don't know if Clay's still a
great player, Why am I gonna go there? They're not
They're not gonna have the money, and they're not gonna

have the desire for anybody to go play in Golden State. Now,
if it's Steph Curry and Draymond's gone, and you can say, hey,
I'm walking in with a clown, I can be the
best version of me because Draymond's not there and Clay's
not there to take up twenty five shots missing twenty
of them every night. Okay, I wouldn't mind going to
Golden State. Steve curR is a great coach. I love
Steph Curry, one of the most unselfished superstars in the NBA.

You can get guys that. More importantly, you need to
get younger. You need to free up money. The young
players you have now, none of them are great. None
of these guys are stepping up. Hey, we're gonna be
superstars next year in the NBA. You've heard Jonathan Kamene's name.
Jonathan Kamena just turned thirty nine years old. That's how
long he's been in the league. He's not young anymore.
You thought you Jordan Poole was great, Coup couldn't get
along with Raymond Green. Jordan Poole is gone, Like, how

do you think you're gonna get better? I would rather
the Warriors just say, hey, you know what, We're gonna
do a victory tour for the next three years. All Right,
We're not gonna win, but you're gonna get to see
Steph Clay and Draymond play most every night at the
arena and on the road non television. Okay, that's the
trade we're gonna make because they mean so much the
city and they mean so I get it. But this
is sports and you need someone coming in to say, hey, yeah,

we got to have a little bit better attitude here.
You need the one guy to come in to kind
of shake things up, to be the guy to say
I don't have any dog in the fight here. Yes,
I love these guys are great players, but I'm trying
to make a winning team here. And again, I will
tell you you're not going to win when you build
around three guys who are thirty five years old in
the NBA. You're not. Don't forget. You also have Chris
Paul in the mix that they say they want to

have a come back too. You're not going to win
in the NBA if you have four guys in the
NBA who was average ages fifty six okay, and the
money that they make, right, you got to Wiggins. They've
got to make a decision. So much of this roster
that can turn over now Draymond Green as he's wont
to do. Uh started chatting after yesterday and they're ouster,

you know, actually two nights ago. But talking about you know,
Steph saying, hey, we're not done. Okay, what does that mean? Like,
what's the the permutation that allows that to come back?
Steve Kerr talking about, Well, Clay would have to be
willing and able to come off the bench if this continues.
I just I like the nostalgia of it, dude. I

like letting things run their course. Don't get me wrong.
In the real world sports sports, it becomes the all right,
come see the you know artists that used to be
the champion Warriors, because otherwise, you know, trying to build
this roster unless they've got a giant pile of draft
picks that will be in the lottery that I don't

know about, you're not resetting this with that amount of
money committed to these players. Hey, you want to come
play with the Warriors? All right, cool, let's talk contract.
You can play for four million dollars because we have
committed a lot of money to these other four guys
in getting them to come back. And it's great theoretically,

but as we talked about last last night, the night before,
all the way through this run, it's a nostalgia act.
At this point, you battled your ass off and had
Steph play out of his mind. Right, he's probably gonna
be what second or third team all all NBA. But
when it's all said and done, just to get into
the play in game, and that took a lot and

Draymond right the head of the Zach Low of ESPN,
he had the report saying that Draymond's act within the
organization has run its course for a number of people. Okay,
who's the decision maker? Steph the decision maker, because if
the organization's kind of done with it, we've certainly seen
it from Steve Kerr on occasion where he looks like

he's done with it, but then Steve Kirk comes back
and says, oh but I love it. I love it, Okay,
love hate Yeah, Okay, I mean again, just everything you
want to talk about. You're not gonna win building around
three guys who worth thirty five You're not. Well. If
you're in the East, you could compete. You go battle
Bronson in the Knicks. Stop. Oh no, no, you can.

You can battle the Hawks who win thirty six games
at the bottom of the Eastern Legitimately in the East
you can go and probably be in the muddled middle
and be one of the better teams in the conference.
Here's the problem. You're in the West. You will be
better in the East. Yes, right where in the West
you're screwed and that's not changing. You're not moving Golden
States and those guys are gonna get better. No, I mean, really,

that should be what it comes down to. It's too emotional,
and I understand, but the Warriors are no more special
than any other dynasty that ends. This is how it goes.
The Bulls dynasty ended, Yes, they moved on from playing.
This is how goes. Listen. An NFL player announces his
retirement in the days right after their final game, right
whether it be a playoff game, a Super Bowl, whatever,

and then a month later the body feels better ready
I can make What if I come back, I play
a little bit, I can play again. Yeah, I'd just
rather Warriors say we're not gonna win. We're gonna give
you a nostalgia tour for the next three years. You
like retro, We're gonna give you retro for the next
three years. That's what you're getting. Exit. How about a
Fresca exit? Swelling down The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Carmen live from the Tiraq dot Com studios.

Coming up next, one team apparently wants the smoke of
the team they're going to play against in the first
round of the NBA Playoffs. Keep it right here, Jason
and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
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Speaker 1 (15:35):
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Speaker 3 (15:38):
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Speaker 1 (15:43):
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Speaker 3 (15:46):
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Speaker 1 (15:52):
Nothing muffing Change a Ways. Lida Lida remas, I'll wait
for the wall to break open and here comes Run DMC.
I'll wait for the video. Steven Tyler Hammery Yeah, with
the bike stand. They're hammering with their fists. What is
really strange? And I'm the walls have ears. I was

actually looking up tickets for Aerosmith here in Los Angeles
for later this year, but I was not talking to
Tyshirt when I did so. So the fact that suddenly
Aerosmith is playing, like, what the hell is going on here?
One of the few songs yeah where the remake or
the new version is better than the old version. It
is a pretty good vision version like like when I

first grew because it was in the eighties when when
run DMC and Aarrismith did walk this Way Right like
that was. I can't tell you what a huge song
that was when it came out and what it meant
for everybody, you know, seeing here's a rap group in
a rock group doing this song and it's amazing. And
then I remember hearing that version of the song after
going well, this version with run DMC was good, but
run DMC is way better, man, I don't remember asking

for the docks. That's fantastic. Well, I'm getting ready for
you know, in a few years when I want to retire,
just want to be like a rock DJ late at night.
I'm gonna go on on serious and be that guy.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
You know.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
I remember back in eighty four.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
When this when this song came out right there, eighty six,
when this song came out, you know here the Mets
one and uh, you know back then it was you know,
you go see you spend money to go see Pat
bennettar and and some of those, you know groups.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
From the eighties. The Bengals were big back then, and
and maybe you'd go see Elton John his second run
now in the eighties. But you know, when this song
came out, I remember just how great it was. And
here it is again, like I think, I think that's
every that's every uh satellite DJ. I'm gonna I'm gonna

spend time saying nothing because I'm gonna record this way
ahead of time. I'm gonna make money at it, and
I'm just gonna say nothing. Didn't get you to the
next song. That's all I'm gonna do. I'm trying to
get one of those gigs in our greater iheard Cluster
come on the great Do you know that it's not
the iHeart anymore? Right now? What is it? We are
not iHeart anymore? What are we? Aus of nine o'clock

Pacific tonight. Really what are we now? I think it's
iHeart Taylor? Oh is that one?

Speaker 4 (18:11):

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Okay? They changed your whole branding for Tailor's taken over?
I Heart Taylor? Ok At the Torch is the new
album out? Now? Wow? East Coast? Yeah, East got well,
but it's got to be a well. I mean it's
still out. It's an album, yeah, but I can't but
I can't access it right now? Are you trying to
access instead of concentrating on the show. I'm trying to
buy a Taylor Swift. I already I already bought that.
I'm just waiting on mine to a ride. So you

bought it, but you don't have it yet? Correct? Why
did you? I ordered a physical copy of the album? Oh,
when you're getting it in August, like when all the
Caitlin Clark jerseys are ready. Today, Tim McGraw got his,
Frostburn pointed it out. Look, he's in Indiana and he
got his. But trying to just from my Apple Music,
it is still unavailable because I am on the West coast.

Oh okay, all right, I thought maybe so I just
have to wait for the people that have ripped it
to YouTube. I can't jump with that, so it's kind
of like Napster but a different way. Just yeah, yeah, look, hey,
big thing right here. This just came out Tim McGraw
in concert tonight wearing an Indiana Fever Caitland Clark jersey,

which is really bleep and cool. Now, the jersey's not
cool because you know, fanatics made it and they screwed
it up and they've screwed up everything. But it's cool
that he's wearing a Caitland Clark jersey on stag. Yeah,
but that looks like one that might have been like
an official issue kind of thing, right. I mean, that's
a sharp look in jersey. The fact that he got
is is huge and a couple of weeks ago, so

you think they gave him they gave him Kaitlan's jersey, Hey,
Kaitlyn get well, they made it, but I mean they
made it, probably made a few and you know special vivs. Sorry, sorry,
we completely biffed this, but we have a couple of
nice ones that we can give to you guys. I
mean the rest of the time, you'll get them when
you get everybody else good luck. We don't make the
jerseys up. Sorry, but yeah, but see the way they've
done it fanatics. I mean they're running it like they're

selling you concert tickets. Yeah, concerts not for four months money,
Shenanigan's on the jersey? What what do you mean? What
do you think? Well, it can't be real because it's
not c through. Oh well yeah, you so that you
might be right about that point. You might be right. Yeah,
you might be right. That is the fanatics way. I
think he's got a knockoff. I don't know. The knockoff
might be better only right to that corner of the

street where you got those tickets, because a couple of
weeks ago he was sporting the Iowa Caitlin Clark jersey
at a couple of gis, and she doesn't play for
Iowa anymore. It's it So is this like the new Jordan?
This is like you're not cool until you're rocking one
of these apparently right now. Well, here's the thing is
that he's wearing it like a tank top, like he's
wearing it tucked in off. It's a fish like rip.

I I know, if I at his physique, i'd wear
it like that too. But it's weird, like, you know,
you generally wear an indiate jersey. What are you laughing at?
I just said something that was obvious. I just like
the response. I'd wear tank tops like that. He's thinking
of you, you know, adhering the leg day. But he's
where He's wearing a Katelyn a tight you know, this

is a uniform fit Kitland Clark jersey, and it's tucked
into his jeans. Well, it's like if I tried to
pull that off. We're tucked into your jeans. What is
wrong with you? You know you wear the jersey? No,
I'm not. And look, hey, look, rock stars get away
with stuff right where I would go, Wow, that looks amazing,
and then you see someone on the street with it,
going oh my god, what are you crazy? You walked
out of the house looking like that. You'll get a mirror.

Really no, but rockstars get away with it. I solve
your problem. Ready, how's that You get a cardboard cut
out of his body and you just put your face
in the hole. Okay, And that's why I take pictures? Nice? Sorry,
that might work. That might work? Okay? Can we can
we make money doing it? We might be able to.
I mean he's on stage and he is hyping up
the crowd, and he's pointing to the back of his
jersey like this is it. Yeah, but people aren't gonna

pay attention to Kitlyn Clark. Now, it's gonna go away.
It's gonna go away. I mean everybody who has said
that just seems more and more stupid as every day
goes on. No, people are gonna follow Kay, there's no
interest level. It'll make more money in Iowa. It's no
interest level at Katelyn Clark. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay,
Nike deal whatever you say them. Twenty million dollars is
what we're hearing today. So let's talk about smoke. Okay,

let's go kind I mean Dave Stewart the former picture
is it the movie with William Hurt and Harvey kaitel
Frock of the Day? No, and it's also not Dave
Stewart from the Arrhythmics. Uh No, I want to talk
about smoke that a team apparently wants for another team
in the NBA playoffs. Okay, now I have said that.
I get where if you're facing the Nuggets in the

first round of the playoffs, not what you want to do,
But are you going to really try to lose games
to avoid because Any team that tried that sat players
to avoid matchups with the first round of the playoffs
tells me this is not a team that believes they
can win the title, right, but we can't beat them now,
you're gonna beat them later. You wanna avoid We want
to avoid you in the first we wanna play you

in the second rond when what's gonna happen magically like, yeah,
you don't know what's gonna happen as far as a
player is gonna stay healthy, hurt. No, it's a big,
unpredictable thing. But to sit here and say, no, yeah,
we want to avoid against this matchup because why because
you want somebody Elsea maybe beat them, because we can't
beat them. None of those teams that want to sit
players and we want to avoid this matchup can win

the NBA title because you're afraid to play somebody. That's
why I love the fact the Lakers and the Knicks
said screw it, we're gonna try to win, finish as
high as we can, and this is what we're gonna
do going too the playoffs. And I didn't really care
who the Knicks played, right the Sixers, Hey, they've been hot, great,
they got him beed back. They're good. They heat. Hey,
they're pretty good too, right, They'll run all the way
to the finals. It's been a big thing for the eat. Okay,

I didn't care who we played. I wanted to finish second.
I'm glad they wanted to finish second because maybe the
Celtics lose. We want to keep home court advantage as
much as we can. We want Game seven in the
garden for the next two rounds if we can have
it that way. So yeah, I'm okay finishing second. But
now after today, now I want the Sixers. Now I
want the Sixers because when you get a backup center

deciding I'm gonna go stretch my legs on a podcast
and throw some strays at the Knicks. Yet now I
want them. Paul Reid, you'll never forget his name now.
I mean he probably didn't know who he was until now,
but he's backup center on the Sixers. Did a podcast
today talking about how, yeah, the Sixers wanted the Knicks
because they were the quote easier matchup than if they

had to play the Boston Celtics. Here's Paul Reid to
make things equal, probably needs to be able to hit
both both the offenses, both the defensive. So you said
Andy Reid red, I did not say, Andy, nuggy, how
much he goes for those nugget Explain it to me
using the hamburger. Explain that to me that way. No,

I said it was Paul Reid. You sure, Yes, I'm
pretty positive Paul I did say Paul. I don't think
he did. I did not say Andy Reid. I did
not say and I said, Paul read. So here is
Sixers backup center, Paul Reid explaining why the Sixers wanted
the Knicks over the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
Smooth, but.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
Wait, might stop stop stop, So you're playing it for real? Yeah,
I played the first time. Oh okay, I was expecting
Paul Rudd again. I was expecting Dwayne Rudd. I was
expecting Paul Newman. I was expecting Oliver Reed. Mike knows
who Oliver Reed is? Come on, yeah, I explained it.
I got it. What generations before Generation X, the greatest generation.

I gotta explain the greatest generation? Who Oliver Reed is?

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Come on here, you think it's all right? Didn't he didn't?

Speaker 1 (25:29):
He didn't he die when he was doing glady? Yes
he did. Yeah, And they had to like computer put
him in the movie. Yeah, Oliver, dead guy, this is
you brought up Oliver Reed. You were the first guy.
Everybody I brought up is a live You're the guy.
What about Oliver Reed? How about dead people named Paul
or Reed?

Speaker 3 (25:48):

Speaker 1 (25:48):
I got him right here? How about Willis Reed? How
about Willis? Willis Reed limping out of the tunnel, will
Is all right? So here again for real? Apparently because
Tyshert's probably just bored or he's doing something else with
the podcast. So yeah, I'll play the bite. I'll play
the sound bite. Here's Paul Read of the Sixers saying
how the Sixers wanted the Knicks over the Celtics. This

I did. I didn't. I did not did not say
lou Reid. Are you sure I didn't? I know? Just
make sure you leave it at least one of those
lines off. Are you sure I did not say? I
did not say lou Reid. I did not wish to
take a walk on the wild Side at that point,
I did not. I did not wish. He was saying, now,

if you had the marking mark version of wild Side,
now that would be something. Dare you remember I actually
liked that I like the market mark version because I
was back when he was marking Mark. Okay, the market
mark version of wild Side. That does you're bringing the
You're bringing Lou Reed to a new generation of people
who want to listen to. Uh. Here is Paul read

Sixers backup center on why the six wanted the Knicks
over the Celtics. You said Creed? Right, I didn't. I'm
going is that someone box Creed? I've never seen a

so fighter so concerned about his hair. No, I did not.
I did not Creed a donna's Creed, No, I said Paul.
But it took a second. Right, It's like, wait, hit
in the bag. I didn't say Chief Ormond. I said
Tommy Corman loud and clear. Come on, uh yeah, name
that movie and claim it. Uh so, okay, you're Creed?

Like what is he Dad's punching? Uh? Here is vacuum
center Paul Read on why the Sixers wanted the Knicks
over the Celtics? Did you say mc breed? I know?
Are you sure? I did not say mc did?

Speaker 2 (28:05):

Speaker 1 (28:05):
I did not. I did not sign it? Did No?
I did. It's a good beat. I didn't did not
say that at least We've moved up from Oliver Reed
to this. I mean we're moving ahead in time. Now
we're moving ahead and now hey, this is like this
is like ken Burns's Baseball. We wait long ago, and
here we are after quite a long time. We're moving

up to where we are telling it like it's pulp fiction.
We're just bouncing all over the damn we're going out
of order. H here, So that's Trudy, that's my wife.
Here is Sixers backup center Paul Reid on the Sixers
wanting the Knicks over the Celtics the Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon. I'll try one more time.

Here was seventy six Ers backup center Paul Read on
a podcast earlier today talking about how the Sixers would
rather have the Knicks than the Celtics because they were
the easier matchup.

Speaker 2 (29:03):

Speaker 1 (29:04):
Of course, now I get the party said they're easier.
Why'd you dump out? And didn't have to tell us
it was a real quote I did. I did have
to tell people it was real, And the best part
was coming up where he says the Knicks are the
easier team and now won't load you are cheating America.
You've just cheated America. Justin Frostberg really, like anybody has

any bleeping idea. Who the hell this guy is? It
doesn't matter. We've made him famous. He says he wants
the Knicks because they're easier. They are, they're not. This
is just hate about the Alliance. This is just people
across the country continuing to hate the Knicks. Just win
something and maybe they won't. You watch you want okay,
you want to eatin something. Let's see how it goes.
Justin again, I can't hear you from all the way

up here in second place, way down in sevens. I'm
having a tough time, but I have really good superhero
like the Bionic Woman, so I can hear you a
little bit. But I'm really suffering because I'm all the
way up here because my team finished second. You're all
the way to out. You guys are gonna win one game.
You gotta have a parade outside MS. Ge'm all gonna
go bananas and then you're gonna get It's gonna be
a parade out. They're grease the polls after that's only

in Philadelphia. That's r they have that. That's true too.
How do you know that, Mike. You jumped right away.
No experiment rhino. Hey, they greased the poles there? How
you do that right? How do you know? I was
talking about Spearmen rhino. That's exact because you've told me
that before. No, I never you called me during the
day and asked me if I want to go with
you late at night after the sho Check my phone records.

I've never called you during the day. Yes, I got
it right here, there's the greatest response ever, producer of
the show. I have never called you Trosburg rhino, Shrothsburg rhino.
That was the virus there, It is right, Yeah, exit up,
trust me. Paul Reid said they want the Knicks because
they're easier. You want the Nick Smoke, You're gonna get it.

It was, as he said, science relative to the Celtics.
It is now I'm a twelve game. But you say
it out loud. Sure you don't say that out loud.
You said, yeah, you're the last guy to come out
of De Paul and make the NBA. You're trying to
make a name to your show. You want the Nickson.
You're gonna get more minutes. You got it, You got

it coming up next, we'll have more NBA coming. You
want it straight ahead, We'll give you our first Big
Bowl prediction for next week night one early first round
of the NFL Draft. Keep it right here.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon
live Fromthetirack dot Com studios. We got Jay Laser coming
up in about a half hour. All the latest right
before the draft is all the buzz about the quarterbacks
for real, It's Belichick really gonna coach next to year.
But let me just say this, speaking of the NFL
Draft next week, of course, Jay Lazer in here with

Rob Stone, Steve Kahim, LaVar Arrington broadcasting the first round
of the draft right into us. We come on right
after the first round is over, and we come on
and tell you why your team sucks, yeah you're and
why the Jets are gonna win. Everything up, but I'll
give you the first big Bold prediction for next week's
first round of the draft. Story came out today sources

that hey, New England is open to talking if anybody
wants that number three pick, I guarantee you that's the
first trade that's meant. That's the highest trade that's made.
New England wheedles out of that number three spot and
somebody else jumps up to take a quarterback, because as
time goes on towards next week, two quarterbacks are gonna

separate themselves. It's it's Caleb Williams and it's Jayden Daniels. Right,
there's a lot of smoke about JJ McCarthy and Drake
May and maybe it's bon Nicks. Okay, I get that
the teams like those guys, but it's really Caleb Williams,
Jaden Daniels his skill set and everybody else. Daniels will
go number two to Washington. You're looking at the paytriots now,

new head coach knew everything. Your post Tom Brady, now
your post Bill Belichick. Are you really believing in one
of these guys at number three when you're drafting the
third best quarterback available? Or is this a year where
we move down we get more draft picks, we need
more talent. We need more talent on this team, easy
and we trade with a team that is more desperate

to land a quarterback. This is where teams like Denver
or Minnesota or the Raiders move up from that ten
to eleven twelve hook to number three because they need
a bow Knicks. They need to take a chance on
a quarterback because that's they've needed for so long. Not
that Patriots don't need one, but they're in a different
place than everybody else's than some of those teams are.
So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna take

that number three pick and say, yep, bo Knicks is
the guy we're all hooking our our futures too. No,
you're not gonna hook your future to bon Nick. You're
not gonna hook your future to JJ McCarthy or Drake
May because they're not as good as the other two
guys going before them. So what are the Patriot's gonna do? Yeah,
they'll see another team that really wants a quarterback, that
is more desperate, and they will make a trade. And

that's the first place you're going to see a trade
made is somebody up to number three who is more
desperate than the Patriots. Because the page of all kinds
of time right now, where past Belichick we're starting, everything
is starting over right now no one's expecting any greatness.
Let's be competitive. Let's start over again. After twenty years
of Hey we've been a super Bowl team almost all
the time. The last four years kind of stunk. Hey,

we understand you're ready to rebuild, and is too much
pressure that first year new head coach knew everything to say, Hey,
we're okay with the third best quarterback out there, so
that that'll be the first domino. That's gonna be the
trade that happens first. Well, that's the point with the
quarterbacks as they sit, assuming that Williams and Daniels are gone,
that is there one of those guys you love that

you have to have in the building, or another player
for that matter, say it's one of the wide receivers
or alts or somebody you've fallen in love with. Otherwise
you're devoid of talent. They're even behind your Jets at
this point. Oh yeah, way behind. We are like ten
miles ahead. All right, I wouldn't go that far, but

the point I'll give them, you know, their off season
awards for re reconstituting their team with the Patriots, there's
still miles from nowhere. Right, You could tell me that
the Bills aren't gonna be as good and their windows closed.
They're still better by leaps and bounds over what the
Patriots are right now. The Miami Dolphins changed out half

of their starting defensive unit, still leaps and bounds ahead
of where you are the Jets. Sure those tackles are
gonna turn forty seven before the first day of the
NFL season, and Aaron Rodgers and Aaron Rodgers, they're gonna
have to try to get him out of his bunker
and doing another podcast to come quarterback for them. They're

still let me tell you what happened when I saw
the flag flying on the moon. Right, there's no atmosphere
on the moon, so it's not really that Aaron. The
fourth quarter, we need a play. No, we'll get to
the play in a second. But look, there's no wind
on the moon, so you can't tell me we landed
people on the moon. Oh, we got to delay a
game penalty. It's like the conversation we were having with
the Warriors. You got to recognize what's around you. In

the AFC, you're chasing a lot of teams. Are you
resetting the roster by taking a quarterback? Now? When the
rest of the roster stinks. The answer is no, you're
not advancing things. So you trade back whatever team decides
they want to come up and get a quarterback, or
again one of the wideouts or whatever. You take the
best offer that comes on the board, because you've got

a lot of work to do. Why start the clock
on a quarterback when you still have two three years
before your roster. And if we're to believe anything Robert
Kraft has been quoted as saying these last couple of weeks,
he recognizes that it's a full detonation reset. Look, and
let's be honest, if you know who that guy is
going to be, if you were confident him, you're not

talking about trading the number three picker. No, no, we
know the guy we're getting. We're excited to get them.
Now you're not doing it all right, They will trade
that pick. Exit out bout of Fresca, exit swollen Dome.
We got more football on the way. The most popular
coach and all of college football clearly needs our advice
on something really big. Fox
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