All Episodes

April 20, 2024 37 mins

Jason and Mike dish out 2 NBA playoff BOLD PREDICTIONS. Longtime NFL Insider Jason Cole joins the show for everything NFL draft. And call Jason crazy but the guy he wants in NBA Draft more than anyone is Stephon Castle!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, and welcome inside our two of The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. You know we're
live from the Tirach dot Bom Studios tirect dot com.
We'll help you get there at unmatched selection, fast free shipping,
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tirack dot com the way tire buying should be. Now.

I want to apologize right now because I didn't know
this was gonna happen tonight. I have to figure something out,
but we're on the air doing the show. Yeah, I
have to figure it out. After the show. My my
internet and my cable just went out again in the
last few minutes and I missed the Mets last at
bad against the Dodgers. Kid, can you tell me what happened.

It was too nothing the Mets are when you can
you tell me because I missed it? What happened?

Speaker 3 (01:17):
What happened to the Mets?

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Do you have to wait to get online late at
night when like, hey, no one's using their phones now
because it's eleven thirty at night. I made coffee at
nine o'clock and I'm gonna drink it now, so I
could be online until three in the morning.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
And then you sat there and you waited an hour
for that one picture to download.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
I know you hoping, hoping someone wouldn't pick up the phone,
and and oh I just lost the connection. Don't pick
up the phone. What are you doing? I mean, this
is how long ago that that was, right? Was not
only was it where you would get online and if
someone picked up the phone to make a phone call
it would knock you off line. It was it was

back when people this was at long ago where people
were still using landlines, like like who uses landlines anymore?

Speaker 3 (02:10):
Well, certainly not for that. Yeah, I mean we have one,
but that's more.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Oh yeah, pant thinks like in like whatever apocalypse comes,
that a landline's gonna be worth it. So we're gonna
be keep a landline on money, because what's gonna happen
when the zombies come. We're gonna be able to make
phone calls. That's what's gonna happen.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
And the end minimal cost addition to your your bundling
of stuff, So you go through it. But I I
just remember thinking of those days where the downloads and
everything were so slow. Is back in college, when we'd
be going out on a Friday night whatever, dinner, movie,
whatever the hell we were going to do as a group.
One guy always stayed back and then we come back
and he'd be all excited because I got a couple.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Of pictures to download.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
It's like, dude, we were gone five hours. Just go
down to the news stand if you needed that pen.
But the idea of these free pictures were out there,
of these late what.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
About when people what about when people would send you
stuff right just to because everybody would forward everything right, Oh,
I saw I forward, and you wouldn't know what it
was and you would have to go. Do I really
want to spend five seven minutes waiting for whatever this
is to download? I don't know what it is. I
don't know what I know.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
I trust's not gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Yeah, I'm not gonna do it. Like you get a hey,
like not a not a fake check this out, like
it's someone who stolen identity and wants to Hey, check
this out, or or the new one on Facebook is wow.
So sorry to hear he passed. I'm very sad, right,
And it's like, wait, what's that? Oh I had a
good run. It's like he gets a wait, check Jason,
check this out wherever it is. This is so funny.
I'm like, do I really want to sit there for

the next five to seven minutes to see what this is?
Do I really think it's gonna Is it really gonna you?
Is it really worth it?

Speaker 4 (03:44):

Speaker 1 (03:44):
Not all the time. If it was something, if it
was something that someone sent to a bunch of people,
I didn't do it because I'm like, I could just
talk to that person. Hey, did you do you ever
open up that thing?

Speaker 4 (03:55):

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Yeah, it was a stupid joke. Oh greag let it
and take that time. But if you send it just
to me, I okay, then I would spend time opening
we send to other people. No, wait, go aead, someone
will tell me if it's worth it.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Okay, And now I have relatives that Ford every Aaron
Rodgers like conspiracy theory, so every fifteenth email might actually
have something of use, but it all goes into spam.
So until someone say, hey, did you see that family
photo that they said that was great? Like No, Now,
honestly I didn't because I didn't want to sort through

the rest of the grasp.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
So no, I did not.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
U two updates to give you. Right now Major League Baseball,
it is the top of the fourth inning and it
is the Mets leading the Dodgers four to nothing, kind
of one, two, three, four to nothing over Yoshinobu Yamamoto,
Pete Alonzo, Buddy, Hey, Frostburg, how do you feel the
guy you're gonna get? You feel like you're gonna get
in August with a big RBI single as part of

that butt to run third so and also ten forty
three to go in the third quarter. The Pelicans lead
is now twelve over the Kings fifty nine forty seven. Again,
Valentunis is having a huge night. He's got fourteen, but
now brandon Ingram starting to heat up. He's got twelve

to go along with five rebounds and three assists. The
Pelicans are getting it from everywhere tonight their bench is contributing.

Speaker 4 (05:17):

Speaker 3 (05:18):
Just Herb Jones hasn't taken a shot. It's got three
turnovers the bottom. We mentioned Herb yesterday. Herb's done nothing.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
Yeah, and I look, you know, funny listening to the
Pelicans play by play guys against the Lakers the other night.
Everybody else they say it, but Herb Jones is just Herb.
Like you know, Valentiunis does this, and Nance is here,
and Alvarado and Ingram and then it's Herb to Herb
in the corner. It's the Herb for three, Herb, the
Herb for three. Eight man, Herb for three, it's four.

It's funny man for three.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
Yeah, man, just an hour away on the East coast.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
There, man, yeah, I just yeah. You ever look at
the ridges of your thumb and think like, hey, it
could be a new song in there.

Speaker 3 (05:57):

Speaker 5 (05:58):
I know it's tomorrow, man, but mind me, I might
forget me.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Hey, are you guys sitting together when you when you
both go to the Dodgers mets on Sunday? I don't
and it so can we live stream it? No, I'll
definitely be posting from you know, we'll be going for the.

Speaker 5 (06:12):
Sweep on Sunday, the uppercut smith.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Yeah, no, very excited to get. In fact, we're bringing.
One of Zoe's best friends is a huge Dodger fan,
is going, and I said, I said to her, I said, okay,
I want to play a joke on its What's that?
I said, I can tell her that she comes to
the game, but she's gotta wear Mets gear. And I
have Mets gear for her. She's gotta wear it. And
let's see how long keep it going and see if
she actually says no, I won't go. In fact, we wear
Mets gear. I'm not gonna go. I'm not gonna go,
not going. So I'm seeing, I'm seeing how long it's

gonna be until until I actually tell her, no, you
can wear Dodgers gear. It's fine. Zoe's a Dodger fan too, Yeah,
I said, uh, I say yeah, because she's growing up
a dog. I look, I've told her you can root
for whoever you want to. I don't care. There's only
I'm gonna give you a couple of teams you can't
root for. And now she's turning on me because I
tell her, you can go to college anywhere you want to,
but you're not going to Georgetown. She's why I go truck.

You're not going to Georgetown. Yeah, Georgetown's a great school,
but there's no way because I hear there's many.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
Gonna love there.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Look, look there's a lot of things I can, I can,
I can get by with in life. I don't have
more hate sports wise for anything other than Georgetown. I
really don't. I hate Georgetown. I can't. I can't really.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
About the Jesuits. Is that the problem?

Speaker 1 (07:23):
Yes, that's what Yes. Has had nothing to do with
basketball or John Thompson or anything. No, no, no, But I
said no George, and Pam is saying no, Ohio State.
Obviously being in Michigan, you know, family, she's not going
to Ohio State. But I said, anywhere else you can go,
so so funny Shakespeare Lady the other day, or we're
sitting there hanging out with a couple of other friends,
she goes. So I know it's really early, Zoe, But
if you thought about colleges yet until he goes, yeah, Georgetown,

I'm like, Okay, good for her, Yeah, okay, yeah, no
not happening.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Someone else can pay for you to go to Georgetown.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Good luck. Good all your dad would yeah, good luck,
you'll you'll book your own flight to DC. You will,
someone else will pay for you there and you can
stay there for four years.

Speaker 5 (08:02):
Not no, your dad will pay for it from all
his Yankees this year.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Now, my dad hates Georgetown as much as I do.
We both went to Syracuse. My dad went to Syracuse.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
Yeah, no, he's yeah. But to spite you, you might
hate it a little bit less. You want to talk
about Stonehenges. Oh no, no, there's I mean, look, come on,
you got sometimes you gotta let hate go, buddy. I mean,
that's been thirty years.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
There are things my dad would do clearly to win
over Zoe's affections over me. But Georgetown is like, no,
I'm going against the family there. That's like where suddenly, hey, okay,
that's like it's like in the Sopranos where you know, Christopher,
you went a bridge too far there in the last season.
Sorry spoiler. That's that. That that's that's the that's the
degree of level of what that would what that would be.

So that's not happening. Oh okay, not happened. Now, we got
Jason Cole coming up in a few minutes. Have some
big NFL topics to get to, including Dak Prescott saying
I'm not saying I'm puzzled why I'm not getting paid
by the Cowboys. But how about a couple of big
NBA playoff bold predictions right for the first round of
the playoffs and on I'll give you the first one, Mike,

and I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is.
I told you last week Milwaukee Bucks are a team
that can lose in the first round. Ye yes, give
me Indiana over Milwaukee. The Bucks have so many problems. Yes,
it's no Jannis. That's a really big deal. Doc Rivers
is just flailing right now. He's changing lineups in the
last week of the regular season, trying to figure out

what works and what doesn't. The Bucks are just spiraling
right now, and they're a bad matchup for the Pacers.
Pace of four and one against them this year. It
is time for Tyrese Halliburton to show the world he's
a superstar, because the big time NBA fans know who
he is. He's on Team USA, is gonna be the
point guard, the only point guard they really got so okay,

but this is where everybody gets to see him nationally
and see what a big deal he is and how
good he is. Give me the Pacers in this upset.
They knocked the Bucks out first round and really pretty
much just end Doc Rivers's coaching career because he's not
coming back to go if this happens, no one's hiring
him again. It's not happening.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Well, I don't think he gets fired though, unless uh
Jannis gives to say so.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Uh, well, say so you think after another first round exit?
I think god as well.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
Well, if he doesn't play in it, then you know,
and they've done everything else because I got to imagine
Doc didn't get ascend to that throne without Yannis is okay?

Speaker 1 (10:28):

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Likewise, the arrival of Dame Lillard or whatever whatever he's got, that.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Doesn't mean that it's good. That doesn't mean that it's okay.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
I'm not coach, yes, obviously, Yeah, I loved to a
year ago.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Now I don't like you so much. You're out tell me.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Look that happens every day. I mean last night, at midnight,
there were thirty one songs at thirty of the thirty
one or twenty nine of the thirty one whatever we're about, guys,
That for a while. We're okay in the Swiftian world
and are not any longer. But for for Yannis, you know,
he he's got to get back out on the court

and you're dancing, you know, trying to make different combinations.
You know, you gave up a lot with your defense
when you made the move to bring in Lillard. And
we've talked about end of game situations and their struggles.
It's if they were in a playing game, I'd say,
all right, yeah for a one game, they could get
him for a series. Yeah, I'm out on the Bucks

and have been. We've been out on him for weeks. Right,
this is not a new phenomenon. We've watched the struggles
ever since Doc took over, and it's still puzzling. And
I want to tell all book like we got with
the Patriots. Right, here's everything that's gone wrong, and now
here's Robert Kraft's version of everything that went wrong. And
I'm gonna screw you out of potentially getting a job

allegedly and all of these things. At thirty and thirteen
when Griffin went, what the hell was so bad? At
that point? I know that you bring in Doc and
then you're a sub five hundred team down the stretch.
That's riddle me that Batman's biggest part of it.

Speaker 4 (12:01):

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Look, and and I I can't tell you for a
second that I think Doc Rifferds knows how to get
them out of this. Look, No, he's gonna wind He's
gonna wind up being out.

Speaker 4 (12:10):

Speaker 1 (12:10):
The other one I'm gonna give you is this, right,
if we both like the Bucks going out, Yeah, I'm
gonna give you the Mavericks in the Western Conference finals.
Look at you. I will give you the Mavericks in
because for if, if you want if, if you believe
in karma or it being someone's time, this kind of
looks like it's Luca and Kyrie's time to achieve whatever

they're going to achieve as a duo. Right, Kyrie's get
a little bit older, He's gonna be in his mid
thirty soon. But they have really gotten it done this year.
And again I'm stunned that Kyrie has been as good
as he has. He's been able to stay in the
lineup and not talk his way out into some kind
of controversy. But you look at where they're at, and
they got the Clippers in the first round and Kawhi

Leonard is hurt and you have no idea what you're
gonna get. And we've seen the Clippers lose in the playoffs.
This is gonna be too dynamic of an offense for
the Mavericks. And then looking what they have next, if
they're looking at at you're talking about Oklahoma City. Yeah,
I'll take Dallas in that series. If they somehow get
out of that, I'll easily take Dallas to make it
to the Western Conference Finals, win and win that series.

Luca and Kyrie can do it all by themselves. Is
It just looks like this is their year to make
a lot of noise. And I love the matchups they
can have ahead of them in the first two rounds
and I really think the Mavericks are going to see
them in the Western Conference Finals.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
Well, they made some good moves bringing in PJ. Washington,
who's averaged about thirteen points a game. Daniel Gafford, because
this is the obligatory There's a guy that the Bulls
once had roaming the middle and decided, you don't get
playing time when we ship you out. So he was
a wizard for a minute. See, I get to bring
that in as well. Wizards, so the two of them
giving them great work in the you know as the

back line. So opportunity there and one of the few
twenty nineteen draft choices that hasn't found his way to
Lakerland just yet. But I'm gonna it's still gonna take
the Clippers. I still have fear of the Kawhi Leonard
Kyrie that you're afraid of speech right now, I was afraid,

like I started to converge Kyrie and Kyrie history suddenly
rearing its head versus Kawhi Leonard and well, the injuries
raiining their head, So tried to do that transition and
instead just butchered it all around in the brain. But
Clippers playing well after a bit of a funk and

now rested for a full week. I'll take them because
I know that on occasion they can still pretend to
play defense, pretend student, pretend.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
Yeah, but the Mavericks don't even pretend, and they pretend they.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Don't even try. They're not even doing the acting class
for that.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
I don't know if they're gonna have to man if
if every night is hey, Luca's got thirty eight and
Kyrie's got thirty two and ten assists. Look, that might
be all they need. Man, that really might be all
they need. That's gonna be something I told you. The
Western Conference playoffs is gonna be murdered. Oh it's fantastic exit.
How about a Fresca exit Swollen Dome. The Jason Smith

Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. Speaking of playoffs,
the Pelicans and the Kings. Midway through the third quarter,
Kings are cutting into the Pelicans lead a little bit.
Now make it sixty nine, sixty one and eight point
lead for New Orleans. Still a big night from Valentunis
with sixteen and ten. Meanwhile, deeron Fox already with twenty

five for the Kings and Demonta Sabona's fourteen ten, five
assists and three steals tending towards a quadruple double. But
again it might not be enough because the Pelicans are
starting to roll here. So again we'll keep you updating that. Again,
eight point lead by the Pelicans. They have been in
control of this since the early part of the second quarter.
But coming up next, we got Jason Colestopp and by all,

the latest news in the NFL are we really looking
at Dak Prescott being an ex member of the Dallas
Cowboy in a year end. Where are the guys going
in the draft? Where are the quarterbacks gonna go? Who's
trading up? Keep it right here, Jason and Mike NFL
Draft Overload next on Fox.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 6 (16:28):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Haynes and me Mark Stein join us.

Speaker 6 (16:38):
As we team up to expound on everything we're covering
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (16:46):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike harmon Hobo live from the ti iraq dot
com studios. We'll have more in the NBA coming up
in a bit. Don't miss Draft Night next week Fox
Sports Radio Thursday night, eight pm Easter Throughout the first
round of the Draft, Jay Glazer, Steve kahime, LeVar Arrington,

Rob Stone. They will have pick by pick predictions and
reactions to every first round pick, followed by our show
right after, as we normally do first round of the
Draft next Thursday, eight pm Eastern throughout the first round
right here on Fox Sports Radio, presented by Express pros
Well joining us now on the Hotline to break down
all the latest news in the NFL. He will be

joining us in a couple of seconds.

Speaker 4 (17:38):

Speaker 1 (17:39):
Normally I like to say, hey, you know he's hall
a very good voter, he's a longtime NFL insider. Jason
Cole is going to join us. But I didn't know this,
Mike Harmon. But he has something allegedly, and i'd say
allegedly in common with Bill Belichick. And I said allegedly,
and yet and I don't mean that. Hey, he used
to be someone that was so amazingly famous and treated

the media with disdain, and in the last couple of
months now he's hanging out with Pat McAfee. No, no, no,
I don't mean that.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
I don't mean while he was hanging out, did he
go to some uh, you know, college lacrosse games.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
No, I don't mean that, you know, I think you
got to put some more attack up front and wind up.
I think your defense is struggling a little bit.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
No making the Belichick's go cats my ring tone from
last weekend.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Uh No, he's got something in common with Bill Belichick,
because Belichick said earlier this week, because you know not
now that you know he won't can't coach in the
NFL anymore. He's got eight Lombardies. But I'm hanging out
with Pat McAfee that he's never had a cup of
coffee in his life. And Jason Cole, longtime NFL insider,
can relate because he says he's never had a cup

of coffee in his life. He joined us now on
the online j Cole, Is that true? Are you just
looking for clicks?

Speaker 4 (18:54):
Nothing says clicks like me talking about whether that coffee
or not? Is that what we're saying?

Speaker 1 (19:00):
You know what, in ten minutes you hang up that phone,
Folders is going to be at your door.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Watch what happens.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
Watch that's right, They're gonna be A're gonna get that
giant like is it that like forty eight ounce you know,
metal tin of coffee from folders that you get at
grocery stores. No, I have never had. It's a couple
of coffee. I've had like a sip or two and
didn't like it.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
They're gonna throw off, They're gonna throw it through your window.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
The big coffee gets you come through your window with
a note attached to it, Drink this or die.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
No, I kind I kind of. I believe that coffee
is the kin to you know, studying the Jets draft history.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
Well, no, no, no, I mean it's it's a lot, it's
it's it's a lot better than that. You you feel
right or after drinking a couple of SIPs of coffee.
Then if you're looking at the Jets draft history.

Speaker 4 (19:59):
Uh, Vernon Gold, let's quintin couple.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
No, like I said, like I said, I was.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
I was just looking over this, you know, like Dean Milliner,
Let's let's let's have some of the all time highlights.
Are you looking forward to pick number ten next week? Uh?

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Yeah, I am, because I'm thinking it's either going to
be Alter Bowers, which we need. So I'm okay.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
Allt or back. You think you're going to get Alted
at ten.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Or Bowers, I'm okay with either either of them. At ten,
sure quarterbacks are going to go. Listen, we can get
one of those guys, or get one of the wide receivers.
There's only only ten picks, and likes eight of them
are going to be quarterbacks, so eventually other positions are
going to get drafted some pow.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
Everybody's trying to get for quarterback, including guys who are
not even in this draft. They're getting ready to draft,
like the fourteen year old who's playing at LaSalle High School.
You know, like that's what that's what they're trying to do.
Everybody's so desperate for quarterbacks in the NFL that if
they're looking that far ahead, dude.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Arch Manning is going to get drafted this year. Just
watch watch him go seventh overall.

Speaker 4 (21:11):
I didn't even throwing a pass.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
The TECHLI doesn't matter, does it really matter? It doesn't.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
He's going seven a Manning.

Speaker 4 (21:19):
He's got to go. It's got to go with a
single digit pick right now. Yeah. It was Matt Verderram
from from Sports Illustrated put out his one mock draft
and he had quarterbacks going one, two, three, and four.
I was like, this is just this is maddiness. It's
just craziness massive. That's a good friend of mine, and

you know he's not really taking it very seriously, but
he just thought, let's go totally absurd and have quarterbacks
in one through four. You know, something that's never happened
in the history of the league.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
You know, because honestly, look, I think when it gets
down to it, right, it's been so much Kellen Clement,
he was the second round pick. Okay, second round pick.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
Uh oh no, no, no o? Who else? Oh? Nagel,
Browning Nagel. Yeah, you know, other.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Teams have had bad picks in the last thirty five years.
It's not just the Jets.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Okay, going all the way back to nineteen ninety two for.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
That one, Browning Nagel, he had a great first game
against the Falcons through for like three point fifty and
three touchdowns. I said, we found our quarterback, and I
think we cut him a year later.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
Oh like Hackenberg, right, yeah, he never even.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Made it on the field he played.

Speaker 4 (22:32):
You know, I look at it.

Speaker 1 (22:34):
I look at it this way to get away from
the Jets quarterbacks because I want to be happy and
have coffee.

Speaker 4 (22:38):
I've not I've not doing that. I'm gonna stay right
on the club thing. Don't worry.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Here's what I watch. Here's what you do, Here's what
you do. I want you when we're done, When we're done,
I want you to get off the phone. I want
you to spend tonight. I want you to drink coffee
and come up with a we didn't start the fire
and talk about all the bad Jets draft picks from
the beginning of the draft until now.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Just go through to make them all.

Speaker 1 (22:57):
Rhyme, do a whole big billion all the word.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Jets, something like that. Yeah, we can do it all. Yeah,
you'll need coffee, Calvin Pryor you'll need coffee.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
You'll need coffee when he put together. But you know,
I look at it this way with with with the
draft is that we've had the artificial hyping up of
JJ McCarthy and maybe you're a little nervous about Drake
May and I understand that, and bo Nix is rising
a little bit, and so is Michael Pennix. But I
really think when it comes down to it, that once

we get past Pick two, teams are gonna go ooh,
do we really want to give up everything here for
the quarterbacks? Because because Jayden Daniels is gonna wind up
going too overall because he has to be such a
good player. He's so talented. He anything you want, the
guy showed you last year. But once we get out
out of Caleb Williams and Jayden Daniels, it's, oh, do
we really like this guy? Do we really want to

mortgage our future on this guy?

Speaker 4 (23:54):

Speaker 1 (23:55):
Is it just there's a lot of quarterbacks that are
not bad. I think there's gonna be a little bit
of Hey, we're gonna come to our senses a bit
after the second pick as a quarterback.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Well, I'm glad you remember all the things that I
said last week on during my apparently show.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
You don't even remember what you said last week on
the show.

Speaker 4 (24:15):
Pretty much pretty much that was the script.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
I don't think. I don't think that's at all what
you said. I think you get you at He said, Oh, hey,
Cowboy bees and Stanford in the ACC and hey, Jim
Porter hates me in the Hall of Fame voting and
I'm not drinking coffee.

Speaker 4 (24:30):
We'll find it out, Prossburg will go find out, and
who will say, oh yeah, pretty much verbati that's what
Cole said last week.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
I agree do you think Frostburg's rolling on your interview
last week, like we're gonna we save that for something
like you, like you bring value that we need more
than eight seconds after you get off the air with.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
Um, absolutely, why do you guys? You guys have been
calling me for forty two years. There's a reason for that. Okay,
So let's just let's just put it in that in
that context.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
So, dude, you signed a one sandwich forty two year deal.
You got to wait another You gotta wait till the
end for your next sandwich.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
God who was my agent on that deal?

Speaker 3 (25:09):

Speaker 1 (25:11):
You what? Scott Boris? He held you out all the
way till the end, and then you had to sign
that deal because nobody else was putting you on the air.

Speaker 4 (25:19):
I signed the blank smell deal of it. No wonder
I got a fire Boris this week, just like Jordan Montgomery,
did you take this back to you having a semi
intellectual discussion and not to bring up medi Beckham, but

just to say, look, I think you're absolutely right, and
I because I know I was right when I talked
about the subject last week. Is you have to start
sitting there and going WHOA. Let's just tap the brakes
here for one second. What do we really here? Like
even the idea of Jaden Daniels going to like when

did how did he become this good? This fast? I mean,
I know he had a great, great season statistically, but
is he really a great quarterback? And Caleb Williams as
a player, you know, no, no question right, Like you
watch that and you say, you know, being able to throw,

you know, on different angles and different arm angles and
all those things. But even he's sometimes you think a
little bit of a stretch at number one because he's
just a little goofy for a quarterback, and he's and
he's all on the small side. So it's like, hey,
can we just hesitate for a second, and you know, Okay,
Caleb Williams clearly the number one. He deserves good number one.

Washington definitely has to take a quarterback. There's no question
about it. They need to invest in a guy. They
need to try and solve this. Damn Quinn knows he
needs to do this. You have a new owner who
wants to have a quarterback. There's nothing you know, there's
nothing more fun than a new owner drafting a new
quarterback and getting excited about that guy's you know, he's

building his fantasy football team. So Josh Harris can build
a fantasy football team this way. But after that, you
just got to sit there and go, Drake May Mark
Sanchez reincarnate. And I'm not doing that as a Jets come.
I think it works that way, but you know, you
just sit there and go, is this the second coming
of Mark Sanchez? And you look at J. J. McCarthy

and you go, what was it thirty four passes in
the fourth quarter whatever your stat was that you threw
out last week or something. I mean, it's just, you know,
it's a crazy low number of high leverage plays where
he had to make a big, big throw. And I
know he was terrific in the National Championship game, and
so that gives you, that gives you some hope, but

you know, like really in the top five, and I
you know, I completely went, you know, turned the corner
on Michael Pennix because I was worried about throwing motion.
And then I watched him in the in the two
playoff games, I was like, oh, well, I was wrong
on that. This guy's this guy's a stud. He's you know,
like he's got an amazing release, and he throws a

downfield with amazing courage and amazing accuracy, Like I just
love him as a thrower. But then you sit there
and go, you know he you know he's got to
knee him an eight year old man, and you just
go like, am I really going to invest in that?
So yes, I think ultimately people are going to say,
wait a second, it's going to be a lot like

what was it the you know, the Zach Wilson draft
to bring that up again? Where yeah, yeah, no problem,
no problem to get one more. Yeah, when you know,
when you had Jones, everybody was worried about whether Jones
was going to go, you know, number three or and
then he doesn't go number three, is like he drifts

the number fifteen, and then the Patriots take I mean
I know that people you give Belichick crap about taking Jones,
but he at least didn't trade up for him, right,
Like he didn't do what the forty nine ers did
and trade up for a kid who has barely played,
who flashed a little bit, who wasn't as good as

the seventh round pick that they took a year later. Right,
So I just say, I hope people show some patients
with the quarterback position, even though I do expect that
at least five of these guys are going to go
in the first round, and if six go, okay, let's
see what happens. And again, maybe the first eight picks,

and that will give you a possibility of aze at
number ten. Eight quarterbacks go. Arch Mannon goes number seven,
as you have predicted. Then you know Marvin Harrison goes
number nine. You got to get anze ten. I think
that's a great pick.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
I'm with you. R Darius Stewart, I'm with you. Jason Cole,
you can fall him on Twitter at Jason Coleson.

Speaker 4 (30:07):
You have taken ever though in the last since since
name it was Troy Taylor.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
Okay, of course, now come on, Hendington was good until
his arm fell off. Come on, man, he was good
till his.

Speaker 4 (30:20):
It was Troy Taylor because he's not such as Stanford.
He's not my favorite former quarterback's way up there? Okay,
what I did? What I did there? I see you
a little love. I was just looking at this like Nagel, Clemens, Sanchi, Hackenberg,
Darnold's Wilson. My favorite quarter of this past week was

that that Joe Douglas saying that they still consider Jack
Wilson an asset.

Speaker 5 (30:49):
He's gonna start Jacob.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
He's gonna Jacob Shay over under ten plays, Let's go.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
He's on Twitter at Jason Hole sixty two, That is,
at Jason Cole sixty two. He'll be drinking coffee and
writing the Jets we didn't start the fire.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
J Cole is always be angry, so angry right now
he's good work, Funny her cheeks, You say my name.

Speaker 1 (31:13):
We'll talk tonight. See you, buddy. There goes Jason Cole.
The Jason Smith Show with My best Friend Mike Harmon
live from the ti iraq dot com studios. Coming up next,
we'll have more from the NBA as the Kings might
not be lighting the beam anymore. Oh it's so said.

Speaker 4 (31:28):

Speaker 3 (31:28):
But also.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Looking ahead to the NBA draft, someone declared today, that's
the guy I want.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
If I'm picking ninth, seventh.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
Third, or first, who is it? We'll tell you next Fox.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
The Jason Smith Show with My Best Friend Mike Carmon true,
ask Paul, is a funny game? Yeah, six minutes to
go in the fourth and there looks like there will
be no beam lighting. There will be no lighting of
the beam. There will be no beam, there will be
no lighting, there will be no nothing. The Pelicans, unless
they light win in New Orleans are beating the Kings
right now without Zion ninety seven seventy seven. All five

starters for the Pelicans are in double figures. It's been
a big night Ford'aron Fox and de Monte Sabonis and
that's about it. But you have the Pelicans shooting fifty
two percent from the floor and this is a been
a runaway. The Pelicans have steadily pulled away in this
one from the middle part of the second quarter. This
is shot. I did not see this coming. This clearly

had a Hey, they're gonna quit, no Zion. Look at
the Lakers what they did to them. Yeah, they're done
And here they are now with a twenty point lead
with six minutes to go in the game.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
Yeah, I don't know so much quit. Just Y, were
you banking on such an effort out of Ingram when
he was such a non factor in the in the
last game right, sitting down for almost the final eight
minutes because of the ineffectiveness. He's at twenty two five
and six to night and a plus fourteen when he's
on the court. Valentunis nineteen and twelve. That first half

was absurd. You know how efficient he was the scoring
off the bench. It's just been a clinic.

Speaker 4 (33:20):

Speaker 3 (33:20):
And for the last four and a half minutes, they've
just run the Kings off the court and taken their soul.
So yeah, just there's no beam lighting you guys.

Speaker 5 (33:29):
Now, it's the biggest lesson we were taken away from
this game, right.

Speaker 3 (33:31):
Wait, No, don't listen to any pert.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
The Lakers are back. No, it's the Lakers are back.
It's what he's gonna say, that the Lakers are back.

Speaker 5 (33:37):
No, it's actually how bad the bleeping Warriors are.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
Wow, there's that too.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
Yeah, pick a get out it. Oh no, not with you?

Speaker 3 (33:48):
Does this mean you hate their team and want them
to blow it up more after watching what the Pelicans
did to the Kings eight seven, seven ninety nine. But no,
just a clinic here. But in New Orleans, I gotta
imagine there's some kind of drinks down downtown that they'll
set on fire for you.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
Oh yeah, but that's every day. I mean, that's like that.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
But it might maybe it doesn't mean they ratchet it up,
it goes a little higher.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Then could win this game or not. They'll still put
flamethrowers in front of cocktails. It doesn't doesn't matter, like
it's a oh we won, oh we lost. I'll still
put a flame throw in front of a cock See.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
I thought maybe it would be a Leo DiCaprio like
flamethrower in this instance. So we'll have more on this
game coming up in a few minutes.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
We'll look the difference in this game, the bench scoring
the Pelicans bench outscoring the Kings thirty four to ten.
It's been all the difference in the world for this.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
And they didn't let CJ. McCollums shoot. And Colin's got
to seven right, Like, oh yeah, he's only taking six
shots after the other night, you're not doing that again.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
But this might sound crazy, but the guy I want
in the NBA Draft more than anybody else declared for
the draft today. I want him if I'm picking ninth,
if I'm picking seventh, if I'm picking third, if I'm
picking first. Now Granted, I don't know all the European
players that are gonna go number one as much as
I need to know them. But the guy I want

is to Fond Castle of yukon one hundred. I don't
know why anybody would want someone other than him. He's
got everything. He's got a great offensive game. He is
okay in any system. He was really good this year
when he was okay being the fourth or fifth option
at times, but there's still games he took over. He
is an incredible defensive player. Oh look as great as

he was. You watched him shut down the heater the
Tarren Shannon was on all through the Big Ten tournament
and into the NCAA tournament. Castle is that good. He
is just that good. And I don't know why you
would want somebody else other than him, because he's so
ready to be an NBA big time contributor on both
ends of the floor. He has the great build, he's

got the big wide span, wide span arms arms with
is what I'm looking for. He could be. He could
be like a better og Anunobi who could come in
immediately and defensively transform your team while getting his points
wherever he gets them offensively he's not a great shooter,
he's not a great jump shoot. He's not gonna hit
a lot of threes. But everything else this guy does

is fantastic. He's you can PLoP him right in and
he will be terrific. Like he's the guy I want
over everybody else.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
Does everything right now, I'm seeing him in MOCKX. He's
going to be a trail Blazer, which is good for
us because we get to watch a lot of Trailblazer
games in the studio on a nightly basis. But yeah,
six ' six, the fact that he's only nineteen and
has already, you know, made a name for himself. The
curiosity is, if you really did do the deep dive

for this draft, it's gotta dismissed. All right. We look
at Reed Shepherd and a couple of players that kind
of break through, But otherwise it's the global draft of
twenty twenty four. So they should start doing the vignettes
during the NBA playoffs. Get ready to know your new
players because there's a lot of foreign born players coming

to the NBA.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Yeah, I mean, look, and I'll be the first guy
to tell you I'm not as up on those guys.
I've been paying attention yet. Now I understand that there's
a couple of bigs that are coming in, and there's
people that like Donovan kling In. I get that, and
Zach Edie and I get that, But so much of
the NBA now is dictated by the guards and guard playing.
Why wouldn't you want a guy that can come in
and affect the game on both ends of the court

right away, that can fit into any system. I mean,
I don't know that's running. I don't know why I
take him number one. I mean again, I would take
him number one because he's he's just that good a guy.
I'm so sure that he's going to be a terrific
NBA player for a long time.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
Six six sixty seven, Yeah, you get the extra couple
of inches because the other players that are being mocked
in that same area are all like six two six three.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Exit up about a Fresco exit swollen dome. The Jason
Smiths are with Mike Carmon coming up next, Big stuff
out of the NBA. Fox
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