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April 25, 2024 38 mins

On Draft Night Eve, Jason and Mike throw out some last minute NFL Draft BIG Bold Predictions!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Greetings, Welcome inside, Happy NFL Draft Eve, The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. Geh, We're live
the Tirack dot Com Studios tirec dot com. I hope
you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free
road hazard protection at over ten thousand recommended installers tirack
dot com. The way tire buying should be. This is

okay at Alex tightshirt for not even knowing anything about sports.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Radio, Jason, I know, I know, I know, jacked up
two picks. If you want to know really who's going
eighteenth eighteen is going to be, I'll text laser hold on.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
I have Brian Thomas from l s U. I like that.
I like that the ty shirt implies that he has
Jay Glazer's cell phone number, Like he may text them
all the time.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Hey, he may like ty Shirt because he doesn't want
to talk sports.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
You want to talk you know, mental health and well being.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Yeah, might be a little more in touch than you
want to know about the Jets.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Jason, I got the text from Jay Glazer eighteen is Joe.

Speaker 2 (01:33):

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Wow? Really? Wow? He falls to eighteen?

Speaker 3 (01:37):
That he falls.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
There? Wow?

Speaker 4 (01:40):
Hey, tweak that out with j Just kidding, I said,
Joseph from Glazer, that's a different company.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
Okay, No, I don't even want to know. Yeah, who
knows what Tyshirt has working? You have no idea that
I can wake up one day and I get a
phone call from our boss, Scotch Peer and say, so,
let me tell you what's going on with Alex Tischer.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
What Jason, the second pick just came in. It's going
to be Zach Wilson to the Jets.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
The second tick. Okay, good, I'm glad the second pick
came in first. That's good. In rewind now he's hat
Now Alex tichert incredibly happy. Now I have to ask
a very big question to start the show. We have
lots of NFL Draft stuff tonight. Obviously, we'll give our
Final Bowl predictions. We'll tell you some teams that are
probably going to make a trade that you're not hearing about.
But I got to throw this out there because I

really have to ask this question because anytime someone says
something very bold and then something comes out that may
change that perspective, we have to ask the question again, right,
It's only natural. So I want to ask seventy six
per center Paul Reid, are we sure we know who
the easy teams are in the Eastern Conference? I mean,

I don't know the Knicks were the easier matchup there
down too, z if this didn't want to play the Celtics, Hey,
heat culture, everybody, this series is one one. Are we
sure that the Knicks are the easier match I'm just
throwing it out there again because he was very definitive
about that on a podcast before the series began. I
just want to make sure that that's still the case.
Now they still think it's okay. They don't want to

change and go back and try to win, to play
the Celtics in the first round rather than play the
next You want to make sure that we still think
that the Knicks are the easier team. Than Celtics want
to make sure. Well absolutely, I mean that's really where
we're at. You know, sue you Harmon for not playing
along and making it fun. Oh absolutely.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
You know what, No, man, book man, whenever you want
a hot take, you go to the backup center.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
I hope you're not going to get any attention. I
hope the Bears pass on their first pick tomorrow. I'm
gonna get the pick in in time, and they can't
take Caleb Williams. And they wanted getting stuck with Drake May.
Now you're getting stuck with Drake May. I thought people
liked Drake May. I thought people liked to drink. Well,
he's very polarizing because you could love the Drake or
you could hate the Drake. Well, right now in mock drafts,

people either love or hate him. Yeah, sure at number two.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
But no, you're right, like there is no easy path.
Paul Reid him and might just have a magic eight
ball that said yes or no in terms like it
might have just been that simple a question that was
asked and then they said, all right, expound upon that.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Pal He said, sure, you know, Joe, this game. Look,
look you watched the heat. Just take this game from
the beginning against the Celtics, they shot incredibly well from
three point range, right, I mean, like twenty three out
of forty three was a heat record. Heat culture. That's
my only see. I love the fact the series is tied.
The only downside is that we're gonna have to hear

about heat culture the next three days. Heat culture, man
all eat culture, heat culture. Anytime anytime another team wins
in a series, it's all the two. But oh, heat
culture culture, heat culture the But you know what everything
else is virtually all of those are new stories, right.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
That's the thing about these playoffs. A lot of new phenomenon,
a lot of new stars, new teams making the waves, right,
even your knicks. You could get into that game, by
the way, for less than a hundred bucks for Game
three if you were so inclined to travel cross country.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
But for the heat it's going on several years. So
what do you do? You cling to a storyline?

Speaker 4 (05:10):
Well, it's about the guys, because it's sure a one
guy standing out, even though you're seeing some magnificent individual
efforts thus far from them. But it's the idea that
you have a culture. It's not a well, I don't
know game to game what we're gonna get, and a
story that's unfolding. It's just a euation, another chapter, just

a question of where you know this episode ends.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
I honestly this is not about the heat as much
as I'm just embarrassed for the Celtics. I'm in bad.
This is a team playing without Jimmy Butler and they're
playing at home and they show that, hey, we don't
have the lunch pale mentality that we need. This shouldn't
have been a game, or it should have been a
game where hey, the heater getting hot from three, let's
rotate around, let's change some things up. But still, it

was like the Celtics were content with letting the heat
continue to shoot, thinking, well, at some point they'll miss.
Like that seemed to be like that that was the
Celtics strategy, Jomzil's strategy. Well, eventually they're gonna miss. No,
how about you make it easier for them? Like he
just if you didn't watch the game, and you just
watch the the amalgam and the montage of threes that
the heat made. No one's hitting heat check Tyrese Maxi

falling away one leg threes like he hit against the
Knicks last night. These are all in the flow of
their offense and guys are open, they're hitting shots like
this is when everybody says how great the Celtics are.
This is the big thing. The Celtics don't have that
lunch pail, grind it out mentality. They just don't. And
there's nothing else that they need to win a championship.
This year. They've been regular season great. They have great

players on the team, they made a couple of big
additions in the offseason, and no, did Porzingis play well tonight? No,
he was terrible, but generally, hey, it works out right,
it works out. I mean Porzingis was minus thirty, you know,
on the court tonight. This They're incredibly talent. They have
everything they need, and yet still they get clunkers like
this or when it gets really big, they either let

their foot off the gas pedal. They don't have that
mentality that championship teams have. And it doesn't mean they
can't get it, but I'm stunned they don't have it
now after making it as far as they did last year,
moving on and still here they are. When this series
should be over, this should be okay. We're gonna go in.
It's too zip and this series is done. I mean
you're talking they're playing without their best player, and I

you know, look, and I get HEIMI Hakkez has been
really good this year. I get that he's a great addition.
Tyler hero is gonna heat up, you know what he
can do. But this is still a team that they
should be going home. Celtics should be coming out with
a second straight double digit win, and instead they just
kind of let the game go, figuring the heat will
misshots and everything will come back to them, and it
just did it. I'm embarrassed for the Celtics every time

all the Celtics champions, I say, look at games like this.
You away said the Knicks are going to the finals.
It's because of games like this from the Celtics because
it's hard to believe in them when they get all
the way through that they're going to be mentally tough
enough to grind it out and win. Because the playoffs
are a grind, right, It's a marathon. It is whatever
whatever cliche you want to throw in there, and you
have to be so mentally tough to grind it all

through and win. And it's games like this that make
it easier over the long hall. Hey, we want to
get out of here with the four to zero sweep.
We want to win in five games, We want to rest,
want to get back at it, and instead here you
are where you just kind of put out a that
kind of effort and didn't really do anything to try
to adjust in the game to stop the heat. And
here the heat now going back home going Hey man,
we just wanted we had all kinds of confidence now

and we got home court coming up for a couple
of games. Hey, Jimmy Butler, No, Jimmy Butler, we can
beat this team. Congratulations Boston. This is why whenever it
comes to the end of the season and people go, hey,
Celtic win a championship, everybody goes eh, or a lot
of people go eh, I don't know, I don't know.
You gotta see I gotta see better on the court
from them over over a more consistent time period and effort.
If I'm gonna say, hey, this is a team ready

to win a title. Well, but it's funny.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
Even as we got into the playoffs, right, we start
looking at making predictions and all right, who can up
bend them? Here they win by what thirteen games between
them and the Knicks or twelve and a half or
whatever the hell it ended up being. But running away
and hiding it's still the all right, Let's see you
do it in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
Let's see what you.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
Can do grinding out against some of these teams, particularly
when you look at what a first round matchup against
the Heat, whether you like the culture or not, they
don't go away the Knicks, whether you like them or not,
and whether you keep sending me messages on facebooks telling
me how much you hate Jason's Go New York Go.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
I can't help it. They haven't done they win. I
haven't done yet once today, not today. Haven't done that
once today and over yet Go New York, Go New York,
Go co New York, Go New York, Go go New York.

Speaker 4 (09:43):
But the idea is for forty eight minutes they are
going to battle you. And so for Joe Mizzoula's squad,
what is he on hundred and thirty three and fifty
two in the regular season? Yet I guarant Dan Tee
the first call after they did the wrap up from
the arena, are we gonna fire this guy when they
go out because remember we talked about it after they

got bumped it last year. There were a lot of
questionable decisions, a lot of times where it looked like
he was just rolling the ball out, uh and had
no answer for when things went wrong. And this game,
you know, just add on a plus one here as
you would uh in that analysis to where you've got
a squad that everybody's already looking to break them up. Right,

That was one of the storylines throughout the season. Yeah,
they're doing great, but if they don't win it, it's
gotta be blown up.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Right, Which guy's gonna go?

Speaker 4 (10:36):
When does Jalen Brown get you know, shipped off and
all of this stuff so that that talk starts to
creep in fast And if you have any issues in
the locker room at all, they're gonna fester be they fast,
and Porzingis has to show up. I mean, he might
as well have been John Cena or your man Grimes tonight.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Hey what do I tell you? And like, I look,
I don't want to say I told I'm not that guy.
I really I'm not that guy. But what do I
always tell you about Christops Porzengis? Right? Chris tops Porzingis
will have runs and you think, boy, this guy is
amazing and he's terrific and what a find he is,
and he still can be a superstar, and boy we
got lucky. And then suddenly he just disappears or he

either gets hurt or he disappears. And that's been his
entire career. He'll play well for a few weeks and
you go, wow, he's really and then suddenly, where's the
guy for two and a half weeks? Like that's kind
of what he's been dead his time with New York
it was injury oriented, his time in Dallas, it was
just where's the guy been? Like He'll play really good
for a couple of weeks and then suddenly he disappears.
Same thing in Washington, but now here he is, and hey,

when they need him, and look, he comes up with
a game like this. This is just who Porzingis is.
I mean, again, I hate to say I told you so,
but this is not surprising though all the things, this
is one thing that did not surprise me at all
with Porzengis having just a ridiculously bad game. Did not
not see that coming.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
In other words, I saw no look balance for the heat,
not a lot from the bench for the Celtics. They
just had twelve points, four of eight from the field,
not really working deep. Meanwhile, you had twenty points and
you didn't even like with a ten point win. You
didn't even get a big contribution from Duncan Robinson, right,
he was two of eight. So there's room for improvement.

And obviously those role players, the old cliche, play better
when you get home. So Celtics right now teetering. They
took a big Garcia blow. Maybe he's drinking a beer.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
And laughing at him right now, telling you man, this
is why when we look at you, look at what's
going on with the Celtics, say, boy, how come with
this record? Everybody? This is why the East is wide
open because the Celtics have games like this, despite all
the talent they have, they have games like this and
you need to be stronger mentally and they're just not.

That's how it is. I can't explain anything else other
than that, because there's no other reason for this game tonight.
I get the heat shot the ball really well. They
hit those threes, but at some point when they're hot,
it's like, okay, hey, maybe you want to do that. Yeah,
it's like when you watch a guy getting really hot
in the NCAA tournament and you say to yourself, boy,
why are we not throwing another guy at here? Why?
Why aren't we garden thirty five a little bit more?
Why why are we still going one on one here?

That's the philosophy is, Hey, they're really getting open for
three and hitting everything. How about we try to take
that away? We trying to do a little bit of
in game adjustment here about we instead of looking like
we're dead from the neck up for most of the game.
I mean, that's that's that. But that's a Hey heat culture,
Celtics culture. That's how it is. Exit out about a
Fresca exit swollen dome. The Jason Smith Show with my
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Well coming up next, Yes, Reggie Bush has his Heisman
trophy back and we get to our first Big bowld

Predictions for tomorrow's NFL Draft. Keep it right here, settle in,
We're rolling Jason and Mike. You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
You want to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio App.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 5 (14:12):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (14:19):
What is Up on Game?

Speaker 5 (14:20):
You ass along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman,
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Burds.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 5 (14:32):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
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Game with Me, LeVar Arrington, TJ. Hutschman, Zada, and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
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Speaker 1 (14:52):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon,
Lifthtirack dot Com Studios, Tieder. Feeling a load in your
job search with us one connection you can find endless
job opportunities. That connection is Express Employment Professionals. Don't go
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Sports Radios. Draft Night. Don't miss Draft Night live on
Fox Sports Radio Tomorrow night, eight pm Eastern throughout the
first round of the draft. Jay Glazer, Steve Kahin, LaVar Arrington,
Rob Stone will have pick by pickpredictions and reactions to
every first round pick. That's Thursday, eight pm Exter throughout
the first round of the draft, live right here on

Fox Sports Radio and the iHeart app presented by Express Pros. Then,
of course tomorrow our show follows like it normally does
after the first round of the NFL Draft. We take
you all the way through and we made it. We're
on the eve of the NFL Draft. We are finally
gonna find out in twenty four hours, we'll know where
all forty seven quarterbacks projected to go in the first
round are going to get selected. It's gonna be a

very big day. It's a very exciting time.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
A lot of mock drafting, I actually sat down and
I did my first round, and then I set it
on fire and started again.

Speaker 1 (16:07):

Speaker 4 (16:08):
Sure, because that's what you do. Yeah, you say, like
when you draft a fantasy team, I'm done with it.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
I hate my team. Yeah. Or here the first time
you do your bracket for the NCAA tournament. Yeah, oh no,
I don't like this final four it all. I gotta
go back. I gotta go back one hundred percent. Yeah.
So it's the same thing. So back to the drawing
board we go. You know what I mean? Do you
know that gave me an idea? Maybe next year in
bracket challenge, I'm just gonna find the teams I want

in the final four and then work backwards. No, it's
not a bad way to be, right, Who do I
think is gonna win it all? And then I work
backwards from that game all the way to the Instead
of picking the first round all the way through, I go,
here are the four teams I think are gonna make it,
and then I go back from there. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (16:49):
I did that years ago and then found myself deciding
I hated that too.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
I might be fun though.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
You know they always say go with your gut, and
since I'm just still carrying a fairly sizeable gut.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
This is true. You know what, I should just trust
it right now. Update from game two between the Thunder
and the Pelican. Baby Yeah, it's because it's televised. The
Thunder lead the Pelicans forty five thirty one. It has
been a big first half so far for Chet Holmgren.
Chet's got twenty, He's got three threes. He is the

leading scorer in the game. Only two players in double
figures and he's leading the way. Uh, the Chet era
is here, Baby, Shi Gilders Alexander MVP finalists with just seven.
But it doesn't matter. The Thunder are rolling the Pelicans
right now, forty seven to thirty one, about six and
a half to go before halftime.

Speaker 4 (17:38):
Well, you see who their second leading scorer is for
Oklahoma City right now, Russell West James.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
No, your guy, lou Dort.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
I got wait to get lou Dort has three threes, man,
I mean yeah, loude threes. Couple of assists, because I
mean right now, that's on the highlight package that assists
that he had to shit.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
It's you know what, I don't I don't think he
plays anymore. It's not Harden neither. Okay, he looked good
on the side of that punching bag.

Speaker 4 (18:11):
Yesterday we had a pretty good chuckle when old Charles
Barkley started throwing haymakers.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
Uh. Now, we'll have more NBA on the way. But
we are here night before the NFL Draft, and I'll
tell you right away the team that makes me the
most nervous about their pick tomorrow. But what they're gonna
do in the first round, like that makes me nervous, like,
oh my, are they really going to just completely go
crazy and are they going to potentially ruin the team?

Like this is this is this? This is the team
that I go Are they really going to go crazy
and do something they really shouldn't And it's gonna begin
the be the beginning of the road to ruin And
that's the Chargers. Okay, First of all, you had the
crazy ass story today. The odds of the Chargers now
drafting JJ McCarthy, The odds in Vegas have have just

changed dramatically to the point where Adam Schefter goes on
ESPN today and says, I don't know why this is happening.
Why are suddenly the odds of the Chargers drafting JJ
McCarthy going way up. I don't get is this is
this some sort of smoke screen. What is this going?
I don't understand, but that's what's happening right now. The
odds of the Chargers drafting JJ McCarthy are getting higher

and higher. It's insane. There's no way they should do it.
Are they going to do it? Most likely not. Is
this Vegas probably hearing something and wanting to protect against
the fact that just in case the Chargers do something crazy,
do something stupid like draft JJ McCarthy. Okay, maybe they
heard because we've been trying to put it out there
in the universe the last few weeks. That you know
it'd be great is if the Chargers traded Justin Herbert

to the Bears, traded up to number one, so they
could get not Caleb Williams, but Jim Harbough's guy, JJ McCarthy.
Now that would be something. And now suddenly here we
are the day before, going, hey, wait a minute, there's
the odds are going up here that the charge are
gonna draft JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
Six to one went from FI fifteen to one to
six to one once that was one hundred to one.
Obviously because of all the cash implications and everything. Even
if you reset the all powerful quarterback clock. Uh, that's
a lot of dead money. So it's it's folly, but
it's fun to talk about. It's fun to theorize, uh,

and and blow people's minds with when you, you know, just
put it out there and are half listening. Maybe it's
created somewhat of an ulcer situation for our guy Frosberg
over quite.

Speaker 3 (20:28):
Frankly, guys, it's stupid.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Of course it's stupid. Of course it's stupid.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
You're stupid.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Of course it's stupid.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
But there there's all. Right, now we're back on the playground.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Yeah, you're stupid. But this is what really worries, right,
this is just an appetize, like, this is an appartef
This is like, hey, why don't you try this? Then
the real food is coming sooner? Right, But so this
story is crazy. But what really concerns me is that
the charges at number five need to take Marvin Harrison Junior, right,
they need it. Look at what why they're best received

right now is Quentin Johnson. And he was awful last year.
He was like stonehands from necessary roughness, couldn't run his
patterns couldn't catch the ball. I mean, they have nobody,
nobody there. You have a superstar quarterback that needs a
number one receiver that needs that guy. This should be
the pick, and he will be there at number five. Right,
quarterbacks are gonna go very early. He will be there

at number five. There is no easier of a melding
of what a team needs and where they pick in
the draft, and the Chargers getting a superstar wide receiver
because your best player is your quarterback, so you dream
you need some help, you gotta get some wide receiver
up for him, and here's what you do. But this
is what scares me immensely that the charge you're gonna
throw up on themselves is that Jim Harbaugh seems to

have this mentality that I'm gonna run the same kind
of offense I ran at Michigan. I'm bringing in the
two running backs that the Ravens couldn't keep healthy, and
they're gonna be my guys, and watch what we do.
Watch us run the football a ton this year. And
maybe it's gonna be Joe Alt at number five or
whatever it's gonna be, but it's not gonna be the
pick they need, which is a wide receiver, which tells me,

hang on a second, what the hell is he doing
if they don't take Marvin Harrison. There, I'm saying, so
you're really gonna take the best player you have on
your team, justin Herbert and minimalize him and marginalize him
and say, no, we're not gonna We're not gonna try
to win on your right arm, which is the best
thing we have going for us. Right. Obviously we have
to move around personnel, figure things out defensively. I'm not
saying that, you know, the Charger finished product. There's a

reason why they had all these high priced guys and
haven't won the last couple of years. But you need
to say, Okay, we're built through our best player. And
I feel like Jim Harbour's gonna say Nope, don't want
to do it. And maybe they're not gonna throw the
football a lot this year. They're gonna try to win
by running the football, and he thinks my philosophy is
gonna work. Yeah, good luck. You're in the NFL. You
know what's gonna happen if you try to just run

Uh former Ravens running backs up the middle and around
that you see what's gonnappen. You're gonna lose. You're gonna lose.
You need to make sure your best player has the
ball on the vast majority of plays. Your best player
is Herbert. And if they deviate from from making Herbert
their best player and putting in a position to succeed
by saying we're gonna run the football and have the
sledgehammer offense, I'm gonna close my eyes. I think that

Gus Edwards is is Blake korm And and and maybe
we'll draft on off and Edwards next year. I don't
know what he's doing. That makes me so nervous what
the Chargers do at number five, because that's I know,
either hey, they're in and they're good, and they'll draft
a wide receiver they need and they're gonna be fine
going forward, or they're gonna go against this strategy and
he's gonna try to build this offense that he won

with it Michigan. That's not gonna win in the NFL.
And you take your quarterback who's one of the top
ten quarterbacks in the game easy, and you're gonna say, yeah,
maybe you throw the ball twenty two times a game. Now, wait,
what like That's what said. The Chargers scare me the
most of any team picking in the first round.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
Yeah, they're they're entertaining up top because the two picks
before them, obviously folks vacillating, you know, are they going
to trade away?

Speaker 1 (23:54):
And what do they do?

Speaker 4 (23:54):
Like Arizona's got what thirteen picks in the draft? They
don't need to go and wait for another nine guys?

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Is don't right? So Marvin Harrison Jr.

Speaker 4 (24:04):
Staring them in the face at four would seem pretty
foolhardy to pass up on that, right when you're in
desperate need of trying to push what Kyler Murray is
the Patriots at three. More and more, it seems like
you're coming to his consensus that they'll keep the pick
and draft the quarterback. I still don't think it's the
right move with the way the roster is constructed, but

both of them are big wild cards. And then when
we look at the Chargers, you got three ways to
go to your point wide receivers, whether it's neighbors.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
I did a mock.

Speaker 4 (24:34):
Draft representing the Chargers, sorry Frostford down in Jacksonville, and
I drafted neighbors. I said, hey, let's go get a
wide receiver, assuming Harrison was off the board at that point.
Otherwise you're looking at Latham or alt Fine or secret
option CEE. You trade back, add some more opportunities to
add more starting players and in theory one of those

wide receivers, or depending on how far back you go,
the tight end, your guy that you covered so much
may still be there. Right, so you know you've got
your your guy brock Bauers. For those new to the
conversation and how much you've been walking around with sketching
his name into your notebooks and stuff. Well remember per

Alex Tyscher, you're getting Zach Wilson.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
That's right, that's right.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
You decided, Hey, I never can let you go. What
is that steelhartt?

Speaker 1 (25:29):
Yeah, that is Steelhart.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
So like we go back and bring and bring them
back into the mix. But yes, sitting where they do,
it's re establishing their own. But you already have both
tackles signed up. You just re upped your your your tackle,
right did if I'm not mistaken? You gave three year
deal to Pipkins on the right side, You got Slater
on the left. Are you gonna move one of these

other guys to a guard position or move Pipkins to
a guard position, so that's where the the offensive line thing.
I may be able to back you off your worry
a little.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Bit there, smith Man. I'm telling you, I really, I
really am concerned that he Hey, I know what I'm
doing and I'm gonna I know how to win, and
this is how I'm gonna do it, right, Like I
I don't understand how it's not. Hey, We're gonna play
and maybe this is all small and I'm hoping that's
why I said. It scares me. It scares me that
this is where they could go. But everything we've seen
so far from the Chargers that look, they haven't talked

about being in love with Marvin Harrison junior, right, And
if they don't get Marvin Harrison Junior, if he goes, Look,
Romadonsay is a guy they could get. Elik neighbors as
rising up draft boards. Their number one need is a receiver,
their number one need. But well, maybe they go trade
for one of the veteran receivers.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
Judgingtween Higgins and Ayuk and all these other guys that
are pissed off and looking to get out of town.
Maybe that's the other play. Is that five becomes give
us some picks and one of these older receivers that
immediately you get a number one in the room.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Yeah, but this is the number one in the room.
I mean, Marvin, how these guys are coming into the
league ready to play? Like, no, I'm not saying they
have to worry about making a trade and use it.
But you're assuming Harrison's gonna be there, you know. Yeah,
but well there's three wide receivers who are really good
and they need one of them, right They they're all
really good. Harrison is the best. And if we think
all the people we've talked to quarterbacks are gonna go

one through four, well, guess who's gonna be there as
a five? Is gonna be Marvin Harrison Junior. He's the
most polished, He's the most ready now and look these
other guys. If it takes a dunesay a little bit
of time to get going, he'll be ready by the
middle of the season. Same thing with Malik Neighbors, depending
how they want to use him. Da is a bear,
so it doesn't matter. But this is like, this is
what they need to do. This is this is this

is why this scares me that by that he's gonna
go scheme over player, right, and you know me, I
hate schemeover player. It only works in the NFL defensively.
You can do scheme over player defensively in the NFL
and do great. We've seen that many times. You can't
ski out scheme somebody on offense. Without players, you can
have the best system in the world. If you don't
have a great quarterback running, guess what's gonna happen. It's

gonna be awful. Sean Payton ran roughshot over the NFL
with anybody had a quarterback up until last year and
he had Russell Wilson and suddenly is oh man, this
guy stinks, So you can't. You can't do that offensively.
But I feel like that's what Harball has been pushing
for over the course of the past few months. And again,
if it's a smoke screen, it's brilliant and I'll give
them all kinds of credit. But wow, this this pick

scares me so much that they're gonna biffit. And you're
gonna say, how are you gonna win games? How are
you gonna win games? You think God? Gus Edwards and JK. Dobbins,
word go their team let both of them go because
they couldn't stay healthy. They they couldn't they couldn't produce
enough their team. Like both of those guys.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
They got a better strength coach now in with the
Charge because remember that was a talking point for you
and I on the show for many years, both the
Chargers and Ravens. You know, that was one of those
they needed exorcisms, those uh Kyrie irving in the sage
brush coming in with different treatments to kind of clear
out bad juju. Well in theory, you know, Michigan's uh

comeing to the Chargers, uh, and they're gonna be stronger,
because it's the big talking point is a're gonna be
tough for stronger or whatever.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
So maybe that works.

Speaker 4 (29:00):
Maybe they realized something that the the Ravens training staff,
even though they changed out last year, that they were
still failing. See I'm trying to be glassed by a
half full guy. Really didn't think I'd do a turn
that around on you, did.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
You, Jason? This is just coming in from Jay Glazer himself.
The Jets are trading up for the fifth pick and
giving up Sauce Gardner and Garrett Wilson for JJ McCarthy.
Enjoy that, Jason.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
I love that. That would be if the Jets did
have Aaron Rodgers. I would say, Hey, that could actually happen.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
They still don't have him, Jason, they can actually do that.
They could actually have him for four snaps. Jason, that's
about the over under.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Okay, Okay, all right, now you're done. Now call Jay
Lazer back and get the next uh uh yeah.

Speaker 3 (29:42):
That's definitely per the fake Lazer fake.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
I just look how Tyser pops on. Hey, I just
talked to Jay Lazer. I just I just talked to Ja, and.

Speaker 4 (29:51):
Frostburg's losing his mind over there because somewhere someone with
fat fingers, not you, is gonna tweet this out.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
It's gonna become a pro. Please say you didn't talk
to him. Okay, please make.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Sure I don't know Jay Glazer. I work with him
every year, Jason.

Speaker 1 (30:06):
Really? Yeah, boys, and you said hi, would he know
your name? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (30:10):
I'm invited to his wedding. You aren't invited to?

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Oh okay, the wedding that nobody's invited to you?

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Yeah, I'm not nobody. I'll tell you that.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Hey, how much ginger we bringing in tomorrow? Well, that's
the thing. Ty Shirt's catering, so that oh is he okay? Yeah,
ginger shots, it's gonna be a very weird uh buffet
at the.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
If he's catering, tell Scott I'm out.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
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To learn more, visit Safety runs First dot com. That
Safety Runs First dot Com. Well, coming up next, Mike
and I got more from the NFL Draft. We'll tell
you a team give you a bold prediction that no

one's talking about that's gonna trade out of their pick,
and someone's gonna come up and take that pick to
get a quarterback. Who is it? We'll tell you next
right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
Jason is justin. Jay Glazer is letting me know the
Bears have pulled themselves out of this upcoming draft, So
the first pick is going to go to whoever wants it.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Okay. A very promiscuous update from Alex Heiser.

Speaker 3 (31:30):
I think they're gonna play heads up, seven up for
the first pick.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Jason plays up Duck duck like you're online in an
amusement park. Let's play heads up.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
Okay, let's put on all the owners sitting there with
their heads down thumbs up.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
We do that all the time. It's highly entertaining. I
used to love that game. Like in second grade we
play seven up, and oh my god, that was great.

Speaker 3 (31:54):
I love that so much fun.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
I never got picked as often as I thought I
would be in that game. I was like, come on, come,
no one's picking me.

Speaker 4 (32:00):
And no, I mean, given your first step, I would
have picked you every time.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Well, no, oh, you have your head down and someone
hits you on the head and you put your thumb up.
You have to guess who did it, you know, I mean,
it's it's all Jason.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
You come off as a spin the Bottle guy.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Yeah. No, I wish I never really played Spin the
Bottle a lot. It it was, it wasn't. I wonder
why it wasn't our thing in school. It was a
little seven minutes in Heaven and all those things. Yeah, no, no, no,
it was it was. It was. Okay, let's figure out
why the Mets bullpen is terrible and talk about it
like that. Who wants to wear my hat? That was party? Hey,
why is Roger McDowell closing games when a Roscoe should

be doing it? Wait? Where are the girls going?

Speaker 5 (32:33):

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Never mind, Hey, we really need a Rosco to close
games and not McDowell.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Jason. It just really doesn't hit the same with dudes.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
But let's continue on here. NFL Draft, Big, NFL Draft previews,
shore here, we'll have more NBA. We've got a Reggie
Bush story coming up in a few minutes. But if
you're looking for a team that's going to make a pick,
it's going to trade out of their pick that we
haven't talked about the Chicago Bears except the second pick

in the first round, not the first. Obviously they're gonna
be taking Prince they will draft him tonight. He'll be
a star and I'm the big dipper. No no, no, no, no,
no no no. But their second first round pick, this
is where you're going to see teams try to jump
up to get a quarterback because it's a lot to
move up to three and four, and maybe you'll see

a team or two try to get there, because the
Patriots clearly you're open to doing that, the Arizona Cardinals
as well. But after that first initial bit, there's six
quarterbacks people want in the first round. If those first
three or four go in the first four or five picks,
the Bears sitting there at number nine because who needs
a quarterback outside of there, Vikings, Broncos, Raiders, and then

down to sixteen you're talking about the Seahawks. All those
teams need quarterbacks. The Bears with that second first round
pick at number nine, that's a team that will trade
out because it's not far. It's not too far to
slide down from nine to thirteen. At the furthest you're
gonna get a couple of more picks, and you know, okay,
we're not gonna take one of these because one of

the guys coming off the board is not anybody we
ever gonna think about drafting, because we've got Caleb Williams
number one overall. So the Bears, that's where I look
for a big trade to happen, because to move up
to get all the way up to three and four,
it takes a ton, and you really have to believe
in these quarterbacks. Say we're coming all the way up
to here, but does it mean that there's not great
quarterbacks you can take in the middle of the first round.

But when you're getting to that after the first four,
there's only a couple of guys left. Whether it's Michael Pennix,
j and your Bonnicks, whoever, it's gonna be, it's we
got to make sure we get that. And Minnesota, Denver
and the Raiders and the Seahawks to a different extent,
all have to say we want to get one of
these guys, and how do we do it. We got
to move up and that's gonna be the sweet spot

to move up to is the Bears at number nine.
They will move that pick, and somebody's gonna come up
from twelve, thirteen, fourteen to get that pick. The Bears
will slide down to thirteen, They'll get a secon round
pick or a second whatever. It's going to be the
value chart for that, and that's going to be a
team you'reancy one of those teams that I just mentioned,
one of those four are gonna come and take that
pick from the Bears at number nine.

Speaker 4 (35:10):
Yeah, I just think the question is whether one of
those top receivers is still there, because I could see
them trying to fully stock the room, which why I
brought up in dunesay before. There's a lot of Chicago connection.
He's already, you know, hanging out and playing catch with
Caleb and talking it all up. Big fan of Urlocker,
not just the billboards with the restored hair up and

along the freeways. So I think that's one of the
curiosities of it, right, is if a Doonja is still there,
do they just make the selection or do one of
these three teams? Seahawks are interesting, they still have Geno
and I try to say that with a straight face
when you're talking about these other quarterbacks. But what's funny is, right,

you still have that very wide berth of when Penix
or Knicks can go. Right, they seem like predestined to
be in one of those for one of those squads,
But are they necessarily do you need to draft them there?
I guess becomes the question, right of or do they

come off the board in rapid succession. I did the
mock and I didn't have McCarthy going early. I had
him as a you get a quarterback run like you're
in a fantasy league where it goes McCarthy knicks Penix
to the Vikings, Broncos, and Raiders, respectively. But yeah, the
Bear certainly could create some chaos here by trading out,

and given the current state of that front office, I
wouldn't be surprised. It would also deflect from the debacle
that was the announcement of the new stadium by the mayor,
complete with prayer service and a lot of moving decimal
points when talking about the economic and job impact. Yeah,
that didn't That didn't go over as well as you thought.
It's really bad.

Speaker 1 (36:58):
Yeah, no, it didn't go over. It's terrible in a
million ways. It's awful.

Speaker 4 (37:02):
And then the mayor does interviews where he's moving decimal
points about what's going on. It's twenty four hundred jobs,
you know, what's trying to be twenty four thousand jobs.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
He's like, well, going, okay, here's your You move the
decimal point three places to the left, and that pigs
that you move it three places to the right. And
this is when we get into tents and hundreds and
one hundred thousands and one hundred thousand That's kind of
what it was like. No, I'm getting I'm getting a
middle school math lesson.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
This is such a disaster. And then the governor didn't
even want to be part of it. He wasn't even invited,
didn't even bother to say, hey, you're right down the road,
come on over.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Ye Look, but I'll tell you, is that that sweet
spot right there? Because I got news for you. If
Joe Alt isn't there for the Jets at ten, they'll
trade out too. They'll trade out with somebody who wants
to come and get a court one of those teams
wants to move ahead of the others. Yeah, they'll trade
out of ten to get somebody else. If he's not there,
I can't look. I'm really are they gonna I'll be
I'll be seeing Kyle Kyle uh uh what do you

call it? Flashbacks in my in my head going, oh
my goodness, we're not gonna take Warren sap. We're gonna
take a tight end again. So I mean, I watch
a Kyle Brady video, I'm like, I gotta see that again.
That's gonna happen. So sorry, those two teams there sitting
at nine and ten coming up next someone won the
Heisman Trophy today.

Speaker 3 (38:13):
John Samos
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