All Episodes

April 25, 2024 38 mins

Jason and Mike react to Reggie Bush getting his 2005 Heisman trophy back. Plus, a special visit from College Football Guru Pete Fiutak!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
PLEA give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, welcome and signed our two The Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
This time it counts.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
We're live from the Tirack dot Com studios tyrec dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
I'll hope you get there.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection
at over ten thousand recommended installers tyrack dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
The way tire buying should be well. Third quarter just underway.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Oklahoma City leads the Pelicans sixty three to fifty. It
was a huge first half for Chet Holmgren. He had
twenty and the Pelicans are really in trouble here.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
I mean, look, no Zion, the thunder have rolled so far.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
This has been a pretty good first couple of games
for a team that you're kind of wondering how are
they going to act now that they're the favorite, right
all of a sudden, the spotlights in Oklahoma City. They've
been bad for a long time. It's a young team,
they're the number one seed. Now, how you're going to
react the first couple of games and the pressure is on?
And I got to say, so far, really impressed right now.
Obviously the pressure things changes you go on in the

playoffs when things get bigger and the spotlight gets bigger.
But opening up right.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
Here, hey, so far, I've been pretty impressed with Oklahoma City.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
They played really well. They've done what they needed to do,
and look where they are right now. They're up by thirteen,
looking to go up to Zi.

Speaker 3 (01:43):

Speaker 4 (01:43):
And in game one, if only the ball didn't have
to keep going back to CJ McCollum, n You're Thunder
victory in game one, and here we are tonight once again.
You're relying way too much on Valentunis to be the
force offensively.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
A lot of time left, but I think people are
just gonna start seeing how dangerous this Thunder team is,
right because you've heard a lot of Gilders, Alexander, and
you see you see chet Holmgren. He's you know, become
a cult hero in his first healthy year.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Now back.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
But suddenly you're like, oh, wait a minute, this team
is pretty good. I mean not to mention lou Dort,
your guy, but you know, Oklahoma City might be one
of those teams where go oh whoa, whoa, whoa Wait
a minute, wait a minute, woit all of a sudden, Hey,
they're not just some kind of feel good team, and
they got a guy that scores like thirty four a game. Wait,
wait a minute, this team is pretty good.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
Watch out.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
It's a lot more NBAM the way, but we're gonna
look at the NFL draft. Talk to our most trusted
college football analyst, Pete Futech, coming up in about twenty minutes.
He'll tell us what quarterbacks are most NFL ready, what
guys he loved to get, what guys he would shy
away from. But today was a day, speaking of college football,
where we awarded the Heisman Trophy. Didn't know where? Yeah, yes,

Heisman Trophy was a war today. Maybe you saw the ceremony.
Wait the Downtown Athletic Club.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
We're good.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Yes, we gave it away because Reggie Bush got his
two thousand and five Heisman Trophy back. This was announced
by the Heisman Trust, formerly reinstating the trophy to Bush
amid what it calls quote enormous changes in the college
football landscape. I remember on nearly twenty years ago now,

which sounds like, oh my god, it's been that long.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Reggie Bush forfeited his trophy.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
In twenty ten in the wake of all the sanctions
against USC, which included him getting improper benefits during his
career with USC from two thousand and three to two.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Thousand and five.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
So now Bush is getting it back, and he's now
a Heisman Trophy winner in good standing.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
He's invited to all.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
Future Heisman Trophy ceremonies starting this year. He's very happy
getting the getting the Heisman Trophy back. And Okay, now
he's got it back. So what to make of this? Right,
because now wait, Reggie Bush gets his Heisman Trophy back.
It was ridiculous they took the Heisman Trophy from him
because it was for political reasons, and I mean college
football political reasons. We want to send a message. This

is really embarrassing that the team that was the rock
stars of college football for most of the odds with
Pete Carroll and Carson Palmer and Reggie Bush and Matt Lionert. Hey,
look how Reggie Bush got caught getting all kinds of
illegal contributions and improper benefits which were proven houses all
kinds of stuff by our own Jason Cole, who joins

us every week on the show. Uh, not only did
we want we want.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
To send a message.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
So this was a very political reason that Bush lost
his Heisman trophy.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
And now it's a political reason he's getting it back.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
Well, because the rules have changed now and what was
illegal nearly twenty years ago is not because guys now
can get all this stuff. They can get all kinds
of stuff. So hey, let's give it back to Reggie
Bush now, so we could have some good public relations.

Speaker 4 (04:50):
Well, which is dumber? That's want to ask you, which
is dumber? It depends they took it away or they're
being dumb about it. Now, be saying, well, you know
what every and he did, Well it was actually wrong then,
But you know what in twenty twenty four, because we're
getting sued and we're losing our ass all over the place,
and we have no power.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
Hey, welcome back.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
I subscribe to the Gunnery Sergeant Hartman full metal jacket
philosophy when he tells all of the troops he is
getting ready, to me, you are all equally worthless. Right
to me, both of these are equally stupid. Right, you
didn't need to take it at first. And now, wait
a minute, because the stuff that he got caught it
was illegal though, Like it's not like, hey, it was

very nebulous, like what he got caught doing, he knew.
It's not like he was, oh my goodness, I was
taking advantage of I was this poor innocent kid just
off the bus from Indiana, like it's the beginning of
a music video and suddenly now I'm just I'm caught
up in the swirl at his Los Angeles and the
bright lights and big city.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
No, he knew what he was doing was.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
Wrong, and yes, something happened. Sometimes bad things happen. Decisions
have consequences. Did he think it would be a Heisman trophy? No,
But he knew what he was doing was wrong. And
it doesn't matter that everybody else did it. Everybody else
was getting paid. You got caught because you handled it poorly.
You couldn't find a way to make sure. Hey, uh,
let's make sure this doesn't see the light of day.
But what does Reggie Bush do? He fires his agents

that were part of this, And what did they say, Okay,
you're firing us, going to the NFL, we'll get you back.
And now and look at what happened, right that that's
the biggest thing. Reggie Bush fired the two guys that
were that brought him this stuff at USC wanting different representation.
They were pissed, and hey, surprise, the scandal gets out
that all here's all the stuff that Reggie Bush got
as in his time at USC, Right, I mean it

was illegal. Everything he did was illegal. Right, So just
because now it's doesn't mean that suddenly, oh.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
You get it back. Right Like if if if I get.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Arrested for something I do because it's a mail box yet,
right if I allegedly stealing mail box, here's no if
I if I get arrested for it, and then I
wind up paying my penance, whatever it is, a fine,
jail time, whatever it is. If in twenty years they say, hey,
stealing mailboxes. People steal mailboxes all the time. No, it's
not that big a deal. Or no one gets physical

mail anymore. It's all done via electronically, you get it,
you know, get it sent to you.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
Everybody has their.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
Bills online, so hey, stealing a mailbox is not that
big a deal, you know. Do they go back and
say to me, oh, hey, we we feel bad for
all this stuff. We're gonna pay your lawyer fees, We're
gonna do everything else. We're gonna make amends with you
for what we put you through twenty when you stole
a mailbox.

Speaker 5 (07:26):
No, of course, well not.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Well, look look at what the government's doing with anybody
that got arrested for weed or other things that are
now legal. Oh, what the hell it's done.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
No, it's illegal. You you were farming out truckloads of weed.
I mean, come on, this is this is we feel bad.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
It's good public relations for college football in an era
where you know, we need it. And that's why this
is going on. Reggie Bush wasn't a victim. Many people
did it and he got caught.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
You didn't need to take it because that was over
the top. And then giving it back is like, oh,
just gets it back because the rules have changed. I mean,
like that's why, Hey, the enormous change in the college
football landscape. Yeah, college football. It changes every five minutes.
I mean, what's legal now could be illegal tomorrow. Are
they gonna take it back again?

Speaker 3 (08:12):

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Hey, hey, the nil stuff that we've been doing the
last couple of years, Yeah, we're getting rid of that.
So yeah, technically, Reggie, what you did is now will
legal again. I'm gonna need that Heisman trophy back. Yes, sorry,
I know we give went back to hopefully had it
for that good year and a half there, but yeah,
now it changes. There's no more nil, so I'll give
us the Heidsman back.

Speaker 5 (08:28):
Well, but think about the ruling in Tennessee a couple months.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
Ago, right, They're like, oh this is illegal. Eh, we
don't think it is anymore. So those are no longer
recruiting violations. So does Pete Carroll get a bunch of
wins back? Would he have left like a rat.

Speaker 6 (08:43):
In the middle of the night if this didn't go
I mean, all the sanctions that came down on USC.
I mean, go back to the death penalty, go back
to our guy er Dickerson and his world, all that stuff.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
You can unring the bell.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
No, look, Fermis, all of a sudden, is everything good
with them?

Speaker 1 (09:02):
I mean, is Jim Mayhem gonna say, hey, how about
now there's some stuff going. Hey, how about you give
me those hundred wins you took away from me back?

Speaker 3 (09:08):
Now? How maud you like?

Speaker 1 (09:09):
How many people are gonna say, oh wait now because
rules have changed, I want stuff back. Schools are gonna say,
I want this back.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
I want this.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
You put us on probation, you did this, you cost
us X amount of dollars. And now because now now
it's it's legal again, Okay, someone owes us something. I
don't know if it's money, I don't know what. But
somebody owes us something like why wouldn't you do that?
Because clearly that hey, we're gonna give the guy the
Heisman trophy back. Well, we're only the Heisman trust. We
don't control anything else. But this is this is a
really crappy opic. This did You didn't need to take it,

You didn't need to give it back. It's just it's
it's and especially the reasoning is just, hey, there's changes
to college football now. Not he's done his time, he's
done his penance twenty years. We'll give it back to
him now he understands. No, this is just all there's changes.
We're looking for a reason to give it back to him.
That's just this just this whole thing is just dumb.
It's just stupid.

Speaker 4 (09:59):
Oh, where we have the terms vindication and things like
that on the other side from the Reggie Bush camp,
it's like vindication for what you know, I know there
was a defamation lawsuit. So part of that is the
negotiation of trying to make that all go away, right,
That's where you Hey, let's meet in the middle and
let's drop all this stuff and we'll all play nice sandbox.

You could start collecting a hundred bucks per inscription going
forward and show up at all these events and make
your appearance cash again, does that sound good? I mean,
that's kind of where we're at in this. I know
it costs you a bunch of money. Now you have
the opportunity to make that up at future autograph signings appearances.
Can go to the National in Chicago in July and

put the you know, Heisman year back on and usc
very quickly.

Speaker 5 (10:47):
We always had eight.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
It's like, okay, you know, getting chesty or whatever. Everybody
trying to ignore the fact that again this is wrong
and you know what he could have done with the
first contract, could have paid off those guys, and they
would have never said a damn word as long as
they got the Viig right. I mean, they would have
gone away and nobody would have never the wiser. And yes,

they were made an example of. Everybody understands that, right,
because there's an extra couple of zeros on the back
end of what anything's worth, her cars and houses, land,
et cetera. We get that, We understand that. And did
it does abdication of any and vacant you know, va
vacating any of that ever makes sense?

Speaker 5 (11:30):
No, but you did it and just say, ah, the
world's changed. It's okay. Now that's not how it works.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Yeah, I know, right, it's it's like, oh, well, like
I said, it's it's all political optics, right.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
And when when I say political, I mean there's some
things that are done because change needs to happen, and
there's things that are done just for optics, right, And
that that's what I mean by political. This is just
an optic thing. It was very political. Why they took
it away from him in the first place. They wanted
to send a message. They wanted to show that you
can maybe this is our way of curbing other things

from happening, because this is really embarrassing for college football
that not only did Reggie Bush get caught, but boy
did he get caught.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Like he got he got caught.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Like what did Jason Cole tell us he went right
up to the house and like the what like the
family carved their names in the in the in the
in the cement, so they do that too, was out
it was Retchie Bush's family.

Speaker 3 (12:21):
Sounds it's some crazy story like that, like you really
got caught, but you just didn't get all.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
Hey, you know, we moved the money around the Cayman
Islands like it was the firm, and it just so happens.
It came back around and Tom Cruise had a great
plan with Eddie Seacott and it worked out.

Speaker 3 (12:35):
No, I mean, this is you really got caught, man,
This is so hey.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
So here's what we're doing and we're hopefully gonna be
able to put this to bet. But now all this
time has gone by and college football is in a
tough place because all the rules are changing and and
and players are players are getting to do a lot,
and teams are mad and coaches are mad. But hey,
let's do this because now at least we can unsully

the high Heisman trophy, right, we can unsully the name
of the Heisman trophy. And you want to get real
conspiracy theory on this. You want to your real conspiracy
theory on this?

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Now? Any coincidence you think this happened so quickly after O. J.
Simpson died? Any any coincidence?

Speaker 1 (13:14):
Hey, you know, all the all the things, Heisman trophy, OJA,
all the any coincidence that this is just, hey, Heisman trophy.
We want to kind of have a we we don't
want anything to do with that. We're gonna do this
for Reggie Bush. Now, I mean, I don't know, I
kind of find weird after nineteen years suddenly now this
is it, and we're doing it.

Speaker 5 (13:30):
Timing the even the draft.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
It's kind of like the Bears announcing, you know, all
these stadium renderings and whatever the day before the draft.
Let's get that out there. Same thing here. It's like
a right, here's a news dump. And by the way,
there's George. I mean, you're telling me my ass those
guys didn't know why they were all there and assembled, Hey,
we want we want to invite y'all to show up
why and just you know, we want to get.

Speaker 5 (13:53):
Some Heisman people together.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
Come on and hang out, Eric Crouch and George Rogers
and Earl Campbell, just come hang out.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
We'll have a nice bruche look.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
And now, look, Reggie Bush is gonna be And now
the flip side of it is because Reggie Bush is
gonna be a great ambassador now for the Heisman Trophy.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
He's very, very public.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
You know, you see him on Fox all the time,
the pregame shows and everything else. And he's someone that
players who are kids who watch the game now still
gauk at his highlights.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
He still has.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
That that impression with fans for the last twenty five years. Hey,
Reggie Bush is someone that is really public right now
when it comes to the Heisman Trophy. Yeah, you know,
you see commercials with Barry Sanders who can barely fit
into a jersey, and most of the guy's like, oh man,
this is kind of embarrassing.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
Hey, Reggie still looks good.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Maddy Stills can go out there and run the ball
of fifteen times a game. So hey, let's bring back
a guy who will be a great ambassador for the
Heisman Trophy and very public. Giving it back to him
will win a lot of public support because many people
be very happy that Reggie Bush got it back. And look, honestly,
my real I'm just kind of okay they gave it back.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
It was simper they took it away.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
Stupid the game it bet But like the pr of it,
right is have you ever considered him not the Heisman
winner from that year?

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Yeah? Of course.

Speaker 4 (15:07):
You know, nobody walked over and you know, made a
new mold and put Vince Young's name on it and
handed it.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Over like that never happened.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
I like the fact Vince Young is trending all day
today going, wait, they're giving back my Heisman trophy to
the other guy, you.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
Know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (15:21):
Like they never they never stripped the belt, like it's
the WWE with someone if an injury or or a
boxer that didn't want to defend it.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
No, it just went so all these years, like, yeah,
we understand everything that went down.

Speaker 4 (15:35):
We've gone through the timelines, everything nobody ever considered that
gone except for the fact that he wasn't able to
cash in on it.

Speaker 1 (15:43):
But now he gets to go to Heisman House exit
out by to Fresca exit swallen up. Those commercials will
be really good trust me, they'll be with Reggie.

Speaker 4 (15:50):
Johnny Manziel is gonna come back to all the ceremonies.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
Now remember he was gonna boycott.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yeah, Reggie wearing his jersey. Look good man, Those commercials
WI look good. Heisman House will be great.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
Start selling the USC fives again.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
Baby, let's go.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
Coming up next, we'll take a look at tomorrow night's
first round of the NFL Draft.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
What quarterbacks are for real? What aren't? Keep it right here,
Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 7 (16:25):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game? What is Up on Game? You asked, along
with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Hutchman, Zada and Super
Bowl champion Yup. That's right, Plexico Burrs. You can only
name a show with that type of talent on it.
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real

life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to up on
game with me, LeVar Arrington, TJ. Hutchman, Zada and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you
get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon. Three and a half to go in
the third quarter, Thunder all over the Pelicans still eighty
two sixty seven.

Speaker 3 (17:18):

Speaker 1 (17:18):
Alexander's got twenty four, Chet has twenty two.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
It has been all thunder from the jump. Will have
more on this coming up.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
But joining us now a man who can provide the
unique perspective as to what these NFL teams are getting
with these quarterbacks.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
You're going to go on the Top ten, Top fifteen tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
It is the owner, editor, proprietor of College Footballnews dot com.
You're one stop shopping for college football all the previous
analysis you need. And here's the founder himself, Pete fu Tech. Pete,
what's happening Bud?

Speaker 8 (17:50):
First of all, this is the most sleep I've ever
had on one of my appearances on your show, because
usually you're catching me at like mid October, and it's
just complete deprivation of all things sleep. And this is
the first time I think I'm actually awake for doing
for talking to you guys on the air here.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
You know, I had a feeling you were fresher because
when I was going through your twitter feed earlier today,
when Caleb Williams got compared to Prince, like, this is
why he scares teams because he's like if Prince is
a quarterback. You actually went through a lot of the
women that Prince dated, saying, hey, that's true, then this
is who Caleb Williams are gonna wind up dating. Now
you left out like SHERYLN. Fenn and a couple of others.
But still, I thought your list was pretty good.

Speaker 8 (18:30):
Oh you you you had to really go with you.
If you're Apollonia is on there, you gotta get Apolloia,
Carmel Elestra Peak, Kim Basinger, I mean you're you're Cashila.
I mean you got to come a little stronger than that.
You gotta be, you gotta be, you gotta be real
tough to crack that top four. So yes, but but yeah,
if he's if he's the Prince, which byably it was

supposedly a knock from some you know guy who wrote
this and said all the scouts oh you're getting Princes here. Well,
that means he's not only the best quarterback in the NFL,
he's also better at every position than everyone else playing
their position because he can do it better than the
people who are doing it. So it's a probably almost
the worst possible cop you could come up with as

a dig for an NFL process.

Speaker 5 (19:13):
Probably has a hell of a jump shot too, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Probably does.

Speaker 8 (19:18):
Yeah, Prince can actually shoot a little bit for being
five foot four, so you put, he's actually a pretty
good shooter, all.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Right, Pete.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
So look, we've heard a lot about Caleb Williams. Obviously
he's going to the Bears number one, Jade and Daniel's
number two. Once we get outside of those two, if
I said you could wave a magic wand and have
any quarterback that's left out of that group outside of
Williams and Daniels are gonna go won two.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
Who's the guy you want? Who do you think is
going to have the best NFL career?

Speaker 8 (19:47):
Not one thousand percent sold that Drake made isn't the
best of the bunch. I mean it's you know, Caleb,
you have to I mean, if you're the Bears, you're
still haunted by not taking Patrick Mahomes, and so it's
he's the guy. If it doesn't work, it's not your fault.
You took the guy, you made the moves. I still
think it was ridiculous that they traded Justin Fields unnecessarily.

Why not keep both of them? It made absolutely no sense.
But okay, so Caleb's got to be the pick. You know,
Jameen's just the Jane Daniels is just the exciting guy
who just really jump starts the franchise. And it's a
new era when you've got to do something to start up,
and here you got this dynamic playmaker. You know, Drake
May he's right there though in any other year he's

the number one overall pick, just so happens to be
a year of a really good quarterback. So kind of
boring because he's probably gonna go number three, but it's
the Biggers. I'm sorry, I got the teams mixed up there,
but Drake May is probably that that third of the bunch.

Speaker 4 (20:47):
I appreciate the Mitchell Trubisky slander without mentioning him too.
Just remember that they would have drafted to Shaun Watson
before they would have drafted.

Speaker 8 (20:57):
If Patrick Homes would Still, if Patrick Mullo Holmes is
so great, why did he last wearing to where he did?

Speaker 3 (21:03):

Speaker 8 (21:04):
Remember, everyone keeps forgetting Patrick Mahomes was not Patrick Mahomes.
That's right, and everyone also forgets they also great trivia question.
He didn't even start. Alex Smith had a whale of
a year and Patrick Mahomes was on the bench. It
took a little bit before he became that. No one
really knew if he was going to be this.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
He was a.

Speaker 8 (21:22):
Project still and yeah, it really did work and he got.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
Tied to the guy with the nuggies. All right, let's
let's do the j J m JJ McCarthy. Because Smith
hates him, despite him being part of an adopted Michigan family,
he wants no part of him. How fast does he
go off the board or is it all a smoke screen?

Speaker 8 (21:43):
I think he's going fast and I don't get it. Look,
I will openly admit when I biff a pick, and
I certainly you know, I do this from the college perspective,
and there are certain times when I admit, you know what,
I don't see it, and I could be wrong. It
was Joe Burrow. I'm like, I know, he was great,
but kind of a system surrounded by a perfect scenario.

Kind it was a one year guy, and obviously that
was wrong. Sometimes I see it and say, guys Baker Mayfield,
Johnny Manziel, No, no, no, this isn't going to work.
I'm telling you this from a college perspective. That's not
going to work. I don't get it. I mean, I
know he's kind of got the arm, and he's kind
of got the tools, and he didn't have to really

stress test anything at Michigan. But you're talking about a
guy who is also surrounded by an offensive line that
gave him ten years to throw. He didn't have to
really throw a throw an anger too often last year. No,
he did come up big late last year, especially in
the college football playoffs.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
But I just.

Speaker 8 (22:44):
I compared to say, bo Nix is a little more
of a system guy. Michael Pennox I really do like.
But he's he can't pressure him at all or else
there's a problem. But in terms of being that number
five guy off the board, it's going to be taken
if the Vikings move up or if the Raiders move Heaven
and Earth to get up there. I get that. You

want to have one of the top quarterbacks, and he's
going to be the fourth of that bunch. And again
he's not gonna go to San Diego. So he's saying, nice,
but Chargers, I can't believe I did that. You do
have he's going to be there in the top six.
I do think he goes it right about there. But again,
if it works out and he's the next Patrick Mahomes,

I will certainly eat it. But again I don't from
a college stude, I just don't quite see that he's
gotten that sort of you know, skill set that's going
to be the im the franchise quarterback who's going to
carry you the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
There's there's two things because like McCarthy, I never got
from Again, I watched every one of his games at Michigan,
and yes, everything you said is right, the great team
behind him, offensive line, all of this. But there's two
things I'm gonna say, and one I'm going to borrow
from Moneyball. If JJ McCarthy is so great, why didn't
he play great?

Speaker 3 (23:57):
Right? Like, if he was so great, why didn't he
play great?

Speaker 1 (24:00):
And the fact that Michigan wins the national title by
minimizing his responsibilities in the Rose Bowl in the National
Championship game. They won because they didn't what They couldn't
trust him to do enough to do enough to win
this game, so they ran their offense different to did
things to and it almost cost him the National title game.
They run for two hundred yards in the first quarter,
at Harbor says, no, let's get JJ McCarthy going, wait,

why why are you throwing the ran for two hundred yards?
Donald Edwards could run for seven hundred yards of this game. No, No,
let's start throwing the football in the second quarter, like
Harball's got a thing for McCarthy. And I get it,
and I get that he's got all the tools, but
we've seen guys with toil losing Zach Wilson.

Speaker 3 (24:38):
Make those throws.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
I just don't see how siddly he is gonna go
from college doing what he did to being a great
quarterback in the pros.

Speaker 8 (24:46):
I thought you were gonna go Draft Day and say
nobody went to his birthday party.

Speaker 5 (24:49):
But that is.

Speaker 8 (24:52):
But look, I know a lot of people, including my daughter,
would love to go to a JJ McCarthy birthday party.
He is, You're right, I I the play calling it.
Michigan was curious at times. Let's just say, especially in
the crunch time. But I the other thing to remember
is Michigan fans there is an overhype too, because everyone

sees him. And also remember that for all the NFL
draft analysis, it's all kind of hooha because remember, these
guys don't really like, let's just say, oh, I watched
the tape.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
No, they didn't.

Speaker 8 (25:28):
Didn't watch tape on every single guy and every single throw.
But everyone saw every single play that J. J. McCarthy made.
They're like, yeah, okay, maybe that's the guy who could
you know, he's got he's got the tools. You got
to look and remember in the in the brief history
was lately of Michigan football. Who are their quarterbacks? You
know you talk about why was Ohio State better? Well,

the lineage of Ohio State quarterbacks was amazing, you know,
starting him from a college level, Braxton Miller and you
know JT. Barrett and obviously Cardil Jones went an actual championship,
and you know Dwayne Haskins and Justin Fields and who
Michigan have you know John o'corn. You know, I mean,
you just didn't have quarterbacks there until McCarthy was able
to be that one who finally kind of broke it

for Harbaugh and was like, yeah, here's a real quarterback
who can play. So by comparison, he looks great, but again,
the guy was playing behind an offensive line that didn't
get him touched. He had that running game like you mentioned,
and everything else was perfect for him. Again, I kind
of see him being that quarterback who comes in and
becomes a big fantasy quarterback, but just not quite enough

to be that guy who just wins you a lots
of games. And I know that's kind of what he
did of Michigan. I just again, I don't quite see
how this is all going to be. He's going to
be a superstar, but and then again, I just say,
Josh Allen, who throws for fifty four percent in college
and does that in the pro, that just doesn't fit.
So you never quite know until you get him into
the right situation.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
Pete you check our guest at Pete Bucheck, where you
find him on on Twitter, the publisher at college Footballnews
dot com. His tagline it's not my fault your school
isn't better at college football. And now we anxiously await
the draft. See Allas analysis there, including a lot of
mocking of the Bears and their proposal. Uh near the
shoreline there of Lake Michigan. Uh. Pete Jaden Daniels looks

like number two. But evidently that was a guy that
thought too many people were invited to his party when
he went to the Kandrews.

Speaker 5 (27:25):

Speaker 4 (27:26):
The reservations of what he is at the next level.

Speaker 8 (27:30):
Uh, what really took takes me a little back, and
it's the wrong way to look at it is. I
thought something today where he makes some statement, I want
to be the greatest NFL Russian quarterback of all time. No,
you don't. You do not want that. That equals dead quarterback,
is what that means. At the next level, you don't
want to be, you know, the next fran Tarkented or

who did last forever. So I suppose a bad cop there,
But you don't want to be, you know, the guy
who's running around for you know, for your life. You
want to be the guy who can run if he
has to and becomes dangerous. But you have that throwing
abilitiya does a little more. And that's look. Look we
see out Lamar Jackson. You know that's one of the
one of the guys I got right in my calls

and years ago yelling that he was actually going to
be a good quarterback. And that's it if you've got
that mobility and he's got the passing skills. Certainly now
he did have elite wide receivers to throw to, and
he was in the Brian Kelly system, which has fooled.
Just before I raise hand high here when I say
I was all in on Deshaun Kaiser. Oops. So it's

you never quite know until you get him in makeing
a system where he's got to shine without everything else
in place, including you know, the opposite of the Michigan situation. McCarthy.
David didn't have a defense last year. He had to
keep throwing, he had to keep making plays. That's why
when the Heisman, partially because the stats were so amazing,

because they had to be because there were in these
all these shootout games. He's just a fun playmaker. He
is going to be really good. Uh again, he's going
to inject a kind of a new level of stuff
in that franchise. But you do not want to be
a great rushing NFL quarterback. You want to be able
to do that. You just don't want to be known
for that necessarily all.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
Right, Peche, let me ask us. So we've gotten all
your take on all these If you had to have
one between McCarthy, Knicks and Pennix, who do you take?

Speaker 3 (29:28):
You gotta have to go.

Speaker 8 (29:29):
I'm going Pennix, and I know it's dangerous because the
problem with Penix is if you get a pass rush
on him, there's a problem. But he's got just a
fearless arm and he was able to do okay in
against Texas when they kept throwing everything in the kitchen sinking.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Yeah, the Michigan Michigan just exposed him in such a
large way. The one guy in the backfield he was like,
I'm getting rid of this football now.

Speaker 8 (29:52):
Yeah, that was it. And there there is your problem
where you know, that's the opposite of kind of the
Jane Danielson where he does have some ability, he's got
so many knee issues and shoulder issues and things that
he's just not the mobile quarterback that he was when
we first started out in Indiana. So but I I
just kind of like it, like Bonis Boniz is going
to be a productive starter. But that offense, dank dunk,

dank dunk. I mean, you know that's just how that
offense worked. And again, I'm not totally buying into McCarthy,
and you know, look again, if he's it, I will
just say, hey, that was fun. Yeah, that guy's great.
You know, I like when quarterbacks are great, But I
would probably I think Michael Pennix is kind of the
undervalued guy here because everyone's a little bit leery about
the injury factor as much as anything else with him.

Speaker 4 (30:39):
Last one for you, real quick, Pete. How many games
does Prince win for the Bears this year?

Speaker 8 (30:44):
Yeah? I think Prince wins zero. But yeah, simple, but no,
it's that'll be a good feet. If Prince could win
a game, come back, going a game, Uh, he's gonna
be He's gonna be great. I just think that the
pressure is going to be so immense on him to
be amazing right away, because being in this town, it's
not just that Caleb Williams is going to be has

to be good. He's got to be way better than
what Justin Fields was right out of the gate, because
there's a huge contingent of people here who thought Justin
Fields was very good and all he needed was a
little more help around him, and so he's just got
to be next level superstar and God help him, and
God helped the Chicago Bears with whatever new stadium thing
either trying to put together. If Jaydon Daniels and Drake

may become like CJ. Stroud in this, it's like, oh God,
we did it again. I'm just gonna move at that
point because I cannot handle all the people around here,
which they start complaining about that.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
He's on Twitter at peach Tech. That is at Peach Tech.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Check college Footballnews dot com all the analysis you need
Beeton night before the draft. I'd be remissified and tell
you this. If the elevator tries to break you down,
go crazy, punch a higher floor.

Speaker 3 (31:54):
Okay, just so you know.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
I do that.

Speaker 8 (31:57):
I try to do that daily.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
Yet thinking a good man. Thanks Pete.

Speaker 1 (32:02):
What a great way to look at the quarterbacks through
the eyes of this is what I've seen through college.
This is where they're going to be able to make
their mark what they can and can't do. Awesome, awesome
stuff from Pete fu Tech, The Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Carmon Live the Tyrack dot Com Studios.
Coming up next, we have more bold predictions for Tomorrow
night in the NFL Draft. How insane will the first

fifteen picks be? We'll tell you that's next, right here,
Jason to Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox Sports.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Five and a half to go in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Looks like the thunder gonna go up two games and
none on the Pelicans. They are rolling New Orleans right now,
one thirteen to eighty four. Check with twenty six. Meanwhile,
after having seven near halftime, and you have to hit refresh,
going okay, they're not just refreshing shy gildess Alexander's points. No,
he's got thirty one now and it's been all Oklahoma

City on their way to a two to zero lead.
Now Tomorrow, in the NBA's infinite wisdom, they decide to
put the Knicks and the Lakers on.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Which is stupid because it's the NFL Draft.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
So tomorrow, obviously we're gonna talk all about the draft
when we come on after. And I gotta be honest
with you, Mike, I know that there's gonna be a
little bit of hesitancy from some teams when it comes
to trading up for quarterbacks. And I don't think we're
gonna see the trades until you get to the Bears
and the Jets at nine and ten. Right, that's where
I think teams would come up from twelve and thirteen

because it's not gonna cost as much. But i'll tell
you what it is going to be insane those first
fifteen picks tomorrow, they'll be at least three trades in
the top fifteen, three trades in the top fifteen, and
all six quarterbacks will be gone by pick number fifteen.

Speaker 3 (33:53):
It's gonna be good to see it. Six.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
You'll see him one through three or four. My picks
one through five, four quarterbacks will go. Then you're gonna
see a little bit of we're gonna get Joe Alton,
Here goes Marvin Harrison Junior and all that.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
And then it's gonna be bang, bang bang.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
When you get to like ten, eleven, twelve, you're gonna
see bo Nix and Panix.

Speaker 3 (34:11):
You're gonna see those guys go into the Jets. That's
how it's gonna go. The Jets make it one of them.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
Hey, put them in the competition. We'll get by the way,
Happy Aaron Rodgers anniversary, buddy, I always slipped that one
past us.

Speaker 1 (34:23):
Yeah, well today today's I mean, it's a very big
day today because today is the anniversary of Aaron Rodgers.
It's also the fifteen year anniversary of Mel Kiper mentioning
my name on the NFL Draft. Really, oh dud, It's
one of the biggest highlights of my life.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
I'll tell you. So did did he get it wrong? No? No, no.
When I did All Night, Sorry, man.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
Don't tell Jason he was talking about the NBA player.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
Or the former offensive lineman.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
When I was doing All Night on ESPN Radio, I
had Mel Kuiper on every week. He was the best.
We would talk for twenty minutes before he would come on.
We talked for twenty minutes after because I tape his interview.
He was the best.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
I love me. It was so talking to him was
just so great.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
And we made a bet on the air for the
NCAA tournament who goes farther Syracuse or Maryland, Because you
know Mel lives in Maryland.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
He's a huge Maryland fan. So I said, okay, if
Maryland goes farther. What do you want?

Speaker 1 (35:14):
He goes, I want, I want the best cheesecake because
he loves cheesecare I the best cheesecake you can get
me in Los Angeles from the best restaurant.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
I said, great. He goes, what do you want if
Syracuse goes farther?

Speaker 1 (35:25):
I said, you have to mention my name and the
show at the draft because Jason Smith, tackle out of Baylor,
was gonna get picked in the top ten. I go,
when Jason Smith gets picked, you have to mention me
and the show. And he said deal. And I'm like, okay, well,
this is never gonna He's never gonna this is the
NFL draft. Man, He's not gonna do it. He gets
so Syracuse. Syracuse goes further than Maryland, so he wins.

He goes, yeah, no, I'm a man of my word.

Speaker 3 (35:50):
I'll do it. I'm like, he's not gonna do it.
He's not gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
And I'm watching the draft and the Rams draft Jason
Smith and he says, you know, are Jason Smith on
all night? He can talk all night, Jason Smith. He
can block all day in all night. And then he
went and I was like, oh, my god. That was
My phone didn't stop ringing for an hour. They were like,
Mel Kuiper just mentioned you on the trap. I go, oh,
my god, Mel is like a hero, like he can

do no wrong.

Speaker 4 (36:14):

Speaker 1 (36:14):
I'm like, he actually did it, he actually said it.
And I'm sure they weren't happy, going what is he
talking about? But he did it. It was one of
the great thrills of my life.

Speaker 3 (36:22):
Man. That was so cool. Mike, it's pretty funny. We've
never heard this audio. No, it's well it is.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
I mean he's got stories that are trapped in the dome,
so I mean sometimes they rise up. Look, three years
with the Rams, a couple of stints with the Jets
and the Saints.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
So there you go.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Yeah, he finally became a jet. Okay, great, all right,
he was a jet. I'll try to find it. I'll
try to find the other.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
Would you ever go and try to get a gamer
gamer jersey of him?

Speaker 3 (36:49):
No? No, no.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
I had him on the show once and we talked.
He was a fun he was a fun kid. He
was he was a fun kid. I was like, it
was no, it was kind of cool.

Speaker 3 (36:57):
He knew who I was because people had said it,
so I was like, yeah, of course.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
I know who you are, and I know he was
a fun interview. He was a fun kid man. I'm
glad we had no.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
Well, no mel Kiper with mel Kipers.

Speaker 4 (37:07):
Well, and then the other Jason Smith played for the Knixt,
didn't he Yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (37:11):
Then one played hockey too.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
There were Jason At one point there was a Jason
Smith in every sport. The Tigers had a Jason Smith.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
The Troy Tigers had a Jason Smithson.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
Yeah, what if I were to tell you at the
top of the hour, we're gonna play audio that Trump's
that wait, that Trump's mel Kuiper mentioning my name on
the draft is huge? Come on, man, absolute, come on, obliterates, obliterate. Okay, Okay,
you're not gonna play the butt fumble again, Right, We're not.
That's not what's gonna happen. You're not gonna tell me

there's some great audio off the butter. Okay, wait, it's
not gonna be the fail Mary, Right, it's not gonna
be the fail amarrigans the Dolphins.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
We're not gonna get that.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Oh, Mary's here on Monday, all right, all right, so
real again, I guess we'll all hear this together for
the first time.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
Coming up next, Jason to Mike, this is Fox
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