All Episodes

April 17, 2024 58 mins

C&R talk sports parents/coaching & there's a FIGHT this weekend that Covino will convince you to watch. When he's in Idaho this weekend, Cove has to figure out how he can still revolve the weekend around Garcia/Haney! What part of the calendar is your biggest sports joy? The guys get into their Steph Curry topic. Will he finish his career with the Warriors? 'SHAQ DIESEL BASKETBALL TRIVIA' gets you set for NBA Play-in action! Plus, Angel Hernandez/bad calls, Rich's NBA parlay & every baseball fans complaint about pitching!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cabino and
Rich podcast. Be sure to catch us live every day
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If your dad still had the energy to have a
catch with you feel the dreams style after a long
day of work, props to him. Tip your hat to
your dad. If he didn't, he didn't love you and
he was a jerk. I don't think of how many
times your dad or your mom dropped you with practice
or brought you to practice. Yeah, these things you realize

as you get older, like not always easy. Like you
always say you're a chauffeur to your teenage daughter. Yeah,
it sucks, but not gonna lie to embrace it and
love it. But I gotta do it while I can
as part of the job. Part of the job. Especially
by the way, if your dad or mom got down
on their knees or in a crouch position to catch
for you when you were practicing pitching, you think your

dad wanted to be You know, at thirty forty fifty
years old. You think your dad wanted to be in
a crouch catcher position. But he did it. Why because
he loved because he loves you. Do you play catch
or do you have a catch? I'm an East Cluster,
I have a catch. Playing catch sounds like something two
year olds do. I agree with you. Let's have a catch. Yeah,
let's have a catch. Have a catch. When someone says
let's play catch, I'm like, all right, four year old.

I gave my analogy before. I'm not comparing pets to kids. Okay,
I'm not that guy. I'll never be that guy. I'm
a dad of a pain in the ass daughter, and
I have a dog. But the analogy is this. When
you come home from work and your dog he's all
excited to see you, and he brings a toy to
you out of excitement. You gotta try to snag it

from him, tug it a little bit, and throw it
across the room because he waited all day. He waited
all day for that moment for you to walk by
that dog and not acknowledge him, not give him a
little pet on the head, and grab that toy that
he was holding there for you. That's a travesty. You're selfish,
You're an a hole. So when you're a kid, forget

about doggie, forget about woffles. When your kid comes up
to you after work and you're like, dad, you want
to have a catch man? What kind of guy are you?
If you're like, no, I'm too busy. Sen Have you
ever seen that viral video where it's a kid looking
in the mirror practicing like dad, quiv catch yeah, quieva ketchuck.

He's nervous to ask his dad, and then he goes
to his dad's room and his dad's looking in the
mirror saying, sorry, son, sorry, so sorry. He's practicing rejecting.
I've seen that. I will hate enough of that. Let's
get into the show. I just wanted to point it
out because can I make a random observation? I just
I just listen. We talked about sports a lot. It's
Fox Sports Radio, but there's a lot of unsung moms

and dads. Are you just trying to take credit for
being some sort of hero. No, I'm just being a
dad man like everyone else I have. I have a
friend who is traveling around to his kid's soccer. Let's
say I don't think you get extra credit for being
a dad, dude. I did not one time, asked Ray
Barry Horwitz, pat on the back. What I'm doing is
I'm giving props to all the other parents. That's what
good dads do. Yeah, of course, but I'm saying I
got friends and low places and high places. I got

friends that every week they're traveling for their kids' soccer.
I have a buddy who took his kid to like
Wayne Gritzky's hockey camp. I'm like, where'd you go? He's
like Seattle on me, like Washington, you're from New York.
That's for my kids, dude. Parents would do anything for
their kid. And I was talking to a couple of
guys in the newsroom earlier about how when we were kids,

it just seems so much more simplistic. And I don't
want to sound like the old guy. I'm only forty ish, right,
But when we were kids, I always joke about how
you went to the school in your town and you
played seasonal sports. That's it now. If your kid likes soccer,
it's like a calendar, full year thing. If your kids
into baseball, travel baseball, social media, and it has to

be real because it's on social media. But I hear
so many people complaining about it that travel sports are
tearing families apart because it's making them broke and they're
just spending all their weekends just all over the place.
Like chances are if you have multiple kids, they're playing
at different times, different places, So you got mom at
one place, dad at the other, and you're just stressing

out on these things, and they're not necessarily bringing people closer.
It's just making things more stressful for families. You think
you're always doing the right thing, But I did see
an article about how overdoing it with sports as a thing,
Like if you think all three of your kids need
to be in three different travel leagues and summer leagues

and all this, maybe they don't like previous generations were
fine doing it the way they did. Don't You don't
You don't need to have a kid play soccer twelve
months of the year, so I don't want your kid
to get left behind when all the other kids are
and all these extra camps and everything else. Oky, Danny Gy,
you your step kids are good ballplayers, right, like your
son is a good ballplayer. Yeah, well you did your

wifey ever get involved in.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
All these travel She did our middle son really really
good shortstop and second basement, and he traveled for baseball.
So she was heavily involved in that whole lifestyle. And
you're right, it's expensive, time consuming, and you really got
to invest into it to do it the right way.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
God takes a lot out of here. Souches on on
that lifestyle right now where every day it's a softball practice.
We had to cancel a dinner today because Rich has
kids softball. We had a like a business dinner with
a with a pal, which is like, I can't girls softball.
So it really starts to take up a lot of
your time in your life, but rewarding at the same

time because your kids will never forget it. They're your kids.
It's important. So anyway, be a good dad. And before
we get into the meat, I have another observation. Someone
hit me up. They said, Covino and Rich, you could
get into the meat. I'll sit right here, Covino and Rich,
your show leaps and bounds the greatest, And I said,
thanks so much. I said that your mom. I don't

know that part up, but he did say, hey, I
love your show, but you got to drop the let's
go And I'm like, you're right, but really, when did
that become the rally cry for this generation? We got
to stop with that? And I try so hard, but
it's something that we said that younger people feel they invented.
It's like we always said, let's go, let's go Yankees,

let's go different, let's go. The kids the middle of it,
they put that let's f and go, but go. Everything
became a let's go. And I want to know how
younger people took ownership of something that always existed and
it became their rally cry. And do we have to
stop with it already? They get out of here the
whole like, let's go Dodgers. That's not the same. This

is a let's go. You didn't say let's go, let's
get them, let's go, said get them. You played sports,
you said let's go. And now they take ownership of
it as if they invented it. And if you say it,
it's now you're saying something that young people say. It's
like the word clout. It's like, hey, the word cloud existed.
You guys did not invent that. It's not slang. That's

a word, you know. And just like let's go existed,
let's go, But now it's a rally cry to someone said, Hey,
keep doing your show, keep kicking ass, but drop that nonsense.
Signed Covino's daughter thoughts yead sound god week, ye week,
that's so mad. Anyway, I'll do my best to let

it go and I'll leave it to the ween eels.
Now I have some questions I want to pose to you.
There's a viral clip today and I don't expect you
to care about fighting or boxing, but I'm gonna do
my best to get you excited for it. Ryan Garcia,
Devin Haney, they have a stare down today. They're doing
press all week. The fight is this weekend, and Rich,

I don't know if you've seen it yet, but it
just happened today. They're on top of the Empire State Building.
They're talking trash the fights in Brooklyn this weekend. And
weren't they dancing and kissed each other? Oh no, that
was Bieber and Jaden Smith My bead sir, that was
not Garcia. No different. Viral click one yeah and HAINI

man takes Garcia by the face and look, this happens
a lot and fights. It's good promotion. But I really
think they've had enough of each other. They've been going
at it since they were little kids. Takes them by
the face and basically throws them across the Empire State
Building from one side of the roof to the like
mushed them. Yeah, and you push someone's fail like a mush.

Speaker 3 (08:30):

Speaker 1 (08:30):
It's right on my ig story at Steve Covino. At
Steve Covino, it's right there. The fights this weekend. Now,
I have like a two part doozy based on this
fight that I'm gonna ask you about. Okay, so here
you go. You could see them fighting, going at it.
That was a shoves it right, So he did stare

down viral. First things first, I want to say that
one of my pet peeves is when people bring things
up but they have no opinion. They're just asking you
your opinion. It's like, well, what good are you? You
hate what I do that to you?

Speaker 4 (09:07):

Speaker 1 (09:08):
I do. I wasn't even talking about you. There's other
like fight commentators and they're like, all right, the fights
this weekend, it's getting heated. Who you got? Let me know?
That does nothing for me as a fight fan. What
am I getting out of you? What are you doing
reminding me that it's this weekend, that's it. I know

that it's one thing to promote it, but how about
you tell me what you think? If you're the expert.
That's a pet peeve of mine, and now you'll notice it.
I just broke the glass on so many things that
you see wrong about social media. People are providing content,
but they're not giving you anything. What they're saying is
what do you think? And as a fan or consumer,

I'm trying to say, well, dude, it's not about what
I think. I'm coming here to see what you think
about're trying to stimulate engagement. I see what they're doing.
You're not giving me anything. What did you give me? Hey,
here's the fight this weekend. What do you think? Who
do you got? What does that give me? So I'm
gonna tell you Fox Sports Radio reasons the care These
two have been fighting since they were little kids. They're

both three and three in the amateurs. This is their
first professional fight at one point forty a heated division
junior welterweights, and I think Ryan Garcia is the naturally
gifted fighter, killer speed, great power, super gifted and talented fighter.

What we're going to see this weekend is a classic
example of someone's hard work, discipline and next level work
ethic overcome natural talent. And I think Devin Haney has
that discipline in that work ethic that puts them over
Ryan Garcia. Now I'm rooting for Ryan Garcia. Some people
say he lost his mind, whatever the case may be.

So I'm rooting for Ryan. But Devin Haney's discipline and
work ethic has really find him in a different light
for me, and I think that puts him over the edge.
Hard work beats raw talent. That's what we're going to see.
So I'm giving you a little something there now. This
weekend is the fight. I've waited months for this fight, years,

you could say, because I've always wondered who has the
edge at one forty. There's so many big names in
that division. My question to you Fox Sports Radio Nation
is this, I'm going to visit my girlfriend's family for
her birthday this weekend in Idaho. Is it rude and
asking too much? If they sort of revolve my one

real night there Saturday night around my little fight night party?
Is that rude? And my question is what is it
for you that you anticipate the most in the world
of sports, because there's two things for me. Fights like this.
When the date is set, I look forward to that
date the same way you look forward to a vacation,

almost like oh, May fourth, Canelo Mungia. That's like saying, man,
we're going to cancuon that weekend. I get that amped
up about these fights. The only thing I can can
compare it to is maybe Christmas when you were a kid,
or Opening Day Baseball. So for me, a big fight
is just as exciting to me as Opening Day Baseball.

So if I'm going away this weekend to visit my
girlfriend's family, you're basically asking me to miss Opening Day Baseball,
to miss a fight that I've been waiting for, miss Christmas,
to miss Christmas. And granted I'm only there for the weekend.
I'm like, Yo, you're asked if we go out on
Saturday night or we're hanging with your family in the
living room, if the fight's not on, I feel like

I'm missing out, something, missing on, something I've been waiting
for and anticipating for months. What did your girlfriend say
when you said this nothing yet? Are you theah? Yeah?
I just hit her with a text, Hey can we
watch the fight, make a night out of it on Saturday.
I'm only there for Friday, Saturday, and I leave Sunday.
Are you serious? I am serious because that's what fights

are for me. You know, it's like UFC three hundred
just passed. She knows you is you've been dating her
a long time, she knows you love fights. In fact,
she doesn't she laugh at like, oh my god, every weekend.
You that's part one of my personal questions, right, that's
my personal dilemma. Second part for me is well what
is that for you? Because that's how much I anticipate

these fights, not every fight fights. Like oh, you said
you hate when people don't give answers. Yeah, I have
two answers. I can't wait to hear it. I know
it's different for everybody, but I want to hear your
answer on that A seven seven ninety nine on Fox
at Covene Owners because I don't think if you have
and everyone has their answer, I don't think you should
ever be expected to miss those things, because I mean,

life is mundane, it's boring, it's stressful. Sometimes. If these
are the things that give you joy, you gotta lean
into them. You can't miss out on those things. They're
few and far between. I have the perfect answer, perfect answer,
Hank Tied. I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need
to do nice for this and what is that for you?
Let me know, Ryan Garcia, Devin Haney fight for me

if I mean listen again, I don't want to upset you.
I'm gonna give you all my opinions. I can't wait
for me, Danny. I don't know if you feel the
same way. I'm not trying to. It's not a dig
at you, Danny. But they haven't been to the postseason
a while, your Raiders. But after Week eighteen of the NFL,
when they've officially made the NFL playoff schedule that Monday,
I'm like, come on Saturday, Come on Saturday, like I

am waiting for that Saturday, Sunday and wild card weekend,
Division weekend. Dude.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
The NFL Draft is like the NFL calendar for month.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
But if your team has a top five pick, yeah,
that week of the draft, you have, come on, let's go.
And that's how many things in life excite you to
that point. So think about them. Wait are they And
I'm telling you that I think the number one answer
Varietians might be the draft. No, I think NFL playoffs
for me, If you're asking me what excites me the
most in sports. When Week eighteens wrapping up in the

final wild card gets their slot and they're like, all right,
it's always the end of that last Sunday game because
they have that one flex Sunday night game, and in
like the third quarter, the announcer will be like, all right,
they've given us the official schedule. I pause that crap,
and I'm like, right that.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
But think back to when the NFL season starts. It's
like a holiday around here. We celebrate like it's an
early Christmas, and those are great moments to embrace. I
used to feel that way about opening day baseball for real.
I still do, man, and I love the smell of
the grass, and I try so hard to ignore that
date because the anticipation kills me. It feels so far away,

like a little kid Christmas.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
But you know what, look at my Mets, for example,
we joked about they started what five oh six, and
now they're eight and eight. I I've been convinced now
that my eagerness for the start of the baseball season
is nonsense. And I have buddies that have the mindset of, oh,
I'll watch, but don't even speculate until the all star break,

And I feel like I might have to adopt that
mindset because it's such a long season, one sixty two.
By July they've played eighty and you're like, yeah, but
I need to be negative Norberto Rich Debbie Downer. But
the older you get, even if you're the most passionate
of people, the luster, the excitement on things you used

to love, it starts to go away a little bit.
Like think of how excited it used to be about
Nudi Magazine Day? Is Nudy Magazine Day as exciting as
it once was? That's true. No, So if you still
get excited about certain things, these are your holidays, these
are your moments. You shouldn't be expected to miss them.
Good luck convincing your thirty something year old girlfriend who's

in town with her friends and family that the one
night you're all there together, where are we going? What
fancy restaurant? What club? What bar? No? No, no, no,
We're gonna have a Devin Hainey Ruyan Gussi a party
at your parents' house. I know your best part, so
I have your best bet. Yeah, let's hear it. Your
best bet is simple. You've been dating it for a
couple of years. Yeah, you get along well with her family.

Why don't you text her dad a couple ten years? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (17:13):
I know.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
I'm trying to downplay. I don't want to put the
pressure on because I know other people thinking, where's the ring?
Covino going to Idaho? The boxing ring. It's on payper V,
let's go Saturday night, Saturday night, it's in Brooklyn. I
want to talk to you about a ring. Oh my god,
the ring inside the MGM. So the Barclays, the Barclays,

so twenty four by twenty four foot ring. Here's here's
my thought. You text her dad. Her dad name's Lynn, right,
yeah right, here's got box sports support. Hey listen to
the potato. Yeah, hey, Len, really pumped to see you
in the FAM this weekend. No, it would mean a
lot you and I watching the fight together. Oh that

sounds manipulative.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
I know.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
And then you beg I'm watching the fight with your dad,
And then it's it's if you set it up like that,
because he would be down to watch the fight. It's
not a bad idea, but again, not to make it
all about me. It's just the same guy that your father,
your your girlfriend's dad took you fly fishing, and he
took you out to do his stuff. Right. Yeah, he'd
be like, I had such a good time when we
went fly fishing and you know, had a guy's day. No,

it would be awesome. You know, I'm a big boxing guy.
We got to watch his fight together, me and you.
I've been waiting for it for months. You gotta do
a little uh Tom Sawyer ext manipulation. That's my situation
based on that. My thought process was, Man, there's only
a few things in life that I anticipate that much. Hey, Lenn,
what's the best take out place in Boise. Well, there's

this potato fixings place. Well, let's order for everyone. Honestly,
not everything there is potato. I imagine it just to
be I imagine women wearing burlap sacks. Imagine there was
Dutch Bros And potatoes. So Dutch Bro's coffee where they're
overly too nice to you. Yeah, So any good plans
this week? Just give me my coffee, damn it. So
what brings you to town? Can I have a coffee? Please?

Speaker 4 (19:06):

Speaker 1 (19:06):
Rich? So what is that for you? Is that the
first kickoff of the season, Because these are the little
things in life that we live for, man, And I'm
telling you those big fights, it's right up there with
Christmas Morning. It's Sunday football for me, and I feel
like I speak on it's a boring answer, but it's
Sunday football for me. But most importantly playoff football. In fact,
so much so that I look at some of the

other guys on pals with here in La, I'm like,
who are you? I meaning during the fall, there is
a Sunday softball league that I opt to not playing
a lot because I'm like, are you good? You guys
are okay playing Sunday softball with its football on all day? Like,
isn't softball designated for like I do not this season.

I don't think you should be expected to miss those
little joys in life. But you know what my girlfriend
would say, every weekend, you say, it's a good fight.
I'm like, no, but this was different. True, you are
the boy that cried. You are the boy that cried.
Fight of the year. I mean last weekend was UFC
three hundred. This weekend Garcia. Every time, Anny G what
is it for you, man, is it base? Is it? What?

Speaker 4 (20:08):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (20:08):
Is there it?

Speaker 2 (20:09):
Maybe it's I guess it's a tie between the NFL
draft because my team is always hopeful to draft a
franchise quarterback and the pieces that are missing have been
missing for a long time. And when football, when NFL
kicks off, that to me feels like a holiday like
Christmas morning.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
It really does. That's your new again. Christmas is fun,
but it's not like it was when you were little newdy.
Magazine day was great, but it doesn't really excite you
any well. What gives you joy? Give you joy? Joy?
It does? It's true, Iowa, Sam, what's yours?

Speaker 6 (20:46):
I can't miss a Iowa football games? Yeah, yeah, that's
a big one. Can't couch football.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
College football for Iowa. Sam. Know what I used to
do just to avoid conflict? You could say it's a
nope thing to do. I used to not make plans
in October with the hopes that the Mets would be
in the postseason. Like anytime somebody like you want to
take a trip at October, I'm like, no, can do.
If the Mets do it, then I in my mind,
I'm like, I just like blocked out a hell of

a lot of October for no reason, but I still
do it. You know, we're gonna go to dB in
a minute for an update. But let's say it's up
to d in Florida. What's up, d what's going on?

Speaker 5 (21:24):
Fellas? Hey, buddy, what's going on?

Speaker 1 (21:27):

Speaker 5 (21:27):
I'm with you now, I'm I'm I'm the biggest Dallas
Cowboys fan you want to meet. I haven't missed a
Dallas Cowboy game and at least the last five years now,
other than being in church, which sucks sometimes, but it's
because we play night games a lot, so they have
some truck. But I'm also the head of security at
of middle school. I'm talking about, Like, girls basketball gets

me excited, boys football gets me excited. To middle school,
I have to watch more middle school football. Like I
don't even watch like NBA basketball anymore or college basketball.

Speaker 1 (21:59):
I think, I like, that's great joy And don't let
people get in the way. Don't let anyone getting away.
That's such great, that's such a good answer.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
When our son Jayden was playing football for a Gora
High we were so excited the whole week leading up
to the big game.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Yeah, sports really rallied people together. A community and everything
that invested in middle school sports. Like, that's that's special, man.
I think that's awesome. If I were you, I'd say,
listen his girlfriend. His name is Jordan. Jordan's parents Lennon,
what's the mom, Sandy Lennon, Sandy, put down the sour
Hey guys, put down the sour creaman tribes for a second,

he got they don't just live on potatoes. Okay, all right,
take the shred of cheese. Hold off for a second.
Because this Saturday is a fight of the candidate.

Speaker 7 (22:46):
You could have French fries, home fries, baked potato, curly fries, potatoes, potatoes,
all gatos, grout and baked potato twice baked potato hash brown,
potato ash brown.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
I thought I thought the number one answer on the
board would be first football game of the season. You know,
I think that's probably the universal. Like you take an average,
I would agree number one answer. Well, it's getting later early.
Let's go to our pell Dann Bayer And by the way,
spot hassleback potatoes I think named after the quarterback right
on Dan Seahawks.

Speaker 8 (23:19):
I just found out within the past two years that
AIDA was a combination of Oregon and Idaho.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
I learned that, did not know it now, No, just
now I think that I learned it as you told men.
Oh wow, yes, dB, what's it for your man football?
U last week the Master?

Speaker 5 (23:39):

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Absolutely, that's a That's a really good one.

Speaker 8 (23:42):
Man's when I'm in such a crappy mood this week
because I gotta wait, you know, fifty one more.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
Weeks for it.

Speaker 8 (23:47):
But even when we were having our baby, I was,
you know, they told us, like the do date and
You're like, okay, well what about if if he comes early?

Speaker 1 (23:56):
And so I'm trying to do.

Speaker 8 (23:57):
The math and I'm figuring out, like I just don't
be this second week in April, he said, now want
to have birthday parties.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
You know, on a Saturday. In the third round of
the Masters, I feel you please bring your joy?

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Then yes, you were away before Scheffler's time absolutely, speaking
of the Masters found around TV ratings down twenty percent
from a year ago.

Speaker 8 (24:18):
Nine point five to nine million watch the final round
on Sunday for the WNBA Draft, completely different story, two
point four million watch yesterday. That's the highest ever for
the event, the first time that it received more than
one million viewers. Playing tournament tonight Lakers and Pelicans, seven
thirty Eastern Warriors and Kings after that at ten Eastern.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Johannist and Tetakoumpo not.

Speaker 8 (24:38):
Likely to be available for the Bucks at the start
of their series against the Pacers because of his CAF injury.
Blake Griffin retired today after fourteen seasons in the NBA.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen.

Speaker 6 (24:59):
Live two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug
you right into the NBA grape Fine.

Speaker 9 (25:07):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me Mark
Stein join us as we team up to expound on
everything we're covering.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
Hearing and Chason. Listen to This League Uncut with Chris
Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 9 (25:25):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
Did you know my buddy Rob who lives in San
Antonio listens down there? What's the what's the affiliate? The
spur ninety one point seven oh the Alma, the Alma.
He hit me up with a little fun fact. He
goes Dan Bayer loves Scotti Scheffler. Does he know that Scheffler, Kershaw,

and Stafford all went to the same high school, Dallas
Highland Park. How about that? Who is the most famous
person went to your high school? I'm gonna say, sadly,
I'm on their Wikipedia pass that shows you how that
shows you how meager my high school was. But I mean,
you know, you hear about like different actors that were
roommates and they both go up, but imagine in the

same like Sandler and Apatow or roommates. Yeah, Like to me,
it's like Kershaw, Stafford and Scheffler. My goodness.

Speaker 8 (26:20):
Actually one of the things that blew my mind and
moving out here on how many like kids would just
go to Notre Dame up the street here John Carlos
stan right, Yeah, yeah, exactly. And Lee, our producer, was
friends with them in high school and it was not
a not a you know, big deal like it's it's
funny like when you when you think of it that way.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
I'll tell you what, growing up in New York, it's
a lot of where I grew up it was a
lot of Italian kids, Jewish kids, and they're not really
cut out to be the greatest, huge athletes, like, you know,
let's be honest, Like, you know, many guys that are
five foot nine named Nunzio playing in the Big r
So you know, you go to other parts of the
country and you're like mine, Hey, people are big.

Speaker 8 (26:56):
If we had one kid in our conference that went
to like a D one level school, that was a
big idea. Let alone having professional athletes at the top
of their game all going to the same.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
He was a big deal that a kid in my
high school got a basketball scholarship to Saint John's and
everyone right, that was the big deal. So I knew
the Stafford Kershaw part of the story. Scheffler two. I
didn't know that part.

Speaker 8 (27:18):
Cheffy's younger, you know, but the Stafford Kershaw one, because
they were buddies.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
We heard all the time. Yeah, yeah, that's a famous one.
That is interesting though. There's so many stories of like
can you believe they played together in Little League, or
they play together in high school, they lived together in Hollywood.
It's like, what are the chances I didn't know anybody cool?
Maybe that's part of the problem. Maybe I was just
the coolest. Anyone cool go to your high school?

Speaker 2 (27:42):
Uh? Yeah he went when my when my younger brother
was attending the same school, Colin Kaepernick.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Yeah, you know it's funny that wasn't Colin Kaepernick. I
was a little dicky bro Hi, I'm Dave. You know what,
Fan Yoda went to my high school. But he's old,
you know, much older than I. But what I find
interesting is we don't joke when we do midweek major
on Wednesdays tomorrow, when you set up spot and you
go the most famous person from Scotch Planes other than
Judy Bloom. That's the truth. There really is no fun

No one really went to your high school. That was notable, right,
Like yeah, no, So it's amazing when you hear Scotti, Scheffler,
Matthew Stafford and Kershaw. We're all in the same athletic
department in a high school. Crazy, it is all right. Well,
back to the NBA. We got two playing games. I
think they're both really watchable, fun games. You got the

Lakers Pelicans New Orleans one and a half point favorites.
I thought, based on experience in lebron they might swing
the other way, based on how like the Kings are
underdogs to the Warriors. I thought I thought Warriors Lakers
would both be favored simply based on playoff experience. I
bet you Lebron arguably has more playoff appearances than the

whole Pelicans team times ten. Yeah, there's no doubt. Right,
So when you probably look at those number, you ever
see those where in football? Be like Tom Brady has
more playoff appearances than the other team.

Speaker 4 (29:06):
But I want to.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Focus on Steph Curry for a second, because Lebron's been
on multiple teams. Steph Curry went to a college that
not many people knew about. He got offered to transfer.
He stayed there, right, He stayed there. That Like, that's
a key part of this, Right, we know this. He
said they didn't want me, Dan, I don't want them
right now? Could he could have transferred to a bigger school, Nah, David,

stay in here. I like that mentality. Honestly, I can't
wait for other places and people to kiss my ass
teamed up. It drives me. It motivates me for real.
You know, Oh you want to deal with me now,
kiss my ass. That's the best feeling ever. That's what
Steph Curry basically did oh, now you want me Nah?
Nike called him Steph Hawn Curry. He's like, no, I'm

going under armour beat it. I like that. So every
step of the way, Steph has paved his own path
and showed loyalty, loyalty Davidson under armour as the joke
and meme goes from years ago. Other than using Chris
Mullen on NBA jam, the only Golden State Warriors fan

was the late great Danny Tanner Bob Saggett wearing that
Warriors jacket once in a while because no one really
cared too much about the Warriors. He took a team
that most casual fans back then were like, Golden Stay
where is That made him a franchise dynasty. Yeah, no doubt.

Now changed it all and not only changed the team,
changed the game. Yeah, the same way. When we were kids,
there was always one kid in the crew that was
rocking to Jordan twenty three. Every little crew of kids.
Now there's one Steph fan, one kid that's got his
Golden State jersey. I have friends who have little kids,
they all have Steph Curry jerseys. I'm setting this up

to just point out that he's thirty six years old,
took the Warriors from obscurity to dynasty. If they lose tonight,
the nine to ten do or die playing game, I
think it's symbolic of it's you know what's call it

a day, the whole Draymond Clay, I could see what's happening, Steph.
I mean, it really is to quote the Mike Clay
don't have a clue, but to Michael Jordan Last Dance documentary,
this is that this was the last dance right, And
I don't think those three are ever on the same team.
Ronomy's got two years left. So here's my question for you.
If you're Steph Curry and you're thirty six and maybe

you got a couple more good years to compete, still
got that shot? You might you know, you'll lose something
along the way. If you're Steph Curry, if that SHOT's
the last to go, are you open to the idea
of leaving Golden State? Would you blame him? This is
not a guy. This is not Kevin Okay with him

chasing another chip with another team. This is not a
Kevin Durant. I'm going to form super teams and try
to win Golden State Brooklyn and everything he did. This
is not Lebron four teams.

Speaker 4 (32:18):
This is.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
You know, this is a situation where if Steph Curry left,
I don't think anyone would blame him. Would you wouldn't
blame him. But we were talking about this earlier, and
I agree with Danny g With Steph in particular, you
already built up the fact that he's loyal and he
sticks with his teams. It's really hard to see him

on another team. Him specifically, you already said it. Lebron
played on other teams. You could pick a team in
your brain at you picture him with Durant. He played
on several teams Steph Curry. It's hard to picture him
with another team. And by the way I said, I
said Lebron four teams, what I meant was four stints

with teams like Cleveland, Miami, Cleveland. I feel that's the
only difference here. It's it's him. It's extremely hard to
see him in another Jersey, d b Would you would
you blame Steph if he said I'd like to move
on if it was for another title contender? Yes, yes.

Speaker 8 (33:22):
I Then the reason I say that is because I
could see something at the end of his career, if
it got to the point to be like, hey, grew
up in North Carolina, my dad played for the Hornets.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
I'm a Panthers fan, you know from that area.

Speaker 8 (33:37):
I'll go play for the Hornets maybe the final couple
of years and I can get that maybe help that
team have a little bit more of a profile. But
if you was to go to a title contender to
chase just another ring, it would feel it just it wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Suck well with me? Is it because he has championships?
Because let me let me flip it on this way,
Mike Trout has been low as could be to the
Angels who have you know, just failed to really put
a contender around him. If Mike Trout's like, guys, listen,
I gave it my all. I like to go compete
like David Willard would you would you like you want

to find with that you want to blame my trap.
But because Steph has had success here, it's almost like
you don't need to change one. You have four.

Speaker 8 (34:20):
It's his team like it's it's you can really argue
it's his franchise for for what they've you know, at
least in recent history.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
For what he is.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
You could argue this. You can argue they got to
build around him and let him play it out. Man.
You could argue the branding, the arena, the branding, everything
is because Steph brought what he did to the team.
I think that team looks completely different, made him play
in an old arena. I think everything about the Warriors
was elevated because of Steph and what he did.

Speaker 8 (34:48):
Like, is it worth? Is it worth? Like not having
your full career be with the Warriors just to go
and get another ring from another team that you don't
have any attachment to that nobody's really going to say,
is a part of you?

Speaker 1 (35:00):
I don't think so.

Speaker 8 (35:01):
I think that there's value in being And I just said,
like with the hornetsfl it would be a different scenario.
But I think that the best option is probably to
be a lifelong Yeah it woar, it'd be uh and
everything that comes with it. Fail for the organization to
lose him, you know, So you have to build around them.
I'm just saying, a team that's got two years left,
you have to do it. And then I'll just say this,
I do think because this is something that we talked

about lately, this current athlete, this generation doesn't mind just
wanting to see what the other side of the grass
is like. What's it like to suit up in another
locker room?

Speaker 1 (35:33):
You know.

Speaker 8 (35:33):
For as much as Tom Brady was motivated to want
to show that he didn't need Bill Belichick, I'm also
sure he just wanted to see what it was like
on another squad, just like Aaron Rodgers had wanted out,
so it wouldn't be completely foreign. I just would hope
that he wouldn't do it and try to just chase
another ring, because his legacy, in my eyes, would not
be changed whether he won another ring elsewhere, didn't win one.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Or anyone already. Yeah, yeah, let's play fairy tales for
a second. Sure, I'm gonna give you tell you play
this fairy tales. Yeah, close your eyes and take off
your Now what, let me give you a couple of teams.
You tell me if Steph somehow a deal was worked
out draft picks money. I'm gonna give you a couple

of teams. You tell me if you'd be like butt
hurt said, pumped for him, weak move, cool move? You
tell me. Okay, what if Steph via trade in a
year ended up being that shooter that the Knicks need,
and he went to New York and brought that excitement
to Madison Square Garden. That's a big time move, Danny

G Is that a move that big time? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (36:43):
But I'm with Buyer on this one. I just can't
see him in another jersey something about that. For some
weird reason, it would rub me the wrong way because
he is the Warriors.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Yeah, I agree with dB. So what if Mark Cubans
like y'all, Steph join Kyrie, join Luca, bring that, bring
that South XP the guy that should be moving to
join anybody people should be moving to join him.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
I also feel like the Warriors' front office has done
a pretty good job reloading the team when they need
to h this offseason. If they could get a couple
of good young shooters, one big, they'll be able to
make a run again for the end of his career.

Speaker 8 (37:21):
They've also aligned the contracts of Steve Kerr and Steph
Curry to be together over these next couple of years.

Speaker 1 (37:26):
After that, who knows, he said he didn't want to
play for anyone but Steve Kerr, But who knows if
that changes. But you know what, let's also not get
it twisted when a big star, isn't it. And I
hate to say this because show the nice places. They
might be our affiliates too. But when Giannis is in
Milliwauke and Lebron's in Cleveland, it's a little trickier to

get a big guy to say, you know, a big
free agent or someone to hey, I want to go
to Cleveland, Ohio. No offense Cleveland, but living in the
San Francisco Bay Area expensive but I mean sort of
a you know, not a not a bad place to
be the heart of rock and rolls in Cleveland. You
don't you don't think I was said, you don't think

it's easy to lure a big free agent to the
Bay Area than it is to Milwaukee.

Speaker 6 (38:17):
It depends, like Yiannis likes Milwaukee, I think. By the way,
I mean, it's not that expensive. You guys, did you
see the Coopertino, California shack? Yeah tent you Yeah, I'm
not talking shack d So I'm talking a shack is
in one bedroom and the little crappy house it was
like three hundred and fifty square feet is going for

two million dollars.

Speaker 1 (38:40):
Expensive and you know that's an outhouse. People aren't saying
a lot of nice things about the living situations out
there nowadays. Dangerous. Yeah, they're having a lot of problems.
As much pole as you're making it out to be.
Is a w NBA have a team in the Bay Area,
they will the good set for seventy thousand dollars a year.
How the girl's going to afford it?

Speaker 9 (38:59):

Speaker 1 (38:59):
Another gonna be of the expansion team they're gonna be.
They're gonna have to have a dorm.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Look, I have family still who live in the Bay
Area and they are not happy with crime and the
schools right now. They're having a lot of issues raising
their kids there at the moment.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
Maybe Steph could use that ason out if this doesn't
work out, Like I was like, you know, my kids
in the school district. Yeah, I don't think. I don't
think it's Anymoreland or anywhere else at this point.

Speaker 6 (39:26):
I think guys care more about money honestly than location. Yeah,
he's got legacy, all right, I don't.

Speaker 1 (39:30):
I don't think.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
Location, like it's way cheaper to live in Wisconsin or
you know, if you're a Kansas City chief, like you're
going there to win a title and you're going there
to make a boatload of cash.

Speaker 1 (39:40):
Yea, So let's wrap this with this and then we'll
get to shack diesel trivia talk Little MLB. But if
you are like when you're at the end of your career,
hold okay, you're pulling one of those moves they said,
I hate We all agree with dB. It would be
weird to see him in a different jersey chasing a
ring when he already has four. Oh, I'm telling you
what about I think there is no shame in this

guy saying listen, I've done everything for this town, for
the city, for this organization. If you feel like we're
gonna rebuild over the next couple of years, I'm thirty six.
Rebuilding's not what Steph Curry is all about right now.
If he did join the likes of Luke and Kyrie
and Dallas, who he's like, you know, yo, dev Devin Booker,
what's Phoenix like? Tell me about it?

Speaker 3 (40:22):

Speaker 1 (40:22):
Can I go to New York. I don't think it's
crazy that Steph had a two year end of his career,
a little run somewhere and tried to get title number five.
Title Lamber five puts him in that category with Kobe
Timmy Duncan a bunch of people. So he's earned like
your respect, our respect as a player that whatever choice
he makes, yes, it is okay. I feel like Yef Curry,

you can do what he wants if he wants to
keep winning and he wants to play for a winning organization.
He doesn't see it and with the Warriors anymore than
we have to be understanding of that. I agree with
I see your side, but I can't see that happening.
I agree with you and Dan Bayer in the fact
that it will look it would look odd, and I
don't know, and I don't think he'll do it, but
I wouldn't blame him. I would never look at it
as a Oh. It's like when Kevin Durant was Chase

Differendship won already. When you see these moves most of
the time and you're accepting an understanding of it, it's
because they never had that opportunity. That's the difference. Would
you look at it different if Golden State told Steph, like,
hey man, we are we're not going to acquire a
big pre agent. We are gonna we're gonna reassess and
get some draft equity, and we're going to look a

little more towards the future at that point, if it
looks like it was the Warriors that were, you know,
pushing it, would you feel different then? I think so? Right,
if it was the Warriors, Yeah, that changes it. That
changes it a little bit. But I don't see it
happen when you've won again. We're talking about if the

Warriors lose. Is the writing on the wall. He's got
two years left on his contract. He's thirty six years old.
Your thoughts. He'll compare two people and they we'll take
the feedback. Kenny Lebron James. He's won four right, two
with Miami, one with Cleveland, one with the Lakers. Yeah,
Steph is won four At this stage, you're both of
their careers. It seems like Lebron's priority is finding way

to play with his son one day and maybe trying
to find one more championship, right, and then going on
to own a team. Yeah, Steph, what's his priority to
just be that guy that played fifteen twenty years and
for one team? Or would he be that guy? Listen,
it's very hard to find the guy in the NBA
nowadays that's all one team for you know that, like

It's like people that marry their high school sweetheart. Like
it's nice, but you rarely see it anymore. I don't
think it would matter.

Speaker 8 (42:33):
But what do you think Draymond and Clay would think
because they all seem tied together, and I mean, like
Steph's the Barry Gibb that's straight. But like what would
the other you know, what would they think of, like.

Speaker 2 (42:46):
Especially Clay because I know the two of them are
really tight Stephan Clay.

Speaker 8 (42:50):
I'm sure they'd be fine with it, But I would
just have to think that there would be something of
you know, because they are tied with that four when
they won it a couple of years ago, and they're
all those three were the.

Speaker 1 (42:59):
One on that can hold up. Hey the four. There
seems to be a brother there. All right, let's get
into it.

Speaker 3 (43:07):
Whenever we say not to name drop, that means we're
about to.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
Name drop, I'll drop. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 4 (43:13):
Not only our CNR friends with Tyson and mahomes hey man,
they're also buddies with a big Aristonta.

Speaker 10 (43:21):
What's up this big shot Duz aka Shackfou aka Shack Daddy. Okay,
the big Aristotle. Guess what it's Donald from ceing our product.

Speaker 3 (43:30):
Time for some basketball trivia.

Speaker 1 (43:33):
Basketball trivia.

Speaker 3 (43:34):
What he said?

Speaker 1 (43:36):
It's the great bat boys now breaking records for refis
R Radio.

Speaker 3 (43:39):
Shack d Sel basketball trivia.

Speaker 2 (43:42):
All right, welcome into a Tuesday with CNR on FSR
Security walking Big Shack Daddy in the main studio.

Speaker 10 (43:50):
Man, I heard you guys, look about you talk about stuff?

Speaker 1 (43:55):
Tell you what, man, you should do? What I did?

Speaker 10 (43:57):
Play for every color of the rainbow, No loyalty, look good.
I look good in red, yellow, green, blue. You don't
forget the purple too. You didn't look good in green?

Speaker 1 (44:07):
No I did?

Speaker 9 (44:07):
I did?

Speaker 1 (44:08):
I look good and everything I think a big leak.
I look good. I think you know.

Speaker 10 (44:13):
I think you should play for every color. And can
I say happy birthday Yeah to Kareem My Bubar seventy seven.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
It is Kareem's Yeah seventy seven. I gotta give love
for the big man, proud love for the big man.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
All Right, we're up against the clock here. Let's meet
the contestants.

Speaker 2 (44:27):
Twenty two time winner Rich Davis, sixteen time champion Dan Bayer,
seven time winner Spotty Boy this is it and looking
to win a cn R Stanley Steel Swiggy on the
studio lines. Let's go to Matt in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 1 (44:43):
What up, Matt? What's going on? Guys? What do you
do for living there in Harrisburg?

Speaker 7 (44:48):
I work in it and I'm super excited to meet
Shack dy So.

Speaker 1 (44:52):
I love his commercial going on. I see hot. Which
one he's got? Like twelve? You general?

Speaker 2 (44:59):
He said, Jen, Yeah, Another satisfied insurance customer on the left.
Rules for Shack Diesel Trivia, the first contestant with two
correct answers is the champ. If there's a tie, we
have a tie breaker question. Your name is your buzzer,
but you do have to wait until all three possible
answers are read. If there's two wrong answers in a row,
we'd move on to the next question.

Speaker 1 (45:19):
Are you ready? Let's get it on round one? Let's
get this thang started.

Speaker 10 (45:24):
What was the Wizard's winning percenters during Michael Jordan's season
with the club? Wizards winning percent of the seasons during
Michael Jordan's season with the club every five, twenty three,
four fifty one or six fifteen.

Speaker 1 (45:39):
Matt, see no rich rich for the steal. I think
there was slightly above five hundred, so I'll go five
twenty three whatever that was. No, you guys are all losers.
I'll take the four. I'll take the while.

Speaker 2 (45:53):
We don't go four fifty one? Yeah, not that great. No,
nobody won, Sam, We moved on. We moved on a
round two.

Speaker 1 (46:02):
All right?

Speaker 10 (46:03):
In the three all four season, No three ah four
lebron one Rookie of the Year, Ronald Tess won Defensive
Player of the Year.

Speaker 1 (46:10):
Who was the MVP that season?

Speaker 10 (46:13):
Ay, Tim Duncan b Jermaine O'Neill or see Kevin Garnette.

Speaker 1 (46:19):
Matt got in there, Yes, Kevin Garnet.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Matt on the board, one step closer
to a swiggy right way to go?

Speaker 1 (46:28):
Met move on a round three? Down three? You know
I love a good pass.

Speaker 10 (46:34):
Who led the NBA season with the most assists this
NBA season A The Joker? B. James Harden or C
Tyrese Haliburton who led this NBA season with the most.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Assists, damn buyer. I'll say James Harden. No, Matt Matt
for the steal and the win.

Speaker 10 (47:00):
Hey, No, Tyre's Halliburn seven fifty two in sixty nine games.
Joker was sickond with seven O eight, Joker.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
Was saying, Halliburton balling for the pacer. All right, we
move on to round four. Only Matt is on the board.

Speaker 1 (47:16):
Alright, round four.

Speaker 10 (47:17):
What NBA team had a high difference of two feet
four inches between two of their players in eighty seven? Ay,
the Washington Bullets be the Atlanta Hawks. Let's see the Sacramento.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
Kings, Dan Buyer Bullets. Yep, yes, yes, I was gonna says.
And the nut Bowl twenty, you know, is apart like that.
It's like that picture of al two Bay and Aaron
Judge on second base. Yeah, bugs, bugs and bowl. It's
like that picture of me and you, Chill. I saw
that picture. So now we have both Matt and Byer

on the board. As we moved to round five.

Speaker 10 (47:55):
What's the most rebounds the great Will Chamberlain pulled down
in one game? The most rebounds A forty nine, B
fifty five or C fifty eight.

Speaker 1 (48:06):
Yeah, yeah those numbers? Hell fake Matt, Matt for the win.

Speaker 6 (48:15):
Yeah, you're so excited, man, Where do you go?

Speaker 4 (48:24):

Speaker 1 (48:24):
Yeah, fifty five is still the most of his cream.
Nineteen sixty four, nine years versus Celtic. Yeah, nineteen sixty
against the Celtics. Wow, thank you Shack nineteen sixty Thank
you pay before I go.

Speaker 10 (48:36):
Happy birthday, Kaream. Let's go Lakers, Let's go Les. Congratulations
Matt Yeah yeah later.

Speaker 1 (48:42):
Man, thank you. By the way, the other than Kaream's birthday,
who do you think is older? Yo? To saw shack Man,
he was like in diesel to two TV stars celebrated
birthday today? Who's older Martin, Martin Lawrence or from Two
and a Half Men, John Cryer. Well, they say Bran

don't frown, So I'm going Martin on this one. Martin's older.
What do you think Crier looks older to me? I
didn't see Crier's birthday on the list rich, but I
saw Martin Lawrence is like almost sixty, right, Yeah, it's
a trick question. They're the same eight ah, gotcha. They
both turned fifty nine today and Kareem's seventy seven. Like
Shaq said, so hey, people getting old, dude, But that

was great. Hey, congrats to Meg again. I love when
the listeners win a swiggy. By the way, your chance
to win a swiggy. We do trivia every week, but
you could also just follow our podcast search Covino and
rich and leave a nice review and you qualify. If
Danny g emails you says your name on the radio, thanks,
Let's go to dB for an update.

Speaker 2 (49:49):

Speaker 8 (49:50):
We always get frustrated in last Last Man Standing. Yeah, yeah,
if Danny would have used any other name outside of
James Harden, like if you would have used Luca, If
you used I would have known it was Halliburton. But
because he used Harden, I started to question myself. So, hey, Matt,
is the beneficiary of that second guessing on here?

Speaker 1 (50:12):
What you don't believe? You don't believe? I seeve you. Yeah,
that's spot I believe all the time.

Speaker 4 (50:19):
I know.

Speaker 8 (50:19):
Let's take this out at Applebee's when we got the
NFL Draft, because apparently Applebee's is the new official bar
and grill of the NFL. We'll be listening to the
NFL Draft Show from Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
Yes, well, does that mean Applebee's wins the Great mid
level restaurant Wars of the two thousand? They got the
upper hand right now. But I heard Fridays shaken in
their joys is done.

Speaker 8 (50:44):
Now they're calling Adam Silver. How about the NBA Friday
Night doubleheader sponsored by TGI Friday.

Speaker 1 (50:52):
Yeah, as we speak. That's that is interesting news, though, dB.
We're gonna have to explore this tomorrow. Applebee's the official well,
we're going to We're going to app'll be all righty
for the official what is it again?

Speaker 8 (51:03):
Official bar and grill of the NFA NFL wowacking sure
Alfredo on me.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
I heard the WNBA got Hula Hans.

Speaker 8 (51:10):
Speaking of the WNBA, they got two point four million
viewers to watch last night's draft. Never before they topped
a million for the first ten minutes. In fact, five
hundred and seventy two thousand was how many watched last
year two point four million.

Speaker 1 (51:25):
This time around.

Speaker 8 (51:26):
Master's writings were down twenty percent from a year ago
as viewers. Nine point five nine million viewers tuned into
the final round on CBS to watch Scottie Scheffler win
the green jacket. By the way, Rory macroyd Denatto report
he was mulling an offer from Live for eight hundred
and fifty million dollars.

Speaker 7 (51:43):
I've never been offered a number from Live, and I've
never contemplated going to Live.

Speaker 1 (51:47):
My future is here on the PGA tour and it's
never been any different.

Speaker 8 (51:51):
All Right, guys, let's get to the brass tacks. Lakers
Pelicans tonight. Looks like Anthony Davis is going to go
officially listed as questionable for the game, but was on
the court doing pregame work. Seven thirty Eastern time. Warriors
and Kings to follow at ten o'clock Eastern time. Yannis
likely to miss the start of their series against the
Pacers because of his calf injury. Blake Griffin announced his

retirement from the NBA.

Speaker 1 (52:14):
Back to you guys, Hey, Dan, what do you think
of this parlay? I love to run my dumb bets
by all you guys playing games. I'm skipping the two
teams that are under five hundred because that's unpredictable because
the Bowls and you know, Hawks, I'm disregarding that. How
do you feel about Lakers Warriors sixers? Just moneyline? Lakers

Warriors sixers? What are the odds on that? Oh, you
don't think about it. We'll be back in a second
more Covino and Rich live from the tiraq dot com studio. Next,
Welcome back to the show, Covino and Rich. Steve Cabino,

that is, Rich Davis just saw a funny thing you
posted of all people me Yeah, you posted something funny. Actually,
what do you mean of all people? What do you
think you're the king of comedy. I'm like Cedric danertainer.
You like you're at Flapper. You're at Flappers and Burbank
on Tuesdays. You're like Bozo to client, Like, uh, of
all people, you're doing an open mic with VJ. Husky,

What do you mean of all people? Well, it was
so funny. You posted a meme and it's a guy's
call log and it's just a bunch of miss calls.
But it's from angel or Nantez, miss miscalled, mis called,
miss called Misco. He's the worst, yo. It's like getting
comically been as a guy who you know, I'm half Italian,

half Mexican, Hispanic. You know, he sued the MLB because
he said that he was getting a lot of flak
for being a Hispanic guy. At one point, he's like, no,
because you stink. That's why you stink to the high
heaven and the world is noticing. Man, you got a
bad strike zone. Did you miss a lot calls? Did
you see the the guy didn't even flip out, Danny?

Did you just the clip where he missed three called strikes?
In a row against the guy. Yeah, got guy got
punched out looking at three balls in a row, but
it was actually he called them strikes. Litterle leagumpires are
better than this guy. How do you get that far?
You know what, at any workplace there's always one guy.
You have to scratch your head and say, how did
that guy get so far? How does this guy keep
getting the job? He has pictures, He has pictures of

Rob Minford naked for real. He has something going on.
Missed call, Miss call, miss call. I never answer his
calls because he's the worst. Angel Hernandez always call me Angel,
Angel Hernandez, I missed it. I want to just point out,
as we get ready for the NBA playing games, that
should be a lot of fun. When you're done being
a chauffeur for your teenage daughter. Yeah, I'm gonna be
doing that when you're done going what does she let

me guess? She's a teenage daughter?

Speaker 6 (54:46):

Speaker 1 (54:46):
Could we get Starbucks? Or is she like into her
Boba te face? Oh, it's all about Starbucks? Yeahd kids,
it's yeah dad. I want the kids want Starbucks and Sophora.
I have no concept of money. Can you bring me
the safar. Yeah, refreshers, by the way, if you gotta,
if you gotta, if you got a young girl, if

you got a daughter, niece, or they don't need these
sepphor products. In fact, they're not good for their skin.
That's like something's been going around like you know these
parkind of like the same theory of when you use
too much antibiote an I anti bacterial, you're sort of
cramping your own body's immune system. Right. Yeah, all these girls,
these girls are too young to be using these products,

and it is preventing them from their skin healing itself
at certain when we were kissing its own natural oils.
When we were kids, we were rubbing those like stringent
pads on our face. That couldn't have been good either,
between oxygen sea breeze. It wasn't good. Come on, remember
how your face burned? Yeah, that's not good. If you

would I'm darker complexion, I would like bleach spots of
my face. What do you Sami Sosa, no fish. Let's
say you have like, uh, you bought all the oxus.
I know you were. I would have a whiter spots
on my face. But what did you wipe your face
with a magic of races, Caul, you be what you'd
be scrubbing down layers of that skin, you know.

Speaker 2 (56:10):
Man Hey, speaking of teenagers and Starbucks, are thirteen year old.
She's starting to use her own money that she's saving.
She went with her friend to Starbucks and she complained
the other day. She's like, it was fifteen dollars for
two drinks for me and my friend. Were like, yeah,
why do you think we tell you every single day
when you ask for Starbucks? That's not in the budget
right now.

Speaker 1 (56:31):
Funny when kids finally realize how much you spend on them,
Uh huh, it's funny. Well, hey, not only do we
have some great playing games. So again, like I said,
have you any when you're done chuffeuring your daughter after
her after school stuff? After Starbucks? We got after you
get her little chocolate mocha something, NBA. Two great games tonight,
I'm going with my parlay. If you like it, hey,

play along at home. I'm not telling you what to do.
I think I'm gonna call the segment Shekel City. Oh no,
that's taken. What's up, Ron Parker? I'm going I'm going
sixers over the heat tomorrow and tonight. I like the
experience of the Warriors and the Lakers. So Lakers Warriors,
he uh Warriors, Lakers Sixers just money line wins fifty,

lock and load. If you want to use our quote,
see our show at DraftKings Sportsbook. Now something we really
didn't get to today, but I think it just needs
to be a reminder for baseball fans. Race ball funny
shot up, race ball baseball, baseball. A lot of times
in the past, you hear the same thing from every

fan base or bullpen stinks. And unless you had Marianna
Rivera or Trevor Hoffman or right now, you know the
Mets are lucky enough to have Edwin Diaz. Unless you
have like the elite closer, everyone thinks they're bullpen stinks. Yeah,
that's true. I want to let the biggest complaint after
after Angel Nana. Yes, I just want to let it
be known it's really true for the Dodgers. Right now,

I'm a sad Mets fan, but I'm hearing the same
thing from Yankees fans like cand We know, Dodgers fans
like Danny g from fans of all teams, the Atlanta Braves,
who got a squad no one, I repeat no team
has a solid one through five starting rotation. Starting pitching
is at a lull, it's at a premium if you

have it well. A lot of injuries too. Injuries have
taken its toll. As you know. The problem in baseball
that they're addressing is all these Tommy john UCLs, all
these surgeries and things. But my point is, if you
think your team, man, we're lacking starting pitching. It's today's
version of we don't have a bullpen. There's not a
team out there that has a one through five that

you're like, Man, my team's stacked. If you're lucky, if
you have one or two guys on your front end
that you feel confident, every team's four and five starter.
I promise our borderline now you're absolutely right, So enjoy
your baseball, enjoy your basketball playoffs. We'llee you guys tomorrow.
Are even there, you baby, see you in to promise that.
Good bye,
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