All Episodes

April 24, 2024 61 mins

C&R discuss that insane comeback by the Nuggets! What are Sixers fans feeling today as the Knicks gave them a surprise KO? They talk 2021 QB draft class busts & explain the "Lil' Blame Sausage!" The guys agree that the Lakers missed a big opportunity. Did Philly, or LA vomit worse? A new TV show sparks an action hero debate! Time for 'SHAQ DIESEL BASKETBALL TRIVIA!' Plus, they talk Barkley/Shaq's amazing chemistry, Rich has a Dad's Life note & wishes he could 'line' a field straight.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cabino and
Rich podcast. Be sure to catch us live every day
from five to seven pm Eastern two to four pacifics
on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for Covino
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There's so much to get to. Last night, I'll quote
Danny g Man, that might have been the most exciting
NBA night in twenty years. He sounds just like that,
just like that. First of all, I don't sign anything
like that, perfectly most exciting. Yo. What tonight and we
got to talk about?

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Yeah, we obviously had a Nuggets Jamal Murray sort of night,
New York Knicks sort of night.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
The Knicks at the Garden versus the six or so,
a lot of great NBA yesterday. We'll talk some NBA playoffs,
so talk NFL. We're two days away from the draft.
And a great question about Action Stars because tonight is
the night Anoods and stallonets to set.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
The two weakest impressions I ever heard, back to back
and belly to belly, just throwing it out there.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
You got the sons and Tea Wolves.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
You got the Pacers and Bucks, you got the MAVs
and the Clippers, and you got this TMZ special. I know,
so set the DVR. It's a sit down with Arnold.
You heard rich Arnold and Stallone. But what makes it
still loon? What makes it legendary? It is the first
time they've had to sit down before. It's on Fox
tonight and it's called Rivals, Friends and Icons, but they

reveal their mount rushmore of action stars. So we'll debate
that'll here on the show, perfect taking it back on
a Taco Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Now we're gonna get into the NBA. I'm going to
gather my thoughts. I'm sure you're gonna do the same. Lakers, Nuggies, Sixers, Nicks.
I mean, there were other games with those are the
tooth that stand out. But before we get to that,
I just want to remind everyone with the draft two
days away and everyone thinking my team's banking their future

on this guy or that guy. Do they go with
Caleb Williams, this or that? Do they go? You know,
with Drake? Do they go? Who do they go with?
I want to just take it back a really long
time ago. Doo do doo, that's Frank Stallone. Take it back,
you're more of a Frank Stallone guy. I'm more of

a Sylvester Stallone guy. By the way, I saw Frank
Stallone do some tunes at a club once. He does
like old standards. You saw who Frank Stallone, and you
say I'm a Frank Stalone guy. I'm sorry I never
went to see him live. Take you back. This guy
had front row seat. He was I'm a fan. He

was standing around a garbage can of Philly that was
on fire. Okay, I want to take you back really
long time ago. No, not to like the eighteen or
nineteen hundreds, to the year twenty twenty one, a wop
in three years ago where teams bank their future on
the following quarterbacks. Let me just read this just to
show you how this is the twenty twenty one draft. Yeah,

just to show you how fickle and ridiculous and stupid
we all look when we're rooting for our teams, thinking, oh,
they got the guy, Trevor Lawrence. I'm not saying that's
a failed experiment. He's good, but he was supposed to
be like the man. I think that's still a work
of progress.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
He's a bona fide starter in the NFLA oh, he's
a quality. Now, he's not a bust by any means. No, no, no, no,
not a bust. But I think when you look at
his stats. Danny G sent me something the other day
that was mind boggling. It was Trevor Lawrence's stats side
by side with Gardner Minshew, and they were, as they

said in My Cousin Vinnie, identical.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
How I games play, games play really identical. It's like,
you know, Colin does it a lot, Cowherd does those
blind comparisons of these two guys. You'll never guess who
they are, right, Trevor Lawrence and Gardner Minshew. Dude got
the same resume. Would have never guessed that.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
So Trevor Lawrence good. But let's not get crazy. It's
just one we associate with being a starting quarterback. And
Minshew he's he's a spark plug. He's a good quarterback.
No diss on him, but I would never have thought that.
Thanks for sending me that, Danny G. Now we have
secret chats around Oh yeah, are you having clandestine conversations?
As Mike Tyson says, Clandeta those.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
In our group chat that. I guess I was busy
that day. Yeah, yeah, Covino was uh the scroll through
some cheeks and boxing updates on Instagram, and I was
busy watching dance videos on TikTok. So, before you're so
stoked about Caleb Williams or Drake may or Jayden Daniels,
JJ McCarthy, ooh boo Nicks, I know Danny g is

like I hope Michael Pinnock's jrewn your falls to the raiders.
Before you get excited about any of these guys, let
me remind you of five names from just four years Agoka.
So Trevor Lawrence not a boss. Five more, go ahead,
the new Denver Bronco, Zach Wilson, Trey Lance, Justin Fields,

Mac Jones, and Kyle Tresk.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
So you got You're one for five there, I guess,
one for six, one for sent. But listen to Trevor
Lawrence's numbers. Here's the side by side. Gardner Minshew two
seasons as a starter, fifty nine tds, twenty four interceptions,
ninety point two QB rating, forty nine games. Lawrence fifty
eight tds, thirty nine interceptions, eighty five passer rating fifty games.

Oh wow, so Minshew has better? No, say, yeah, Minsh's
even better now.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
But it's the perception of and this happens at a
lot of workplaces, not just the NFL. You could be
the guy that's been working at the company, working your
way up, and you don't get that same respect as
the high end person they bring into the company. It's
like you could say it's the brock Purty effect, right
because he was the last pick, he has to work
that much harder to prove him himself. Meanwhile, Trey Lance

is sitting on his ass in Dallas, like, did they
gonna give me a chance if Dak messes up? It's
wild when you think of it that way.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Looking at thirty nine interceptions to fifty eight tds, I
wouldn't have guessed that for Lawrence.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
So just a reminder that you never know, you never
know how it pans out. You could be all excited
or disappointed for no reason.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
You could be all excited about your Zach Wilson or
Mac Jones or Kyle Trask or Trey Lance, and then
no what ends up being the case A brock Purty
slides through and is the star. So just always keep
that in mind. You never know. So I'm pumped about
the draft. In two days. We got great cover Chare
at Fox Sports Radio. You'll be watching, you'll be listening.

But my point is take it ease, take it. Don't
get too exciting because you never know.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
Do you guys think there's one really quick COVI. You
think there's one wild card quarterback like JJ McCarthy Bo Nicks.
There's certain fans that are like or commentators who say,
I don't think he's gonna translate all that well to
the NFL, But then when we look back, he might
be that guy.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
I mean, I think that's the beauty of sports. You
never know how it's going to translate until it happens. Well,
there's a there's a sense of JJ McCarthy gets the
highest praise on planet Earth from Jim Harbaugh, like, you
guys don't know he's the best quarterback in the draft,
and you know you don't know. Is it the fact
that he played on a ridiculously good Michigan team and

some are saying, like he could have done more, but
it didn't call for it. You know how a lot
of times like a glic brock Purty, Oh he managed
the game in the second half. Well, they were winning,
Like JJ McCarthy didn't really need to do much more.
So they're saying maybe he's the hitting gem. And I've
heard a lot of people say that Caleb Williams is
one of those all about me type of guys. Now

I don't know that at all. I don't know the guy.
I don't know the personnel and coaches at USC. But
you see a lot of online chatter that like, yo,
watch Kaitleb Williams is gonna be a bust. He's he's
a selfish guy. He's not a team guy, litle bit
of a cry baby. So we'll see.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Jim Harbaugh you mentioned you know JJ McCarthy. Jim Harbaugh
also thought his Michigan tattoo look cool.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
That is, Oh did you see it? I I can't look.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Here's just my quick opinion on that he's got one
more than I do. Okay, so I can't criticize, but
I think if you're gonna go in, you gotta go
further in.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Danny g you're a guy with a lot of tattoos, right,
you're gonna get a tattoo of a logo or anything
like you got you can't go small like that. Twenty
seven isn't that many? Yes? That how many you have?
Twenty seven? Lot? How many Little League home runs I had?
So I think that's a lot. That should be your
tattooed by so jj McCarty that yeah, haven't wait, how
many home runs did you hit? Little League? Twenty seven?

You should get a tattoo that says twenty seven dongs
but on your lower back. Oh, sevens that'll be a
great tattoo. I mean, facts, damn bier, what's upbody?

Speaker 4 (08:49):
Jim Harbaugh should get a tattoo under his armpit of
a guy videotaping so like you only see it like it's.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Like a secret. How do you do that? Sucks? How
do you do? Love you? Dann by Er any of
these quarterbacks? Like, I mean, listens, as Charles Barkley said
last night, hold on, we get the exact quote. I
hit up Danny g with this last night. To quote
Charles Barkley after the game. Hold on to quote Sir
Charles terrible, terrible, terrible. I believe he said, hindsight is whatever. Yeah, yeah,

hindsight's whatever.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
This may be a cop out, but I do think
this situation that you're in plays a big role of course,
and a guy today Jake Brownings resigned it to your
deal with the Bengals, who was great when Joe Burrow
was out. I think it helps set Zach Taylor's there to,
you know, help him become that quarterback, just like Andy
Reid and the Chiefs.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
We've talked about our situation, yep. Coaches, Uh, you know
how they assimilate, like just so many factors that you
just don't know until it happens. Like I said, I
hate to compare everything to a fight, but people always
talk about, dude, who you got, and it's like, you
know what, I really won't know until I see it.

Speaker 4 (09:55):
Sure, I think the Minshew Trevor Lawrence one of those
is interesting because Minshew spent time in Jackxonville, you know,
like Noah in the in the previous years and so yeah,
so maybe it said, oh we keep Minshaw at Minshew
and bypassed Trevor Lawrence.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
You know, diculous, damn buyer. They say it all the time.
Hindsight's whatever, yeah, h whatever. You know what I saw
last time. I'm watching the postgame of the NBA, and
I'm glad someone else caught it besides me, I'm like,
did he just say hindsights whatever? And then someone tweeted it.
You know how they put live tweets up on the
TNT show once a while, it said, hindsight is whatever?

Was that Socrates or Charles Barkley such a great hindsights hein,
Sir Charles, Sir Charles Barkley les.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
All right, So not only is it Draft week, but
some crazy games in the NBA again, some good ones tonight,
but last night was wild. Of course, the Magic calves
like Rich Davis Calves over the Magic and the Nicks
over the seventy six ers. Gotta talk about that, the
Nuggie over the Lakers. But man, let me ask you this,

the ending of the Knicks and Lakers game in sanity,
there's there's a couple questions at play here. We'll pose them.
Would love your feedback.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
You know what I love? I heard Ben Maller talking
about It wasn't babaganoge this time, it was who gets
the blame sausage? Because that's what we get all the ti.
Lebron throws blame sausage at the officiating, at the refs. Right,
Lebron says, why do we have a replay center if
we're not gonna get it right. So he throws the

blame sausage at the officials. But Ben Maller, and the
way I see it too, is you gotta throw some
blame sausage at a d because here's a guy that
played hard the first three quarters of the game, and
I know he had found trouble. I get all that,
but as Ben Mallard said, and it's true, you scored
as many points as he did in the fourth quarter,

that's unacceptable, dude, unacceptable.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
The way he was rolling through those first three quarters,
he was getting any shot he wanted. Over the joker,
I would, I don't care how many fouls. If I'm
the head coach of the team, I'm leaving him on
the floor until he fouls out.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
You know, it's also unacceptable every joke I'm thinking in
my head about blame sausage, and that I can't say
on Fox Sports right now. Did you give your tiny
little baby sauce blame sausage too? Do you know what
am I giving my baby blame sausage too? I'm you're
a little blamey, gotta blame me.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Got a little press play little breakfast, blame sauce like
a little lake cocktail.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
Get blame Smoky's. I mean a d played well throughout
most of the game, But I did. I said to
Danny g and listen, there's so many things we said yesterday,
and and he was salty the press.

Speaker 5 (12:51):
I do.

Speaker 1 (12:52):
I do not have the basketball inside and never have
claim to. I'm not rich.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
I thought you were going to tweet out at the
end of that game in all caps.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
I told you, told you, guys, who's a basketball expert?
Kenny Smith? I felt like, you know, you don't need
to be an expert, but two eyeballs and make an observation. No,
But yesterday I said, guys, there's a few factors. We're
gonna need D'Angelo Russell to step it up in the
first half and knock down at least five threes. Yeah,
I said, you know, no leads big enough for the

Lakers if they get ahead.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
Lebron, you asked me, how many points do the Lakers
need to be up by?

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Oh yeah, Danny's like thirty.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
I think he said thirty five thirty five, And I
thought he was joking. But when you see how good
the Nuggets are, he was dead on because it didn't
matter how much of a lead you have.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
And we're never those told you, I told you so
type of guys. But yesterday, the three of us, we
pretty much predicted how that game would play out. We're like,
the Lakers need to play damn near perfect, and they
did and still couldn't get it done. I did want
to point this out, Kavino's it's a matter of again

them stepping up in the fourth quarter and the Lakers
I don't want to see disappearing. But Lebron had two
big threes back to back then like for a minute,
they pulled the little away again. But as as you said,
and Anthony Davis did play I think ten minutes if
not more in the fourth quarter, So I'm not blaming
it on him though sometimes most times there's no blame.
You just gotta give credit where credits due. And Jamal

Murray had to It's like they asked Ad. I don't
know if you saw the clip, but Ad at the
press conference, like, can you tell us what happened at
the end of the game. He's like, Jamal Murray made
the shot and he drops the mic and leaves. I mean,
if he doesn't make the shot right. You got to
give credit to Jamal Murray for making a hell of
a shot and credit to the Nuggets for pulling it off.

Speaker 6 (14:44):
Can you take us through that last play and just
what happened and what unfolded and what was I don't
know if you were screened or what happened at last play.

Speaker 1 (14:52):
Jamal Murray made a shot. I'm out, Ohnik, if you
you're cool. If I'm out, I'm forty, dude, I'm out.
And yo Ad played great, but there were a couple
of times where and this is just to show he
played elite again. Because Jokic is so not your traditional

looking beast on the court, right, He's just a big goon,
as we will say, the big Surbian goon that you
know doesn't dominate. It doesn't matter what he looks like.
Do you sound like you sound like your dad and
my mom.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
It's his mannerisms though, Like the way it looks almost
like he's just chucking a shot up.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I watch anything with my mom, right,
not his looks. It's the his body movement, it's the
body language. But he does look like a goon' I'm
not like, I'm not like my dad, who can't watch
a movie unless everyone's attractive. Same. My mom is like,
why would they put him in the movie? He's so ugly.
I'm like, like, it doesn't matter, Mom, can you just
watch the movie. He's not a model, he's an I

said to my dad. I said, I recommended a movie
to my dad, and he's like, I can't watch it.
I don't find to attractive. I'm like, Dad, Melissa McCarthy
is funny, not everyone's hot anyway, My mom, up everybody.
He's a singer, Mom, He's not in the cover of
Men's Health ed cheering. He's the greatest sing of mind.
Have you heard his music anyway? So my point is,
you know, he's a serbian goon, as you said, unconventional

in the fact that he's not flashy and he effortlessly
I was telling Danny g before the show. We keep
in mind that Anthony Davis is one of the top
seventy five NBA players of all time. Anthony Davis is
arguably one of the best defensive players in the NBA.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Guess why you're serbian goon as you called them, could
be top fifteen, top ten of all time.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Dude, what I was going to say is the Serbian goon.
We love you, say that respectfully. Was he'd call for
the ball, he'd do that old guy Jim move where
he would back, he'd go inside and just literally back up,
back up while he was dribbling until he was close
enough to the basket and just muscled his way over

Anthony Davis. Who on Earth other than Jokic could muscle
their way over Anthony Davis that way. There were times
where literally was what you would do, Danny j If
you were a teenager and you were playing against a
kid a little younger, You're like, I know how to
get a basket every time, I'll just dribble and back up,
back up and bully. He bullied Anthony Davis. That's unprecedented.
They spin around and lay the ball up. Name another

big man that that has been bullied that Anthony Davis
got bullied by.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
I can't think of it in that way. No, it's awesome,
it's awesome to see. It's fundamental basketball. And again, Jamal Murray,
we discussed it last week. Even though they're very rated,
they have the championship to prove it, but maybe the
most underrated duo in basketball, and Jamal Murray had his
first right because Charles Barker was like, was that your
first buzzer beater? Guess what every kid dreams of. He

did it in a big spot first in the NBA.
You just got to credit the Nuggets. So I don't
want to throw blame sausage. I just want to credit
Jamal Murray and keep your blood to yourself.

Speaker 7 (17:56):

Speaker 1 (17:56):
I think that was a great game. It was a
great comeback probably, so let me play. That was the
question we'll discuss in a few and.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
By the way, devastating of for the Lakers, because that's
the question.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
I'm glad you said that. Of the two teams that
somehow let it fall apart, the two teams that are
both oh and two. Now, was it the Sixers letting
what seemed to be a pretty clear w slip away
at Madison Square Garden or was it a winded Lakers
mile high could have stole one in Denver? What hurts

more the Lakers not getting it done or the Sixers
letting fresh Muzadel hit a three pointer when Steven chetted
us up. When he misses the three and they kick
it back out to him. You gotta look back and
the Sixers are going to say there were four Sixers
under that rim and the one big guy who's the
big guy in the Knicks that went that got that

key rebound. Do you know the Dan Bayer who got
that key rebound. Yes, that's what it was, dude. He
muscled through like four defenders to grab that rebound.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
I was gonna say red estein, I was that's a
type of tire tire. But yeah, that guy, no, really
that was That was the key play right there. Somehow
he came up with it. Just get back to deep Herescenzo.
He gets a second shot, hits it, Bam.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
I don't see. Didn't seem like for a second like
the Sixers took their foot off the gas, like, oh,
we'll get the rebound, dude, you get that rebound? Games
over which game was more exciting at the end? It
was insane.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
Watched Nicholas Patoom in the final fifteen seconds and you're
gonna say to yourself about four times, what are you doing?

Speaker 1 (19:30):
What are you doing? Do something? Sleeping?

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Do something? Do something? Yeah, you know what, there was
so much going on. I'm glad you said that, because
I will I'll check it out right now.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
I'll send you guys that Clippers. I'm sorry, Sixers. They
played like Clippers. At the end of the Sixers TV call,
they were talking about having a fun post game. With
forty five seconds left, they said.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
It was done.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
It's done, dude, that last Yeah, Sam listening to this,
I think Sam has it Inaney.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
Check this out.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
Get the whole court advantage by winning one of the
two games on the road.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
Shop done. Let's hit down to the turn. But we
split some stay tuned postgame libs be fun. Postgame labs
gonna be fun. We split them fun. Well, your thoughts
next right here, Covino Rich who.

Speaker 8 (20:15):
Blew it more?

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Was it the Sixers or the Lakers? We'll get your feedback. So,
based on those threes at the end of the games
last night, you forgot to mention Lebron's three that rimmed
in and out. Do you think because the defender tripped
and they thought it was a foul that he had
too much of a thought, like you know when you
have too much time to think about it.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Right before that, he had swished to long threes in
a row. And it's it's interesting because prior in the
third quarter, especially a lot of the Nuggets shots were
rimming in and out. They were even joking about the
rim being too tight on that side of the arena. Man,
And it happens to Lebron at the very end of
the game.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
It was a more devastating loss, is it. I think
it's clearly the Lakers losing to the Nuggets when we
already discussed what Lebron had said, you have to play
perfect to beat these guys.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
They should have had that game and they lost it.
Now they're down O two. But then again, Cavino, when
you're in the garden and you got the knicks on
the ropes, you're about to tie it up. Maxi and
Embiid both scored over thirty, right. I mean like you
had a game and you just sort of let it
slip with some sloppy play, Like Dan Bayer said, some
of the Sixers just fell asleep in the last forty

seconds of the game. That to me, is a game
that they sort of just let slip.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Just watch the last two minutes of that game, and
you won't believe your eyes.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
You're like, trust your eyes, You're like, what the hell
this is?

Speaker 6 (21:36):

Speaker 1 (21:37):
It was sloppy as could be. Aggressive. There was one
missed call on the Sixers, one missed call, but it's
a it was a wild ending to that game. Look,
I think it's more devastating for the Lakers because they're
the Lakers. I just think there's just more expectation on
Lebron and Ad and these guys to at least take
one game, and that was the game.

Speaker 4 (21:56):
Yeah, let's also be real, the Nuggets are much more
of a title contender than the Knicks are. So if
you were to beat the Nuggets, and that tells you
more about the Lakers, Dann.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
Byer facts, Because if the Lakers took out the Nuggets
in this series, we'd be like, whoa Lebron, What a
big upset that world. If the Sixers beat the Nicks,
you'd be like, oh, it's a solid series. Yes, you
would have been shocked if Embiid arguably you know what,
top three player in the NBA won the first round
of the playoffs. Would anyone be surprised?

Speaker 3 (22:23):
dB, what do you make of Darvin Ham not challenging
that late foul call on Lebron? I think there was
fifty seven seconds left earlier, and we the buzzword. Now
we keep hearing the word marginal. That overturned the D'Angelo
what looked like was a foul to his face because
the ball was out of his hands.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
I guess.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
But Lebron touches that nugget with a fingertip and they
call a foul. Darvin Ham had two timeouts. Don't you
think that would have been overturned. I'm going to be
completely honest. I was at Lax picking up my mom
last night.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
You could have been like Danny, you said it Bro,
So I know that.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
I know that was a talking point this morning on
the other shows. Well they're idiots, h No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
I saw I saw a lot of memes and I
think you were. Comito said to me, it's h Ham
after that foul, and it was beetlejuice from the Howard Stearns.
It's like, hey, what are you doing? Just hanging around?
Woo meo me just hanging around beetle juice style, and
that Clay Matthews Jersey is that is that?

Speaker 3 (23:27):
Is that hanging around? Well, honestly, that's the part. Like
I knew, I knew the Nuggets were going to come back.
Rich You texted me when the Lakers had a ten
point leader did no, That's why I didn't text you.
But what did I say, Rich when you texted the
lead had been cut to ten?

Speaker 1 (23:45):
It's too big ago here we go?

Speaker 3 (23:47):
I said, no, lead is safe. We knew it was coming.
It's just a matter of can they hold on or not.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
I mean, I can't be the only one because I'd
like to say I'm more than a casual NBA fan.
I watch, I just don't watch intently like Danny g
watching the Lakers, Kreno watches the Yankees, like I'm not
an everyday watcher. But if you can't tell me the
intensity levels and the NBA playoffs just confirm that the
regular season is so irrelevant. This next level.

Speaker 4 (24:12):
But that's another part of this though that I do
think that is interesting, is if the Lakers are who
they appear to have been without letting these two games
slip away, then why are you the eighth seed? Why
are you why aren't you fighting with Denver in Oklahoma
City and Minnesota? And in terms of like how the
playoffs are now, there are obviously levels. All you have

to do is just not be in the play in,
you know, just be a top six seed, like I
think I think all of that plays in to the
point of when you look at the Lakers and what
could have been, and like, if you're playing who we
think is the best team in the West, they're the
defending champs of that much, and you could do this
to them. And I understand that it's matchups, but if
you could get through Denver, you could get through anybody

in these playoffs. And why did you put yourself in
the position that you need You know that you're in
right now to have to do that. That's that's a
bigger picture story.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
As I was fixing up my pompadoo this morning getting
ready over your Harold was great to thank you. I
was listening to Dan Patrick. You made a good point too.
He said, you could talk about how good the Lakers
have played all day.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Right, you could say they had had a twenty point lead,
and think of how good they had to play to
get that lead. They had to play that bad and
worse to lose the game. So it's about consistency. It's
about being able to keep it up the entire game,
and it just sucks they need you to see them
lose a lead like that. It's a good point. It's
a really good point. It's in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 3 (25:34):
The shots that had been falling throughout the rest of
the game, even the easy ones right at the hoop,
suddenly were rimming out. And then the rebounds that they
were getting earlier non existent. And you saw the Nuggets
how well they were rebounding the entire game. That was
a big problem for the Lakers. But I was super,
just super upset with Darvin Ham. The substitutions were not right.

Austin Reeves, Yeah, I was hanging around. Austin Reeves was cold.
He didn't sub he didn't use the timeouts correctly. In fact,
there was a dude shouting on YouTube this morning hilarious
thirty seconds of how he felt. This was titled Darvin
Ham makes me not want.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
To be alive? All right, listen, yeah, listen to this.

Speaker 9 (26:19):
Uh, you gotta be out of your mind. Why did
my parents have me?

Speaker 10 (26:24):
This is coaching.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
I am being tortured. I'll never have kids because of you.
Down screen? What are we doing? D'Angelo Russell gave Vincent,
why can't we switch it?

Speaker 9 (26:36):
If you're not switching, get attached to the screen or
arms extended. So Jamal Murray can't carl you don't guard
the screen, you judge, Jabal Murray, Carl's right off it.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
How do you gonna guard this handoff?

Speaker 9 (26:46):
Didn't when there's three steps of space, you know, because
he was screened.

Speaker 1 (26:52):

Speaker 9 (26:53):
What is the point of any Lakers employee?

Speaker 1 (26:56):
What anyone that works.

Speaker 9 (26:57):
For the Lakers? What exactly do you do here? The
shot went up? Why is Ruie hochamur not already sprinting back?

Speaker 2 (27:05):
I'm guessing that's gonna be a sports parents longe After that,
I'm discussing he had money on the game.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
I don't know, all right, Well, thank you for that.

Speaker 6 (27:16):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 11 (27:30):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (27:37):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 11 (27:39):
You asked, along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman,
Zada and Super Bowl champion. Yep, that's right, Plexico Burris.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it. Up on Game. We're going to be
sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with me LeVar Arrington, TJ Houchman

Zada and Plexigo Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts
or wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
Stallone and Arnold got that special tonight. A lot of
eye is going to be on that Besides the NBA playoffs.
If you got time, you might want to check out
the first ever sit down with the two biggest action
stars of our childhood. Now, before we go over to
Mount Rushmore, let me just throw two things out there.
Please check our bonus pod over promised on Fox Sports
Radios YouTube page. Had a great episode episode forty five.

If you're viewing and listening pleasures Fox Sports Radio's YouTube page,
and no and then no one, then no one. Stick
around because we got Whack Diesel Shack Diesel Trivia multiple
Choice your chance to win some prizes this hour. So
save the number eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox
when we tell you to call it right. Get ready
for that more NBA. But this show should be fun

to know. You might have to set the DVR because
there's lots of great Basketball to watch if you missed it.
It's their first sit down together with Harvey Harvey levin
TMZ on Fox Rivals, Friends and Icons. Here's what they
said about their Mount rushmore.

Speaker 12 (29:20):
I would put Clint on it. Clint Eastwood was always
my hero, my inspiration. He was one of those guys
just like Retch Park and Bodybuilding, that spend time with
me and talk to me.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
You have to come up with I think I already got.
I think it goes to Bruce.

Speaker 13 (29:39):
He's a very multi faceted guy. He can do drama,
in comedy and whatever and all the same. But he
was in very quite a few seminal action films that
really like die Hard the Classic and those things don't
go away.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
It's hard to debate Bruce willis off this list, but
everyone's going to have their own.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
The Clint Eastwood one. I just think that's generational.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
And who are we to argue with Schwarzenegger, right, Like
that's his guy, that was his hero. But again, we
grew up in a different time. I mean I watched
Clint Eastwood movies, but he's not on my Mount Rush.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Well, we've never got a chance or the honor to
sit down and interview stallone, but we did with Arnold.
And if you want to see the funniest video ever,
if you got nothing to do with your scroll on
your board, go to YouTube and just look up Coveno
and Rich Arnold and we're interviewing him and I can't
stop staring at his eyebrows because they're all over the place,
Like dude had like, are you gonna be able to

handle this special? Because now he's got gray beard and
gray Eyebrude, His eyebrows were all over the place. It
was like when we interviewed Reggie Jackson he had terrible nosehair,
and if you see that interview, I'm just staring at
his nose the whole.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
If you want to see what a Nini is, what
a Nini Rich is in real life, or what a
Nini is, it's Rich Davis. It's Rich when we interviewed
Arnold because you could see how flustered he is is.
He can't stop staring at Arnold's eyebrows the whole time.
But again that's on YouTube. That was at the Arnold
Classic when we interviewed him. But who's on your mount rushmore?

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Rich? You're such an eighties kid as far as action
movies and in that sort of genre. Yeah, I feel
like my action movies are late eighties, early nineties. I
always keep saying I'm a kid of the eighties, But
if you were born in roughly nineteen eighty, then you're
more of a kid of the late eighties early nineties.
The movies we played all the time. But you know
what movies hit me hard? You could say, are you serious?

You're gonna put this guy up there with the Loan
and Arnold, right, I know, the shown off the show
Gun of Harlem. No, no, he should be on this list.
By the way, Spot has pulled up the video. I'm
so awkward.

Speaker 7 (31:44):
Oh no, I.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
Think you're rich. He's fixated on his gray Michael stray hairs,
his gray eyebrows. He doesn't look up half the time
because he's afraid to look. I look at Arnold, and
I look down immediately. You gotta see it on YouTube
spo search Cavino and Arnold. How embarrassing? All right, So
on my Mount Rushmore. I'll make it quick, I'll make
it snappy. I think one you're gonna say, ooh good,
one credibility, and the other one you're gonna say, really

the really. One is a guy that my grandfather and
I would rent his VHS tapes on a Friday night
when I was dumped off at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Rememb when your parents would dump you off at grandma
and Grandpa's house. Yeah, dump go to Hollywood Video, get
a couple of VHS tapes.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
They'd pick us up like two days later, dump us
off at Grandma's.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Dump for me. You could say this guy's a weirdo,
but as a kid, I thought he was so cool.
Steven Segal, I want to.

Speaker 8 (32:33):
Take you to the bank, Senator Trent to the blood bank,
and then he ran the blood Bank, Hard to kill,
Mark for death, above the Law, all great three word titles.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
Then there was under Siege where the girl popped out
of the cake. That was nice, But I was a
huge Cigal fan. And the other person I'm putting on
my Mount Rushmore with Arnold Stallone Sigal secause he ran
so funny.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
I know, that's like the funny thing looking back, it's
the viral thing, like have you ever seen Steven Sagal
on a running scene?

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Have you ever seen him in unlike some martial art
matts where he touches someone and they flip in the
other direction. I got a different answer for you, but
let me hear your fourth, my fourth. It's hard to argue.
Sweet sweet Keanu, Thank you Kean, sweetweet Piano. He was
gonna be mine as well.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
The reason Rich says, sweet sweet Keanu is because not
the name drop.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
But we're good at it.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
We had Carmen Electra on our show many times and
she was sitting on my lap right and we asked her, well,
in my mind she was, and we asked her.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
We did ask her what was it like to work with? No, no, no.
We asked her, who was someone you always wanted to
get with that you never got with? And she said, oh,
sweet sweet Keiannu. He said, hurt down. She said she
reached out to him or tried, and he was like, no,
I can't. Can you Can you imagine that? Can you imagine?

Keanu Reeves turned down Carmen Electric.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
In her Primo days and all the cool stories about
him and fans helping strangers like hitch hikers, giving them
rides two hours like you.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Would hear, like a bus broke down and he took
got everyone to ride like such a beautiful Soul. How
about Point Break?

Speaker 3 (34:25):
What would you do with my in laws? Remember my
girl's dad, he likes surfing. So I just talked about
that movie.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
I love that by the way. By the way, in
the special Tonight with Arnold and Stallone, they were so
competitive they would actually compete over the kills they had
in their movies, which I think John Wick probably beats
them all. John Wick is the most ridiculous yet awesome
gun scenes like and you see you ever see Cano

do the training like those YouTube videos of him do
in the gun training guys insane? So I got Stallone
and Arnold they're the automatics. And my two editions are
sweet Keanu reeves I want debate, and my cheesy one
is Segal just because it reminds me of watching, you know,
corny movies at my grandpa. I wish I was too. Yeah,
I wish I would have thought of the Keanu answer.

But my two will be I'm going with Big Mike.
Bruce Lee Man grew up watching all his kung fu movies,
Not Bruce Lee Roy. He's the master. Bruce Lee. You
know I watched all his movies. He fought Kream, Abdul Jabbar, bro.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
I have one that I don't think anybody has mentioned.
Harrison Ford. Oh, growing up with a fugitive blade runner.
Well how about this one?

Speaker 13 (35:43):
Get off my plane?

Speaker 1 (35:45):
Yeah? You know what about guns?

Speaker 5 (35:52):
If they use guns or do they fight with their
hands like archaeologists?

Speaker 1 (35:56):
I just you know what, he carries a well rounded act.
I don't look at Harrison Fort as an action star,
but how could you not? I mean, listen, are we
considering him fugitive Indiana? Jo? Okay, burs Harrison. I hate
to say this, Danny G I'm changing my fourth answer
because I was gonna say, how are we leaving Tom
Cruise off this list? Tom Cruise is on mine? Well,

guess what I'm changing my life? It is Cavino Here.
I'm going with Arnold Schwarzenegger, stallone, Harrison Ford, and Bruce Lae. Dude, Bam.

Speaker 5 (36:28):
Tom Cruise runs better than Steven Seagal rinting in every movie.
So what's yours? Iowa say, Well, okay, so here's mine.

Speaker 1 (36:36):

Speaker 5 (36:36):
Well, Tom Cruise is sixty years old now, and he's
still making like huge blockbusters. And you could argue, if anything,
he's not really doing any more dramatic films. He's doing
nothing but action fright, So he's definitely on there. I
have Keanu Reeves, I have Arnold, and I'm gonna throw
an old favorite of mine, Rumble in the Bronx. Jackie
Chan more of a martial artist. He was a stuntman.
You don't see him with guns a lot, but you

see him just taking down fools left and right.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
Rob Jackson on my favorite movies of all time. Now,
I'm sure some people are thinking it. I don't want
to take all the answers, but is it too obvious
an answer? Or do we not respect his acting game?
Dwayne the Rock Johnson. I mean he's in a movie.
He's pretty bad ass. No, nah, Well, a lot of
the guys we're talking about are real ass kickers, not
all of them. But I'm surprised no one mentioned Van
dam because when I think of that genre of stallone

a short snigger, I think of him, But he's not
on my list. Danny g who's on your list?

Speaker 3 (37:27):
I would go with Clint Eastwood because of the Dirty
Harry movies. Really, as a little kid, I just thought
he was a badass with that big gun. Harrison Ford,
Tom Cruise, Oh, Arnold, And then I will give an
honorable mention Russell Crowe. He's been in some cool action
you're taking off. Well, it's because you guys. Wow, you
guys have him on there, so that's what.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Let's go to ted in South Texas. What's up? Teddy?

Speaker 10 (37:53):
Hey, how are y'all doing?

Speaker 1 (37:54):
What's up? Man?

Speaker 10 (37:55):
Mine is mine is Gena Davis. Geena Davis from the
Lung Kiss good.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Night, Geena Davis.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
I put Rich Davis before gene from a league of
their own, but nothing against Geena Davis.

Speaker 1 (38:09):
Damn by what you got? Well, he's your biac. I
love that perfect. Hey, thanks for the call, man, I
appreciate you. Let's go to Mike in Washington State. What's up, Mikey? Hey,
how's it going? Guys? What's up? Man? Who's on your
male rushmore? A little bit old school? I'm going way back.
We're going John Wayne.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
And then an international superstar who did his own stunt
for like thirty forty fifty years, Jackie Chan.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
He's with you, iow, Sam. Jackie Chan is a legend.
I mean, he fought Bruce Lee. He's in Bruce Ly movies,
you know, so, and he's funny. So that's a great
answer too. I'm surprised, you know, you know how Mike
came in here and he who Mike runs this place?
He was like Sigourney Weaver, who that was? How about
Uma Thurman? You know she should be considered too. If

we're gonna throw Sigourney Weaver in.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
Conversation about Antonio Benders, Charles Bronson.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
What about Will Smith?

Speaker 5 (39:07):
Will Smith is an underrated It hasn't been in that
many movies before Will.

Speaker 1 (39:13):
Smith, Before Will Smith's wife makes him look like a chump,
and before he's slapping Chris Rock. We all love Will Smith,
so let's not play it up like listen, before before slap,
Will Smith has been in some huge action, but he
also had range Independence Day.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
We're also forgetting about Nick Cage, where I never forget
about Nick Cage ever.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
But question and we have to respect the guys who
started it and their answers. You know, we all have
our own we all have our favorites. You know, we
we nodded everyone from Dolph Lundgren to I'll throw it
out there, Action Jackson himself, Carl Weathers. You know, we
have to respect what these two guys and they started

the whole thing. What they say, and they said Clint
Eastwood and Bruce Willis. But Bruce Willis is a great answer.
That is a great answer. The Diehard alone is one
of the greatest action movies of all time, and put
his own twist to action start and keep in mind
if you watch the documentary Russell Bound Action Star. Either
if you watch the documentary on Netflix, the movies that
made us, they talk about when Diehard came out, they

did not want to put Bruce Willis on the poster
and the promotional stuff because everyone thought the guy from
Moonlight like the romance guy. And then you know, he
totally showed you a different side of himself. Sot like
how Tom Hanks was like the corny sitcom fun guy
and then he became Tom Hanks. Let me give you
one that he's so unconventional, but he may have more

action movies than most over the last decade or so. Really,
Liam Neeson, that's a great answer. He doesn't seem like it,
but when you think about volume of movies, he probably
had like five.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
The first take in was mind blasting skills, the tenth one,
not something like, wait a second, he's in the he's
blindfolded in the trunk of a car.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
And he figured it out. Oh we heard train tracks
make it right?

Speaker 3 (41:09):
That is good. That's a good one. How about the
Double O seven Sean Connery. Oh yeah, we forgot all
Daniel Craig.

Speaker 1 (41:14):
You know Craig. We're naming some.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
We're just trying to see if you would change your answer,
giving you more ideas who are and we're also forcing
to figure out who you'd put in your top for.
I don't like Mount Rushmore conversations. They've been so overdone.
But that's what they discussed on this special tonight, Rivals,
Friends and Icons and this Salon and swartsnight.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
There's something else I'm looking forward to. With the special.
They talk about how there were times in the eighties
and I've heard these stories where they almost tried to
jokingly sabotage sabotage each other, Yeah, because they were like
you know, friendly competition where I think there was one
point where they Arnold put the word out there like
he wanted a movie just so Stallone took it and

it was Stallone's worst movie. Which one was that like
I don't throw throw mama from the train or something,
or my mama shoot or stop from my mambl shooting
that's the one. Is that the one Adventures in Babysitting
though that was not so again, you could add to
the list. I want to see what you think.

Speaker 2 (42:13):
Maybe we're forgetting somebody hit us up at Covino.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
En Rich, Dan Bayern, do you got one.

Speaker 4 (42:19):
I'm just gonna say this because that may be the
perfect guy. Since I don't watch a lot of movies.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
I mean, you're not it's a perfect guy.

Speaker 4 (42:26):
I was thinking The Rock and then Covino's like, no,
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (42:32):
You know what it is about The Rock? He doesn't
have leading man energy. Wow, I like Bautista better in
his movies. What about Jason Statham? Easy in this conversation, easily?
You guys just mentioned movies. Yeah, so that would be No,
He's definitely, I bet you. There's so many people in
their car right now, Like, what about State? You know,

you know, you know who does nothing for me? And
I guess maybe it's not for me anyway, but action
star that does nothing for this guy, Diesel. I feel
like it's just a big lug, Like I watched those
Fast and the Furious movies for the action here and there,
But I'm like, what's the appeal it just seems like
a watch.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
He's gonna kick my ass. Now, this dude who has
been in some corny rolls. He doesn't make the list,
but it's his birthday today. We got to shout out
John Cena.

Speaker 1 (43:16):
Oh yeah, definitely. I think he's great. He's got to
do something his hairline. I saw him a WrestleMania and
he has like the all the hair prump, but.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
He got the old the bald spot. You know, there's
three guys. It's called topics rich about Wesley Snipes. They
wouldn't say that good.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
One, you know, Passenger fifty seven late demolition demolition mane
Knives is a great answer. Didn't get legal troubles under Texas. Yeah,
you said, you said it's Johnson his birthday. There's three
guys that turned forty seven today, and I want you
to tell me who if you think they seem the
same age. Three guys that turned forty seven today. Tell

me if you feel like they seem, you know, around,
like they went to high school together. John Cena born
on the same day as John Oliver, born on the
same day as Calpen. Cal Penn seems the most youthful.
He does. He does brown don't it's just how it is.
I'm older than all those guys. You would never think

that John Cena, Yeah, John Oliver Becauseish don't vanish, because
uh because John Oliver has some gray and he's like
a you know, sophisticated brit.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
And Georgie Lopez is also forty seven. No way, it's
his birthday.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
It is, yeah, sixty three. I think that fool sixty
three years old. Alright, so guys, add to your list
and we'll take some more phone calls. But we also
want your phone calls for Shack Diesel trivia, some NBA
trivia giving away surprises. Got some swiggies to give away
our CNR on FSR stainless steel beautiful blue water bottles

Creed named after Apollo. A lot of people don't know that.

Speaker 2 (44:58):
Shout out to Carl Weathers talking action heroes, Cavino and
Rich live frontire rack dot com Studios. If you're tired
of feeling alone in your job search, not just the
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Speaker 1 (45:19):
Visit expresspros dot com find a location near su that's
Expresspros dot com and our thanks to Expresspros for being
the presenting sponsor of Fox Sports Radios Draft coverage. Can't Wait,
Don't miss it Thursday night, Pick by pick as your
team tries to decide their future, what quarterback are they going?

Speaker 7 (45:39):

Speaker 1 (45:40):
Everyone from Steve Kim to Jigglazer, LeVar Arrington, Rob Stone
all gonna be here Thursday, eight pm Eastern, presented by
Express Pros. They're going to go through every pick of
the first round, the little accompaniment to your evening. Now,
we're gonna play some Whackdiesel Shack Diesel, NBA trivia, multiple
choice for Swiggys and giveaways. But let's wrap up this
mount rushmore Action Star conversation based on this special that

airs tonight, Rivals, Friends and Icons, Stallone and Schwarzenegger on Fox.
Danny g you had a few phone calls off the air.

Speaker 3 (46:10):
Yeah, so a couple who couldn't hold here Bruno and
Brooklyn says we can't forget Denzel Training Day, Equalizer.

Speaker 1 (46:19):
Inside Man and More. Yeah, yeah, I love training an
Action star. I'm sorry, I mean some say the best
actor ever, So damn cools.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
So damn clever. I love Denzel Washington. He's just like
spots that he said before, such a wide range. Is
he an action star all.

Speaker 1 (46:40):
You're saying his wide range takes away?

Speaker 8 (46:42):

Speaker 1 (46:43):
When I think action star, I think like, I'll give
you a sports an Allen Anthony Davis says he's not
the defensive player of the Year because they don't like him.
Maybe he's just too great of an offensive player, so
people don't give him that defensive credit that he deserves.
I think Denzel Washington is too much of a great actor.
I think he considered actions. You could say the same

about Matt Damon, all those all those, all those Born movies,
but you're like, oh, Matt Damon's deeper than that, so
you're like, oh, maybe he's not the best. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Uh And Mike in Vegas before our time, but he
said the king is Steve McQueen.

Speaker 1 (47:19):
I saw that. I saw that someone has hit us
up on Twitter with Steve McQueen.

Speaker 2 (47:22):
Again, that's generational, I'm sure a huge answer. I think
one that we someone that would also say Clini's whould
want to a fair answer. I want to let me know,
and I feel like the one we all missed out
on that. We did mention at the you know, like
ten minutes ago. Can't sleep on it. The more I'm
thinking about Wesley Snipes underrated for YU but that in
his own way.

Speaker 3 (47:39):
And in fact, that was the first thing that Bruno
talked to me about on the phone, And I'm like, oh,
we mentioned that he's like. I missed that he's like.
But him and Denzel to him are the two greatest
actions you could.

Speaker 1 (47:49):
Say honorable mention the guys like Mark Wahlberg and stuff
like that. But you know there's one that because the
Mark because he said so I think. I guess he
said some dumb things about like the Jewish community and stuff,
and he's rubbed people wrong way. I'll be honest as
an actor, though I loved Mel Gibson in the eighties
and nineties, Mel Gibson lethal Weapon, all those had his haircut.
You know, at least till two thousand and five. I
had that mullet. Why we got on the phone day

that said someone said, mel give me Bob in Oregon, Bob,
you're wrong with somebody.

Speaker 10 (48:20):
Hey, guys, I got a name on my personal Mount
Rushmore that hasn't been mentioned and that's the driver of
the pork Chop express Man, Jack Burton, Snake Kliskin, He's
the fourth name on my Mount Rushmore.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
Kurt Russell, Russell love muscle and his love muscle. Yeah,
and then wrap it up, Vincent, Yo, Vinnie, what's up?
But Hey? What's up?

Speaker 7 (48:43):

Speaker 3 (48:44):
I was gonna say mel Gibson, but.

Speaker 1 (48:45):
Somebody all right, I'm sorry I hijacked your answer. But
I agree. Those lethal weapon movies and even that Max
med Max, even the cheesy ones he did My Family,
Braveheart Cheese, that's a great one. Vince, what's your favorite
Mel Gibson movie of all time?

Speaker 10 (49:00):
It's gotta be the Lethal Weapons?

Speaker 1 (49:02):
Yeah, what's a better movie?

Speaker 2 (49:03):
Danny g through Russell crow into the conversation, Are you
a Brave Heart or Gladiator?

Speaker 1 (49:07):
A Gladiator? They're both great? Oh I'll tak you can
say Braveheart. What's the other one? The uh it's in
the same the other male Gibson movie that I love.
Patriot that's another good one, the Patriots. You know Mel
Gibson's a great answer. Oh, I haven't liked his cheesy stuff.
You ever see Bird on a Wire with him in Goldie?
A Wire is a good movie. All right, well you
know what, it's time for a little shacked Diesel. I'm sorry,

whack diesel trivia. Let's go.

Speaker 6 (49:31):
Whenever we say not to name drop, that means we're.

Speaker 1 (49:34):
About to name drop. I'll drop. Oh my goodness, not
only our.

Speaker 6 (49:38):
CNR friends with Tyson and mahomes hey, man, they're also
buddies with a big Aristotle's.

Speaker 7 (49:46):
Big Shack Diesel aka Shackfou aka shack Daddy. Okay, the
big Aristotle. Guess what's down from sing our project?

Speaker 6 (49:54):
Time for some basketball triviaball trivia?

Speaker 1 (49:58):
What he said, I used to break brack boards, now
breaking records for radio shack d so so basketball trivia.

Speaker 3 (50:06):
Yeah, security walking big Shack food into the main studio
and I.

Speaker 7 (50:10):
Say show enough to show run to Harlem. And when
I had him to the list, watch your head.

Speaker 3 (50:15):
I'm tired from that night last night, crazy night Jack.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
What do you think of I saw your buddy Charles
Barkley beat finally beat Kenny Smith to touching the wall.
There a little race. That was a good race.

Speaker 7 (50:28):
Hair A question for you man, You think I could
play in the Big Three?

Speaker 1 (50:31):

Speaker 7 (50:31):
I think you got to playing. If I played, I
got a hip surgery. I was wonder if if I
can play in the Big Three.

Speaker 3 (50:36):
And also I saw you arguing with Charles about Bill Walton.
You said he was garbage, garbage, He's.

Speaker 7 (50:42):
Hark terrible, terrible pazzer and he's a stinky ass hippie, smelly,
stinky hippie.

Speaker 1 (50:49):
Okay, garbage. Let's meet the contestants. Twenty two time Winter.

Speaker 7 (50:54):
It's good to see you guys.

Speaker 1 (50:55):
Two time winner Rich Davis. Oh Shack, what do you
say you?

Speaker 7 (51:00):
Twenty two time winer.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
It looks like a sixteen time champion Dan Bayer Shaq
is turning into Mitch Hebburg a little bit.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
Seven time winner spotty Boy. Hey, let's go great and looking.

Speaker 3 (51:16):
To win a seeing our stainless steel swinging on the
studio lines, E bad in Miami?

Speaker 6 (51:20):
What up?

Speaker 2 (51:20):
E O? E?

Speaker 7 (51:22):

Speaker 1 (51:24):
How are you are you good?

Speaker 10 (51:26):
I'm good?

Speaker 1 (51:27):
Many Hi to Shack. Okays like I'm up playing. What
are you doing in Miami for a living? I'm right
now I'm doing and at the moment, keep it, you know,
tell everyone and that comes in. You've got to check

out our show.

Speaker 3 (51:49):
Yeah, all right, I have it on nice forced listening,
all right, rules for Shack Diesel Trivia. The first contestant
with two correct answers is the champ. If there's a tie,
we have a tie breaker question. Your name is your buzzer,
but you do have to wait until all three possible
answers are read. There's two wrong answers in a row,
we move on to the next question.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
Are you ready? Yeah, let's get out. Yeah, all right,
let's get this started, all right?

Speaker 7 (52:11):
Which team in the NBA has the most players inducted
into the Hall of Fame? A the Lakers, B the
Celtics or see the Knicks.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
Spot spot. I'm gonna go with the Celtics, and you
would be right. Yes, I feel like I feel like
he knows the lectric forty players in the Hall of
Fame Lakers Legacy thirty.

Speaker 1 (52:33):
One, forty Lakers thirty one. All right, Round two, here
we go.

Speaker 7 (52:38):
Yeah, round two. You know that I tower over almost everyone.
But what's the averatarite in the NBA? Is a six
foot four, B six five or C six six?

Speaker 1 (52:51):
Rich Rich six four? No spot spot for the Steel
and the Wind six six? Yeah, rubber right. I can't
believe all of you.

Speaker 7 (53:09):
I can't downright came on over here for two minutes.

Speaker 1 (53:13):
I'm sorry, Jack, sorry, Shack time.

Speaker 3 (53:21):
All right, check this out though he bad in Miami,
don't hang up yet. Here's the reason why. Last Tuesday,
you guys, remember our boy in p A, Matt, Matt.

Speaker 1 (53:32):
And p A. I'll pretend to say, yes, he won
a swiggy. You don't remember that.

Speaker 3 (53:35):
Yeah, yeah, well he asked me to pay it forward
to the next shock contestant.

Speaker 1 (53:46):
Want to see this on Starbucks? I say no, so,
so even though you didn't win, you get the swiggy
from last week. Congratulations. Yeah, hang on the line for it.
Make sure keep it in your uber, get it in
your car. Yeah minute. Yeah, guys, all right, that's fun.
I haven't seen you that excited since the Less Harry
Potter movie came out.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
Crazy in his car, forced listening and forced promotion. Now
with this swe and Shack for two minutes, you know,
welcome back. Maybe it's good to be back. You know,
I never see you too in the same room.

Speaker 1 (54:19):
That's weird, you know. I think Shack just brings that
feeling of generosity and paying it forward. Think of how
many wonderful things he's done for other people, buying bicycles
for kids. He's a Hooters bo buying things for people Walmart.
He's always doing something generous, giving away stuff. So hey,
that's really cool that he paid it forward. I wouldn't
do it, but that's cool to say. I hate it

when they do it. It's Starbucks. Yeah, me too. It's
not paying forward.

Speaker 4 (54:44):
It turns into a game and then you either win
or lose or you just feel selfish by ding it.

Speaker 1 (54:50):
Didn't they do that on Curve Your Enthusiasm, The Nutcurve?
It was that show. You know the guy that says
sure about that?

Speaker 12 (54:57):

Speaker 1 (54:58):
What's that guy's name? Tim Robinson? Yeah, Robin the writer
from s He doesn't so good.

Speaker 2 (55:06):
It's so dumb, but it's so good. Oh man, it's
great to see Shack diesel though. Man, dB, let me
ask you because.

Speaker 1 (55:12):
You're a guy that watches all sports and probably has
a good answer. N B A, NFL definitely, probably MLB?
Is there a Is there a combo of broadcasters and
retired players that you're like, Wow, they got the right chemistry,
Because I feel like, after watching last night, you could
love them hate. I think Shack and Charles Barkley together

are gold. Still I watch and I feel like the
balance of that crew. It's just funny. It's like it
really is great television. I do feel that way also
about some of the Fox Football on Sundays. I thought,
when when, because you can't fake the chemistry, Like there's
a camaraderie there that you just can't fake. And you
see it on so.

Speaker 2 (55:51):
Many other networks and radio shows where they just force
people together but they really don't know each other that well,
so it becomes competitive and odd and awkward and off.

Speaker 1 (56:00):
It happens all the time, radio, all the time, and
it's not a surprise.

Speaker 4 (56:03):
Like Barkley is the star, and I think one of
the reasons for that is because he wasn't as good
as Shack, but he's better than Kenny, and so he
can dish it and take it and get it. But
he responds to it well. Like honestly, when they rip
on Kenny, I think Kenny sometimes does get hurt, you know,
And because they're Hall of famers, you know, and Kenny

Smith and in Shack and you know, if Charles is
taking shots at Shack, Shack will fly him right back.

Speaker 1 (56:29):
But you know, Charles is really the master in all
of that.

Speaker 2 (56:33):
You know what, man great observations on both sides here, dB,
that's an awesome observation.

Speaker 1 (56:39):
I never really thought about it that way. That's why
we love you. He's just as funny when he's giving
it as he is getting. You know, the best and
rich you pose a question in itself. It's like, I
think their chemistry is unrivaled. I can't give anybody. I
mean there's some good you know, in the TV on radio.
I can think of a few game in baseball there
was a minute where Pete Rose was next to big
Poppy like baseball playoffs, and I thought Pete Rose a

big poppy and eight Rod those guys. That's fun, but
nothing compares to Sir Charles. My favorite Charles Barkley isn't
him making fun of women in San Antonio? Is in
some of his funny sexist jokes. My favorite Charles Barkley
like mess up or funny thing when he said I
got two words for you Steve Nash and Chris Paul
and they're like, that's that's five words, and he goes,

all right, Steve Nash Chris Paul like that's four words.
Did you ever see that climate? Yeah, that's so great.
Great one dad life note that I want to see
if someone else could relate to this. If you're coaching
kids and you're doing that dad life. You know, we
all have friends that are doing travel league soccer, baseball, football, hockey.

Like I feel like every friend that I have that's
a parent is overwhelmed with all the like dance, class, gymnastics, everything.

Speaker 2 (57:55):
Make me wonder how our parents did it because they
had more kids in our generation, that's for sure.

Speaker 1 (57:59):
My parents now five kids. Well, you know what, something
our parents were a little more casual about was like, yeah,
they'll let someone else drive you. Now you're a little
skeptical of like, I don't know if I want that
parent driving my I mean, let us sit in the
back of people's pickup. Tell you're on your freeway. Your
parents are busy. You'd hop like in the backseat of
your you know, my dad had my friends called My
dad had a big work van, and I sat on

a wicker chair in the middle.

Speaker 7 (58:23):
No set.

Speaker 1 (58:24):
Guess where that's not happening. I'm in southern California in
twenty twenty four, So yeah, it's a little different. I'm saying,
this is the dad way. I was like most of
the time, I said on a crate. Let me let
me tell you about the dad life pain. And they asked,
I got to do it about ooh tea minus twenty minutes.
As soon as I get out of here, it's here.
Today's my turn to line the field. And when I'm
done lining the field, it looks like a drunk I

did it. It's not my skill. I listen. I'm gonnat
gardening at my house, like you should look at my
house of the edibles, my my roses, my my lawn, everything,
everything looks pristine. When you asked me to put the
chalk lines on a softball field, it looks like I'm
the drunk guy that's living at the field. It looks
like the zigzag crappy. Also the kid in school who

colored way outside the lines. I good at it for
some reason, I just don't have a knack for it.
So that's the pain in the asser. I gotta do right.

Speaker 2 (59:13):
Rich isn't good at something? This is crazy, I know, understand. Yeah,
make sure we add this in the.

Speaker 1 (59:16):
Best of it. Every time I say something, I'm getting
annoyed that your go to is edibles, because I take
an edible here and there to fall asleep there twenty
eight a month is a lot. But what I'm saying is,
how does that have any effect on mean lining? A
softfill field? Nimrod affects your motor skills? Do I say,
when you have an old fashion? Does that not affect you? One?

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Old fashioned does not equal the potency of the edibles
you take, because I've tried one's bad for your liver
once and I had a panic attack.

Speaker 1 (59:44):
I mean, so are you're a weenie Danny. My hypothetical
for you is this, if you can put your weed
in there, if your Lakers do not catch up at
home and the Nuggets rollggets. When you have friends like
Ben Maller and Mancy Bilanos who are Clippers fans, is

there any party that's like, I don't want to see
the Nuggets again? Or would you root for the Nuggets
against the Clippers?

Speaker 2 (01:00:12):

Speaker 1 (01:00:13):
Well, that's a good question. For the Nuggets against the Clippers,
because Lakers fans, they don't want to see the Clippers
have any joy. But the Nuggets, if they knock you
out a couple of years in a row, you might
be like, we have the Nuggets.

Speaker 3 (01:00:24):
That's a really good ye. I've never had a personal
issue with the Clippers. It's the Clipper fans that get
on my nerves, the couple that we know.

Speaker 1 (01:00:31):
That's how I feel about the Yankees. I love Bernie Williams,
Derek Jeter, I love those guys. In the nineties, I
just as a New Yorker back then, I just hated
the fans.

Speaker 2 (01:00:39):
I would say, that's how the Yankees feel about the Mets.
Lakers don't care about the Clippers because Lakers have history
and a winning tradition. Clippers fans feel that way about
the Mets because you're you're a weak little brother. Clipper
fans just try too hard. Like Kevin Hart, I get you,
I get what you're saying. So there's no hatred there.
So if annoyance, yeah, forget the Nuggets. Well, I enjoy

your games tonight. I'm gonna go line a kids softball
field and we'll catch up tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (01:01:06):
Until then, everything at Covino and Rich straight lines Rich
and it's why Line.

Speaker 13 (01:01:12):
You know.

Speaker 1 (01:01:12):
I'm gonna I'm gonna put an Instagram story of me
doing this. It'll be a nightmare at coven on Rich
and we'll see you guys tomorrow. Until then, are Riven there?

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
Chie baby will see you in the Promised Land. Guys,
have a great night, enjoy the games.

Speaker 1 (01:01:25):
That was a foul
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