All Episodes

April 25, 2024 42 mins

C&R laugh about tiny sausages (again) & hold an impromptu Spelling Bee! It's all about Reggie Bush in the news.. should he tell them to "shove the Heisman Trophy!?" Are rules for fools? They talk NFL Draft & Rich's white line issue. Plus, Clippers' problem & someone on the crew CRIED to get out of a ticket, like Tom Brady's ex!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Covino Rich at Fox Sports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR. Might not be another
radio show that cares about their hair. Mouf, thanks for

the pompliment. How's the pompador like? True? You can, sweet
MANSI you know it's true. Do you have you ever
worked with anyone that cares about their hair more than
this show?

Speaker 2 (00:32):
No? Not at all. And me included, what did I
say as soon as.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
I walked in? Yes, that my hair looks nice? You
got some highlights in her hair? I don't. Men got
to notice that stuff. That's a reminder for dudes out there.
Your wife kid, get her nails done, her hair done,
something done, and you have the bonehead that doesn't recognize it.
Top of your game, open your eyes.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
I appreciate it, MONSI was the other.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Was there other men here at work that notice? One?
Ryan Berschinger?

Speaker 3 (00:57):
Oh what a guy?

Speaker 1 (00:59):
What a guy? Saving lives and chaining relationship be running
out all right, Hey, the NFL Draft is tomorrow. Could
there be more excitement? We're gonna get to that, Caitlin Clark,
there's a gizl story. We're gonna talk some Heisman stuff,
but we are broadcasting live from the tirac dot com studio.
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at tirack dot com. And after the show, our podcast.
We have a best of We have a best of
a week. We have a bonus podcast called over Promised.
But our podcast goes up and if you miss any
of today's show, be sure to check out the podcast.
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Wherever you get your podcasts, be sure to follow, rate
and review, and if you say something nice, you qualify
for a Swiggy one of our awesome giveaways here on
the show. Well, I feel like the world is talking
about Reggie Bush and the Heisman, and I thought you're
gonna talk about who Ryan Garcia dating or who he's
fighting next. Oh my god, did you see her?

Speaker 4 (02:03):

Speaker 1 (02:03):
How do I say this nicely her God given gift presence. Yeah,
it seems like every three seconds he's posting a photo
with another woman. And I guess if you're at that
level of awesome, you do whatever you want. After that
fight last week, do whatever you want, my dude. So
maybe a little Ryan Garcia dating life now. But I

feel like everyone's talking about NBA playoffs, Reggie Bush, and
the draft tomorrow. So let me give you a two
minute timeout because we're gonna get to all that. But
let me give you a two minute timeout with a
Rich Davis dumb theory. You can just say, Rich Davis theory.
We all assume. Oh, so you know how they make
these fake holidays up and you see them all the time, Danny,

you'll see them when you're doing your research too, like
today's National host Dog websites dedicated to National Day. Well,
let me ask you this, then, why do you feel
the need to tell us that it's Jellybean Day if
it's so dumb because you're the only guy talking about it.
All right, let's get into the NFL draft then. No, No,
the point is you said these are silly, stupid holidays,

but you're the guy that brings them up all the time. No,
what does it have to do with your What does
it have to do with your theory? I'm asking you
a question. Today is bring your kids to workday? Yeah,
brought Rich. He's a little baby boy. Actually, you know
what's going on at my house right now is a
little sports baby. Today's Armenian Genocide Awareness Day out here

in Los Angeles day. You remember what I say, remember
awareness mean? I don't know anyway, you don't know what
like seventy five percent of the population here in LA.
So there's no school. I was like, what do you
mean there's no school? My wife thought she was volunteering
to pick up a couple of kids from school and
help out one of our you know, a couple of

our parent friends. And it turns out like, oh, they
meant the whole day. So all day there's like four
little girls run around my house. My daughter's friends are
over a little party time USA today. So yeah, a
lot of people do have off today. Yeah, my kid
had school because she goes to non LAUSD like charter school,
so she still had school. Either way. That's the West

Coast life. Enjoy your holidays, enjoy your Wednesday, Enjoy your
hump day, going to turn it into a hump night. Well,
speaking of it, I hope you had a Timberwolves. It's
Wolves Moncey nut Wolves, Timberwolves sort of nights Pacers Mads
with the big win and some good games tonight. But
the biggest story isn't who Garcia is Dayton, It's what

rich today is national pigs in a blanket day. That's
not what I was going for. And yay. My thought
is this, I'll give you a low five. We invented
the low five rich night. My point is this. You
could be at a black tie affair. You could be
at a country club. You could be at the most
sassy invite only thousand dollars a plate event. You could

be at the sassiest of places. You could be at
the Buxton's country Club. There could be a raw bar, seafood,
crab legs, sushi. No Boo himself could be feeding you
spicy tune in your mouth. There could be you know,
some guy to carving station. Yet no one, no matter
how fancy you are, Oh, no one will ever say no.

If someone's walking around passing around little pigs in a blanket. Oh,
I mean, you're right about that. It's like you could
have the sassies. I might think one thing we agree
on that. I mean, Danny, you could go to a
wedding where they have the nicest stuff they're passing around.
Little crackers would do it? You know, salmon on it.
We get it a little. How pretentious you are, how
high brow you think, how classy it's sophisticated you think

you are. You're not turning down a pig and a blanket,
Come do it. Or a lady walks around with a
little tray of Weeni tots. You're grabbing two of them,
dipping them in mustard and being like so.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
I would like to point out too, this is two
shows in a row where we've opened with tiny sausage tuck.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
You know that's what's on our mind.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
Hour one yesterday was labeled tiny NBA sausage blame.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Would you like his swine and a fabric?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Yes? Please like the swine Sam. Guys like rich, But everybody,
you start following that guy and seeing you know where
he's going, Just so go and get some morning. Where'd
that guy go? I was the biggest a hold on
a wedding. I went Toro recently, where I saw that
they were coming in and out of the kitchen with
different sweet or dirves.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
So you just hung out by the car.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
I hung out by the kitchen door, and everyone walked on, wait,
hold on. Oh. It was one of those you ever
go to. You ever see when they serve now like
soup and a big spoon. When you have soup appetizers
in a big spoon, that's I'm not at that elite
level yet, but.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
He had that.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Speaking of spell or dirves, I'll give you twenty five bucks.
You get it right, all gambling like the gamble, do
it all right? All right? Horse duvers is how you
would spell or dirves horse horse h o r horse

h o r s D. Now the duvers part, it's
not like Raphael Devers. It's like dovers. I'll give you.
Don't forget the apostrophe. Is there an e u v
e r s. I'm not giving him any Yes, the
final answer you just lost there there's a D an

apostrophe and O e u v r e s. It's
I can't be horseuvers otherwise known as or dirves. Enjoy that,
enjoy your pigs in a blanket day, everybody your cocktail.
That's pretty middle name, by the way, rich Cocktail. Another
one recently. Recently, Uh, there was a what's the dog

the docs and yeah, that is spelled like dashend. You
just figured this out something c H S h U
n D. You know, maybe we should maybe we should
talk about Reggie Bush. All right, Wiener dog talk. That's
hour one. This c and our spelling bee has been
brought to you by Express prop Cocktail Weenies. All right,

when ben Yama, that's easy, Patrick calls him. When ba Yama,
When bam Yama. It's spelled exactly how it sounds. So
the biggest story has nothing to do with horse Bill
Franks and horse Dubers and weenies at all. It has
to do with Reggie Bush. If I were Reggie Bush,

I would say, take that Heisman trophy and shove it
up from which are which ends? That's a good question,
based or no, the hand the hand of everybody remembers
Reggie Bush won the Heisman in two thousand and five,
of course, I mean, and that's the part of it
that I can always stand by. You could take something
away from someone, but if everyone remembers it, like when

the Astros cheat it to win the World Series according
to many. When people say, well, take away in the
World Series, my first thought was.

Speaker 4 (09:15):
Yeah, I guess for according to many, they admitted they
did it.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
That's true. Now that's how they got immunity. When people
say Danny will take away their World Series, I'm like,
that's a little cute technicality. But guess what. I remember
seeing them celebrating and cheering, and that's the last thing
image I remember Reggie Bush flipping into the end zone
dominating for USC I AM, but takeaways Heisman or not
ice history books will say something different for other generations.

If you know, sometimes you take away someone something from someone,
it's actually more remembered, like galaaga is no hitter, a
perfect game more memorable because it was taken away, right,
So sometimes those asterisks are more memorable. So to me,
Reggie Bush would be like, yo, beat it. It's like
he epitomized everything that was Heisman, asked Johnny Manziel. That's

why he said, Yeah, I'm not going to recognize or
acknowledge mine until you give it back. He epitomized everything
that was a Heisman Trophy winner, except for the fact
that he was making money off of his name before
it was the legal thing to do. Forfeited his trophy
back in twenty ten, so for the past fourteen years
he was not Heisman Trophy winner. Reggie Bush, Now, Rich,

I know you live by this mantra that rules are
for fools.

Speaker 5 (10:30):
I do.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Rules are for fools. But it's like, I got to
keep in mind, although you ever go somewhere and they
want you to walk through rose and rose and rows
of stanchions, and no one's online, no one's in line. Yeah, yeah, easier,
just a duck under. Yeah, I cut the line. Like
one time. I always get my backpack caught on that rope.
One time I went to duck under and the person's like, no,

you can't do that. I'm like, I can, because rules
are for fools. No, because you think you're above the
lull like Steven Segal, you're not on the Mount Rushmore
action stuff. So did you see did you say, Steven Sagal?
I did you mean the Mount Rushmore like as we
said yesterday? Yes, him, Keanu artoled and slot, I want
to take you to the bank.

Speaker 6 (11:13):
Senator Trent.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Rich thinks he's above the law and that he's above rules,
and I guess Reggie Bush thought so too at the
time where he thought, hey, these rules are stupid, which
in retrospect we could admit and acknowledge yeah they are.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
Or he just is the one that got caught, or
he's the one there's other Heismans who probably took some.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Money without a doubt, no doubt, no diggity. So it
poses the question do you take it and show it
up like Rich suggested, because rules are for fools, or
do you say, yeah, you know what, I broke the
rules back then and I happily accept it. Now. That's
cool that they made amends here they wrong the right

because it is like that guy that's in jail Rich
for smoking weed and now it's legal. It's like, well, hey,
you look back and you said, hey, we were wrong
about this, that's why you changed it, right, So how
wrong is it? Would you accept this seat? Do you
look back at a branch? I guess do you look
back at your mistakes? But if there wouldn't be mistakes

in current day, do you say, do you look at
it differently? See, I look at it this way. I
think he did his time per se fourteen years without it.
I'm not saying he was arrested or anything. I'm just
saying he didn't have his his heisman. What are you
in the big house for? Because he bought the rules
back then, those were the rules back then. In retrospect

we could say, yeah, those were silly rules because we
changed the rules. But you used to have a rule.
You used to have a rule that if you kept
your socks on it wasn't cheating. Yeah, but we evolved
because you know what cheating is now, like dming someone
emming someone liking a hot girl's picture is considered cheating
to a younger person. Why are you liking You only

care that I liked it because she's hot in a bikini.
If she was not hot, you wouldn't care. So it's
a sliding scale because things changed throughout time. So in retrospect, yeah,
it was stupid, but those were the rules at the time.
So to be honest, I'm not a rules for fools
kind of guy. I abide by the rules. Sometimes rules

are silly. Look at how things change so quickly in society.
Within the last ten to twenty years. You couldn't mention
a point spread on any sports network, any game or
anything now. I mean, one of our main sponsors is DraftKings.
Other people got bit MGM fan duel everything out there

saying I didn't think it was dumb even then that
a college player couldn't make a few bucks, you know.
But we were leaning some people were leaning on, well, yeah,
you get a free ride, man, and you get to
get this I don't know, rich and education that you
always seem to downplay. You get this education, you get
this future, you get to build a name, you get
this massive platform. Did you sound like that. You sound
like the old uh, the old krusty white guy administrator.

That's like, oh, we're making tens of millions of dollars,
but you're good an education at the time. And still
your education does matter and it's what you do with it.
Just because you're you went to clown college or whatever
you came from, you know, doesn't mean that other people
don't take their education seriously. So there were reasonings, and
I'm telling you like the reason that we were like,
all right, I get it. College. You know even know

how to stack twelve people in the car, even though
you know how to make the biggest deal it's rich.
Can you stop with the horn please? You know how
to effectively use a hand buzzer. Even though we could
say it was silly. You know, he still broke the
rules and those are an effect for a reason. Yeah,
I think, uh man, I almost feel like it's an

interesting thought. What will change in the next twenty somethings.
He's happy to have it back. That's like the same
with Pete Rose. Right Like you think Pete Rose is
gonna say Hall of Fame, shove it up, you're hat No,
he's gonna be like, you know, I broke the rules
at the time. In retrospect, they're stupid, but I broke
the rules that were implemented at the time. Therefore, I

did my time, and I'm happy and honored to say
that I lived out to a point where we could
look back and and now be acknowledged for my greatness
and not for this stigma that was attached to me
for breaking these rules all years ago. You know, it sucks.
Pete Rose will be in the Hall of Fame after
he dies, which is a shame. He'll die eventually, but
it all will. And again he doesn't have his Hall

of Fame acknowledgment because he was betting on baseball, betting
for himself to win, which is funny because we're praising
Ryan Garcia, who just bet on himself to win in boxing.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
Yeah, and you know it took USC a while to
come around. They made up with him, what a couple
of years ago, he though. Reggie Bush said, you know
how they put those big jerseys out, but the one
end of the LA Memorial Coliseum, it's to honor their
Heisman Trophy winners.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Yeah, he said that.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
He was USC said that they were willing to put
that back, but he was quoted as saying, I don't
want that back up in the colisseum until I get
my heisman back. So a lot of USC fans wondering
today if that's going to go back up in the stadi.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
I think his big jersey has been missing for a
long time. I mean yeah, I don't think they ever put.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
His big jersey up because they thought it would be
too much of a distraction.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
So the question is Fox Sports Radio Nation, based on
the good news today Reggie Bush getting his heisman back,
you know now that we could say in retrospect, Yeah,
it was kind of silly because we've changed rules. If
you were Reggie Bush, if you were Pete Rose, would
you say take it and shove it, or would you

respectfully say yeah, okay and just be happy that you
got it back. I'm going with the ladder here. Hey listen,
it's a lot of times, rules, laws, things change. It
depends on you know, your stance on it. Think about
all different legislature right throughout our lifetime. If you are

a gay couple that couldn't get married forever right and
all of a sudden they're like, now you can, do
you think a lot of those gay couples were like,
oh that's sweet, or like oh now it's okay. Later
you're like, I don't know, it's a question for you answer.
Are you acceptance alone? Is probably frustrated lot a gay couple.
I was gonna say, are you the Are you the
type of person that's like, oh you finally came around

and you lean into it, or you're like, no, beat it,
f you. I don't know what. Like Reggie Bush seems
like he might be the type that says, thank you all,
take it back, usc what's up? I don't know.

Speaker 4 (17:48):
I mean this goes back to that age old argument
of letter of the law versus spirit of the law.

Speaker 1 (17:54):

Speaker 4 (17:54):
Because spot was it the game show wheel of fortune
where fans were outraged because a winner like kind of
stumbled as they were reading the answer. Yeah and they
and he said nope, sorry, and people were outraged.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
But that's the letter of the law. Actually, the acts
one that guy deserves to lose, not that there's happened.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
It's happened a few times million. That guy should live
with that for the rest of it. I feel like
all of our staff, I feel like we're all kind
of sperrit of the law people. I don't see any
of us walking around saying it says exactly this.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
There are times in life where you want to say,
shove it so rich. Let's say you were fired, right,
Let's say you were at your job. No just I'm
saying hypothetical, Okay, not necessarily you the collective you you
darvish fired. Let's say you were fired my job at
Wendy's back in the day, no one worked to drive
through better Welcome twentys. Could I help you? And you
were humiliated and we're so distraught about this, couldn't believe it.

Life was ruined at the time. But then the job
came back with a sweeter offer all these years later,
because they admitted they were wrong. You who says that
pride is stupid, are going to say, yeah, take your
offer and shove it, or are you going to say,
you know what, cool, I'm going to go for it.
It's kind of that, like there's a time and place
where you tell people to shove it, but this isn't

one of them. He's getting his award back. That's a
lifetime achievement. I think all's fair and all's well, and
Johnny Manzel could also party and they did right by
Reggie Bush. I think it's a good story. Hey, your
thoughts again, it shows you how far we've come for
me to gambling to Reggie Bush's heisman. I mean, there's

a lot of social issues. I'm not going to get
to get into him here on Fox Sports Radio. But opinions, law,
these things change over time. It depends on how do
you adjust. Like you said, Covino's right, are you a
or as Danny said, the spirit of the law type
of guy or rules? Or do you? Oh you are?
That was the rule was the longest, an absolute great word.

I'm trying to think of other things that have changed
in our life. Sure there's a lot of them, but again,
we'll take your feedback. At eight seven seven nine nine
on Fox, we got more Cavino and Rich coming up.
We are going to talk about the NFL Draft tomorrow.
There's a reason why tomorrow's NFL Draft is going to
be the best one in over a decade. I'll explain why.
There's a story about Giselle Bunchin and what does what

does Gizlle and Rich Davis have a comment that's really right.
It's not that we have a picture of Tom Brady
in our wallets. Spellbottle, spell b u n D Bunchin
spell doction. All right, Well your thoughts, Reggie Bush, would
you tell them to shove it? Or would you accept gracefully?

Let us know at a seven seven ninety nine on
Fox are rules for fools, That's what Rich said. Let
us know. We'll get to it next. Now you've put
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Speaker 5 (21:53):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Fox Sports
Radio and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Hey what's up, everybody?

Speaker 6 (22:07):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (22:14):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 6 (22:15):
You ass along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Birds.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it Up on Game We're going to be
sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with me LeVar Arrington, TJ. Huschman Zada,

and Plexico.

Speaker 7 (22:39):
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you
get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Great song. I see what you did there When I
come around day helped me see I'm not following No
people come around to things.

Speaker 8 (23:04):
Oh wow, Iowa Sam slaying it on the Ones and
two some old school old school Green Day Doochie outscol
and Danny.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
G on the phone super producing at eight seven seven
ninety nine out Fox. Honestly, dude, were you snorting caffeine
before you hit the mic today or was it? Am?
I apology my apologies that these are the two favorite
hours of my day. When they see people are shot
out of a cannon like no Rich is shot out
of a cannon. I want to strangle this guy.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
That is why he can't do the straight line at
the softball field.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Dude, if you did a great job, I saw it. WHOA,
don't say snorting? And then Rich can't do a straight
line back to back? People get together the straight line.
We're talking baseball. Yesterday, yesterday I was coaching my daughter's
softball and I had the I was the parent yesterday
that had to line the field. And if you want
to see what white chalk lines in a softball field

look like, if if like an old drunk, I did it,
That's what it looks like. After I did it, I
was like, what am I? It was awful. I'm like,
I'm sorry six year old girls, I'm embarrassed. But at
Rich Davis on my Instagram you could check that out.
But before we get to your feedback on the Heisman,
I know a lot of people chiming in. I had
a question for you because you know, guess I have

the we have the Mets Giants game on in the background,
and there there's got to be a playar on everyone's team.
Danny Monsei, let me let me think if you could
think of a Dodger, is there someone on your team
that somehow lingers for like a decade back and forth,
maybe to and from the miners where you're like, this
guy's still on the team for the Mets. That's backup

catcher Thomas Nedo. This guy, I'm like, what, he's been
on the team forever. He's not the guy. But there's
always so many injuries in Major League Baseball. I'm like,
this guy's still playing. Who is it for you? You
need O him to be around? I guess yeah, we
definitely need O him. I suppose why not for me
up until this year because now he's a padre? Right,

Kyle Higashioka getting higgy with it because he was up
and down forever and he was in the system for
so long.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Is he on the padres?

Speaker 1 (25:11):
Now? I don't follow the NLS closely, but yeah, he was.
Or you could say Brett Gardner was just on the
Yankees forever, but he wasn't up and down what you
described there there, Dodger that you're like, we can't shake
this guy. Not that he's bad, it's just he's just
there forever, middle reliever, back up infielder. I'm trying to
I'm trying.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
To think, and I'm with you, No, that's right.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
You guys have a legit roster, legit roster.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
But yeah, no, nobody that I can think of like that.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
Tomas Nito is still playing, all right, your feedback eight seven, seven,
nine nine on Fox Danny, who's on my one phone system?

Speaker 4 (25:47):
Yeah, we had to reset the folling system. So I'll
help you with that in a minute, you.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
Know, I'll go to our Twitter at Covin on Rich
Rob hit us up in San Antonio and he said, well,
Reggie Bush should take that heisman and give it to
its right owner, Vince Young of Texas. That was that
was That was a great year. Those guys battled. Well,
it's easy for you to say, knowing Rich Davis, he
said multiple times that awards and accolades mean nothing because

I talk about the importance of an Emmy award or
some sort of acknowledgement. You know, we talk about awards
when they're brought up, awards season comes around, You're always
humming at the importance of these things. It's easy for
you to give it up. Comes with a lot of clout,
a lot of prestige. The heisman does Reggie Bush to

say nah, now, especially when he's not doing anything that'd
be counter productive to his future listen. Our buddy and
video guru Elijah was just saying, you know, he's been
on Dan Patrick and other shows, and Reggie's been trying
to get this Heisman back, so he has you know,
like he has interest because it meant a lot to him,

but to his to his career, Heisman is just you know,
a nice college award and means no success in the NFL.
There's no guarantee of that, but it's a nice award
to win. I'm not taking anything away from awards, the
only award in the world that means something. But you have,
as Rob Parker would say, pooh pooed them time and
time again. No, the only award that I'm the poo

poop king. No, I'm the pooh poo king.

Speaker 5 (27:18):

Speaker 1 (27:19):
I was talking about how you know, awards mean a
lot to certain people. It's nice to be noticed. It's
not the be all end all. It matters if you're
getting paid at the end of the day, right, that's
why are you happy? Are you Are you doing a
great job? All these things matter, But accolades matter, and
it's one of the highest you mus get other than
military awards and honors, which is the highest form. Take

that away, that's its own category. I'm talking about entertainment
realm awards. The only one that really matters is the
Academy Award Best Actor and Best Actress, because it seems
like that person automatically gets a huge payday for their
next film. Other than that, what about EGOT winners. You're
saying that the other ones don't matter. It's nice breaking
right now. Okay, so again, if you just joined us,

Rich is saying if he was Reggie Bush, and he's not,
but if he was Reggie Bush, he'd say take it
and shove it. And I do remember not the name drop,
but we're so good at it. I remember having him
on our show around that time, and he was so
pumped to be the Heisman winner. I mean he got
a little Kim Kardashian action if you remember back then,

like he was on top of the world and he
broke the rules. I'm one of those guys that believes
in rules. I don't care if they're stupid or if
they're laying at the time. You still broke the rules.
But I am happy to see him get it back.
Fourteen years later, again, we're Cavino and Rich live Fromatirack.
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Will and thanks to Expresspros for being the presented sponsor.
You are sorry. Fox Sports Radios Draft coverage. I don't
want to make you read too much that goes down

Tomorrow night. We're gonna talk about the NFL Draft. I
am excited. We got the draft net coverage courtesy of
Express Pros. We got Jake Glazer, we got Steve Kahin,
we got LeVar Arrington, we got big noon kickoffs, Rob Stone,
pick by pick, predictions, reactions, the whole first round. That's
eight pm Eastern through the whole first round tomorrow night,
presented by Express Pros. You know, the Odd Couple has

to do one hour and then they're done. Do you
think they're like, really one hour? That's it? Rob Parker
one hour a So tomorrow you got us and one
hour of Odd Couple if you're here on Fox Sports Radio.
And then our special draft. You know what they should do.
They should tell the bus is to shove it, like,

because that's what rich with rules are for fools. Yeah, Now,
before we go to mont Traft the boss to say
shove it. Before we go to Mancie, I want to
let you know we are going to talk about why
tomorrow night's NFL Draft is going to be the most
exciting one in a decade. I'll explain. And also, Monte,
I want you to guess what do I have in
common with Giselle Bunchin You both wear extra small T shirts.

A good guess. Cry, you're close, You're close. Let's get
an update. Come on, you both had a crush on
your hot trainer.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
That's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
All right, let's start with your Mets, Rich since they're
currently shutting out the Giants. It's six zero in San Francisco.
Bottom of the six and two run Homer, right.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
He turned it around. He was struggling, spinning in your
chair like a maniac. You would you have seen They
showed to replay like five times.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
Yeah, but they have six zero, so they scored beyond that.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
Homer struggling gunner Henderson.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
Hit a solo shot for the Orioles. He also scored
their second run. They're blanking the Angels in LA to
zero top of the six inning. Earlier today, the Cardinals
beat the Diamond to one. Other baseball news, the Cubs
are placing Cody Bellinger on the IL due to a
fractured rib. The Giants have placed pitcher Blake Snell on
the fifteen day IL due to one adductor strain. In
the NFL, the Lions and wide receiver a mon Ross

Saint Brown have agreed to a four year, one hundred
and twenty million dollar contract extension. They're also signing offensive
tackle Penny Sewel to a four year, one hundred and
twelve million dollar deal that's the largest ever given to
an offensive alignment. The Bengals are exercising the fifth year
option for wide receiver Jamar Chase, and ESPN just reported
that the Cowboys have picked up the fifth year option
for Michael Parsons, but the Steelers are not picking up

the fifth year option for quarterback Justin Fields. Bengals three
time Pro Bowl defensive end Trey Hendrickson has requested has
requested a trade from the Bengals. This is also just
in from ESPN and last thing, I'll tell you. How
about this, guys, The PGA Tour is thanking players for
their loyalty with massive bonuses.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
According to the Telegraph, Tiger Woods.

Speaker 3 (31:58):
Will receive one hundred million inequity Rory McElroy about fifty million,
all for staying loyal to the PGA Tour and not
joining Live Golf.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
What I was gonna say, that's that's sort of nice.
That's just like a loyalty bonus.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Yes, yeah, where's.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
My loyalty moo?

Speaker 4 (32:15):
This is like when Rich gets me Starbucks coffee in
the morning and you fill in for Dan Patchrick.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
I like, thanks for being loyal to the show, and
he gives me a get Danny coffee. Man, are opportunities
I've turned around loyalty, Danny. I wish I could give
you a hundred million dollars, but Caramel Monciotto will have
to do a million. We're doing the right thing, We're.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Doing the right thing.

Speaker 3 (32:36):
Players are going to get money, but obviously those two
are going to be the ones that.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
Didn't get extra credit for doing the right thing.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
No, apparently you do with PGA man, I kind of
like that. Yeah, me too too.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
Made you quit after mini golf, right, man, that's wow,
that's nice. Well, thank you Manzi Manzi Clippers one one.
Do you feel comfortable? Do you not like that they
dropped one of the first two.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
I think it was a realistic this is gonna go seven?
I think, yeah, I've rapped that. It's a great series.

Speaker 1 (33:05):
It's I think. I mean, people are all focused on
Lakers Nuggets because it's higher profile. Yeah, but that series is,
let's be honest, sort of over the Clippers. The Clippers
MAVs might be the one first round series that we're
going to be locked for Game seven.

Speaker 9 (33:19):
Yeah, you know, I wish I wouldn't have played, to
be honest with you, it's like he's he does I
don't think he's one hundred percent, and he kind of
put a wrench in the continuity that they had created.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
You were there, I was there, I.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
Was I heard the crowd went nuts. I mean, I
gotta give credit. Wheres tou vj? Vernon Husky tweeted out
that he hadn't heard that's your boyfriend, right, He hadn't
heard the arena of that loud ever, he said, until
they announced him.

Speaker 9 (33:45):
I mean, he did say that I'm just wondering, like,
how many games he's comparing that too, that has actually
been to a Clipper game, because I agree, I was there.

Speaker 1 (33:53):
It was it was large roar.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
Yeah, it was a.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
Huge roar because the official now correspondent for the Clippers.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
No, no, I bet no.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
But it was wild though. Huh. And you why don't
you wish he played?

Speaker 9 (34:06):
I just think that the Crowners were in a groove
and if they threw it off, he threw it off.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Like I would have just held him maybe a couple
more games, like, you know.

Speaker 1 (34:16):
Let him sit it out, let him sit it out.
Get healthy, yes, like really, get okay. So that series
tied one one and again tonight Heat at Celtics, Pelicans
at Thunder. I hope you're enjoying your NBA now. Rich
is enjoying this week not only because of the basketball,
but because well, the NFL Draft. I'm so excited. I mean,

this guy. If you're wondering why he's so excited, I
mean it's in his nature. He's the most hyped up
guy you ever met, but especially this week because of
the draft. Yeah, tomorrow I'll tell you why you have
so much to look forward to, So many angles, so
much fun. We'll get to that next Right here on
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right again, hope you had a Timberwolves, Pacers, and MAVs
sort of Tuesday, A great hump night, some good games tonight,

big draft tomorrow, fun week here on the Cavino and
Rich Show CNR on FSR again live from the Tyraq
dot com studios. Now later today a little midweek major,
so stick around for that. The biggest stories in the
world of sports and pop culture. We do it every Wednesday,
every midweek. Can you hear songs sometimes and know what
year it was because you remember where you were, like

at a bar, club, college or something or not. Am
I wrong or right by saying No Diggity by Black
Street is ninety eight? I feel like I was working
at my college radio station freshman year and I remember
playing that song and being like, yeah, no Diggity ninety six.
You remembered wrong. I remembered wrong. Hey, doesn't mean maybe

they it was maybe even an older song, but it
doesn't matter. Doesn't mean he didn't hear it.

Speaker 4 (37:15):
It just didn't come out. Can I guys, I'm done?
It didn't come out in ninety eight. It was still
playing on the radio a lot in ninety seven. It
was a smash. Yeah, no diggity, no doubt, no doubt.
So we are going to talk NFL Draft. We're going
to talk all that. But now rich had the version
by wax Street. You remember wax Street. Yeah, Richie sold
good one. I came out in ninety eight.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Gizelle. How am I like her? Well, tell the Gizell story.
And then I have an embarrassing quick story. And I'm
curious if anyone else has done this move. And I
think it's a clutch move. You mean a lame move,
is clutched, like the new lame or something. To tell
the story, Boozell was stopped at a routine traffic stop, right,

and the story goes that it looked like the stress
was getting to her. And this is all documented, there's
pictures and video and everything. And then she gets real
emotional during this exchange and encounter with the officer, and
it looks like she starts to cry when she gets
a ticket. So again, according to my understanding, I'm known

news update anchor like Mancy Bolanos, But it seemed like
a routine traffic stop that resulted in the ticket. So
maybe she didn't have all the paperwork or something. Maybe
she said something and rubbed the guy the wrong way.
I'm not sure why she got the ticket because they're
saying routine stop, but she got a ticket. I want

to give everyone a piece of advice, especially the men,
and guess this has worked for women for years. Let's
be honest. I feel like tears in the right moment
could get you out of things. Those are crocodile tears,
like Sandy Li. The year was oh too, don't support him.
The year is O two. I'm working in New York
City at the pop station Z one hundred. Now I'm

you want to barf? Seriously, you want to barf. I've
never told this story on Fox Sports, but I was
working at K Rock New York. Right, I'm gonna barf. Yeah,
you're gonna barf. It'll explain a lot about Rich And
I'd be driving home late at night and my girlfriend
maybe would leave this station on in my carks. I
would never listen to that trash, and so I was
listening to Shine Down over and over again, and I

would hear Rich Davis on my rides home and you're like,
oh my god, I want to work with him so bad.
And he would have production. It would be night from
there from the top, top top of the Empire State Building,
all right, nighttime hoty. Rich Davis like nighttime hoty? What
a door? And I And at the time, I'm like,

who is this guy? We didn't have social media. Eventually
I met him. I'm like, you're the nighttime hoty. But
then you wonder why. Then he said, please work with
me for the the next twenty years. That's what he said.
That's the truth. Yeah, that's the truth.

Speaker 2 (40:03):
It's a beautiful story.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Yeah time, can we add that to our father's daytime
hot So I'm in my I'm like early twenties and
in way over my head. I have no business working
at a big radio station in New York, but someone
gave me a chance. So I just had to roll
with it. And I'm running late. And you know, in radio,
it's not like a regular job where you could be like, yeah,

I'm running like ten minutes late. You replace another host,
Like if I'm late it's Doug Gottlie, what is he
gonna stick around? And keep going? Like you are? You
running late? You keep. I was just running on time.
But there was a traffic jam at the Holland Tunnel. Oh,
and they were all these construction cones and I'm like
twenty one, and I'm like, my god, I can't be late.

I'm so lucky to have this job. If I'm late,
if radio and TV hosts can't be late on set,
yeah you can't. So I did what I thought I
had to do, and I cut around these construction cones
and all of a sudden, boom, you do a better
siren than me. Wait, like Steven Sagal above the law
over here? You mean you broke the rules. I'm a

regular Reggie. Rules are for fools. And some cop pulls
me over and he I feel like this guy he
looked at me like he was meant to move. Be
in handcuffs because he's like construction zone. There was an accident,
this and that. What are you doing? You a little
son of a He's like yelling at me. I'm like,
I'm nighttime hoty. I'm a nighttime hotty. I've been night
time hotty. So you know me. Rado.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
He was, I medicate Black Street to you.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
He let me go over for McGee. So this guy,
this officer NYPD nice, nice dude, I'm sure. He started
yelling at me like I'm gonna give you a ticket,
and he started listening off like twenty things. I'm like,
I don't know if I'm have a license anymore. He
starts saying that he might as well have said, I'm

gonna lock you up. Kid. I you're twenty one and
and I'm twenty one. Got a great opportunity. I'm like,
I can't be late. I'm working at the biggest radio
station in New York and I'm I'm gonna be late,
and now what am I gonna get arrested? I start crying.
I'm like, I'm gonna lose every face, my dream job,

and I'm so sorry off face crying. This guy, the
officer looks at me and he goes, my god, you
are effing pathetic. Just go. It should be a ship.
Let me go. That's what I would do. Oh, I'd
smack you in the face like in the Godfather. When
the guy starts crying. He looked at me, you are pathetic.
Just just go. So don't be scared to cry. As

the lessons, so be pathetic. You know, I thought you
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