Phantom Galaxy goes After Dark! Nathan and Bill are joined by a giant team-up of Victor Rodriguez, Dave Becker, Greg Bensch and Greg Buzelli as we take a look at sexy genre movies and adult thrillers.
Each of the guests picks two movies and we discuss the sub-genre in general as well.It's a wild ride through bawdy sci-fi and turbulent horror, all the way through esoteric Japanese cinema and cheerful 80s schlock!
Stay tuned after the episode for a reading of H.P. Lovecraft's From Beyond by Victor! ----more----
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at
Links for Victor Rodriguez:
The Sound of Fear:
On Time from Transmundane Press:
"Uncertain Treasure" in Savage Realms Monthly: May 2021:
Inside the Sound of Fear:
Find Bill Van Veghel's other podcasts at:
Land of the Creeps podcast -
Other places to find Bill:
Other places to find Greg Bensch:
Twitter: Greg Bensch@Qua419
Other places to find Greg Buzzelli:
Twitter: @MonstersMoshPit
Dave's other places on the internet:
Film blog: DVD
On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
On Facebook: DVDinfatuation
On Instagram: @dbjb6972
On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp
YouTube Channel: Visit W3Schools
Dave Becker's Podcasts:
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
DVD Infatuation @ Considering the Cinema:
Check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at
Stuff You Should Know
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