In this episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight, SIGGRAPH 2025 Electronic Theater Director Dawn Fidrick welcomes four SIGGRAPH 2024 Electronic Theater contributors, Toby Cochran, Adrian Ochoa, Mo Mahler, and Bill Shannon, for an enriching discussion about the world of animation and their wonderful works of art that will be showcased this year in Denver.
Push the boundaries of what is possible at SIGGRAPH 2024! Registration is now open for the 51st annual conference, 28 July–1 August, taking place in Denver and online. Get a front-row seat to the computer graphics excellence that bridges gaps across industries and the globe. Register today!
Podcast theme, "SIGGRAPH," composed by Julius Dobos.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnfidrick/ | https://www.dawnfidrick.com/ | http://www.biggrinproductions.com/ | https://globalneuroycare.org/luki-the-lights/ | https://www.als.org/ | http://momahler.com/ | https://www.instagram.com/biggrinproductions/ | https://www.instagram.com/luki_and_the_lights/ | https://www.instagram.com/als/ | https://www.instagram.com/global_neuro_ycare/ | https://www.instagram.com/mkrmvz/ | https://vimeo.com/billshannon |
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