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March 21, 2024 41 mins

It takes a community to support early readers in building foundational literacy skills.

In this episode, kindergarten teacher Melissa Hawkins joins us from Hawai'i to discuss how she communicates with families to ensure students are practicing skills rooted in the Science of Reading, even when they aren’t in school. Plus, she shares strategies to make foundational literacy skills fun for students in person and online.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey Melissa, I'm Noel and welcome to Teachers in
So excited to have you.
Let our listeners know whereare you coming from.
Like, take us to the 50th state.
Is it the 50th state or the?

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is OK.
Yeah, yeah, it's the 50th state.
So, hi, thank you for having me.
I'm Melissa Hawkins.
I teach on Oahu in the state ofHawaii and I am on the west
side of the island, the Ewa side, so near the ocean I can't see
it, but we have a nice breezeoutside.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Nice, and are you from Hawaii?
Have you always lived in Hawaii?

Speaker 2 (00:39):
I'm originally from California, so I spent some time
in Hawaii in elementary school,so partly grew up here, partly
in California, and then I movedmy own family back here to enjoy
everything that's here andenjoy family time, and we stuck
So I've been here about 15years now.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Nice 50.
And so in those 15 years, tellus what grade level you teach,
and have you always been ateacher?

Speaker 2 (01:07):
So I actually started out as a writer.
So I did freelance writing andI was interested in teaching.
Once I volunteered in my ownchild's classroom.
He was in a Montessori schooland I really enjoyed being in
the classroom helping out and Iswitched gears and I got my
master's in elementary educationand then went on for an MS in

curriculum and instruction.
So I taught elementarykindergarten for about six years
, first grade, third grade andthen enrichment for K through 5.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
That's a wealth of experience.
And now you're teachingkindergarten, right.
So let's talk aboutkindergarten and how you build
foundational skills with yourkindergartners.
Let's just jump right into somestrategies, ok.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
You want me to tell you what my go-to is.
What's your go-to?

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Let's think about very beginning.
We're in the beginning ofkindergarten.
How are students coming intoyour classroom and you're
knowing that they're schoolready, and then how you begin to
build that foundation forliteracy skills.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
So we start off every schoolyear the same with our screeners
, universal screeners, withgetting to know the children
sitting and talking with them,understanding their background,
whether they had pre-K or not,and getting to know the families
and what their involvementlevel will be.
So from there, I would alwaysuse a consistent and systematic

curriculum, and we start at thesame place each year, but that
changes as we go along and weget to know the students and see
where they're at.
So start with our screeners andour data and go from there.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
And how are you meeting your families and
assessing what the communicationlevel and engagement level is
going to be with families?
Do you have a communicationrubric?
Do you have a process?

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Well, we actually start off the school year with
conferences, so one to one witheach family and get to know them
there, assess students.
Usually on the first day I meetthe families, just quick
assessments and from there wehave sessions, virtual sessions.
Our school is a littledifferent, so I have sessions to

get the learning touches, theparents, on board with our
process at our school.
So there's a lot ofcommunication where I work.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Well, we're going to talk about your school and
everything, but real quickly didI just hear you call you, refer
to your families as learningcoaches, literacy coaches?
I know you and I have had aconversation before and I'm
intrigued, but I don't thinkI've had the term stick yet.
So talk to us about that alittle bit.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
So yes, at our school, theparents or guardians are
considered learning coaches, andthey actually sign up for it.
It's a charter school, so theyenroll with the understanding
that they are partnering with us, the educators, and they're
very involved with the childrenfrom day to day, and they're all
of their instruction.

So, yes, learning coaches.
I like how you said.
Literacy coaches, though, too,and I want to start using that.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Thank you for that.
I think I've called themlearning coaches, learning
partners and literacy coaches,but I think it's what strong
partnership to start inkindergarten and begin to have
that connection with their child, with their family and families

Understanding the learning andthe expectations of those
milestones are you followingwhen you think about your
foundational skills?
Have you transitioned tostructured literacy and more of
the science of reading in thelast three years?

Speaker 2 (05:10):
Yes, definitely.
So I would say that I've alwaysfollowed the science of reading
I'm trained in, I would say,structured literacy models and I
won't name any in particular.
But our school is new to HMH.
We started using into readinglast school year and I use the
foundational pathway, and thenthis school year I was really
excited to start the structuredliteracy pathway and it's been

wonderful to follow.
It's very familiar to me andwe're seeing really good results
with it.
So yes, we do follow astructured literacy path.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
With your kindergartners.
What do you, within the scopeand sequence of teaching them
the letters and the sounds, whattrend do you notice year to
Or does it depend on thekindergartner?
Where, within that scope andsequence, do you see where you
know there's going to be more of, not challenges, that they're

not going to get it, but thatyou know it's going to require
more cycles and trials throughthe instruction to get that
skill, that specific skill?

Speaker 2 (06:20):
So where in that process or where in the school
year, I see that, yeah, I mean,yeah, it differs from year to
year in student to student, butI feel like the process of
identifying that you know wherethe students' strengths and
stretches might be is alwayssimilar.
You're observing and you'relooking at your data and every
class I feel like there's agroup of students who pick up

those irregular words reallyquickly and they turn into sight
words, and then there's somewho need extra time with those
and there's some that pick upthe letter sounds.
So there's always.
I guess we can kind of groupthe kids where we need them to
be and I feel like I see thesame each year.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
The numbers might vary, that was, how many are in
each group and I'm curious, likewhen you as a teacher, as a
kindergarten teacher, regardlessof what curriculum you're
teaching or what program, youget to something and you're like
I don't know if my students aregoing to be ready for this or
they're going to be able to doit, how do you, as a teacher,

talk yourself through notinhibiting, moving forward for
fear of what they can't do?
How do you work yourselfthrough that?

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Well, it's always tricky, just try it.
You just have to try it.
And I think we're usuallysurprised by what little kids
can do.
And if they have a strongfoundation, if they have the
phonemic awareness, thephonological awareness, usually
they are able to pick up theskills.
We know they can't always pickit up the first time or the
first five times, sometimes ittakes many, many repetitions,

but we keep it fun and eventoday I was just surprised at
all the children knowing the Sis plural and it has two sounds
and it's pretty awesome to seethat I'm going.
I didn't realize you knew that,but you're all writing it and
you're adding S.
So yeah, you have to just tryand see where you end up.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
That's awesome and I love you.
I loved having my own ahamoments.
And then just what was Iworried about?
Or, I'm so glad that you showedme you know this, because I
think I was overthinking it andtoo concerned, but I didn't
necessarily have the right thingfor you to show me that you
know it.

So I love those moments andyour reaction.
How do you make teaching thefoundational skills fun?
Because it's very systematic,it's very explicit.
But your kindergarten how doyou make it fun?

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Thank you.
Just have to read thekindergarten room and if they're
looking the other way I'll haveto bring you back.
So lots of music and movement,things that keep their hands
busy and their brains busy atthe same time.
So my students have these bigcookie sheets and their letter
tiles on their magnetic lettertiles and elkone and boxes and
they can write on those cookiesheets and so that makes them

really motivated to do wordbuilding and chaining and to
write sentences.
Some days they're not too intothat and we just have to find a
different way.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
You know, write it in the air write it on your hand.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
So just lots of different ways, I guess, to do
the same thing.
They don't know that they'redoing the same thing all the
time, it's just fun for them.
So yeah, keep it different.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Does each child have their own cookie sheet, or do
you have to?
No, right now.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
Yeah, they pair up, or if they're in groups, then
they get their own, and thenthey all have their own dry
raceboards plenty of those.
But yeah, it's new for me thisyear having these really awesome
cookie sheets, so I guess we'llhave to double the number next
So everybody gets their own.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
It's like because they do make a really great
space, Like it's bigger thansometimes some things that come
with different programs.
But you have that space.
And how do you teach them touse the magnetic letters and use
the space correctly?

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Well, we start without any letters on there and
as we go through our lessons weadd a letter or two each week,
depending on where we are fromthe lessons, and I show them, I
model for them and I tell themkeep them organized.
At the top it's easier to findyour letters, and so they're
very particular about organizingtheir trays because they want
them to look nice and be able tobuild and find those letters.

So we just practice and modeland take good care of them.
And then we have helpers whostack them, so it's their
responsibility to take care ofthem and keep them organized.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
What do you notice about their confidence from the
beginning of the year to the endof the year?
Can you talk to us about, orwill you talk to us about, what
you've seen and what youanticipate, and how your
students celebrate their owngrowth?

Speaker 2 (10:59):
So let's see what I see.
Well, I see their progress andtheir ability to be able to read
and to write and they get soexcited over it.
And we know that we have topractice at home.
We could talk about thatschedule, I guess, later.
So they're just really proud ofeven if they make mistakes

they're still learning.
And I hear that.
I heard it today.
Yeah, we celebrate those winsand lots of encouragement.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Do you mind sharing what you heard today?

Speaker 2 (11:31):
I mean, did you hear a student like work through
their frustration or yeah, Ithink it was a student that was
talking to another student whowas frustrated and they said
something to the effect ofmaking mistakes as part of
learning and it's okay.
It was just something like that.
It was the sweetest moment.
Okay, we're going to makemistakes and they might happen

over and over again.
It was nice to see anotherlittle person up with another
kindergartner so nice.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Now I know I met you and saw you giving giving advice
in the community to anotherteacher specifically about how
you, how you use a component, adecodable text and, if you will,
to build that confidence.
Can you talk about for any ofour listeners who are using into

reading, how you're using thestart right readers to build
that confidence?

Speaker 2 (12:30):
So my students love the startright readers.
I love them too.
They're very colorful and thestories are fun and the kids can
actually read them.
I know that starting out they'reheavier on the irregular words,
which is okay, because for somestudents, once they have a few
of those irregular words down,it really builds their

It takes off that kind ofcognitive demand and then they
can work on the blending piece.
So having a good foundationwith some of those irregular
words is helpful.
And just understanding the textfeatures, you know tracking
what to write.
So we we work on those with thestart right readers and they're
so excited about these booksthat, you know it, they'll read

the whole thing.
I'll tell them just one story,but they want to go through the
entire thing.
They can find pictures thatbegin with certain letters.
We do site word searches.
So I feel like it's animportant piece.
It's an important component tothe whole program and there's
something about, you know,turning the pages in a book that
is really calming, and sothat's our most fun part of the

day, I think, is the start ratereader reading time.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Oh nice.
Are you using the alpha friendsor you know what's their
connection to the alphabet andthe alpha friends and even the
key, key images, and using thosein a strategic way and very
explicit and intentional waywith your learners?

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Yes, with my students , alpha friends, we start off
the beginning of the school yearwith those and then they do
like the keyword cards and so wehave some movements for some of
the keywords.
They really do help.
Some of the children make thatlearning more sticky right, so
they remember the sound and theyhave a keyword.
I know some students don't needit, but for some they do and
they definitely help Nice.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
Are you using things specific to monitor their
That then you know.
As we segue to talking aboutyour families and engagement and
your student conferences andyour conferences with families,
do you use any specific toolsand, and if so, is that a tool
that you can, you only explainto families, or is it a tool

that their child could talkthrough it or the family could
talk through it?

Speaker 2 (14:47):
Okay, that's a good question.
So I do use the structuredliteracy though weekly or the
module assessments you know asneeded.
So I find this to be reallyhandy and the kids understand
the routine.
And then we have screeners andprogress monitoring for students
So I'll use the bowls if neededand my communication is pretty

often with parents.
So there's a lot ofcommunication between me and the
parent as far as progress and Ithink students often do know
where they are and they do knowyou know where they need the
extra practice, because we letthem know and we work on those
And if they're not sure, I said, oh, that's what we're going to
work on.
So they they're pretty clear onwhere they are and what they're
working on and that's why theyget so excited once they've got

it down, because they know whatthey've accomplished and the
work behind it.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
I find that just kind of fascinating, because at four
and five, they they're startingto have, like I was able to do
this, I can do this, I want todo more of this, and you're just
like well, I appreciate that,but I also want you to do some
of this.
You know that negotiationskills Now let's talk about,

because I, Melissa, have beenfascinated by your school, your
charter, your charter school andhow it works.
So talk to our listeners aboutyour chart, the charter school,
the mission of it and how it'sset up, Because I don't want to

give anything away, but I justwant everybody to know that this
is happening before thepandemic and that, I think, is
what I'm the most intrigued by.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
Sure, I'll do my best to explain it.
So I'll go kind of big pictureand then we can narrow it down
to what kindergarten looks like.
So yes, it's a public charterschool in Hawaii.
We're on four islands now, soOahu, hawaii, maui on the big
island of Hawaii, and we're Kthrough 12.
And we have, I think, about1700 students now, so the

largest charter in the state andwe have multiple programs
within this school.
So I think it's been around 16years.
I've been here.
This is my 13th year so I'veseen it grow and change and lots
of different iterations of theschool and the programs.
So now we have we have a fullyvirtual distance learning
program for the upper elementarythrough high school.

We have career based learning.
We have a design based learningfor high school.
For elementary we have placebased which the children come in
twice a week.
I'm teaching in the blendedlearning program.
We call it the three day blend,which traditional blend, which
is kind of funny, there'snothing traditional about it,

and so that's three days oncampus and two days which are
virtual or asynchronous.
And so, yeah, we've beenteaching virtually and putting
out asynchronous work for manyyears.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
Now, how do you?
Well, First, how does a familydecide?
This is the approach that theywant, and how do y'all manage
the two days asynchronousexperiences.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
So we have a website that explains a lot, and
families are often you know,it's a word of mouth they come
to us or they see us inmagazines or whatever.
They come to the school and tourthe campus and we talk to them
and tell them about the programand they can decide if this is
for them, if they are available,you know daily school hours and
they can be a dedicatedlearning coach.

Then they sign up for it andwe're often running with
The learning coaches know thatthere may be work after school
on a Monday, wednesday, fridaybecause it is a shorter day that
they are on campus four and ahalf hours, and then Tuesday,
thursday, it's a full learningday.
So they have their work postedin Canvas and they follow those

modules and anything the teacherputs out they follow it and
yeah, so it's all laid out veryclearly for them and we try to
make it available.
So parents or learning coacheshave time ahead to prep, because
they need a little time too,and if they have questions they
can ask questions.
So it's teacher driven in thatsense, even though there is a

lot of student agency within theclassrooms themselves.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
How did you, melissa, prepare yourself for this level
of family engagement, Becauseit is on a completely different
It's not just send a note homeeach week or call in and check
in or the you know family night,family conferences.

This is a true partnership.
How did you need to adjust andhow have you seen yourself
What are ways that you'veimproved or things that you've
put into place to ensure yoursuccess with this amount of
communication and your familieshave just as much success with

communicating back to you?

Speaker 2 (19:59):
So I think just understandingthat different families may want
different things from a program, they may have different
schedules and obligations, soreally looking at it from what
the families want to get out ofthe school and also what we need
to provide to students and kindof finding that balance, you

know, really helps and I alwaysassume the best of intentions
with people.
You know we have great families.
They are all aboutcommunicating, which I
appreciate, and people may notbe used to that, but for me I
feel like the more communicationthere is, the better.
It's always professional andpolite and we generally form

really good relationships.
You know, like still keep intouch with people who have moved
on different parts of the worldand kids that have grown up.
So it's a very interestingcommunity it's.
It's a community where peopleare definitely dedicated to
their students.
The learning coaches and theteachers, the administration
Everybody has an eye on what'sgoing on with the students.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Now you've taught there 13 years, so your first
kindergarten class like is nowin college, right or post grad,
post graduate.
You still keep in touch withsome of them and you know what
do you see in them now that yougive yourself credit for being a
part of who they've become.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Yeah, there's a few families that have moved on and
I get to see pictures of thewhole crew.
You know I'd be the youngersiblings and I just I see these
wonderful humans and they'rewonderful families and I'm
really lucky to, you know, getto work with them and you know
it's it really neat to seestudents graduating high school
So I taught first, so for acouple of years six years

actually and so, yeah, a lot ofthose kids have graduated and
gone on.
It's pretty, pretty amazing.
I've even seen some studentscome back as high school seniors
and work with students andenrichment.
So they're teaching and it'sthe coolest thing to see.
You know this child that wasseven years old, suddenly you
know 18 and teaching otheryounger children, so pretty


Speaker 1 (22:10):
That is.
I mean, you're very lucky andthey're very, they're very lucky
as well.
What is when?
I too like we've had in ourpodcast episodes before other
teachers using place-basedlearning, which is another
fascination of mine, and I wishthat would have been a

pedagogical concept when I wasin the classroom, so now I'm
sort of living vicariouslythrough those of you who are
exploring it or have brought itin.
Do you use any of thoseplace-based strategies or within
your program, even thoughyou're blended but there might
be another place-based part ofthe program at your school?

Speaker 2 (22:56):
Yes, there's definitely a big emphasis on the
space-based and project-basedlearning and that is a major
component of the school.
So, on top of our structuredliteracy and our math, so our
foundational skills, we areweaving in the project-based or
the place-based learning.
So not sleep.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
Is there a lesson or a set and activity you do every
year, or do do thesecross-curricular ideas come to
you and then you plan them out?
Tell us a little, maybe, abouta special project or something
that you do each year.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
So I use the curriculum we havewith.
You know, inter-reading isreally great, with kind of a
knowledge piece and all thebackground information and these
great big books and read alouds.
So that's a really nice piecethat we have.
And then we do weave it intowhat we have going on around us.
And so outside these walls thatare around me, we have migratory

birds right now.
Those are the golden plovers.
I just know them by Kalea, theHawaiian name for these birds
that fly from Alaska, and we'renew on this campus, it's our
second year.
So last school year we noticedthese birds migrating and
they're very solitary and so onebird has its own space and the
kids were just fascinated.
So we did a whole project aboutthe birds because why not?

And it's it, lets us know thatit's winter when the birds
migrate and then the whales, thehumpback whales, come to
migrate out here.
So you know, we with the littleones I don't make it to the
When I taught third grade youwould go on a whale watching
cruises and it was reallyawesome, or watch the whales
from the coast, but with thelittle ones I didn't really want
them on a boat.
We have Kalea here.
So, yes, we use what's aroundus and it really does all tie

into all of our subjects at somepoint.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
That is, I mean, just fascinating, Like so what's the
name of the bird?
Because I'm going to, I'm goingto Google and follow.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
OK, I should know it's by now.
It's a plover PLOVER I thinkit's the golden Pacific plover
and in Hawaii it's called theKalea.
So we just they see it and theygo Kalea and the bird flies
away because it's scared of them.
But it really fun.
We have the Audubon Societyvolunteers come out and talk
with us so we have our expertsfrom the field teach us even

more and then my students willturn around and be the experts
and teach the fifth graders oranother class on campus about
the Kalea and how we can carefor them and keep cats inside so
they don't disturb thepopulation of birds.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Oh, that's awesome.
So they, so they migrate as agroup of birds, but then once
they get on land, they havetheir own space and just kind of

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Yeah, yeah, you don't really see two plovers or Kalea
together at one time if you do.
What's going on so there?
And then when it's time to goback to Alaska, they gather on
certain parts of the island andthey, they fly back.
It's really amazing, that is.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
I, I would love to be a five year old there, just be
like watching and observing, andit's possible for them to see
this from the classroom, fromthe school Campus or all over
the part, the part of the islandwhere they live.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
So we see the solitary birds.
It's really all over the islandand they tend to be territorial
and they'll often return to thesame place.
I mean, some families will tellme they've had the same bird
Some of them are tagged, so youknow that it's the same bird
that we do.
Last year, I think we havethree and there's definitely one
this year and so they arereturning and they hide up on

the rooftops and the childrenplay and then, when the field is
clear, they'll be down in thefield looking for food.
So they're pretty predictableand it's kind of neat.
And then, once they're gone,it's kind of like, oh, end of
school year, it's, we'rewrapping up, so it kind of helps
In Hawaii we don't have snow,you know, here in Oahu and for
me it's fall, and winter is whenthe birds and the kulea show up


Speaker 1 (27:00):
Now, what is?
What are other subjects ordisciplines your students are
interested about and thinkingabout?
You know, being living inHawaii and on Oahu.
What are they curious about?
About the mainland and justglobally?

At age five, what are yourkindergartners talking about?
What are they curious about?

Speaker 2 (27:28):
They're so interested in whatsnow is and what it's like to
really be cold, because if ithits 70 degrees they're going.
It's cold here.
So you know, getting on anairplane is a really big deal
because that's how we travel,even between islands.
So I think airplanes I don'tknow if you could hear it, but
we have, we're near, kind ofnear, honolulu International,

and so we have airplanes andmilitary airplanes that fly over
all day and just watching thoseand just hearing these stories
about the places that kidstravel, so it's kind of it's
this really interestingperspective of you know, some
children have not left theislands yet and so they're so
excited to watch the airplanes,think about what's new and
what's out there, but they'realso very, very happy to not be
They don't.

They're very upset.
We had some days that were, Ithink, in the high 60s and they
said I'm not built for this, Ilike the beach.
They were upset, so I don'tknow how that actually deal with
I'm with them.

Speaker 1 (28:24):
You can tell you can tell them I'm that, I'm from
Florida and we have we have hadthe coldest season that I've
experienced in years, like amonth of 50 degrees, 40 degrees,
and I'm just like what ishappening?
I want it back to 80.
So every morning I'm like is itcold?

Because if it's below 70 here,we also think it's cold.
So that's a nice.
And I too, I'm like I'm notbuilt for this, I'm too cold.
Let's talk about the virtualasynchronous.
Do y'all refer to it as virtuallearning Asynchronous?

What terminology were youalready using that the rest of
the world started using in 2020?

Speaker 2 (29:18):
So yes, virtual classes,virtual class, maybe we call it
Now we've gone throughdifferent platforms.
I think when the pandemic andall that showed up, everybody
switched to zoom.
We might have already beenusing it, but it yeah virtual
and then asynchronous.
We mostly refer to asindependent days.
I think our learning coachesknow what asynchronous work is.
So, yeah, pretty similar terms.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Now, does asynchronous have to be?
Are they watching any lessonsor are they doing more
interactivity at home?
Are they using any digitalplatforms?

Speaker 2 (29:54):
Yeah, so with asynchronous, it's so the way I
set it up and it might varyclass to class, but for
kindergarten I like everythingsystematic.
That's me.
So I have those same modulesset up in Canvas every week and
the learning coaches can justclick through and some
activities might be movement andhands-on and it's offline and
some might be a video that theywatch.

I do try and get them away froma screen as much as I can, but
a lot of our learning now is infront of a screen and small
chunks, you know, within reason,and we build on a lot of
movement time.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Can you tell us about the movement time, or do you
have some fun, like somethingfun and quick that you could
talk us through, that we couldall visualize?

Speaker 2 (30:40):
Sure, sure, I'll give it a try.
I mean, if we're let's say it'sa phonics lesson and I'm
teaching virtually, so I havethe kids for about an hour and
we're moving every couple ofminutes, so it might be if it's
a letter, sound or name warmup,they're also making the letter
with their body, making it small, making it a big letter.

If we're I don't know countingwords in a sentence, they can do
jumping jacks to count thewords in a sentence.
So every little thing I canthink of to get them moving, to
keep them engaged, helps,because I think children, all of
us, really are pretty used tobeing passive in front of
devices and just scrolling, andso I can see it when they start

to get that look and I'mthinking I'm not a YouTube video
, you know I'm not a video, so Ineed to keep you engaged.
I'm the teacher on the otherside and they I'm always amazed
by what a kindergartner iscapable of doing.
You know they're, they'rewriting, they're drawing,
they're labeling and they'reholding up their work.
So, yeah, sometimes Sundays ittakes more encouragement, but

you know, sometimes it's on thefly, you just like we're gonna
do this because we've beensitting for more than five
So something about being infront of a camera makes them
more wiggly.
You know they have to move more.
That's interesting.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
But I wonder if it's because they're also not getting
that immediate reaction likedon't feel like they're getting
that immediate physical reactionfrom you like they do in the
classroom, where they're like oh, I know she just saw my work,
but they can't tell.
Is she looking at my, my littlewhiteboard?
That that?

Speaker 2 (32:13):
is an end that's so.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
I would love to watch that in action, like watch how
they're, how they're interactingin class and then how they and
talk to them about.
What are you noticing about MsHopkins?
How are you interacting with MsHawkins differently in class
versus virtually?

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Yeah, that would be an interesting conversation,
because sometimes when I sharemy screen, they're not able to
see me, and then all the micscome on and I say I can't see
It's okay, can you see thescreen?
Give me a thumbs up.
So yeah, it's a whole differentdynamic.
It's pretty tiring sometimes, Ithink, for them to, so that's
why you keep it super fun.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
I know when I, during the, during the pandemic we
were, you know, once, onceeverybody got their sort of like
equilibrium back, we were doingsome classroom videos with a
teacher and and the families letthe students come into the
lesson and be recorded and allof a sudden I'm like every but

everybody's eating snacks, right, it's just natural.
It's like you see a littlekindergarten, or get up and go
get you know cheese crackers andcome back, you know, and then
they're just I'm like, oh, snacktime all the time.
And then I'm watching over inanother corner and there's a you
know a kindergartener in theirroom and they're doing

And I'm just like I wonderwhat's going through the
teacher's mind.
And then I would say pleasedon't call on them, don't call
them, they've been doingcartwheels.
And then the teacher's likecalls on them, like, oh, the
story's about the.
So it's like, oh, she, she waslistening the whole time, she
was doing cartwheels.
She might have had even morecomprehension because she was

doing cartwheels and she was,you know, still listening to the
story and we would have neverallowed cartwheels in the middle
of you know, circle time or orreading time.
What's your favorite way toexplain or or maybe not favorite
, an important way that youexplain Science of reading terms

or the why, how you're teachinga certain certain things in a
certain way for foundationalskills to your you know learning

Speaker 2 (34:41):
That's a really important question because I
think science of reading that'sa big term for people and that
it might sound new, even thoughsome of the things we're doing
are not new, and yeah so, and wemight not have learned that way
So I do learning coach workshops.
So just virtually usually, if Ineed to, I'll sit down with a

parent face to face and we'll goover these different routines
we have and we'll talk aboutthose different foundational
So the beginning of the schoolyear, a lot of it is just 30
minute check in with me.
I'll talk to you about one ofthese routines that we have,
what it means, what it leads to,why it's important and you know
kind of what to look for.
And then, as the school yeargoes on, they start to see the

routines to.
So it becomes second nature, Ithink, for them, but it is new
to a lot of people and we allkind of go.
I don't remember learning thatway, but once they see it, they
see their children learning andI received a lot of good
feedback and nobody's complained.
So yeah, I think it's just weall have to be introduced to it

and kind of chunk it.
For all of us too, it's a bigtopic.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
It is a big topic and chunking it allowing for grace,
you know, fair questions.
Even I was having dialogue withteachers the other day and just
like, well, is this a short, isthis a short battle?
I have I changed the sound?

Am I over articulating?
Because I, you know, was raisedin the south and I know we draw
out different vowel sounds andso am I hearing it right, you
Am I, am I articulating itcorrectly so students can learn
We all go through that and I, II appreciate hearing how you

connect families and keep themcomfortable with learning,
because if you're not aneducator and trained in this, it
can feel daunting and and alittle bit nerve wracking.
That am I am.
Is my child going to learn toread?
Because I didn't learn to readthis way.

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Yeah, yeah it's.
It feels very new to people andbut it's wonderful to see it
coming together.
So I think, yeah, we're reallyhappy with what we've been using
this school year, and sendinghome family letters and just
kind of things that have beenprovided to the community of
teachers I'm using to readinghas been super helpful for
families too.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
So I ask every this season.
I'm starting to ask a newquestion at the very end, and
it's because I am so passionateabout the teaching profession.
You know what's a teacher,always a teacher.
So, knowing that we need moreteachers in the space, melissa

tell us why can a garden?
Why now?

Speaker 2 (37:49):
So kindergarteners, they loveto learn not the other children
don't love to learn, but theyjust seem to love everything
about learning and they come upwith these really fun, creative
and insightful ideas andthoughts.
If you give them thatopportunity.
They always surprise me.
I mean always and every day isnew.

So to see that not only thegrowth you know from start of
school year to middle, to endthat, and then also just the new
about everything, so new tothem.
So I feel like I grow with themand I feel like they're
learning coaches, we growtogether.
It's just a.
It's a fun time, it'schallenging, it doesn't come
without its challenges and itcan be tiring, but it's.

I don't.
I don't like everything to bethe same all the time.
So if you don't like everythingthe same, you want, you want,
yeah, we have consistentroutines, but just you know, new
stories and new learning.
It's so much fun and keeps myjob.
It just keeps me coming back, Iguess.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Thank you so much.
Appreciate your time.
Appreciate you being here onTeachers in America and for
sharing some great strategieswith us and things to think
about as we go through our ownstructured literacy journeys.
Thank you for having me.
Thank you.
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