If you’re like most people, you have an overwhelming sense of excitement and ambition come the new year. Also like most people, perhaps you hit Jan with a fire under your ass, but when Feb rolls around you have slowly begun to lose steam, fervor, and action. Also, 2023 kicked many of our asses, so there’s that to contend with. Many people (and maybe YOU) enter the New Year with many plans and intentions, but somehow end up a bit off track sooner than later.
In this episode, I address the biggest obstacles people unknowingly establish for themselves when crafting New Year’s goals and “resolutions”. Yep, you read that right… many people actually make their job a shit-ton harder by not setting themselves up for success to begin with. I also share my personal planning tool I use every single year to ensure I establish solid goals in aaaaall areas of my life (not just health and money… but, yes, those too). Be sure to grab your free planning guide so you can plan and organize a seriously epic 2024 by figuring out what categories in which you would like to make headway. Plus, you’ll have a sexy Planning Guide to record all your brilliance!
This pod explores:
- The two biggest mistakes people make when crafting goals for the new year
- How to assess where you are in your life now and where you want to be in a year’s time
- How to create goals that are really about YOUR fulfillment, are totally attainable, and light you up
- Why you probably don’t want to celebrate your 2023 accomplishments, but you kinda, absolutely MUST
Did you grab your free planning guide that accompanies this episode? Get on it, Babycakes! Here’s the deal: our brain takes things waaaaay more seriously when we get out of our heads and get our thoughts/commitments out on paper. It’s like, science.
So, OF COURSE I want you to make some serious changes and make shit happen in 2024, so be sure you have your Pod #497 planning guide with you while you (re) listen to this pod so you can get into some serious action. Trust… if you just listen and don’t DO, you’re not going to change a damn thing.
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get your freebies sent directly to your inbox! #yourewelcome
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