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July 25, 2024 45 mins
Today on Video Marketing Madness - The Latest Happenings YouTube & Google. Ray and Steve talk about the news you can use. The big story is the Google Maps scam. Hold onto this article if you or one of your clients get hit. It outlines how to fix your GBP Also, Ray talked about how he's doing affiliate marketing these days. Today’s episode is made possible by Movo! Get great microphones, stands, and lights for your videos at
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Episode Transcript

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On today's episode of video marketing Madness, we're
gonna hit all the new things going on
in the world of video in Youtube, and
we're even gonna talk a little bit about
podcasting. So be ready for that. And, of
course, everything that we do today is made
possible by our good friends at Mo,
Mo creates all the great things that you
need when you are recording things like videos

and podcasts because they'll make those microphones
stands and a whole lot more for a
whole, lot less. In fact, you can turn
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excuse me, not editing, but, video shooting system
by simply heading on over to ray suggests
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the great things that they have available right
now. And with that, let's hit the music.
video guy

And his the radio show about video video
marketing madness with ray
the video guy. I'm Steve Sleep, and We've
got some updates this week. We we... You
know, it's it's kinda gotten to the point

where we do the show once a month
We we will probably,
once a week for the first however, many
years long time.
Yeah. We gotta get better. We we've just
been lazy as the problem.
Yeah. Well, and we got a lot of
work too. You know? I mean, I'm I'm
kinda of swamped, so that's part of the

lazy plays a part. There's no doubt about
Well, hey, Let's let's get into it. And
what I've got or a bunch of updates
that are very interesting in the world of
Youtube and Google and all that kind of
stuff. And and here's 1 that I saw
in a radio industry publication called radio

and it's radio hyphen online dot com,
I used to play radio at 1 time
years ago, and I still kinda pay attention
to it. So
this 1 caught my eye, report.
Youtube most accessed
destination for podcast. And
when you talk about radio,

or or the pubs, they're covering podcast big
For the twelfth edition of the podcast download
Oh, hello background on them. They started off
in a bunch of small and medium sized
markets, and then they bought the Ab b
stations, then they went bankrupt and...

Emerged from bankruptcy.
Yes they and they... They they also they
also own some, Tv stations in some of
the medium sized markets, and they've done a
lot. If fact I used to actually work
for them for a brief period of time.
1 of the Tv stations that I worked
at was purchased by them.
And so, yeah, for a brief time. Yeah.
Okay. You're familiar with them.

c media and signal hill
Mar, MARU,
Mar room match box to conduct an in
index study of 603
weekly podcast
consumers from April 19 through the 20 fourth

20 24.
2 studies were conducted annually,
the spring 20 24
highlights trends from prior studies and examine topics
such as
platform preferences,
content trends,
perceptions of brand safety and contact

and more.
This week's c media, media 1, audio,
active group blog analysis in that blog, and
that this goes back a couple weeks July
the most access

destination for podcasts. That's what they say in
the blog. Okay? Yeah. III
don't know. I called that into question.
that can't possibly be... Truly. It sounds like
1 of those at midnight on Tuesdays, you
know, that kind. Well, you know, they they
give the rationale and according to the rationale
that they use. To this. Is the most

You Youtube is the most utilized podcast listening
platform in the United States 31 percent percent
of that sample size
says the platform, they use the most, followed
by Spotify and apple. So 31 percent Youtube,
Spotify 21 percent Apple 12 percent.

I just itch. I I just... I really...
I called that way. So many people listen
to podcasts in their car while they're jogging.
While I'm the law. I just... I can't...
I can't believe
those numbers actually play. Maybe people are saying
that, but
I I just... I can't imagine that that

would be the case. I really can't. Well,
it's and it's of course, it's not Youtube.
It's Youtube music. About they're accessing it through.
Yeah. Okay. I guess. But...
Youtube has used
most among podcasts, newcomers, podcast podcasts pioneers and
heavy podcast consumers.
Youtube podcast audience profile, male

and younger,
than the Apple podcast audience, some some sort
of typo there Don't quite get that. As
the world's
entertainment search engine,
Youtube is the dominant podcast discovery platform where
audiences are more likely find podcast.
And again, they don't say Youtube music, which

that's gotta be what it is.
If what you do is if you wanna
turn something into, podcast. You just put in
a playlist, and then you take the playlist
and say, and this is a Youtube. Button,
I want it to be a
a podcast, and then you gotta make a
badge for, you know, like everything else.

but then they give you an Rs ss
feed that you can feed out to all
the other
if you wish.
Those who discover a podcast on Youtube say
they stick with the plant form for video
comments, community entertainment
recommendations and platform features.
And this is where I start to tend
to agree with Ray is because podcasting really

passive, you know, people listening in there... Car.
You don't have to watch it, but anyhow.
The Youtube podcast audience is not exclusively.
Tied to the platform
watching and listening to podcast are equally favored.
So just the audio part of it. And

I've got a podcast. I've I
Youtube music that is just an audio podcast.
I uploaded everything to
It's actually on video marketing madness made a
and made it made a playlist made it
into a podcast bed it out to Youtube

it gets a few. It is the easy
way to do it. Yeah. It is. It
is. It is the easy way to do.
There's no no doubt about that. Podcast newcomers.
Are more likely to prefer actively watching podcast
those who begin listening to podcast podcasts 4
years ago favor the audio only experience.

I can go either way.
Just depends I guess. Yeah. And the reason
I favor the audio only experience.
Because I'm going from my walker or I'm
in the car or something like that. You
know, that's listen to podcasts.
Youtube dominates
association as the platform or podcast can be

watched and heard. And again, as Ray said,
it's easy because
upload your stuff. You make a playlist. You
tell you want to be a podcast. You
upload a badge, then they give you an
Rs feed that you can
put out to Apple and Spotify and I
heart and whomever else,
not all john,

work for watch podcasts, consumers who prefer the
watch are
more likely
news current events and sports podcasts.
There's a there's a lot of qualifications on
this thing. Among those who prefer to listen
true crime is the leading podcast

The deleting podcast john in on every platform
I think. Yeah. Probably. The vast majority of
the Apple and spot
spotify platform audience uses the smartphone,
while 38 percent of Youtube podcast audience uses
and Tv.

it's kind of just a different animal altogether,
but it's it's worth noting in
And III think to kind of go along
with what you said. They qualify that a
lot. There's a whole lot of different points
say, well, you know, it's not
it it's not for people who won't we

wanna listen to audio. It's this. It's not
that. You know, it's this. It's not that.
But, you know, they talked about the sample
size, so that's interesting. I guess.
No. Go ahead. Go ahead.
No. I'm I'm good. What do we get
next? What do we get?
From Search engine land. Google?

Streamlining Youtube display add content
It's removing several content label
exclusions for Youtube and restricting some filters to
the account level.
Several content label
exclusions will be removed, and these are sort

of, like,
almost code.
Embedding Youtube videos, live streaming and families,
available account wide not per Youtube campaign.
Many topic based exclusions still offered that camp
pain and add group levels,

why we care, The updates could have implications
for brand suit ability campaign targeting strategies and
turn on ad spend on Youtube and display
platforms that
advertisers wanna get ahead of,
why it matters the updates aim to simplify

Google's array of brand suit ability controls.
Key details, changes impact both existing and new
campaigns created after September.
No action required,
and Google's core ad policies
by a content
remain in place, which I know about because

run a follow with that with criminal defense.
they they still have a a very a
very big issue with that.
That's 1 of the things they really need
to streamline down because, you know,
I mean, who advertise on their platforms. Lawyers
advertise like crazy on there, but, No. Every
time you run at, you know, you and

I, we've got a a few different clients
that we have to deal with that run
ads. And Every single time I go into
an ads account with 1 of the lawyers.
Youtube has flagged an image. They've flagged a
For no reason other than it mentioned... Oh,
is a oh, commission of a crime in
a in an advertisement. Well,

they're criminal defense lawyers, Of course, they're gonna
mention a commission of a... Crime. You you
can't avoid that, But and I have to
appeal it and hope that they, you know,
whatever. I mean, it it doesn't really affect
things too badly. Usually, you know, you've got
10 headlines in there and and 2 of
them get flagged. So you still got 8
headlines that it's rotating. So it's not like
a big deal, but it's still kind of
annoying. It's it's like, come on, guys. It's

you know, how can you not figure this
out? You're a multi billion dollar company? 1
of the biggest companies on Planet Earth and
you can't figure out that a criminal defense
lawyer is gonna mention the crime in in
an advertisement,
Just it doesn't it doesn't make any sense.
Well, for my attorneys and I wanna add
more attorneys to those list, but you handle
the Google ads performance Max.

If you're an attorney in the area listening
right now. If you're within the sound of
my voice.
Call the police because I'm locked in the
studio, that was a Joke. Back. I don't
know who Album that was on. But
you you get into
know what else to call it other than
a lot of granularity.

I'm always
sort of amazed by the request. I get
from you as far as,
media that you need. You need Jpeg. Any
need videos you need this. You need that,
You know, so you need a lock of
their hair.
and and and I'm amazed at the platforms
that this runs across.

Right. Now as far as what I do
with the Faq videos, I do with attorneys,
and I do those primarily to get.
The Google business profile posts and then just
back it to the video. But
when their interviews,
yeah, they're worth getting some views unlike the
slideshow show videos. You know, I mean, there
they got some need to them. And Yep.

So, you know, I just... Tell an attorney,
pick an area where that you wanna dominate,
you know, that's that's what we'll go after,
and it's it's pretty simple. It's pretty easy.
If you've ever just placed straight
Youtube videos for views.
You'll know what I'm talking about. And I

still get some band
from time to time, you know, and trying
not to. Now they used to let me
do criminal defense, and then it's been with
the last couple of months. That that was
a no go. And I don't know. I
don't know why it was just in the
last couple of months, but they were letting
me do it.
So... And there's probably way more to that
story than I remember right now, but

You know probably. But, you know, putting in...
But I'm I'm
I'm very simplified compared to what you do.
Okay. Google ads.
And this probably
And well, it doesn't apply to anything we
do, and it doesn't probably apply to anybody

listening or watching this podcast
we're all small businesses and,
you know, with Oh, yeah. I know what
you can... You know, I mean, 507
hundred and 50 dollars a month, You know
that we're handling. And
but Google's is gonna phase out card payments
for the high spending,
advertisers. So this is going to apply to

somebody like Tommy Powers
that does,
you know,
I don't know Revlon and
Colgate Palm olive, and I I don't know
that those And and from what I've seen
every time I turn on
Youtube? Sudden didn't kamala Harris as well.
Oh, well. And, yes. And,

of course, they've got a pay up upfront.
You know, like,
at least that's how it used to be
when I was in radio, the
politicians had to pay up upfront because... Wonder
why that is. Yeah.
That probably still is. So
some of these high value guys,
they're going to have to.

Be direct debit from their checking accounts. So
that's kinda interesting.
I could remember
back in the day with a lot of
things that I did as far as media
buys is, man. Okay if I pay you
and I get paid and
You know, mostly everybody was okay because I
got paid, like, clockwork and I paid them

like clockwork. Well, you can't do that... You
can't do it with Google for sure.
They don't care.
I missed the old.
I used... I have a degree of mass
communications, but there's no such thing anymore, but
I missed the old mass communication days.
Well, you know, and that's 1 of the
reasons, by the way that we we,
you and I and and me as well.

I I won't pay anybody's
ads account.
They've gotta put their card on file. Yep.
Come... The ad pricing comes from that. Because
the last thing that we want is, you
know, to pay their thousand dollar bill, and
then they don't pay us and we're out
of thousand dollars. So For me, it's always
been... Now, you well manage your ad, you're
gonna pay us the the fees,

but you're gonna have your card on file
and Google's is gonna charge your card. So
it doesn't get paid.
It's not gonna... You know, it's not gonna
be on us. Right that. Right.
Oh which reminds me. I gotta go back
and do an audit and make sure you
got paid your commissions.
I was working on something the other day
I went, oh, crap. I haven't paid them
yet this month. You know? So I'm normally

pretty good. Remember, I sent you a
email last week and said, oh, yes.
I thought him meant now. I'm like, you
just paid me. I think. Yeah. Yeah. But,
yeah. I just You paid me again. I
don't know every now and then I go
back and do an audit, and I can
just go into Quicken and make sure I
paid you monthly and if I have. Steve
and I are very organized and thorough as

you can tell. Yeah. Yeah.
You said be like, did I pay you
last week. I don't know. Baby I remember.
Sometimes I'll wake up a 3 in the
morning and it occurs to me that maybe
You never...
You probably owe me for about 10 months.
So just send that over Yeah. Yeah. I
just send.

A Google
maps pin scam,
a new business.
Nothing better than a good Google maps scam,
Yeah. Well. But they've shut down a lot
of them, you know,
Morgan and Morgan, the Pi attorneys, you know,
they opened up.
Listings in every town. Those are going... Wait
Wait Let's let's fair. Do we know that

it was actually them?
Well, I haven't seen them
was an attorney.
Well, we we... Okay. We don't know that
there... It's actually them. However.
I went out and googled all the markets
where I have customers and where I saw
him before I don't see them now.

just that. You know, I I... I'm not
saying they shut them all down, but it
sounds like it.
They they what it is is they they
did, yeah. They shut down a whole bunch
of lawyers that didn't actually have offices
in all the cities that they said they
had them in. So somebody was... Making these
accounts all over the country for
a lawyer. We don't actually know what was.

Please don't sue us.
But yeah, there... There's been speculation as to
which law for law firm that might be.
Well, I'm speculating it's Morgan and Morgan and
I couldn't be wrong. But again,
where they were,
they're not there
on the queries that I've done, which is
12 different markets.

We'll take.
Take that with a grain of salt if
you think. But,
the the sub headline, And this this is
a good 1 to read through the whole
Understand how this deceptive practice affects rankings and
learn the safe way. To correct your listings

Competitors can move Google maps pins to a
location which can negatively
impact rankings.
This has been happening for several months
and impacted many Google business profile listings
It's easy for scammers

to make this change using the suggest an
edit feature on Google business profile and then
the map location
We ran with something else too along those
lines. I'll we'll talk about it after I
read these.
When the map pin has moved to the
new lo Google thinks the business is no

longer in the location it was before,
so the ratings can tank.
Why is this a problem for you? Well,
that's pretty obvious. Google doesn't notify the owners
and managers?
This happens so unless you're specifically looking for
this... Change, you may not realize
you're no longer getting calls.

If you've been hit by this scam, you
cannot simply go to your Get Google business
profile and
reposition your Pin
to correct it, to fix the issue,
Click the suggestion an edit button on Google
business profile,
click change name or other details,

click edit map
drag the map until the Pin is in
the correct location and click save.
So we should all look at... That's a
big 1. We should all.
And and and not just that, but just
in general, make sure
check your email often for any

communications from Google,
check your listings often because they're I'm not
gonna I'm not give out details
because I don't want anyone getting any bad
ideas that happens to hear this. But there
are ways for people to... Hijack your listing.
And if they do,
the only way you stop them is by
answering Google when they say, hey, so and

so wants to, you know,
make a change or whatever.
So pay close attention because somebody could come
and they could take over your stuff and
and boom, you know, that's the end of
it. So just pay close attention. Yeah. Yeah.
There was a story that ran on,
Tv station and detroit about that. And it

just turned out that they
they weren't
checking their emails. You know, they got an
email from Google thought it was spam and
never checked it. And, you know, it happened
to a number of different businesses,
and then
whoever did it was calling to say, I
can fix it for it you know, for
250 bucks or whatever. So... Yeah. That's a

There... There's a lot of those scams going
around. I've got... I've got a guy right
now. He Yeah it's very strange
on Alexa,
if you asked Alexa
to... And I just triggered everybody who's listening
is now getting booked. Messages from Alexa.
You could you could say, Alexa,
get me the number for it, and you
could say his business,

and a totally different business would show up.
You go, here's the number for, and they
would say a totally different business and give
that number. And
they they finally they finally got somebody that
specifically was able to fix that and help
them with that. And now on Siri,
and now I just did it to myself
It was doing the same thing. All of

a sudden, you would say their name, get
me the number for such and such, And
it would show... And it was the same
other business. And would show this other business
every single time.
And it did it... We did it on
Alexa and now it does it on Siri.
Wow. So you can't tell me it's an
accident. No.
So it's... You know, it's just something to
be aware of.

I will post the link to that article.
I think that one's necessary. I think the
other 3, it's...
You you you've got it. You know what
it is. I don't know you can use
it. It's just good information to have, but
that 1 is something you can use.
News you can use. News you can use.
So how's things been on your end?

You know, not too bad. We've got we
we we made some changes to some things
our main street marketing channel that we have
our main street business strategies.
Channel that we have. We
we're starting to release a lot of free
trainings on there. We've kinda changed a
direction of how we're doing things now because

quite honestly, some of the...
The marketplaces that we we do a lot
of work in.
It's just way too much scam and fraud
going on there now to
you know,
do a lot of promoting of products on
there. Yeah. The ones that the ones that
I know are legit and from people that
I know are legit, we we still deal
with, but cut way back on that just

because of all the scams and fraud and
bon things and things that sound great and
then 2 weeks later, the know, they... After
you buy it, the things shut down and
their... The the affiliate thing. Is that what...
All of that stuff. So Yeah. What we're
doing now is
you rather than putting a course up online
and charging x amount of dollars for a

of course. We'll still do some of that.
But For the most part, I'm putting in
all of that content. I'm gonna release it
directly on the Youtube with the idea that,
hey, You know what? We'll get an audience.
And it'll get paid for with advertising, and
we'll make just as much money constantly teaching
people the things that we would teach anyway
rather than just having a sale and require...
You know, working with affiliates all the time

and trying to get affiliates and all that
kind of stuff. Because I think it's
there's more people that wanna learn that maybe,
you know, even if it's a an inexpensive
product. They don't wanna spend 50 dollars, 40
dollars, a hundred dollars.
They just can't do it. But if it's
free on Youtube, and all they have to
do is watch an ad here and there.
Yeah. You know, know. I I think it's
gonna be a better way to go. And

and at in the end, I think it'll
make more money for us because we've got
some channels that make some pretty good money
on Youtube.
So that just convinced me that, you know,
rather than running around, like, a crazy person.
Why not just
put the stuff out there for free and
you know, collect the ad revenue now. There's
1 caveat to that, of course. That main
street business

strategies channel that we created, what's not monetized
yet, You So,
you know, right now, when I do it.
We're not getting anything for anything, but it'll
hopefully build up an audience. So we've been
doing a lot of that kind of stuff.
Right now, the the the series that I've
been pushing is the Google business profile training
series that we did. So if you need
to learn about Google Business pro files, while

you can go there, the entire series is
even a video on the messaging, which is
going away sadly, but the the training on
its there. If you wanna learn about it
for it goes away in a couple of
You can certainly do that, but it has
trainings on everything inside the Google business profile
from setting it up to optimizing it to
couple doing all the the products and the
services and the, you know, the the

the pictures and the updates and all of
that kind of stuff. You ever wondered how
to do it, it's all right there. You
can go through, you can learn the whole
thing and and really build your business up
with that. And when be putting a lot
more content up there. In fact, I'm gonna
be doing a video on a really cool
new site that I just got my hands
into, which is a free site even.

And what it does is it'll take a
a still image. And you know how on
on Facebook, you can... When you upload an
image imaging, sometimes lets you do that. 3
d thing, and it just gives you that
kind of here. Yeah. Right. Thanks Right. Right.
This will actually do that with a real
photo. It'll use the Ai built into it
that'll turn it into a multi layered thing,
and it'll animate it and make a make
a video for you even. So you can

actually use that. So it's great for... That'll
If you're doing a video and you've gotta
a still image but you wanna add some
some life to that image, run it through
this program
and boom. Now you can just put that
back in there and instead of just a
still image. How you kinda got that, you
know, para effect going on and, you know,
zooming in on whatever and multi layered So
it just turns AAA simple image into a

really cool little video section instead. So. I'm
doing video on that. And again, that 1
is, III wanna say completely free not completely
free. You can always upgrade to get more
points so that you can do more of
them, but it's basically... You could use it
completely for free if you wanted it to.
You don't ever have to pay them. But,
of course, if you wanna use it more
than they give you for free, you can
always pay to get extra. But, you know,

as is just a great program.
what you're doing then with the main street
business strategies is
Instead of selling
an affiliate course on how to use
how to maximize Google business profiles. You're putting
it out there for free and taking the
ad revenue or That is correct. Yeah. Okay.

Okay. Yeah. That is correct. Now, like I
said, that does mean we won't promote things.
Like, we've been promoting
you know, our our good friend, Jean Cole,
who you and I were talking about earlier,
she actually just released 1 of her...
1 of her business packs for pest control.
And it comes with a bunch of the
the social media graphics and the posts to
use and it's got some free reports on

pest control and e the emails and all
the trainings, trainings on how to run ads
for them and and graphics for the ads
for those things. So it's a it's a
very cool product. So we started promoting that.
You know Yeah. Yeah.
We. And, you know, she's very good at
that, and we love her stuff. So we
always... And and these... You've got...
Quite a few people. You know and trust

that develop affiliate products and roll them out
like jean, and so you can work with
those. But
But then, yeah, I could see why if
you don't know who they are, you you
you wanna avoid that, you know, anymore, too
much hassle. Yeah. Because we've... You know, so
many times, I've been
what would the word be?
I don't know if Dupe is the right

word, but, like,
Sucker in by... Oh, no. Not really shiny
the object syndrome, but, you know, a software
that's like, oh, this is really cool. It
does x y and z. That's great.
And you use it for a little while
and then I'll sudden disappears. You know, we
had we had 1 program, which fortunately, these
guys have fixed it, but we've had this
happen a couple times. It's a... Really good

business level Qr code generation system that, you
know, creates your Qr codes and and
stores them for you and does all these
great things. And then all of a sudden,
you go to 1 day, and it's just
Like, the whole website and everything.
it was it was a mistake and they
fixed it. But, you know, I'm getting messages
from people because I told them, hey, you

should check it. And I got people that
I work with in in the business. Like,
hey, what's going on? This thing's gone? I'm
like, I, yeah. I know. I already told
them. And because because the 1 thing about
that is whenever it goes down, I always
know because
I'm using the program. So before they can
ever complain to me that, hey, what's going
on with these guys, it's not working again.
I already know and I've already told them
because I use it all the time. So

it's... You know... But these things happen, but
other programs that we've done,
You know, there was AII
remember back. There was a really, really good
program that
it would put out videos onto Youtube before
you automatically,
Through the live player. So you'd take a
video that you created.
And instead of just uploading it to Youtube,
you would put it into this program, this

program with live stream it out because back
then when you did a live stream it
got you have a lot more views than
just uploading a video. So it would live
stream it out and then turn it into
a regular video afterwards and you put in
all your information, in and, you know, all
that. And then also 1 day just
stopped working, and then it was gone.
And I've asked the guy, hey, what's going
on with? You know, no response, no response

in and then 6 months later. He'll hit
me up. Hey. I've got this new program.
I want you to promote. And I'm like,
and I told him straight up, I'm like,
I'm not gonna promote this program because...
Where did the other 1 go? Yeah. Right.
Right. No. It's gone, and people bought that
1, and, you know, I I never hear
back from him on that, and they just
kinda vanish into the night. And everybody else
promotes their new product, and they make a
million dollars, and then they probably screw those

people over. Yeah. Happens all the time, and
and I'm sick and tired of it to
be honest. Yeah. Well, I can see why.
Not good. So, you know, I'm gonna stick
with the people that I know and love
and that I know are gonna treat people
well that have been around forever, you know?
Todd Gross and and and cyril
Gupta and
Kart Ra, and, you know, all the

chad nicely when he puts out stuff, and
those guys that we can trust jean,
you know, just people that I know aren't
gonna be gone a week later. Tad Right.
Right. Right. You. No now don't get me
wrong. If if it was a training course,
it's like, hey, Download this training on how
to do x. I don't care if they
disappear, you know, 2 days later because as
long as you got your training,

you've got it forever. It's not like it's
something you need to access all the time
you've got it on your computer, you can
look at it whenever you want. If they
disappear well, that's fine. But with all the
Saas software and stuff, it's just it's way
too risky right now. Yeah. You know what
I look back it. Look at look at
the software that I thought were really good.
I still used to this day, and they're
still around they're still promoting them. They're still
updating them. They're still using them. You know,

and ever lesson, and now letterman
and, thumbnail blaster,
lead Ka,
all those types of software. They've been around
forever. That Lid Is probably the most updated
software. Yeah.
Every time I turn the thing on. Oh,
we gotta do an update.
No. Because, you know, that particular program, it

it it it takes a long time to
load for it. Whatever reason. It puts a...
There's a lot... And that little program is
a lot in there. So when you restarted
it, it takes minutes and minutes and minutes
before it's back up again, but they are
constantly updating that program.
So those are the types of people that
I want to continue to promote because they
made great software that is still around... And
if it's not around it's because they made

something better out of it. You know, Used
to I used to tell people all the
time about easy links. An amazing program for
shortening links and all that. Well, now,
that that program is technically gone. I But
it's gone because they created pop links. Pop
links is 10 times better is attached to
a hundred other pieces of software, and the
people that had easy links can just move
over to pop links. And it's so much

So those are the types of things that
I trust, and those are the types of
people that I trust. And I'm just not
gonna play around with with...
You know, any of the garbage anymore. I,
I used to promote
do you remember the day Steve years ago.
I used to promote a new product every
single day, I would review and promote a
product every single day. Right. The reason I

stopped doing that was when it was a
lot of work for no reason and and
quite honestly, you can make more money.
Promoting a good program over 5 days, than
5 different programs over 5 days, which, you
know, I was just too naive to know
that at the time. But
it was also... It was tough to find
a good product every day.
Was really it got really hard. And now

it's gotten hard to do. You know, I
was down to where I would do, like,
6 programs a month,
and I'm not doing that anymore. It's probably
gonna be more like 2 or 3 a
And sometimes none,
Who knows?
Or rehash of something that's been around forever
that's not going anywhere. Like, I would do...
You know, if I if I had people

that I thought would buy Lead,
now you know, that hadn't already bought it.
I would I would do that again just
because why not? It's it's there. It's powerful.
I still make commissions off of. I still
sell that to people all the time.
And it's 1 that I would always promote
because it's, you know, the best of the
best. Oh, it is. Oh, absolutely. It's it's
it's fabulous.
Especially for local marketing, You know,

it's a good way to scrape leads, tell
them a little something about what they're doing
and say, give an offer, you know, And
those kind of things. And, like, you know,
like, with with the with Jeans thing, you
know, I was excited to graph thankfully. She
gives me me access to those things, so
I can get my hands on them, which
is good because I use this... I use
that stuff. All shots. What's her name again?

Jean? In Jean Ko, K0LENDA.
And she's
she she calls herself the... You know, the
the Internet marketing grandma because, you know, she's
she's in her seventies,
and she makes all this great stuff.
And she's got a ton of local client...
Local clients.
And her thing has always been, you know,

you don't need to charge
3000 dollars to a lawyer and and work
20 hours a week for them, you know,
to get things done.
She works with the... All these local businesses
doing the social media post stuff. It's all
It's all beautiful graphics and posts. It's all
automated, and she only charges, you know, 2
to 300 dollars per client and. But you

get a hundred of those clients, and it's
all automated. Right. Right. Right. You know, how
can you go wrong with that? That's a
you can't. You can. As long as the
automation works.
Long as the automation works. Yeah. And here's
the thing though. There's 20 different automation tools
out there. So if 1 of them stops
working, here's go to another 1. It's not
that big a deal. Because you're not buying
the automation, you're buying all the content. So

it's up to you to do that. But
there are free automation tools even. You know?
Well, heck, if you wanna do just Facebook,
you can do it right inside the the
Meta business suite and do it to Facebook
and Instagram right there. Right doesn't cost you
anything. Right. Right. Right.
who helped make this fine episode of video
marketing soon as possible.

This episode was made possible by our good
friends over at Mo.
As ride mo. Yeah. So speaking of mo
before we get out of here, though, they've
some cool stuff as always, but they...
You know, 1 of the... 1 of the
things that I talked about a little while
back was
I've got some of their wireless microphone systems.

Right. And the 1 that I originally had
was this big case about this big, and
you got the big box put your pocket
in the microphone, and it's fantastic. Really, really,
really good.
Well, then they came out with a new
wireless system, which is
putting tiny, tiny. Let's see What do we
got there? Yeah know, You Steve's got the
stand. So I've got... This is just a
cheap 15 dollar tripod. A million years ago.

I got this the
the tripod
the holder. What do you call this? Up
here from It's the the... Was it GR1?
Or... Yeah. And then Like that the room
right here.
I've got the 15 dollar microphone. Hang on
the that I bought from mobile that sounds

And this works this works wonderful for me.
I just go, you know, Listen and set
it up with my phone and boom we're
ready to go. Well they they came out
with... You, a much smaller wireless
microphone setup. It comes in a little box.
And it's like a, you know, like the
Apple airpods, the box is
has a battery in the box. So Oh,

hell. The the actual microphone,
Wireless microphone has a rechargeable battery in it
the box has a rechargeable battery in the
box. So when you put the microphone in
the box, it recharge
the actual thing. Even if you're not plugged
in, it recharge And then you, you know,
plug it in every once in a while
to recharge the the box inside the battery,
but battery inside the box. Area. That's what

I say that. So you kinda always have
great battery in order to do... I mean,
you could be shooting for days, you know,
with with that pack and and never see
electricity and and you'd be fine.
now, they've just come out with an even
smaller 1,
which is really tiny, which I actually bought

back a while ago, I did a review
a wireless microphone setup up that that I
bought from China,
and it was 7 dollars,
and it was a little tiny wireless microphone
that you put on. And I say a
little tiny. The whole unit is little and
tiny, but...
The 1 thing I don't like about them
is they look like a giant Lapel Mike.
And know, you've probably seen that there's a

lot of companies that make them and what
makes 1 now too. Say those. Yeah. So
it's it's bigger than a a Lapel mic,
but that's the whole thing. That's the wireless
unit and everything in in 1 piece. While
mo just came out with a small 1
like that. And the great thing is it's
like 32 dollars.
So you can get this wireless set up
for only 32 dollars. So that is fantastic.

I have not personally used it yet, yet.
32 95 the mini
D, and then they had the D duo,
which comes with 2 of the microphones.
You get the receiver and you get 2
microphone transmitter. So, yeah, You put that eyes
a little bit big,
bigger than A lapel microphone, but... You know,
it it's very easy to to carry around,

and it plugs right into your smartphone. Just
Usb just pops into the bottom of it,
and you look, you know, that's it. Got
2 little units and and does a great
job. 32 95 and 59 95, if you
want the Duo version.
I mean,
That. That's... She's It's a lot more than
the 7 dollar Chinese 1, but the 7
dollar Chinese 1 didn't sound that great. So

well, I'm sure sound a whole lot. I
I I'm seeing a lot of Youtubers. Using
that microphone now, you know, a lot. Yeah.
Yeah... Yeah. This... Like I said, every company
on Planet Earth seems to make that 1
you know, Using branded companies, off brand companies.
They all make make those things, but we
trust the mo stuff,
and for 32 dollars. How can you go
wrong anyway, but Yeah, you could probably find

1 of the knock off ones out there
for 15 dollars 5... Or in my case,
I think it was 7 dollars.
Are you really getting anything decent. The 1
I got from China. I would use it
in a pinch, but
it wasn't fantastic. Like it sounded okay. But
whenever you said the letter s, it was,
Yeah Yeah. Every single time. So it really

crushed the asses is on on when you
do that. So I would trust mo a
lot more for that in 32 dollars. Come
on. Really? Who can't afford that. That's that's
an amazing price for that. So would check
it out. And, course, if you can't afford
that, you can get the little lava like
Steve showed you there for what I think
sometimes even have it as little as, like,
14 dollars, but yeah buddy. That's that's what
I got it for. Was 14 bucks.

Just it it just looks like a little
You know, get it out. It was Yeah
they've they've got 1 that plugs directly into
your smartphone.
They've got ones that have... If you've got
an older iphone, you can... Plug it in
directly with lightning. They got 1 of those.
But the 1 that I always buy, and
I don't know if you did Steve or
not. I buy the regular 1 with just

just the the the old phone port
because then... Yeah, exactly what you've got there,
because you can use an adapter to plug
it into your phone,
you can... You know, if you've got an
iphone with lightning, you can get
You can't see it until I talk, but
here it is. Yes. Yes. And it it
comes with the windscreen without... Screen. That's what

it looks like.
And it's a fantastic mic. And I already
had the adapter, so I just got the
pin plug. And And and what I looked
got an eighteenth you know what I really
like about. It's got an 18 foot cord.
Yes. It's got a very long... For fact
too long sometimes.
The the great thing is you can get
the 1 that plugs directly in your phone,
but I like the 1 that has the

mini phone plug because you can plug that
into a Dslr. You can plug that into
a Cam corner. And you can also get
the adapter and plug it into Usb c
or lightning or what have you. So anyway,
all of this to say, mo, they got
everything that you need, and you can Head
on over there by going to race suggests
dot com slash mo and check it out.
And Steve, do we, did I tell the

story about the ray suggests website?
The racing jets.
suggests. A ray suggests. A suggests dot com
slash mo.
Least to have raised links dot com. And
and he... But didn't wasn't renewed. I I
didn't have the automated renewal on there and
when I went to renew it somebody stole.

Yeah. I knew that.
I mean, they stole it like day 1.
Like they're sitting there waiting.
That's weird.
Drives me crazy.
And, you know what? I had a couple
others that I let expire.
Those got bought out too, and I looked.
And they were all bought from the same
country. It was like in Switzerland or Sweden

or somewhere,
you know, somebody in that country bought all
my old,
things as they expired.
Very weird. So somebody is monitoring somewhere I'm
along the line. I guess. I don't know.
I I guess. Yeah. I guess.
Well, and there's...
You know, there's a way to monitor,
or there's a way to buy buy
expired domains, you know, and some authority and

things, and somebody's gotta monitor software for that
as soon as stuff expires, I guess.
I am sure they do, and I hope
they enjoy that. Site. I did like rays
links dot com. Some little sad to see
it go. They're not using it, but what
are you gonna do? Yeah. You. Well, nothing.
It'll be back.

Why don't we go ahead and hit the
Alright. Let's hit that music.
He's right
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