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April 17, 2024 91 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wait wait, Fred's show.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Is on now, Hottest Morning Show, Good Morning Everybody, Wednesday,
Full seventeenth, The frend Show. He's on, Hi, Caitlin, the
hell are you? Jayson Brown? Hi, I'm great, Thanks for asking, Hi, Rupio, Hello,
Hi Ki Ki, Good Morning Showbiz has money a tiebreaker
next hour in the show. We got that thirteen chances

at one thousand bucks today you can win that. Keep
us on the radio. The iHeart app to do it
in turn, Benjamin That Benjamin is here as well. The
Entertainment Report, This Hour, Blogs, audio journals, trending stories, headlines.
To start you Wednesday? What are you working on? K
for the port?

Speaker 3 (00:38):
Someone says that Sydney Sweeney, someone famous says she's not
hot and not talented.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
So I will tell you who said that.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
I have a story about Drake and Uma Thurman of
all people, and Jason's boo.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Patrick Mahomes, All right, here's someone texted us eight five
five three five content Ideah sure, okay, so prep why not?
Two days ago, I had a long discussion with the girlfriend.
If you're in a relationship, is it normal? Is it
okay to be crushing on someone else? She seems to
think that's normal and even okay, yeah, to be crushing

on someone else, Okay, how do you know then if
you've crossed over into like this is now not okay,
Like I have a crush on someone else, but like
I'm thinking too much about them more than I should
be if I'm in a relationship, I don't Can you
control your thoughts?

Speaker 3 (01:33):
I would just say you can't like touch them or
tell them you have a crush.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
But I think that's normal.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
You do anything that you wouldn't do in front of
your partner, if you.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
If you do anything that you wouldn't do in front
of your partner.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
When you cross the line, are okay?

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I think it's natural, especially after a while, you know,
Oh yeah Jason falls in love once a day.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Yeah, m hmm.

Speaker 5 (01:55):
I think it's like you don't act on it, you know,
but you can help being like I guess sem I
attracted to people that you know you would be if
you were single.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
But I might argue that sometimes people's like what's happening
inside their head is not as bad, but it can
be as detrimental or can be detrimental to a relationship,
because if you're like really focused on someone else in
your mind, even if you're not acting on it, you're
not focused on me, you're having those thoughts about another person.

So like I get it. Like maybe you, I don't know,
there's somebody famous. You see a movie or something or
a TV show or you see them you know, wherever,
and you're like, oh, they're hot. But if you're constantly
thinking about another person all the time, isn't that I mean,
even if you're not communicating that, are you not getting
into some form of Like I don't want to use
the word cheating because you know, every now and again,
we go through, probably once or twice a year, what

people's definitions of cheating is, and it's like, okay, come on,
Like if you like a bikini picture on Instagram, some
people think that's cheating. I'm like, well there you go.
So yeah, no, Ruffie always think he is a serial
the cheating, cheating fifty times a day minimum. If you
weren't a bikini he has cheated with you virtually. But

I mean, it's not quite emotional cheating because you haven't
communicated that to anybody else. But I don't know. I
used to think physical cheating was the worst, and I
almost think that emotional cheating is worse than that because
I truly like not that either one of them is okay,
But you could stick and move on somebody and it
could mean very little, and it could be a huge
mistake that you regret. But I think if you're day

after day after day investing emotionally in another human being,
I think that is worse than some forms of physical cheating.

Speaker 5 (03:39):
If it consumes you, then yes, Like if you are
to a point where you're actually like, I will leave
my current relationship for this person, you've gone too far.
But if it's all like surface level fun, like you
just like this person's energy, that's where the separation lies
for me, Like you would never actually want to end
your relationship for this person, that, yes, is a situation

you shouldn't.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Be in if you get this is a text. If
you get a crush on someone that you're not in
a relationship with, then you need to stop thinking about
it and do what you can to let it die
out as soon as possible. Basically, like, if you're thinking
about jumping off a cliff, don't go near the cliff
or fantasize about jumping off the cliff.

Speaker 6 (04:18):
Okay, Okay, I would argue even if you're thinking of that,
like you should reevaluate your situation, Like if you're thinking
like I should leave, like that is even a thought
in your head, like you should reevaluate what you're in.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
Well, any question becomes when does it cross into emotional cheating?
And again, do you have to I mean, really we're
getting like into the weeds here, but do you have
to communicate? Do you have to say these things to
other people? For it's still to be emotional cheating because
even as another person doesn't know how you feel about them,
but you're in love with them or consume with them
or whatever, that's attention you're not giving to the relationship

that you're in, isn't that? Does it matter if you
tell the other person or not? Does it matter if
they even know?

Speaker 3 (05:05):
I think the more you stuff something down, the bigger
of an issue it becomes. So as long as you're like, Okay,
I think this person's cute, it'll pass and kind.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
Of just like let it flow through you, as opposed
to like, don't take these thoughts. You're cheating in your hood.
You know, I can't control my thoughts. Yeah, just yell
at yourself. A deep thought voice. You should think I
should hear this is how I talk to myself. That's

Kaylin's internal way, or is it? Or is it calin
on sixteen? You don't stop thinking about that right now.
That's at least that's that's a that's a webshot, that's
not We're not going to use the butter on that. Fred.
They tripping because the girls on the show would never
tolerate that from their man. Some text. We would never know.

But if you did know, would you consider that cheating? Yes? See,
I think I would if I'm with a woman and
she says to me, like, wait, let me picture it.
I know, I know, honestly, I know. It's it's it's
difficult to imagine. Okay, I'm good, god man, that's great

Cale's interior. Let's go sixteen. There's Fred alone on the
green again. But like if okay, I don't want to
use big tim because we because we cloud on me.
I don't even know what your relationship. I have no idea. Okay, mechanic.
Mechanic might comes home and he says to you, the

guy that I work with, I cannot step thinking about
how into him I am. But he doesn't know it
but I want you to know that. I like, I'm
here at home, I'm looking at you, I'm thinking of him.
That's that's that's gonna be as painful. It doesn't matter
if he said anything to that person or not. It
really doesn't matter if they know or don't know.

Speaker 5 (07:04):
Yeah, that's a problem when it actually like consumes you
and you're like, I can't stop thinking about this other
person outside of a relationship, that is a problem.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
We all need our other thoughts and secrets, Like, we
don't need to tell our partner every single feeling or thought.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
That we have. But I think if it's day after
day after day, well that's different than a crush. You
can have a crush not be obsessed.

Speaker 7 (07:28):
Right, you're telling you If you're telling your partner you
have a crush on someone else, you got bigger issues
like that.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
That's that relationshipship. But ashes, are we coming full circle
to the beginning? Then the question was if you have
a crush on somebody else's the problem? He answers, Yes,
different levels of crushes. Are you talking obsess?

Speaker 5 (07:49):
I have a crushed on down I don't want to
leave my relationship for Maris. You know that, But I
just love him as a person, like, yeah, I work crush.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
But if you were to say to you, let's step
into studio be no, okay, all right, well then I
think it's okay. Yeah, I would never cheat, and I
think it's okay he cheated a fantastic monitor to reach
out to my home. It starts off as an innocent crush.
It always develops into something way way more.

Speaker 8 (08:21):
Not always that is not true.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
I think it happens to people in close proximity more
often than random, such as in a workplace. Yeah, I
get that I have a crush on Jason and he
doesn't even like women. So yeah, it's always trying to
pull me in the studio B. But yeah, where is
studio be? I don't even know where that is. I
know where it's at. Yeah right, well, ruf, he voiced
his crush to me, and it's.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
A parent He talks about your way.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
The people in the room to have a crush up.
But it has to be here, honestly, nothing. Actually, I
love you, I love you too. I do. I love
Ruvio back. I really knew. I mean, some days, I
you know, I want to drag him. It's not that
I want him to go out the window. I mean
we'd go together. I too would jump out. But it's
like sometimes I want him to come with me. I

mean they want to come with you too. Is that
studio be here out the window? Let's do what? Okay? Now,
mashing inappropriate? Now it's wrong.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
It's the Fresh Show. This is what's trending.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
All right, guys, For all you Taylor Swift fans out
there that weren't able to get tickets to the air
as tour, you're mad, You're upset at ruined your life.
If you think about it every day, you have a
crush on it. The Department of Justice is set to
file an anti trust lawsuit against Live Nation. So this
is a federal anti trust lawsuit against Ticketmaster parent company

Live Nation, over allegations that they've leveraged their market share
to undermine the competition for tickets. The lawsuit would happen
as early as next month. Ticketmaster has come under fire
many times over the years, following struggles by fans access
limited tickets in high It came to a head for
the sale of Taylor Swift eras to her tickets. When
that became a complete debucle Ticketmaster holds over eighty percent

of the market for primary ticket sales across the biggest
US venues. Meanwhile, TikTok is now partnering with Axs to
allow artists, venues, and festivals to sell tickets via the app,
So maybe some competition there. Kaitlyn Clark is currently at
the center of the sports world, but her rookie WNBA
contract is giving her less money in her first four
years combined than the annual salary of three NBA mascots.

Oh my god, disrespectful. Well, now here's the thing, and look,
we can get into this and we don't have to
do I think Kaitlin Clark is an anomaly, and do
I think somehow she should get paid more money. I
do think that because I think that they can very
easily justify how I mean just I'll tell you what,
make her rookie contract the same as everybody else's rookie contract,
but then let her negotiate a percentage of the increase

in the attendance at the games his season versus last.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
Her Jersey sales just made history as the most sold
of all time.

Speaker 7 (11:05):
Yeah, from a draft you also have to look at
I mean, they compared a lot to Webben Yama, the
rookie from the Spurs for the NBA, Like the NBA
is a billion dollar company, like ten million do.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
Rookie contracts are much much lower than what he'll make
right in several years.

Speaker 7 (11:18):
And Caton Clark, like her rookie contract is more in
the four years than some WNBA players have made in
their whole career.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
So it's like it's it's a good thing.

Speaker 7 (11:27):
I mean, it's not a lot of money in the
aspect of like her stardom, but at the same time,
she's going to open more doors for other players in
the league to get paid.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
But what came first the chicken or the egg?

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Is it because they're not pouring you know, assets and
money into that, Like is somebody making that decision?

Speaker 2 (11:43):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (11:44):
Her contract is based on the revenue of.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
The WAWNBA revenue is like I don't I saw the
number yesterday ten percent of the NBA or something like that.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
It is it lower because of the effort that's put
into the league?

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Bro, I don't know if you can say ninety percent
revenue difference is that? I don't know that you can
say that. I don't know the answer. But what I
can say is a lot of this stuff is based
on the amount of money that these leagues generate. And
what's interesting is there's a joke. I think Bill Bill
Bird tells the joke. But it's like, so many people
are pissed off about pay disparity in women's sports. When's
the last time he went to a w NBA game.

Go to a WNBA game, Buy a ticket if you're
mad about it. And then but my point is, okay,
so if there's a union scale for rookies in professional sports,
which there is, fine, but she is going to make
them a lot of money and she should get a
piece of that, in my opinion, So just do that.
Just say, look, what was the attendance in Indiana last year,
what's the attendant is going to be this year? And

there's also there's also state.

Speaker 7 (12:38):
There's also teams around the country that have rented out bigger.

Speaker 2 (12:42):
Still, that's what I'm saying, And do it for the
other places too, right, Let her have that at least
that with her contract, you know, That's what I'm saying. No,
I'm saying is I believe she is a truly, a single,
single handedly a game changer. So then let her have
a piece of the upside, at least for the people
who aren't happy about it, but none less her total
four year contract with the Indiana Fever three hundred and

thirty eight thousand dollars. A report from Sports Business Jourtle
says that the Denver Nuggets mascot Rocky to Mountain Lion
are in six hundred and twenty five grand a year,
the Atlanta Hawks Harry the Hawk six hundred grand a year,
and Banging the Bull of the Chicago Bulls makes four
hundred grand a year. Underpaid, underpaid, Aslan says. Ashlan's the

one who writes the check.

Speaker 7 (13:25):
The most famous maskot in all the sports, and he's underpaid. Well,
I wonder what the Phoenix TUN's guerrilla makes man?

Speaker 2 (13:30):
That guy? I hate Ryan, Hey, Ryan, I was gonna
say that, you can't think we got to mac because
there's some rich parents that give their kids an allowance
of like five grand a week.

Speaker 9 (13:42):
But that's not going to make you get Matt at
Rufio for only giving Ashland twenty dollars a week when
he gets an allowance.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
You know, Oh, because you're saying people have more money
so they well yeah, I mean I think it's a
little deeper than that. But thank you Ryan, have a
good day. Man. That's exactly it. Okay, all right, No,
I mean goes, it goes a little, it goes a
little further than that. I mean it does go into
what is the interest level for women's sports versus the
interest level from men's sports, What is the investment? I

would agree with that. I don't know that it's a
ninety percent disparity, but I would say, you know, it's
certainly people are upset about it. Then go go to
these games by the merch right, go to the sky games,
go to the Fever game. Wherever you are, attend these games,
sell them out, buy the stuff, and then let's talk
about it, right, I mean, like, are they given the

same coverage? I don't know. I guess I just wonder
when it all started. Is it something plus plus?

Speaker 7 (14:36):
Like the NBA has been around for eighty years, the
WNBA is only like twenty years old.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
It's still a younger league and vote at that time.

Speaker 7 (14:42):
I'm just saying, like, it's it's what she's getting paid
compared to other like whatever other sports.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
It's it's you're going bait.

Speaker 7 (14:50):
You have to go based on the revenue of the league,
you know what I'm saying, And she's going to bring
a lot more revenue, which is going to open more
doors for other players.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Going. That's the thing, right, we were talking about this before.
Some of the players that are in the league already,
some of the veterans have second jobs, have third jobs.
I agree, But some of them are criticizing Kitlyn Clark
saying she's not revolutionary, she's not this, she's not that.
I think you're gonna like the position that you're in
as a league at the end of next season versus
this season, So shut up about that, right, Yeah, but
I do are I mean, there is only so much money,

and the NBA is already subsidizing the WNBA. But again,
my thing is, if you've got a problem with it,
then support the league and let's see what happens, because
they got a long way to go. As far as
the number of people who are upset about the disparity
and the number of people supporting the league. There's a
huge differential there too, for sure. So the executor of O. J.
Simpson's estate says he was not flush with millions in cash,

nor is it enough to satisfy his debt to Ron
Goldman's family. I read some headline yesterday he had two
hundred million dollars in the bank, which there's no way,
there's no way. But his longtime attorney says that he
died with less than five figures in one Devada bank
account and that overall he has less than a million
to his name. In the final days, he was receiving
the maximum of Social Security as well as pensions from

his time as an NFL star and actor. He claims
those payments totaled less than four hundred thousand dollars a year.
And yeah, nonetheless, they he owes a lot of money,
one hundred million dollars to the Goldman and Simpson families. Well,
I guess the Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson families. So

but anyway, they're not going to get any of that.
This is terrible news, guys, awful news. Red Lobster has
considered filing for bankruptcy. No, no, yeah, they've considered Chapter
eleven bankruptcy. Reports say the seafood chain is considering filing
to restructure it's debt, renegotiate leases, and shed some long
term contracts. A final decision on the restructuring hasn't been
made yet. Red Lobster has hundreds of locations across the

US and Canada. The company hasn't commented on the report.
They opened in nineteen sixty eight in Lakeland, Florida. Fun fact,
they're not going away. But it's not good.

Speaker 7 (16:54):
But they're the same, like I don't know how they
have like because there's owned by like the same Come
to olive Garden on they're all by the same, by
the same parent company.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
He'd gone too far. You don't have to get out
and support this. Don't touch that. Get look at passion
and take them biscuits to the Chicago's guys, look at
the passion were at the w n b A. This
is That's exactly what I was going to say. We'll
do that.

Speaker 7 (17:18):
You know what it is why this is happening is
because I think it was they did for the first time,
like you know how they do the olive Garden, the
illimited passa pass.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
It's all you can eat shrimp or something and the right.

Speaker 7 (17:29):
And they they gave up way too much shrimp and
we're out, almost out of business.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
Yeah, someone didn't do the math correctly. All Yeah, I
do love though the kicky over here, I'm like the
w N b A and she's like man, and then
I'm like red Lobster. A circus elephant escape from its
home with the traveling circus and decided to just walk

around Butte Montana on its own. It was the Jordan
World Circus. I didn't know any circuses had animals anymore,
but it was captured on video as it caused traffic
delays and got lots of attention. The animal's freedom didn't
last very long, though, it was quickly reunited with the
t handlers, who guided it back to the pen. The
circus has stopped in a town as part of its tour.
It's unclear how the elephant broke free, but it just
cruised around for a while, just hanging out in Butte Montana.

Just an elephant walking around and this is kind of brilliant.
Celebration of marijuana's unofficial holiday on Saturday before twenty, Jimmy
John's is offering a deliciously dope dimebag promotion, which is
another kind of isn't a dime bag? Another wouldn't?

Speaker 10 (18:32):
I mean?

Speaker 2 (18:32):
I guess you could put we in a dimebag, but
you really think of another. I thought so too, But
I don't know what day we celebrate that you're not
hungry for food? John April twentieth tho ten dollars for
this time Bay. According to the Submarine Sandwich restaurant chain,
the promotion comes with everything someone needs to celebrate on Saturday,
including hand slice smoked ham provolone cheese sandwich topped with

halapeno ranch, extra oregano, basil slice, pickles, crispy Hollapagos and
fresh slice lettuce and tomato, alongside a pickle, spear and
fudge chocolate brownie and serving of Jimmy chips for ten dollars.
Oh my god, that's kind of a good deal. I
think I may just order that. Just well, I'll celebrate yeah,
National Haiku Poetry Day, National Ellis Island Day, National Exercise Day, Kiki,

let's go, and National Get to Know your Customer's Day
today as well. How are you gonna celebrate National Exercise Day?
Go to Red Lobster? No, I'm gonna go to the gym.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
Dress just like this, skirt in the sweater and nice
wig and makeup.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Yes, I mean, you know, as Gideon would say, movement.
That's right, any kind of movement, you know, but you
actually got to walk on the thing.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Caitlin's Entertainment reports on the Fresh.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Show, Sidney Sweeney was blasted by one of Hollywood's top
female producers.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Carol Baum, who's done.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Projects like Father the Bride and Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
told The New York Times, there's an actress who everybody
loves now, Sidney Sweeney. And she's said she watched one
of Sydney's movies that won anyone, But you have any
of you guys watched it?

Speaker 4 (20:05):
Is it good?

Speaker 2 (20:06):
It's a really cute movie? Is it?

Speaker 11 (20:07):

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Bella loved it? Netflix? Soon? I do believe.

Speaker 12 (20:10):
Yeah, I want to watch it. And I know Rufio
wants to watch it. Yeah that that dude, the guy
from Top Gun Maverick, right, and yeah, you like Sidney,
you want to watch it. You can watch it together.
You watched the dude, don't watch her?

Speaker 3 (20:23):
Yeah, So she called the movie unwatchable. And she says
that she even told her class at USC explain this
girl to me. She's not pretty, she can't act. Why
is she so hot?

Speaker 2 (20:33):
She said.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Nobody had an answer, and she said, well, if you
could get your movie made because she was in it,
would you and they had a class discussion, but you know,
nobody asked for my opinion.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
But as another female in the industry, shame on you.
And I've been seeing it. Not that men there aren't
bad men in the entertainment industry being bad to men
and women women specifically in this argument, but I see
this all the time. Women are awful to other women,
some of them. Yeah, for sure, women can be the
hardest on other women. It's amazing some of the fiercest

criticism I hear of other women comes from women. Yeah,
and that doesn't absolve men from being scumbags too. But
sometimes I'm just blown away. I'm like, wait a minute,
what happened to this whole female empowerment thing you were
talking about, you know, twenty seconds ago? And then it's
let me crap all over this other woman. Yeah, it's
not cool.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
She's a vet in the industry and she doesn't need
to talk about like a young actress like that.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
It's just weirdo energy to me.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
In a new interview for Time one hundred, Patrick Mahomes
said that Taylor Swift has developed a complex understanding of
football since she started dating Chiefs.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
His Chief's teammate Travis Kelsey.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Last summer, he said, when she's talking about football, when
she's learning it, you can see her business mind putting
it together. It's almost like she's trying to become a coach.
She'll say, why can't you try this?

Speaker 1 (21:46):
And this and this?

Speaker 3 (21:47):
She's asking the right questions and the QB met Taylor
Swift in September of last year when she was at
the Chief's game against the Bears, and Patrick said, He's
met a lot of famous people, but Taylor is the
most down to earth of them all. He had knowledge
is also which I love that Taylor helped the Chiefs
go from quote a nationwide team that was kind of
global to a full global, worldwide team with their star power.

And he said that came from her fan base. And
we like that visibility. So if you're mad, talk to
your mama, because the team likes it.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
It is her knowledge of football similar to Jason's where
it makes sense but it doesn't. Like, for example, Jason's
very upset when the when the running back runs into
the pile of men coactic, like, why wouldn't you just
run around it?

Speaker 9 (22:28):

Speaker 2 (22:28):
I mean, that's a that's a valid question, right, I'm
asking the right question. You really are, right, just like Taylor. Yeah, Well,
like when you go to the game and be like, hey,
where's that yellow line that I see on a team?
Why do they make that visible to everybody? How do
you know where to go? Why do you know where
you're run?

Speaker 11 (22:44):

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Why doesn't the quarterbacks sort of the open man everyting?

Speaker 13 (22:46):

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Why why wouldn't you? Like what's wrong with you?

Speaker 3 (22:50):
I really see it all coming together for you. He
ended by saying, at the end of the day, football
has been this bruising sport. We want to make it
fun where kids grow up and play football and show
their personality and b who they are.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
This year really magnified that period.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
Luma Thurman is offering Drake her yellow suit from kill
Bill while he's involved in all kinds of drama right now.
So Drake is currently feuding with Rick Ross, Kendrick Lamar.
There's all kinds of distract I don't know. The rap
game is really like kind of weird right now. We're
talking nose jobs and bbls. But there was a song
that was a response to Kendrick taking a shot at

Drake and j Cole like that, which is an amazing song.
If I do, I love that song, and Drake later
compared his feud to UMA's character of the bride from
Kill Bill as she's surrounded by multiple armed assassins assailans.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
Is that the right word?

Speaker 3 (23:43):
Yeah, yeah, I mean it's a good movie. Uma responded
to the rapper on Twitter or x with a photo
of her suit with the caption need this, which I
thought was pretty cute. Jason, what do we have on
our website today? I've not made it there yet.

Speaker 5 (23:56):
Taylor Swith dropped a bunch of Easter eggs yesterday, so
I tried to put the ants together.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
It's called journalism. She needs to let me brust. I'm tired,
but that's on fred. I tell you, guys, she hates
her fans. She secretly hates you all, every one of you.
I just ask you not this week. She wants you
to live in unrest. You guys are tortured for sure.
She wants you to live in on rational rag loose.
She wants you to have eighteen copies of the same album.
Why do you hate it? Don't look at me like that.
You have also said that you think her merch sucks.

I never said I think she hates me. Well, I
said that, but you've also said you think her merch
sucks and that you resent her for selling the same
thing twenty seven times over, that you feel like you
have to own No, I buy it, I'm the dummy. No,
it's brilliant, idiot. I mean, she's a capitalist. It's brilliant.
It's brilliant. But like, at the same time, it's mean.
She also does a lot for charity, I should add,
But yeah, it's cruel. That's terrible. Till summer, not this week.

I'm going to cry eight five five five, please don't.
I mean, that would be no different than every other
week for me. But that's like you could text the
same number. So it's interesting that was on the dating episodes,
a prompt about like irrational fears and what don't I
see this morning? It's one people use a lot because
you can pick your if you're not on the dating apps,
you put a few fixtures up and then you can
pick your prompts and then answer them. It's like pre

pre stored questions and then you know too truth to
a lie is one of them, and what's your most
irrational fear? And whatever else. Why you smiling? I was
just laughing. That came in because she's trolling you. No,
I was trolling the app. I didn't invent the app.
I didn't invent the prompt. Jesus wait, is that hinge? Right?

It's unhinged. And one of them I saw was like
irrational fear, like getting in the shower and watching my
face and like a murderer comes and you know whatever,
because you know, think about that, you are sort of
box you are not sort of you're boxed in when
you're in a shower. There's only one way out, and
that's where the murderer would be standing right there. You'd
have no way to escape. I think about it every day.

Is that one of your rational fears?

Speaker 11 (25:51):

Speaker 5 (25:51):
I think about it every day when I'm in the shower.
At least one time every day when I'm in the shower,
I think I hear the door open and they have
to like poke my head over the shower curtain to
see if it opened or not.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Like man, yeah right, I'm tall ually like the mechanic you.

Speaker 5 (26:04):
Know, being hey, yeah at three am, I'm dirty, you know, yeah, yeah,
what happened?

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Is it just like that it's on as soon as
he says that. But I want to hear your irrational
fears because you have another one that you shared, and
this is about going into a store. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5 (26:22):
I had to go into the store yesterday, and I
knew that I had to ask for help, Like he
sent me to the store to get something, and I
didn't know what I was looking for. So going in,
I knew that I was going to have to find
someone that worked there and actually ask them for this item.
And I was stressed out because I don't like asking
people for anything.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Especially would rather if I see an employee and I
don't know where, I'll just be, hey, where is this please,
because then that just saves me time, And then I
looked less. I look less stupid then I would if
I just keep walking in circles around the place trying
to find the thing, especially if it's a complicated place
like home depots where I was that we're went home
deep stuff everywhere, they stuff tucked away everywhere, and like

I want to go to the bookstore, I usually will
ask somebody because the other thing is sometimes it'll be
like where the best sellers are. Sometimes it'll be in
some section, and then sometimes it'll be on one of
those like random tables they got set up all over
the store, so you might go to where you think
it is and you're like, where the hell is it,
and only to go ask somebody after thirty minutes to
try not to embarrass yourself, and they're like, oh, no,

actually it's over here on the sale end cap, and
I'm like, I would have known to go to the
sale end cap, right. Yeah, I was in the pink department.
I need something for a lawnmower. I was like in
the completely final wace and.

Speaker 5 (27:34):
Finally I had to ask, yeah, and I was, I
don't Maybe it's like I don't like bugging people. I
don't know, but it just when I have to call
somewhere and like make an appointment or resid like, I
just hate.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Doing all that. I don't know, really, Yeah, you hate
So you hate communicating with other people for your needs,
That's what you're said.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
I think I feel like I should be able to
handle everything myself, So I hate calling or bugging other
people hear you, and making it their problem.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Yeah, my problem, their problem. I have a fear this
text message. I have a fear of getting t boned
every time I've been an intersection. Oh, I get nervous
in the shower. Someone will break it and kill my family.
But I won't hear it happen. Damn. I mean, he's
a really morbid it's really morbid concerns. What about you, guys?
You have irrational fears?

Speaker 1 (28:19):

Speaker 2 (28:19):

Speaker 7 (28:20):
I never put the ceiling fan on high because I
think it's going to fall off and kill me in
my sleep.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
You know what I'm saying. The ceiling fan is going.
I never put on high. What you're gonna do? Like,
because sometimes you never know how. I don't know. I
didn't solve the two. That's a that's the crazy part.
That's part of the problem. But yeah, I feel like
if I put on high because it goes so fast
and you go to sleep, I don't know.

Speaker 13 (28:45):

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Yes, if I get killed by my own ceiling fan,
it was time. It was time for me to go.
It was it was my time. Was Yeah, my own
ceiling fan falls from the ceiling running and somehow doesn't
stop running and to capitates me laying flat. Hey, you
wouldn't die from me. So it fell at that particular

angle and it's time for me to go. It really is.
And I've done much riskier things and survived. Kick you
strike me as somebody that would have these sorts of
irrational fears.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of, especially like Jason
bothering people so like I will type an email and
overthink an email for two weeks before I send it
to you. Really, Yeah, it's very sickening. I think it
was troubled from my internship. Secondly, I am scared about
when my dog, my dog, and I think he does
this to mess with me. When I'm in the shower
and I'm home alone, my dog goes on a barking spree,

Like he sprints through the hallway like sudden intruder is coming,
and he's just barking.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
I'm like, I'm about to die. Ye, what am I
gonna do?

Speaker 4 (29:44):

Speaker 5 (29:45):
If they're barking here in the sh it's over. There's
there's multiple people in my house place.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
It's a wrap wow barking and emailing. Yeah right, you
can hear the dog over the TikTok exactly.

Speaker 4 (29:56):
That's my distraction.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Okay, that's my distract. I'm surprised you're not concerned about
getting electrocuted for watching TikTok in the shower. But that
doesn't concern you at all. I have no concern about that,
which is crazy. Yeah, but the dog barking is a
big problem. Revolving doors. Revolving doors is a hard thing
for people. Paranoid is shark will attack me in the pool.

More than one person has said that your pool, what
why would it be there? Oh? I hate it from
the movies. I have a fear that a snake will
come out of the toilet and bite me while I'm
doing my business. That's a new fear ever since I
saw a TikTok about that. Yeah, a lot of people
are texting that they have concerns about asking people questions,
like they're bothering them. Yes, yeah, yeah, I hate it too.

But they're there, I mean oftentimes not if you're not
rude about it. They're there to answer your questions. That's
the purpose of some of these people.

Speaker 5 (30:47):
I think I also did those jobs, and I just
remember being so annoyed. I also didn't know what I
was doing, so like people came up to me and
I didn't know the answer, like it was just an inconvenience.
So I think that's always in my head too. It's
like they don't want to help me. They don't want
to talk to me like I'm fully aware.

Speaker 7 (31:01):
Of sometimes, like when I go to those stores like
a home depot, like and im I want to ask
my help, But I don't like I look like I
play like I'm lost, or like I play like like.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
I'm like searching it. So so someone comes to me
and ask me, hey, can I help you?

Speaker 11 (31:16):

Speaker 4 (31:17):

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Like a lot of you look like you're in distress,
like you as opposed to just assertively, I don't know
where I am? How did I wind up here? Now?
People think maybe you have dementia or something forty forty
eight like as opposed to just like if you're worried
about looking a certain kind of way, and then why
don't you just assertively approach them one and be like,
excuse me, pardon me? You start to bother you, where

is this located? So I can just go get it
and get the hell out of your life. I'm not
bothering them, They're coming the hell you make the Yeah,
I don't like. I don't like.

Speaker 7 (31:50):
I don't like calling for like to a place in
order like for or you know, like when we order
takeout or something like that.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
I hate let me do it.

Speaker 8 (31:57):
Yeah, just likely for a living. I was like, yeah,
but I don't want to talk to this person. They're
judging my order. Wow, I'm just insecure. I've never heard
of some of it.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
Hey, Maureen, Yeah, hi morning, good morning. My fear is
driving over bridges.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
A lot of people have this fear, like what the
bridge is going to collapse right when you're over it.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
I just feel like when I'm driving, I just want
to like drive off it.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
Really, do you roll your windows down when you go
over bridges? I know a lot of people do that
just in case.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
I always have.

Speaker 2 (32:35):
I always have the A C. But no, I'm just
so scared driving over bridges, like you're just gonna go
you know what, and then just take a hard ride
or something.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
Like right exactly, like wow, yeah, it's scary.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
Okay, all right, Maureen, Well yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
I love you.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
Anxiety valued okay, like I want you to Yeah, it's
anxiety producing. Okay, Hey, Maury, I love you. Okay, your
life matters, all right, Okay, I won't drive off blease.
Don't you're one of the thirteen. We only have thirteen.
I mean you know that kind. I'm sure other people
care to. Hey, Ryan, I was gonna say, I've been

at companies before where we have a shirt that says
I'm going to help you, So Ruffio and other people
as a.

Speaker 14 (33:21):
Customer can get a shirt that says hey, can you
help me and wear that so they.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
Don't have good idea. Okay, good I need help? Yeah,
I mean I should wear that shirt anyway, like just
on a daily basis. Just know me if I need help.
Yea excellent, thank you. I have a nice day. Driving
over a bridge terrifies me. Oh.

Speaker 7 (33:44):
You know what my other irrational fear of, like going
to like a Target or Walmart, is wearing the same
color of the employees, Like.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
You know you wear redding Cat that someone's gonna come
up to me. I think it's the name tag that
says Rufio on it.

Speaker 11 (33:59):

Speaker 2 (33:59):
Normally people we like a red shirt at Target or
even Khakis. Yeah, they'll be like, hey, do you work here?
I don't work here. Yeah, you're always in Khaki. I
don't think I've ever seen you wear Khaki's Life pizza
pad High Pizza Pad. Hey doing hey man, So this
is a new one. I've really never heard of so

many people concerned about asking for help places. But you
have a suggestion.

Speaker 9 (34:26):
I do so for Jason, strictly for home Depot. Download
the home Depot app. So whenever you go to home Depot,
you just search for what you're looking for, and it
will tell you what aisle, what shelf, and how many
they have.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
You'll never have to get store mode. Yeah, okay, thank you,
I'm gonna do that. Look at that. That's a game change.
Put on in the top pocket for you. All right,
thank you, Pizza pad. Yeah, I don't know. I mean
I feel like if I'm working at a place, I
mean I worked in retail. I feel you know, a
lot of people work in restaurants growing up or retailer both.

I worked in retail, And if I'm just standing there
bored as hell, I guess i'd rather you come over
and ask me. I'd certainly rather as an OCD person
who had to fold everything in that store and make
it look perfect, I would much rather you ask me
to get you whatever size you're looking for. And I
still do that to this day. I'll be like, hey,
you hi, I'm looking for you know, do you want
me to do this or do you want to do it?

And every single time they're like, I got it, what
do you want? Like a thirty four? They're like okay,
because everybody else just goes and opens all of them
up and folds it every shirt and then even to
this day and now I will say, I guess I
do have this irrational fear is it I try and
put it back the way that it was folded already
because I just and it never looks the same because
usually they use like a board. I have some you know,

proprietary method of folding. It never looks right. But I
always feel bad walking away from like a display that
I disrupted, because I do know somebody has to go
over there and fix it, and I feel like they'd
probably rather just do it for you so they don't
have to fix it again. But yeah, as far as
asking people for heal.

Speaker 4 (35:58):
It's a scary thing. Another one last thing that I'm
also scared of are plastic picnic chairs.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
Oh yeah, if you need.

Speaker 5 (36:06):
Chair in these time meet the labor ring. Burning need
no chair to break.

Speaker 2 (36:16):
Chairs. You guys don't want it. We don't want to
be there. Chair. We need metal or I'm standing the
old time. Okay, I got a hold. I had a
whole new list of things I didn't know. I was
more spread show, next.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Show is on.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
You know, it doesn't matter what kind of day I'm having.
I come in here and it's always a surprise. Never
really know, I never really know. I still don't know.
People are like, there's two questions I get all the time.
I get a lot of questions. They're they're similar, what

time do you wake up, what time you go to bed?
What do you get? How do you decide what to
talk about on the show? And the truth is I
used to have like a very regimented, rigid list of
like here's what we're doing. I would sit down and
write it all down and put on the computer, print
it out and the whole thing. Put it on the computer,
put it on the computer, put it on there, and
I was just it was like, this is what we're
gonna do today. And then we never did any of that.

So I stopped doing that, and now I just sort
of walk in with like a general idea of what
I think we're going to do, and then trust me,
that doesn't happen either. So I have a plan. It's
just how could you you know, how could you do
this show takes the left, it takes the right. I'm
sure it drives the suit's crazy. I know it does.
The consultants, you know, all the people with all their

rules about how to do everything. I don't follow any
of them. I don't know if that's good or bad.
I'm really not sure. But we're still here. So there's that,
and that reminds me to say, thanks for listening to
this crap, all thirteen of you. We appreciate you. On
the radio on the iHeart app anytime, search The Fred
Show on demand. Hi, Kaitlin, good morning, Jason Brown, Hello,
Rufio Hike SHOWBS versus Ryan four hundred bucks. It's a

tie five straight for shells. Intern Vena mean not Benjamin
is here. We get to blogs in just a second.
Turns out Jason is a wild man. Yes, he's one
with nature, apparently in ways I don't understand. Well, not
that covered a lot about me today, So figure out
waiting by the phone. It will shock you. We'll do

good news stories this hour and the entertainmer report. What's
coming up?

Speaker 3 (38:35):
K Well, Caitlin Clark made history again, which is pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
And Nicki Minaj's husband is begging to be able to
go on tour with her. I'll tell you why he cannot. Also,
these irrational fears keep coming, a lot of bridge fears.
Buying produce that rolled off the display and maybe someone
touched it and put it back. I mean, that's why
you watched the produce. Someone's touched all the produce. People
have touched it. If you're having hello irrational fear. When

I worked at a gym was pregnant women, I would
stress out if something would happen to them. That is
what I hate using large silverware. I don't need something
if the silverware is too big. I don't like full
size like tablespoons or like like you know how there's
like a littler spoon and a big huge like a spoon.
I don't like the big huge spoons. I think my

dad it was a dad. My dad doesn't like him either.
I don't know something about that. But I'll use a
big fork, like if I'm eating spaghetti or something. I
like a short fork always. Really you'd like a solid fork, yeah,
like for everything though, I don't like the long forks. See,
I don't like the big spoons. So there you go
tell them.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Yeah, I don't they talk better than they say about it?
These are the radio blogs on the Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
It's like we're writing in our diaries, except we stay
them a loud. We call them blogs. Jason Brown one
with Nature Bear Grill's over here, go ahead.

Speaker 1 (39:54):

Speaker 5 (39:54):
So I had a pretty crazy morning in regards to nature. So,
as Fred alluded to, we get up really early. So
I tried to get ready on like Kiki and not
wake my man up.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
That is the goal.

Speaker 5 (40:09):
We have finally reached a routine where I can leave
and he is still snoring and we are all good.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
Well, this morning it was pure chaos. So I let
the dog in and as.

Speaker 5 (40:20):
I was doing that, a giant moth flew into my
kitchen and was like buzzing around like like.

Speaker 2 (40:27):
Over the less buzzy. Yeah. Well, they like.

Speaker 5 (40:31):
You know, they like touch the stuff and they bounce
off stuff and it makes like a weird noise.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
So I was like, oh my god.

Speaker 5 (40:36):
So I had my crack out that reveal A bought
me and I'm trying to like throw the crock at
the moss. Right, I'm like, oh my god, he's gonna
kill me. So then finally he got himself into the light,
and I was like, oh, this is my chance. So
I sprayed some windecks in there. Dad, Right, okay, great,
We're good.

Speaker 2 (40:53):
And your life's talking doesn't work anymore yourself, but there's
no moths round my house got in my clothes, so
I'm like, okay, Well, in all the commotion I got ready.
I'm like, now I'm late.

Speaker 5 (41:04):
I gotta like get ready, walk out the door, lock
the door. I'm like, oh my god, I didn't pee,
like and I have to pee because I pee like
every thirty minutes and I have like a forty minute
drive to work, I'm gonna have to pee. So I
peed in the driveway before I got.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Into the second This is the second time this week
that I've heard about you peeing outside of your home.

Speaker 5 (41:27):
Why because I don't want to go back in because
if I open the door again, the dogs are gonna
bark and Mike is gonna wake up. The whole goal
of my morning is to not wake this man up
because I don't want to hear it.

Speaker 2 (41:39):
And if I knew, if I.

Speaker 5 (41:41):
Went back in, So I had to pee in the
driveway and I thought it was fine, and then I
look over and my neighbor is pulling out of the driveway.
He was in the car, but the car wasn't started
because if it was started, I would have noticed the headlight.
You're gonna get he was in his car, like a
public exposure to get arrested. We're going to show up,
like why why is this man exposing himself in his driveway?

And it's like, no, I'm peeing, but why are you peeing?

Speaker 2 (42:04):
That's your home, right thing. I do enjoy peeing outside, though,
sometimes what is it about that?

Speaker 4 (42:09):
I know somebody who with the rounder the bus that
lives with me, who does that all the time. And
I'm like, what is wrong with you?

Speaker 2 (42:16):
And your roommate does it piece outside to side?

Speaker 1 (42:19):
Like what wah?

Speaker 2 (42:20):

Speaker 4 (42:21):
And there's only two people in this house, so there's
always a bathroom available.

Speaker 2 (42:25):
Why do you It's like something in your mind, say
pee outside. I don't. I don't know. I don't have
to worry about aiming, and you know it makes me
uncomfortable when I'm outside. Oh I could pee anyway. Don't
you sit down when you pee? Though?

Speaker 5 (42:41):
When I'm in the house, yeah, because I want to
make sure I incorrectly. But I'm outside, I don't have
to worry about aiming, so I can just want to
hell know that mechanic. Mike, if you're listening, we need
the ring footage of this.

Speaker 10 (42:53):
I know you you don't have I do not.

Speaker 2 (42:58):
It's already in the community as don't report me. There's
a sex offender on the streets, keeps pulling stuff out
of the driveway, kids trying to get ready in the morning.
And here's here's mister Jason. He outside home.

Speaker 5 (43:15):
I understand, yo, yeah, so, I mean I do enjoy
safely outside sometimes, but today was necessity.

Speaker 2 (43:22):
Your man's gonna be a managing like what is his?
Why is this grass dying over here?

Speaker 10 (43:26):
The dogs?

Speaker 2 (43:27):
The dog dogs, the girls, these girls keep spot.

Speaker 13 (43:32):
I did.

Speaker 2 (43:33):
I don't know. Maybe maybe I'm not as manly as
I thought I was. I liked to pee in a restroom.
You don't know outside. Where am I going to be
out of the streets of the streets. There's nowhere, there's
no grass anywhere else. Man, No I go to the bathroom.
You don't like to be in a lake. You don't
like to pe outside. The thing about the lake I
don't One of the things I don't like about the
lake is you'll be on the lake and you'll be

in the boat driving around, and then the boat will
like stop and everybody jumps in the water at the
same time. Because everyone's peeing, everyone is on each other
at that moment. Yeah, do you pee in the shower, friend, No,
I there, thank you. In the shower, I pee, and
then I get in the shower and it's the same
drain you're lying. That's discussed. I swear to you. I

don't pay in the shower. Why right next to the shower.
I don't need to pee in the shower. Pean of
toilet doesn't because I already peed before I get in
the shower. I do all my business as much possible
business as I possibly can, and then I get in
the shower to make sure I'm perfectly clean when I
get out. No, I don't pee in a shower. You
repeat in the pool, of course. I pete in a pool.

Now that is you know, clear somewhere and you're peeing
in the pool. She already the lake in a lake together,
and then I pet on you too.

Speaker 10 (44:59):
The lake.

Speaker 2 (45:00):
This is why I don't take your late invitations anymore.
Everybody jumping together. I know what this is about. You
freaks and not you Jason ever been left waiting by
the phone. It's the Fredshell. Hey, Jad's good morning, welcome
to the show. How are you.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
I'm good to her?

Speaker 2 (45:17):
Are you dude? Okay? Man, what's going on with this woman? Noel?
In waiting by the phone? You think you may have
been ghosted? So we got to know how you mad
about any dates you've been on all that good stuff.

Speaker 14 (45:26):
Yeah, I met Nowel on Hinge and you know, pretty
much hit it off after flirting for a bit, and
I got her number after out, and you know, she
was all over me on the date, and you know,
it seemed like we're having the best time ever. And
now I'm just kind of scraped my head trying to

figure out why she's ghosting me.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
Wow, Okay, she was all over you, You say, okay,
all right, so you thought there was chemistry, the conversation
went well, you thought the date went great. You left
the date. You're like, there's no way I'm not going
to hear from this person again. She's you know, and
I assume you reached out, you texted, you, called whatever,
and she's not responding, right, Yeah.

Speaker 14 (46:07):
And you know, it all seemed like a plammed dunk.

Speaker 1 (46:10):

Speaker 2 (46:10):
Yeah, that's frustrating because you meet someone you're excited to,
you know, see where it goes, and you have the
opinion that everything was great and now you can't get
a hold of them and you want to know why.
And that's where we come in. We're gonna call Noel.
We're gonna ask these questions for you, and you'll be
on the phone at the same time. At some point
you're welcome to jump in and hopefully we can straighten
this whole thing out and set you guys up on
another date. You can go right back to you know,

great chemistry and all that stuff, and we'll pay for it. Okay,
that would be great. All right, I'm gonna play one
song and then we'll come back and call Noel. Hang on, Jacks,
all right, you've got to hear what happens next part
too of waiting met the phone after Tate mccradie will
do it in two minutes on The Frend Show Day
mc craig, the French Show on the radio and the
iHeart app anytime search for a Frend show on demand. Hey, Jacks,
all right, all right, let's call Noel. You guys, I

met on Hinge, the dating app, and you went on
a date. You thought the date went great, you said
the chemistry was good, the whole thing went great. And
except you've reached out to her sense then, and you
can't get a hold of her. She's not calling you back,
she's not texting you back. Nothing right, that's right?

Speaker 11 (47:09):

Speaker 2 (47:09):
Huh, all right, Well let's call nowell now and see
we can figure this out. Good luck, Jacks. Okay, Hello,
Hi isus Noel? Yes, Hi, Noel. My name is Fred.
I'm calling for the Fred's Show, the morning radio show,
and I do have to tell you that we are
on the radio right now, and I would need your

permission to continue with the call. Is it okay if
we chat for a second. Okay. I know it's kind
of startling, but thank you so much. We appreciate that
you can hang out any time. But we're calling on
behalf of a guy named Jacks who you met on Hinge.
I guess, and you guys recently went out. Do you
remember this person?

Speaker 11 (47:48):

Speaker 4 (47:48):

Speaker 2 (47:48):
Okay, So what happened? Because he called us and he
told us that he met you and found you attractive
and thought there was great chemistry and thought the date
went really well, and then he's reached out for another
date since then and you haven't responded. So why what happened?
Because he's a total liar. Why is he a liar?

Speaker 15 (48:07):
Well, okay, so on my profile I said that I
was like looking for a cowboy who.

Speaker 2 (48:13):
Lives in the city.

Speaker 15 (48:15):
And not only did he have like a really strong
Southern accent when we met, and he told me that
he grew up on a ranch in Texas.

Speaker 2 (48:24):
But you know, you get done with the date and
then you like kind of like stuck somebody online a
little bit.

Speaker 15 (48:29):
Well, I found social media of him, and not only
does he not have a Southern accent, there's actual videos
of him online talking without an accent, but he grew
up like a town over from me where there are
definitely no ranches.

Speaker 2 (48:46):
Wow. So this dude shows up and he's got like
belt buffalow and cowboy boots and an accent and the
whole thing. And it turns out that he's from, you know,
like a suburb. He doesn't he doesn't ride a horse. Okay, Well,
that's funny because we talked to him a second ago.
In fact, he's here. I forgot to mention that he's here.
I am so forgetful. I always leave that part out.
And he didn't have an accent at all when we

talked to him just a second ago. Where did the
accent come from? Jax? I know, y'all we're going to
put me on stop it, stop what I'm talking about?

Speaker 3 (49:24):

Speaker 2 (49:29):
Wait a minute, we signed a minute ago. You didn't
have any accent at all? Where did this come from?

Speaker 14 (49:37):
I was born in Texas, but I moved when I
was a toddler. But my second cousin has a ranch
and I visited it one Wait a.

Speaker 2 (49:45):
Minute, though, that whole accent, you put that on for
a whole day, the entire date. Yeah, yeah, okay, so
you okay, so you show up to this date wearing
wranglers with that accent, and you thought that that and
you've been to a farm one time, and you were
born in Texas, So that's all good enough. But were

you going to keep this up like forever? I mean,
at what point were you going to drop the accent?
I really thought about it. I mean, Fred was born
in Boston, Like imagine if he used that accent. Yeah, no,
I was born in Boston. I was once there. Yes,
when I was born. Yeah, I mean, dude, you couldn't
even keep the accent going. How how did you not

know that was fake?

Speaker 1 (50:30):

Speaker 2 (50:31):
I mean he couldn't even rose colored glasses. I guess
I don't know, Like I guess I took them in
a face value.

Speaker 15 (50:39):
But then, like I obviously my subconscious must have thought
something because I went online in stocked him.

Speaker 2 (50:45):
But okay, but well you he says you were into him.
He says you were like all over him. So does
that was the fake accent? What did it for you?
Or did you like him and find him attractive? Like,
I don't know, is there any chance of redemption? You're
a guy.

Speaker 14 (51:00):
Here from my accent?

Speaker 2 (51:02):
No, I don't know what was real. I want to
hear some more of this, Jack, Yes, gives give us
a little more of this, this high quality accent. I mean,
you know it.

Speaker 14 (51:13):
Comes natural because that's where I grew up.

Speaker 2 (51:18):
It's so bad, it's so bad. I don't know, man,
I don't know. No, Well, you couldn't possibly think that
was real. Well apparently I got duped. Okay, So but yeah,
no date, no date, because around these parts you wouldn't
know an accent if you heard one. Hey, Noel, what

are you doing this weekend? Let's go and I put
I put on my crap kicking boots, y'all, get me
some wranglers on we go riding my horse and something.
Pick them up trucks like that. Listen to some countries
in western music, y'all. Actually mine's better than his? Are
you kind of turned on? Noel? Hey, Fred went to

school in Texas. I did I horse? Did you forget?
I once saw a horse. I went to school in Texas.
I worved in Texas. The Harvard on the side. Your
accent comes and goes. You know what I'm saying. Well,
it's true though, you know, because sometimes when I think
about it, think about living in Dallas for a while.
Then he back, you know, y'all. Okay, No, I don't

even think I would start laughing like in the talk
to me like that, talk to me like that, Okay, y'all.
I wouldn't be able to do it, all right, No, Well,
do you want to give this guy another chance? Okay,
Jack's I don't know, man, you did your best, But
when were you planning to come clean, like on the
next day? Were you going to show up in the

same sort of thing, or were you going to finally
be like no, I was, I was messing with you. Hey,
I'm mess it, man.

Speaker 9 (52:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
I would have gone.

Speaker 14 (52:55):
I would have gone a good stretch, but I guess
I didn't could go that long.

Speaker 2 (53:01):
Okay yo, Yeah, I don't know. You haven't had much
to say over here.

Speaker 4 (53:05):
I'm speechless. Yeehaw, my brother, ye brother, thank you.

Speaker 2 (53:12):
For your time. Best elected both of you out there, y'all.
Mister the Entertainer Report and Ryan versus Shelley four hundred
bucks a tiebreaker in the show down. Both in the
next ten minutes The Fred Show, Back in tune, Caitlin's
Entertainer Report, and He's on the Bread Show.

Speaker 3 (53:27):
Wheeling Clark continues to break records. The basketball star skyrocketed
to the top of the merch charts after being selected
with the number one overall pick in the twenty four
w NBA Draft, earning the top selling jersey ever for
a draft pick, which is amazing.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
The former Iowa Hawkeyes baller.

Speaker 3 (53:46):
Was the obvious choice for the Indiana Fever on Monday,
and considering her historic run in college, no one was
surprised to hear her name called first.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
Decked out in Prada. She looked beautiful, I might add.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Right after Clark's big moment, Fanatics, the official online retailer
for the WNBA, was quick to offer pre orders for
her number twenty two jersey, and they rapidly sold out.

Speaker 2 (54:07):
In fact, her jersey, like I said, is the top.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
Selling draft pick across all sports in the company's history.
Andy was also really excited to officially welcome Caitlyn to
the team, and seventeen thousand Fever fans had a watch
party just to see the twenty two year old raise
her new jersey on TV. Of course, this record breaking
moment is just another one on her long list of accomplishments.

Accomplishments which includes becoming the top scorer in men and
women's college basketball history. And I just I love to
see it. I love what she's doing for women's sports
and it's amazing. And during an interview, she said, I
worked for this, and I earned this, and I deserve it.
And I said, hell, yeah, you get it. Yeah, I

love it, and true it's yes, and like own that
own that girlfriend, and I have one of her teachers.
In next hour, I'll talk about one of her teachers
what they had to say about her.

Speaker 2 (54:59):
In high Nicki.

Speaker 3 (55:00):
Minaj's husband, Kenneth Petty, is asking a court for permission
to travel out of the country so he can join
her on tour in Europe. According to new legal documents,
he said he isn't just looking to globe trot with
his wife for the fun of it. He says it's
necessary to join her on the European lag of her
Pink Friday to World tour for a bunch of reasons,
but mainly to provide childcare for their son. If you

did not know, mister Petty is currently serving a three
years probation for failing to register as a sex offender
in California. His probation officer says he has no problem
with it, but we'll see what a court has to
say about that.

Speaker 2 (55:35):
Katie Perry says Jelly Roll would make a.

Speaker 3 (55:38):
Good American idol replacement before her before she leaves the show.
She told E News that she fully supports jelly taking
her spot on next season of the ABC Show, especially
since he made a really big impression on her during
his recent guest appearance. In fact, she said she was
so impressed with Jelly Roll that she thinks he could
run for president and even become her pastor, which I

agree with the second part, Fred, I know you're a
big American idol consumer, big guys, the American idol guy.

Speaker 2 (56:06):
Yeah, I mean, first of all, I don't know how
the show is going to go on with that Katie Perry.
But anybody's better than Katy Perry.

Speaker 1 (56:12):

Speaker 2 (56:13):
First of I didn't know the show was still going on,
So I why you hosted? Yeah, well, no Dick Cheese does.
Why would you confuse trust me? We're very different. Yeah, well,
don't worry about it. It's fine, so good. Yeah, boy,
I don't know's I mean, I'll still DVR, right, but
I will have to see good Well, I mean we'll

have to see.

Speaker 3 (56:37):
We're to check out online today, you guys.

Speaker 2 (56:40):
Red Lobsters is at risk. We have to do something
about this.

Speaker 3 (56:46):
And Ariana Grande's Nona just became the oldest person to
chart and her with her little plaque is adorable.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
It's on Fred Shore radio dot com. All Right, game
show Wednesday, So we got a tie with Ryan and
the Showbiz Shelley Showdown that's in two minutes. Four hundred
bucks is the prize then, definitely gonna beat Jason Brown
in for Paulina, then Kiki Karaoke all on Game Show Wednesday.
Back in two minutes on the Fred Show.

Speaker 1 (57:14):
Good morning, It's the Fred Show. Do you have what
it takes to battle show biz? Shelley in the show
Biz showdown?

Speaker 2 (57:22):
Who Hello, Hi Showbiz? Hi, good morning? How you doing good?
I've been laughing at I've learned a lot about you
guys today. I had Jason outside. Yeah, do you ever
invite him over to the show bis, Shelley Castle, just don't.
You won't use the bathroom inside, You're just gonna in
the mud, right. Hey. I always stop at the nearest

gas station first and pee before I go to someone's
That's another thing that I can't. You guys were talking
about off the year, that you that you don't want
to walk in someone's home and have to pee right away.
You'll stop somewhere and pee first. I mean, I've never
heard of this stuff. Honestly, I'm a crazy human being.
I'm not mentally well oh okay, neither, There's no question

about it. And I'm mostly d and I have anxiety.
I have a lot of issues. Yeah, some man, these
things I've never thought of. So wow, I don't know
what that says.

Speaker 3 (58:13):
No, then not asking people thing earlier that blew my
mind too, that you guys don't like to ask people
stuff when you go to store.

Speaker 2 (58:20):
Well, I would rather ask somebody and get the hell
out of there than walk around looking like I'm lost,
And that makes me feel stupid. So I don't know.
It's just we have different perspectives. However, we have a
task at hand here. It's a tiebreak with Ryan. Good morning, Ryan, Hey,
what's up guys? Ryan? All right? Five questions against the
legend show Bis Shelley are pop culture expert. Her record

a very impressive eight seventy and fifty seven, five straight,
four hundred bucks is the prize? Good luck, guys? Awesome,
I'm right, good luck, good luck. With all due respects,
shall we get the hell out here? We go? Question
number one? Oh wait, I was about to do the
wrong questions I was about to do definitely gonna be
Jason Brown. Nope, I'm not Ryan, not for you. Britney
Spears's younger sister posted pictures with her daughter looking all

grown up at her high school prom. What is Britney's
younger sister's name? Three? Two Quan the Kansas City Chiefs
quarterback raved about Taylor Swift, calling her the most down
to earth person. Name the quarterback.

Speaker 9 (59:24):
Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
Henry Cavill and his girlfriend Natalie are expecting their first
child together. Which superhero is he best known for playing?

Speaker 1 (59:33):

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Katie Perry says he thinks Jelly Row would be a
good replacement for her when she leaves this reality competition
show one of my favorite shows ever.

Speaker 12 (59:43):
Did that?

Speaker 1 (59:45):
Three? Two?

Speaker 2 (59:47):

Speaker 1 (59:48):
Oh my god?

Speaker 2 (59:48):
How could you? How could you? Ryan? And Victoria Beckham
turns fifty today? What made her husband David famous besides
being hot?

Speaker 11 (01:00:00):

Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
All right, that's three. You got a three. That's all right.
Well see if it holds up. Not sure. I'm the
shell's back. He got a three. Okay, he got a three.
So let's see how this goes. Britney Spears's younger sister
posted pictures with her daughter looking all grown up at
her high school prom. What is Britney's younger sister's name,
Jamie Lynn? Yes. The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback raved about

Taylor Swift, calling her the most down to earth person
named the quarterback Keatchack Mahomes. Yes, Henry Cavill and his
girlfriend Natalie are expecting their first child together. Which superhero
is he best known for playing Superman? Yes. Katy Perry
said she thinks jelly Roll would be a good replacement
for her when she leaves this incredible, amazing, my favorite

reality competition show of all time. Yeah, American idol.

Speaker 1 (01:00:45):

Speaker 2 (01:00:46):
Yeah. And Victoria Beckham turns fifty today? What made her
husband David famous? Sucker? Ye, let's go. That's a five.
That's a win. Hey, Ryan, you did a great job yesterday.
At three is not a bad score, but you're gonna
have to say it. My name is Ryan. I got
showed up on a showdown. You know the rest of course.
My name is Ryan.

Speaker 3 (01:01:03):
I got showed up on the showdown by Shelley and
I can't hang with Dougal.

Speaker 1 (01:01:12):
That was good.

Speaker 4 (01:01:12):
That was not bad?

Speaker 2 (01:01:13):
You Ryan, can't hang with that called real? Fred k
bend it like Bickham? Wow, Fred, Okay, I'm not sure

if I'm gonna be all right after that one. Yeah,
that was a good one. It was wow. Okay, Ryan,
hang on one second, man, have a great day. Thanks
for listening. Than being part of the thirteen all right
Shells scene is actually, gentle bro, I can't. Jimmy Fallen

is my best friend, Jelly. Shelley's my best friend, justin
Timer Lakes, Jelly, he is Jimmy Fown. I can't believe pal.

Speaker 1 (01:02:06):
I can't believe.

Speaker 2 (01:02:07):
It's so crazy. I can't believe it. Shelley's here. Is
Shelley with the babies to get us? There's a Jimmy Fallen.
Let's go to sixteen now my favorite. I don't know what.

My impressions are terrible, but I think that I think
the jim Nants one is probably the best. Yeah, that's
a great one. Oh I love that one. Yeah, all right, Shell,
Well tomorrow on the show down around this time, four
hundred and fifty bucks will be the prize. Great, you
got a five today. Nice show A corner, Yes, amen, corner.

Let's let's head the Butler Cabin now, Butler, I think
I have Those are two locations where Jason P's outside. Yeah, well,
Butler cabins inside, so we know he wouldn't be There
might be some strange things that happened at Butler cab
in the rest of the go down. In there, I
want to tell you what. Yeah, okay, I was gonna say,

I don't know about this butler cabin. A bunch of
guys in green jackets heading there, and only certain people
are allowed, and hell yeah, only champions are all.

Speaker 7 (01:03:24):
They had the lost upstairs where the amateurs thing not
the law.

Speaker 2 (01:03:28):
Yeah, they make they make the amateur stay on the court.
Yeah I amateur. Yes, it's an amazing situation. Yeah, that's
what I mean. Five guys, it's a situation. You gotta
wear nothing but a green jacket and nothing else. How
much congratulations, here's your green jacket. I have to do
a bunch of weird stuff. Yes you do, I'm telling you, yes,

different reasons. Yeah, how much? Into sixteen? Now there's chasing
brown peing on one of the as aliens. That would
be me there. Look at that stream. That is a
long pee, long and powerful, no weak stream issues here,
Isn't that right? Dotty?

Speaker 9 (01:04:14):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (01:04:14):
I would have picked a different direction for the pee
because the wind is actually blowing the peed back on him.
The wind's coming from the east at about nine miles
an hour. I would have definitely picked a different angle
when that happens. Yeah, it's a regrettable mistake, is not doggy,
very unfortunate extremely unfortunate. I don't know how he was

able to make that mistake. He's gonna cost them, Jim
a couple of thousand dollars. Fine, right, his clothes are
all wet the rest of around that way, Donnie, do
you have any more pants for him?

Speaker 4 (01:04:54):

Speaker 2 (01:04:54):
I don't, Jim, that is unfortunate. All right, We're stupid,
Like really, I can't even believe that people listening that
the rest of the show. That'd be great. That's awesome.
The things that entertain, the things that tickles Shelley, I'll
tell you, I just never know, all right, Shelly, we
gotta go have a good day.

Speaker 1 (01:05:14):

Speaker 2 (01:05:15):
Four hundred and fifty bucks is the price tomorrow New
Player Good News Stories definitely gonna beat Jason brown Cake,
Carrie Hoke. We have a theme today. It's no text
paying artists and I'm not kidding you. That's nice.

Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
More Fresh show next, The Fresh Show is on.

Speaker 2 (01:05:35):
Holding everyone. Thank you so much for having us Son.
We love you thanks to being part of the thirteen.
On the radio, the iHeart app twenty four to seven,
you can listen live each morning and then listen back
if you miss anything. Fred Show on demand on the
iHeart app or wherever you listen to podcasts. Hi Kaitlin, Hi,
Jason Brown, Hike Goo Morning Shelby is intern be I

mean that Benjamin Good News Stories will do him in
just a second. I'm definitely gonna beat Jason Brown. You
are two and oh in the game filling in for Paulina.
Oh my god. Did you ever think I would have
a winning record? That's crazy. Finally it's not living up
to its name. No, it is not definitely gonna be
Jason Brown eight five, five, five, nine, one, one oh
three five. You'd like could take him on in the

five general knowledge trivia questions, but Jason made us very
proud two game win streak two and oh in the
game Kiki karaoke after that, I kid you. Not today's
theme no tax paying Artist? Why would we pick that
because she is a no tax paying artist? Oh, don't
say that. I'm gonna get better. You don't like tolls,
you don't like tax deadline. I just missed the deadline,

that's all. There's some gentlemen out there with bad does
it'd like to speak with you? Locked it up, not
mean I'm not going out. The trending story is fun.
Fact and the Entertainment report coming up? What are you
working on?

Speaker 3 (01:06:48):
K the very mysterious death of a super famous TikToker. Also,
Drake needs to be careful with his love of female
escorts because they're running their mouth about certain things.

Speaker 2 (01:06:58):
That's and you said, y yeah, kidding me.

Speaker 1 (01:07:03):
It feels good.

Speaker 2 (01:07:04):
I'm too cheap for that, yeah, you And you don't
even like a lap dance, not really, but it just
feels fake to me because it is fake. Right, But
you don't pay them for the sex, Kalen. You pay
them to go away, so when oh, when they're running
their mouth, they're not, man, it is not good. Okay,
this is what I've been told. Okay, good to You're
not paying for the sex, you're paying them to go
away for the discretion, got it? Yeah, but discretion here apparently?

So is it not good? These are not They are
not going to get five stars on Yelp these ones. No, Nope,
good news, happy story if we share them with you
every day, Kalin? What'd you find?

Speaker 4 (01:07:39):

Speaker 3 (01:07:39):
I read this fact from the doog clinic dot com
and it made my eyes a little wet. So it says,
have you ever wondered what it really means when your
dog puts his paw on you. It turns out it's
a sign of affection that translates into I love you.
Studies have shown feel good hormones such as oxytocin are
released in both human and dog during a nice little
petting session, and by putting their paw on you while

you're stroking them, they are extending contact to give you
affection back.

Speaker 2 (01:08:05):
Oh my god, I'm gonna cry. I know I did
cry when I read it here. That is so sweet.
Put my pawn. Oh thank you. Put your hands off
me pocket. Is that why you're always pawing me?

Speaker 3 (01:08:18):

Speaker 2 (01:08:18):
That's sweet. Thank you very much. So this is a
real story. It was caught on like a door camera,
like a ring or whatever. But it's a cop saying hello,
is you ordered groceries because your driver got arrested, so
we're delivering them for you.

Speaker 1 (01:08:32):

Speaker 2 (01:08:33):
The storymade national news. It happened in Florida, I guess
outside of Orlando on March twenty sixth. Two officers went
above and beyond to finish the job. The main guy
couldn't carry out, so the dude, the suspect, the driver,
the grocery driver was wanted on felony charges in a
couple of different states. Officers spotted his plate numbers, pulled
him over, confirmed his identity, but also saw that he

had a big delivery in the car. So, having finished
the protect part of the job, they switched over to
the serf part, which had a woman in the home
remarking that she would make sure that they got the tip.
But yeah, they brought her her groceries so that she
would have them. That's from a good news network. Yeah,
Defin's gonna be Jason Brown after Teddy Swims in two minutes.
We're playing Fred show.

Speaker 1 (01:09:13):
It's the Fresh Show. Do you have what it takes
to battle?

Speaker 2 (01:09:20):
You're definitely gonna be Jason Brown. I mean, except you're
probably not. She and oh in the game Jason Brown.
And for Paulina too straight. You've played two you've won too, wow,
And your challenging today is Tim? Hello? Tim?

Speaker 14 (01:09:34):

Speaker 2 (01:09:37):
Tim? Look alive? Brother Tim? How you doing? Bro? Where
you at?

Speaker 14 (01:09:43):
I'm hear me?

Speaker 2 (01:09:44):
Yes? Sign to pull up? Tim? Tell us all about you?

Speaker 4 (01:09:49):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:09:51):
Living dream? Yeah, Hey, that's what we're doing too, living
a dream. That's right. So I don't know what you
win the glory I supposed to be the first to
beat Jason in his game, as if feels in for
mothering Paulina. She's a mother who's I guess we're only
a couple of weeks away from her coming back now,
maybe three weeks away or something, which is very exciting.
We miss her deeply around if I was texting with
her this morning, I still have to go over and

meet the baby. You know, I'm not a big baby guy,
but I'm a big Paulina guy, So I'm gonna go
over there. All right. So it's five general knowledge questions
against Jason Brown. You guys, ready is good luck to
in with all due respect Jason, get the hell out,
Sai os me and migo mi rmano. All right, there

he goes in the sound of foof tim. Question number one,
what is the simple past tense of the word shrink?
W NBA player Caitlin Clark has broken the Jersey Shales
trails the Jersey Sales record as the top selling draft
pick of all time. What does w NBA stand for

Women's National About Agotiation? Once A, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese,
and Greta Gerwig all have in common? There what kind
of sauce is used for a traditional eggs benedict? What
kind of sauce is used for a traditional eggs benedict?

Speaker 3 (01:11:23):

Speaker 2 (01:11:25):
I don't know? And who wrote the play Hamlets? Three?
To play Hamlet two?

Speaker 1 (01:11:39):
Be big?

Speaker 2 (01:11:40):
Play? Guy? Are we taking the one? We'll give it
to them right? Three? The three people haven't shu Yeah,
I don't know if that's true. But two and three
will give to you. I guess so too. You get
a two? Here comes Jason. Please just get a two.
That's all you have to do is get it two
because the tie goes to Jason. I'm not actually sure
about the answer to number three, but whatever may not matter,

but anyway, here we go. Ready, yes, Jason? Question number one?
What is the simple past tense of the word shrink? Shrink? Shrink? No,
it's shrank, apparently shrank? Do you shrink it? Okay? Yeah,
I guess shrink. I guess it's shrank. Yeah. W NBA

player Caitlin Clark has broken the Jersey sales record as
the top selling draft pick of all time. What does
w NBA stand for Women's National Basketball Association? That is correct?
What to Quentin Tarantino Martin Scorsese and Greta Gerwig all

have in common. They are movie directors. They are directors,
he said, producers. I don't know about that anyway. You've
already won, so it doesn't matter what kind of sauce
is used for a traditional eggs Benedict. Oh, not a hope. No,
you don't use to hope for that. No, I was
thinking of horsehatish. I don't think that's it. Holidays, that's right,

that's right. And finally, who wrote the play Hamlet? It's
giving Hamlet is definitely how many play rights? You know? Zero?

Speaker 13 (01:13:22):
Actually think about Einstein? Emstein wrote, not Einstein, not Beethoven, Shakespeare, Gigspeare,
William Shakespeare. I thought he wrote like books. I didn't
know he wrote plays.

Speaker 2 (01:13:38):
They're in book form.

Speaker 9 (01:13:39):
Where do you think?

Speaker 2 (01:13:40):
Where do you think the places live? The plays are
in books?

Speaker 4 (01:13:43):

Speaker 2 (01:13:43):
Oh, okay, you should have said Tyler Pierry my man's Tim,
I'm sorry you didn't win today. That is a three straight,
three and oh and three straight for Jason Brown. Tim.
We love you though, thank you for listening. Thanks to Yeah,
stay right there, man, all right, see we want outright

so there's no controversy to hear. He's don't come from you, guys.
I just was trying to help our listener out. That's
definitely going to be Jason Brown, and it is not
definitely going to be Jason bretn at A. However, KICKI
Karaoke is next in game show Wednesday, and our theme
today no tax paying artists, and Kiki is one of
those no tax paying artists, So that's why that's our theme.
As we learned yesterday, she she thought that the tax

deadline was a suggestion. Oh god, and it's on what
is it on your to do list? Of f and extensions?
On my to do list? Today, I'm going to handle
business that might need to be at the top of
the to do list. I might recommend that you that
all the way at the top. Oh.

Speaker 10 (01:14:38):
I got a couple of videos to make for TikTok though.
We'll get to them all right, But five Kiki Karaoke.
All you have to do is tell us whether you
think she'll get the lyrics to the songs right or wrong.

Speaker 2 (01:14:49):
That's it. That's all you have to do. Eight five, five, five, nine,
one one oh three five You want to play call now,
we'll do it after mcguell in two minutes. Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time to play ki ki carry okay, all right, Uri,
he's your player today, Hi Uri, welcome. Hello, har you guys.

What's going on? Tell us about you everything? Please?

Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
Well, first of all, I'm gonna save you today because
I'm a tax reception.

Speaker 2 (01:15:21):
Oh pray, oh you are, yes there, I got you.
I'm gonna take care of you today. Are you winning?
You went to At the same time, whoa, You're gonna
make sure that those men out there in the in
cheap suits get out of here, please, they got badges
and everything.

Speaker 1 (01:15:38):
Help me.

Speaker 2 (01:15:39):
Oh my god, I was very scared for you. But
you're just gonna save the day A long long time.
I have a daughter that swits fortune.

Speaker 4 (01:15:45):
That's how far we go.

Speaker 2 (01:15:47):
Okay, look, she knows how to do it, so she's
gonna pay your taxes for you perfectly.

Speaker 1 (01:15:52):
I'm not gonna I'm just gonna I'll forget your taxes.

Speaker 2 (01:15:56):
Right, let's be clear, pam for you. But she gonna
make sure you don't go to jail. That's very nice
of you. No pressure, though, ury say seem in kiki
karaoke we love a theme around here is no tax
paying artists, because well, you're you're a taxpayer, Uri and
a tax preparer, but Kiki is neither of those things.
And so the first artist in our selection of our

selections today is a Shakira, a no tax paying artist,
and the song is called Whenever wherever do you think
that Kiki will get this song right or wrong? Uri?
When I stop it? It's that simple, I'm gonna I'm sorry,
but no, we're gonna got.

Speaker 10 (01:16:40):
For me.

Speaker 2 (01:16:44):
Dis Yeah, We're going to the liquor store and we're
gonna buy some chips and some dip and some diapers. Said,
she's saying, you will not get this right. Let's see. Okay, okay,
what's happening. I'm gonna give you a little more time.

So here we go. Okay, this is the easiest part.
No name, no name, no no no man, I am fit.

Speaker 4 (01:17:20):
Hell whatever whatever. Women to beatsa together. I will go
and pay my taxes when I get off work, to wonder,
I will always be right here.

Speaker 2 (01:17:36):
Uncle Sam my dear, that's surprisingly we know the security
insign because she will not pay your taxes afterward. She
doesn't know who Uncle Sam is.

Speaker 4 (01:17:49):
Women so beats so gather. No, that's my feel my deal.
It's the wonder. I will always keep it clean. That's
my debt.

Speaker 11 (01:18:05):
Mondy Over, have no idea what just happened? Making up words,
no idea what just happened. It was her not singing
the whole first half for me, and she's like.

Speaker 2 (01:18:22):
Okay, I'm so Uri, you got that right, because she
got that wrong. The next song and karaoke no no
tax Bang Artist is the theme of Fat Joe, What's Love?
What's Love? By Fat Joe? Will she get this right
or wrong? Uri? Let's go all She says, you're gonna

get it wrong.

Speaker 4 (01:18:47):
Young, She says you're.

Speaker 2 (01:18:50):
Gonna get it wrong. Here he does all?

Speaker 15 (01:18:52):

Speaker 2 (01:18:52):
Well sor now you're just adding that.

Speaker 1 (01:19:08):
Got to do what?

Speaker 2 (01:19:13):
Here we go let him know form the bay. I
don't go down baby. Want to chick with thick lips
and whips of hips? Something a rider, I'm a roller.
I'm a d roller. Okay right here squa Okay, that

didn't go well? Here another point for your Wow, who
knew man? That's come at your friend who was on fire? No,
no one's inside of anything.

Speaker 1 (01:20:06):
So hard.

Speaker 2 (01:20:10):
He's so gay. Comes what.

Speaker 4 (01:20:19):
I've got to do?

Speaker 1 (01:20:21):
Got to do?

Speaker 4 (01:20:23):
What you think if I performance with a text man,
he'll be.

Speaker 2 (01:20:27):
Like, if you say that one lyric. I think if
you claim you made any money singing that they might
let you off the hooks because they know that's true.
For all right, you're you already won. But the we
can go three for three the final song uh in
our KaraOK no tax paying artist? Theme today is jaw rule?

Favor always on time? Okay, job rule? Always on time?
Or would you prefer living it up?

Speaker 9 (01:20:55):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:20:56):
On time? All right, let's just be on time? All right?
Always on time texas? Today's less with your taxes? Eurie?
Will she get this right or wrong? You've done so
well so for I'm sorry, but not because you say something.

Speaker 4 (01:21:07):
But always on time?

Speaker 2 (01:21:08):
Next time she'll be on time to do her texes? Maybe, Yeah,
I'm a shock Yarie. No, I don't think. I don't
think you will actually, but yeah, always said when you
came always outside, you don't get the hook.

Speaker 4 (01:21:33):
Wait, but I'm always on time and I.

Speaker 2 (01:21:37):
Gave you yeah you hear it? Come out no time,
but I can't wait.

Speaker 4 (01:21:48):
Wait okay, okay, come on and get a piece of
this late night lover, you know the one that slink it's.

Speaker 1 (01:21:55):
Like no other. I got a lot of things.

Speaker 2 (01:21:57):
I need to explain it.

Speaker 1 (01:21:58):

Speaker 2 (01:21:59):
You know the game loves about pay Why she did
it one time? She did it one time? You're aren't you?
Brown up? I'm a husband, your He's gonna help well
your taxes apparently alight, you're you wining. Nice job, congratulations.

Hang on, we'll get your info in and Keky's gonna
call you today first thing and get these sexes handled. Okay,
I will, I'll wait for her, all right, you stay
right there?

Speaker 1 (01:22:36):

Speaker 2 (01:22:36):
Man, he nasty for this? All right, I'm not, but
I'm always and it just rolls off your t out
of there. No call, and I won't there. Oh, I

certainly can. Uh the entertainment of next after Noah Cohn
back in two minutes on The Fread Show. Caitlin's entertainment
report is on The fread Show. Have to start out
with some pretty sad news.

Speaker 3 (01:23:09):
TikTok star Kyle Marissa Roth, famous for talking about controversial
Hollywood blind items, has suddenly died after going missing.

Speaker 2 (01:23:17):
And by the way, a blind item, if you didn't know,
is essentially when.

Speaker 3 (01:23:20):
A story about a celebrity is released in great detail
without actually saying the name, so people can figure out
pretty much who it's about. But I think that's how
they get away with it. And if you have TikTok,
I'm sure you've seen Kyle. Her sister, Lindsey broke the
news Monday on our Instagram, saying her sister died sometime
last week, adding that a cause of death is not
known and that the family is still trying to process

the loss. She promised to keep everyone informed about any
planned memorials. And like I said, Kyle was really well
known on TikTok for beginning her clips with her signature catchphrase,
you want more, I'll give you more.

Speaker 1 (01:23:52):

Speaker 3 (01:23:53):
The reason people are talking about this is because she
gave really controversial hot takes about people like Diddy and
j Lo, and that resulted in one celebrity, who I'm
not gonna name because I don't want to get caught
up in it, getting her main account banned. And she
was just thirty six years old. So people are suspecting

foul play as of now. That's just hearsay, but that's
pretty much why everyone's talking about it.

Speaker 2 (01:24:21):
And I'm talking about those people. Don't we talking about
Boeing No No, I'm not talking about why now that happens.
You do you wind up?

Speaker 6 (01:24:28):
You know?

Speaker 15 (01:24:29):

Speaker 2 (01:24:29):
Yeah? And I mean I hope her family gets an
answer and gets some peace. But it's really tragic she
was so young.

Speaker 3 (01:24:35):
Joe Budden claims that the majority of info he gets
about Drake comes from women who provide escorting services to
the rich and famous.

Speaker 2 (01:24:43):
During a recent Interview or Excuse.

Speaker 3 (01:24:44):
Me episode on his podcast, Joe and his co host
were talking to DJ Academics, who accused him of hating
on Drake at various points throughout his career, and in
an attempt to clarify his seemingly he seems fixated on Drake,
he talks a lot about him. He that many of
his takes are the result of word of mouth from
lady escorts. He said, I think most of my Drake

intel today comes from my love of escorts. I'm not
trying to be funny. The escorts just always know. The
escorts are ground level to it all. The escorts are
the CIA of the subway system. Okay, wow, So they
also better be careful those escorts because I'm sure they
signed something. But they're talking to Joe, and he loves
an escort. You know, so be careful out there.

Speaker 2 (01:25:28):
I guess so. I thought the whole we were talking
about this joking around, but I thought the whole point,
or one of the whole points. Was it the discretion, right,
like you paid them and then they don't talk. I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:25:38):
It doesn't sound Caitlin Clark has always played basketball, of course,
but even our own high school coach, Kristin Meyer, said
she never saw this level of stardom coming, saying, I
can't say that I predicted this. Now, she obviously knew
she was special, but the number one college women's basketball
player had you know, she had the point guard, you know,

running up and down the hallways and the court obviously
of Dowling Catholic High School in wester.

Speaker 2 (01:26:04):
And Moines, Iowa.

Speaker 3 (01:26:04):
But she said this level of success and especially this
level of fame that she's achieved, no one could have
predicted it. Obviously, she's very proud. But she also said
that she almost went to Iowa State or Notre Dame
before landing on the Hawkeyes. And she just said, we're
proud of you, and we're excited, excited to see what
you accomplished.

Speaker 2 (01:26:21):
Wanting to go to a Yukon, which is a huge
women's basketball school. And you kind didn't even look at her.
Where's Yukon, Connecticut? But that's good, not Conorado. Not Conorado.

Speaker 3 (01:26:32):
No, it certainly isn't right, so she almost didn't even
go there. I'm wanting to check out online today, you guys.
I have a new cause that we all need to
get behind. It's saving Red Lobster. Okay, yes, maybe Fredshow Radio.
Red Lobster's got problems.

Speaker 2 (01:26:44):
Mascots make more than Caitlyn Clark's going to make for
her entire rookie contract. The Department of Justice is going
after Live Nation. All you Taylor Swift fans. You helped
make it happen. O. J. Simpson did not die with
millions and Goldman and the Brown families are not going
to get paid. Yes, Red Lobster has filed for Chapter
eleven bankruptcy and reorganization. We must protect them at all costs.

They must. And Jimmy John is trending today offering a
deliciously dope dime bag, which is a little misnamed for
ten dollars in April twentieth, which of course for twenty
wheat smokers, not coke. Snorters, but wheat smokers, so a
different day, different thing. Yeah, everyone knows that the promotion
comes with everything someone needs to celebrate on Saturday, including

a hand slice smoke ham and provoloon cheese sandwich top
with halipano ranch, extra oregano, basil slice, pickles, crispy Holopanio's
and fresh slice lettuce and tomato, alongside of Jimmy John's pickles,
spear and a fudge chocolate brownie and Jimmy Chips for
ten bucks on for twenty, the deliciously dope dime bag
could be yours. Now Here's I got a fun fact

for you guys. Next, and this is for the for
the movie goers out there where on earth is Rufio
to confirm her tonight. But I have never I didn't
know this. I never paid attention to this. But this
might be mind blowing to you. And the fun fact
and we'll do it next.

Speaker 1 (01:28:07):
More Fred Show next right here, the fread show is
on Friend's fun fact.

Speaker 2 (01:28:20):
Learn so much, guys, guys, guys, guys, the movie fight Club,
You know the movie Fight Club? Yeah? Did you know?
I didn't know this, But in every single scene of
Fight Club, apparently there's a Starbucks coffee cup. We did
not know that in every single scene of the movie
Fight Club there is a Starbucks coffee cup. According to

one source, I never noticed that.

Speaker 4 (01:28:45):
Now I gotta go watch it and count.

Speaker 2 (01:28:49):
You can't count. I need to know how many. Well
every scene it should be one, so you want you know, crazy, Yeah,
in every scene of the movie Fight Club there is
a Starbucks coffee cup. Wonder if they paid for it,
I was just gonna say, or if it's just like
they just did it to be cute. I don't know.
That's a very good question. But the more you know more.

Speaker 1 (01:29:07):
Fread Show next, You've got to wait. Fread Show is
on now, hotest morning.

Speaker 2 (01:29:18):
Show, Good Morning everybody, Wednesday, well seventeenth, the French Show
is not Hi kayl Good morning Hello, Jason Brown, Hi Kiki.
Showbiz is here in turn. Benjamin Benjamin Tomorrow on the
show Throwback throw Down named that tune Daddle Waiting by
the Phone from the vault four hundred and fifty bucks
SHOWBI is Shelley one thousand bucks every hour Tomorrow. Lots

of things on the show, And if you missed a
new Waiting met the Phone brand new that is three
minutes away, and also on the iHeart App as well,
search for a friend show on demand, the Entertainment Report
after that, what's in their.

Speaker 3 (01:29:50):
K The singer's husband who wants to go on tour
with her out of the country, but camp because he's
a sex offender.

Speaker 2 (01:29:58):
Oh well tell you I hate it when that happens.
That's coming up Fred Show, Taylor, It's the Fred Show.
Thank you so much for having us on today. We
love you, We appreciate you. The iHeart App is where
to go for anything you may have missed on the
show today. Let's see new waiting metaphone this morning Game
show Wednesday, So Kiki karaoke and definitely gonna beat Paula
or Jason Brown. Ye. Pauline of course out for a
couple more weeks with baby Gabriella. So we did that today.

We did fun fact, we did a bunch of entertainer reports,
Showbiz Shelley and a tiebreaker this morning. So lots of
stuff to catch up. One on the iHeart app. Also
the Tangent Are Off Air Uncentered podcast, a ton of
those up there as well for your listening pleasure. Tomorrow
on the show. Still paying bills, we got two thousand
bucks every hour. We got four hundred and fifty bucks
with Showbiz Shelley the throwback throwdowns on tomorrow morning waiting

metaphone from the vault. Fred's version is on tomorrow, So
lots of stuff to have on the program tomorrow and
your way to work or school or whatever you're doing.
So the iHeartRadio app. Search for the Fred Show, fredshowradio
dot com, fred Show Radio on Instagram, give us a
like AI and pound the light smash the light button.
Yes on there the fread Show TikTok. Also on YouTube,

Search for the Fred Show. I think I covered everything?
Did I miss anything? We got? You know? Happy with that?
Did I crush it? Yes, ma'am? You get that at
ten out of ten? Twelve out of ten? Oh a
twelve out of ten. Yeah that's exciting. So yeah, we'll
see tomorrow. I have a great day, Bye, guys,

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