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April 19, 2024 67 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Fresh Show is on. Of course I had a
big yawn right before we started, like righteous then big Yon,
big stretchy girl. The Fred Show is on. Good morning.
It is Friday, April nineteenth. Hi Caitlin Morning, Hi Jason Brown, Hello, Rufi,
Hi Kiki, good morning. You look a little tired from

your Taylor Swift listing party, had.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
All and I have been up all night? Yeah, it
is just so hard. This is this new Swifty life
that I've stepped into.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
No, Kiki, what's your favorite of all the songs that
come out a lot of them?

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Well, there's a song where she actually drags Kim k
and that is the one, and then Alchemy.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Okay, okay, that was those for real answers. Actually, wow,
I thought for sure you had no idea, but the
thug life shows me I didn't you know? This life
is different. Whatever you've been talking to, Ben, I mean,
who's been up on listening to it? Every single song
over and over again? Guys. Yes, Taylor Swift new album

got songs all morning, as if you haven't been up
all night listening to it.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Here's a song you did with her friend that I
really love.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Which one's that? Call? I don't know. It's on our instagram.
Some song you guys put out? Yeah, I mean we
She and I have done a few things in the lab.
I wasn't sure which one she was gonna use.

Speaker 3 (01:22):

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Yeah, the cover art is crazy, so you did not
wait a minute, wait there's cover I didn't I didn't
ready to partners so wild. I didn't realize that she
was going to use cover art yea man with me
on it of the songs that are called Fred Knight.

I mean I tried, she didn't go for it. But
you know, Taylor gets her way every time. It's like
hands you never look carefully? What did big.

Speaker 2 (02:02):

Speaker 1 (02:03):
I mean whatever? Taylor always has to pick the picture
that makes her look the best.

Speaker 4 (02:09):
You know, yeah, you're faddy and hennahy.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
She wants to be big Spoon too all the time.
It's like, damn it, Taylor, who always had to have
your way? Hey, big head? Wow follow our instagram. Wow,
that's wild. Fred Show Radio. I had no idea that
that picture was going to be released. They leaved the
song last night Blogs, This Hour, Trending Stories, Headline to

Start Your Friday, and the Entertainmer Report. What are you
working on?

Speaker 5 (02:39):

Speaker 4 (02:40):
We are talking new Taylor Swift, new Beyonce, a lost
super Bowl ring, and I'll give you guys some things
to watch.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
All right, Here's Taylor, Hi for Moddy, good morny. Here's Taylor.
I'm a DJ.

Speaker 3 (02:50):

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Taylor and post Malone called Fortnite off the new album
Fred's Show, Taylor post Malone Fortnite. I kind of like
this moody, broody, moody, broody, tooty, fresh of fruity. I
kind of like it. I kind of like it. Yeah,
I love that. That could have been you. You could
that that auto tune was working. Honestly, I'm like, where's
the host? Where is he on it? It's like, oh,
you help write it? Okay, cool, but like, where is

he he's on there is? I could have been me,
should have been. I was the third writer on that time.
No one told me I could have had a feature
fresh show. This is what's trending. I was the one
who said the guys called Fortnite. I was in the
corner going, guys, fortnite whatever. It's fine. Taylor Swift not

drop dropped not one, but two albums last night. Guys.
This is why, guys, I've been saying it. She hates you,
she hates us, she hates all the Swifties. She released
two albums last night. But Youki pointed this out Thursday
into Friday at midnight. Let me ruin all of your fridays.

Like most people have to work, most people aren't billionaires.
But no, let's do it at midnight on a Thursday,
so that everybody can stay up all night. That's how
album drops work. Bro Well, I would steal you. You
could do it. You could do it on a Friday.
You could do it on a Saturday at midnight when
everyone else didn't have to wake up the next day.
Look at this, play the whole album, you cowards. Let's

just do it white textan in that early. Honestly, I
could just stay it to my face. You want to
do it, I will do anything better than as well. Wow, okay,
I mean that's not a lie. That's not a lie
at all. Actually, well, I would do it. Do we
have the whole album broken out?

Speaker 6 (04:39):

Speaker 1 (04:39):
As just the album? Like, how many and how many
of the songs do we have? I don't know how many?
How many songs are on that album?

Speaker 7 (04:45):
Sixteen the original and I think we played we played
it all at eleven o'clock last night.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
But I don't know if that means that we have it, Roofie,
I need you to find if we have all of them, Yeah,
like in one area where I can drag them over. Okah,
my god, I'm glad I came to work.

Speaker 5 (04:58):
I might do it.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
I don't care. I don't care. I don't give a hell.
I don't give a hell. Play a whole album, you cowards.
That's my favorite text from a Detroit area code. This
is wild. Can just say it to my face next time.
Used to text the radio station. Yeah, but she hates
all of us and I'm a swiftie, but I mean
this is this is very mean. Many of you are
very tired in groggy today. There's not gonna be much

productivity in the world today because of Taylor Swift. But
not one, but two albums. The first one was at midnight,
the second one was a surprise at two am. Right,
that was all the twos we kept seeing. Okay, oh wow,
what was the second album? What was the other one?
It's just a double album.

Speaker 4 (05:34):
Yeah, she at eleventh Central midnight dropped the one and
then at two am.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
After you listen to that whole first, She's got it right.
This is what I mean. Okay, did you listen to
every song?

Speaker 8 (05:51):

Speaker 1 (05:51):
I haven't gotten through every song. I stayed up.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
I was a half hour out from the first album
dropping woke up with a plate of food in my hand.
I'm like, damn, I missed it. And then I looked
at my phone. I'm like, damn it. She did it
again and I fell back asleep to it. But I
have not gotten through it.

Speaker 3 (06:06):

Speaker 1 (06:06):
So that's why she wants you to play the whole
album coward right right, Well, you can find that coward
over there and needs to find all the songs for me.
And I'm looking, what am I going to have to
do like on YouTube and stream of like playing right off?
And I don't know. I don't care.

Speaker 7 (06:22):
She's going to make you buy them and then play
them to get just one more show.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
She texted me. She's like, if you want all the album,
you up to buy another sweatshirt to idiot. I actually
like that sweatshirt. But anyway, Yeah, and you got a
little sweater on today too, Taylor Swift sweater. Yae's ready
to go. It's a big deal. Is that what you
guys say? In the South. I'm uh, you guys, well
you live there. I certainly did, y'all. I love this though.

I love the excitement around that. Did she? I mean
it's also smart. It really is the whole thing. She's
so damn smart. Yeah. She has her career planned out
three years ahead always. Oh really all right, So I
wonder when she is going to marry Travis Problad. She
knows exactly when that's gonna happen, but she's probably gonna
tell him. So, hey, just the heads up about eighteen
months from now we're getting married, just so you know. Yeah,

and then and then I'll let you know we're getting divorced.
I have she hasn't gotten that far along.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
Yeah, but she talked about doing the Era's tour with
a broken heart, which I thought was like interesting because
you can't obviously tell when she's on stage.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
Oh, that would be really hard from Joe. Really. Oh
she got a song on here called so Long London.
Oh yeah, it's Tract Five's the status? Yeah, interesting, it's
always the statut. So did he break up with her then? I,
honestly I can't tell.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
I think they were just fighting a lot and it
just had run its course from what I I mean,
what do you think, Jason?

Speaker 7 (07:42):
Yeah, I think she alludes to him having like some
like addiction problems, mental health problems, and it sort of
like drove a wedge between them, and then.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
She kind of just got sick of that. And she's
got a song on here about your two friend. What's
it called the Smallest Man who Ever Lived? A podet. Wow,
you told me just a couple of days ago, you
were you were the one. You were the one promoting
how I'm swinging.

Speaker 2 (08:09):

Speaker 1 (08:10):
Always the only one on this show who is persistent
about what you believe I have going on? Is you?
I love you? The smallest man that ever lived.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
There's also a lot about Maddy Healy, which is very shocking.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Yeah, that's so kind of the one we just played
kind of gave nineteen seventy five to a little bit
like broody moody, broodie moody, fresh of fruity twoty.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
I think that song's about him because I loved you
for only a fortnight, a couple of weeks.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Yeah. Well, and here's the other thing too, is is
if you're listening to the Tangent, you know that I
went out on a couple dates with that woman who
was just so petrified that I was going to talk
about her on the radio, which I never did because
there was nothing to talk about except Taylor Swift can
write entire albums about people, and it's an honor in
some ways, and people people buy millions of copies of it,

billions of copies of it. So it's your art, it
is my art, That's what I mean. Like, if Taylor
can do it, then I can do it. And she
goes in on people too. I mean she like, you know,
look at this. I mean, allegedly, this dude had a
bunch of problems that we didn't know about. We know
the inside of the relationship and all kinds of stuff,
and people do give her a hard time for it,
but not her fans. She also takes accountability.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
She's like, I realized once I healed that a lot
of it was my fault.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
So you know, well, I can't be responsible for the
demise of a relationship that lasted two days. So this
is about a person who was upset that I would
talk about them on the radio when I never did
a Fortnite It was it was sadly, it was just
very unfortunate Taylor Swift new album, and we're gonna play
I've decided, I mean, we've made the executive decision. We're
gonna play many of the sungs as Rufio can find.

The only one we don't have is the bolter on
that one's new. Okay, well, we'll make sure we got
the one about me the smallest man in the roomallest
man who ever lived in the room. Alchemy is on
there with that is my favorite. I think I love
this so much. I put that one. I want to

hear that one, which one Alchemy?

Speaker 2 (10:11):
When you hear those randomly, well, TikTok told me to
go listen to the Kim Kardashian distray. She turr like
j Cole and Kendrick lamartis is no Taylor has Yes,
yes she is wants all the smoke with Kim Kardashian.
And then the Alchemy track. I think that is a
great song. Okay, I'm the only two I listened to.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
But now we're gonna get nothing done here all day
because we're gonna pay Taylor Swift songs and then everyone's
gonna sit here and listen to all the words, so
there'll be no discussing anything. Yeah, were real all day.
All right, let me get through the rest of these
trending stories and we'll get to the matters at hand,
which is playing Taylor Swift songs all morning. The FAA
has investigated another near miss. This one was really scary.
The FAA is looking into it at Ronald Reagan Washington

National Airport outside of DC. It happened yesterday when a
Southwest Airlines plane was cleared across a runway and a
Jet Blue flight was forced to abort take off on
that runway. The air traffic controller yelled at both pilots
to stop. It sounded like it was ATC's fault. The
plans are reportedly only three hundred feet away from each other,
which these stories are happening all the time. I don't
know if it's the availability of the audio online, you know,

because most all of the air traffic control frequencies are
like streaming in some form or being recorded. So I
don't know if this has been happening. I mean, I'm
a pilot. I can't honestly say I've heard very many
of these sorts of things happen like. It's not like
I hear it every time I go flying or something.
But I mean, I feel like we're doing one of
these stories a week, and so I don't know if
it's really truly happening more often or if we're just

uncovering that it's happening more often. But anyway, that's really scary.
The safest airline in the US happens to me Kiki's
favorite y The safest airline used, the cheapest but not
the best. Overall. Spirit Airlines has been ranked by wallet
hub the safest airline and the most affordable YEP. This
is based on a bunch of different categories thirteen metrics, cost, delays, cancelations, injuries,

entertainment options in legroom. I think the thing about Spirit is,
you know, you just expect to get injured. You just,
I mean, it is what it is. They can throw
you in there and go, you know it, just no
one expects anything more. So the title says we're the safest, So.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
So now we're about to save How put some respect
on Spirit Airlines?

Speaker 1 (12:17):
Okay, thank you? Well they have they fly air buses,
so there's no you know, the bolts and doors aren't
falling off, so there's that. But Alaska is number one
on the list. Sky West, a regional airline that serves
a bunch of different airlines, Spirit Delta, United Jet, Blue, Hawaiian,
American Frontier in Southwest the top ten airlines according to
wallet hubs. So, if you've been taking ozempic, apparently this

weight loss drug has led to unexpected pregnancies. There's been
a rise in stories about ozempic babies, where women who
use drugs like ozempic report unexpected pregnancy. Obesity effects the
fine tuned hormonal balance that regulates the mentrual cycle. Women
with a body mass index above twenty seven are three
times more likely than women in the normal weight range

to be unable to conceive because they're less likely to ovulate.
Women with type two diabetes are more likely than other
women to have obesity and to experience fertility difficulties and miscarriage.
As weight loss can improve menstrual irregularities, it may also
increase the chance of pregnancy in women with obesity, which
is why weight loss and metabolic improvement are the most

likely reasons why women who use ozembic report unexpected pregnancies. So,
if you're take in his stuff and you're starting to
look snatched and now everybody wants some well, I don't
know whoever, whomever. If somebody wants some, then you got
to watch out. What that was our girl who's on
maternity leave right now, Paulina, You think that's why she
got pregnant, she says, she she was on another brand,

whatever it was. I don't realize shed and she said that.
She said that was the reason. She says, that's the
reason why she got pregnant because she didn't know that
the liberal that it did that. Huh. I don't know.
Maybe she look at that. She's a scientist over here.
She said that might probably laugh like avocado toastin the
Pacticee invents a uber and then turned out year was
actually right. Netflix's decision to crack down on password sharing

was a smart one for the streaming company. Pissed a
lot of people off because they had to pay for it, though,
but they've added a ton of subscribers in the first
quarter looks like almost ten million, an increase of more
than five times what it added during the first quarter
of last year, and its strongest number of first quarter
subscriber editions since the COVID pandemic began. So they're making
their money, and two hunters have become It sounds like

a Bes story, but I don't think it is become
the first Americans to die from zombie dear disease. What
now here's something you didn't know you had to worry
about today. Zombie deer disease grim news from researchers. Two
hunters died in twenty twenty two have been determined to
have died from chronic wasting disease, which has previously only
been found in deer. The zombie deer disease is one

hundred percent fatal and leaves deer confused, drooling, and unafraid
of humans. The study of two men who died years
ago seems to indicate that they died from eating contaminated venison.
One of the victims, a seventy two year old man,
suffered rapid onset, confusion and aggression, and Caesar's seizures and
died within a month. The findings of the research, which
were published last week in the journal Neurology, which I

subscribe to and read cover to cover, say that it's
not conclusively proven that it killed the two men. There
have been warnings for years that the disease could jump
from dear to human to some point. But zombie dear
disease is the thing we have to think about now.
National clean Out your Medicine can in the Day is today.
National North Dakota Day, National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day

is today as well, all right. And Shelley's anniversary, Oh
that's right. You sent me a new list and I
didn't have it. Shelley's anniversary of working at the Winning
Team six years? Did we say, yes, six years? Well,
have to talk to her later. But it's a famous
story about showbiz, Shelley leaving the other station, coming over here.
I see nothing wrong, and we're all in a conference

room and in walks showbiz. Her first introduction to the
morning show, where it was ten of us just sitting
at the table. And what does Rufio say the first thing?
Not hello, not welcome, not a hug. What do you
say to her? I say, how does it feel to
be on the winning Team? Did she almost cry? Yes,
you almost made her cry? What cheers of joy? At

the time, I don't think they were joy, but now
maybe they are, hopefully they are now. But I remembered
looking at you like you're dirty over there, well they did,
but you don't say that they did. You're right, they did,
and we did her clean clean, We made it right, okay,

and look what happened. Things got even better for us
thanks to the addition of these show. The legendary show
was Shelley. But I remember just cringing when I'm like,
oh my god, cause the look on her face. I
thought she was gonna like she hadn't even been in
the building for five minutes. I thought she was gonna
start crying. Yeah, it was a little much. Is that
my dual leave a moment? I mean, all of us crime.

I'm gonna the smallest man, the smallest man on the
planet or whatever over here lived Taylor the Alchemy Fred Show.
Taylor called the Alchemy on The Fred Show. So you
look at this, you can't win. I got a bunch
of people saying, you know, play Taylor all day and
then someone else goes, isn't there something else to talk about?

I'll use Pandora? What whoa? You remember your He's gonna
get on my Space to report is on the Fresh
Prodigy Fred. You're never gonna please them all, you know, no,

you never. You're exactly right, So I think today, the
wind is whatever makes Caitlyn and Jason abby. I think
I think that's the win today. And if I have
to sacrifice every all the other.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
Thirteen in five, listen, if o Marion drops a double
album at midnight, I will support playing it double album.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
It's like, now, let's not jump out the.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
Like if it's when it's your guys' day, we'll be
happy to celebrate you.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Just yeah, one little day. That was a bad example.
But I mean, yeah, in general, you're right, hey.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
Boy meets Girl and whatever the hell you're into Evan
and Jared what they're.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Going to re release waiting for a startuple. I don't
even think I would do that to anyone. This is
a calculated uh, the little experiment here. You really can't
lose with most people for playing Taylor Swift.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
Yes, I mean it's probably the biggest thing that happened today.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
It's an event, right, it's an event. It's a moment
of all time.

Speaker 4 (18:47):
I don't know, so of course we are going to
talk about it again. So sorry to Mema on the
text line, But Taylor Swift released her eleven studio album
at the Torture Poets Department at midnight eleventh Central and
she's a sick oh because then at two am she
released more music. Yes, it is a double album. That
was all the twos we kept seeing. The song we
just played. The Alchemy is very much about mister Travis Kelsey.

She talks about a whole bunch of people on the album,
but the lyrics are so when I touched down all
that matters. Call the amateurs and cut them from the team.
Ditch the clowns, get the crown. Baby, I'm the one
to beat because a sign on your heart said is
still reserved for me. Later she says, where's the trophy?
He just comes running over to me, A bar, a bar.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
I told you. Yeah, she's the greatest rapper of all time.

Speaker 4 (19:37):
She also talks about Maddy Heally, like I mentioned earlier,
she talks about Joe Alwyn.

Speaker 1 (19:42):
She talks about Carter a little bit. So I think
it's a no skipt double album. Jason anything else. You
would love to add Mike.

Speaker 7 (19:50):
Too, And she did her big one. She has a
gay anthem on there. I can do it with a
broken heart. It's giving Robin dancing second yeah wells or whatever? Yeah,
Robin dancing on my own Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, okay,
all right.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
It's a song that you cry and dance too, you know,
like in Roscos You're sad but you're dancing. But and
that is the one about doing the Arastur with a
broken heart. Speaking of Travis Kelcey Jason, his brother lost.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
His Super Bowl ring.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
It is still missing after he put it in a
damn pool of chili during that live podcast event with
his brother.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
He's always doing weird stuff like this, I swear.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
Remember they were at the University of Cincinnati on April
eleventh and they did the Lombaby Games, which is a
New Heights themed tournament, including a chili pool game where
people had to find his real Super Bowl ring in
a sock because he mixed up a bunch of fake
ones and then the one real one which he got
in twenty eighteen. And the game came about because he

kept losing his ring, and then he lost his ring
during the game. His team says they still can't find it.
They don't know if it never made it in the
sock they sifted through the chili.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
We got to get him a job, he got to
get some Yeah, this is not the best use of
his time.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
You're right, yeah, I don't know, some college kids out
there with Super Bowl ring.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
Yeah, I mean like probably because yeah, I don't know
where it went. And his team went through the whole chili,
which can you imagine that was a fun day at
work for them, but they did not find it, so
he lost it. Big Sean has been announced as the
official headliner for the bud Light NFL Draft Concert series
when the Draft comes to Detroit next week from April
twenty fifth to the twenty seventh. Seandan is that to

perform ahead of Round one of the NFL Draft next Thursday,
April twenty fifth. He is going to take the Draft
theater stage around six fifteen pm Eastern Time to warm
up the audience.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
Jason, are you gonna be on the red carpet covering that?

Speaker 8 (21:44):

Speaker 1 (21:45):
I mean I should be, yea.

Speaker 3 (21:46):

Speaker 1 (21:46):
Who you're thinking is the Bears will take as the
number one draft pick Brian Brian Bryan, Yeah yeah, Brian Yeah.

Speaker 7 (21:55):
Yeah right, Uh, there's no you know, he's the Caitlyn
Clark of Brian.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Is what position is Brian play? Brian is the fast end.
He's the fast end. So Brian the fast ends going
number one, he's the runner I got it. It's exciting.

Speaker 5 (22:10):

Speaker 1 (22:11):
Who else are you excited to see get drafted in
the NFL draft next week? Ed?

Speaker 7 (22:15):
Ed, Yeah, a lot of talk about him in the streets.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
You know, you're on a first same basis with all
these Brian and them to me, you know, that's fantastic.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
Asking what team do I go with?

Speaker 4 (22:29):
I was like, you know, well, they don't get to
pick their teaming.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
You which team should I go with? What you tell them?
What team? Have you been telling them? Yours? That's how
the draft works. No, No, my god, that doesn't seem
fair right.

Speaker 4 (22:53):
Well, those man A couple of things to watch, really,
Max Ryan Max announced a new documentary called Call Me Country,
Beyonce and Nashville's Renaissance, slated to hit the streamer next Friday,
April twenty six. It's going to give a look at

the impact of high profile artists like Beyonce and Lil
nas X on the contemporary country music scene and how
their contributions connect to the history of black artists in Nashville.
Call Me Country is going to have interviews from people
like Brothers Osbourne and I don't even know.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
They choose their team Yahya and speaking of football.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Netflix announced a new docu series about the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.
It's called America's Sweethearts Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, and it's going
to premiere this summer. I know, obviously they're pretty much
the most iconic cheerleaders in the NFL. They made their
debut in nineteen sixty one, and they're hot as hell.
So I'm sure a lot of people will be watching
that and on Netflix too. I've been watching one day.

It's like a little rom com. It's very sweet. Just
my recommendation, but I love it.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
Jason. What's on our website?

Speaker 7 (24:07):
Obviously Taylor Swift, but also someone made a fake photo
of Mark Zuckerberg facial hair and he could get it.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Yeah, it's fake, it's not real. Yeah, sorry, but he
could get it. Unlike the album cover with Taylor and me. No,
I mean, you always get it. But you know, no,
you mean you're saying that this picture of Zuckerberg with
the beard is fake, totally authentic. I didn't realize it
was gonna be I didn't know she was going to

release it like that. I thought that was a private moment.
But you know, that's fine whenever, all right, here you go.
I can do it with a Broken Heart Taylor Swift
Tortured Pollet Fred Show, Hi, Taylor, I can do it
with a Broken Heart. Tortured Poets album two of them,
by the way, that you have to listen to that.
She released it in the middle of the night so
that you could get nothing done today, be completely and

totally unproductive. That's that's what she's about, you know, just
taking a over so the second ones out, you could
listen to the second one too. Yeah, I got it. Yeah.
It was midnight Eastern and then two am Eastern, right, yeah,
I mean obviously I was up listening to it. You
guys want one more, Yes, I say one more, but
we got four hours left or something three hours, so

you know, and I cant songs. I got lots of songs.
I like, I got what is it, thirty two songs
if I want, well, but we don't have the other
half yet. We have the first album, we don't have
the bonus album yet, so don't don't want if you
have one of you downloaded it or something, I can
just plug in my iPhone phone up to the right.
Definitely got it on Pandora right here for oh good

as long as you have it on Pandora. Yeah, honestly,
we've done less quality broadcasting before. So Jason will just
hold his next to the microphone for this next selection,
Taylor and Florence and the Machine Florida, and then we'll
do blogs on the Fred Show. Yeah, they talk better
than the excite.

Speaker 8 (26:00):
These are the radio blogs on the Fresh Show.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Were you go? There was like a little sampling for you. Everyone, relax.
You got people on here freaking out, you got people
on here complaining. I don't care. This isn't the biggest
thing happening today. So there there was a little sampling,
and I'll slow it down for you a little bit.
I'll go back to playing the same stuff we've been
playing for the last four nights, and then you can
complain about that too. It's honestly got it.

Speaker 6 (26:25):
You know.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
I got Benson Moon withdrawals right now, Texas holding coming
right at you though. I love yeah, I love you.
Don't worry. We'll get back, yeah, I get back to Miguel.
Don't worry. I mean, come on, guys, having a little
fun this morning. Let's just everybody take a big deep breath.
I thought maybe some people out there would like to
hear what all the buzz is about and the hype

so that you can go to work and and then
you know, I don't know, we're talking people talking about
it today. At least you can say you heard some
of it. You didn't have to do anything. You can't
win them all, baby, I'm certain about that. This ain't
Texas hold them they say Florida either. It's not like you.

Rather I play the whole Jalo album. I mean, come on, guys, now,
it's not bad all. If you got a sandwich and
a mevy over here, if you know you know I
can't do a blog, please take it away deer blog.

Speaker 4 (27:22):
So and Fred you might relate to this a little
bit at the beginning, but I feel like one of
the scariest parts of living in an apartment building is
that you kind of just have to trust everyone else
to not do anything like dangerous in their apartment, i e.
Fires and things that are unsafe. So the other day
I was home and I kept smelling smoke, and I always,

I don't know why, I like always blame myself at
first for things. So I kept going over, like to
check my hair tools, like is that plugged in?

Speaker 1 (27:49):
You were holding a joint, so I thought, you know, okay,
we're not talking about that. Yeah, where is the smoke
coming from? When I put my sunglasses my head, it's
so high.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
That I did knows me men blog but no. So
and then I kept checking my stove in my oven
and I was pacing around and I'm like, okay, well,
it's got to be someone else, like burn something, something's
not safe, something's not right. And then I get a
phone call from my boy Jason Brown, and he's like, hey,
are you all right?

Speaker 1 (28:17):
And I'm like, what do you mean?

Speaker 4 (28:19):
And he's like, the restaurant attached to your apartment is
on fire.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
And I'm like it is and he's like, yeah, go
out on your balcony.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
And so I went down on my balcony and I
looked down and the whole street is filled with like
tons of fire trucks, and I'm like, oh, that's probably
where the smoke smell is coming from. It was fully
on fire, and then it smelled so bad in my
apartment building for the next few days, like people were
wearing masks like that's how.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Bad it was. Yeah, it was.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
It was bad, and I was a little bit scared
for a while, I was like, do I go outside whatever?
But I just love that, Like my friend who watches
the news was the one who told me that my
apartment was about to be on fire.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Not the building itself, not your building, telling well, there wasn't.

Speaker 4 (28:59):
Then I looked at I saw on email, but I
just like Jason so on it and thank God for
him because I would have been doing laps thinking.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
That I had something on fire in my apartment.

Speaker 4 (29:06):
But yeah, so the fire is now out and the
smell is gone, but they needed fans and masks and
it was a whole ordeal. And that Silvil War movie
put on their movie poster like a building on fire too,
and I just I don't know, whatever, it was bad,
all glad You're okay?

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Yeah, yeah, thanks, that's better than I was in an
old hotel not that long ago, and I'm laid in
bed and I was a little hung over and the
fire alarm went off at like six in the morning,
and I laid there and I'm like, I don't smell anything.
Do you smell anything?

Speaker 3 (29:35):

Speaker 1 (29:36):
Oh, who's talking to myself? And I just went back
to sleep. So the truth of the matter is the
place could have burned down. But at that moment, I
was long over and tired, and so I just prioritized
my sleep, you know. I mean, it could have been
really bad, but I wasn't going down there, you know,
for some high school prank or whatever in my underwear,
in my in my robe, I might sleep. I prioritize

my sleep, and it turned out everything was okay. I'm glad.

Speaker 4 (30:00):
That's like when there's like a tornado drill in my
building and I'm.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
Like, you know, if this.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Is how I go, right, I got That was kind
of my attitude about this.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
I'm like, honestly, I'm so hungover that it's this might
be the better alternative, right, I'll just Hey, the floor's
not hot, you're good, you have some time. I'm comfortable.
But I did. I surveyed the situation. I lifted my
head up about two inches and I went and my
sniffer test told me everything was fine. We're good, So
we went right back to bed. Yep, that's a.

Speaker 8 (30:27):
More fread show. Next, You've got to wait. Fread Show is.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
On the Hottest Morning show. Good Morning everyone. It is Friday,
April nineteenth. The frend Show's on hi KLN. Good morning, Hey,
Jason Brown Morning Roofi. Oh hello, Kiki showbs, We'll be here.
Four hundred and fifty bucks is the price new player
six game Windstreak for Shells if you want that money. Also,

thirteen chances at one thousand bus kicks off with us
here in a minute. Let's see Waiting by the phone.
Fred's version from the Vault today very special edition. Girl,
What you doing to that alley? Kiki is relatively new
within the last couple of years. Since somebody are older

than that, you've never heard this one, I have not.
Oh boy, you better get your markers out. I can't
wait to see the illustration for this one. It's going
to be censored. I am going to play another Taylor
Swift song, but I'm also going to chill a little bit.
Don't worry getting back to our regularly scheduled programming. But

we are playing Taylor Swift all weekend and all day
today as well. The new album dropped double album in
the middle of the night. Many of you stayed up
all night listening, and for those of you that didn't,
now you're whether you like it or not, you can be,
you know, a little bit more relevant today because you
can pretend like, you know what the hell you're talking about,
which is kind of the point of our show. Sometimes

we tell you things that you can just pretell them
that you know what the hell you're talking about, right,
because usually we don't know what we're talking about either,
so we're all educating each other. It's one big thing.
Good news stories this hour as well and the entertainer Report.
What are you working on?

Speaker 4 (32:13):
K So I will give them a free Taylor Swift
entertainer Report.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
Even though I have stories I could do. We will
not do a tailor story.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
But I will tell you who got recognized while they
were in the middle of labor. They were giving birth.
Oh yeah, okay, which is not a great time.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
Taylor, my boy only breaks his favorite toys. That's a
long title, it really is. Yeah, that's that's hard to
say quickly.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Yeah, sounds like when I give a hint for Kiki Court,
Why you breaking them toys?

Speaker 1 (32:45):
Under the bed show? Ever been left waiting by the phone?
It's the Fred Show. I want to see how to Jamie,
Good morning, Welcome to Waiting by the phone. Tell us
everything about your date, start to finish please.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
Okay, Well, so there's a local bar that I frequent,
and I was just hanging out with some friends and
a guy was there that I hadn't seen there before,
and we just refording and talking all night, and it
was a really it was one of those moments where
you're just like, I really liked this person and we

were getting along. We made planned for the immediate next night.
I couldn't I didn't have time to go out because
I had previous arrangements. But we for you to do like,
you know, a quick drink at the bar again.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
Just to see each other, because.

Speaker 6 (33:40):
I really did have a commitment that night, so like
I just couldn't spend the time, Like I couldn't do dinner,
I couldn't like go to a movie. I just said
I wanted to see him.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
You didn't want to let it linger. You wanted to
see this person again, so you set up another time
to hang out.

Speaker 6 (33:54):
Okay, exactly exactly, so we did. We met up at
the bar and we had a drink and it was great,
and then guessed me out for that weekend, which was amazing,
and I'm very excited, and I just I don't know,
I haven't heard from him, so I'm confused.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Let's dig in a little bit though to the second date,
because this is typically where things get uncovered and it's like, oh,
I forgot to tell you that just did anything? Was
there any red flag? Did you say anything that may
have stumped him or anything? Did you tell me you
were a devil worshiper? I mean anything?

Speaker 6 (34:30):
No, No, I can't there's nothing. I mean, everything was
like it was just so good, like we just talked
about like what we.

Speaker 1 (34:39):
Do, you know.

Speaker 6 (34:40):
I mean honestly, there was like it was like we
sent one drink and we were lapping the full time.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
I mean we when you said at the end, he
asked you to go out, so obviously everything went okay
because he could have just walked at that point, you know. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
I mean, I mean honestly, body languige and I mean
I can't tell you how. I just you never meet
guys that'll just look you in the face, like look
you in the eyes and they're telling you things like
you always think they're hiding something because they're the eyes
are always looking around to me in the eyes the
whole time. He didn't like ever break contact.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
I mean, it was a connection, Jamie. I'll tell you
what we'll do. We're gonna put you in a whole
place on we'll come back. We're gonna call this guy, Jason,
who you went out with. We're gonna see if you
can get him on the phone and see if we
can figure out what happened and get you some closures,
see what you know what Obviously something is going on,
and we'll see what it is. Okay, okay, okay, you've
got to hear what happens. Next Part two of Waiting

by the Phone, Fred's version from the vault after Miguel,
here you are, everyone, Miguel back in two minutes. Fred's show.
Not a Taylor Swift song. You're welcome. For those of
you complaining, wait, wait, hold on, what was that, Kigy
what what I just say?

Speaker 9 (35:48):

Speaker 2 (35:49):
Oh, And just for the people who wanted to hear
Miguel for the million.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
Times what it is? Just in case you forgot what
that sounded like. We'll get right back to Taylor though
in a second. It's the Fred Show on the radio
and the iHeart app morning all right, Part two of
Waiting by the Phone. One of my favorites, really truly
one of my favorites. I just found it. I had
was wondering where it was in my pile of hundreds
of waiting by the phones, maybe thousands. At this point,
here's Jamie. She wants to know what happened, but had
this great connection with this guy. He's not calling her now,

why where is this? Jason? Hey, Jason, good morning. My
name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's Show, the
Morning radio Show, and I have to tell you that
we are on the air right now and I would
need your permission to continue with the call. Can we
chat for just a second?

Speaker 5 (36:28):
Yeah, yeah, Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 1 (36:30):
So I'm asking about I'm calling to ask you about
a date that you went on with a girl named Jamie.
Do you remember Jamie?

Speaker 5 (36:39):
Yeah? I remember Jamie.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Okay, well, Jamie's on the phone, Jason, say out to
Jamie Jamie Jason. Well, look it's pretty plain and simple.

Speaker 5 (36:50):

Speaker 1 (36:50):
She says, you guys met, you went out a couple
of times casually, you had arranged for maybe a third
more extensive date, or at least talked about that, and
she hasn't heard from you since. So can you tell
us why she wants that closure? She wants to know
what happened.

Speaker 5 (37:04):
Uh yeah, yeah, uh like it was Uh, I had
fun both times.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
But I mean you're going home.

Speaker 5 (37:18):
And you're like, you're leaving a date and you walk
by and you see the girl who were just on
date with some dude in the alley, Like, that's.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Ten of it. What happened.

Speaker 5 (37:32):
We went out. We went out twice, and then she
said she had to split early because that's why we Anyway,
I was leaving the bar and I'm walking home and
I'm literally in the alley, like mixt of the parking
lot right behind where we just were. She's some dude,

and I'm like, okay, that's.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
Wait outside the bar where you just had a date.
Jamie's fair.

Speaker 6 (38:00):
Okay, listen. I mean it's kind of true, but it's
not true.

Speaker 1 (38:03):
So that was doing that.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
It's true.

Speaker 6 (38:06):
What it's the father of my kid. I was not
in the alley or outside the car. We were in
a car having a private discussion.

Speaker 5 (38:14):
First of all, was somebody.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
Was using their mouths. I don't think you were talking.

Speaker 6 (38:19):
Okay, it's not like what you think. First of all,
here's the listen. I don't like him at all. He's
just the father of my kid. We have, you know,
a launch history together, and if I want to get
certain things like him to watch our kid for the weekend,
which I needed him to watch our kid for the
weekend so I could go away with my girlfriends for once,
because I'm the only one that has soul custody. Ever,

so I did a favor for him. Okay, It's not
like I was, oh my god, there's no shaming in it.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
Okay, but can you see how if he walks by
and see that well who stars in the cars?

Speaker 6 (38:52):
It was the corner of a parking lot. I mean, like,
if there's no I don't even like, what is he peeping?

Speaker 1 (38:58):

Speaker 4 (38:58):

Speaker 5 (38:58):
How do you know? This was my fault?

Speaker 1 (39:01):
You know what?

Speaker 5 (39:01):
I'm so sorry that I walked by and noticed you
with your mouth.

Speaker 6 (39:09):
You're not that guy?

Speaker 1 (39:12):
God, I mean, can you see how that's somewhat off putting?
Can you see how that would leave a bad taste
in his mouth?

Speaker 3 (39:19):

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Did? You know what?

Speaker 6 (39:21):
We're not boyfriend girlfriend. It was like a one hour
happy hour date. I don't owe you anything, and I'm
sure you went and got laid that night. So I
don't really think it's there to have several standards on people.

Speaker 1 (39:31):
So can okate whatever in defense of Jamie, just for
what it chasing rather just for one second. How does
he know that this dynamic ends when you stop doing
all the favors? You know, if he wants to be
serious with you, you can't be doing that stuff just
to get your way.

Speaker 6 (39:46):
Okay, I understand that, but like, don't you think it
would have been okay? Like I didn't know he saw it.
I was in a like I didn't know he saw
in the I didn't know, Like, couldn't he have texted
me back and said, you know, it's not gonna work out.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
What's he's supposed to take to you? I saw you
what you were doing?

Speaker 6 (40:02):
Yeah, why not just be honest? If you say it's
finely staying on a radio show, what kind of like
you sound like he's a gentleman.

Speaker 5 (40:09):
If he's like, oh hold on, it's not like I
knew what this was going to be about. I just
answered my phone.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Okay, all right, Look, I'm sorry for your predicament, but
I got to say that you need to be a
little I think, Jamie, you need to be a little
more private about the favors that you're doing for your
ex if you want to move on with somebody else,
maybe like he's up.

Speaker 5 (40:29):
On the favors in general, because I think that is
honestly going a lot further than anyone should have to
sall hire a babysitter.

Speaker 1 (40:38):
It's that one. Thank you Rufio for taking that out
from the vault. Fred's version waiting by the phone, said
Brina Carpenter. Now the Entertainer Report with Kalen in two minutes.
The Fread Show's on. Caitlin's Entertainer Report is on The
Fread Show. Hey.

Speaker 4 (40:50):
Harry Styles super Fan was sentenced to fourteen weeks in
jail this week after she pled guilty to quote stalking
involving serious alarm or distressed.

Speaker 1 (41:00):
Thirty five year old.

Speaker 4 (41:01):
Mara Carvallo sent Harry eight thousand cards in less than
a month. You're not supposed to do that, According to
the prosecuting attorney, She traveled all the way from Brazil
and has frequently and to an extremely intense nature, harassed
the singer by sending him all those cards and describing
sexual urges toward him. Two of the letters were hand

delivered to his house, which left him very shaken. They
also noted that she used an online delivery source to
deliver a lot of the mail, some of which were
wedding cards. The woman's doctor told the court that he
believed she'd been having a manic episode and questioned her
fitness to enter a plea on her own behalf. In
addition to jail time, she obviously can't go to any

Harry Styles concert for ten years.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
Maybe it should be for life. I don't know. I
don't know. Maybe she can change, I'm not sure.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
Caitlin Clark has had it with Antonio Brown and his
social media antics. She just blocked the ex NFL player
after he posted about her on Twitter.

Speaker 1 (42:05):
So he took to Twitter not once, but three times
this week.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
Yeah, he said things about her on Wednesday.

Speaker 1 (42:14):
They were super crass.

Speaker 4 (42:15):
I don't even really want to repeat them. You know,
obviously this is following all of her success, you know,
with the Indiana Fever, and you know, she's everyone's talking
about her right now.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
He still attempted to troll.

Speaker 4 (42:26):
Her after she blocked him, calling her a name while
scar sharing a screenshot of her block. But I mean,
he's a wild boy, so I'm not really surprised.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
But he he certainly is a wild boy.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
Julia Louis Dreyfuss was recognized as her Seinfeld character Elaine
while in labor.

Speaker 1 (42:47):
I don't know how very, I don't know how I
would handle that.

Speaker 4 (42:50):
So she said, it can be lovely when fans see you,
but sometimes it has its downside. She was giving birth
and when you're in labor, labor, they put a monitor
on your tummy, and she was like, I was in
the bathroom, I was naked, I had the thing around
my tummy. I was massive, by the way, I gained
like fifty pounds when I was pregnant.

Speaker 1 (43:07):
Standing there, my water broke.

Speaker 4 (43:09):
All of a sudden, A nurse came into my room
and I was like, my water broke. And she was naked,
and she goes, oh my god, a lane, you know,
and so like a very like, you know, I don't know,
humbling time to be recognize when you're naked, naked.

Speaker 1 (43:23):
And your water breaks.

Speaker 4 (43:24):
I wonder if doctors, I mean, there's got to be
like rules about that, like working on celebrities and stuff.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
Obviously, yeah, you wouldn't be able to talk to anyone
else about it, right, but right that would be a
little stranger. I would think, like, if you're just a
normal person and you're doing things medically to somebody who's
super super famous You're pulling a baby out of a
lane from Seinfeld. I'm like, I mean, not that, not
that doctors are I mean, but doctors are people too.
You could be a fan and be like, I'm doing
a very intimate thing right now to this extremely famous person. Yeah.

Maybe wait till they have clothes on and they're not
in labor. But I don't know.

Speaker 4 (43:57):
Courtney Kardashian is once again defending her against people who
feel like she doesn't look as fit as her sister's,
saying she loves her post baby body. On a very
special day, nonetheless, so for Courtney's forty fifth birthday, which
was yesterday, also my Mama's birthday, Kim K posted a
picture of herself, Chloe, and Courtney on that recent beach
trip they went on as a family. I think they

went to Turks and Caicos, and one fan suggested that
Courtney wasn't gonna like the photo because she wasn't as
snatched as the other two, and she replied to that saying,
I love this photo. It's me and my sisters having
the best time on a trip with our kids, and
the memories will last forever. I love this body that
gave me my three big babies and my little baby boy.
And this isn't the first time she's had to defend

herself and her bounce back, which is I just can't
believe that's something I'm saying. Just last week, she shared
her own bikini picks from the same vacation and just
pend a letter about the pressure that people put on
women to bounce back after they give birth. She obviously
welcomed their newest son, her and Travis's his name is

Rocky in November and leave her alone, like, please leave
her alone? We're to take out online today? Is it
new music Friday?

Speaker 1 (45:06):
New Music Friday? Is there now music? New music?

Speaker 7 (45:10):
There's someone named Taylor Swift who has a new album.
So I'm sorry, Caitlin, this isn't a complete Taylor Swift free.

Speaker 4 (45:15):
Oh my God show use George French shi radio dot Com.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
Taylor woman, does anyone ever? No one already talks about
her though, no, no, it might be worth like checking
it out see if she's gonna be something someday. You know,
this is pretty good on the Elaine story. I was
at the dermatologist a couple of years ago, and this woman,
female doctor, she became she's like a friend now, but uh,

you know, you go to the dermatologists for a check
up and I'm completely naked and I'm laying there and
she has a magnifying glass and she's going around looking,
you know, to try and find like moles or you know,
anything that looks abnormal. Proud of you by the way
she's doing the whole thing. I'd never met her before.
It was like basically a cold appointment because she worked
in the same practice where I go. I didn't know
who she was going through and it's just normal professional stuff.
And then I don't know she's somewhere. I'm like near

my leg or something, and she's like those waiting by
the phones are wild and I'm like, first of all,
you have a magnifying glass in your hand on the
bottom half of my body, so that's not great. Hopefully
you don't need that. Right How she recognized you, you know
what I'm saying with the magnifying glass. No, when she
was on the bottom half, She's like, oh, that's definitely

Fred from The Fred Show. How Last Hour I was
the smallest man on and on Earth. That's a corner
of Taylor Swift, the cordon, the rufio. That's why she
had they don't even know a magnifying glass. It was very
sweet and it was very professional, but it was it

was just like, I guess she just couldn't contain herself.
And then we started talking about that. But I've heard
other stories about people that like women I've worked with.
I worked with a girl on TV where I used
to live in Charlotte before, many many years ago, and
she was at the Obgyn getting you know, her annual
appointment and dudes doing his thing and he's really doing

his thing, like really really doing his thing, and and
he said, hey, how's Fred doing because we were co
hosts on TV, and she's like, now, like now now
we should think, can I put my clothes back on?
And then we talk about you know, I like that.

Speaker 4 (47:19):
Speaks though, to like how much they're not really paying
attention to what they're looking at, you know what I mean,
how we're all bashful.

Speaker 1 (47:24):
It's just so it's so normal for them.

Speaker 4 (47:27):
Yeah, it's so routine that they're not even like really
thinking about the fact that you probably feel vulnerable when
they're doing that.

Speaker 1 (47:33):
I'm the egomaniac who like won't go in and tell
them if, like, my poops are weird because I'm embarrassed
about it, realizing that happen a lot. But all the time,
I'm constantly in there talking about my weird but no,
but like I'm so bashful about talking about my body,
and these people just don't care, like it's just what
they do. It's they can they can compartmentalize it and
I can't. But and these people, I also probably have

zero clue who they're They don't care. I'm over here
going on, I'm the radio guy with the weird poops
and they don't know, they have no idea and don't care.
And even if they did, they could never tell anyone anyway,
so it really doesn't matter. But I don't know where
I got that from either. I don't know where I
got the bashfulness. Like some people can just talk like
well show biz Shelley for example, show biz, Hey, show bizz.

I mean you like our door open girl, like you
just you there's really no shame in your game.

Speaker 9 (48:24):
Yeah, I And you know what now with a toddler,
it's like it's really just doors wide open, and I'm
fine with it.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
I don't know it, Like, I don't know why is
it I think it didn't you grow up and like
that was sort of like I guess you grew up.

Speaker 9 (48:37):
Yeah, because in my family it was just it was
like a door open policy, like didn't matter just if
if my mom needed something, hey, and like popped right in.

Speaker 10 (48:45):
So I think it's just, yeah, it's just something I've
always been used to.

Speaker 1 (48:48):
I don't know, it's just Kiki's over he or not.
You see, you're very bashful about that stuff too, aren't
you so bashful?

Speaker 2 (48:53):
Yeah, Like if my doctor said you tell friend, I said,
what's up, I'm I'm out the door, Like, oh my god,
you know, Oh my god, I.

Speaker 1 (49:02):
Know the mathroom stuff.

Speaker 10 (49:03):
I don't know what it is.

Speaker 9 (49:04):
I think because yeah, since I grew up, because my
husband is not like that, as we know, he's actually
grown more to be like it since he's been with me.

Speaker 1 (49:11):
But oh my god. Yeah, Like I don't. I don't
think you're ever going to get I don't think that's
something I would ever like adopt. Like, I don't think
if you were like like my sister, I think it's
a door open girl, and I'm certainly not. We grew
up in the same household and it's like but I
don't think that if I married somebody who was that
like fluid about discussing these things. I don't know that
I would ever just become that, you know, I just

I don't know. I still turned the faucet on, would
be the fan on? When I'm at a dude, I
was like, I'm fully like, if I have a guest
in my own home, I turned the sink on so
you can't hear me tinkle. Oh, I don't know, it's weird.
I'm a weirdo. I'm a weirdo in my house Girl
show evacuated the dance floor. Yeah, Shully with a toddler.

I would expect you to just close the door because
that's like the only alone time you get nowadays.

Speaker 10 (50:00):
I do, But then she like knocks on it and.

Speaker 1 (50:01):
I feel fat. They stick her fingers under the door.
Why this morning? Yeah? Is she talking? Yeah, she's talking.

Speaker 10 (50:10):
Yeah, she's saying sentences like little things here and there.

Speaker 9 (50:12):
I need videos, Yeah, I need to say. I need
to be better about it. I know I need to
be better about it.

Speaker 1 (50:18):
When is she going to be a guest on our show,
baby Olivia?

Speaker 9 (50:20):
Oh goodness, I don't know about that, but she said no,
she's booked. Someone's exit. Medical professional here one hundred percent.
You guys are just body parts when you step into
our office.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
Yeah. No, I yeah. When I was having an emergency
C section, my OBI and nurses were having normal conversations
about their day. I was laying there, sliced open, dying
of infection. That's what happened with Jess when she got
like they cut her open, took ashton out, and then
they're like putting her back together. They're like, hey, what
you got going on this weekend? I was like, that's

what you're talking about, right, Like for me, that would
be disarming because if it's if you guys are just
be asking about out whatever while you're reassembling my body,
then it must not be that dire. You're chill, if
there's no conversation whatsoever, and everyone's like super intent on,
like don't tell them, don't tell them we took out

the wrong organ, you know what I mean. Like, if
they're not playing like you know, Notorious Big in the
operating room and having a good old time, then I
think I'm worried. Then, you know, if it's just chill,
then we're good.

Speaker 4 (51:28):
Megan Fox said that she has like full blown before
she goes in for surgery, has full blown interviews with
her doctors to check like their mental health. She asked
if they're going through like a breakup because she wants
them to be in.

Speaker 1 (51:38):
The best mood ever. If she's going on her NSC show. Yeah,
people text, I work on the er. I've seen everything.
Nothing fazes me. Oh my god, my wife's organs are
on the table. Yeah, I mean, I know it's my thing.
It's no one else's thing. I know it's my thing,
but I just if whatever reason, I've always been that way,
you know, when they ask questions, I'm going to be sickly,

what's wrong with you? I'm like, I don't know. I forgot,
Like what do you mean for like, what's what are
the symptoms? Like what color is this or that? I
mean if it's like phlam or something, and I just
don't want to talk about it, Well, what is this one?
Now we're getting all these stories. I was gonna get
transvaginal ultrasound done by my brother in law's mother, and
she talked about everyday life like it was nothing. Hm hmm, yeah.

I think who was telling me my sister maybe or
somebody else like that that uh, her husband, this this
woman whoever was this woman's husband shows up for a
transvaginal ultrasound, not realizing what how it worked like it
was an ultrasound, So I think he thought, like, they're gonna,
you know, move up the belly and then you know,

run the thing over the top and the belly's exposed,
and I guess they pull out this thing and it's
like I don't know that either. Yeah, Oha, oh that's
oh my, that's going there. Oh man, I'm gonna oh,
I'm sitting here for this, Okay, do I need to leave?
Like should I walk down the hall or something. I
think that men are idiots and we don't know what
the hell's going on with a lot of things. So

but that's why I say, you the stuff that women
that you guys are just accustomed to, you know, medically
and bodily and everything else, like most men I don't
think could handle it. I was gonna say, doctors are
always putting stuff up there. That's what I'm saying. I'm
just like, whatever, it's another day, That's what I'm saying.
I had another friend telling me that her she had
three kids and finally was like to her husband, You're
getting a vasectomy, and so he went and got it

and came home and he was like it was so humiliating,
Like you know, I laid there and like my junk
was out, and she's like, really, I've had three kids
in the last five years. Everyone at that hospital has
seen every inch of my body. There is, you know,
there is nothing dainty about it. And they just made

like a you know, little tiny incision in you while
you're little, your little berry's hanging out there, and then
you know, fifteen minutes later you walked out like there
is no comparison. Show bees, let's play the game four
hundred and fifty bucks in the Showdown six straight for
you eight seventy one and fifty seven year record. If
you can beat our pop culture expert in five questions,
you win that money to start the weekend eight five, five, five,

nine three five. We'll play next call now Fred show
back in two minutes. It's the Fred Show. Do you
have what it takes to battle show biz? Shelley in
the show Biz Showdown right, Showy, do you remember that
time that we were talking about earlier on your work anniversary?

It showed me Shelley's work anniversary today, the years over here.
We're so happy that you're with us. And do you
remember that moment when you met us all, when you
walked in that conference room and ten of us just
stared at you and Rufeo had his welcoming message to you.

Speaker 10 (54:45):
Well, it's funny.

Speaker 9 (54:46):
I remember walking in the room, but I don't really
remember Rufio saying that.

Speaker 10 (54:49):
I don't know, maybe I blocked it out of my memory.

Speaker 1 (54:51):
I don't know what a Yeah, they marched you in
there and we were like, oh my gosh, she's here.
She works for us now, and she's on our team
and this is so exciting. And then the first thing
out of his his mouth was that, go ahead and
say it again. How's the feeling to be on the
winning team? And I remember your answer. Your response is like, yeah,
oh God like me, I just do yeah. And I

thought you were gonna cry.

Speaker 9 (55:12):
I really do really probably probably was, but uh, I'm
very happy to be here.

Speaker 1 (55:18):
We're happy to Your challenger today is Frank, Hi, Frank,
how you doing?

Speaker 5 (55:23):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (55:24):
Man? Frank? Is this Frank the hockey announcer? Frank?

Speaker 5 (55:29):
Damn right? It is?

Speaker 1 (55:30):
How you doing? I see? This is I know this guy.
Is this like I is he allowed to play the game?
I know Frank personally? Oh you do? Yeah, he's an
hockey announcer guy.

Speaker 5 (55:39):
Oh yeah, broadcast hockey.

Speaker 11 (55:41):
Broadcast hockey. Do a lot of charity stuff.

Speaker 1 (55:43):
How you doing? Man? You look at that. We're just
having a private conversation now, Frank, Well let's see how
you do it again like those doctors. No, I've known
Frank for a long time. All right, good, let's play
the game. It's five questions, Frank, four hundred and fifty
bucks is the price? Six straight wins for shows? Good
luck you guys? Okay, Frank, good luck, thank you, good luck?
All right? So you can tell this man it's a broadcaster. Yeah.

Who do you? Who do you do the hockey announcements
for the play by So I do.

Speaker 11 (56:08):
It play by play for the West Ben Power in
the North American three Hockey League.

Speaker 3 (56:11):

Speaker 11 (56:12):
Finished up school at Loyal in Chicago semester early and
do a lot of do a lot of play by
play stuff, work very closely with the Chicago Blackhawks, and
you know, hoping for hoping for whatever comes next, whatever
comes next. But it's been a we had a really
good season, and I'm really grateful to the.

Speaker 1 (56:30):
Power we had. Frank and I had coffee when he
was in college and we talked about and he doesn't
need me for anything, because listen to this man. This
man's gonna wind up being super famous play by play broadcaster.
But for some reason he was asking me for advice.
And did I give you any any advice of any value? Frank?

Speaker 11 (56:47):

Speaker 5 (56:47):
Please? I have notes on it.

Speaker 11 (56:48):
I have what I call the Encyclopedia. I pulled notes
from every broadcaster or I can, whether it's hockey, sports, entertainment,
and I keep it in my computer bag because you
never know who you're going to run into, who you're
going to talk to, who you're gonna jot notes down from.
And you're always learning, you're always growing, you're always trying
to get better.

Speaker 1 (57:05):
And you look at this, guess that's what I try
to do. So I hope you got better, more important
notes than mine. But let's play the game, Frank, here
we go. Let's see how you do. Zadaya said she's
uncertain whether or not season three of this popular HBO
show will ever happen.

Speaker 5 (57:21):
A Euphoria.

Speaker 1 (57:22):
Taylor Swift's new album The Tortured Poet's Department is officially out.
True or False Midnight was the last album she released.
False The Duchess of Sussex released the first product from
her new lifestyle line, A jar of jam. Who is
the Duchess of Sussex? Megan Markle Blake Griffin announced he's

look at this, He's gonna get this right. Blake Griffin
announced he's retiring from this sport after fourteen seasons. Basketball
NBA and Kendall Janners tequila brand is under fire for
ruining a mural outside of a California bar. What is
the name of the brand?

Speaker 11 (58:02):

Speaker 1 (58:03):
I know three? A two?

Speaker 5 (58:07):
I don't know this one.

Speaker 1 (58:07):
I don't You got a three? Okay, Frank, that's a
good first, got a three, and he got a sports
question in there, which was that was kind of unfair, Frank,
because you're the sports Okay, he got a three. No,
we had a long conversation.

Speaker 10 (58:18):
I forgot about me.

Speaker 1 (58:20):
It's anniversary. Yeah, how's it feel to be on a
winning team show? It's The Franks Show now, So.

Speaker 11 (58:27):
It's fine, No, no, no, I love I love Shelley.
She was to my alma mater and for her school.
So nothing yeah, nothing but love.

Speaker 1 (58:35):
For Okay, Well, you have Frank's endorsement. Now, I swear
this guy is going to be a very famous NHL announcer.
And you heard it free here first. But uh, Zendeya
said she's uncertain whether or not season three of this
popular HBO show will ever happen for ye Yes, Taylor
Swift's new album The Tortured Poet's Departments officially out. If
you haven't heard two or False Midnights was the last

album she released. True that is True. The Duchess of
Sacks released the first product from her new lifestyle line,
a jar of jam. Who is the Duchess of Sax?

Speaker 10 (59:07):
Megan Marko?

Speaker 1 (59:08):
Yeah, Blake Griffin announced he's retiring from this sport after
fourteen seasons basketball. Yes, Kendall Jenners tequila brand is under
fire for ruining a mural outside of a California bar.
What is the name of the brand's five? That's a win?
All right, Frank, Now I'm counting on you. You got to
say it. My name is Frank, that soon to be
very famous NHL announcer. I got showed up on a

showdown and I think you know the rest.

Speaker 11 (59:33):
I'm Frank, I'm a broadcaster. I got showed up on
the showdown and I definitely can't hang with a girl
on this one.

Speaker 1 (59:38):
All right, by Frank. I was expecting more, but you,
Frank can't hang with Happy anniversary to show bas Shelley here. Yeah,
that's all I got. Frank. Good to talk to you, man.
Hang on one second, no, thank you, Stay right there.

He's awesome, he is. He gave this story right here.
He's the first openly autistic play by play announcer. He is.
That's awesome, you know, he is. He's a good kid
and I really enjoyed meeting him, and I know he's
he's you know, he's very persistent. I hear from him regularly,
and you know, he wanted to meet and he wanted
to talk about the business. And again he should aim

higher as far as who he's asking questions too, but
not you know, smutty radio, Taylor Swift playing DJs like me.
But anyway, it's fine. He's gonna well, well surpass well,
surpassed me, and I'm excited for him. Five hundred bucks
on Monday's Shells seven straight, eight seventy two and fifty
seven is the record and Yes, Happy more anniversary to you.

We're so glad you're part of the show.

Speaker 10 (01:00:49):
Thank you, thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (01:00:50):
Very good. We get worse super late. We got to
go have a good day. Okay, YouTube, Okay, The Friday
Throwback Dance Party will.

Speaker 8 (01:00:56):
Do it more Press show. Next, The Fred Show is
on the.

Speaker 1 (01:01:03):
Hottest Morning Showing. Good Morning Everybody, Friday from nineteen Taylor
Swift day. Most people are happy, some people are haters.
He's The Fred Show. Hi, Kaitlin, Hi, Hi Jason Brown, Hello, Ruvio,
Hi Kiki, Good morning showbi is her show anniversaries today

and turn ven to me not Benjamin is here. I've
got another Taylor's song from the double album that dropped
it midnight Eastern and to Eastern, respectively. The Friday Throwback
Dance Party. After that, all your favorite throwbacks mixed together
Dedanner Raddick. Then the Entertainment Report. What do you have
in there?

Speaker 4 (01:01:40):
K is Andy Cohen leaving Bravo first Red Lobster.

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
Now this ain't so? Can we have nothing? Say it
ain't so? I'll tell you if it's true. Fun fact
this hour as well. But Daddy, I love him. Taylor Swift,
would you call me. Yeah, enjoy Fritz show Taylor, but Daddy,
I love him Daddy. That's a long ass song for

this is This is actually a sample from the Taylor
album as well that was released at Midnight Poets. She
took the Venga Boys and made it brooding, DJ neurotic,
DJ erotic at DJ N You are o t I
see on all this social and you love the mix.
The links up Fred Show Radio dot Com. Trisha l

has this Maricopa, Arizona. What was it? Jail the jails there, right, yeah,
Mara Copa was it was the new of the show. Now,
I've been waiting to be a guest on there. But
like a commentator, you want to be like were they
I don't have any like, no, I want to yeah, yeah, no,

I want to. Basically, if the don't invind mean to
the studio that I'll just go to Americopa and get
myself arrested. And that's how I get on there. Zach
and AJ have a son XPO Logistics. Yes, a bunch
of people. Thank you for all the texts this morning.
Appreciate you. Fun fact is next. This is very concerning.
It's extremely concerning. This fun fact and I honestly don't

understand it. I don't know. I don't know how exactly,
but I'll explain. You'll hear in just a second more
Fread show next right here, The Fread Show is on. Yeah,
friend's fun fact, Fred fun so much, you guys, this

is an alarmingly high number. Okay, and I want to
hear your first guess as to why. But approximately, this
is the fun fact. Approximately forty thousand Americans are injured
by toilets every year. Wow, house way falling in? I

mean no, yeah, it's got to be falling in off
the toilet. Maybe. Yeah, maybe I.

Speaker 4 (01:04:10):
Lived with boys in college and fell in all the
time in the middle of the night because they wouldn't
put it.

Speaker 1 (01:04:15):
Oh yeah, but I don't know that I was ever injured.
I was just like, I need a shower.

Speaker 5 (01:04:18):

Speaker 1 (01:04:19):
You have you ever done the thing like where you're
you're sitting and doing whatever business you have to do,
and maybe that business takes a little while, and maybe
you're like sitting in such a way that the circulation
is not great, such that when you're done, like at
least one leg, if not both, there's asleep, and then
you almost collapse when you stand up. You got the
red marks on your thighs. Yeah, that happened to me

the other day. I was, you know, I'm human too, guys,
I go number two. It's I know, that's surprising get
a lot of people. I don't do it here. I
only do it at home for the record, But you know,
I was like, I don't know what I was doing,
but like I went to stand up, and I think
it was on my phone, and like circulation wasn't good,
and I damn near collapsed after I stood up because
like one leg was like dead, it wasn't working. There's

no blood right. Oh my god, I feeling I almost
can't get up unless you have that third leg to
help you support. Oh my god, wow, have you ever
been swallowed up? That's the Weekend Plan More fread Show. Next,

The Fred Show is on Good Morning Everybody, Friday, April nineteenth.
It's The Fred Show. Hi, Kaylin, Hello, Rufio's here. Jason Brown,
Shelby Shelley and turned Venominut Benjamin. Let's get to new
Taylor Swift music from the album that dropped at midnight

Eastern two am Eastern double album, A Whole Bunch of
Songs Taylor and Florence and the machine it's called Florida.
Gonna play that in just a second. We're playing Taylor
all day today, all weekend as well, waiting by the
phone from the vault. If you if you've never heard
this one, you've got to hear and then if you have,
it's a classic. And the the things that people have

to do for babysitters, for child supervision. Okay, it's hard
out here to sacrifice. It really is. The entertainment report
after that, what's in there? K the celebrity that got
recognized when she was naked?

Speaker 3 (01:06:17):
Not the greatest time, like a very vulnerable naked time too. Yeah,
all of that is coming up. It's The Fred Show.
Good morning, Thank you so much for having us on.
It's the Fred Show. Thank you so much for having
us on today all week We love you, We appreciate you.
The iHeart app is where to go to catch up
with anything you may have missed. Search for a Fred
Show on demand, Fred Show.

Speaker 1 (01:06:35):
Radio dot com, Fred Show Radio on Instagram, v Fred
Show TikTok going on there and give us a follow
on both. That'll make Kicky's weekend. Yes, please, she would
appreciate that. Fred Show Radio on Instagram The Fred Show
TikTok also on YouTube. Search for The Fred's Show. Have
an amazing weekend, Taylor all weekend. I'm sure more Taylor
next week. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Marcia Marshall, Marsha, Yes, Kiki's

Court on Monday. Oh yes, girl, go home. Roger Okay
waiting by the phone on Monday, Girl, I don't know
yet from the vault. That's right, he needs to go
open the vault himself and figure out what is going
to be that's on Monday. Paying bills next week as well,

money with show, Vin Shelley, lots of stuff. So have
a great weekend and we'll see you Monday morning. Bye guys, Bye,

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