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April 24, 2024 9 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
So you're going when do you leave tomorrow?

Speaker 2 (00:01):
I leave tomorrow after the show.

Speaker 3 (00:03):
Okay, so Cam's going to a wedding in Brazil. Just
why not? Why wouldn't you just go to a wedding
in Brazil? So you leave after the show. How long
is the flight?

Speaker 2 (00:12):
The flight, well, you have to do a connection.

Speaker 4 (00:14):
I don't think they have straight flights from here, so
I think the travel time's probably fourteen hours total, So
like a short and a long guy. But I'm doing
an overnight flight, which I don't think I've ever done.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
This is exciting, Okay, so sound exciting, but you're worried
about You're worried about what you're going to do, like
in the nighttime, in the sleepy time. Yeah, so there
won't be any dogs on board this flight. I don't
think I can't promise that.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Thank god.

Speaker 4 (00:40):
So yeah, I have been known to like get if
I sleep with someone else. I've been known to cuddle
like and not really realize I'm doing it.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
I'm just kind of a snugly gal.

Speaker 4 (00:53):
And I also can't sleep, so I can't even sleep
in a bed, so I have a sleep I got
a prescription for sleeping pills so that I could sleep
during this flight. But what I'm scared of is, am
I gonna walk up and down the aisles? Am I
gonna cut all my seat partner?

Speaker 3 (01:05):
Have you tested this sleeping pill? Like, like, have you
taken one? I don't know you've already taken one? Yeah,
and what happened?

Speaker 2 (01:12):
I slept just fine in a bed.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
But okay, because I wouldn't necessarily, I wouldn't recommend taking
sleeping pills for the first time on the plane. Yeah,
in case you're one of those like narc eliptic walker people. Yeah,
you know, it does weird crazy things.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
I know that's a common with ambient and this is
an ambient. But no, I was completely fine. I slept
in a bed.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
But also like, I'll be in a seat. And I
tried to book a row that had no one else
in it, and now there's people in it. So I
just am like, am I gonna just stay up all
night and be really tired when I get there? Or
should I try it? Or just like have some wine?
I'm very nervous.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Have you ever slept on a plane?

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Like oh no, oh, yeah you have? Yeah, Oh I'm scared.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
You got to just make yourself real tired, right, and
then yeah, you have to like, yeah, you get on,
you take this the pill, have a glass of wine.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
Maybe. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
I'm not giving medical advice. I don't know if that's
a good idea. I would test that out before and
then maybe have a little dinner and then knock out.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
And where do you lay though?

Speaker 1 (02:05):
What do you have? A wind of an aisle?

Speaker 2 (02:06):
I'm an aisle.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
I take the window so that I can, you know,
lie up against the side of the plane.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
It's darkout. Who cares exactly what? You have to stand up.

Speaker 5 (02:16):
It's a long flight, like I've done. I've gone to
the Philippines twice. But you have to stand up because
and walk around. You don't want to get the blood
clots in your legs.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
So I'm going to walk up and down the aisle just.

Speaker 5 (02:26):
To stretch your legs because for sitting for a long time,
you can get the It's a six hour flight, isn't it?

Speaker 1 (02:30):
From Miami?

Speaker 4 (02:31):
I I'm flying from I'm not flying Houston. Yeah, I'm
flying from Texas. I'm looking right now.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Is it six hours?

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Because that would be I don't think it's glorious.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
I don't think it's crazy. For I don't know, I've
not been to it. But you're going to South Polo.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
I'm going to Rio.

Speaker 1 (02:46):

Speaker 2 (02:47):
That was also fun.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
I had the book on my way home. It's like
it's a United Partner. So I had to call someone
in Brazil to book my seat. First class was eighteen dollars.
I should move there for.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
The you're acting flight from Rio to Sal Paulo.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
Oh, but it's probably like five minutes.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Then it's an hour. But I'm just saying, like the
price is there.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
Okay, So I go from two twenty to five twenty
that's just going to Houston. Then eight pm I land,
So it's a ten hour flight total.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
Well what's the time change?

Speaker 2 (03:16):
It's not three what they tell me. It's ten hours
and ten minutes.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Oh all right, so ten hours.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Yeah, so I have a three hour flight and then
a ten hour flight.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Yeah, I'm the thing.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
You're scared.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
What you gotta do, though, is you got to hit
the girl. What time do you land in the morning?
Land in the morning, like eight fifteen. You got to
hit the ground running, like that's what you gotta do.
You cannot what you cannot do is land there at
eight in the morning. And then go to bed. You
cannot do that. You cannot do that because then you'll
be messed up the entire time you're there.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
You got to land at eight.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
O'clock in the morning, like it's eight o'clock in the morning,
and you got to just go until you're tired at
a normal rate, because the biggest mistake you can make
is land there and then go right to bed and
then and then it's like, I don't know, you'll wake
up at like two and you're like groggy, and then
you'll probably lay there longer and before long it's dark
and nice time a.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Right, That's what I mean though.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
But my buddies who fly like corporate, you know, they
fly internationally whatever, that's their trick is like if they
land in the morning, then they just got to go
maybe take like an hour nap maybe in late in
the afternoon, and then have dinner and then go to
bed and then wake up the next day and then
you're going then you're good.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
I'm gonna be a zombie.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
You have to, though, because if you land and go
right to sleep, it's gonna mess everything up.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Yeah, So what do you want me to do? I mean,
I can't even check into our ears.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
I want you to get on TikTok and keep yourself
up away okay, because it's legal there.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
Just hit the streets, like go to the Copa Caabama, and.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
Just go to the Jesus, the big Jesus, Jesus, go
look at big Jesus.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
I'm scared, and like I don't speak even kind of
Portuguese any of the language, and so like I'm flying alone,
like I'm very nervous.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
I never want to with everybody.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
My friend said, if security moves quickly, she'll wait for me.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
This is my one wonderful friend.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Oh wow, it's very liberator to fly alone.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
I know, I know, it's like, you know, the difference
probably different for women and men, but nonetheless it's very
very liberating.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
Get on the plane.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
You want to buy yourself. The world is your oyster.
You can do whatever you want. You don't have to
ask anybody for anything. Get on the plane. You're just going.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
I mean, I flew to Spain alone, but I speak
a little Spanish.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
I felt comfortable. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
But you're flying United, aren't you. Yeah, so they're gonna
speak English on United.

Speaker 4 (05:17):
Well, once I land, though, at the airport on your own,
where the hell do I go? And like they have
uber there, like are they gonna And I heard it's dangerous.
I mean it's dangerous everywhere. I mean my car got
stolen in Chicago. But I'm just scared.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
You're gonna be fine.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
It's not going to be scared about turn that little
except on, except for taking the ambient on the plane
and maybe groping your seat passenger and then winding up
in what's trending on Monday morning.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
Yeah, oh my god, please don't.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
Wind up in what's trending on Monday morning. That's all
I ask of you. I guess it would be Friday
morning at that point I have.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
Woken up accidentally, like with my head on someone and.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
They just let me.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
Who knows, Maybe you'll find love on the plane, maybe
well maybe yeah, you know, yeah, yeah, maybe maybe you'll
find someone to make love with.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Did you ever find out if you're in the wedding?
Are you in this wedd Like.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
I certainly I am in this wedding.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
I was never asked, but I certainly am in this wedding.
And my other friend fully brought like another colored dress
and just found out a couple days ago, so I'm
greatful I found out.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
But yeah, no, I'm in the wedding.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Okay. Yeah, and Julie has tips. Julie, Hello, Julie help. Hello,
Good morning, Julie.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
My advice was sound, but what is your advice for
the overnight flight?

Speaker 6 (06:20):
So I took a flight from Chicago to Ireland a
couple of years ago, and what I did it was overnight,
so I didn't sleep like.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
The night before.

Speaker 6 (06:31):
And then once I got on my flight, like they said,
you like dinner or whatever, and then I took some
benadroo okay, and I think like a bena room like
a drama mean, because I do get kind of motion sickness.
But I slept the entire flight besides like going to
the bathroom. Didn't even know I was on a plane.

And then like when I landed in Dublin, it was
like eight o'clock in the morning, and like I just
we just started sight seeing and stuff.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
That's what you gotta do.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
Then because the time changing everything, I was like I can't.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Like I will be really you gotta just keep it moving.

Speaker 6 (07:13):
You just gotta keep moving. But yeah, definitely like get
up every you know, like a couple hours to stretch
your legs. But like Grandma, me and Ben and Dru
wear a diaper too.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
I always wear a diaper on long flights.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Sir, just in case.

Speaker 6 (07:28):
Yeah, I didn't do that, but hey.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
No, when you went to the Philippines, you were a diaper,
didn't you on the flight all the way there?

Speaker 1 (07:35):
To diapers? Yeah? Two of them.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Yeah, just double up, just in case, because what happens
if you sleep through your need to use because you
use the restaurant every twenty seven minutes, and so like,
imagine if you were to sleep through that. I mean,
everybody knows diaper long flights. Everybody knows.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Okay, I'll do that, but god, you just reminded me.
Like the aisle.

Speaker 4 (07:52):
See why why did I get an eye Well because
I have to pee every twenty seven minutes.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Yeah, but here's the thing.

Speaker 6 (07:57):
So I had an aisle seat going to Dublin, and
I didn't like it was with my college, so like
I didn't really get to pick my seat. And let
me tell you, I got irritated because these flight attendants
kept bumping into my seat.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
There's stupid I was the.

Speaker 6 (08:14):
Stupid trees and I was the last row in the
plane aisle seat, so that was miserable. But coming back home,
I made sure I.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
Was a window seat girl.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
Okay, Julie, thank you for the tips. And the diaper
is important, right, Julie.

Speaker 6 (08:30):
I mean, I'm sure you.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
Have a good day. I mean, just just you know,
just just like a little backup plan. Everything will be fine.
You're fine until tomorrow. Like you're not going to sleep tonight.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
No I am. I'm going to go to see you
don't want to see me when I got sleep.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Every everything's normal, everything's normal.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
So anxious. I don't know why. I don't know what's
going on with me.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
They got plenty of booze on there. The booze is
free internationally too.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Then I'll have to pee throughout to night.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
You're gonna have to pee anyway. You have to pee
right now. I do see all right? What I mean?
You know, I never I have an excited about this trip. Now.
The diaper, the diaper works.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
Diaper a nice get, like a nice trip of propo
fall like surgery.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
It'll be fine. I'll just knock you out and yeah,
you know, everything's gonna be fine,

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