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April 24, 2024 26 mins

During today's show, we talked about Kaelin's upcoming flight, we need more doctors and not influencers, and it's Game Show Wednesday!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This girl's creepy. But I think I've seen something about
it before. What was it called. It's like on the
front page of Netflix. But it's about a girl whose
mom was killed and dad was injured, and she's the
one they called nine one to one. And then it
gets into like how it happened, Like what happened? How
it happened? Is she a victim? Is she not a victim?

Was she in on it? Was she not in on it?
What was the reasoning? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Okay, it's like an hour now kill an hour and
a half. I watched your recommendation on the last flight
I had the one the modern day Gone girl. They
were calling her. Oh yeah, yeah, So I'm I didn't
in the way I thought it was going to end.

Speaker 3 (00:36):

Speaker 1 (00:36):
I thought there was some Shenanigans somewhere. Yeah, but you know, no,
no such luck. So you're going when do you leave tomorrow?

Speaker 3 (00:42):
I leave tomorrow after the show.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Okay, So Cam's going to a wedding in Brazil? Just
why not? Why wouldn't you just go to a wedding
in Brazil? So you leave after the show. How long
is the flight?

Speaker 3 (00:52):
The flight, Well, you have to do a connection.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
I don't think they have straight flights from here, so
I think the travel time's probably fourteen hours there's total,
So like a short and a long guy. But I'm
doing an overnight flight, which I don't think I've ever done.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
This is exciting. Okay, so I sound exciting, but you're
worried about You're worried about what you're gonna do, like
in the nighttime, in the sleepy time. Yeah, so there
won't be any dogs on board this flight. I don't
think I can't promise that, thank god.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
So yeah, I have been known to like get if
I sleep with someone else. I've been known to cuddle
like and not really realize I'm doing it. I'm just
kind of a snugly gal. And I also can't sleep,
so I can't even sleep in a bed, so I
have a sleep I got a prescription for sleeping pills
so that I could sleep during this flight. But what

I'm scared of is, am I gonna walk up and
down the aisles? Am I gonna cuddle my seat partner?

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Have you tested this sleeping pill? Like, like, have you
taken one? I don't know you've already taken one? Yeah,
And what happened?

Speaker 3 (01:52):
I slept just fine in a bed.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
But okay, because I wouldn't necessarily, I wouldn't recommend taking
sleeping pills for the first time on the plane. Yeah,
in case you're one of those like narc eliptic walker people, Yeah,
you know it does weird crazy things.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
I know that's common with ambient and it's this is
an ambient. But no, I was completely fine. I slept
in a bed, but also.

Speaker 2 (02:10):
Like, I'll be in a seat and I tried to
book a row that had no one else in it,
and now there's people in it. So I I just
am like, am I gonna just stay up all night
and be really tired when I get there? Or should
I try it? Or just like have some wine. I'm
very nervous. Have you ever slept on a plane?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Like, oh no, oh yeah you have? Yeah, oh I'm scared.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
You got to just make yourself real tired, right, and
then yeah you have to like, yeah, you get on
you take this to pill, have a glass of wine. Maybe.
I don't know. I'm not giving medical advice. I don't
know if that's a good idea. I would test that
out before and then maybe have a little dinner and
then knock out and where do you lay though, Well,
do you have a wind of an aisle?

Speaker 3 (02:47):
I'm an aisle.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
I take the window so that I can, you know,
lie up against the side of the plane.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
It's dark out. Who cares exactly. But you have to
stand up. It's a long flight, like I've done. I've
gone to the Philippines to But you have to stand
up because and walk around.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
You don't want to get the blood clots in your legs.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
So I'm going to walk up and down the aisle.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
Just to stretch your legs because for sitting for a
long time, you can get the It's a six hour.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
Flight, isn't it? From Miami?

Speaker 2 (03:11):
I'm flying from I'm not flying Houston. Yeah, I'm flying
from Texas. I'm looking right now.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
Is it six hours? Because that would be I don't
think it's glorious.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
I don't think it's crazy for I don't know. I've
not been to it. But you're going to sell Paolo,
I'm going to Rio. Okay.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
That was also fun. I had the book on my
way home. It's like it's a United Partner. So I
had to call someone in Brazil to book my seat.
First class was eighteen dollars. I should move.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
There for the connecting flight from Rio to sal Paolo.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
Oh, but probably like five minutes.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Then it's an hour.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
But I'm just saying, like the price is there, Okay,
So I go from two twenty to five twenty that's
just going to Houston. Then eight pm I land, So
it's a ten hour flight total.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Well, what's the time change?

Speaker 3 (03:57):
It's not sree, but they tell me it's ten hours
and ten minutes.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
All right, I said ten hours.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
Yeah, so I have a three hour flight and then
a ten hour flight.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
Yeah, I'm scared.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
What you gotta do, though, is you got to hit
the girl. What time do you land in the morning?
You land in the morning like eight fifteen. You got
to hit the ground running, like that's what you gotta do.
You cannot What you cannot do is land there at
eight in the morning and then go to bed. You
cannot do that. You cannot do that because then you'll
be messed up the entire time you're there. You got
to land at eight o'clock in the morning, like it's
eight o'clock in the morning, and you got to just
go until you're tired at a normal rate. Because the

biggest mistake you can make is land there and then
go right to bed and then and then it's like
I don't know, you'll wake up at like two and
you're like groggy, and then you'll probably lay there longer
and before long it's dark and night time. Right, That's
what I mean though. But my buddies who fly like
corporate you know, they fly internationally whatever, that's their trick
is like if they land in the morning, then they
just got to go maybe take like an hour nap

maybe late in the afternoon, and then have dinner and
then go to bed and then wake up the next
day and then you're going then you're good.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
I'm gonna be a zombie.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
You have to though land and go right to sleep.
It's gonna mess everything up.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Yeah, So what do you want me to do? I mean,
I can't even check into our ears.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
I want you to get on TikTok and keep yourself
up away, okay because it's legal there.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Just hit the streets, like go to the Copa, Caabama.

Speaker 4 (05:11):
And just go to the Jesus, Big Jesus, Jesus, go
look at Big Jesus.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
I don't know, I'm scared and like I don't speak
even kind of Portuguese, any of the language, and so
like I'm playing alone, like I'm very nervous.

Speaker 5 (05:23):
I never want to with everybody.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
My friend said, if security moves quickly, shall wait for me.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
This is my one wonderful friend.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Oh wow, it's very liberty to fly alone. And I know,
I know it's like you know, the difference probably different
for women in men, but nonetheless it's very very liberating.
On the plane, you go and buy yourself. The world
is your oyster. You can do whatever you want. You
don't have to ask anybody for anything. Get on the plane.
You're just going.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
I mean, I flew to Spain alone, but I speak
a little Spanish.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
I felt comfortable. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
But you're flying United, aren't you. Yeah, they're gonna speak
English on United.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Well, once I land though at the airport on your
own moon, where the hell do I go? And like
they have uber there, like are they gonna And I
heard it's dangerous.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
I mean it's dangerous everywhere. I mean my car got
sole an in Chicago. But I'm just scared.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
You're gonna be fine. It's not going to be scared
about except on except for taking the ambient on the plane.
And maybe groping your seat passenger and then winding up
in what's trending on Monday morning.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
Yeah, oh my god, please.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Don't wind up in what's trending on Monday morning. That's
all I ask of you. I guess it would be
Friday morning at that point.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
I have woken up accidentally, like with my head on
someone and they just let me.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Who knows, maybe you'll find love on the plane. Maybe
well maybe yeah, you know, yeah, yeah, maybe maybe you'll
find someone to make love with.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
Did you ever find out if you're in the wedding?
Are you in this wedding? Like I certainly am in
this wedding.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
I would never asked, but I certainly am in this wedding.
And my other friend fully brought like another colored dress
and just found out a couple of days ago.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
So I'm grateful I found out. But yeah, no, I'm
in the wedding. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
Julie has tips for you. Julie, Hello, Julie Hope, Hello,
good morning, Julie. My advice was sound, but what is
your advice for the overnight flight?

Speaker 3 (07:00):

Speaker 6 (07:01):
I took a flight from Chicago to Ireland a couple
of years ago, and what I did. It was overnight,
so I didn't sleep like the night before. And then
once I got on my flight, like they said, you
like dinner or whatever, and then I took some benad
room okay, and I think like a benage drone, like

a drama mean, because I do get kind of motion sickness.
But I slept the entire flight besides like going to
the bathroom. I didn't even know I was on a plane.
And then like when I landed in Dublin, it was
like eight o'clock in the morning, and like I just
we just started sight seeing and stuff. Then because the

time changing everything, I was like I can't, like I
will be really moving. You just gotta keep moving. But yeah,
definitely like get up every you know, like a couple
hours to stretch your legs. Like Grandma me and benna'd
roe wear.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
A diaper too. I always wear a diaper on long
flights just in case.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
Yeah, I didn't do that.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
But hey, no, when you went to the Philippines, you
were diaper, didn't you on the flight all the way there?

Speaker 3 (08:15):
To diapers?

Speaker 1 (08:16):
Yeah, two of them. Yeah, just double up just in case,
because what happens if you sleep through your need to
use because you use the restaurant every twenty seven minutes,
and so like, imagine if you were to sleep through that.
I mean, everybody knows. Diaper long flights, everybody knows.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
Okay, I'll do that, but god, you just reminded me,
like the aisle See why why did I get an.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Eye Well because I have to pee every twenty seven minutes.

Speaker 1 (08:35):

Speaker 6 (08:36):
Well, here's the thing. So I had an aisle seat
going to Dublin, and I didn't like it was with
my college, so like I didn't really get to pick
my seat. And let me tell you, I got irritated
because these flight attendants kept bumping into my seat.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
There's stupid trays.

Speaker 6 (08:53):
I was the stupid traes and I was the last
row in the plane, I'll see. So that was miserable.
But coming back home, I made sure I was a
window seat girl.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
Okay, Julie, thank you for the tips. And the diaper
is important, right, Julie.

Speaker 6 (09:11):
I mean I'm sure, yeah, yes.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Thank you, Julie. Have a good day. I mean, just
just safe, you know, just just like a little backup plan.
Everything will be fine.

Speaker 4 (09:21):
You're fine awaiting until tomorrow, Like you're not going to
sleep tonight.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
No I am. I'm gonna go to sleep. You don't
want to see me when I go to sleep for.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
Every No, everything's normal, everything's normal.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
So anxious. I don't know why. I don't know what's
going on with me.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
They got plenty of booze on there. The booze is
free internationally too.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
Then I'll have to pee throughout the night.

Speaker 1 (09:40):
You're gonna have to pee anyway. You have to pee
right now? I do see, all right? What I mean?
You know, I never I have an excited about this trip. Now,
the diaper, the diaper works. Diaper a nice get, like
a nice trip of propo fall like surgery. It'll be fine.
I'll just knock you out. Yeah, everything's going to be fine.

Speaker 7 (09:58):
They talked about it than they thought are These are the.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
Radio blogs on the Fred Show. I love that one. Yes,
I'm gonna come to work tomorrow. WHOA, I wasn't going to,
but I think I might. This is exciting. Our blogs
like writing in our diaries, except we saying them aloud. Kiki,
yes all yours dear blog.

Speaker 8 (10:19):
Okay, So this is gonna be one of those. Don't
be the pot calling the kettle black. Don't throw rocks
in the glass house.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Is that what they say?

Speaker 1 (10:28):

Speaker 8 (10:29):
Okay, yeah, that because we need more doctors and less influencers.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Okay, this is coming from an influencer.

Speaker 5 (10:36):
Yes it is.

Speaker 8 (10:37):
And I listen. Don't do as I do, do what
I say. Be a doctor, be a nurse, be a lawyer,
be anything but an influencer, because at this point, trying
to make a doctor's appointment. Bruh, it's what's today Wednesday? Yeah, okay,
it's been all week. I've been trying to make one
doctor's appointment. And you know my process. When I make

a doctor's appointment, I go I find a name on
the list. Okay, I see if I vibe.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
With the name.

Speaker 8 (11:04):
Then I go from the name I google you see
if I vibe with your photo. If you don't, if
you look mean in the photo, I'm not messing with you.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
So why does you go to the same doctor twice?

Speaker 8 (11:12):
Well, I have to find a new one because our
insurance decided to drop my doctor that I've had forever
out of the network.

Speaker 5 (11:18):
It didn't tell me.

Speaker 8 (11:19):
Okay, so now I'm out here with a little bill
that I didn't know what's coming.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
You can't come in there with like diamonds and gold
to pay exactly. You know, I don't like bills. So well,
wherever you want, sorry.

Speaker 8 (11:32):
To my doctor, you'll get it one day. But anyway,
so now I'm looking for a new doctor, and the
process is crazy. Once I find a photo that I like,
I google you see what you're about, find your social media,
you know, see if you marry single, what's the deal?

Speaker 3 (11:46):
So I guess, well, you really researching this research?

Speaker 8 (11:49):
Yes, And so I really found this doctor I was
vibing with. She was a beautiful woman. She her daughter's
in college. She looks like she has a great life.
So I was like, okay, I'm gonna go to her.
I call her office and the little nice lady is like, yeah,
we can get you in in the end of September.

Speaker 1 (12:06):

Speaker 5 (12:06):
I I don't even know if I'm gonna be alive at.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
That whatever's going on, it may take me before then.

Speaker 8 (12:12):
So yeah, like what, I'm like, excuse me, She's like, yeah,
she's booked up until the end of September.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
Call it.

Speaker 8 (12:20):
Find do the whole process again. Find another doctor I'm
vibing with, you know, from her photo. And then I
say I call them and they're like, oh, yeah, she's
booked up until October.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
What is like how it's longer for new patients too.
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 8 (12:35):
I'm like this is wild and I need more options.
I need more doctors. We need less influences. I can
find an influencer everywhere. Everybody's an influencer, but we need
more medical students. So shout out to everybody who's in
medical school. Stay strong, get off TikTok. Just focus on
your work because we need more people to be doctors
and lawyers and less what influencers.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
It's gotten to the point where I just have a
general idea the direction of the doctor's office, and I
just take whoever they'll give me. Like I just honestly
like I don't because if I try to make an
appointment with one person and they're like, well you will
see in six months, I'm like that doesn't help me.
I'm just I just sort of just say, hey, you guys, see,

is anyone available, Like anybody? Anybody? It's like, yeah, we
have a kind of collogist. Read sure, that's finally going there.
I'm feeding the stirrup. So I'm like, take a look,
you know what I mean, everything look okay, to you
down there. I know it's not what you're used to,
but like, yeah, at this point, I just take what
I can get. But I also very very rarely go
to the doctor right for this reason.

Speaker 8 (13:38):
Like either, So when I put it, I put this
on social media because I'm an influencer, and people are
in the comments saying like, oh, well, that's probably because
I just book whatever appointment is available, and I call
around and book appointments with everybody until I can get god,
until they can get the earliest appointment, and they never
go back and counsel the other appointments.

Speaker 5 (13:57):
So a lot of people.

Speaker 8 (13:58):
Are just booked up for people that aren't even gonna
show up.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
And while we're talking about that, every time I call
my Ghano, I'm thirtieth in line to get on the
phone to make an appointment.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
Why are we all?

Speaker 1 (14:09):
That's a lot of mess up with j Are you
where we have to go?

Speaker 5 (14:13):
You know, you get my.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
Problem because Fred, You've got the same doctor as Fred.
That's a problem they're trying to figure out. They're trying
to figure out what I'm doing there.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
The stars, like thirty people in line for this, damn guano.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah, she staring at my parts going wait a minute, hold,
but it feels different. I don't know we did we
didn't do this one in medical school. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
Are you looking at places that doctors that are close
to your home?

Speaker 8 (14:40):
So I've even gone out like you down here too,
I'll drive whatever. I don't like a downtown doctor because
I get lost downtown.

Speaker 9 (14:48):
You know.

Speaker 8 (14:48):
They they're They're like, oh, we're in this building. The
address is really another house. I get very off. You know.
I'm a suburban girl, so I will go in any suburbs.
I'll go north, south, wherever. All right, But yeah, it's hard.
It's hard out here, and I just wish we had
more options of doctors that I vibe with.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
So I love the amount of research that you do.

Speaker 5 (15:07):
Oh yeah, it's an all day process.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
You know what happened to me the last time, Kiki,
the last time that I did not do my research
and they said, would you like so and so to
be your doctor? I'm like, okay, I don't care. And
I go in there and then a model walks in,
a model and I, you know, my stomach wasn't feeling great,
and she's like, well, what are your symptoms? I'm like
I'm good now, everything's fine. What what do you why?
Why you hear that? I'm like, I don't remember. I

don't want to talk to you about it. And again
I'm the weirdo. I know these people don't care. I know,
just because she's hot doesn't mean that she, you know,
isn't desensitized to whatever the hell's wrong with me, and
she doesn't give a damn about me. But I was
wildly distracted by how beautiful she was, and so I
now I too. I look for the oldest, dorkiest nerdiest guy. Yes,

and then I walk in there and they call me fat.
It's the same thing every time your blood pressure is
too high. Yeah, it's cause I'm sitting here with you.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
How do you try doctor? Have you tried ZocDoc? No ZocDoc.

Speaker 4 (16:03):
It's I use it because our Ashlan's primary like pediatrician
is downtown, but we don't live downtown no more so,
Like if he gets sick or whatever doesn't feel good,
we just go on zoctoc and you just put your
insurance on there and you'll find the doctors in your
area and their availability like a snap like that.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
Okay, I gotta try or just go to Brazil with Taylor.

Speaker 8 (16:23):
Yeah, you know, I'm saving up on my Brazilian butt lifts.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Yes, well, then let's go. They'll take a look.

Speaker 5 (16:30):
See maybe I don't think they take our insurance.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Oh well it's cheaper there.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
You'll believe that you're Brazil. It's the Fred Show. Do
you have what it takes to battle?

Speaker 2 (16:45):

Speaker 1 (16:46):
It's mine turned to lose.

Speaker 7 (16:47):
You're definitely gonna be Jason.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Brown, except you're not.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
Except you are not definitely gonna be Jason Brown, whose
record is three and oh with a three game win
streak in this game. Let's welcome your challenger today. It
is Britney. Hi. Bro Brittany with the Britney music in background. Britney, Hi, Hi,
how you doing? Tell us all about you?

Speaker 3 (17:10):
Welcome? Good.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
So I am twenty eight years old, I have a
seven year old daughter, and I'm a nammy Hi. Oh
oh what is today? Jb what's your name? Britney's daughter
who said.

Speaker 9 (17:24):
Hi, what's your name?

Speaker 3 (17:26):

Speaker 1 (17:27):
Hi? Jade? Well, thank you guys for listening and for
playing the game. We'll let you guys team up for this.
It's fine. It's just Jason's undefeated record up for grabshore
oh it can't be Britney and Jid. Five general knowledge
questions against the Jason Brownfielding and for Paulina, who is
three and zero of the game.

Speaker 7 (17:44):
Are you ready Jason, I'm ready. Good luck Brittany and Jade.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Good bye.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Okay, with all the respect, Jason, get the hell out. Adios, Mia,
migo mamon no So okay, here we go, Brittany and Jade.
Question number one, about seventy one percent of the earth
surface is made up of?

Speaker 3 (18:00):
What water?

Speaker 1 (18:03):
Which plant makes up most of a panda's diet? Samboo
Name the popular British board game where players tried to
determine who murdered the game's victim, where the crime took place,
and which weapon was used.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
Isn't it like mystery or something?

Speaker 5 (18:22):

Speaker 7 (18:22):
Click, clue, clue?

Speaker 1 (18:23):
How many years are there in a quarter of a century?

Speaker 3 (18:29):
A quarter of a Sumptuary three?

Speaker 9 (18:33):
Two, five thousand and what does the military abbreviation po
W stand for?

Speaker 1 (18:46):
The what abbreviationthing? Meow? Military abbreviation pow? What does it
stand for?

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Oh? Three out of something?

Speaker 1 (18:56):
I don't know? Okay, okay, you got a three?

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Not bad?

Speaker 1 (18:58):
That's not bad. That's not bad. Let's see how this goes?

Speaker 3 (19:00):
A three?

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Is the score to b Jason Brown? Okay, yeah, that
is true. That is true. Let's see if you can
go four and o to day? All right, four straight?
You ready?

Speaker 5 (19:09):

Speaker 1 (19:10):
About seventy one percent of the Earth's surface is made
up of what water? Yeah, here we go. Which plant
makes up most of a panda's diet?

Speaker 9 (19:25):

Speaker 3 (19:26):
Oh, it's in a stick turd?

Speaker 7 (19:29):
Sorry, bamboo, bamboo, there's a seven year old of a
poor I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (19:34):
I'm sorry, Brittany and Jade, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Behave ourself thought process. Name the popular British board game
where players try to determine who murdered the game's victim,
where the crime took place, and which weapon was used.

Speaker 3 (19:45):
Uh uh three clue?

Speaker 1 (19:50):
Yes? Yes, okay, how many years Jason are there in
a quarter of a century? Quarter? Yes? Yes?

Speaker 3 (20:04):
Over again?

Speaker 1 (20:05):
And then finally, what does the military abbreviation p O
W stand for? Oh?

Speaker 5 (20:13):
H three?

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Oh yes, yes, that's a five. That's a five. That's
a way for Jason.

Speaker 3 (20:28):
Brown for it.

Speaker 5 (20:30):
How do I know stuff?

Speaker 1 (20:32):
You know so much stuff. I'm so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you. Here, Brittany and James, you
guys did a good job. But three is not a
bad score at all. But I'm sorry you did not
win today. That's four straight for Jason Brown. You guys,
hang on and thank you so much for listening. Have
a great day.

Speaker 8 (20:46):
Thank you too.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
We appreciate you, guys. Jason. We'll still give him something.
Oh good, Okay, we'll still give him something. And we'll
give him something. Okay. Good. See I didn't do that.
I didn't just throw it out there. But because I don't,
I didn't know we had anything to give. But yeah,
I'll figure it out. At this point, we're giving away
like you know, post it notes and hancils and the hand. Yeah,
basically that's what you win, all right, four and O

very nice job.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
Thank you, Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Then we move on to someone who is.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Not quite that impressive, but it is. Did you, by
the way, did you win the throw back throw down
last week? To sure who she went to in a row? Yeah?
She just won to in a row? One? You don't
even remember?

Speaker 5 (21:28):
What's a respect on my name?

Speaker 1 (21:29):
But you didn't respect on your own name? One? You
didn't remember?

Speaker 5 (21:33):
Yes, you were every week.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
You weren't here last yes, Oh but the last time
we played. That's all I was going for. Yes, yeah,
I didn't even know if I was. I didn't know,
you didn't know. We know. But if you'd like to
play Kiki Karaoke eight five five five nine one one

three five call now. All you have to do it's
the easiest game. All you have to do is tell
us whether you think Kiki will get the song lyrics
right or wrong. This week the theme is Kiki's Graphic
Teas Okay, Geeky's Graphic Teas eight five five five one
three five called Apple Plant ni Umnajen two minutes.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
Frend Job fread show is on Friend's Fun.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Fact Fred's Fun.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Learn them so much? God, guys, did you know today's
Steve Jobs birthday? That's not the fact. Steve Jobs, apple founder,
passed away, rip invented the iPhone you know, and iPad
and all kinds of other stuff we use all the time.
Steve Jobs relieved stress by soaking his feet in Apple's

company toilets.

Speaker 3 (22:52):
What wait?

Speaker 1 (22:53):
And I googled this and multiple sources confirm what Oh,
Steve Jobs relief stress by soaky his feet in Apple's
company toilets.

Speaker 7 (23:02):
Allegedly the bowl or the tank. What do we think? Yeah,
putting his feet. I don't know how you mean, there's
some kind of balancing I to get the tank. Maybe
just stands in there when you But what for what reason.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
Relief rests?

Speaker 3 (23:18):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:19):
I've not tried this. I wouldn't try it in my
own toilet with my own stuff in there.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
It just rolls up them jeans and Pizza's feet.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
In I guess. So, yeah, it turned back on. Yeah,
I mean, you know it's whatever. He was brilliant and
rich and we're not. So maybe we're what's missing more
breadshell Next, you've got to bread show is on.

Speaker 9 (23:45):

Speaker 1 (23:48):
Somebody touched it? SHOT's fired by me. No, I've been
on my best behavior all week. I've been really good.
I haven't said anything about anybody. I mean, the suits
have been pretty safe this week. I think I've been
pretty good. You guys. Yeah, I don't know what's going on.
Maybe the pills that they're making me take, the the
iHeart shoots are making me take. Now, the tranquilizers are working.

I come in now and the guy the suits in
the corner, they shoot one of those blow darts at me,
you know, like and then it just like I'm like
a like a zebra in Kenya or whatever, and I just, yeah, yeah,
I think they're I think they have zebras in Kenya.
I'm not sure where they are, but you know, when
they have to tranquilize him to go like check them,
you know, that's what they've been doing to me, So I.

Speaker 5 (24:32):
Knew something was different.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Yeah, and I'm not real quick, you know, so I
can't really dodge them, you know what I mean. So yeah, yeah,
I think I'm just tired today because Gideon tried to
kill me personal trainer to the stars and then me.
He's the personal trainer of the stars and then me.
But he tried. He tried to kill me yesterday, like
he wanted me. I think he's just having a good
time seeing like where my breaking point is, and I'm

too proud to break so I do let him hurt me.
That's right, that's good. Yeah, But but I complained about
it the whole time. Yeah, yeah, he tried to kill
me yesterday, but none of that. We didn't do any
of the thrusting towards the sky exercise also known as
glute bridges. But I seriously like he'll make me run
on the treadmill and he'll just go like faster, faster, faster, faster.

I think he just wants to see like when I'll
go splat is what I think he's trying to do.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
And Kiki's post her workout videos.

Speaker 5 (25:28):
He is. He is waiting for me, But I am
not waiting for him.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
You know what, when you least expected, because I'm getting
intel on when and where, and I'm sending him over.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
Please don't do that.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
I want to see you do the glue.

Speaker 5 (25:41):
Bridges getting now those I can handle me.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Do a glue bridge right now.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
No, you gotta pay for that.

Speaker 8 (25:47):
But you know that that looks a lot like tworking.

Speaker 5 (25:51):
I can handle that. But all that on the sluby
have you doing?

Speaker 1 (25:54):
Maybe I'm so good at the glue bridges because of
my you know, my time working at Labert in Dallas,
putting myself through college. That's probably what I waiting on
the phone. Very controversial, you'll hear it next it's brand new.
And then the entertainment report. What's in there?

Speaker 2 (26:05):
Kay, I will tell you about the actress who said
she had to make out with ten different dudes for
a chemistry screen test.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
I don't know what she's so mad about I don't
see the problem.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Okay, Halen doesn't see the problem. You'll hear what we're
talking about a couple of minutes. It's the French show

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