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April 26, 2024 16 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the Fresh Show. This is what's trending, all right,
Jason Brown.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
In fact, it's been a minute since I've had to
pull your music out of the uh, out of the
tape stand. Yeah, the cart, the cart, the cart wrack. Yeah,
a gun rack. I don't have any guns to necessitate
a gun rack.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
What movies that for? I hate?

Speaker 2 (00:26):
I just became the person I don't like. I hate
when people do that. Where movies are from, I don't know. Okay,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
I don't watch any movies. Yeah, okay, Chicago Classic may
have seen part of that at some point in my life.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Their TV show was based in Aurora. Oh, okay, Aurora, Milliwak. Yeah,
what is it? What does mean again? Alice Cooper of
the I don't know what it is? He went into depth. Okay,
Now I was very young. I just would like to
say I was very young when that movie came out.
But they had their own T show, Jason Brown. Our

sports reporter. The president is sports reporting. I make up
a new title for you every time. Sometimes you're the VP,
But then who would be the president? I mean, but
if it's taking like this place, everyone's a VP. Everyone
is a VP. Kiki's a VP. I am You're a VP.
Rufio is a VP. I'm I'm I'm the president.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Actually, question that, like the head of something is a VP.
I'm like, sho, aren't you?

Speaker 2 (01:27):
Doesn't advice mean? Like like lie? So how can everybody be.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Second in mine?

Speaker 1 (01:32):
And then they just keep.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
Making the title seem fancier but people's jobs don't change,
like like senior VP.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Well what makes me a senior VP.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Or vice president? And then like ten words after it?

Speaker 2 (01:42):
And so I just said I'm the president. I just
decided I'm a President's right, you're vps here, you are,
every single one of you it has just earned a
VP title. Oh yeah, you always had them, but I
just wanted you to know. So these Chicago Bears have
selected Cater Williams with the number one picking NFL draft, uh,
the Washington Commanders, Jayden Daniels, a quarterback from LSU, and

the New England Patriots shows North Carolina QB Drake May
with the third pig in the NFL draft.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
Thought, h well, Rufio broke the news to me yesterday
about Caleb Williams. He has a nice smile. I like
him a lot. He seems very cute. Rufio is showing
me some clips this morning. He gives a little spicy side.
He's got a little style, a little.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Flair, spicy side. You say, he's got.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
A beautiful girlfriend, so she'll be here, So I think
we should be friends.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
Have we looked at Drake May? I feel like Drake
May is a guy if you would get this type.
Oh he's got an anthey and that's a fancy.

Speaker 4 (02:41):

Speaker 1 (02:41):
I feel like Drake May.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
Oh yeah, like he's like all American corn Fred Take me.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
On a tractor, Yeah, kind of dude, Right right, Take
me on a tractor, kind of dude.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Ride me on the tractor.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Tractor with me? Yeah right? Wow? The tractic story.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Always from Charlotte. Ya Hey, we love that.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
We went to North Carolina tar heels.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Yes, sir twenty nine, Hello, big boy.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
This is the kind of sports report that we all wanted.
Means the good Land, That's what it was.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Was it?

Speaker 2 (03:30):
At least if somebody texted, yeah, have you ever seen Waynesworth?
You probably have the T shirt, Kiki, but have you
ever seen Wayne's World?

Speaker 4 (03:35):
I don't have a T shirt, and no, I've never
seen Waynesboro.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
I feel like you need to see Wayne's World.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
You'd have the Wayne's World hat. You would have like, yes,
you'd have a Wayn's World hat.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Okay, uh huh.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
I think if you you need to watch Wayne's World,
you need to watch Ferris Bueler's Day Off.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Okay, I need to rewatch.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Ferris Bueler's Day Off as a resident, because I'm sure
I would have a whole well, yeah, I know this.
I probably wouldn't because it was thirty years ago. So
there's a bunch of stuff that's not there.

Speaker 5 (04:00):
Cohol days impossible in the first place, you can be
at a Cubs game at one, and then at the
Stock Exchange.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
You certainly cannot. You're going the wrong way down lakes
and it just so happens. There's a parade on a Wednesday.
What's going on? Everybody's dancing in the streets on a Wednesday?
Can you visited the Art Museum? Get out of town pass?
I did, don't.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
I did not to make this tow inside, but I
did one day walk past the facade of the restaurant
that was the fancy restaurant they went to the movie,
and I looked at it and I'm like, why do
I know this the.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
That's the staircase. That's the place from Paris Bueler where
he went in.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
And he was like, uh, your abe froman the Sausage
King of Chicago. Are you are you suggesting? I am
not who I say.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
I am your abe Froeman.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
Nonetheless, so you excited about the prospects, Yes, Caleb Williams.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
Yeah, I mean yeah, I think he's hotter than just
a So I'm here for it.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
Okay, here's our new wide receiver that the Bear's got.
Could the Panthers take? I mean, I don't know if
it matters. The bears got their pick. Oh, that's right,
never didn't get anybody. Sorry about that for.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Those and DJ Moore and Dull Right, we got all.

Speaker 2 (05:21):
These those of you listening in the Carolinas. I'm sorry
about that. It's not getting any better, is it. I
have to do one serious story that I can get
back to stupid stuff. New Yorks highest court overturned the
conviction of former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein on sex crime
charges and ordered a new trial. The four to three
ruling by the New York Court of Appeals declared that
Weinstein did not get a fair trial in part because

the judge allowed three women whose allegations were not part
of the case to testify. He is not getting out
by any means because he has all kinds of other
legal troubles too, but in this one particular case, of
which there have been several, he will be given a
new trial. So customers at Chipotle are upset at the
price of chicken dishes, and now workers at the fast

food chain are similarly upset. And I want to know
what you guys think of this. Eight five five five.
But according to a Bloomberg exclusive, there was an email
sent out to all of the Chipotle stores from corporate
that says, let's conserve our fan favorite chicken. So this,
I guess went out last week from the one of

the suits there at Chipo president of he's the chief
restaurant's officer. His name is Scott Scott boat Ride. In
case you're wondering, he was asking store managers and other
staffers not to order their discounted or free meals, which
is a perk of working there with Chicken, either version

the regular or the Alpa store that they're serving right now.
The reason is that the restaurants need to keep up
with their guest demand for the popular protein option. So
the directive, which goes into effect immediately and will last
until further notice, also applies to Chipotle staffers working at
all where free Monday lunches will no longer offer chicken
as an option. I'm very upset about that me too.

It's okay, Oh, let me take a sip chicken. I
want to take a sip at my dunkin coffee that
I'm allowed to drink all of it I want. I've
never had the chicken. I will only get steaked.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
I get chicken every time. I'm sorry, I.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
Got a little choked up. So it's a request, not
a mandate. But I guess they're having an issue keeping
the chicken in stock, and so they're telling the people
that work there, you don't get free or dis kind
of chicken because we got to sell it, because we
got to have it available to make, you know, to
make full price on him. I gotta be honest with you.
I really, I can't really disagree with them on this. Like,
I know people are gonna get mad and go they're

working there, let them have their chicken. I get that,
But it's still a business, and if they can get
god sixteen dollars now for a chicken bowl or whatever
they get me. It's expensive. That was another TikTok I
saw the other day, like Chipotle ten years ago and
it's like double the prize. But anyway, which I don't think.
I don't know that the food cost is double. I
think they just are more popular now. But nonetheless, do

you think that the restaurant has the option? I mean,
of course they do, But do you think it's fair
to say, look, employees on stuff that's free or discount
and you got to choose something else because we got
to sell this because we don't have enough of it.
I mean, it happens, doesn't happen like in retail outlets
where it's like your discount is not applicable to these
items because they're in limited quantity, or you know, you

can get free this stuff or you know whatever, but
you have to pay for this. I mean, you know
what I mean? Like I don't I guess I don't
really know that. I think this is unfair. I mean
it's kind of not cool, but it's also like.

Speaker 5 (08:38):
They got to make it's helping the consumer, it's helping
us to help a customer. Yeah, and it's helping the
people that love the chicken because so they'll be chicken
at the restaurant. So the employees aren't taking it away.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
And it's nice that they even get a free lunch
on certain days like that doesn't happen everywhere. Like when
I worked at a restaurant, like I had to pay
for my lunch.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
People say the hell with this. Someone just texted to
hell with that. Chipote's about to lose their whole staff.

Speaker 5 (09:00):
Over chicken because someone says, you can't have chicken for you.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Can have steaks, you can have you know, total, we
can have whatever else. I guess it's just the barbicola
brobica is only going to last like a week. It's
not that big of a deal.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
But I guess when I first read this, I'm like, well,
that kind of sucks, But at the same time, I don't.
I mean, if you only have so much of it
and you own the place and you're gonna make full
price versus giving it to the I mean, yeah, it sucks,
but it is what it is.

Speaker 3 (09:27):
They take the free meal away, they're not doing that.
They're just sort of saying, choose something else.

Speaker 1 (09:31):

Speaker 6 (09:31):
I guess yeah, did you get free stuff?

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Did you? Did they give you free stuff at CAMC?
I understand it.

Speaker 6 (09:39):
I was in chief opposite V Free.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
So Kicky is a KFC alum, and she was a
she was a VP of a store. Actually you were
a store. Were an assistant manager? Yes, you were the
assistant manager? Yes, okay, and so were you. Will you
give it a meal per shift?

Speaker 4 (09:58):
Yes, you were given a meal person shift.

Speaker 6 (10:00):
It was technically well I was given a meal per shift,
but it was the law said you get fifty percent
off your meal, so you're technically supposed to pay for
half of it. But I was one of those managers like,
I appreciate you coming to work. We're gonna throw a
lot of this away. Get a free meal before you leave.
We're eat your lunch here and get a free meal.
So yeah, we definitely had free meals there. But I

couldn't imagine one of my employees complaining because I said,
you couldn't have the original recipe and you had to
get the crispy recipe because we're short on it. You
know what I'm saying, Like it's free, it's discounting. You
work here, this is your job. You are not a
consumer here, this is your place of business, so no,
you cannot complain about that.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Yeah, And I think that the other issue is people
are talking about how Chipote is going to lose their employees.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
They're unionizing in.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
Some places like Starbucks training to I think there's a
lot of other issues going on to make them disgruntled
but nonetheless need.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
To be lost.

Speaker 6 (10:56):

Speaker 4 (10:56):
I can't stand in the Chipotle worker.

Speaker 6 (10:58):
She got double meat, you know, like some of them
just take that job a little too serious, Like, you know,
they give you the perfect scoop, like, bro, you can
leave the little additional meat on top, you know, why.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
Do you guys shake it all?

Speaker 4 (11:09):
Like, don't shake off the extra meat like I said it.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
On the medal, the spoon on the middle. I'm gonna
get out of here right leaving my burritles so.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
Those employees can get lost. I'm not mad about that.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Yeah, most people are staying on the text it's fair.
I mean, it's just their business, I guess. And that's
the part that when we talk about stuff like this
that people don't seem to like is if if you're
being unfairly treated as an employee, that's no, like absolutely not.
But if you don't like the terms of the management
because they don't necessarily benefit you. Know, there are aspects
of it that don't benefit you. You do work for

a corporation. There's more there are more people there than
just you, and I think sometimes there's will not Sometimes
there is a big difference between I'm not being paid enough,
or I'm not being treated fairly, or I'm being overworked,
or I'm being asked to do things I don't want
to do versus I can't have chicken at lunch. Let's
get really about it. I guess I'll eat something else.
Lego You is set to drop two space theme sets. Okay, okay,

so this one's for you, Rufio. Yes, two new sets
that are a must for space fans. The Artemis Space
Launch System, which will carry NASA astronauts to the Moon
in the Milky Way. Three thousand pieces in that one.
You'll if you're a Lego Insider program member.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
Oh my, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
May fifteenth through May seventeenth is when you can have that.
The Artimist Space Launch System and the Milky Way Galaxy
three D wall mountable depiction of our home galaxy.

Speaker 1 (12:35):

Speaker 2 (12:36):
But the Artemis Space Launch System is three thousand pieces
is two hundred and sixty bucks, and then the milky
Way one is two hundred dollars.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
The Milky Way would be cool because it's like action's
really big in the space. He wants his room to
be space theme. Oh yeah, maybe we could build that
one on the wall and then that could be his Like.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
You better become a core VIP VP Lego nerdy guy member.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
To becoming to be the VP of Yeah right. I
want that.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
Concord that they have, except I don't what Once I
built it, I don't know what to do with it
because I can't have a Lego concord model in my
home as a forty year old man, Like I don't
people come over and me like, where's the do you
have a child? No?

Speaker 1 (13:19):
No, I built that myself.

Speaker 5 (13:21):
It's my concord way.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
I mean.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Doctor SEUs, doctor Seuss art on the wall worth a
little bit of money.

Speaker 5 (13:33):
I mean you know, you know, build that concord, tylo
string to it and then hang it from the ceiling.
Yeah over my race car bed.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Oh god, you should see this thing. I had a
king sized race car bed made from my house. I
had a king sized airplane bed made for my house.
And finally, and this is also a kind of a
Chicago story this morning, but maybe you've heard about this,
and if you haven't, it's kind of outrageous. But there's
a Chicago sidewalk section where apparently a rat or apossum

or something squirrel died and then I don't know what happened,
if it got stuck when the concrete was wet, or
if it like must have, but anyway, there's this full
imprint of some kind of rodent in a piece of
sidewalk in the city of Chicago. It's called the rat Hole,
and it became a tourist destination. And I told you guys,

when this started, people were going there. They were like
putting candles there, visual praying to.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
It, and they got married there.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
People got married. It was becoming this whole spectacle.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
And I told you guys, the city's going to rip
this thing out because neighbors are going to complain because
it's right in front of somebody's house. And that's exactly
what happened. The Chicago sidewalk landmark that some residents affectionately
called the rat Hole was removed on Wednesday after city
officials determined the section bearing the imprint of an animal
was damaged and needed to be replaced. The imprint has
been a quirk of a residential block on the north

side Roscoe Village in Chicago for years, but it found
fresh fam January after a Chicago comedian shared a photo
on x. The attention, however, quickly grew old for the
neighbors who complained about visitors at all hours. So they
actually now they tried to like fill it, and then
somebody came and unfilled it, and then somebody put like
plaster in it or something so that it couldn't be

filled again.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
It's the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Anyway, They removed the entire section of sidewalk, replaced it,
and there's no word on what they're going to do,
but they they have it stored somewhere.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Oh good, okay, so let's not destroyed.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
No. So I don't know if they're gonna put it
on display or whatever. But it's the out it's the
outline of a rat. People think clawstail at all. They
say it will be a collaborative decision between the city
departments and the Mayor's office on what to do with it.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
But they're moving it to somewhere else, like, you know.

Speaker 5 (15:43):
When they pour that concrete, they'll have like security around,
so no one throws like a you know, another animal,
like even a fake animal like, no, let's not.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
Throw any more animals.

Speaker 5 (15:53):
Animal like you know, throws a little fake rectoid to
make another impression.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
You know. But this was all the rage for months
and months and months, people praying to an outline of
a dead animal in a sidewalk.

Speaker 6 (16:06):
Let us have some type of joy made. It was
bringing joy to the city. We can't have so hark now, like,
at least let us have the rat hole.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Yeah. I don't have a lot of good news for
you guys today, unfortunately. I mean it's really bad, but
we don't have the rat hole anymore. You got paid
two hundred and eighty bucks for legos. Now can't get
you in and out of No, you certainly can. It's
National South Dakota Day, National Hairball Awareness Day, National Arbor Day,
National Autobon Day for Birds, and National Help a Horse Day,

encouraging horse lovers and advocates to join forces and protect
a views and neglected horses.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
So that's a nice one. I like that.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Shall we any thoughts in any of this? How about
the chicken at Chipotle. You upset about it?

Speaker 1 (16:47):
No, I agree with you. I think I think it's
a good move.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
I personally, I am also a steak galo.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Well then everything will be so, she doesn't care. Should
you meet it anyway? Shelley doesn't need it

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