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April 27, 2023 28 mins

If you want to continue to grow and embody the person your creator meant you to be, you can’t keep doing the same thing.

But creating lasting change is not easy.

So, how do you change your relationship with unpredictability and learn to welcome something new?  What does it look like to challenge what the future holds?

On this episode of Destined to Be, I explain how to create lasting change by making decisions in the present and why embracing change is necessary for your growth and transformation.

I share my experience with quieting down my thoughts and questioning my subconscious beliefs, challenging you to explore how your thoughts create the resistance that leads to suffering.

Listen in for insight around honoring who you are (even in the face of criticism) and learn how to find the safety you need to challenge what the future holds!

Key Takeaways 

How to create peace around the past by changing your perception in the present

How to create lasting change by making decisions in the present moment

What it looks like to quiet down your thoughts and challenge your subconscious beliefs

How our thoughts create the resistance that leads to suffering

What happens when you push too far outside your window of tolerance

How to change your relationship with unpredictability and welcome something new

Why embracing change is necessary for growth and transformation

How anxiety and excitement create the same feelings in your body

The 2 questions that change the way I interact with others and increase my impact

What it looks like to honor who you are in the face of criticism

How stress and anxiety come from avoiding decisions you need to make

The relationship between finding safety and challenging what the future holds

Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

Destined to Be Podcast