Managing student technology use is crucial for productive, engaged classrooms. Learn vetted tips for setting screen guidelines, dealing with digital distraction, limiting off-task time, and bolstering curriculum through IT best practices across elementary, middle, and high school grade levels. Whether you're striving for targeted 1:1 implementation or just troubleshooting bring your own device policies, this engaging episode breaks down research and hard-won experience on everything from monitoring software to incentivization tactics. Tune into this insightful discussion evaluating real-world policies, responsible use contracts, tablet time allocation, charging stations, music listening policies, and more. With balanced takeaways across all K-12 environments, educators leave equipped to reinforce digital citizenship, nurture creativity, and build life-ready skills.
Think about...
1. Stuff You Should Know
If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.
2. Stuff You Missed in History Class
Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio.
3. Dateline NBC
Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.