Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You guys.
This is the amazing CaitlinKeel.
She is here to share with usher experience with early
morning habit and I'm sograteful that you're here and
willing to share.
I would love to hear, just tostart, when you learned about
early morning habit and what theprogram entailed.
What initially drew you to it,what about it?
Did you think like I could usethis initially?
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Yes, I think, Ana.
I first heard about earlymorning habit, probably on
social media, although I'm suremany of our times going out to
dinner you were dropping hintshere and there of something that
you were really passionateabout.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
I try really hard not
to sell to friends.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
So I'm always like,
yeah, I know my life, but yeah,
you did a great job of notcompletely giving it all away
and selling it, but I loved theidea of it becoming a habit and
that was kind of a good key forme of like, oh, maybe I do need
that and I loved.
I loved your work with earlymorning habit and just hearing
other people giving theirtestimonials and I recognized in
my life this wasn't a perfecttime to step into starting an
early morning habit with alittle one who was waking up at
an ungodly hour.
What I considered an ungodlyhour to nurse in the morning, so
I knew-.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
What are your four
children's ages?
Share with everyone.
You've got four kids very closein age.
Speaker 2 (01:28):
Yes, they are seven,
five, three and one and she's
still vertical.
You guys, we are, we are andshe yes.
So she's still nursing, stillgetting me up early, but it's
been a good habit to put inplace now, so I'm ready to roll
here now as she's sleeping later.
Speaker 1 (01:49):
Yeah, yeah, but, but
share so yeah.
So I love that perspective.
So it's so funny because we hada couple people in the pilot
program who initially I was likeI actually don't recommend
early morning habit If you arein certain seasons like
breastfeeding a child and stillgetting up at night, or pregnant
We had one woman literally gointo labor during early morning
habit and her her feedback andtestimony is amazing, Um, and
how early morning habittransformed her life and set her
up for a very difficultexperience after she gave birth.
So I love how I said like, okay, here's seasons where I don't
recommend this program and wehad multiple women shatter that
illusion and do it anyway andcrush it.
So anyway, you were one ofthose.
So that woman that woman who'sin that position, who has got
multiple young kids and whofeels like I would love the
concept of becoming more of amorning person, establishing
this habit, but life is just toocrazy.
Like that was really the, theseason that that you are and
were in.
Um, what was it that you werelike?
No, I need this and this is whyI'm doing it.
What was it about the programthat drew you to it?
Speaker 2 (03:10):
Yes, well, I think
you said something key there,
anna, and that was season.
Because, as moms, life goes,those first um months or a year
with my littles um, where I wasup, all you know, all hours of
the night, and so an earlymorning program did not sound
appealing at all, or wouldn'thave sounded appealing at all in
that in that season.
So you're right, I don't thinkthis is for every mom,
especially if she is in thethroes of, you know, of infancy
with little ones.
You're exhausted, but I thinkthey can still gather lots of
informative healthy habits andtips just looking at holistic
But for me personally, I wantedto go through this program to
do my best that I could with mylittle one waking up early,
trying to build in a healthyhabit now so that when she would
be sleeping in longer which shestarted, she is starting to
sleep in longer, that I alreadyhad that healthy pattern
established of getting up in themorning and starting my day
well pattern established ofgetting up in the morning and
starting my day well, yeah, Ilove that perspective, which is
very similar to what Alex, oneof our community members who
gave birth, said.
Speaker 1 (04:34):
also, her fourth
child, you know, said similarly,
as she wanted to be settingherself up.
Well, when you talk about themorning routine for the women
who are not familiar with earlymorning habit, what about the
program then, would you say, didpay off for you, meaning you
did the program.
These things were especiallyhelpful for you, even despite
this crazy mom season thatyou're in with young kids.
Crazy mom season that you're inwith young kids.
What, especially, was sort oflike stand out, like yeah, this
was really transformational forme.
Speaker 2 (05:17):
Oh, I felt like I was
able to pull something from
every chapter.
There are a lot of things thatI'd already learned, or just you
know, we're familiar withlooking at holistic health, but
I was always able to learnsomething new, whether it was
skincare or eating differentlyor, you know, not counting the
carbs or looking at the weighton the scale, getting in the
protein sleep regimen, that wasa that was huge for me.
It was that was a game changer,because I recognized I was not
doing well going to bed at night, kind of closing down the day
um to start um well in themorning, and so that was a big
one for me.
Um, I think my favorite though,anna, was your last chapter.
That was kind of like thecapstone course for me.
Speaker 1 (06:06):
Oh, like the week six
Speaker 2 (06:09):
Yes, yes, the other
five weeks were really awesome.
I was able to learn from that,but that was the most like.
That was really empowering forme as a mother and a woman to
kind of step in, like to lipinto that and then step into my
circles of influence with mylittles and recognizing I can do
this and I can have influence.
But looking internally first atmy heart, and leading with a
humble heart, doing all the hardthings that I need to do inside
of me to really be the bestthat I could be for them, so
that that was that was probablythe most impactful for me.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Oh, I love that.
I have goosebumps.
So for those of you notfamiliar, and obviously you need
to join early morning habit toget all of the details.
But you know, one of theheartbeats of the program is we
are trying to change some ofyour perspective of health and
wellness and fitness, which youknow Kate's alluding to with
these holistic concepts.
We take this high levelholistic health overview and
then we dive deep really fast,but what we end with is this
concept of you know why are weactually worth investing in as
women, especially busy moms?
Because you're just, it is theseason where you just get really
worn down, and so what?
What he is talking about is thelast training video, where we
mentioned one of our superpowersas women, divinely given, which
I believe is the gift ofinfluence, and so we talk about
why that is how that is and thenultimately really solidifying
why you are worth the investmentright, why we even bother with
So I love that feedback.
I love that.
I love that, yes.
What would you say specificallyto the mom who's in a similar
position as you right now?
Maybe their kids are slightlyolder, maybe they're not
breastfeeding a kid at night, um, but she's concerned about
She goes to early morninghabitcom, she's reading about
the program, she's listened tosome testimonials, but she's
still a little hesitant abouteither the time commitment, the
money or the potential loss ofsleep.
What would you say to her?
Speaker 2 (08:27):
Nothing important is
Nothing important is easy and Ilove that early morning habit
was building habits.
It wasn't just talking about,like you mentioned before,
healthy eating, exercising, butit was building habits.
And Justin Whitmell Eerlywrites a lot about habits and
how we become our habits.
Our kids become us, and Irecognize that joining early
morning habit would be aninvestment not only in myself
and my health, my, my habit, butmy family and for me, like that
was a win for all of us.
Speaker 1 (09:13):
I love that we could
preach that all day long, that
you become your habits, yourchildren become you.
I mean that preaches over andover again, because they will
definitely be seeing what we'redoing.
One of my favorite questions toask if you could describe how
you felt, or how your morningfelt in one word before early
morning habit versus how thetransformation that you saw
specifically in your ownexperience, in one word after
early morning habit.
What would it be For me, forexample, if in my own experience
, of course, it took mesignificantly longer to get this
experience, hence why wecreated the program.
But for me it would be fromchaos to calm, would be like my,
my sentence.
What would you say?
Nothing like putting someone onthe spot, but what would you
say yours is.
Speaker 2 (10:11):
Oh no, that's fine.
You know, honestly on a chaoswas the first word that came to
my mind too, you can use it.
Yeah, okay, then after earlymorning habit, I would say peace
You know I was not an earlyriser or an early morning person
prior to having kids.
Yes, after having kids I lostthe alarm clock because they
were my alarm clock.
They were, they were getting up.
Speaker 1 (10:43):
If only we could snooze ourchildren, that would be so nice
If only we could snooze ourchildren?
Speaker 2 (10:52):
that would be so nice
Snooze, yes, thank God for atleast like green light alarm
clocks, which have worked wellfor our kids as they're getting
older, but little who are stillnursing and calling from the
room next door wanting to eat.
You know our morning would kindof start whenever they were
getting up.
Um, you know, our morning wouldkind of start whenever they
were getting up.
I would get up, have my firstcup of coffee and, um, you know,
I have a little bit of my quiettime.
Um, just as we were sittingthere nursing and diving deep
into god's word, and then,whenever that clock turned green
, usually around seven o'clock,the rest of the kids, the chaos,
the fun, the craziness, thekind of all start and I felt
like I was playing catch up.
I was still trying to get mymorning workout in the mix of,
you know, working with kids andgetting breakfast and then
finally showering and feelinglike I start my day, like I
would start my day 11 o'clock inthe morning and early morning
Obviously, you know, working ongetting up earlier and earlier,
but I really have, can I say,become a morning person.
Speaker 1 (11:58):
Yes, yes, yes, you
can say that, indeed, I'm not.
Speaker 2 (12:04):
Yay, what defines a
morning person?
But like like I covet that timein the morning just to get up
and breathe and to go throughthat like emotionally
intelligent gratitude and divingdeep into God's word it on the
weekends, because I know it'sgoing to help me get ready for
the littles, as they're bringingin all their emotions and
excitement and you know all thehighs and the lows and I felt I
feel like I'm ready to step intothat.
Speaker 1 (12:41):
I love that and it's
so neat to hear you know the
perspective, because that I meanyour story is like my story.
It it's like our story.
It's this idea of just there'sso much chaos, especially as
moms, and there's an emotionalchaos, there's a mental chaos.
There's the physical chaos ofjust time, the calendar chaos
that exists, and you know it's aweariness that goes deeper than
what a nap can solve.
It's like you said, it's thatinner sense of chaos that is
just draining, because it'spulling from like every single
dimension of our health, andit's hard to put words to it.
But women, especially moms,they get it.
They're like, yes, theweariness that a nap can't solve
, I get it.
And so then it's like, okay,well then, what's the answer?
And even as Christian women,it's like we know that.
You know, come to me all youwho are weary and burdened, I
will give you rest, and we knowthat.
But there is something aboutthe stillness that makes sense,
because scripture also says that, that stillness and we saw
Jesus do this as well, where hewent off to a solitary place to
pray it's like if the King ofthe universe needs stillness in
this world to connect betterwith the heavenly father, then
how much more so do we need itto find that peace.
And so I just so appreciateyour sharing and for women those
of you listening and watching.
You know the, the prayer, theheartbeat is to truly help you
start your day.
Being not doing, being stillwith intentional time,
strategies and tools that we'regoing to give you to ultimately
know God and love him more andstart that day with peace, and
so I just I'm so grateful foryou sharing with peace, and so I
just am so grateful for yousharing, for you sharing that.
Ladies, as a thank you to Katefor sharing her story, we would
love to have you join therevival at earlymorninghabitcom,
but you can click on her link.
It is going to give her sort ofa thank you referral reward for
anyone who signs up through herlink, and so if her story
resonates with you and you joinour community, would you just
say thank you by clicking onthat link to sign up.
Kate, I love you, I'm sograteful that you're here, I'm
grateful to have you in theprogram and sharing your story.
Oh, it's my pleasure, Anna.
Speaker 2 (15:03):